HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-05-10, Page 14PAGE 14—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1979 central uron chronicle [Rick Brown, Editor Behind locked doors By Inmate Number 607421 (Janice Allan) As the school year draws slowly to an end, a certain sadness fills the hearts of the graduating students. Those of us who will not be returning to this institution in the fall have come to realize what a hardship that will be. Those fun filled days when our hands turned blue during classes in the winter will soon be over. The hours of homework and assignments which will be finished presently bring a tear to my eye. As I near the completion of my sentence however. it is not without some fond reminiscing. Being an inmate in this institution has been nothing short of an ad- venture. It is always a challenge to see whether or not I'll be able to drag my ball and chain from class to class within the allotted time. Juggling my textbooks has provided even more excitement. I uphold the institution's policy of abstaining from going to my locker between classes. Besides four 500 page textbooks are easily tucked under one's arm. And those charming black and white striped uniforms with the numbers of the front give us a sense of belonging and togetheeness. Furthermore, when I must leave for a brief period of time due to a death in the family and other such trivia, I simply tremble with excitement, especially since now I geta personal appointment with the vice -warden. .I really enjoy grovelling but lately I've noticed the knees on my uniform are beginning to wear thin. However, an ap- pointment is not always necessary to see either the warden or the vice - warden. These gentle caretakers often mingle with the less fortunate during lunch break. Their interest in our health and welfare is clearly illustrated by the way they insist we eat all our bread crusts and drink all our water. Believe it or not, we even have our own special room where we are allowed to drink pop (provided we clean up after ourselves) and listen to the radio (provided it is not too loud) and look at our posters (provided of course that the posters Letter to Editor are free of "smut"). The lounge is definitely an attraction but oc- casionally it remains locked for some mysterious reason. No doubt the key was misplaced or perhaps the door was jammed. Crash helmets are recom- mended for this area because it is known to be frequented by animals and the occasibnal delinquent. Nostaligia, it would appear, has already begun to affect me. The future, however bleak and unappealing cannot be ignored. But as I leave the hallowed halls of this institution I ask the question; "Is there life after high school?" The restaurant To whom it may Concern, (and even if it doesn't) : It has come to our attention that we weren't appreciated. The fiesty little fellow -who tore apart our opening session should be fried and sauteed in corn syrup. He was unjust and did not understand our venture. The International Garage of Pancakes, IG.P is a completely new approach to the restaurant..... The three - wall structure allows for more fesh air, better viewing of surrounding area, and a more con- venient drive-in service. We admit we had a little problem with the low hanging cumulus clouds, but there are always bugs to be ironed out. Ours is no exception. The decor allows for a relaxed atmosphere. Who wouldn't bring their kids along with them to a place like this? No one could possibly be am- barrassed. Now, contemn, the food was not that bad, was it? We realize that our technique for cooking is not perfect, but we shall improve. When our chain qualities. The gold in Fort is across the nation from Knox radiates throughout Summerhill to Hills America, fertilizing the Green, you can say "I ate oranges in Florida, ac - at the first IG.P on the tivating the assembly opening day!" lines in Detroit and producing a bumper crop of millionaires. This is the McLonergan theory: any man can bury a bit of gold in the ground near Fort Knox and become a millionaire. Finian knows his economics, but he also 'knows his lovely and spirited daughter, Sharon. Since he'll never get heel to America to try out his theory if he tells her the truth, he invents a case of arthiritis for himself, curable only in the climate of Rainbow Valley, U.S.A. Getting the gold to launch his project is, for Finian, less a problem. He lies in ambush one night, w,aylays a leprechauns whose crock of gold provides the 'power to make mortal wishes, and "borrows" the little fellow's crock. This is what starts the fun. Finian gets to Rainbow Valley with Sharon and plants the crock. The leprechaun comes in pursuit, uttering dire warnings of misery and destruction. Wishes are made on the crock (it's good for only three) and history veers crazily. C WSS PRESEWTS FIIVIAN'S RAINBOW rbw 10 411 The story of Finian Fantasy, reality, Irish When news gets out folklore and romance are that gold has been the ingredients of discov- eredon "Finian's Rainbow." McLonergan's�property, Everyone in the world credit and calico gowns knows that all Americans and tractors pour in. are millionaires, but only Finian's millionaire Finian McLonergan of theory comes true. Glocca Morra, Ireland Sharon is about to get knows why. By a process that rainbow her father of mathematics, logic has always promised her and moonbeams, he has - a boy for her heart and found the answer in the soil of Fort Knox. There's something magical about Big chee - - r a the gold phenomenal pennies for her purse - when the leprechaun's doleful predictions materialzie. Not for good, of course. And if you don't believe in' leprechauns, well, considering the state of the world, it might just be that leprechauns don't believe in people. By "Dick and Duts" this is a "Dick and Duts" production, OWNED AND OPERATED BY Dick and Duts. On Saturday,. May 5, lasted until 6:00 p.m. the Cheerleaders from Even though everyone C.H.S.S. held a Cheer -a- was getting tired and our thon in the auditorium of bodies ached, we still the school. Everyone kept up that Redrnen arrived at 8 and spent the' Spirit! ! day doing chants, We would like to thank working on new _c.h ers� all ,the__.teach_ers__who--,. Every hour we did aloin -"-�s- pervised and evE ry'one pom routine to "Disco who sponsored us 'for the Inferno." Cheer-.1-thon. The Cheer-a-thon Once we collect all the t, money, we expect to have w raised $500. Lake Manitoba Click, Creech, Slam! An old lady walks in the room, turns the TV on. sits down and pulls out her knitting. Click, Creech, Slam! A second old lady enters the room, turns off the TV, sits down and starts to crochet. Click, Creech, Slam! A third old lady enters, turns on the TV, sits down and does riothin1g. The neyvs comes on showing the flood in Manitoba. First Lady: "My isn't it awful what's happenin' out there!" Second lady: "Yes, it is Erma! -Just awful!" First lady: "You're so right Mother! Just awful. The two ladies fall back into silence. Eventually mother speaks, "My son has friends out there." "Out where?" "Out in Manitoba, Erma." "Oh." Silence. "They'll have problems with getting fresh water won't they?" "Who will Erma?" "Your son's friends." "Yes I suppose." (they become quiet again). "He won't have to fill the swimming pool now." "Who won't mother?" "George." "Oh," (silence befalls them again). "Why won't he have to fill his pool?" "Because Erma, it floated away in the flood." "Oh," (pause) "How does a swinning pool float away?" "It wasn't built yet. It was still in the crate." - "Oh." For a long while the two ladies do not speak. All that is heard is their breathing, and the click of the needles. "I suppose it's all from that clogged toilet!" "What toilet, Harold?" Third lady: "My nephew lives out there in that place you're jibbin about, Manitoba. He wrote me a letter saying his toilet clogged and overflowed.."' First and second ladies: "Oh". Silence. Owners ofsmaller businesses.. weprovide: * Financialacrastance * Management counselling (CASE) * Management traanang * Infirmationongovernment programsfr6usrnesr Can uehe0you? See our Representative RANDY BROWN' at: Parker House Motel, Clinton 3rd Thursday of each month on: (Next Visit: May 17th.,) ay FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK (Branch Office Address) For prior information call°271-5650 or write 1036 Ontario St, Stratford Basketball The Sr. intramural basketball squabble has finally been called to a halt and Mr. Russell's 5B came out of it victorious. For weeks, the date for the final game has been postponed because it wag in conflict with other things many members of the homeroom were involved in Mostly, the problem was that three of Miss Swiss's 4E team played soccer on days when the basketball was to be played. On Monday, Mr. Weber decided it had gone on long enough and would not postpone the date any further. He could not floor a full team so they were forced to dafault. This meant that the championship goes to Mr. Russell's undefeated 5B team. Special! For your Freezer BEEF SIDES $1.56;b FRONTS $ 1 • 3 9 Ib. HINDS - $1e851b. PRICES GOOD 'TIL SATURDAY PRICES INCLUDE CUSTOM CUTTING TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS, WRAPPING AND QUICK-FREEZING Authorized dealers for WOODS FREEZERS For A Strong, Fresh Voice ONMAY22ndELECT GRAEME CRAIG MITCHELL'S The two Gibbings boys of Clinton were award winners at the Clinton Mustang banquet last Saturday night. Mike, left, was named the best defenseman and won the Fleming Feed Mill Trophy, while brother Tony was voted the most improved player and won the Bryan Marriage trophy. (News -Record photo) AI SERVICES Here is a Business Management seminar on two very common problems faced by rapidly growing small Businesses MANAGEMENT FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK FAMILY MARKET LONDESBORO 4 482-9951 or 523.4478 A Management Seminar AT ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION NALL, KIRK STREET, CLINTON ON WEDNESDAY MAY 16, 1979 REGISTRATION 8 30AM Would you like to attend? If so, please complete the coupon and return it, with your cheque, to the address below For further information; please contact Pete Huxtable, Management Service Officer Tel.: 27145650 (colloctl ® INN N-- Ell NMI Ell NM ---- The Manager Federal Business Development Bank 1036 Ontario Street Meet GRAEME and the HON. BUD CULLEN At the home of Spence and Lenore Cummings 49 William St., Clinton 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. , Cash Flo w Difficulties Whether or not to Incorporate STRATFORD, Ontario NSA 623 I will attend the business management seminar at CLINTON on MAY 16th, 1979 ■ Name(s) Address Postal Code - Tel ■ ■ Tho Rarldtrallon PN of 'UM r pardon tneludes iunthoon. IIIIrrr ailmomiumillidll ■ DON'T FORGET ADVANCE POLLING DAYS MAY 12, 14 and 15 For Information, Problems, or if Yon Wish to Work - Phone Walton 887-6886, Exeter 235-2788, Clinton 482-7801, Seaforth 527-0607, Goderleh 524-2161, Wingham 357.1560 Published by The Official Agent for Graeme Craig, Walton, Ontario.