HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-05-10, Page 11Middleton girl honored by Blame Deeves Congratulations to Janice Middleton for winning an award at the annual dinner for Western Ontario Dailyw Newspapers held at the" Walper Hotel, Kitchener on April 28 in the spot news writing for her compressive coverage of the polio epidemic in Norwich. She was presented with . a trophy and the honour of being the first woman In McKillop to receive this distinction. Janice works for the Sentinal Review Woodstock City wide section covering police and courts. Our sympathy goes to the families of the late Mr. Ron Carter from the community. We of St. James have the pansy quilt all quilted, tickets to be on sale soon, for chances on our quilt. Church News Holy Communion was celebrated at St. James Church Middleton Sun- day morning, with Ray Wise receiving the of- fering, Rev. Wm. Bennett in charge of the service. The ACW of St. James Middleton will meet Wednesday, May 9th at Mrs. Marion Smith's home, with Lois Wise in charge of the meeting. Articles for bale to be brought in, also articles for Silent Auction. Taxes jump $41 By Wilma Oke During a seven -hour council session Monday McKillop Township council set an ex- penditure budget for the township of $321,846 for 1979. This is over last year's budget. Public school sup- porters with a $5,000 assessment will be paying taxes of $629.55, $41.70 more than last year. A' separate school supporter with the same assessment will pay taxes amounting to $634.60, up $41.75 more than last year. The county mill rate, farm and residential, is 18 mills, the same as last year to meet the county requisition of $73,397. The mill rate has remained the same for the past two years because of a county surplus from government grants, Reeve Allan Campbell said. Next year he said the rate will be higher. The Huron County Board of Education farm and residential mill rate is 39.67 to raise $89,860 for elementary schools, compared to $75,818 in 1978. For ithe secondary schools, the farm and residential rate is 31.44 mills to raise $101,589, compared to $94,116 last year. Mill rate for the Huron - Perth. County Roman Catholic Separate, farm and residential is 40.68 mills to raise $39,055, compared to $33,513 in 1978. The general municipal rate is 36.80 mills, up two mills over last year in order to provide for an equipment reserve fund. Marion McClure, clerk - treasurer, said that one mill raises ap- proximately $3,000. Mrs. McClure reported that the township ended the year 1978 with a surplus of $9,776. She said tax arrears in the township now out- standing amount to $10,000. Taxes are to be paid June 22 and November 30. In other business, ,the council approved a request from Mrs. McClure that she be allowed to attend a meeting in Shelbourne May 17 for municipal clerks and treasurers and to pay the registration fee of $6. Reeve Allan Campbell was authorized to attend a tour, sponsored by the Ausable-Bayfield Con- servation Authority on conservation and erosion problems, in England, Holland and Germany either this fall or next spring if the tour is not filled. Passed for payment were road accounts totalling $10,691.16. Council will pay its 35.47 per cent share amounting to $7,253.05 to Seaforth Fire Area Board for 1979 and will set up a reserve fund of $5,700 for the Fire Area Board for the future purchase of fire equipment such as a fire truck. Advance polls set for several days Advance polls are open 12 noon to 8 p.rn. on Saturday, May 12th; Monday, May 14th _and Tuesday, Mays"' 1 Persons of advanced age, who are disabled or ill, or have reason to believe they will be unable to vote on election day are the main ' categories th't qualify for advanced voting, provided their names are _on,fhe voters' list. If you will be unable to vote in an advance poll or norma e ection day, you may vote in the office of your district's Returning Officer - from 12 noon to 6 p.m., and from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. - 9n :any dayrting onnay, May 7th and ending May 18th except Sundays and advance polling days. TENDERSPOT GARDEN CENTRE h. oY Grand Bend's most complete garden centre -, , Some Garden Specials are in our Bayfield Store FAFARD SPHAGRUM PEAT ^ <u t,. MOSS s4'9 Ont. No. 1 DUTCH SETS Ib. 29, Dehydrated Composted COW MANURE }' $3.99 �� 50 lbs. Weed Free TOP S01 MIX 50 lbs. 9.99 POTTING SOIL 25,,,1.49 Claybuster 30 lbs. and 15 Ib. Bags Complimentary use of spreader with purchase. * Evergreens * Peat Moss * Roses * Trees (shade & fruit) * CIL fertilizer * Lawn seed * Garden seed * Shrubs * Bedding plants LAWN SEED shade green, fast grass, turf & turf, Nugget Kentucky Blue Elite. ASSORTED PERENNIALS Campanula, Ajuga Hollyhock, Carnation,Ak Cushi©p Mum, Clematis Vine., (purple, white 1, red, pink) Mf% Strawberri. , t )r v i The local candidates for the upcoming federal election faced a large crowd last Thursday night at the Huron Federation of Agriculture's meeting. Left to right are Federation president Merle Gunby, the Liberal's Graeme Craig, the Con- servative's Bob McKinley, and the NDP's Moira Couper.(News-Record photo) 11.11111118111111110111.1.11.1111 Silverwoods 2°'o BAG MILK or JUG °1.55 3 qts. • .• WHITE BREAD 3ft1:33 Canada No. 1 CREAMERY BUTTER lb °1.47 tosiluct Produce of U S GREEN ONIONS 38i L Kleenex ° BOUTIQUE TOWELS y.;r; �;..:•;; McCormicks . CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, TI-4URSDAY, MAY 10, 1979—PAGE 11 l'isive E everybody sues on food here - /OWN? Toastmaster Sliced Bamby Bread l6 oz. 2/79° Not n(lude[f •n 6'., refunds Maple Leaf Red Sockeye 'Salmon ,,.az;1:58 No..,.r l.ded 6 • e'. rd. Fr SIDE PORK 9.28 Ib Save 20c Ib. Prices Effective May 9 to 15 Fresh Country Style FRYER PARTS .b 68' Save 50c Ib. ********************************* r resn vnrarlo Fork Butt End LEG -O -PORK ROAST Ib. 98 Save 50c Ib. We reserve the right to Emit quantities. SUPER BUY Both Locations Sunday Only Fresh Squirrel Smooth Peanut Butter zle, $2• 1 8 Not ,",luded n 6% refunds WHOLE PORK LOIN Save Time Order In Advance lb. $1 •28 Save 40° Ib. Fresh Ontario Pork HAM STEAK Ib 1 *88 Save 40c Ib. Kent Brand SCHNEIDERS BACON Ie'1.48 2 bunches Save 40c Ib. Fresh Pure Pork COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE Ib °1:2$ Save 40' Ib. Tend•R-Spot Store Sliced COOKED CORNED BEEF 1b Save 50c Ib. Produce of U.S A RADISHES 38' 1 Ib hag ARROWROOT COOKIES Sherriff Jelly Powders Miss Mew, CAT FOOD Badens XXX Brick, Colby, Farmers CHEESE Fleischmanns Soft Corn Oil MARGARINE 3 oz. 2,s 954 200 gr. 584 3/83' 4/'1 '1.68 9.09 6 oz 12 oz 2 8 oz tubs Lucky Whip DESSERT TOPPING Dares ASSORTED CANDIES Maxwell House All Purpose BAG COFFEE All Purpose Cleaner MR. CLEAN J & J Future Acrylic FLOOR WAX Powdered Detergent TIDE Produce of U S A CANTALOUPE each 6R< Good selection of hanging baskets for Mother's Day. GRAND BEND STORE HOURS Mon. to Thurs. 8-6 8-9 8-6 9-5 Fri. Sat. Open Sunday ELEPHONE 238.2812 SENIOR CITIZENS 6r111 6000 ON IU1S6AYS tO ANV 14140,40 'FINIS Or AO, 010016 UPON 11ISI0tA?ION OF (0111 0001104414* 004(04.£ YYrlIAI/101011*YCA,0 SAVE 6% ra 4 e1000LNY ON *6U11U1CSYA;1 ON 1k,*M4, Excluding Cigar ittot and Quarte r of !loaf 4 oz. 58' 1 Ie 98, Ib '2.99 '1.38 '2.48 '2.98 32 oz. 22 oz. 6 litres Fresh VALUABLE COUPON CHICKEN LEGS Limit 10 lbs. per coupon and $25 order excluding cigarettes, tobacco and coupon item. OPEN SUNDAYS AT 2 LOCATIONS WO MORE REASONS TO SHOP AT THETENDER SPOT 565.2791 We re.,o,Ve the rt()hr YO !IMO (0*htee, 113AYFIEL D .b 98t Save 704 Ib. 1 BABY BONUS CA1NY011 *404(0 001-00,4.0(1 (010141 A? ?441 ?14011000* 400 SAVE 6% ON 0000 notoaSI ONS, onto 0000 A0Y?IMt Ertel ding'Cigarott.s and Quo yrs of Sas! BAYFISLD STORE HOURS Mon. to Thurs. Fri. Sat. Open Sunday 8-6 8-9 8-6 9-5 ELEPHONE 565-2791 r