HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-11-10, Page 4he 'tier. tires. THURSDAY, NOV, IOTA 1S87 The election in Haldiin.and, which tt ,ces place ou Saturday. of this 'I week, will be a most fierce " and. bitter struggle. The :constituency has been toe thirty yearsa: Grit COMMERCIAL UNION, stronghold, and was wrested from 1 thein by Dr. Montague at the last It has been pelt forward as a general election. He is again a strong objection against Comniercial I candidate, and his opponent "is Mr. Union,that while. Canada would be Colter, who the doctor previously compelled to allow the importation defeated by half a dozen votes.' of United States goods free of duty, There are good prospects of his it would be compelled by the some I again being victorious. het-, out Britishgoods,un- Admitting treaty to S less they pay the same import dnty I Admitting that there is, yearly, se. as they would to get into the United and exodus of people from Canada into the United States, we have the satisfaction of knowing that the cause is not sup as should be grati- fying to any country, and which tact is averted by advocates of Com- mercial Union in the presentment' of their argument with reference to the scheme in favor of the latter country, viz : the cheapness ot land. But, rather, Commercial Unionists little reason why'she.should do so ; tell us, that no ,sooner will negotia- but the proposal to discriminate tions be effected than all the land in against her while het colors float the Dominion will be'increased in States ; in short, we would not only discriminate in our trade against England, and iu favor of the United States, but would place eveu a high- er duty on British goods than is al present the case. This fair Donlin- ion or ours, it is presumed, is not overly anxious to make sacrafices to any very great extent in behalf of Great Britain, as indeed there is above us, has already appeared dis- tasteful to the self-respect of good pleasant aspect. But it it be true that England is quite willing that we .shall enter into such a trade ar- rangement with our neighbors, the case is very materially altered, and one of the strongest objections to valueew25 per acre. Such a state- ment as this carries the utmost a.b- Canadians. It does not present, a ab- surdity upon the face of it. At the present time farrniitg land is almost one half cheaper in the State of Michigan than it is in 'Ontario; and for that reason thollisands ot .,Cana- dians ltaye taken up land across the border ; not that' they prefer the Commercial Union is thereby set lands in the T.J. S. to those of Can aside, In ' addition to England's oda, or that they get better•prices for consent being given, the United their produce, but solely ,be• States Government we are infortned cause, land being cheaper, they ;sell on what appears to be authentic au- here ,for a good price and go there thority, intend offering Commercial and buy as good farms of as many Union at . the forthcoming fishery acres with as good ,buildings, for conference, as a final settlement of just half the amount received for the fishery dispute, which is as old their land m Ontario„ This. is aas the United States nation. Since very frail argument on the'part of the agitation for Commercial Union the advocates ' of the annexation commenced we have inclined to the view that if the people of the United States could be induced to take any interest at all in the matter, they would favor Commercial Union, for they can surely lose nothing by it, and it, addition to that fact, they will be compelled shortly to take action toward a reduction of their own tar iff, which oriff,'which is caut•ing so much money to be brought into the National treasury, that not only is it found difficult to dispose of it to the advan- tage of the people, but it also threat- ens to cause a stringency in the money market. It is quite .convinc• i tothose who feel disposed to be 'AKIN pow:i Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of ;pur- ityt tl t wholesomeness Afore miCat than the ordinary kinds and cannot. be sold in competition with the multitudes of low test, short weight, aluiu orphosphato powders. Sold only in cogs,-ROYALl3AKING1:OWDL;R CC., 106 Wall street N. 1 S reng, 1 and w o eSOml9AOBe. 000100- aa1111.311111r. CourtEzeter; No, t03, pays a fraternal visit to Court Woodham, of Kirkton. In all fraternal so0ieties there should exist brotherly and kinin feeliu s This spirit wits manifested to Court Woodham, of Kirk. ton, by atlargc number of brethren from Cyurt ;Exeter, on .the evg. of Nov, 4111. who paid that Court a fraternal visit. At the hour appointed to leaye our town, two: b eth- ren were tin hand., with two conveyances into which the deptutatiou comfortably seated themselves. The night was all that could be desired, the roade in good ooudition. Wo sped.along merrily and swiftly.'” Arriving iu Kirkton, we were met by a delegation, who conducted us to the court room where we introduced ourselves, and were meds wet - scheme.; Instead of there toeing an ',come by our .laretht'eu of Court woodbam. increase in price of Canadian land After calling the Court to order, seats were (given an the right and lett of C. 1 ,, to 13ro. as ,r result ot Canamercial Union, ,fours, Dcinutyb, C. lt. eiid Bro. E. Roberts, the ,very reverse would undoubted- 0. R. I31o. Leigh C. R. of Court Woodham ly 1,e the outcome. Canadian land, .introduced Bro. Jones D. S.C. 11. to thebreth- which is higher in price. must fall remand asked hint to exemplify the uuwrit• ten ....oils of the Gram, which he did to the to :a level with American land in the entire atitisfactiou.ofall present. Bro.Roberts event of the consummation of the was next called on who handled his remarks scheme, and noone can controvert the fact. .News from Stanley. Advices from St. Pani de Loand state that news has been received from; Henry Al. Stanley under date of September 8, to the effect that the expedition had left the camp that he established about eight days journey convicted, that if the. Yankees do of freta the Mabodi country and was advanchg' fer us Commercial Union, no power toward the. western shore of the Albert its acceptance b Can Nyanza,. The men were.greatly fatigued' can preventp y l and struggled with difficulty over n distance kilometres. The most important majority of the Canadian people will chiefs of the country though which the ex be found' aggreeable to the project. peditiou had. travelled readily complied with v andability of Sir.'Stanley's request for food. , Stanleyeclii lted In the sagacity 3for four days. to reorganize the expedition Charles Tupper toguide our inter- 6 1 pP and thou leaving .,thirty men to guard this, ests at theishery commission about nein camp proceeded toward' the Albert Ny to convebe, we, have every'confi- anza. He intendedp ada; and if it be effected, a' very large of several. to form a cam on the, fertile sloes of the fnoun gins borderingthe deuce. A better or more qualified p t Albert Nyanza and to despatch a small ad beenchosen. r man could not have c s yauee ivin`d cow r «steel g ads adelai in a stt.e If, as it is said, Commercial Union whaleboat' nnder command of Lieut. Stoers unless he heard fresh u w. o be offered as the settlement`of the e a f hmly Boy. question, he will no doubt accept fit, Stanley says he had learned that Emin Bey so far as his authority may extend, knowing that it would be brought about, whether willing or unwilling. He will intercede for the best inter ests of the people, at the sante time dispelling gpy desire to satisfy his own motives. EDITORIAL NOTES. The proieot entered some time 'ago, against the return of Mr. Robt Porter; Conservative, member for West Huron, has been• with drawn. This is as we contended all along —that it was bombast, and .done with a view to annoy Mr. Porter. Their design most deservedly failed, as Mr. Porter, cognizant of the scrupulosity and lawfulness of his election had no reason to fear, the. Ivantgn attacks of our West Huron friends. The Windsor Record, a journal Farm For Sale. 'here will be sold by i'nb,ie AOQtion, at Grant'sPatel , I At ! 7, on Wednesday, Nov, 2ar1atQtoo' c+ <, QUO Glxi p ul„ one hundred soros of laud, being Let la', Cu,210, Township of Stephen, 40 a orescleare,(, balance ash, ohmand cellar bush, Will be sold, subject to a ror,erye bid Eor• farther particulars apiilyt Wm. Lewis ,Assignee,or'to II.Eilbor, Aue,, Crediton, P. 0, e LatestStyles Farm for Sate ! Millinery, Mantles, Silks, A first-class farm, containing 100 acres,' situ- Goods f &a atodnoarBruceileld,tor sale. Good buildings. i two wells, splendid orchard, good bash, flrst- I t lass gravel roads in ati directions, Six miles a s r from Clinton orSoaferth, Forfeit particulars apply to Elliot di Elliot, Barristers, &o,, Exci- te", Ont., or to Sept.lst-2'm, Dress- floor ress - C sx General ::.ou,se furnishings, ex- amine the mammoth stook LI OBT, BARBErl, 13rucefiold I'. 0. .f ARM Felt SALE. --The antler' signed offers for sale his farm, being lot I0, onu. fi tovw uslip of TJsborue, two miles and a half from t,autol 100 a(.lao about 8 acres J tat class sttato of �ultivattau cleared and to 'ii • OsI the remainder bush. in ivnteti there is some i r) very valuable elate and Stool; ash rail timber ; the farm is also well fenced nun drat,-ou ;. there are upon the premises, a ftrstolass brick Thos. Beattie lweluug house, with first class cellars two good barn; two never failing springs noel one Rist -class orchard. F'or pacrtfcula?'s, apply our y tl•opretuises,to THOP.IAS SHUTE,176 & 1.78 DTJND.AS-STREET (East of R cl�wond=st, Et—fl L'xurr'ai P.0 ONT. - A`I'------ f11H1i OLD MoLEOD FARM, IN JL TAE Township of Hay, for sale. It con-. tains 100 acres more or less,beingthe w„sthalf of Gots No. 01 and 20, Zurichgrtvelroad. Good frame buildings on premises, .slid all canvou ieuces; large orchard of fruit bearing trees. 'l'be land te of good quality being city Io_}}LLm. Good water. Two and a half utiles fromlden- smll market. Tho property free from all Mourn, araucee. Itea,,oas for saltie[—Going north to procure more land. Will sell with or without oroos. For further particulars apply to this office or to WM. WIT,SON, Hen rail, P, 0, Ont. SMALL FARM FOR SALE.—The Undersigned offers forsale 25 acres of good ]and, being part of the north part of Lot 17,1st Con. of Stephen, within one-ifitlf mild of'the vil lage of Exeter. The, land is in a first class state of cultivation, there is on the premi- ses a good brick house, good frame barn, rod water, and a half -acre of orchard with all kinds of choice fruits, also a first-class eider mill. This is a good chancefel anyone wanting a small farm close to tho corporation where ail kinds of produce meets with a ready sato.' Ft r further particulars apply on the premises, or to E. LAMPORT, Stephen. Tune 29.'87' (t—f Exeter, P. 0. TRUSSES ! CHRISTIAN LAWYER. mannfae- turer of all kinds of Trusses; Residence : Ramie's Mills, Hay, where heivill atteud to the wants of any who may 4equire his services, Way pay from $15.00 to $500 for the same ar- ticle.,whioh ho can furnish yon for $5.00, and which is as good if not better and warranted on the advantages of fraternal visits, With the 1 to fit with comfort.? Remember, Double Trusses $ the utmost freedom. Bro. Down,Nave a very o-.00 Single Trusses, x2.50, All cow - CHRISTIAN LAWYER, Zurich Y. 0., Ont. neat speech in his own happy style. Bro. McCurdy said he was pleased to have the D. S. C.11. with the brethren front Exeter pres- ent with them and believed that tnis fraternal visit would prove a stimulus and that iu the near future Court t'Voudham would become a large Court. Bi et lit eullultuuge,Doupe,Irving Abray, Edwards, Pearson and many others concurred•in his idea. After this pleasant season of enjovuieut had been indulged in munioationsadrlressed to on,b e•yll� , on, BMW:MED ED To new premises West side Main -street One Door South GI of Post Office POWCIERED Where he will be found with A. NEW AND COMPLE'T1+1 apt. e,10s.,v' ,ens, Wetrl.ted,. 1'n oafivass for nursery stock. Steady em- ployment to good men, Salary olid expenses paid. Apply at endo sating lige. CHASE BROTHERS, Colborne On Sioc� ofBoois Shoo: Sewed. work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON,. JON'BRAWN, UNDERTAKER & CABINET-MAKER,, Dissolution. cf Partneshii3 Province of Ontalio,1 County of Hilton. 1 We, Samuel Swoitzer, Henry Sweitzer, John Sweitzer and Adam Reichert, of the Township of Stephen, County of Huron, Province of Cn- larto,1'lax Manufacturers, . members of the which was only a foretaste of foe filling time which was to follow,—foroue of. the delights cors at the village of Oreuftou, Township of of a Forester especially if be is a Supreme Stepuen, Cnunty 01HUVOU. and the village of i Esetor, said O'unty of Huroi., linden tha •style Court Officer is the invitation to a well filled of. H. sweltzer5ons � Cu., do herebyoartffy su er table. Bro. Leigh : roan and invited that rho saint •war 'b' v 1?p o Pal s 1p t ns oss the 1,th da i of OetoDer, A- 188i, dissolved byiiiutual con. - firm carrying on business as Flax Maiiufactu- • y the brethren from Exeter to repair to the Lorne Rouse where, supper, being ready, we sat down to a splendidly spread table filled with all the viands that was necessary to sat- isry such a hungry crowd; suffice to say that those who went in looking somewhat gaunt came out looping rather corpulent. After supper Court Exeter thanked the brethren of Sirston for their kindness throughout, and hoped that Court Woodham would visit them and thereby give them au opportunity of re- turniug the compliment. The rest of the was in good health and that.tbe country to time was devoted. to' social chatting, Fie,, af- the southwest of the Albert Nyanza had ter which the brethren of Exeter lade good beoome, much quieter. He had,written a bre to to those of Kirkton wishing them every letter to Yatnbuuga camp requesting pro- bedabouterittneLyour i.B eorrespcucleuk 1 asttened visions to enable him to revictnal:Emir. Bey. thither and lost himself in dreams of the ()wing to she events at Stanley Falls and kindness and hospitality of the - brethren at the state of the country there was difficulty'lfitkton. A Fpnove lronusxr•.zs. in finding porters who were willing to pene- tiate into :the 'unknown" country beyond Yanibuga uuless Stanley accompanied thein Stanley hoped to be able to communicate ; directly with Em in Bey by September 14, ► r0� - DISTRICT DOINGS. Oeof tte Past weeIThroughout the Neighborhood in 0 Concise Form, IT TAKES LIK ,WILDFIRE. 'thousands of veltuttuy couipliine,tts and i•ecommendationsatopouring 111 front all parts deelariiig' Imperial Cream Tditar Baking llowdet;tnuch better thou any other. All grocers sell it. . Sale Register. Mr. David McKay the 12th concession of McKillop, dug a well lately for Mr. Paisley of McKillop, 56 ftdeep, stoned it and flush- ed. ft up complete in 7 days and a half. Sneak thieves have been for s one time plying their nefarious practices in the net hborhood of Parkhill. The room of Mr. E. '. ,;Eynouf, at the Hastings House, . was l entered and ='a bran new suit stolen.- •"The ', shoe store of Mr. G. F. Syte, was also broken open and three pairs of shoes stolen, 'The auction room of Air. Atones, in the market, was likewise broken open and his goods lb, h td 1 iersona e Wal• there were overhauled. ' lace Graham, formerly of Parkhill, says that the Franchise Act of the Dominion Government was intend- ed "to reward party newspapers "with fat printing contracts." One that would not have thought these were hi' c0f1.rict1onS dkring tl?q,tlnle thrpfinting WOO Laing exdctlted. ,Mt. Graham a:t that time owhtid the Parkhill Gazette, ati alleged inde- pendent newspaper—arm so anxious Was he to ;et the; printing,• that, be- sides sides seekit,g the intercedence of an influential' M P., he, had Mrs. ;Gra- haul go the Jiidge andbeg for a'tpart if not the whole of the work. ' ;rbeir efforts being partially futile, further e Find- intercessions were made for the ing, which were granted. Mr. Gra- ham, doubtless, not being satisfied with his portion 01 the printing' was wont to make good all shortage, as for the binding, he endeavored to gull the Parkhill Review and `hits, by charging for the wort; at the rate of three prices• We protested, and. was quite wilting to accept Mr. G. l b p "'less than half the amount. He now terns the, work, "fat printing con- tracts." If the printing the lists ckir. be called "a fat- contract,` (and we submit such it cannot be called• -grin tors earned every cent they got)' then the price he wanted to charge for the binding is decidedly' out of the question. i°Inconsistency thou art a' ,jewel" with a vengeance. artzsDAY, Nov. 24. —Farm Stock, Im- piements, &c., the property ot Joseph N. Faultier, Lot 4, con 4, McGillivray. Sale at one o'clock. H. EILBElt, A.uct, WEDI ESD51 1 Nov..16.—Farm Stock and Implements, the property of Robert Baynton, Lot 3(1, Con.15, McGillivray. Sale at One o'clock, Jas.Alia, Auc. FainAY, Nov 25th.•—Fartn Stock Imple- ments, "Flax mill and other property I of Messrs. Sweitzer, Son & Co., at I Crediton. Sale at one o'clock. No reserve. !i EILaEE, Auct. tb' sprinted 'Villiaiu''' Ilarrfs, a 14 -year-old son of a , � Parties getting their sale ill pt irletealfe fatmer, was tried before P. M. Noble at this office will receive a notice simi- at Strathroy on Saturday on a charge of rap- lar to, the above free of charge. mg a young girl about his own age named� Annie Holdams. The Police af- tsr a lengthy hearing, sentenced -the' youth � n • i u ne : Refor- " r in the P tin s e to two years e et u Y g 1 n 'aa' theCount vwas t motet He token Y Farm; �& Village PropErty NEW ADVERTISEMENTS sent. All persons owing any money to the said firm will please pay the came to Samuel weitzer, Cre liton,P. (2., who is'hereby in- strocted by the said firm to collect all accounts and pay all debts, Witness. 3B t 'b' B1 i 15th day OOLobor,A.L 1887. PAMuEL S1t I ITZE R, wrxvr,ss HENRY SWEI'TZER, Jacob ililber, JOHN. SWY:ITZER A IIREI- R DA c>�fa T MANDRAKE~ ;•DANDELION:' The whole sl stem is. deranged and cut of sorts The bleodis impure, pimples, boils and liver Flirts appearing on the face and body, The liver is clogged acid in active, causing fe. tigue, loss of appetite. a. dun. sl000y, tiredfeel- ing ,with inability to do worlt. the complexion is fallow and muddy, and it is absolutely ne- ce.sary, to enjoy good health, to take the Cele- brated Dr. CHASE'S Ddau lrake, Dandelion Liver Cure, which puri- fies the blood by stimulating the Liver,, aiding digesting and promoting a natural oriumation of the bnwols. Mandrake o ud Dandelion are two of the best Liver regulators' known', and all medical men agree that the Livor is' of more vital importance to health then the Heart and Lungs, If the Liyer is torpid or in- active, Dyspeosis., Indigestion,'?Triidache, Cos- tiveness, etc., will aesult._ L–FFV E- Conipltaint, Iiiclney and Uric ai•yTrnuble.Jatin- dice, Liver Spots, Impure Blood, Fon I Breath. are quit ]y cured by Dr. Chase's Mandrake Dandelion Livor When the Kidneys are diseased, overtaxed and wealcened,one or two bottles are guar- entoed.to sure. itir. Alex, Taylor, West 0-wil- alt •s with kid- lirnbury,waa t:ouble3for 15 S i nay disease, was compelled to rise ai "aid 6 Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO Corrxis or EVERY' DESCilIPTIOA A Complete Stook ` of Roles '& Trimmin • s p d � , Always on hand. �,r i :L' UDERALs I'URNISEED AND--CON- 9 9 PER CENT PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST. Ready for .use in any quantity, For making' Soap, Softening, Water, Disin- fecting,and a hundred other uses, A can equals 20 pounds Sal Soda, Sold by all Grocer's and Druggists. M.W.GILLETT. TORONTO.. Lots, _.Lots, .Lots. - O SALE. 500 Village Lots For sale at' Reasonable Prices. Situation good ; fronting good wide streets.; also a nu;n?lb'° r of HOUSES Se FARM LAND FOIA SALE, Parties desiring Land or Houses would do well to .con- DUCTED AT Low RATES. salt the undersi nod My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. GIVE' ME A CALL ( EVERYBODY READS t DULM 411 ES ADV. -? Because therein are Con -1 tained the following bargains ; ` A full stock of all kinds of 1 cavi yesterday by Chief b1j11-r, of stratht'oy, times through the n ght to urinate, suffered I Ott SALE. 8,betis° pain, anti wae.liva;ly cured after ell Mi', •John 1)0101i6� 'of Hibbert, met,;with ail , I remedies and ,h 50030110 had failed, by y• , other re 1 3 unpleasant accident on Thursday evening of ;'osier throe bottles.' 'last week, that might have proved, -serious, The Uudctsiguedoffers for rad half f He, with annmber of neighbors were return Lot Sl, c,on, J, iloCfthyrtty, onu tat 45 cleared, tiro rbalauce 11at'dwood 1)0511. in:; from 0 thrashing, and he was 'sitting on 'MOSS is a good frame house, good barn laud the edge of the wagon boxas the team Wats stabling, good heating orchard, a plentiful b supply of hood wn for ou ilio fat' u, cb?tvcniont jogging along at a model ate gate.; He acct- to sahcrolandchurches, ,'Also tillttgo proporti' de_tahy lost his balance and fellbettveeu the; eomprisingLot J; Eliettbeth ltroot, iu the vii - wheels, the hind wheel passing over him.: logo of Exeter', .with. dookl 'fr.inie douse and Hawkey ihaViit recently absconded 'velar. good suable; good i'voll withtpnmh, also A4t.Jas, R y a1tiantit ,of chokefi:tiit'treesdo the pronii. from Kirkton to the tufted States,' the hotel „.,.4 gerfurtherparbtcaloos 1-„11ito without t been leased by AIC. Joseph Stevous anal s• , ! 1,12'et'Adt'11 lt'ri1GTJI12E, nos hour to I, Toto indict' departmco 11 0;\''1:;.'g• -• s i••'- hag be newlicence will be granted to him for tho '` Exeter North. co111tsforbo105111inglthe condi( liOe. 5fai;- tk . balance of the license year.;' Mr. Hawkey IeftFreckles, s, Si u u n or J15 Dy y; MAY 'tune Tan , y > • 1 .N1•acicihs, 5ttitbuln, Hat1;33yhs and �rcmoters, number behind in whose ` i1OR� SALE;ao_A' 1,A1iG111N.— Tooth fov quite a r � Loot 1 i fiarter section of North Vest Lantl . loaciii'i + clerk hair to a golden hue, Eye or pockets his memory will affectionately linger. O near Virden. i00rici ea, six tittles from Virden, Lustre. arc,, etc. On Saturdlay ]psi after tiro wo'ckmen bad 'three fOom ft;irgraye St ttioil s, tTanftab 1, sow by all 10l daalei'e at $1.' 1313' a Bottle. Auply to Titei,oak alone is worm leu times the cost i f w, 11• llo lvCt711, thenioclicine.. tug work oil Aft•. Fl, .intoes b'luula, ititehell, • , Exeter. , '1'r Or. Chase's Kkluoy Liver Pills, the only three parties were up au, the Ives.'” side when, r, Y 1 pill inad2 acting (lit eetlg on the Kidney S, Liv- er auit Bowels, 'Price 'GG<•„ 'Sold. by all deal - three � � i� t$ Irl ors, rade a ;o' 5000,000 S9OTAD ! iiiiiig 5d setas, Over ono -half million of Dr. Chase s Receipt Books have Leon sold inCanada aalonerandvie _To be had from want evsry'porsou troubled with Liver (.01 . plaints omni kidney diseases. etc., to try Chase CAPT. GEORGE KEMP, Cure. Wrapped atouutl• ovary bottle is , a valuable • Sole went for Exeter, 'FREE. y �y ; P SL'�q�s O SJ RECEIPT -BOOK K 'Cali end , yet all information, and see No lady's toilet, house or houseman, should be utthisboolcthsllnostcollectiontIreal» what She people ofToron10say. REV. JOHN PO'1"1'S, D. D. says. --1 have used St. Leon, believe it 10 be both cura tive and refrehing, i erns to suit purchaser. L CARLII4 • �,ta AN: OE.TEAL r L�Ai, RUC ST MEN'S UNDERWEAR, 25c up. MEN'S OVERCOATS $5,00. 2 Pair WOOLEN SOCKS 50c. 6 Half' Chests Young Hysou to hand, con- taining 400- lbs. New season, teas at ;5Oc,,, good value `will' sell from now till Xlnas, hbli- days.„ 5 pounds for 10 fol' $2.00. $8.90. St. LEON Mineral Water ST. LEON cures Kidney and Liver Diseases. ,Dyspeptics rescued by K. LEON. 14 months St. Leon has made 5.000 triends in 'Toronto. 35 rJ , .1 -T>7r- 1 eta i c� GALLUti ' hi pot the scaffolding up 'prepati tory tci i esern. �. wing came down, the parties fulling a die, , ?•' ' tauee of twenty feet, 'alighting ono heap ,Of '',C Rolled Oold broken bricks and rubbish. •Mr.'J, d Can.. r .`' ]Plla /tiingnincoil"tifChoicaNevr ( warrented p y t!sl'a ,rptig'+e B q� d 1, head and t r v s+uib utfltc Novelties was t±eMelt.l oa't about AbeCardt'3 to lee d0 „a f g Y i , , . .bendsize of , i tt idtE oats trot., r l�.m got oat of 7ris-lel;u 'injured. )1c2t: Joseph f1ng r11f Bg iN tingar'itilifl''lat 0,44a�uol' wai111110LoveySprap. Blaoldcck 'seas iptetty 'badly hurt, but not, baoliPittui'e»eiid G��adtifulChrtmos ournnm 11 »er(otlsly,�audiwlr,'Chas.�illowdrdbutsiightly fan,onty rOc. Pingi2h17att�iah�iadeuud�New hurt. Year (5arde (worth $1.00) b'nly 00'rte. - Aadreiir. TSE A•CA�D,OD,,' BoIten, Quill' mord Ltitisdowne Will trot leave Ottawa' ,aurin the'eoinin. season. It was the in- "' g a rANTEiD, t.17)Ib,it:fol our fall and Ohrlst- teutidti of'tlte Goverwtier-(xefferal to tame paid I r MIS truclo t0 takelight, pleiasant work a visit to Hamilton,•bat be has abandoned at their own bonitos sot "'to :;3 per rli.y,onn be .,. i i,Work , i, quietly' meds. irt;nt by atoll an r`listan i ailed tits intention of y that ulna and Sae s g 1 ' U ' , d LA .. h i C( n O. B t+ LI: t.. O I a t lois P 1 i ,il aG, -1 of r+ Hatt • _,coon `stabling in c rc I,1 u1 sremdimng In Ottawa during the entire Nes at onr;o; CRi�;SC7;t�iT A26 L' CO.7111141' blilkr Eat, i,00 st p 6 nn, hoeton,'fvla»». BoX cl7b. �'TUIIt4 Civt,ri NDlitt,..itirlkton BE ON YOUR G•UAtRir, Don't allow a cold iii head to slowly and —„ surely develop into eiitairr}t, iwlron ytlu can be cured for 2J0, by using Dr, Chase's axrli C a taa lh salt pie.fowtptpcexileuN u re 1lei iout t� 1 3+19 ; 1 to 2AboCeq euro otdtuaryeatarrl `, '2 to It 5 boxes is guaranteed to euro chronic catarrh, ORNE HQ .1:SE.—The a nder- The Teter Salt Works Co' y signeiitiakes the liborty to itforin the trd- l , i yelling Publid That hn opened iisliouse for the' 0 P Jig + Z 1� L Il , accommodation of all trabollars, on October ntro:, , their , . with� •lr1mp'CV 1AT THE 'WELL, do aveSALTAT 1st, those w fGFI"iL'R , nage will receive the best attention. There is For all information apply to CAPT, `� P Drew's Blob and Post -Wilco, Try it, (July 25e. mud sure biro, [$2,26 PER TON. Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan:'s. Condition Powd- , ex9 the hest in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es p e1= carehally prepared at the Central.Drlig Store Exeter • a.L r.7. 500 T1'1E • Wanted, . Buttor 11 at .M ii. a ,,.i2i n EXETER NORTH, N Our Stock 15Well A ssorted pori THE SEASON'S TRADE. LOW 16 lbs. We to 750. Toots PRICES STILL MAINTAINED GROG hi1 E S l l sugar $1.00 ; 13 lbs. white sugar, . $1 can't be undersold in Teas from 20e per lb. & Shoes (All Styles) les. at Low Prices Y ) nicely assorted stoci. of I-1. r.5, l -i, D -IV A R'+ FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS all sizes (Cheap.) BestltaeTuuo Oil 00c per Gal. COAL OIL A3 LOW AS 'PRE LOWEST. ' A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, 32.75. A good snit of ready-made clothing for ,$6. Ordered suits' got up in Good Style.' Our Dr essGood are marked down to the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR A House and 'riot, also a Eaton for Sale Apply to JOHN MATHESON. LAY P.O. fit