HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-11-10, Page 3EfEALTII.
Poo na exist in imturte' lo the rninerali
vegetable, and animal world. Arsenic le
an inetance of thefirst etrychnine of the
second, the virus of certain serpents ot the
third: 'Phoee of the vegetable world are
most numerous, and are, some of them, as
violent as any. The essential principles of
to and coffee are poisona, and form
beautiful crystals.
There are a tew, including snake -poisons,
that are net used as efficient medicines.
That physician makes a fele° claim who
asks for petronage maiply on the ground
thaChie rernetliea are vegetable. There Is
no doubt that many of the best are of
The poison ot poison oak, called also
pOiSOre umach (the botanical name of which
us „Rime TOgioodendron), and of poison ivy
(Woes .Radicans) is particularly troublesome,
frozekthe fact thet the slightest handling by
eusc ttible persons, ignerant of their
charac or, -say summer . boarders tram the
city, -given rise to a yiolent, burnipg
itching, which ittsure to be communicated
to every 'part of the body ethat the sufferer
may chance to touch with his affected
The poison oak is a woody shrub, that
grows to the height of three feet or less;
the ivy, a vine thee climbs on stone walls
and. trees.
The leaves of both are trifoliate; that is,.
they consist of three leaflets; common ivy
has five. It is a sufficient protection to
avoid every trifoliate woody plant.
Many poisons originate in chemical
combinations. Thus oxygen and nitrogen,
mechanically combined, constitute the air
we breathe.; but combined chemically, in a
ceetain proportion, they form nitroue oxide,
or laughing gas; combined in another
proportion, nitric acid.
Fresh,meat may be made poisonous in
various ways. The animal may have fed on
noxious plants • or it may have been sick
before being slaughtered, and the poison
may be duo to powerful medicines adminis-
tered ; or it may have been affected with
a contagious disease, say, pleuro -pneumonia.
Tainted meat also develops cheardoallO a
very violent poison. German sausages are
pre-eminent m this respect.
M. clinjeot stats that of alt measures
applied locally to boils, the beet reeulta are
Obtained from tincture iodine. He peinte
the boii veith a thiek eoating, and eonietimee
rt.], Tangle appleeaeion iB eufficient to ottese the
inflaparnatiou to eubside; it 41 batter, how-
ever, to Make the applicetime several times
day for several days. He does not moue
mood the early opening of boils but if
evacuation of pus be necessary antiseptics
should be used.
A case is recorded in e Germen medical
journal in which an infant was poiaoned
by the lead contained in a cosmetic oo the
face of the nurse, The child Was five weeks
old, and was oonstantly crying and suffering
with coliea Ito skin was of a dull bluish
tint, The nurse had long been in the habit
of ut hag a coemetie whieh contained a lerge
proportion of lead. It is etated that upon
removal of the cause and appropriate treat.
ment a cure was effected in a few days.
Its Effects upon the System -Increase in Its
The extent of the opium habit is not .to
be fixed by careful inquiry. The record of
the importation of opium to the United
States shows a steady and large increase.
in 1878, 1879, and 1880 the'imported opimel
reached 207,752 pounds, 278,554 pounds,
and 370,000 pounds. In litter years the
statistics refer to the impoiltation of CELE3eS
inetead of pounds, but thew the saute result.
ColleabEellieral Bonham Says ate is a Dam,
geroue competitor of the !Jutted.
The report of °U75.
8. Coneul-O' eneaal
Bonham at Caleatte, British India, treete at
length of the wheat intereste of that country.
The area devoted to wheat in 1886 was
about 27,500,000 scree, and the total yield
289,000,000 bushels. Aa compared with
the wheat c4 the Pacifie coast, .the Ladian
wheat is inferior, but when exported to
Europe it is mixed and ground with wheat
of a superior quality, by which process a
fair marketable grade of flour is obtaicted.
The method of cultivating the soil is in the
main the eagle as it was ceritutiee ago,
and there seems to be greet difficulte, iu
inducing the farmer to hevest in modern
agricultural implements, and yet with all
the sitopie and primitive methodthe In-
dium farmers can, in the opinion of the Con.
sul. General, Meet:eel ally compete with those
of the United btats in the productiou of
wheat. This is due to the fact that the
Indian farmer's outfit represents a capital
of not more than $40 or $.19, and his hired
help works, feeds, and clothes hicomelf on
about 82 50 a month. A talele is annexed,
showing that the export of wheat from
Britiell India has increased from 300,001 ewt
in 1868 to 21,000,000 cwt, in 1889, and that
the increase of 188C over 1885 amounte to
about 5,000,000 cwt.
The Consul...General says that aome of hia
predecessors have laimed that the Ueited
In 1885 2,344 cases were consumed in the States has nothing to fear from India as a
United States, in 1886 2,857, and in 1887 competitor in the production of Wheat.
3,362 cases. The legitimet,e uses of opium this view he does not concur, and believes
ave, of course, ice:wearied with the growth that to -day Indiais Second onlyto the United
of the country and the population. In ' its States in wheat growing. Furth,ermore,
medicinal uses opiurn is an unmixed bless- wheat growing in India is yet in its infancy,
ing, and is spoken of in the medical books end further development depends princi.
as one of the most valuable remedies. But pally upon the means of transportation to
the testimony of drug dealers goes to show the seaboard. He fears that with the cheap
that the pernicious use of opium increases. native labor of India and the constantly
The action of the drug and its enslaving growing faoilities for transportation the
power upon the senses is thus described: United. States will find her a formidable
It is competitor as a producer of wheat.
and a moderate dose adminietered to a
healthy person inoreases the force, fulness,
Dr. Turner, of London, England, has
made a study of diphtheria and has
embodied the results of hie enquiries in a
report to the Local Government Board of
London. He says : etAlmose nothing is
with certainty known of the beginning of
diphtheria though much has been learned
respecting conditions favoring its spread
and. something, perhaps, of influences
fostering its virulence " Among the
influences" tending to enhance the severity
of diphtheria," he mentions " over -crowd-
ing, badly trappecl,drains, damp ',vans and
floors." The saturation of the soil tinder
the dwelling _with fecal matter, or with
water contammated by excrement, he has
found to be a condition especially fa,vorable
to gm development of the diocese in its
mostliVefonn. It in, however, with cases
"for which neither personal communication
nor see of the above conditione can be
assigned as the probable cause" that he
deals in his report, as well as " with broad
clinical and pathological resemblances
between the maladies of lower animals and
diphtheria in the human subject." Pigeons,
chickens, swine, horses, cats and sheep
suffer from a disease resembling diphtheria
in all it's symptoms. Children and. others
who have come in contact with them have
been taken ill with diphtheria, and animals
have been observed to be suffering from
the dis aue‘tiome time after being handled
by ° suffering from or recovering
from di theria. Dr. Turner's observations
lead to the conclusion that many of the
inysterious cases of diphtheria. yvhich occur
in places where the sanitary conditions are
good, and where there are no human beings
from whom the disease could be caught,
have their origin in contact with animals ill
of the disease. Several remarkable cases
are mentioned by Dr. Turner of persons
having to all appearance caught diphtheria
from lower animals, and of animals catching
the disease from humaai beings. The
enquiry is an important as well as an
interesting one and likely to lead to
beneficial results.
Exoursiona in Paris Sewers.
and frequency of the pulse augments the Eiceursione through the gorgeous sewers of
temperature of the skin, 'invigorates the Paris --.strange as this conjunction of noun
muscular system, quickens the senses, ani. and adjective must sound -are now all the
mates the spirits, and gives new energy to rage in the fashionable world of the city.
the intellectual faculties. Its operation, A few evenings since I wasiuvited to accrual)
while thus extendiue to all parts of the any a select party. We started from the
system, is directed with peculiar force to Palace Chatelet at 3 O'clock, and descended a
the brain, the functions of which it excites little winding staircase, the steps and walls
• 1 loth
In a short time this excitation subsides. A fringed by a red border. There W/1S not the
calmness of the corpores1 action and a de- , a g es a ger g
Catara, Catarrhal ioeafness and
'lay Fever,
Setrerens sire slot generally ewer° that these dieeeasse
ere C011it41011Si OP t.,toit tney ere due to tee preeenee
of living enieeeitine Ole linIng Membrane of the Male
and eustecluell.111,1h00. IlliereseeTio eekiessreli, hoWever,
tucts peeved Ole Pe he :4 tact, and tee nee* le Oita
ample %mealy hoe been formulated whereby eetarrh,
catarrhal deafeess and hay fever are cured In rom
one to three eimple Application° merle at home. A
pamphlet explaining this MOW treatment is senttret
ou receipt of etamp by A. II. Dixon & Son, 80$ King
Street Weet Toronto Canticle
The cholera qua, antine itt Malta has
been eboliehed,
Whenever veer Stomach or Bowelget out of or,
der, caesing Bilimienesse, Dyepopaia, or indigeetion.
ana their atteriderst teke et ones a done of les,
Carson's Steinach Bitttee. , Beet family medic:lee.
All 1Druggist5, 60 cent.,
There has been a heavy fall of snow in
the Alpine district of Austria.
Coif No litore,
Wateolde cough drops ere the beat in the
world for the throat tied chest, for the vice
unequalled. See that the lettere It. & T. W.
are ettimped on each drop.
Fifteen thousand irnmigrants have arrived
,oTocEnEll 01'9 WO Yalt10710 pre.
partition a fate triaL openitns
prellaPtlYarldeffootuallY de0tr0711
Tidos and other vermin pests, as we
ae in eradicating all aitectiona ot the
'skin to which Sheep are subSect, Sold
Wlici 3i9., Pico, and $1, A Bee, Tin will eleen 29
Sheep ora0 leealbe. IWGIL PILLER &CO., TerOnto-
TIie Cottstoo l'hysiciatt-A complete domes -
tie inedicei eeeeelomedie, epeeielie Prepared
to meet the wants a the cornmen people,
tee who have long felt the need of euch a hook
all The ilistery of Caosida-From the d iscoi pry
ee or Anieriea to the latest events, be De. With.
fa -4 rote, No library complete without it,
1•1,.„, The Plutfortu leehoes-A greet teloperenee
work, by the greateet temperance orator of
his day, J. Cough.
"04 The Book of Sermons and SaYine see", Tel" -
Po Me Words," by liev, iSmu, &DM, Alms"
trated. Thousands Hoek to her, and want
ge hie book.
The Parallel Family Itinie-magnificent
and IlloAsive, two Basica in wee
aw Terme-Liberal, with extra terms for the work-
ing agent. Sand for circauare, etc.
W31, 13ItIGCS, Publieber, Termite.
io mnipeg time year up to date. Loan and Savings Co.
People who are Butyric; to bad breath, Sul coated I INCORPORATIM 1866,
tongue, or any eisorder of the Stomaeh, tan at once Subscribed Capital.. -$3,800 008
be relieved by using Dr. carrion's Stoma -oh Sitters,
the old and tried remedy. Ask your Druggiat
A. P. 370.
PATENTS 102018..0 e. --Illustrated descriptive Cat-
Saelfree. R. Oharnberlin, Toronto.
County In Ceriade. Addrees,
PER111$ etc CO., 87 Church St„ Toronto.
WORKFOIE ALL. 109 a week and expenses
paid, tamable outta end perticellars
Iran. 11' 01.141CRERV, Augustaelfaine.
ediletar3EaTeerleee ANDCAtivessinis wanted, elate
or Female, whole or spare time, on eatery or commis.
Hon. Industrial Union of B,N.A., e5 Arcade, Toronto.
lit you have invented anything ueeful, natant it and
el make money. Write for Ilossit's Gums: TO PA,
TtiNTS, to A. Harvey, Patent Attorney and publisher of
the "Patent Review," Ottawa,Ont. 23 yr:I •xperience.
once Company ot Cauda,
consulting Engineers and Solicitors of Patente.
G. 0,..,Rese, Chief Engineer. A. FRASER. See'y-Treas.
runt. WM. ARMSTRONG, Dermatologlet.
SPecielty, Skin diseases, Scrofula and all Ms -
eases of the blood. All cancers cured that are cure -
able, without the use of a knife. Office hours, frone
9 to 12 a.m. and from1:30 to 1:30 pale., Sabbaths ex-
cepted, 28 Dandas Street, 'Toronto.
mORONTO Cuttlesg School -Gentlemen de-
sirous of acquiring &thorough knowledge of gar-
ment cutting in all its branches, should apply at once
, to 0. Corrigan, proprietor, 122 Tonga et, Toronto.
e PP te
sometunee even to intoxication or delirium.
ht tan f ciur clothes or of ILLUSTRATED
lightful placidity of mind succeed ; and the encountering the lea,st disagreeable odor.
individual, insensible to painful impressions, On arriving at the foot of the stairs a fine
forgettin all sources of care and anxiety, display of fruits and vegetables was the first
Thcse products
and unconnected but pleasing fancies, and were from Gennevilliers, and were grown in
is conscioue of no other feeling than that of gardens that are watered by the sewers.
quiet and vague enjoyment. Doses which We got into a wagon, in which were seats
induce sleep after such an experience often , for twenty persons. Off we went, shoved
are succeeded by nausea, headache, and bre- along by solid-looking fellows, all neatly
more. But the recuperative energy of the dressed. Above ns was a masa of tubes and
body, if the dose be not too often repeated pipes. They are the water pipes, the two
results. In doses insufficient th produce the Vanne, and water from the Oureq, which
The medical name for lockjaw is tetanus.
Sometimes it is only, or mainly, the muscles
of the jaws that are affected in the diseaee,
but conemonly elle rigid condition is much
more extensive, often reaching to most of
the miracles of the body. In its severer
formeif Is one of the most terrible of diseases.
The Veind generally remains clear to the last,
mass it is blunted by opiates.
The disease begins by a pinched look of
the face. In a few hours the muscles of the
jaws, neck, back, and chest become rigid,
and the rigidity ab length extende to the
limbs. This rigidity is permanent, and some-
times is so great that the body could be tak-
en up like a stick of timber or it may rest
its weight open its head and feet. .From
time to time spasms occur, lasting a few
seconds, or several minutes.
The seat of trouble is in the nerves, and
hence a spasm may be brought on by a
slight noise, a touch, or even a breath of air.
As the muscles of respiration are usually
tef affected, the breathing is greatly im.
peded, and often for the time rendered
wholly impossible, the chest 'being held
as in a vise. Death frequently results from
this cause, the system being previously ex.
ha,usted by pain and lack of sleep and nour-
ishtnent. If the patient survives beyond
the twelfth day., he is likely to reeover ;
-but no medicine is able to do more than pro
Ik2Ote sleep and benumb the sensibilities.
The cause is unknown. It may follow
wounds or be independent of wounds, the
latter being the most hopeful cases. The
wounds may be eovere or slight, but most
wounds are not followed by tetanus, It in
probable that, in persons of a peculiar ner
voile misceptibility, and under certain not
well understood conditions, a poison is do.
veloped within the system, Hence,. the only
hope of a cure is to eustain the patient with
etimultents, nouriehment, and sleep tug' the
system cam eliminate the.poison.
In case of a severe wound, especially it
the neighboriaood of nerve centres, great care
should be exercised in dressing tho injury, ao
as to bring the parts well together, and the
parts should be kept clean with mild earbol
ie acid solution, or sonic other good antieeptie
submits nnself to a current of undefined UV Y •
is such that there are no really harmful armlet containing our drinking water from
latter is used for washing the streets and
THE rum sort:mom EFFECT, ; sidewalks. Then there were the pneumatic ,
the stimulant influence upon the manta- tubes in which we could hear the rattle of
function continues longer, and the subse- the despatch boxes. Suddenly We heard
quent calming effect is sustained for hours. thepassengers in the wagon ahead of us ut.
Sleep not infrequently is prevented or ren. I tering cries of admiration.
dered so ht and dreamy that the liatientl e were under the Rue de Rivoli but
all.' Neuf. This tunnel was lighted from end th
11 will scarce y admit that he has slept at soon we reached the crossing of the Pont-
eb. lend with garlands of eolored haws. The
These axe the effects sole ht for and
tained by the devotees o the drug, but effect was fairy-like. The same e ect was
they are purchased at a fearful cost. The prochiced under the Rue de Louvre, the Rue
smoker of the Chinese pipe progyerses to- lde Richelieu, and the Place des Pyramides,
ward the final wreek with increasing pallor , where precisely under the statue of Joan of
of eyes and face, that once seen can always Arc appeared in luminous glass the arms of
be recognized. The morphine eater shows 1 the city of Paris. We passed along, still
a somewhat similar condition, varied by a following the Rue de Rivoli, where each
tendency to pimples and eruptions, the re.lhc use has ite number in the sewer, just as
sult of the paralyzing effect of the drug ' m the street -until we reached the Place de
upon the bodily functions and secretions, , la Concorde.
In all phases of the habit the will power is, There the electric lights, crossing their
entirely subordinated. The victim is help, fires with the reflection of the Venetian
less. Any delay in taking the usual eeee lamps, turned the square into a sort of a ball
results in horrors such as the snake.seeing room. Nothing was wanting, not even mu -
drunkard never dreamed of. The stomach sic. We all got out of the wagons to em -
is gnawed by the terrible appetite as with bark itt boate, furnished
the sharp teeth of some wild animal, pains seats. The meek was in the first boat,
rack the body and limbs. The !mad iS 8.180 which was decorated with -flags and lamps.
the very verge of total collapse invests the entire route of Rue Royale by the light of
sufferer with a horor that is indescribable. Illfty dazzling electric lamps. After a quar-
ter of an hour in this boat we landed at the
affected, and a general feeling of being onlThe boats were started. We followed the
CIRCULARS free Something
ew " rbIlateDrAc gi rglEg
once If , on want the bent.C U IN
Library Bantling, Toronto. THOMAS IIIIN001701I, Presi- THE ALBANY STEAM TRAP CO.'S
dent : CHAS. H. BROOKS, Secretary and Manager.
rard.up ....... 4..104,104,0
Reserve Paull 1.280.00
Total Assets . . 0,30 1,615
Orme :-Co.'s &itemises, TORONTO Sr., TORONTO. "
DEPOSITS received at current rates of interest
paid oteompounded half -yearly.
DEBENTURES lamed in currency or Sterlingovith
Internet aouvons attached, payable in Canada or in
gngland. Executors and Trustees are authorized by
law to invest In the Debentures of this company.
MONF,Y ADVANCED on Real ,Estate security at
curreet retes and on favorable conditions as to repay.
Mortgages and Munk:teal Debentures purehaeed
J. HERBERT MASO,e, Managing Director.
iii‘ WO
,i ;!Il
,Ornn COMPOSITION GOLD, Antique Bronze,
Natural Wood, and other Picture and
Room Mouldings, Frames, Eto. - Paintings, En -
gratings, Etchings, Artotypes, Artists' Materiale,
Mirrors, etc. Wholesale and Retail. Trade Cat-
alogue. MATTHEWS BROS. et CO.. Toronto.
CEIPTS for manufacturing four different
powders -blue, white, 3:allow and the French liquid
stamping for plush, velvet and silk, nainutely &Kalb -
ed ineMAN ilanitAllseuti,nby Tail for
Patterns and Ro4olk:‘12.C7001.;;r :Ics%ys'on
Importer of fine Guna, Rifles, Ainunition and sports
man's geode of every deeoriplion.
On receipt of $15.00, I Will exprees to any address,
an English made double barrel breach loading shot-
gun, With cover and tools compleee.
W. McDOWALL, 51 King street East, Toronto.
secensionaussest eintodasesseassreauiesse vissixxsomis
Provinces and States, touching both the Atlantic and
Pacific: Oceans, are represented this year amoung its
toundlexisitosN. a nf3,1 Send ,korsolLrfshos., annuali.,oigiunloairp. thi3V, . B.
1127The Celebrated Ran.
cook Inspirator.
tOrGresham's Automatic
Re -starting Iojeotor.
tare.torrison's Automatic
Sight Feed Lubricator.
/al -Engineers' & Plumb-
ers' Supplies of every
description. Send for
JANES nainunsom,
75 8;77 Adelaide st.w.,
havO a positive remedy' for the above disease ; bit, nee
thousand, 00cases of the Worst kind aud of long etandlug
have been cured. Indeed, so strong Is my filth lu 11,
efficacy, that will send TWO BOTTLES rnss, together
wins a VALITAJ3LS1 THEATISR on this dIsestle „So any
Sufferer. Give express sud 1.0. addrede.
Rranoh 031oe, 37 Tone St., Toroato'
Allan Line Royal Steamships
Sailing durbag winter from Portland every Thum*
and Halifax every Saturday 4o Liverpool, and In sum
mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liveipool, OallIni
at Londonderry to land mails and ' passengers foi
Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via Hall
fax and St. John's, N. F., to Liveirpool fortulghti
during summer months. The steamers of the GIs.
23.ADELAI OE ST. E., TORONTO ROW lines sail during winter to and from Halifax
Alt classes of tine work, Mfrs. of Printers' Leal& Portland, Boston and Philadelphia ; and durinesune
teems and Metal Furniture Send tor prices, mer between Glasgow a.nd Montreal weekly; Glasigoe
and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphie
A.FsooragfurreiLlat,erpose6 aogoe.,,oBralotthimeorrelforms. actulonnardap5ployote
i Notice is hereby given that a dividend of fo ti Raiff" ;
— SOn & CO., St. John N.I3 ; Allen & Co., Chicago
Shea & Co., St. John's, Nfld.; Wm. Thointi
, .
cent. for the current hall year, being at the ruatelleorf Aliens, Reel& Go., Quebee ; Wm. Brookle, Philadel
r i Love a Alden, New York; IL Bonnier, Toronto
eight ptr cent. per annern, upon the paid up capit 1 phi& : IL A. Allen Portland Boston Montreal,
of the 13ank, has this day been declared and that the 1
Dairy l
EW Importations --Rigging Eureaa, Weehing
tee coOt Breenia, lei:gee Pr Plea RA*
Also Sice'e Canaeian Salt. Write tor peleee.
Wholeeale Provieion merehants, Toronto.
Annual Cetalogue of choice Holland Unilise.
containing prises of all tie° sineet varieties of
and ether Roote for Auteloat Planting, now ready'.
and bo mailed freo allapplicants. Addrcee
Will!. RENNIE -
'When I sty cure I do not mean linersiT te stop al fere'
517130 and th n has« them returniagain. I Mean a niece
ours. I have made the disease of I ITS, EDILEKIT or pALra.,
230 siogNEts life.long study, 1}.17161t renietrk
to cure the worst owe. Because otherutisee felled (.RC
rowu for not new mat tang a cure. 6904 at once for n
treatise and relle Dottie et.my Infallible remedy. elsie
Express and Post Mike, It coats yam nothing Mr trial,
and I will care mu. Address IMit. e. 0. BOOT,
Braul) Giltce, 37 Touie at Toroutg
eovery of the
greatest die-
preeent age ter hem:s-
feet Blood Purifier
A few in Hamilton
Who have been bene
fited by Us nee e-
lem. M. Keenan, 192
Robert St., cured of
O'rysipelas of 2 years
standing ;Robert Oor
toll, 24 liouth
laughter cured of
Epileptic Fits after
0 years" euffering
Jennie &ere% , 66 alnot St., cured of weakness
and Lung Trouble; John Wood, 95 Cathcart Ste,
cured of Liver Complaint and Billousnees, used only
fifty -cent bottlee ; Airs. J. Beal, 0 Augusta ISL,
troubled for years with Nervous Prostration, two
small,bottles gave her great Hist Sold at 60o. &SIM.
y. F. DALLEY & CO., Proprietors.
Is the only stove made
that will burn wood or
coal equally well. It will
heat one or more adjoin-
ing rooms and retain fire
with either uel all night.
It is the farmers' wood
burner and will make
home se comfortable as
with a self feeder coal
stove. The largest size is
an unrivalled heater for
schoolahall and charohes.
The family Keystone, the
largest first-classStove for
..the money made.
Is revolutionizing cook-
y; with coal. Its patent fire -pot and grate makes it
the meet durable, easiest to manage, best to retain
fire night and day, and most economic:Oct coal stoves.
These were the only Moves awarded a medal for new
and meritorious inventione this year.
maltfiymour dealer hae not got thete write us for infor-
have decided inlet=
to put Dr. Jug's Medici::
in a brown jug, instead of fie
glass bottle as heretofore
The jugs that we will age
for this purpose are made
of thefinestimported Rock-
ingham, of a raottled brown
colour, with "Dr. Juges
Medidne/or Lungs, Liver
and Blond" In raised let-
ters on the side. Our
reasons for making th
change are: "est-rts won
derful curative qualitie
will be better preserved by
the medicine being kept
entirely in the dark. 2n6 -
As the jug will he register-
ed it will be impossible to
counterfeit it, 84 -The
name "Dr. Jug's Medi -
gee es m ILE eine min be more easily
OF A JUG OF DR. Jucesremembered by associa-
te emotive. tion. 411: Our friend
will he able to recarnize at onee that they are getting
the genuine article, as there is no other medicine put
up in a jug. DR. JUG MEDICINE CO,
Toronto and 'Stratford.
i3e, Which We, mounted, and sascre will be payab
foot of a starcale at the bank and its branches on i
d after THURSDAY,'"the lst day of December
at the Madeleine. It was Much warmer 'in , The trate fer books will be Mosel, from the nth to Farmers and,
' the Seth clay of November, both days inclusive. By
order o e Board.
Flogging in China. in three minutes we were above the ground
A Chinese tragedy, followed by, judicial the streets than it was in the sewers, where
Pmeeedinge arida remarkable all'reand the temperature, summer and winter, is
administration of rough justice, is reported always uniformly plea.sant.
in the latest budget of news from the Celes-
tial Empire. An officer mimed Telengo
hearing two of the soldierfi of his company
quarreling about a money debt, called them
before him and questioned them respecting
their unruly conduct. They resented his
interference and were flogged for insubordin-
ation. One of them, Yu-ch'eng by name,
aggravated Ms offense and incurred severer
and repeated punishment by two attempts
to escepe the flogging by running away.
The officer Telengo himself adinin' istered 10
of the strokes intlicthd on. Yu ch'eng, be-
cause he considered. that he was further 're-
ported *0 the General for further disciplin-
ary treatment. Here even Celestial endu-
rance was at an end. The man effectually
ran away this time; he found permanent
oblivion in an overdose of opitun. Then the
officer Telengo was tried. He was found
guilty of inflidting excessive puniehment and
sentenced to be flogged. Ninety blows, or
half those inflicted on Yu-nh'eng, were order-
ed. The man who administered the flogging
Was condemned to receive $0 blows ; the
eoldiers guarding the deceased *6 suffer 60
blows, and San hal, the man who quarreled
with the decease& tdasndure 80 blows. The
report naively adds: '4 Yu ch'eng being
rin fnrtli.r notice need be taken of his
offense, and his debt to Ssu-hai extin-
Use For The Old Hen.
Water cannot satisfy the thirst which at
tends eholere, dysentery, diaarhoea and
soMe other forms of disease; in fact, drink,
Ing p old Water seems to le crease the thirst and
induce other disagreeable sensations; but
the thirst veill be perfeetly and pleasantly,
subdued by eating a comparatively small
amount of ice, *wallowing it in al large
" es as practicable and as much as is
Mr. .Blobbs-" Mariah, hadn't I better
take that hen to market ?" Meriah -" She's
bout forty years old, Zeke, and I'm afraid
she'll spoil our trade. Better think up some
other way of getting rid of her." " I might
give her to the editor in payment of our
subscription." " I,paid that yesterday in
last year'et turnips.' ''Well, we'll save her
for the next donation party,"
Was Amefica Ever Discovered ?
At the time when Columbus started in
search of the New World, nearly every man,
woman ancl child in Europe insisted that
there was no New World to discover.
When he carne back, crowned with success,
a large proportion of these good people
adhered to their theory ; and if they were
alive treday many of them would doubtless
insist that America had never been dis-
covered at all. A man will give up any-
thing in the world more readily than a pet
theory. For example, look at the individ-
uals who still maintain that consumption is
incurable. Dr. Pierd,e's Golden iMedical
Discovery has cured thousands itpon thou-
sands of cases, and will cure thousatids
more, but these people can't give up their
point. Nevertheless the " Discovery" will
cure any case of censumption, if taken in
time. .
A white horse in Michigan is attracting
attention withoutthe aid ot redheaded girls.
lie visits saloon every day for his glass
of beer, and gets it.
Chronic nasal catarrh positively cured 'Iby
Dr. Sage's Remedy.
Ill Temper
Is more rapidly improved by ielicf from
physical suffering Mien in any other way,
Step on your friend's corn, and the impulee
to atrike is strongest. Putnam's Punkas
Corn Extractor by quickly and painlessly
removing them, insures good nature. Fifty
imitations prove its value. Bowel e of sub.
stitutes. " Putna,m'e," sure, safe, painlese,
Mr. O'Brien's ptiper, United' Iretevecl , re-
cently published six columns of roperte cf
Leaigue meetings and adds :---" This is how
coercion terrorizes the Irish."
Diphtheria is alarmingly prevalent itt
Montreal, twenty deaths from the disease
occurring last week.
For constipation, " liver complaint," o
e, sck headache, and all disease
arising from a cliaordered condition of the
liver and stoinozh, take Dr. Pierce's Pleas-
ant Purgative Pellets -a gentle laxative o
active cathartio, according to Liza of dose.
Bustles grow smaller.
The Sporting Record,
In Book form, cootaine a correct record of. the PAST
EST nut and best perfortnanteti in all DEPARTMEN
or Smite, Aquatic and Athletic performances:,Bit
liard, hazing and Trotting recorde, %tate% 'lecke
Lacrosse, etc. Price 00. Stamps fatten. Address a
orders to THE RECORD, 50 Front St Ease, 'roron
canado, Roone No. 15.
In the euperetition of sailor tnen there
a connection between white lottees Alt
preachers. Both are believed to bring b
luck to the vessel carrying them.
TOIIN( MEN suffering from the effects of ear
evil habits, the rem& of ignorance and folly, who fa
theinseivee yeah, nervoue and eximueted ; Aso
teepee's]) and oia) Max who are broken doyen from the
effects of abuse or overovork, end in advanced life
teel the eoneeseuencee of youO
thful CRSS, send for arid
50,A0 M. V. Dubose:3 Treatise *0Diseases ot Men. The
book will b3 sent sealed to any addrese on reoelet of
two So. etamps. Address hi. V. WW1% 47 welling.
ton kit. lie Toronto One
Ulinci, uatemar,
" LI. tilt u
Bank of Toronto, Toronto, 20th Oct., 1887.
A Beautiful Imported Birthday Card sen's
bse moer will wild as the
t.. to. tsareaby whth
mimes of two or more other.babies, and Slab
4'0parentS' addresses Alga a handssomo Dia.
' Mond Dye Sample Card to this einthhr and
ranch valuable information
1:1171111u. Itichairdisrm. 4, ce, nosisealtl
Cook's Gem
1 Why do you uee those Expensive Auierican and
Canadian Baking Powders when you can get as good
i and whole:Kane at one half the price 7 Prove it by try -
Ing the Cook's Gene Manufactured by .
1 ELLIS 86 KEIGHLEY - Toronto
R. Parker
i 759 TO
1 tie
City OfIlees:{ 308
no Colborne Street
4 Johr Street North
& Co.
stnd Head Offices :
vonge Street, -
Queen St. West, }TORONTO.
Q,treen St Etat,
Brani ford, Ont.
Ilansilton, Out.
, seams.
,, grain
.. ,
...x. •,r,,,i„
`jfi';') `•:" .1,, •''r
., .
s' -,0-1$' 0.
1,000 Miles of I) 0 W 110e et Itai,vmy built UM
Laud all for settIement. Unsurpassed fol
or stock! arms, 430 acres free, To learn lace
get it, Send your address on postal card.
el. ale IIIICKINS. lei Ring St W. Toronto.
NINE GOLD MEDALS Rave been awarded it durteg the last four years. Try als0 PEERLESS
Maralfaonued NI OUEEcAirXEAE
and Horse Powers.
We are offering special in-
ducements to purchasers of Iron
Pence for delivery this fall.
We guarantee the Best and
Cheapest Fence made in the Do-
A Horne Company ! Guarantee Capital, $1,000,000
PRESIDENT :110N. SIR W. P HOWLAND, 0,13., K. C. AL 0,
W. II, Br,Arre, ESQ. 8. NORICIEIMIM, ESQ. WALiettit 8, Lem, Esq.
J, h Inefillat MASON, ESQ. W. 11, GIBBS, ESQ.,.._, A, L. Gooessettats, Esu.
MON. JAMES Youso. A. 3101,nss HOWARD ESQ.
This DietinetiVely Home Institution was established 15 years ago. During this period neatly ond
mislion of dollars has heli returned to the policy holders, or their representatives
The assets neentuullitied during this period amount, at this date, to over $2,800,000, aid when the
Guarantee Capital is added, forms security for policy holdere to the amount of over 88,06,000.
Dealring obtain 6. Blueness Education, or be000ue
profinient n ehorthand tiaid Typewtitiug, at. for the above period, before insuring elsewhere.
tend the 'This Asetstilation's Unless are from tO 30 per cent, lower than in those foreign cerneemies doiog
Areade Yonge eteeet Toronto. • 1 J. He MACDONMILD, Managing Director,
IBRITISH 'AMERICAN " BUSINESS COLLECE business in thie ceuntry, ehile the profit results surpass the best of thent.
ror Circ ears, 'etc., Address d. O'DEA, $eorotary. , Min Orris; 15 Taxon° Sr., Toaorro,