HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-05-03, Page 22PAGE 22 —CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 3 , 1976 18. Services available 18. Services available 18. Services available 18. Services available KENS CARPENTRY - Remodelling renovations, cupboards, rec rooms, carports, flooring, Hunt - Pella windows and patio doors, aluminum siding, windows, doors. Phone 482- 7676.—Ken McNairn.-12tfar BYERS UPHOLSTERY — We will rebuild recover or restyle your old furniture. Top quality fabrics and workmanship. Call 482-7939, 71 Princess St. W., Clin- ton .—tf n MID -WESTERN PAVING - driveways, parking lots, farm' "anes, repairs. Free estimates. Phone Clinton 482-3733.—I1-25 PARKING LOT, driveway, roof and basement sealing. James D.-Symes Lucknow, 528-3233.-14tfar CUSTOM BACKHOE ex- cavation work and septic system installations. Call Rick Diemert, Bayfield 565- 2481.-15tf GARDENS PLOWED and cultivated. Phone Bill Falconer 482-9978.-17,18 gathve//JJrs,sor•ta/es AUCTION CALENDAR May 4 - House mortgage) sale, Vanastra 7 p.m. May 5 - Business Liquidation, Sarnia May 9 - Restaurant 8 Hotel Equipment, Rath - well Auction Complex 1 p.m. May 11. - Lakecity Home Centre Ltd., Goderich 6:30 p.m. May 12 - Garage equipment - tools, truck, - Ripley 1:0:30' a.m. • May 15 - Rathwell Equipment Auction, tractors, farm - equip- ment May 16 Variety Store, Kincardine 6 p.m. May 17 - House mor- tgage sale, Parkhill 7 p.m. May ,23 - Seaforth • auction May 26 - Pearl Camp- bell, Rathwell Building, Seaforth June 2 • Ethel Beattie, property, antiques, furniture etc. Seaforth 9 a.m. June 9 - Zurich auction •1 gez/h e///SY,s,socz'ales AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK i WO (519) 527-1458 // fr. fato r RESTAURANT & HOTELm....."‘ EQUIPMENT AUCTION May 9th at 1:00 P.M. at Rathwell Auction Complex -, EQUIPMENT: hot pretzel machines; stainless steel kitchen hoods; electric grill; menu sign; electric heater fan; sink and counter unit; stainless steel milk •dispenser; double electric deep fryer; Hotpoint sandwich grill; electric restaurant sign; degreaser and pump; Garland range and fryer; Moffat stove; Garland char broiler; Garland deep fryer; electric potato peeler; deep fryers (gas and oil); electric cooling unit; neon restaurant sign; hot chocolate machine; Coca-Cola machine; fire ex- tinguishers; air conditioner; upright freezer; Coldspot 15 cu. ft. freezer; open ice cream freezer; 6' grill; Bunn coffee mixer; Corey coffee machine; 3 ft. and two 6 ft. glass show cases; public address amplifier with mike, stand and 2 speakers; steam table; ceiling tile; electric hand dryers; 2 upright Tops and Diamond Top signs; hot water heater; electric fan; 14' Douglas Tea Shoppe sign; speakers; mixer; 2 turn tables, amplifier c.w. stand for disco; two 5 cent candy machines; two 5:cent bubble gum dispensers; two 5 cent hot nut; five 10 cent hot nut; one 10 cent capsule dispenser; two .hennypenny pressure fryers; rotating "Kentucky Chicken" sign; soft ice cream machine; broiler (chicken) plus a large assortment of leather, stacking, wood chairs, steel and wood tables, Tight fixtures, wall fixtures.A Bakers pride Pizza Oven, soup kitchen, double booth and Silex coffee machine. OFFICE: metal file holders photo -copier; metal cabinets; office chairs; filing cabinets; utility table; Olivetti calculator; office desk. FURNITURE, ANTIQUES, ETC: antique dressers; antique china cabinet; end tables; an- tique chest of drawers; coffee table; antique writing desk; wooden library table; vanity; tingle and double beds. WHEELCHAIRS: The CP & T Fund of Clinton Oddfellows Lodge have wheelchairs available for loan free. Contact Tom Chuter 482-7652 or Mrs. M. Batkin 482- 3866.—ar SANDBLASTING AND BRICKCLEANING Free Estimates Contact WHITE'S SANDBLASTING SERVICE W Ingham 357-3637 before 12 noon —18-23 GARDENS WORKED and lawn cutting. Phone Bert Stanley 482-7712.-18x LICENSED electrician, commercial or residential wiring. Phone 565- 2792.-18,19 • CHUTER PLUMBING HEATING & ELECTRIC Frunace Installations DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES Appliance Service 46 King St. 482-7652 c-18tfn FARM DRAINAGE LAND CLEARING AND BULLDOZING CLINTON George Nesbitt 482-9497 DRAINAGE CONTRACTORS FARM AND MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE CATCH BASINS 8 Weldon Ave.. Arva, Ont. CATCH CASINS PHONE Shop 473-2669 Gerry Res. 438-4392 Steve Goderich 524-7037 DRAINAGE PHONE Shop 473-2669 - Gerry 438-4392 Steve Goderich 514-7037 Ito meet your requirements no obligation References for all previous projects HOUSE PLANS DRAWN Schaefer Residential Design Listowel 291+1449 HENDRIK GELO K ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL TRAILER ANO R.V. SERVICE QUALITY WORKMANSHIP AT A REASONABLE PRICE MAINTENANCE - NEW AND OLD INSTALLATIONS PHONE'519-482-3700 MISCELLANEOUS: complete electric traih set; Marconi antique radio; hydraulic tail gate; Ad- miral black and white TV; dartboard and darts; combination radio and TV sets; tires and rims; pool cues; motorcycle parts; wooden doors; car cassettes player; carpet sweepers; CB Courier. Aid/V. elb J?I l . AU¢TIONEE:RS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS '17 MAIN ST. • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK IWO (0101 527-1 58 t . AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS '17 MAIN ST. • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK IWO 010) 527-1450 PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS Bruce Pulsiter 527-0053 or 348-9223 after 6 p.m. . SLOPED ROOFS SPECIALISTS S. SPROUL & SONS LTD. Building Construction Kitchener, Ont, Phone: 519-578-8935 Or Local: 482-7053 We offer:- • Free estimates on your roofing needs. • 5 year written guaran- tee.- SANDBLASTING uaran- tee.- SANDBLASTING Brick Homes ALSO: waterproofing painting All steel Work Air Hammer ARNOLD STOTHERS R.R. 6 'GODERICH 529-7403 WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: SEAF0RTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 521-0828 JIM: 527-0775 TOWN and COUNTRY GARDEN SERVICE • Lawn Rolling • Gardens Tilled • New and old lawns tilled into a fine seed bed. Hour Rate or Job Price J. POTTER R.R. 3, CLINTON PHONE 482-9290 LIQUIDATION AUCTION SALE to be held for LAKECITY HOME CENTRE LTD. 32 Newgate St. Goderich MAY 11 th at 6:30 P.M. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: frame single storey, 28 00 s.;. ft. building with show room, storage and work area, situated in the business section in Goderich. Terms 10 percent down day of sale, balancd in 30 days, offering at 8PM subject to reasonable reserve. For viewing phone Rathwell 8 Associates at 527-1458. EQUIPMENT: Ama colour coding and mixing machine, Red Devil paint shaker, check out counter, display racks and shelving, new 30" vanity, desk, chairs, typewriter, rug stretcher, ladders, -mist. tools. STOCK: 100 gal misc. interior and exterior paints, quantity of rugs, ends and wall paper, other flooring, ceramic tiles, poly cleaners and fillers, waxes, paint brushes, letter boxes, large quantity of hardware, aluminum siding, doors, windows, rod iron pillars and railings, plywood, quantity of samples and many more items pertaining to home decorating. ALSO: 1965 M.S. Tractor with front end loader, 1977 Ford LTD full size Station Wagon, 1974 Chev. Im- pala 2 door. elaC%ime�� J4ocia�e.1 18. Services available 19. Notice to creditors 28. Engagements Architectural and Mechanical DRAFTING 482-3586 HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE HENRY REININK 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 *Lawn and Garden Equipment *Repairs *New Lawnmowers and Tillers in stock. SCREENED TOP SOIL (for Lawns -Gardens - Flowers)' I ALSO *Crushed Stone *Crushed Road Gravel •Cement Gravel •Pit Run Gravel Backhoe Work LYLE MONTGOMERY 482-7644 evenings JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING * Farm Buildings * Additions * Renovations Phone 482-3063 Custoi'il Slaughtering and Processirig Kill Day Wednesday SME&NER'S DASHWOOD 237-3677 l 19. Notice to creditors iN THF: ESTATE OE GRACE ELLEN STOREY, late of the 'Iown of Clinton in the Caiunty of Huron, deceased. A1.1. per -ons having claims against the Estate of the ahoce-named ttihn died on the 12th day of March, 1979, are required to file full partrcii al-"Cih'Crr.erf with the undersigned on or hefor`e the 16th day of May, 1979, after 1,1N rcivdatc the assets will he ttr'ihuted, having regard only) to the c•Iainis of which the undersigned shall then have notice. I)AT'1':1) AT -Clinton, Ontario, this 16th day of April 1979. MENZIES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor. -17,18,19 IN THE ESTATE.: OF AGNES ANNE: MOON, late of the Township of Elullett in the County of Huron, deceased. AI,I. persons haying claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 2nd day of November, 1978, are required to file full particulars (Wet eof with the undersigned on or before the 16th day of May, 1979, after which date the assets will he distributed, hawing regard only to the claims Of which the Undersigned shall then have not ice. l)ATEI) Al' Clinton, Ontario, this 16th day of April, 1979. - MF.NZiES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario Solicitors for the Adminrstrarlor.-17,18,19 21. Personal ARE YOU UNATTACHED, separated, single or divorced? Meet that special person. Apply P.O. Box 104, Owen Sound, N4K 5P1. Please state age. -16-18x IN THE MATTER QF THE ESTATE OF LUCY LEVY, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-named, Lucy Levy, who died on or about the 27th day of February, 1979, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 14th day of May, 1979, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 16th day of April, 1979. D. GERALD HILTZ, Barrister . & Solicitor, 52 Huron Street, CLINTON, Ontario Solicitor for the Executor. -17,18,19 BROOII{eER-MACFARLANE Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brooker, Regina, Sask. and pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their only daughter Karen Anne to Robert John MacFarlane, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacFarlane, 67 Hemlock St., St. Thomas, Ontario. The wedding is planned for May 26, 1979 at 6 p.m. in Whitmore Park United Church, Regina, Sask.-18 NYKAMP-KLATWYK Mr. and Mrs. John Nykamp are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Terese to Mr. Harry Klatwyk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Klatwyk of Elora. The wedding to take place Friday, May 18, 1979 at 7 p.m. in First Christian Reformed Church, Guelph. Rev. G. D. Hellinga officiating. -18 22. Lost and found 30. In memoriam FOUND: Tailgate from Chev truck. Phone 482-7893 after 6 p.m. -18 24. Business opportunities A SMALL cap.i,,ta.l,tis.all you require to buy a very profitable business. For more information and details please write to Drawer No. 10 c -o Clinton News -Record, Box 39, CLinton, NOM ILO. -17,18 25,E To give away WHIPPET, purebred, age 3, spayed female - free to a good home. Phone 565-2872 or 565-28314.-18- 27. Deaths WALTERS AtAlexandra & Marine Hospital, Goderich, Friday, April'27th, 1979, Alberta Ann (Murray) Waiters of Huronview, Clinton. For- merly of Seaforth. Beloved wife of the late Elliott Walters in her 91st year. Dear mother of Murray F., Hepworth, Mrs. Dyke (Erma) Wheatley, McKillop Township, Howard E., Toronto, Mrs. Arthur (Gertrude) Henderson, McKillop Twp1, Mrs. A. (Audrey) Scott, Oshawa and Bruce, Hanover. Predeceased by a daughter Rei h Floyd (1959). Rested at the R. S. Box Funeral Home, 47 High St., Seaforth, where service was held Monday, 2 p.m., with Rev. James -Vanslyke officiating. Interment Maitlandbank Cemetery, Seaforth.-18nc KERR Edith Mae — On Sunday, April 22, 1979, at Toronto, on her 68th birthday, Edith, widow of George Kerr, beloved mother of Marlene Sorensen and Roger Haugh,. dear grandmother of Melinda, sister of Meryle Baylis, Edward Eckel and the late Dr. James Eckel. Sadly missed by Dr. Carman Haugh. Rested at the Earle Elliott Funeral Home, 715 Dovercourt Rd. (south of Bloor), x,12-3301 after 2 p.m. Tuesday. Service was held in the chapel Wednesday at 2 p.m. Interment Park Lawn Cemetery.-18nc COX At Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, April 29, 1979, Earl George Alexander Cox, of RR 2, Goderich in his 56th year. Beloved husband of Mrs. Isabel Cox; dear father of Gary and also survived by one stepdaughter Maxine (Mrs. Steve -Jenkins) of Cambridge; also survived by 3 sisters, Eleanor (Mrs. John Watson) of Bayfield, Larene of Goderich, Madelon (Mrs. William Mcllwain) of Bayfield and one brother Clayton of Goderich Township. Predeceased by one brother. Rested at the McCallum Funeral Home, Cambria Rd. at East St., Goderich, where the funeral service was held on Wed- nesday, May 2, 1979 at 1:30 p.m. Interment Maitland Cemetery.-18nc KOMPF Suddenly at her residence (Clan Gregor Apartments) Bayfield on Sunday', April 29, 1979, Laura Esther Kompf in her 71st year. Beloved wife of the Tate Norman Kompf; dear mother of Norma (Mrs. Lewis Yundt) of Guelph and dear grandfather of Kendall, Bradley and Brian. Predeceased by one sister Elizabeth and one brother William. Rested at the McCallum Funeral Home, Cambria Rd. at East St., Goderich, where the funeral service was held on Tuesday, May 1st, 1979 at' 2 p.m. Interment Bayfield Cemetery.-18nc RATH In loving memory of a dear husband, father and gran- dfather, Grant, who left us suddenly three years ago, May 9, 1976: - Time slips by, but memories stay Quietly remembered every day. A little tribute, small and tender, Just to show we still remember. —Always loved and sadly missed by wife Gent, daughter Joyce, son-in-law Bruce and grandchildren Jana and Ian. -18 ARGYLE In loving memory of a dear mother and wife, Patricia Lillian Argyle, who passed away April 26, 1 978: Sweet memories will linger forever; Time cannot change them, it's true; Years that may come cannot sever Our loving remembrance of you. —Lovingly remembered by husband Robert, daughters and son and families. -18 MANNING In loving memory of a dear husband, father, grandpa and great -grandpa, Norman Manning, who passed away May 5, 1978. The Month of May again is here, To us the saddest of all the year, The blow was hard the shock severe,: To part with one we loved so dear, We watched you suffer, heard you sigh, . All we could do was just stand by, We lived in hope, and prayed in vain, For God to make you well again, But he decided we should part, We watched you die with a broken heart, No length of time could take away, Our thqughts of you from day to day. —Lovingly remembered by his wife Elva, daughter Ruth, son-in-law Dick, grandchildren and great grandchildren. -18 MANN In loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. George Mann who passed away April 28, 1944 and May 6, 1944 and sister Lulu Crittendon who passed away August 14, 1948: Sometimes an old fashioned song brings us thoughts of you Sometimes a flower as we pass along or a sky that is azure blue Or a silver lining in the clouds, when the sun is peeping through. —Ever remembered by the family. -18 31. Card of thanks DE BOER 1 would like to thank my friends, neighbours and relatives for cards, flowers, calls and visits while I was a patient in Clinton Hospital and University, London. Special thanks to Dr. Newland, nurses and staff on first and second. floor- s.—Teena De Boer. -18x WATSON I would like to thank my relatives, neighbours and friends for gifts, flowers, cards and visits while f was a patient in St. Joseph's' Hospital in London. A special thanks to emergency staff of Clinton Hospital. It was greatly appreciated.—John L. Watson, Bayfield. -18x JEWiTT We wish to extend our thanks to friends, relatives and family for all the gifts, flowers, cards and visits we received during our stay in Woodstock General Hospital. It was greatly ap. preciated.—Bette and Craig Jewitt. --18 31. Card of thanks JOHNSTON I wish tp thank my relatives, neighbors and friends for the lovely flowers and gifts while 1 was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Special thanks to Dr. C. Thompson and nursing staff on third floor north, also to Rev. Allan Thomas, the 3M Club senior citizens, the coffee club and the Lioness Club. Thanks to all.—Percy Johnston. -18 HOMUTH I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and ap- preciation to Drs. Flowers and Baker and to all of the dedicated nurses at the Clinton Public Hospital -who attended me while I was a recent patient in their care. My sincere thanks to everyone for cards, visits, gifts, treats, concerns and prayers with special thanks to Rev. T. A. A. Duke and Rev. T. Mulholland. All was greatly appreciated.—Bob Homuth.-18 31. Card of thanks JONES We would like to thank everyone who attended our benefit dance. Special thanks to our friends and neighbors who organized our party. We sincerely ap- preciate your contributions to help us build our new home.—Alvin and Linda Jones.-18nc - DUTOT We wish to thank the members of St. James, Don and Audrey for the most enjoyable surprise party held for us in their home recently. It was very much appreciated, and will always be remembered.—Delores and Alvin. -18 BLACK I would like to thank those who visited me and sent flowers while I was a patient in Clinton Hoepital: Special thanks to Dr. Harrett and nurses on 1st floor.—Marie Black. -18 tan Wigglesworth of Clinton took the pledge ritual at the Founders day celebration held last Monday night at the Sugar Bush Inn in Bayfield, as sororities from three counties gathed for a night.(photo by Lois Fitzgerald) County denies grant Huron County council did not dispute the worth of . an integration program for mentally handicapped people in Goderich but balked at supporting the program because it is not county wide. - Council accepted the recommendation of its executive committee Thursday and turned down a request from the Goderich Recreation department for funds. The executive committee heard the request in March and turned it down at that time but council was asked to delay final decision on the matter until a more complete presentation could be made by the Goderich rec department. Goderich reeve Eileen Palmer persuaded council not to make final decision on the request without hearing a presentation . from Jane Netzke, program co- ordinator in the Goderich rec department. Palmer said the mentally han- dicapped people in the program were from Goderich and the surrounding area. She said she did not know exactly how many handicapped were in- volved in the program or how many municipalities were involved but asked that a decision be delayed until that information could be presented. Netzke said Thursday she had met with the development committee and given it the facts and figures on the program. She said the entire cost df the integration, salary and adminnisti.ati"on, amounts to $14,200. She said about 30 mentally handicapped children and 15 adults are in- volved. She said about two thirds of the han- dicapped are from Goderich with the remainder hailing from Saltford, Varna, Clinton, Vanastra, Auburn and townships bordering Goderich. Netzke explained that the program was started in Goderich under a ministry of community and social services grant that paid all costs. That grant expired in 1978. At that time parents and people involved in the integration program joined in an appeal to Goderich town council to keep the program operating and council responded by funding the program for at least one more year. Council's executive committee sympathized with organizers of the integration program but felt that because it was confined to the Goderich area the county could not support it. County clerk Bill Hanly summed up the concerns of the committee when he told council Thursday that recreation was the responsibility of each municipality. Hanly said that if the county got involved in this sort of thing there would he "no end to the requests for funds and the county would be in a difficult position to turn them down". The committee recommended that Goderich reek assistance from its neighbors. It felt that the program should be operated on a user fee basis suggesting that Goderich appeal to the municipalities in which the handicapped people live. Reeve Palmer ap- preciated the fact that the Goderich request was for a program that was confined to one area but reminded council .hat Goderich was the county's largest con- tributor of tax dollars. She told council she was "very disappointed again" that the com- mittee refused the grant. Palmer said the program was very worth- while adding that despite the fact that the county funds would be isolated in the Goderich area she had ''no reluctance whatsoever in asking for a grant from the county". Usborne reeve Bill Morley told council that he felt government had a responsibility to the handicapped people. r