HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-05-03, Page 16PAGE 16--CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 3 , 1979 W central huron chronicle 1 • 1 (Rick Brown, Editor ) secondary school news 4 Sort of Restaurant opens by Paul Newland It is not often thatI see a restaurant opening which attracts so few people over 21.. I am referring, of course, to Rick Brown's latest venture The Inter- national Garage of Pancakes, which first opened its doors, last Friday. The only people over 21 who were there were Mrs. Mary Brown and Sue Brown, who showed up only because they are related to Rick Brown. The menu consisted of pancakes and milk only, but the cooks would make eggs grumblinglyr just hand you a spatula and two eggs and tell you to do it yourself. Of course, the method of serving was a welcome change. The help -yourself serving and the picnic tables set the relaxed atmosphere, a refreshing switch from the hustle -bustle look of the cafeteria. However, it seemed that Mr. Brown had rushed into this a little too quickly, as the dining area lacked one wall. I shouldn't have minded so much if people hadn't kept driving in. The weather was bitter that morning. However, about 20 souls braved the weather for love of pancakes. The chefs, Mademoiseile Dubs of Raglan Street and Rick Brown himself, should be put to death in front of the children. After all, what's worse than cold clammy corn syrup on half-baked pancakes. I would suggest that the cooks use a lighter syrup, perhaps maple syrup next time. I might also suggest that the dreadful duo use thawed milk in their batter. Also they could have turned up the heat a little. I nearly froze my right ear off and the "airy" dining area did not help a bit. When I went into the kitchen to complain to the management, I- couldn't find my way nrollnd for all the smoke. My theory was that Ms. Dubs and Rick took off to South America with all the money, leaving us in smoke, but we soon found them,- good cooks till the end, going down with the hotplate. I was honestly touched b their devotion to duty. However, my stomach also went down with the hotplate. I still feel nauseous. The International Garage of Pancakes was obviously a disaster. The faults, could, I suppose, be rectified with time but for now the LOOP is a definite 'no -no. This restaurant opening was the epitome of poor planning. Junior badminton Our junior badminton team attended the Huron - Perth Badminton tour- nament on April 24. Though no team mem- bers were eligible for WOSSA competition, the team made a 'respectable showing. Phil Cornish, Jeff Sch- midt and Brian Pickard all won matches con- tributing to the team's 11 point final standing. The, team members were: Mary Helen Clynick, girls' singles; Glenda Woods and Peggy Jones, girls' doubles; Marianne Me'izies and Bruce Hunking, mixed doubles; Jeff Schmidt and Brian Pickard, boys' doubles; Phil Cornish, boys' singles. Frank Snell and Johnathan Baker were spares. The team wishes to thank Mr. Jankowski for his work over the season. Big Brother's report Allo! Jolly good show this week. Keep up the good work. Seems Mr. P., on his 'way to becoming a big recording star, was last seen Tip -toeing Through the Tulips for his Math -450 class last Thursday. In an attempt to keep up with the President, the Treasurer of a certain school's student council was last seen arriving at in fine style in her flashy red Camaro. Sou that's why the student's council, doesn't have any money, 'eh S? P.N. received a subtle hint on Monday when he entered Mr. R.S.'s English class and discovered his desk had mysteriously disap- peared. Undaunted, P.N. spent the class seated on the floor. (Where he belongs I might add). Hey did anyone notice. J.A.'s spiffy new glasses on Monday? Those six- shooters can really blow your mind and everyone had to try them on,. even the teachers. Say was that you behind those Foster Grant's Mrs. J? Seems D.D. is bubbling with knowledge in Biology 550. His latest advice is to drink beer during pregnancy to cure the incurable. I might add that Dr. D. is known for following his own advice. Pip, pip and cheerio! It's your turn fellows O.K. fellows, this is it! If rou refuse to plead your case, I will. You, yes you, are being co e; nously exploited and dis`"riminated against. Believe it! For centuries you have been made use of by women. You are forever opening doors, closing doors, removing your hat, giving up your seat, helping a lady into the car, helping a lady out of the car, pulling her,chair out for her, helping put her jacket on, paying for her meals and generally doing all types of gen- tlemanly things for her. Now you cannot even get a job without having to take orders from a female boss. You are really feeling bad and irritated about that, aren't you? You feel you deserve a break sometimes, don't you? And the subsequent result is mockery of women liberators, right? Women are taking all the pleasures and privileges of life from you, right? You are being constantly being taken advantage of, right? And it's not the fact that liberated women have disrupted the rules and regulations of the past few centuries, but that you wanted to do it, right? Right! So you see, it isn't contempt or disgust you are feeling, it is the jealousy and wounded pride that is gnawing at you. You wanted to think of this great idea your- self. You wanted to be the ones to improve the traditional roles of males and females. I tell you guys, I truly sympathize with you. If the roles had been reversed, if the male half of the population had taken the first step to people's liberation, women would probably have been just as afraid and reacted in the same way. The solution, then, is for you to pick yourselves up, reevaluate your thinking and begin the second half of the R•e•o•ple's liberation movement. Don't be pessimistic, there is a cure for everything and I have perfect faith in you. -by K.M. a women's libber. P.S. Grapefruit juice cures cancer. CHSS this week On May 3 CHSS will hold Tribal Day. Many students will take part in activities such as eating contests, arm wrestling, watermelon hunt, clothes relays, and many more events. School will be cut short on that day so that students may participate in the events that af- ternoon. Points will be awarded to the various tribes for the winners. +++ On Thursday, April 19, many Spanish students went to Viva Zapata restaurant in Toronto to sample some of the Spanish cuisine. Mrs. Garrett, a language teacher at, CHSS organized the trip and another t► Ip by French students to Waterloo is also planned for the end of May. + ++ Finian's Rainbow the musical that will be presented by the CHSS Drama Club, begins next week. Sets, costumes and rehearsals are finishing at a hectic pace. Show dates are May 10, 11 and 12. Plan to be there. + ++ The, Ontario High School Mozaic, the .newspaper produced at the "Press" conference will be on sale on Mon- day, May 7. The paper will be sold at the school for 25 cents. The Mozaic is a 20 page tabloid Best Interest * % 1 0SEMI-ANNUAL OR QUARTERLY We represent many Trust Companies. We are often able to arrange for the highest interest being offered on Guaranteed Investment Certificates. `Subject to change Ga ise r-Kneale Insurance Agency Inc. EXETER GRAND BEND CLINTON 235-2420 238-8484 4824747 • Typewriters are now obsolete for the editorial of- fice at the Clinton News -Record. Editor Jim Fit- zgerald attempts ,to work the new machines that will replace typewriters. The Mini Disc Terminal is a computerized form of typewriterr which gets copy to the page in•half the time that the gild typewriters did. (News -Record photo) Time to countdown the days Guess what? There are only 26 days of school left for those who are lucky enough to get out of the final set of exams. We're on the last lap of the school year and the finish line is just ahead. Most of us can't wait till we reach it! Why is it that just about this time of year everyone begins to count the weeks, the days and the hours till school is out? By the time May rolls around, most students are getting thoroughly fed up with school. Eight months sure makes a big difference. Ip September, the majority of the student body was en- thusiastic about school or at least pretended to be. By about November or December this en- thusiasm had dwindled when the students realized they might have to do a bit of work. After two trying sets of exams and a lot of work (or even a little) most students feel it is their privilege to have a bit of a break. Of -course, they still come to school; they merely begin to slack off. How many times have you heard someone vehemently declare, "I hate school"? Actually, this doesn't really make sense. Why the strong emotional oui:tburst over a big concrete building?' The school itself hasn't done anything — it's merely there so that students can learn. When you think about it, it's not school that gets you down but some specific aspect of school life: teachers, homeowrk, tests... Your life at school is only what you make it. If you don't become in- volved in clubs and ac- tivities, then school can be a real drag. Par- ticipating in clubs and events gives you a sense of belonging and a sense of pride in your school. School doesn't have to be all books and homework; it can be fun too. If you look around, you can see students who are bogged down with homework, tests and assignments. and they feel that that's all there is to school. Then you see other students who are having a fantastic time at school even though they, too, have piles of homework. Wh�lt'� th, 17r',,,,ncr') One group of students has a balance in their school life 'while the other group doesn't. If there isn't a certain balance between "work and play" in a person's life, often that person becomes a ner- vous wreck. If you're not involved in school ac- tivities, you're missing out on the hest part of school life! Since there are only about five weeks of school left, why not make the most of them. Get in- volved and develop some school spirit. You'll find that the weeks and days fly by. Perhaps,hy then, you'll wish that they wouldn't have flown so quickly! Just ask Dear Annie! Dear Annie: My problem is that I'm, too big busted. My but - ;tons seem to pop open whenever I .walk by the guys in the halls. It's very embarrassing especially when they stare at me wide-eyed. Naturally I don't mind them looking at m.yio'eautifu,l chest, but not when it's exposed to the air. I hate wearing turtlenecks and have a lot of beautiful blouses which my mom makes. me wear even when; I te11 her what happens at school. What should I do? -signed, Busting Loose. Dear Busting: Well, you could try wearing blouses that are more capable of con- taining your charm. Get some blouses that aren't as tight, or change your style of dressing somehow. Change the buttons to larger ,ones that don't slip through as easily, or make the buttonhole smaller. If nothing works, you can take. consolation from the fact that you relieve the monotony of those boys' lives whenever you pass them. r . Dear Annie: What should I do if I'm always late for class and forgetting my books at home and I'm never on time for anything. -Name Edited. Dear N.E.: Try using a watch if you have one, or check the time more often if you don't have one. Make sure you . haven't forgotten anything when you're going somewhere, but don't take too long checking or you'll be late again. Just keep an eye on yourself. Dear Andy: I would like to tell you that men are superior to women, physically, mentally and any other way you can think of. Men dominate the political and social world. They have led everything except Women's Lib and Chatelaine magazines. Men dominate the music For a World Of Furniture Values FREE DELIVERY ON MAJOR ITEMS BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE Ce.41,7,,, FURNITURE 141‘,- CID WORLD GODERICH In The Suncoast Mall Highway 21 South Hair ‘CA M _,..._, , , . ,_ E 0 sttili\ng ,„,,,,:,,., 4. , . SUNCOAST MALL GODERICH 524-8515 MAY SPECIAL SHAMPOO & SET & HAIR CUT REG. 90.00 ONLY $7.00 SHAMPOO & SET . . , STYLE CUT & BLOW DRY STREAKS complete with SET CHILDREN'S CUTS PERMS complete $4.50~ 58.00 $18.00 FROM $4.00 FROM 98.00 HOURS: Mon., Tues., Wed., 9:30-6; Thurs , Fri. 9:30-9; Sat. 9-4 NO APPOINTMENTS NEC SSARY world in every way but opera and ballet. The Bible states that women are the weaker sex.I state the women are the weaker sex.So there. I would like to tell you to get a sex change but I'm sure you are a male anyway. -Pro Women Libber, and Mad Riddler, and Anti - Chauvinist Male. Dear Pro Libber et .: Just what can I'. say? The guy's letter shows he needs- more help than from an advice column. Smile Whoever said the art of conversation is dead never stood outside a phone booth waiting for someone to finish talking. err or badminton Back on April 19, our senior badminton team competed at Huron -Perth held in Listowel. Our girls' doubles team, Dawn Eady and Shannon Cook played well but couldn't manage a win and lost both of their best of three matches in two straight.' Mike Thomson and Wendy Welsh competed in the mixed doubles division but lost both their matches in a total of five games. In boys' doubles, Wayne and! Roy Maclsaac won one match, but lost two other close matches. Claude Dow played well and placed seventh in boys' singles. Playing well enough to place fifth in girls' singles was Jill Clynick. The team would at this point like to thank Mr. Clynick for the many hours of work he put into this year's team. HOT POINT, GENERAL ELECTRIC, WHITE WESTINGHOUSE MOBILE AND BUILT-IN DISHWASHERS OVER 30 MODELS ON DISPLAY - MOST COLOURS. SPECIAL PRICES FOR MOTHER'S DAY `. BUIL!-IN MOBILE • MODELS MODELS FROM (CONVERTABLE) FROM $26995 369'9b DRYSDALE MAJOR APPLIANCE CENTRE LTD. "The Place To Buy Appliances" HENSALL, ONTARIO Closed Mondays ' .162-1718 Meet Graeme Craig Liberal Candidate In Huron -Bruce and Hon. Eugene Whelan Minister of Agriculture TUESDA Y, MAY 8th 8:00 A.M. CLINTON COMMUNITY CENTRE Breakfast with Eugene and Graeme 10:00 A.M. LUoKNOW LEGION HALL Coffee with Eugene and Graeme 12:30 P.M. BELMORE COMMUNITY CENTRE Lunch - $3.00 per person With Eugene and Graeme For Information, Problems, or If You Wish to Work - Phone Walton 887-6886, Exeter 235-2788, Clinton 482-7801, Seaforth 527-0607, Goderich 524-2161, Wingham 357-1560 Published by The Official Agent for Graeme Craig, Walton, Ontario.