HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-11-10, Page 1r,1
A Grand Offer.
FOR $1.80
We will Send the TIMES and ay
City 'Weekly from new witil
T DICKSON , l3arrister,
1 A. 13 1 C'f Supremo Court,Notary Public
1ou reyancez. C•nninisciont.r. &c . Money to
Dow u.
Odic 'sin Femsen's Block, Exeter,
ii-nk H. COLLIN S , t-
. 1
• 1 • •
iarrister, Wicitor, Conveya,ncer, Etc.,
# ,
hxETER, . ONT.
OffIceqamwell'sBlock Ball sold °Sloe.) 2
.LX..A Rnaotrit W. FORD, 4
SolieitOr in the Supreme Court of OM aria, 7
Conveyancer, OommissiOneri C. &O. Speoial E
attention given to the collection of claims in
the United. States, Patents proeured, money
to loan at lowest rates. Odic° : Opera 'House
Block, St, Marys, Ont.
11.4 ,
s Notaries
Banisters, Solicitor,
Conveyancers &c,, &-.
E, -Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of
B. V.'ULLIOT. • . J*. umaoT.
_1__J_. .,....,...T,
OFFICE: 01,10' 07.1rEILIS Bank
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
W .
s'Cri't G -111,z,* niEauxxs.x.
the 113yal College ot
Graduate of
Dental Surgeons Of Ontario. Hay
1111111Iiiiiiii ruginrnittlied fine Dental Booms
on MAIN -ST., next deer to Treble's Harness
8hop,13.xoter, whore' am prepared to porfortn
all bra.holies ot the Dentalprofession with ease
&skill- 771:marM=4..A.132., •v-.A...m.oxr.,
need in extracting teeth. Charges, Moderate;
Terinti, Cash.
SentWelIN Block, Man-st, Exeter,
Extracts Teeth without patn,
- by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold,
INVIIINilealibt SLI.)llospstare. dental
1.'-ir t t•iiic ' GO ZITUTOIE onlast Thursday in
each month.
ri 4, LU'rZ , D. ,M.,
kJ • Offieettt hlsresidence Exeter. .
JW. BROWNINO ,111. D M. 0
• R., 8dttafteVietcrriatKiveraity.011ice
audiresidence,Dominfonpahors.toz v. Exeter
I)R. HYNDMAN, 'coroner for the
eoutty of Huron. Office, opposite Mr.
I:. Car It'fi store, Exeter.
Dit. X. A.ROLLINS, M.O. P.8
o'. 011106, Main St:Exeter,Out.Residen
ee housereeently ooeupied by 1'. McPhillips,
---:-, , --
TIENI-CY EILBER, Licensed Au°.
tioneer for Hay, Stephen, and. McGilli-
fray:Townships . Sales cenducted atmoderate
:ates. Ofhlae-At Post-ofti_ee,Crediton, Ont. '
JOHN GILL Auctioneer for the
Townships of Stephen, Hay and "(reborn°
and the Village of Exeter. All sales promntly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at yids ogle°.
85 nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario
Vetermar3 College, Toron-
to, have ' nu office for
the treat wAent o f all
Domestic nil]] alai on
M.instreet ..T.I
,......„„__ xeter. Calls
from a di s ......,. ---,-4;:z---'--- twice prompt'y
attended to:- Medicine for.Elorses Cattle,dm
always on bend:" '
per cent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best
Loaning Companies represented.
Flstablished in 1863.
This comi.any' has, been over Eighteen
yeas le Auccesaful operation in Western On-
tario,anclsontinues to insure againstloss or
dage by Vire,Builclings,IVIercudi
uf a lee ,an cl all o trier description ft o fl instil -
able p operty. Entendibb insurers nave the
s,.., option f insuring on the Premium trete or
„During the past ten yoars tkis Company
- ' las issued 57,000 l'olicien. covering property
to the amount of $40,872,088 ; and paid in less -
es alone$709,752,00
AssetS, 413176,100.00, consisting of Cash
n .1$ a Ulf , Government Deposit,au <1 the urines -
eased l'remittni Notes on hand and in force, 3,
W WAricimM D. Presiclet t. 0. M. TATnon,
Secretary. J. B. Ituante,s,Inspector, CHAS.
SNELL Agentfor Exeter and vicinity.
. .
Barber, Shop,
A. Hastings, Prop
Shaving end Hair gutting M the hitest styles
of the art.
Every attention paid to cutting ,
Ladies dna Children's
ciORN W1.111.% ist% SONS
Piihlishereand „Proprletors
Brick and Tile. (
Wielt,to eall the speciai attention of the
floors and others requiring tile, th ttt Mr.
eo. Moat z; of 'Lot It, Con. 5, Stephen, Croditou
, 0.. has on band a very large quantity of .;
At the Following Prices :
Inch Tile: „„ $ 0,00 per m,
11,00 .`
18,00 "
85,t0 "
40.00 •
If necessary, limited credit will be given.
Oreclito'n, Sept.11, 87. GE), MOATZ.
oupe's Store,
1,c!,T1.7.K.TON. •
E AITY DRESS GOODS (new shades) 100
NICE TEA SETT (44 Pieces) $2.25
EST LARDINE OIL, - . 62c. gal
PM Fine Tea, for - $1.00
8 -Plugs Chewing Tobacco - 25c.
It will play you to drive ten
wiles to buy from 11S.
Highest:Trice for Bucter and
OXFORD .Ss IEVGiLatt$Q0:1Vit
SHOOTING MATCH.-'t'he Annual pigeon
shooting match will be held at the hotel
here ou Thanksgiving day, Thursoiley,
Nov. 17, 1887, Sides will be chosen and
ten birds each shot at, losing side to
pay for the supper. For particulars see
posters. • 4
Barees.--The "patent" fence seems
to be still thepopnlar fence, as a very
large A
ount s being built this fall, -
Frank IVIelson has returned home after
revery successful seeson of chtteee mak-
ing at Palmerston. -Mr. Philip Brooks
held a shooting match en Saturday, 5th.
orNovernber. There were thirty tur-
keys shot off. Some verranoy shooting
was done. -Mr. J. flopkin,` on the -day
of his sale, had a very elegant and val-
uable sett ot harness stolen from his
stable .by some sneak thief. It is sup,
posed that he vvas there under the cloak
ofbeing a bicidere-Air. P. Brooks had
the mestortune to lose one of hie best
cows, and one which he had recently
purchased, in a very extraordinary way.
'the cows were alt stancling in a lane,
when' one ot the other cows rushed at
her and ran its horn into her breast,
completely severing the main vein, so
that the cow bled to death immediately.
RillRoad to Pugwach Julien] N.tmls
ancl„;•Pugwash Stmet'n to Pagwasiv......
arcl.Pu gw ash. Jnii • to !Wallace lta t iO
4tlr,;01a1tune Steno n to . . 17 mls
;renders for Grading, Bridge and,Culvert,
Meeting; Fencing,
Qoaled Tenders, 5dd4ssed to the undersign-
ed and endorsed "ender for Oxford
mid New Glasgow ltailway;"willbe received at
tuis office up to noon oni,,ridav, the 181h day
00 November, 3887.1or the grading, liridge and
culvert masonry, fencing.„&u,
Plans and proillf•s will be open for inspea-
Mon at the office of the chief Engineer of Gov-
ernment Railways at C ttawa-,. and. also at. the
canoe of the Oxford it New Glasgow Railway,
af Wallace, Cumberland County, NOW. Scotia,
an ancritfter thelash of November, 1887; where
general- aneafication and form of tender May
be obtained upon application.
NO tender will bo entertained unless on One
of the printed forms, and all conditions 'are
complied with.
By order .
Department of 'Railways and Canals
Ottawa. 20th October,.3887. '
tendanee at the Methodist S. S. on Sun-
, e tilsraoynmolwaos tpli,
r. etmhpeit,r1tiinoogu.4,f•30101; vpaii.igrag.braenea(?th 0. hjsuacnbi!oi ee,c, I.
entertainment and Christnias sleighride,
to be held on Friday evening, Decem.
ber 23rd. -On Saturday night last while
holding Mr. Wm. Arney's horse, which
• i
A most daring robbery was committed
at Thorndale Sunday in broad daylight.
Two well-dressed strangers were noticed
around the village, but no particular at-
tention was paid to them. Mr. Salmon,
postmaster and proprietor of a general
store here, attended church as usual, and
on his return tound that during his ab-
sence entrance had been effected to the
store, his safe broken open, and $160 in
stamps and money and a promiisory note
of considerable valuetaken. PilreSalmon
at once .gave the alartn,and the villagers
turned out en masse. They.started in
wagon loads of eight and ten all armed.
A man on his Way' to the Grove Sunday
School reported seeing tivo men in a
fence corner 'Counting money a short
time before the arrivntof the first seerch-
ing partv'ond consequently the, rlIfe ts4
rallied round there. It was hefievIed.
the robbers had tatzen refuge in Trebel -
cock's swamp:, and the- abet:oilers weee" 'ter- Fri)" is inadecloate.to'exPve".15uPti
looking in vain. and act, which, no doubt, could be more
lerilliantly described it the poetic genius
Itirkton: of the individuatin'qneetion were called
into play.
Seigeen, principal of the
Clandeboye public school, has been oh -
liged to diSenntinue teaching for a few
months on account of a SeVere illness
from typhoid fever. Mr. Smith, of Ade-
laide, has tilled the vacancy. -Miss
Blackwell, teacher in S. S. No. 4, McGil-
livray, has beerere-engagett as teacher
there for 1888. -Miss Amanda el odgins,
of Olandeboye, has secured the position
of teacher in Barbour's school for 1388.
-The boys were very quiet around here
Holloween, a few gun shots had the ef-
fect of perceptibly quieting, their jeve.
nile nerves.. -The apple crop has been a
very good one around here this year,
though not equal to last year. Some of
the farmers complain of their apples
being wormy. -Mr. (Silbert Carter, for-
merly of Clandeboye, has taken up his
abode in (lrantor), where he intends buy-
ing grain. -Two of our stalwart ci tizena
intend going up north on a bear hunt,
in a few weeks, so you lads in the bear
skin coats beware. -Mr. if. McFadden
has rented a house on Main-st., and we
expect that he will soon take to himself
a better half. ,
A MEAN Acv. -The climax of nine-
teenth century meanness has perhaps
been crowned by a man ostensibly re-
spectable, but Whose real character may
be judged by his late conduct. A short
time previous to his death a highly re-
spebted organ dealer, of Lucian, sold an
organ worth $100, for which the pur-
chaser agreed to give $70 cash, and a
colt, very valuable, no doubt, but which
the ovsner could not otherwise dispose
of, as it had a disease that rendered it
worthless. This, however, was hidden
from the organ dealer, and after his
death, his wife assuming her husband's
business relations, found that .the colt
would be worth very little to her, as she
had nu use for it, and no piece to keep
it,. She accordingly agreed to give up
her claire to the noble animal foriFifteen
dollars, but the gentleman (l) in ques-
tion positively refused to allow her any-
thing for the colt. So resolved was he
PURSONAL.-We are glad to see Miss
Towle back to town agam.--Mr. Li.
Grant, of Seaforth, paid us a flying visit
on Monday. Dave is a jolly good fellow
and although we were sorry to lose him,
vve are glad to hear he is doing well in
his new:departure.-Mr. jos. Anderson,
who has been working in Woodstock, is
at present with his brother, being tun
able to work, having a felon on either
hand. Joe has had hard luck this last
summer but Ive wish him better m the
Bit -rem -The shooting match heel by
Waiter Clarke, on Friday last, was not
very well attended, but we are glad to
hear that all the poultry was disposed
of. In the eveuing the lovers of a
swing had their desires gratified by a
quiet dance, which was carried out in a
very creditable manner. -Business men
complain of dull times, and are praying
for a good storm. If the weather keeps
as fine as it has been, it will be very de.
presfeng on bueiness,
FOUND. -Mr. M. Maloney, of Shipka,
who lost a vvallet contatning about One
Hundred Dollars, on Tuesday of last
week, between Crediton and Shipka,
has reeoverecl his property, the finder
being an old man over eighty years of
age. The old gentleman was very hon-
est and he reported at once and had the
money ref'undel as soon as the wallet
was identified. Mr. eleloney can con-
sider htmself a lucky man, as in this
case the old gentleman, who is on a
visit here, might easily have kept all
without any one suspecting it. We
are glad to hear that he was yery suita-
bly rewarded.
Usborne Council.
flottucil niet Saturday. Nov. 5th. All the
members present. Minutes of the previous
meeting reatl and signed.
Moved by JO Hulls, seconded by W. Kydd,
that this Connell appoint Mr. James Tufts
Sanitary Inspector for the Township in the
place of Mr, Robt. Kydd, resigned. -Carried.
Moved by T. Cameron, see by J. Sbier
that he brought the colt anti tied it in tht T. Brimmacombe receive e4, for the'
front of her door, where it subsisted 013 keep of A.. Oarmichael also J. Armstrong,
oxygen for a considerable time, until 81.25, and A. Cole $1.6'0, for keep of T. Ben -
some humane person had a werrant nete-Oarried.
stiorn out for the owner's arrest, That Moved hy W. Kydd, seo. by T. Halls, that
he was brotight to justice may be inferr- Ephraim Hewitt be paid the sum of 88.75,
ed fr4pn th'is fact that the colt at present for extra work on &table bridge,--Oarried.
Moved by W. Kydd. sec. by Skier that
revels' ih the luxurious herbage provid-
ordere.beAssned for the following amounts.,
ed by the liberality of his generous mes-
viiee4ite` titeeer-Falleettem e5.50 -.T.`1111qt;
$2.50 1"4. Weir. *7.00; S. Strinlake,
818.56 ; E. Hewitt, $178.75 ; El. 'Hewitt,
e9.50 ; E. Hewitt, $15.75; T. Russell $1.53;
W. Reiman. 81:25; Chas. Perkins, $2-00 ;
D. Moir, 13,3.75 ; Alfred Hankin, $10.00 ; G.
Kerslake, 88.UO ; J. Stewart, $10.00 ;
Robertson, $10'00 ; Fletcher, 81000 ;
R. Gardner, jr.. 810,00; Henry Francis, $20;
J. P. Cameron, $5 ; W. Drew. 830,4,00e M.
Senwell, 813.00; S. R. Horn, 821.00 ; .f.
Hewitt, 82. ; Gilfillaen $5•00; 1)uncan,
621.00 ; Jas. tearSner, jr., 87.90 ; Charles
Perkins. jr., $2,00 •, J.Delbridge, $10.15 ; G.-
Hnrrri,1527.00 ; Geo. Heywood, 81.00; L.
Hupter, 810.00 ; Andrew Hunkin, e1.50 ; J.
BRIEFE. -Special services are still in
progress in the Methodist churc 3. -Mr.
Smallacombe and family removed from
town on Saturday last. One of the small
boys won't forget the time of departure
for a week or two.- .21r. J. McCurdy has
purchased Mrs. Stratton's farm con-
taining 44acres. Mrs.S. intends moving
to Toronto in the spring where she has
been lett considerable property by the
death ot a relative. -'rhe turnip crop is
gathered in, the weather having been
excellent, in tact much better than the
turnips. A good title was exceptional.
-Mr. Joseph Stephens is the next t�
try his fortune in the Kirkton hotel. -
There evas a mat ked increase in the at.
And offering crar eneire stock et it
As our stock is
All New Well Atsoited
-t1 6
This is a rare chance
To Se.nure your 11'11.11--
-crz Winter Goods.
1M1 torco w
had ettempted to get away from ts
driver, and succeeded in upsetting the
buggy, Miss E. J. Klett, who bad come
tto the rescue, had both her halide bauly
torn on a barb wire fence.
IIBIEFs,-QUite !inn) her of our citi-
zens attended the ball at Khiva last
Friday night. They report it a success.
---The landlord of the Cominercial in-
tends holding a shooting nintch on
Thanksgiving Day, and a (Jamie at night.
-Some ot the citizens are grumbling at
the tricks tbe boys pet•lormed on Hid-
lowe'en, but it is hoped they will USIA
no steong ineasUres, but quietly think
of the time when they were boys.--Kel-
lerrnan Bros, moved into their new stote
last week. -Mr. John Freid is honie
ventieg his inother and friends. He
looks hale and hearty,- Messrs. Fenn
and Erwin were visiting friends in Port
Blake and vicinity, last Sun lay.-- Our
hunters were out last Saturday, htt did
OF CAN ADA. not get any deer.--Olis David flartleib
has stetted to lentil the wheel•right
b. May 110 b
The Itoyn,l PaSF.ellgal* and ereight
Bente between Canada, and C+1.0at and
direct route between the West ell points
on the Lower St. Lawrence and Bide los Cha'
lour, a iso
New Brunsvfick, Nova, Scotia,
P. E. Island Cape Breton,
, and Jamaica.
New and elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping
ncl Day Cars rah on through Express trMn s,
1?assotiger0 for Great. Dri;Tin or 4110 Oonti
tio'nt by leaving 'reroute at 8.50 a.. 01. Thrws.
clay will join out,..v0rd mail steamer Hali.
fax a. m. Saturday.
SuperiorElevator Waveli ens() owl Dock 310'commodation tit Halifax for ell iptn ant of grain
and general merchandise.
You 131 of experience nerve 110'. 33(1 the 1N TF,11.
UOLONIA eon ecti wit)) steamship
Hnes to ((3313from flondon, 1..;verpool and
Glasgow to Halifax. to he the quickest t roight
route between Ca dada, 0 ea ereatnritain,
Inforinetion t,0 Passenger and Yroiglit
rates 00,0 be 'ALIA Ott appli.mtiun
itOP, lean: n )o ,
we -tern 10 re I,,ht noise:lent Aeent I
essie llf111iio Block York et. Toro hile
Cief Su peritendo
Iwn y 0 , to N.1.1 N ovin th, lot..'
usini ss. ay ie i
et ce,essSul Mr. .
Philip Platt is home train Michigan vis-
iting les lather aml other relations, Ile
likes the country well, end intends
going Inicic shortly. -Mr. D 1-lang has
gone to the States to see the country
and il it suits him he intends to stay. -
A meeting of the Li terary Society will
be held on Friclny next, for the purpose
of electing officers for the ensuing 20.:1
on,-lt is our sad duty to chronicle Ow
death or Mr, 14Vm. Grrny, who lived About
livvo tniles and it hell from bete. 11 e has
been troubled for ehotit n year with :10
internal cencor. Nothing of any avitil
could lie done for low 0 111 1 31,0 unforth•
nate in 01 itre(1 to L 11 b'riday night,
when tlenlli 0,0310 tt) his relief His
funeral, tvli.ch 10,1k place on Sunday
alternoon, 011.1 0 large one, Rev. Mr.
Ortwein oliiuii me. Olewas buried in
the 111e 13.5 bit, thir'ying grt rand, He
leaves n wife ,11111 fem. little children to
mourn their loss.
.sd Wm. !,1en and j„ Wright, of tl.ti
P.m Vs; in, I ak for California, to
spell 1,13 3)113133.
Bilmys.-Rev. Father Keeley, of the
French Settlement, left for Syracuse, N
Y., the otherday, to visit friends. -Sev-
eral deerihnvet been shot in the swamp
a short distance East of this place thite
SERMON. -The Rev. My- Fear, (1VIetho Beea, 56.80 ; J. Beer, 82.90; Abray ct 104 -
dist) of Hensall, gave the English corn. welds. 836.80; T. Veal, $2.25 ; Jas., Tufts,
munity of this place a very nice sermon
on Tuesday evg. last, A number of the
German people were also in attendance.
The audience was rood, so was the Rev.
Gentleman's discourse, and all who
heard it were pleased with it. Rev, Mr.'
Beker kindly allowed the use of his
church, (Baptist,) and has also given
his consent for English worship every
l'uesday evening. As Mr Fear has to
drive the dletence of six miles to gratify
so holy FL desire, his services ought to he
gratefully received.
THE GritEEN SIUFF.--The following let-
ter which haS been received by several
eiroininent men not 100 miles from here,
and is without a doubt a kin to the
"sawdust"' game whi ill was published
in youi- valuable paper last week. The
letters in question received by the diff-
erent parties are, word for word the
same, but. all have different signatures -
We give it as a tan simile: -Deer: SIR. -
Your name anti address- was given me
by mv confidential agent. who 85111 he
thought you were a man in position to
handle my geode in safety, so I conduct- Welcome," the property of Mr. Geot ge
ed to write to you, if I have made a Whitetey., of Seaforth, died on Frielay nglib
mistake 410 me no harm and let matters 1lest of iuthltutnation. Hewes an exceilent
$50.00; T. Heywood, 810.50; T. Brimma-
combe, $4 00 ; J. Amstrong, 01.25; A. Cole,
On 'motion, the Couucil adjonined, to meet
again the first Saturday iu December. at 11
o'clock, a.tn. G. W. Holman, Clerk.
The Niolsons Bank
,,C RA it TtquE O BY P.k. 18:55)
Paid up Oapital „. S2,000,000
Itest Ruud ,., 875,000
OfferS the Public 4 0EN1', IN-i'EBEST
fo a ,ANN0010orifloiipy op
Per Money, in
Savings Bank Dep'na't
(Lately Re-gponed.)
For further particulars apply at The Batik
Main Street, Exeter,
10 a, tn. vo Sp, Satiirdays,10 a, in. to 1
Exeter, Oat, 25, '87. ganago:
To the Editor of the _Exeter Times.
MtAu Sm.- Allow es a small space in your
paper to contradict some statements made
by a firm doing business in Exeter, who bave
for several months past, been circulating pos-
ters and cards, with a view of doing onr busi-
ness an injury. They seem to make a terrible
ado about our Undertakers' A.ssc.eiation.
Well e are rirond to say we are members of
it, and aq our Secretary explained- iu a for-
mer iesue of your paper, it is for purely eau-
cational purposes ; and we might also add,
to promote deceney among ite members, as
for inetatice wePdo not ellow 'ourselves to so-
licit orders for funerals either before or after
death, considering it a most insulting and
contemptible praettee, and as the public well
know, it has been greatly resorted to In this
neighborhood, They accuse us of being
bound to a price list. This we emphatically
deny. No price list has or ever will be adopt-
ed by our Assoeiation--each member fixes
his own prices. Now with regard to "boy-
cotting,' It is customary in every branch
of trade to have certain lines of goods menu -
lectured for their exclusive use ; this is per-
fectly legitiinate and is not boycotting any
one, Our association does nothing reore
than this with the Manufacturers' Association
who offer us this privilege, saying that they
prefer selling only to undertakers of known
reputation and our Secretary has only to fur.
nish them with a list of our tneeibers, and
if you refer to the letters of Semmens Bros.,
which we are not sorry they have published,
you will see that they only substantiate the
facts above mentioned and nothing more.
We aro also at liberty to get goods anywhere
rise if we wish, but if wite the above privi-
leges, we can buy cheaper, and obtain goods
of asuperier quality, our patrons do not suffer
by it brit will ieceive the benifit of it. They
speak of ne"war of extermination" and also
threateo to "figut our A.sseciatien. "We only
say, let thorn fight and wehavenotinng either
to be afraid or to feel ashamereof, ape We Win
cheer them on to victory. They Say the only
by-law they will be bound by is to pay "one
hnndred cents on the dollar." V.Te are most
happy to hear it artd.stneerely trope thateverY
'body else will feel asjoyous over it AS we do.
We think this is the only seesible clause In
their carespondence, as by so doing they will
havemo trouble in getting all the goods they
want; it is a rule we adopted years ego. Ref-
erence has been madeto our "cast iron by-
laws." ; In reply to this we invite otie,and all
to call en 08 awl read these by-laws for theta
selyes, Paling assured as we do that the lalorP
the publid knows alerat the truth of our Ass -
°elation the better they will agree with it.
Our Sedretary says they wererefneed admiss-
ion to our Association; they say they never
applied. They have also said that we tried to
*wee ehem into a "Ring" to keep up priees.
NOW if Mr. Hoyle can -utter a bigger felsehood
Mr. John Beatty, who has taught success.
frilly during the past four. years in School
Seption No. 2, Usborne, takes eharge of the
Lnuilev school after Christmas.
Mr. Thomas G, Shflhinglaw, teacher In
School' Section No. 7, Hibbert. lost dais only
plaid, a bright little boy of about two years
of age, from diphtheria, on Thursday of last
The Rev. A. M. Phillps, .Af. A., B. D., of
St. Mary's, hes riecenved a unanimous invita-
tion from a Tull board of St. PatiPs Methodist
chinch, Toronto. to betheir pastor for the
coming year. '
Mr. George Cond., Logan, has ' sold his
farm to Mr. Adam 'Wylie, ,of Downie. and.
Mr. Goo. Johuson, Fullerton, has sold his
fifty: items to Mr. Jos. Jackson, of the same
township. Both gentlemen and their famil-
ies go 6 Manitoba.
Ilia welt -known imported stallion, "Old
drop. my, motto is, „never bee, a, y fall tn al , and lets left behind Min niany very
e himsaff a ; r 0, superior oolts. of God
rn'llrice, writes to
e ..
tinn71•'h'..o 1 1%19 Wybiltne
lilinsgt:s 1,prose
0°1 exact'Y le- the Sigipil snying that in the event' of a 11(2(0
M. M. Cameron. e
gitimate but the "Green erticle" I deal )leetion, Ito will not accept the nomination,
in is sale and profitable to handle. ,The private and prefessiOnal duties malting it
sizes are Is :Is, 5s, 10s, do you under- inipos,,ible for him' to devote any linie to
stand e? .1 cannot. he plain until I know political matters.
you- mean busineett ; but 01 you coholude Mr..101111 Cash, of SfeRinep, was tried at
to answer this letter I Will 'semi you full Crt (lerieb on Morelay on the charge of having
particulars anti iterms,r anti I Will 'en- ci.,itat,,1il
iie(uo;.nntdi)) aci )
deavor to satisfy You on every' point,tt
that' if you ere my friend, 1 will yroove
a 1'110 and lasting°"°t°001.hemem.b:i100,ideueet);:8tait,t,e)t,4,.
01) Wed:readily evenin f 1 es• I. the
eoidenee et Mr. John Btewert, Gleugunich,
g t u ,
tier, 1 :wain simply to cony Mee you that
I n nijust I say, a blend to 0,414 esnif,otably fined by 1.bitives
If you conclude so answer this ba sure
neighbors, invited to witues the marriaee of
to sena inc your name and achieesto as lee eldest dieighter, mi48 xstnov stemmt. 10
lose:il leo700e lli°vIavet7I;)remrj°1n'linftti'l8Ctof[Hi)bZt.nel%leiiititgfrol3utaI ili'/:tnenmt Se010.1elOtrty;erf)rueelteeeteonotiy.
know where to write. Trustang you e ;toe eneeeter of iNir. jolm Mni.phy, of
Wil I telt. no olfenee I (1n) the above,
he foot coining hum sehool one day last
1,,y,,,. w.,,,,,,e10.,11, 1310)110 0) yea! B of age. hurt
. 1 11111 YCIIII 6 I "Le:c;7:11iiiydv,e1117°' 0013,11g. Nothing serious Wn.; thought of ' it
CIO Barber, 54 \Vest 52 St , New York,
.U1' 0t" tE1 lO,1111ioe
11 :1:1dte
0 t,
03 published ill liopes that sonieliotly wilt
look before the;y 1€izp. Probelilv it re-
fers to the beneficial cotriniodi loos 1 ro•
1Corninln, ease of uettmlered:11
LIlO) 1(11,1337' 3131113, Coneeello, Johesion (eel
heir, oi fesushard, Nvsre gkom; 0> i,,,,sAftt.y'S
11 4 boggy, \Ohm hi.ii• len nu became friglit-
ened 3,3 1 t tido 11,1 the lin-c crom.ing,,and
ite ills 703, TAW. 13I330i210(1
111)11 I 111 (q1...011141 S VW I Laugh aet
0a111/104 iijulio. 10101;1 dal alai body.
(stem wisa 110 particiihr datungs waS ,lone,
et tlet tinei led she has bise) .50 11111117
111 1)11.5 wolso, 111101 ime dee lad, week leso
iloetors Ione I e neers,s,try t,) amputate the
leg to save the gi.•I's lifs,
Striatopil, Nov. 2 Jannis Hamilton, .7, F,,
ofie of tln. oldest and inti -t respeered resident;
of tIm 1.101o1) dist died hero this morning
14 114 resideinio, agod noartv 72 yeara. 1\1r,
Hamilton ciittii 1 8011170o1I 111 11415, haring
prey iinisti eR I tla tnrkiMill
Flo (\in fa thor of lt. 11010111o0) 71. 1),
it. 11,1111111.on, IV, le, eel:eerie of tee (I.
I,, it, and 1,„33311) lieserve ai, Fort
liev. b. iltterilten, :11. A„ reetoi: of St'
je,„.•plr' Chinch, Detriiit; Rev. T. 13,11130110.
11,'7P, •in,1 'f. uf the
14440 limn 00 l'arl; do Nie,1,1rons, of Ilsiniliont
fotir tlitughtere,
,than this we will not ask any one -to 'believe
.him. It is not custonenry in any society to
propose parties for membership unless they
desire it. However, the following fetter has
been kindly lent us by a eland with liberty to
publish :
Office of the See. of Undertakers' Associatirarioof
on ...
Cannington, Oct. 12,1887,
Yourfevor of the nith inst.teceived and con-
tents noted. I well understand the position you
occupy with such unserupulous parties. You
did uot fully explain if you want me to write 5.
letter on your behalf for publication in your
press or simply to use it in your office to show
your customers. Let me, know by return mail
and I will doFO in either ca,e you select. In re-'
ference to their wishing to juin us, the facitS are
as follows, viz: Mr. Drew, befsre handing over
his business to them, sent an application, as an
old Undertaker, -with 85 fee, and we rejected hint
because he simply Nvished to use us -to transfer •
his card to Messrs.. Rowe Ji Andrews. On their
beingrefused they published the letter of Messrs
Semmens &Co., on a large pest er, refusing to
supply them until they became members of tkte
Association. At our Executive meeting 10
Toronto on the 14th of last September our ex -
President Mr. J. „Ferguson brought their names
forward strbting that they had called en him. at-,
London and were anxious to ioin- I strongly
()Welted to there on , the grounds that no gentle-
men would be guilty of such conduct as the
Publication of such business letters as the firm of
Semmens had addressecl to them. Write
Ferguson and obtain more explicit information'.
from him abent these parties. As to boycotts
either "ironclad" or ' 'sugar king" of course is all
buncombe:fully charecteristie of the mon who
use Ian nage ut VarialICO with truthand alto-
getheriregardless of its 'intrinsic value from a
business standpoint. Give than follows "enough
rope"aud like their species thoworld over they
will "hang themselves." You are at liberty to
use this letter in any shape or form you desire.
'remain, yours fr,wat.eliyaHlloyv.
These parties admit that our Assotilatiou
has done them no harm. then it is quite evi-
dent that they are only using, it as n handle
to gain nh1,e syinprdhy for the express pur-
pose of iejrtrilla their local opponents. When
vouog beiri inexperienced parties emeark in
in busraegs. If they haw. nothing lame to
reerumnenn elm lint to abuse and try to de-
fnene thotio who are already established, it
woula aimeas that they are only conscious of
standing Metier in their own ceneeit than in
the estimation of the public. We have been
here over thirty years ar1,1 nre Well ice 000
and nnib trying to lpfereot her. to.trength-
mir ewe rereitntill1) we will eave the public •
tc form an esti‘lirteie,teenoinfia.
,c.titrnisy, cilDrxy.
Wholesale Murder.
Kv.. Nov, 4,-Clierles Brown-
e pja, need 30, a meehonic employed in the
Louisville d: Naslieillo sieve, merclerecl Ms
wife, hie 1fe,0eer-olti end his lir() 1 her -
in -law. John Th•non?1". and then committed
snieide. last wield.. The crime wns
envoroit at 10 o'cloak this morning by sonic
relatives w10 oolloil nt the 0.53 00,
Ott the 1>n 10.511 in the parlor the following
lettor. detel 5:30 m., mid written Iry the
30111111 01 in en minetmlly was
Torma all wborn it rime 00,,eern-1,
0011E100 II lireWefield, ley dear
71fe fv.f 1>fib), 110.50 *C\ F. Bremer, my
hrother•iii.lnw. T my wife Awl babV
108311.501 01)0 '1,'110 nf. lifo. Anil did riot want
therrrieft: pelleilrcq 11.1 n.,(nal Ana no 0110
te earl, for Otern. -.11'y pause for being tired
Of life lo Pateblitig. Nim, let my brothers
and friends lake warpin LI.. 0 eillee VV. F.
135711411e5 1/1001100 I did not, think ho wns (11
to lea+, 'nee now 1 mil make an attempt on
my efe, oe entel-hyo, my, father, brother
nne 1)430.14 and relations, all take
warning. Good.bye, Charles II. 13.1•01VD-
Me, John 14eMill fl11, M.. P., for South
Tinton, Wne 180011 siek on Sat:Arida:7, night
with all attaelt of inflamtnetion of the bowels,