HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-11-3, Page 8r iNSUiIANCE. i411il i wE sTr N ASs BA T FOR of Toronto ; also for size PHHQtNlX, EA1 .LNSUItANO1 COMPANY,01l,ouc;on. England, the RQix'A1) llAl'lADIAN, of Atoutreel, and the §=IZITIsH hlllPlR'la A8eleleAxl*Ci1 COM- tAley,,ef lmudozx. Iteentnid, established 1£1`47. '& $eta over $5,00,000; claims and bouusea paid, ovoi $10,000,000, I Drier ]tilts,Th e haste ' tela of vitidirod,air in use for Saturday next will be the fifth of l'"ovem- fai less extraction, at II. L. Wiriest over her, generally observed by oraugemeu,r-•• ilii (j"Veil's batik. Qhristnlae will be here seven weeks from The Sand of Rope of the James, Street neat Sunday, ---The 1, 0, F. order here Will Methodist S. S, opened the season lei* sn. attend divine services on Sunday 200 inet, entertainment on Tuesday evening. ,the -•-•Dir. Spackznun'a hors+Fhiell tv a sovoroly attendance wee. good and the program Pres- injured by a bull last week, is recoverinte, anted was varied and interesting. --Although, the weather during the :past Mesers, IL N;ilber and J. Ratz, of Qredi- feww days has been sutntnerlike, ' the front at ton D Johns of Exeter, .and a gentleman Q7;1I Y . lI 5 - li'e shall be happy to re - dive at all times, front any part of the 'County, items of local news, such, es ac sideiits,ar any interesting imicide,nt what oyer, front any of our subscribers or reed - ors generally for the pnrpoee of public• atLan. TEN CENTS per line for first insertion, and TOUR, CENTS per lime to each subsequent in sertiou will be charged to notices apueering this column. 11e (defer Mitts,. NOV3cd 1887. Z EU1�S.DAX, LOCAL HAPPENINGS. A full stock of magnetic, Diamond, Union and handy package Dyes ; also a special line of toilet soaps & Combs, very •cheap, at Central Drug Store. C. Lutz. Ballowe'en, Monday evening last, 31st Oct., was hallowe'en. Izx Exeter, owing possibly to moon shining brightly, the transgressive 'spirits of the boys, were calmed and they did not care to carry on their so-called sport to any serious extent. Besides the over- turning of nearly all the smaller out -build- ings in town, the carrying away of conveniently situated gates, and the dis- tributingtiof signs throughout the streets the boys Vere guilty of hut few of the more offensive crimes. The splendour of the night considerably meneeed any evil -doings. .Personal, Mr. Robt. Elston, of Grand Rapids, Mich., is at present visiting friends in this vicinity.—Miss Gould, of London, who has been visiting Mrs. Thos. Snell for some time, returned home Saturday.—Mr. John T. Swale who has taught in S. S. No. 7, Usborne, for a number of years, leaves to- eiay for Gaysen, California, for the benefit of his health.—Miss Yule left for Pt Huron last week, to visit friends, before returning to her home at Cohourg.—Rev. Mr. Phelps, of St. Thomas, conducted the Main st. S. S. .anniversary services here Sunday last.— Miss Jermyn, of Granton, who has beeu visiting Miss Kate Gould, of this place, re- turned home on Monday. 'The Sawdust Game. Confidence men are abroad in the western part of Ontario working the well-worn "Sawdust" game, are reported to have made large hauls along the C. S. R. at the expense of covetous farmers. The method ie to propose to sell the farmer "green goods"—bogus .money, that is, at the rate of $1,000 for $100. If the farmer takes the bait, he is given a genuine $5 as a sample of the goods. He takes the bill to a hank where it, of course, is a eepted, and his cupidity being excited, he raises the re- quired $100, goes hack to where the sharp- ers are waiting, and closes the bargain for the box containing the rest of the $1,000. When he gets the package home and opens it, he finds it full of sawdust. Fan on the Farm. The closing up of fall work makes this a -pretty busy season on the farm, and unless •cultivators plan well and move lively, they �vi11 hardly complete their labors before the "ides of November" shall put a stop to field operations. What with wheat sowing, the harvesting of autumnal crops—notably corn, potatoes and apples—the putting of barns, sheds, etc., in order, and making other preparations for winter many farmers will find it difficult to get through 'on time.' Hence the necessity of being systematic and active --of using both brain and brawn to the best advantage. And we trust that none of our readers engaged in soil culture, will be obliged to neglect the farmers' clubs -and institutes, for these, when properly .conducted, are important factors in promot- ing the agricultural interests of the coun- try. -riiatrimonial, On Wednesday (yesterday) evening, -there occurred at the residence of our res- pected townsmen, Mr. Geo. Eacrett, a very interesting event, especially to those direct- ly concerned. The occasion was solemnized by the marriage of the third daughter, Mary, to Mr. Moses Simpson, a young and -prosperous farmer of the township of Me- Gillivray. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Pascoe, in the presence of a num- 'bertof friends at the contracting parties. Later in the evening the party sat down to a sumptuous repast, after which music and other enjoyments were indulged in. About 10 o'clock the happy young couple left for their home in McGillivray, taking with them the congratulations of their many friends here. The presents were numerous and of a suitable character. May the newly wedded couple enjoy a life of pros- perity is our wish. Steady Progress. r~ That Exeter. during the past few years' 'has remade steady progress, everybody is ,constrained to admit.' ilding operations have been conducted with extraordinary briskness here since 1880, and that Exeter is noted far and wide for its brick churches, business blocks, public buildings and pri- vate residences must be gratifying to our public spirited citizens. It might be ex- pected that there would have been a hill in this line this season, but it would appear -not, as we venture to say that this year's 'building operations will foot up close on to '870,000. There are few vacant houses in town, and while some of our old citizens 'have removed their plates have been taken ,by new ones who have come in. Times. !have been quiet all over during the past two years, yet Exeter has not only held its own abut made a substantial advance. Exeter enay never become a city but will always be "one of the smartest places in the country. A Big Haul. A steetling rumour is current iii Si.- Catharines rc¢,x1`dinis the escapade of a student, in Messrs. i,ykert $ Ingersoll's odic there, named Mort. Burton, son of dosliva Birtch, who lives near the city. It seems that Mr. Rykort received two drafts the other morning for $3.800 and nights has been sharp. --On Nov. let the of /ilea Craig, lef for Muskoka; Monday s3 Ox, rospeotivoly, `,rhe .former was cows wereteclosed up according ,to by-law. on a hunting expedition. vLc, R. Morrison shade on the Quebec bank, Thorold, and —Mr. John shot two fine deer In who has just returned from Burks Falls, other on the Bank of Toronto, this .City. Zurioil swamp Willisrlast week, --Work on the 1reports game scarce in the north. Ire desired Birtelx to proceed to Thorold Trivitt Memorial church has been, at a. Seventy-five cents was the rulingrice and cash the draft drawzt upon the bank to p p stendatili for some days, owing the for barley on the Hepsall market Saturd ay last, Pretty high' price for malt material in a Scott. Act county. Is it possible that the buyers anticipate the Act will be repealed It is strange too, that such an enormous quantity of barley should be grown in a carpenters and stoue cutters getting behind with their. work, The brick-layere ere losing valuable time and favorable weather, --Qourt, Exeter, I, C, F. will visit the, Ii.irktou court on Friday evg •; they expect a good time.—The market has'been sligfitly quletor during the week, grain of all kind, though, remaining arm anti high. Chief Constable Gill brought from To- tem to Tuesdaya eau named. od Gilmou x , who is believed to have been one of 'the gang engaged in the recent safe -breaking expedition. The first charge against him is that in company with Fox, who is, gone to the penitentiary, lie stole coats and other articles from Hawkshaw's Hotel at Exeter and meld them to parties in Stratford. It is said that when the safe in the railway offiee at Exeter was attempted, a young woman saw two men, and that if Gilmour was one of them he will be identified all right. ,There is also a chance of his being identified with the robbery of the. school teacher at Parkhill. In that came it is altogether likely that Fox or Francis will be brought back and tried on further charges of burglary and safe cracking. Prisoner was taken before Magistrate Snell yesterday, examined, and remanded for eight days. yF Brevities. For artificial teeth see H. L. Billings over O'Neil's bank. Jack Frost, with his inimitable brush will soon paint pretty pictures on the windowpane. The roller rink will reopen this eyeuixrg, (Thursday.) Band in attendance. Hunting chipmunks on Sunday is a practice too frequently indulged in herea- boute by the irreverent youth. Nearly all the farmers in this vicinity have got their turnips up. Thetweather for the past few days has been favorable. A young lad named Gillespie, swallowed a copper while attending school Sunday last. Auction sales are almost at a close. The auctioneers in this viciuity have been orrery successful. The directors of the Melanethon Agricul- tural Society have determined to pay for the publication of prize winners in the local paper. This is as it should be. Mr. E. Spicer, late assistant postmaster of thin place, but now running a hardware store in Wardsville, was in -town last Monday and Tuesday, visiting friends. A 12 year old eon of the G. T. R. Section foreman at Brussels was almost crushed to death while attempting to couple two cars at Brussels on Saturday last. His head was much cut. We have had delightful weather for the past two or three days, and farmers have well improved ;;the time by completing their fall plowing and doing other fall work. The Toronto Globe says :—"The chief constable of Exeter arrived in the city yes- terday to take back Robt. Gilmore in company with Joseph Fox to be tried for safe -blowing hi that place. George Leah, brakesman of London, had his hand crushed on 'Saturday last while coupling cars at Kippin Station. Dr. Hynd- man, physician for the R. R. Company dressed his wounds. We are pleased to learn that the farmers of Usborne township have organized them- selves into a Farmers' Institute. To insure success it rem -sins for all to take a deep in- terest in the meetings. Oyster suppers are popularas an evening's pastime. About a half-dozen young men have fitted un a suite of rooms and once or twice a week give an oyster supper to their friends. They are thinking of opening a reading room in connection. During the week large:flocks of crows and other fowls of the airpassed over this section for the South. This is a sure indication that winter is not far distant. Therefore make necessary preparations while the weather is favorable. The man Heffernan; of cattle stealing notoriety, who escaped from the authorities a week or two ago who had him in charge for alleged cattle stealing at Exeter, is again in the hands of the law, having been recaptured;a few days ago, and placed in limbo. A quantity of brick passed through here on Monday ant? Tuesday ; they are to be utilized in the construction of the new store at Farquhar, replacing the one . re- cently destroyed by fire. Mr. R. Gardiner, the proprietor chows considerable push and energy. The Mitchell Recorder says :—A young man named Hotham, who has been attend- ing' High School in town and has succeeded in securing a• second-class cer- tificate, has been engaged to teach a school in the vicinity of Exeter at a salary of $4000. A pretty good salary for a rural school teacher. Mr. Thos. Cave, who has carried on the Nelson vs, Ferguson—Consent minutes blacksmithing here for some time, having ' were filed and judgment in accordanoe there decided to leave town, and locate in Luean, with. has disposed of his residence on Andrew-st. Herr vs Carroll—An action to have a to Mr. H. E. Hueston, of Hensel'. While clause in a will construed by the court. we are sorry to lose Mr. Cave, we take Decision was given giving effect to the will, much pleasure in welcoming_ Mr. Hues which gives to an illegitimate child certain ton4 May Mr. 'Cave beattended with pros property. perity in Lneaan. Craig vs. Craig stands over to the spring A new wrinkle in gathering money is the Chancery Court. mt, geometrical progression scheme. A prom. Ashfield vs, Flynn Ax aol,ien ter, the ises to get B. C. & D. each to give 25c for, township of Ashfield to compel the deftendant say, a church organ fund, and they each to reopen a roadway adjoining his place, promise to get other four to do likewise and . which was lately closed up by hiiir. The so on to a limit. The man who has the judgment was in favor of the township, de most friends is in the worst fix, as each of claring that the road had been delii►ted to them pounces on him for "only a quarter." the public use, and meet be kept open. Messrs. Messrs. Smith, Bros.- cattle dealers, of The prisoner, Adam Sipple, convicted Woodstock, have purchased of Mr. James yesterday of committing anaggravated as- Swenerton his farms on the lake road near saint upon a witness who bad given evidence Exeter, containing over 200 acres, paying against hint in a Magistrate's investigation, therefor $14,000. The ,property is well was brought up to eeeeive sentence. Mr, situated and perfectly adapted for stook Collins, 'his oounsel, presented a largely signed petition regarding the prieoner'a good ebaracter, Judge Rose, after coneider, ing the case carefully, decided to give Sipple ata opportunity pf reforming, and leading a proper life, He allows him to go upon entoringiuto Leavy bonds to keep the peace for five years, and to • appear for sentence when called upon. The judge gave Sipple. to understand it was not a mere matter of form, end that if any further bad -conduct reported eonceruing Limn he will surely be. arrested and sent to the penitentiary for a term of not less teen three year's Sipple' had better take warning, because Judge Rose ie a roan of his word, died will not lose sight of the ease; bot, in the hope of a reformation an the part of the prisoner, hat given him this ehanee, it being understood that ho be. longs to a respectable family. This closed thebueitioss of the assizes. A in-veersary. The Sunday . school of the Maiu-st. raising, the 'Sauole river passing through 'Ninth. Church celebrated their anniversary both premises. We welcome the Mesers. en Stinday last, Sermons were preached Smith to our midst, morning and evening by Rev. Joseph The captain of the Exeter gun club in his Phelps of St. Thomas, and in the afternoon letter to a London panet, denying any a mass meeting was held. There was a rknowledge of, accedence to, at the en., good attendance of scholars and their friends tertaining of any of the sentiments noted in all of Whom apparently enjoyed the inter- a local which recently appeared in Tits seting and very instructive programme. Txsnxs with reference to the Hensall match, Short and pithy addressee delivered by either on the part of himself or any of the Revs. Martin,Graham and Phelps, were club, is slightly in error. When we asked dntexy vened b. choruses by members of the a member of the club for a copy of the school, and singing ' bythe scholars,' The score we were told' that the London' hes, day throughout was a profitable one to all, presumably, fearing that It might appeet in especially the children who Seemed well print, had destroyed the score. Whether leased. The collections amounted to up. "such sentiments existed" with the captain wards', of $18. Mr. Beldon, the affable we cannot say, mitt members of the club superintendent, is, to a considerable decree, entertained such convictions, We did net entitled to the eulogium for the sudeess of criticise their courtesy, adversely, but .the children's anniversary. rather favorably, in another column. Scott Act county. A New Jersey farmer says that cider will there, and deposit the proceeds, together with the draft upon the bank of Toronto. to his account at the Imperial Bank, Burtch -went to Toronto and secured the $3,800,'a s i then proceeded to the Bank of Toronto and endeavored to ,cash the other draft. Mr. Lutah, the pay clerk, keep sweet a dozen years if the following re offerggd� to cash the draft in notes of small ceipt is follreveclr—Put into a barrel of sweet deno#txination, but these Birtch refused to cider a quart of milk, about a half a pmt of accept and left, There is little doubt black mustard seed six eggs. Max themn that he in g a tin g larger notes up togethor and pour them in the bey 1. else wirers, piss he would have taken tke Mr, T. Prior has received a ea f•; $5 bills tendered. This occurred at 2.30 Manitoba potateese -A few of o icians celebrated Hallowe'en ,, ry in the afternoon, since which time, nothing c, ;p has been seen of the young man or the several selections of`music '' streets. The instrument ' r ' ley: He has supposed to have gone lin, tin whistle, mouili + : ockport, N. Y., and another student pan. Those who had 't ing them say it was equal The Exeter Gun Club visit .non Monday and shot a return matcW li the London club, the former coming out victor- ious to the extent of six birds. .77iis bears out our remarks to the effect that the mem• bers of the London Club are not by any means sufficiently well up in the science to successfnly contest a.match,w,ith the Exeter Club. Grocers have put up e good catch on the large class of customers who always seein to fprget the commandment relative to picking and stealing when they see anything appe- tising displayed on the counter. A jar of prunes was courting the public gaze, and. after several of their had been appropriated the proprietor decided to place sotne cayenne pepper on the under side of the topmost layer. The victims were many and various, from the staid housewife down, but as they t had all cheated themselves in o the belief that they had appropriated the fruit with- out observation, not one of them leton that they had discovered the racket, although some of the contdrtions were fearful .and wonderful to behold, as the victims dutifully swallowed the fruit of theirmisdeeds. Huron Fall Assizes. (Continued from last week.) Judge Rose presiding. Goderich, Ont. 24.—In the seduction case of Little vs. Bear, which was concluded here this morning, a verdict was given in favor of the plaintiff for $100. The girl seduced was 16 years of age, and the seducer ,,was of the same age. Mr. Garrow, Q. C., and Mr. Dewey for plaintiff; ifr. Cameron for defen- dant. Hardy ve. Pickard—An action to recover some $500 from the defendant for stock in an Exeter salt well which plaintiff claims the defendant instructed him to buy for him. The defendant denies giving plaintiff in- structions to buy. Judgment was reserved. Mr. Collins for plaintiff; Mr. Osler, Q. C., for defendant. McLean vs. Brown --An action to recover $510, money advanced upon a purchase of cattle from defendant. The defendant, claims tine plaiotiff forfeited the advance by not accepting the cattle. Judgment has been reserved Mr. Garrow, Q. C., for,' plain. tig; Mr Oster, Q. C., for defeudaht. The case of Taytor vs. Ritchie has been settled out of court; Bench warrants have issued for the arrest of the. followmg persons, who have failed to appear toanswer charges against them Wm. Cook, Alfred A. Roe and John Heffron, Goderick, October 27.—At the Assizes here to -day Wm. Cook, a constable, pleaded guilty to the charge of allowing aprisoner to eecape, The facts of the case were not of a serious nature, and Cook was allowed to go on paying a fine of $25. Queen vs, Adam Sipple The prisoner was tried on the charge- of stealing from a store. After the cese for the crown had closed, His Lordship intimated to the Crown prosecutor that it would not be cafe to ask the jury to convict upon the evidence offered The prisoner was -thereupon discharged. He was immediately placed upon trial, charged with committing an aggravated assault upon the principal witness against him in the former case. The assault took place eabse. quent to the proceedings before the Magis- trate. He was sound guilty, and judgment was deferred. John Eno was placed in the dock charged with cattle stealing; but as the Crown had used him as a witness in another case they thought it unfair to proceed against him. He is under sentence at present on another charge and was taken back to jail. The case of Davis vs. McDonald occupied the greater part of the day. It was an action to recover damages for an assault, and resulted in a verdict for the plaintiff for 8100. Goderich, Oct. 28.—At the Ilssizes to -day O'Bryne vs. Campbell was the first case taken up. It was an action against a town- ship engineer to recover damages for the alleged :non -repair of a drain over which he bad control. The case was argued and judgment reserved Mr. Rykert's (Alice has gone thither to nd the young man if possible and to produce all or a part of the funds, At the annual meeting of the Ontario Booksell ors association, held in Toronto last week, Mr. H, F. Sharp, of St, Marys, was again elected president. A POSITIVE CBE TOR CATARRH. GIVE Immediate Rdlet ri0. Cold in Heads HAY FEVER. EASY WO USE. 'Tot a Snuff, Powder or Irritating Liquid. Price 50 cts. and $1.00. If not obtainable at your drug gists, sent prepaid on receipt of price. Address FVLFORD & CO., Brockville, Ont.. ETT's POWDERED 99 PERCENT PUREST, STRONCEST, 'BEST. Beady for use in any quantity. For making Soap, softening Water, Disin- feotineeend a hundred ether uses, A. eau equals 20 pounds Sal Soda, Sold by all Grooer3 and Druggists. M.W. GILLETT. - TORONTO. CET AL Barber Shop YAMS L g! A. Hastings, :Prop. Shaving and Haircutting in the latest styles of the art. Every attention paid to cutting Ladies arni Children's Hair. SWITCHES MADE TO ORDER. A CALL SOLICITED '£ HERSEY' S Challenge is open for one week more, that he has the ---8>;sT-- Roller Flour. —IN ADDITION TO THIS HE HAS— Fearman's Celebrated HAMS, BACON -- --ROLLED & SIDES. Grant Bros., of Ingersoll have sent him —A FINE LOT OF= Bacon & T,ams, ISE BE TENT Oxford cheese always on hand Groceries cheaper than ever—Always fresh. S. C. Hersey. —THO-- HAMILTON, SPECTATOR Morning, Evening, Weekly, The leading Liberal -conservative News -paper of Canada. ---GET— The Weekly Spectator One Dollar a Tear. \G'ta Blit+ . STANLEY'S Ir EZC�11'Il tC�T< �113tbeo j i 79 DAY SriEET, TOIioNTO, QANApA, ----ANO--- 18 Js%wIN S'rsIxzr, LONDON, E. 0., ENGLAND. . ICES, C�yE�}S�i, WaOhm aker,Jeweller, and Optician, Ras the Agercy for the sale of the above in EXETER. No Suootaelee in the market equal' them in the Erin P aEst.Ovrxe quArAnvs they possess, or the GREAT EASE And Conn^o#:r they eenfer on the wearer., Their use will in actuality so strengthen the Eye o that it loos netbecome necessary to change them for many years, They are there. fore the CHEAPEST. They Are the Best in the World, They Never Tire the Eye, And Last Many Years Withoxt Change. The Sight tooted by our New Teat Cerd,same as neodby the leading Oeutists throughout the world. ltright, Inelaive, Able Editorials, The Complete News of the Day, Choicest Miscellaneous Beading. f;erfal stortae by the best' authors. Hr. Talmeggo"e great sermons. The felloat ltiarket Repports. Tho Choiceet Humor, EVERYTHING for EVERYBODY The Spectator nem or misses news, 13 nevox dull, and never shirks a public question. It is always clean and strong. ��, OT Z DOLLAR, Will purchase for you tor' a year the Weekly Spectator, the best Conservative journal, and the bent weekly newspaper in Canada, Unusually liberal comnnlilistens to agents. Address, Spectator, Hamilton. TWO DOLLAIIS Will pay for the Weekly Spectator and the Exnenn Trees trona this date to 1st January, 1880, Addroes THE TIMES, Exeter, Ont, 1a'This is a rare chance for good reading CREAM 1 11TARTAR PUREST, STRONGEST, 6£S. , CONTAINS N ,I s o ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME PH,O SP HA7 or aqq inidrlous materials. E. W. GILLETT, xouro:To,oNT. QnICAOO, IL.L Mza'f'roftet CELgD4ATED2Om'ALXEASTasb' L. a. ,r. SNELLSamWell Merchant Tailor, Has removed to premises one• door north of Browning's drug store, whale there will be found a wen Ano to Steel OF SPRING TWEEDS FOR SUITINGS &c. —ALSO— S Cotch, English, Irish, French and Canadian Goods. Made up on the SHORTEST NOTICE --AND AT CONSISTENTLY LOW PRICEES A CALL WILL CONVINCE. A. J. SWELL, Graduate of Cleveland Cutting School. Pickard Having this season ptuchased most of our stook direct from manufacturers in England and Germany ; to do so we had to give our orders very early is the season, and es the prospects looked well, we bought largely. THE—. GOODS HAVE JUST ARRIVED, And we find that hard times are pausing,, a great depression in trade, we have, therefore, decided to meet the times by markleg , fill goods at such Hard Pan Prices as to ensure a speedy clearance. Therefofe, we would in- vite all intending purchasers to call and in- spect our stock, and note prices of all new goods, --INCLUDING-- Ladies' Dolmans, Jackets and Meters, also Maids' and Misses' Ulsters, all sizes■ Black and Gold silk And satin dregs goods, in all the nowest colors and styles, plain and fancy Plushes, Hosiery, Gloves, &c. —ALSO A FULL LINE OF— Ready-made Clothing;, Hats &Caps. All will be sold at Lowest Possible Prices. FOLLOW THE CR0 TO -- 13, S O -- • 13,=S gr 3E313,0'S And secure some of the Bargains they are offering in the following lines :— LOCKS, HINGES, and all BUILDERS' HARD- WARE. PAINTS, OILS, 8cc. We carry the largest stock of Stoves in the County. Call and see them, and get prices before buying. Tinware of all binds always on hand. Roofing ani . eavetroughing a specialty Ali Immense Stock of Manure Forks, Spades, Shovels Scoop Shovels at hard time prices. We are offering Lamps and Lamp Goods at cost, as we are going out of that line.—Leave your orders for Stove Coal, and save the high winter freights.—Verity's Plows and Plow Fronts always on hand.—Highest price paid for Hides and Tallow in Cash or Trade. --Agents for the Raymond Sewing Machines. . BISSETT BROS, CARLING'S LOCK Visitors to Exeter Would do well to call and inspect — ()UR MAGNIFICENT STUCK OF DRESS -GOODS One of the Newest, Cheapest & Best Stocks in town. - Black and Colored Cashmeres. Black and. Colored Silky and Satinet Colored Plusher. Melton ,Clothe, Jareey Cloaks, Black Dress • Materials and Mourning Goode, Woollen ,shawls and Fascinators, in all Colors and prices, Also a fine range of Staples. Fine Hoes of gloves in Kid, Cloth Jersey. nos'EP.2 1 GOOD ASSORTMENT AND EXTRA CHEAP. Gents' Furnishings.—Fine Display in Hate. Ties, Braced, White and Colored Handkerchiefs, Shirts and Drawers. Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Overooatings, Pantings.t Suitinge. PANTS MADE TO ORDER IN THE LATEST STYLES AND AT TUB LOWEST PRICES, BOOTS AND SHOES. -14 very large constg fnent 'hat received, of the 3 Very beat styles and quality, in Ladies', ;Gents' and Children's. CALL AND INSPECT, IT WILL NOT COST ANYTHING. and A l line of Glassware and Crock - hand. re alwaysn. cry w'ao r grocery; na artinesit is Com,pleto. ButterEggsIn and all kinds of Produce tgfKon exchen g a and the, rice highest paid. aid: y g p M.A CALL SOLICITED. E D. ICAPLING, LINO. Main t. Exeter' .