HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-04-26, Page 3An Austrian born couple, Joe and Christina Fabian celebrated their 50th
wedding anniversary on April 13. The couple took time out of their work at Mr.
Fabian's company, Fabian Furniture to have their picture taken. (New -
Record photo)
50 years
Fabians marriage lasts
by Shelley McPhee Kitchener.
There is a saying that opposites "He wrote me every week," Mrs.
attract. This may be the case with Joe Fabian remembered, "but now he
and Christina Fabian for this wouldn't."
seemingly oddly matched couple have In 1929 Mrs. Fabian decided to come
now been together for 50 years. to Canada as well and they were
Mr. Fabian is a true businessman. At married two months later, April 13,
the age of 73 he is still actively in- 1929.
volved, or as •much as his health per- "I had to lay down $350, through
mits, as president of his founding immigration laws for security to the
company Fabian Furniture. His government," Mr. Fabian said. "If I
business has been a lifetime occupation didn't marry her I would lose the
and he and son Joe Jr. are determined money."
to put out a quality product. Mr. Fabian "She wanted to come to Canada,"
in earlier days even abandoned his wife Mr. Fabian said.
some nights when he was too tired from "He wanted me to," Mrs. Fabian
working to go home. He'd sleep at the quickly added.
office and be only seconds away to start "He bought me carnations when I
again in the morning. came to Canada. Then I bought him
In contrast with the robust, Mr. some and he wouldn't wear them,"
Fabian, his wife Christina is alragile Mrs. Fabian said.
little woman, with constant cold hands "I like to look at flowers not wear
and feet. them," Mr. Fabian replied, with a
Unlike her husband Mrs. Fabian gets disappointing look at his wife's cor-
more enjoyment out of the lighter side sage.
of life. While Mr. Fabian would sooner "But I have no complaints," he
be devoting his time to his work, Mrs. explained about his marriage.
Fahian would rather be out in the world The reason for their 50 year
meeting people. marriage, "because we're proper
"I don't believe in holidays," Mr. Catholics," Mr. Fabian stressed.
Fabian stated, but his wife would like It's hard to determine who the boss in
to go somewhere. the marriage is. She claims he is and at
"My husband's happiness is im- the same time, he claims she is.
proving his equipment," Mrs. Fabian The Fabians have two sons, Joe Jr.
said knowingly. of Clinton and Roy in New Hamburg
"I was lonesome at home so that's along with three grandchildren. The
why I worked," she remembered. family helped the couple celebrate
Marriage for the Austrian born their special day with a party at their
couple has been good. They listen to Clinton home last week.
one another when necessary even "We got no worries now," Mrs.
though on the surface they squabble Fabian said.
about dates and events, and continually "I'm satisfied," Mr. Fabian added.
interrupt each other. Mr. Fabian ad- "We're not rich but we get along well.
mitted, "The 50 years have gone too What else would we want?"
fast." Since their }beginning together the
Many hours are spent at their High business has affected their lives with
Street home talking about the old days. trying to establish it, losing it, moving
The couple met in Austria at a dance to Toronto, Kitchener, Milton and
celebrating Holy Maria Day in Sep- Clinton seven years ago. But now the
tember, similar to St. Patrick's Day. couple feel more settled with their new
Mr. Fabian came to Canada in 1927 to slower paced life. "I don't hustle
re-establish his furniture business in anymore," Mr. Fahian noted.
Blyth man honored
for brave rescue
Don Noble, from Blyth,
an installer -repairman
for Bell Canada was
recently presented with a
letter of commendation,
signed by Bell's president
Jim Thackray. The letter
was given in recognition
of Mr. Nobles actions in
saving two children from
- a burning house in
Vanastra last year.
In May, last year, Mr.
Noble was on his way to
an address in Vanastra
when he saw a woman
running from a house,
screaming for help.
Mr. Noble stopped his
truck and immediately
went to the woman's
He discovered that the
house had caught on fire
as a result of overheated
grease and that two
children were still irisidc.
Mr. Noble, a member
of the volunteer fire
department in Blyth,
rushed into the burning
home and managed to get
both children out. One
child was badly burred,
despite Mr. • Noble's
valiant rescue. He than
uxlin.gui,iwd1 the lire in
the home before the
Clinton Fire Department
arrived on the scene.
His actions in saving
the two children and
preventing further
damage by the fire were
recognized in a letter of
thanks from the grateful
family and through the
area media.
The presidential
commendation was
presented to Mr. Noble by
T.C. Girardin, Bell plant
managrr and R.W. Frier,
foreman at the ceremony
in Clinton.
••vens marriage
by Shelley McPhee
When Karel and Hendrika Boven
married on May 2, 1929 in Holland there
was no turning back.
"Marriage is for your whole life,"
Mrs. Boven carefully explained in her
heavily accented English.
The couple have stuck by that belief,
for 50 years and 12 children later.
Those years were not all easy ones,
but Mrs. Boven said she'd do it all over
again, despite 12 pregnancies, a big
move to Canada 20 years ago and a
crippling condition which Mrs. Boven
has faced during her married life and
now leaves her on crutches.
"If I told you all our times we could
write a book, but we always survived,"
she smiled.
Neither three house fires, two started
by lightning and one by a mischevious
son, or having to take in German
soldiers into their Holland home while
trying to raise a family and face the
depression years detered the Bovens.
Nor did the pleas of six sons, who all
wanted to farm and saw the only way
they could do it was to move to Canada.
It was hard coming to a strange
country, with a slew of children in tow
and suddenly realizing that the English
lessons taken at home seemed to be
"We thought we could speak English
very well, but we were disappointed,"
Mrs. Boven remembered.
Now the Bovens are comfortable
with Canada as their home and living in
Clinton they still have some con -
Muck in
the middle
nections with the past through the
Christian Reformed Church and the
number of other Dutch families who
have settled in the area. Yet they state
that they would never go back to
Holland, only to visit.
Married life runs more smoothly now
than it did in the past for the Bovens_
They enjoy their Isaac Street home in
Clinton where Dutch is still the
language spoken between them. Mr.
Boven knows some English, "enough to
help himself in stores," Mrs. Boven
Although Mr. Boven retired from a
lifetime of farming six years ago he is
still active with his garden and looking
after the household, and although Mrs.
Boven may not be able to walk she is
never without a sweater to crochet or a
pair of socks to knit for one of her six
daughters or sons, 35 grandchildren or
2 great grandchildren.
"I'm always knitting for them" she
said as she quickly went through the
"Without being too proud, I say I can
knit pretty good," she giggled.
"I've always said tt7.at I'm glad that
it was my legs that went and not my
hands," she said contentedly.
With such a large family it's not easy
to remember who's to get what knitted
"We have to look every day at the
calendar so we don't forget a bir-
thday," Mrs. Boven explained.
"Having so many grandchildren is
not so many when you think we have 11
I've never been good at making that's another story. First I must go
decisions. I was born a fence sitter. through every store I'm interested
I blame my indecisive qualities op_ in to see what's available. Then I'll
my astrological positioning. I'm sit down with a cold drink for a few
what's called a cusp you see, on the minutes and attempt to limit my
border between Gemini and Cancer. choices. By this time panic sets in,
But I admit, my excuse is a little with only 15 minutes until closing
weak and doesn't hold much value time I've got to move fast to buy
when my indecisiveness aggravates what I want. Usually I'm not quick
others. enough and come away empty -
"What shoes should I wear, my handed. I guess it's easier on the
spikes or my sandals, and how about wallet that way however.
these earrings, do the gold ones or My indecisive nature comes into
pearls look better?" I'll ask if my work as well. "Which
anyone's around. If not, I'll stand in photograph do you' think is better?"
front' of the mirror with one of I'll ask whoever is hand, "This one,
everything on, surveying the this one or this one."
situation, until my mind sways one After I've heard their reply, "You
way or another. really think I should use that one
It's not that I'm vain when it don't you think this one looks better
comes to my appearance, I just or this one has more action in it?"
can't decide. Instead of reassuring me, my
A shopping trip for me takes twice advisor will inevitably walk away,
as long as it would the normal leaving me still weighing the pros
person. If there's only one store to and cons of all.
visit I can usually make up my Still undecided, I'll turn to my
mind, sooner or later, but if I`m in a favorite problem solving remedy,
mall, where choices are unlimited, "Eeny, meeny, miney, moe...."
During Kroehler month, we're having
special sale prices onany in -stock
Kroehler furniture pieces, and special
prices on any Kroehler custom orders
during the month of April.
But hurry - sale ends Monday, April 30.
"1 personally
invite you to
come in for our
• special
Kroehler month"
Ball & Mutch
Home Furnishings
71 Albert Street, Clinton 482-os0
We offer free deliver' within a fifty mile radius cif Clintiorif
married children. The average is not so
great. But if I did it again I don't think
I'd have 12 children. Things are dif-
ferent now, families aren't so big," she
admitted, but still happy with her
The large family with children
coming from Holland to Chicago as
well as a number of friends joined the
Bovens for a special anniversary
celebration at the White Carnation on
"There had to be 90 people there in
the afternoon and in the evening," Mrs.
Boven said in amazement, but as with
the rest of their lives together the
'Bovens seem to go for marriage in a
big way.
Well over 90 people came out to help Karel and Hendrika Boven of Clinton
celebrate their anniversary recently. It seems that the Bovens like to do things
in a big way. The large party was held at the White Carnation was given by
their 12 children, 35 grandchildren and two great grandchildren along with
many friends to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. (News -Record
Tanker and car collide
No one was injured and
a Gulf Oil tanker
maintained its full load of
oil in a Saturday evening
accident, that could have
been much more serious.
The Clinton police
reported that a car driven
by Hartley Christie of
Brucefield and a Gulf Oil
tanker driven by Errol
Walker of London
collided at Clinton's
main intersection when
they both attempted to
turn right into Victoria
Street. Damage to the
Christie vehicle was set
at $G00 and $200 to the
A car driven by Robert
Vandenneucker, 39 of RR
4 Seaforth and a car
driven by Ronald
Marriott, 21 of Dublin
were damaged when they
collided at the in-
tersection bf King Street
and the Bayfield Road.
An April 22 accident at
Park Lane and Albert
Street resulted in $1,000 in
damages, to two vehicles.
A car driven by
William Tam, 59 of
Mitchell received $800 in
damages and a car
driven by Gayle Gordon,
17 of RR 2, Clinton
received $200 in damages
when the two met at the
At attempt to pass a
vehicle that turned,
resulted in a two car
crash on April 20 on
Albert Street.
A car driven by
1Vlarilyn Kalbfleisch, 43 of
Varna received $400 in
damages and a second
car driven by Florence
Martin, 19 of RR 2,
Clinton received $150 in
damages when the two
Step Into
Save Your Time
and Enjoy The Sun
Just drop off your dry cleaning, sewing, and laundry when you are downtown &
we'll do the lob for you. - We have 3 sizes of washers. - from small toploaders nor-
mally seen in coin laundries thru mid-size double loaders for the weekly family
wash and large institution -type washer -extractors for handling super large loads
(3 garbage bags full) normally associated with spring house cleaning. COIN LAUN-
DRY OPEN DAILY 8 A.M.-10:30 P.M.
YOU CHOSE - Do your own laundry (using our efficient, up-to-date equipment not
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