The Exeter Times, 1887-11-3, Page 3HOUSE1•10111). FiennitIld HOMO% Some one hat; v; ritten that a pletteant home ie a Heveet abiding place, not only to those in its immediate circle, but to 5' the stranger within the game." No ono can deny that the remembrance of a happy home cliugs a, them like a breath ef peril -into -a memory that can never be effaced or Shaken off. It is eo clear to es- te go into O. 110IPP W Iterq 7 courtesy prevails, where moil vies with the other in attempt- ing to be good and lovely, and where no little attempt to save the etrength, the feelitme, the, happiness of every member of the family isi lost- is, indeed a thing wo 11CVOF forget. We go about the vvorld, and so doing we see a world of homes. Too often there is a fretful word, a erenaplaint, a earoastic reflection, and the heart is more and bitter thet finds it abiding Place here. ]4it once let us go into the home where hueband requests, courteously, any favor when he ' sits do wit e,t table ' toles every pains to wait tozt the wife of his heart that he took te in her to his, household circle, and ere learn how seblime e Wog it is to make home 'what it should lie, ° We have at down to dinner in a hom of middle-clase people, poseibly whets he was provided, but where the wife made a stibservient to the wish of her family, svhe Ip, 11 re If you can get them; that will keep your picklea green; teke out and draio them ; then cover svitb cold vinegar for a wools; then drain off ell of that vesegaid and cover again with new vinegar, adding musetaed eeed, pepper aed ginger root, cloyee or whatever 'Tweewill BUit your tate. Be sine to change the vinegar once, as the wat- er from the cucuinbere reduces the strength. Theee pickles will be Mee and °dim and green without being colored with the yet.- digris from a copper kettle. Cnoconern Cum. -One quarter pound. of butter, one cupful of yolks of two eggs, half oepful el sweet milk, two cupfuls or flour, with two teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Beat the whites of the two eggs, and put in with the flour alternately. Bake in a long pan which has the bottom covered with greased paper. When the cake is baked, take it out and remove the , piper. When cold, returu to the pan and cover with boil- ed ioieg. For the Icing. -Boil one cupful ofpulveriz- edsugar with e spoonfulof cold wateruntil it candies. Pour it on the whites; of two eggs, well beaten. Then stir in six tablespoonfuls of grated chocolate. Spread it on the cake in the pan, and do not disturb it until the klieg is hard. Then begin at the right cor- ner, and cut diagonally -from one side of the pan to the other. Then cut diagonal lines from the left corner a few inches apart, which will form dainty little diamonds'. _STATISTIC% The predilection for tea Meer coffee or chocolate by the British public le blown by the report of the Coffee Tavern Company, The Ceomany gold during the Exhibition 559,000 cape of tea, 135,000 cape of coffee, and 50,00 cape of elsocolate. Last pier the losses by everted firmin the United States reached e total of $40, 000,000, or en average monthly less of $1Q, 000,001. And yet theloss they °cicalae is $60,000,000 per minuet less; than the amount paid by consumers for ciga,re and $86,500, t00 lees the the total cost of tobageo con awned in emoke 1 Since 1857 the gold, fields of New Zealand have produced in round numbers; 45,000,- 000. The gold exported reached• ite highest Point in 3866, whon'735,376 ounces, valued at $e,844,517, were exported. The press production is valued at nearly £1,00,),0 A total area of 21,000 square tildes of g and silver bearing lands is already kno and proved. Ooes Past %en Draft. At the brealtfest table aim asked hire for a little shenge. "1 haven't any, my dear," he said ; thing but v. tete dollar bill," At the eupper table else made the same request. I haven't e ceet," ie T.Oplied. " Why dididt, you get thet ten-dollee broken, John? She inquired, "I did," he answered with an intonation of eadness. Not Qualifica. tcl Speak, 0 Dld you ever emoke cigarettes sir ?" inquired the young mem in response to leoture on the evils' of cigarette smoking which had. just been administered to him. " No, sir," declared the old gentleman. eon, " N., egYaeerel::, saidelm yoting man, with en - old jovinent, as he blew the smeke from his wa eyes, ears, noee, and mouth, "you den't , RIIONV What you are talking semen"' Last year tax was paid upon 3,510,898,- 488 eigers. The average smoker is content Laying in a Supply. or I dung Pealherly--" Did you know, Bobby, 818 th4t 1 am coming to, your home to diener to -morrow?" a Bobby -"Oh, yes, I heard ma saY so ea, when the told pa to order the turkey. , She of al said he had' better get the biggest, One he eould." with a cigar worth $'30 per thousand, one that retells at five cents. Oa that ba there annually goes up in emelt° $180,00 000, or $15,000,000 every month, half million dollars every deer. In aclditi oys waete on cigarettes $6500,000, a hose who prefer a pipe a further sum $20,000,000. The number of hogs slaughtered by Chi- cago packers during the past oven months, or since the opening of the summer, peeking manors, is 1,640,789 against 2,275,123 the corresponding period last, year, showing a decrease of 634,335 hogs, During Septem- ber the, degrease was 110,00thogs. 211,325 were ,psoleed against 321,200 during Sep. teinber; 1886. For the season to date, Arm- our & Co, have elaugterhed nearly 600,000 hog% all was dainty, sweet and perfect, aud have seen the husband carefully wait upon 'every .guest, and 'finally himself, while the wife, who had tried so hard, came down to an empty plate,'endwith tremblinghands, moisteyes and a flushed cheek tried to drink her tea, believing a mouthful would choke her. This man was one of the best. He loved his wife --without her he would have been helpless ;but he was thoughtlese, Oh, so careless" ! Let him have aeked her gently, even if last, what she would prefer. Even if she had notn tasted a mono1 her heart would have sung for gladness, her cheek flushed, and she would have forgotten weeri- ness and pain, so sensitive is the heart of women. • A pleasant home includes a home circle -the wife, the hueband, the children -and e ach striving to leave each, day a golden bead in the rosary of life for all the resit How true are the words: " H I had known, I'd have been more oareful, darling; Nor given you needless pain. For we vex our own with word and tone, Tho' we love them far the beat." And when we feel that we can walk born -a spot to which the heart shall turn in a after life, a spot where peace seems to hol sway, a passionate longing to escape all th world and abide there fills us -our missio is, bedeed, a pure and holy one. • To the husband coming home trie •,and tired, the light on his hearth, th tempting tea abLe, tho fire, his easy chair,i and theme:tile that years cannot ,efface from; his memory, all these are a living peature thatnever die. And to the wife who makes all things readv,after a monotonous day, the cheery weldoine, theivorthe " How beautifulanyiwife this rests me," repays everything ; there is Bias:tarok and Ciermanv. Prince Bismarck will do nothing to bring on war during the lifetime of the , taperer, simply for the reason that the outbreak of war would inevitably put an end to the aged monarch s, life. If the excitemett did not at once kill him the fatigues of the first campaign would, for no power on earth could keep the old tioldier from the neld. What then, would happen? In an artiole in The Epoch, by Mr. L. Reigersberg, Editor of the World Travel Gazette, we are told that the Crown Prince is nezther a eta man nor a military genius, while the cumstances of Germany Imperatively mend thatfor another generation at le the Imperial sceptre shall be firmly greets by a statesman who is not without milit genius,. This coneideration doubtless counts in some measure for Prieto Bis- marck's forbearance ;towards France, and evident wish. to keep. well with Russia. The Grown Priticess, solleritinr the talent for affeers'of her mother, is antegonistio to Bismarck, and has besides a hobby 'which e must be peculiarly distasteful to the Chan. : cellor-the establishment of Parliamentary dI Government in Germany as it exists in Eng. e , land, wbioh, Reigersberg justly says, n 'would undoubtedly be a national calamity Ito the young Empire. If Germany is to d continue to subsist and to retain her posi- e I tion on the Continent, -and there are few impartial publicists we should say w would deny that it is for the good alt world that this great Teutonic Pow 'should continue net merely to subsist but to hold the foremost rank -she .annst dot yet throw away the sword by which she freed herself and vetin that rank. 'A strong and statesmanlike foreign police; will be necessary before all things to G many for many years to come, and with t example of England before Gernian state men -the pernicious effect on her foreign , interests produced by the Gladstonian Gov- ernment of 1880-5, and the present dead. lock, resulting from the demoralisation of the House of Commons, -they are not likel we trust yet awhile to indulge in wh Prince Bismarck calls the "luxury of Pa liamentary Government." The Crow Prince, who is described as simplicity itse would probably be easily moulded' to t will of his wife, and their accession ther . . ore it should strengthen the' Parliamen- tary party would distinctly weaken the forces that uphold the Empire. But the Crown Prince is suffering from what may yet prove to be an incurable disease, and if the aged Emperor lives a few years long tee. Next to the annual expenditure for food • and •drink of the people of the United de. Krugdom comes that on articles of dress, in- ast volving an outlay of well nigh £148,000,000 ag foss or £123,000.000 net or real value. The house expenditure comprises about ao- 472,000,a 0 for house rent some £11,050,- 000 for furniture, estimating the value of annual additions, £15,000,000 for coal, £14,• 000,000 for gas and £2,000,000 for water, making hi zw,opo,000. Then there is e expenditure in tobacco, amottuting some 13,000,000 gross. no 1051 o weary after, hat. Withgue it all rests, for very indifference or weans *awe sometimes fail to say the or our earts °tate, and how wrong to repress; a single impulse for good, for there can be a home about which every passionate tendril of the heart will friendly cling ; and are homes from which the young escape, all o g a y, or these has love grown cold, vnel. the word whim should mean only affec. tion and sweet content has grown but a mockery, a burlesgste upon its original meaning. • Home -a, pleasant horce-let no have. As e poet says: "Two heavens sweet - The one40nret the stars, The otlr,C,2..bi Aide of the stars,- Whers-Mat blest pair have met, Auci called it Home!' About the House. To clean nickle on stoves, wet soda with ammonia, apply with an old tooth brush and rub off with a, woollen cloth. Once a year, even the most frugal house- wife should replenish her linen closet, and add to her 'store at least the furnishing of one bed and a dOE1111 towels. To remove kerosene from a carpet, lay, blotters or soft brown paper over the spot and isms with a warm iron. Repeat with fresh papers till the spot is removed. Try one of the smallest coal oil lamps. It looks like a toy, but fora hand lamp it will meets as much light as a good tallow candle, and will not drop sparks. • How Intelligent Women Deoicle. • When the question has to be met att to what is the best course to adopt to secare a' 'Sure; safe and agreeable remedy for those organic diseases and weakneeses which af- flict the female Sex, there is but one wise debision, viz., a coeree of self -treatment With Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription, It, is an unfailing speeific for periedical pains, misplacement, internal inflammation, And all functional disorder," that render the lives of so many wiemen miserable and joyless. They who try it, praise it. Of dreggnits. Miss Edith Horner, who is engaged to be married.to General Joseph R. ilawley, has heen Mr the past four yeers ,assistant israna- ger of the nurses at Blockley Almshouse, Philadelphia. Miss Horner got her training in taking care, of the sick and wounded dur- ing the 'Zulu and Egyptian wars. She is an English ,woman, and her family live near to • Beauty Without Paint. The "General Annual Return of th British Army" for the year 1886 has ju been preeented to Pealiarrient On the 1 of December, 1886, the composition of th personnel of the ,army was as follows : 0 fivers, 7,204; Warrant officers', 687; Se geants and farriers, .12,756; 13uglers, etc 3.376: Rank and Me, 184,540 • Total 208 e „ What makes my skin ao dark and muddy 2 I. My cheeks were once eh smooth ancl ruddy 1 0. use the beet (*emetics made," st 10 what a lovely maidemimicl. f- "That's not the oure, my charming Miss," r- The doctor eaid--" remember this : • If you your skin would kee: flint taint, Discard the powder and th Pa n ho 563. The nationalities of the non -commis - he sioned officere and men of the army were as tem follows : English, i46,171 ; Scotch,16,446 ; h 39 15 • I 1 / , / o • This year the U. S. daily product is rated to be worth $480,000,000. In 1860 it was only $89 000 000 It is estimated also that a,.. 1,000,000 cows are employed in giving 1.-g, milk. The supply is rated at 7,350,000,000 a_ aliens yearly, or 350 gellons each per year. f this quantity 4,000,000,000 gallons con- tribute to the making of butter, and 700,- 000,000 gallons to cheese. The output of butter is 135,000,00flpeunds, and of cheese 165,000,000 pounds. The exports of but. ter are 20,000,000 peen& . and of cheese rs 85,000,000 pounds. About 2,480,090,500 I g gallons of the milk obtained annually is con - If sumed in the natural state. - " he The London and North-Western railroad e. corporation has. a capital of £110,000,000 (about $550,000,000). The revenge is about $50,000,000 annually. It has 60,000 em- ployes 16,000 of whom are employed in lo- comotive construction. It runs through such a populous country that it carries an er inially 60,000,000 passengers and 33,000,000 m tons of freight. • 'Ph company owns 3,000 the Imperial Crown may descend from hi er engines, which register a mileage annually id of over 54,000,000 miles, nearly 150,0e0 r, miles a nay, 6,218 an bour, or 104 per to his grandson. Prince William, ov whom his mother is said to have no infi enee whatever, is a statesman and soldie and the e 1 I I' a e may b Icome another Frederick the Great. He h a good many notions in common with th Emperor. with whom he is a great favou • ite ; and he is a warm admirer of Bismarck Need we look any further then, in view o these considerations, for a reason for Priem Bismarck's determined purpose to stave o the coming war at long as possible? He i happily in a position alinost to forbid it breaking out; and let us hope for the salt of Anermany that no unknown accident ma thwart his design. "The properthing for all meth ins . • • 18this,' remarked the man of pills ; •" Enrich the blood and make it pure -- *In this you'll find the only mum' • Dr. Pierce's Golden •Medical Discovery will do this without fail. It has no equal. All druggists. • . Garpolus tells' of a young giantess Who was ten feet high. By its mild, soothing and healing proper- ties, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures the woist eases of nasal catarrh, also "cold in the h'ead," °exams, and catarrhal headaches. 50 cents, by druggists. A giant eight fed high was exhibited • at Rouen in 1755. A GEtrnaous CommAwc.-A beautiful fre. sent will be given by the Breadmakers' Yeast Company, of Toronto, to nearly every one, ansiong as they last --first come first • served. The most aceompliplished woman ,has still something worthy to be added to her list if she has never yet made a good sweet white loaf of bread. To encourage the art of Home Bread -making this Com- ' patty have secured ten thousand presents, which will be sent to all who comply with their terms. They want all who are old enough eithereto follow Directions or work under instructions, to learn how to make bread. They will take your word for it when you have succeeded to your own satisfaction in using their Hop Yeast, and write them to say so, enclosing a wrapper of a five cent package of Deo BREADMAKERS' YEAST, when they will send in return a lovely gift. This offer is open to any young lady, girl, single or maaried womans mat- • ron or housekeeper whb has never before made a loaf of bread. Any person havin.g. domestic: charge of a household who is not now baking for the family, and who will commence by using their yeast, and who will send to them • the wrapper of a package • and write to that effeet, will receive a still better class of gift than that above offered. Better yet; any one at present making their own bread, using their own or other yeast; but who will buy a five cent package of the Breadmakers' Yeast from any grocer or storekeeper, and, after using, will write to say that their Yeast is Superior, they will believe her also, and will astonish that lady by return mail with a lovely gift. You must get the yeast from your own grocer. Don't send money to the Company direct. A etatue of Liberty is to be erected on a peak in San Francisco, which is to be lighted by electricity and will be 1,000 feet above the sea. Thus the two meet impor- tant ports on both sides of the coontry will have a statue of Liberty ; in each ease repre- sented as a woman. • Free ! Free / ! Free ! ! I A Book of Instruction and Price List on yeing and Cleaning, to be had gratis by Bing at any of our offices, or by post by' nding your address to R. Parker & Co., ers and Cleaners, 759 to 763 Yong° St., temto. Branch Offices: 4 John St. N., milton ; 100 Colborne St., Brantford. The Austrian giant Winckelnaeier, who s recently exhibited in Paris, measuring ht and a half feet, may be regarded as a ecimen of the highest stature attained by e human species. e. minute. The engines collectively make a as journey in four harm equivalent to that of e going round`the world, and so great is the r. wear and tear that one new engine has tobe .1 brought into use every five days. f The Lawrence Machine Company, Law. ae rence, Mass., have been awarded the con. tra,ct for ' f tit r Two ounces of soda dissolved in a quart of hot water will makes ready and useful solu- tion for cleaning old painted work prepara- tory to repainting. This mixture, in the above proportion, should be applied when warm, and the woodwork afterward washed with water to remove all traces of soda. One of the most serviceable kind of wash- stand splaehers, and also one of the cheapest, is made from a yard of fancy matting bound with a wide braid or a piece of silk or zner- ino, matching the prevailing color in the room and fastened np with fout tacks, each te:dle tmereted with a colored ribbon. Where the room is small and there is no dressing case, pockets of the matting may be fasten- ed each side of thp eplasher to hold the • comb and brush. • The Art IntereAnge says: Especial atten- • tion rs being given nowadays to the dressing in of the bed In the guest chamber, the znost elaborate work and, the richest materials be. an ing devoted to tide use. Among the latest th th novelties may be included the newly import- . ed embroidereeltinen sheets, finished neatly NI' • at either end by a broad heti-est-itched hem (..311 and at one end showing a richly embroider- ;0 ed Mead of orna,meet in Irish tambour about to eighte'd inches deep, this art of the sheet 0 being ant,to pass up an over. the pillovrs • instead of shams which are somewhat outof of Style. Pillow eases to enema -many these r are very simply finished with a broad hem- stitched helm These sheette, according to their size and depth of embroidery cost from nine to ten and a half dollars each. eve the een ope of ute Lovable Friends. There ate friends who are simply beings disc gall to love and admire -people who fill your Pain heart with tenderness, in,' whom you .feel gall g p p ng piants r planned in Amerisa. The' plant is for city of Mentreal, and consists of four trifugal pumps, each with a discharging nng of 24 inches diameter, and capable hndling 18,000 gallows of water per min. ,and four similar pumps of 15 inches barge opening, and a capacity of 7,000 one per minute. Thus the four 24 mc ps have a dombined capacity of 72,000 ons per minute, 4 320 000 gallons er the most entire admiration, whose ver faults are so harmonious to their genera characters that you are fain to love them too, and would be unwilling to see them other than what they are. These friend have the divine use of calling forth you love. In their presence you have never an angry feeling, never a bitter thought. They e mora y like some cool green flower- scented arbour where you rest on a burning summer day and get refreshment Mr the on- ward climb in the fiery open. You cannot analyse youtd sense,tionte-you only know that you feel When to yoo go into peace You h b' g. dnM, no harsh words, no uncharitable terr- ifies. Ridicule is an art utiknown to them d anger follows the fate of ridicule. They ink that men are better than bad, and at people as a rule try to do their best. hen things are patently evil, artd even Deity finds her cloak too short and small r the covering, they prefer not to speak. others belozigs the task of condemnation; them only thatof excuse when they can f charitable silence when they cannot. tich sweet and gentle.hearted people are riceless. To Destroy Nihilism. The Russian Government is attempting to estroy Nihilists -I by putting an end to the igher education of the lower classes. ount Tolstoi! the Minister of the Interior, as issued a circular hi which it is declared hat - The gymnasia, high Schools, mad tiniver- tits will heneeforth refuse to reneive as tipiIs or students the children of domestic mantes, peasants, tradesmen, petty shop- eepers farmers, and others of like condi. on, whose progeny should not be raised ern the eircle to Which they belong, and e thereby led., as long experience hoe own, to despise their parents, to bedeme scontented with their lot, and irritated ainst the inevitable itequalitiee of the isdng social positions. ✓ P hour 10,680,000 gallons or 386,000 tone of water per day of twenty.four hours; and the four 15inch have a combined capacity of 28,000 gallons per minute, or 1,680,000 gal- a ons per hour. These pumps axe contracted r , for by the Inundation Committee of Mont- real, and are designed to pump the sewage of the city over the evens and dikes now in process of erection M protect the lower por- tions of the city from the annual innunda- tic& caused by the floods and ice gorges of the St Lawrence River. According to the statistics, 297,825 Union soldiers 1 ie buried in the varibus national °erne - terms of the States. The war coddle North 320,000lives, more than onein nine of ail those who enteren the service. The two oppos- D • ing armies met in over 2,GOD sktrinishes ea and battles. In 148 of these conflicts the ge loss on the Federal gide was upwards of 500 men, and in at leitet ted battles more Td than 10,000men were reported lost on each He side. The cornbined losses of the Federal• - and Confederate forces in the following engagements were :-Shiloh, 24,000 ; wa tam, 38, 000 ; Stone River, al,000 ; Chan- eig cellorsville, 28,000 ; Gettysburg, 54,000 ; Chicakamisuga, 33,000; Pen- ta insula Campaign, 5 .,000 ; Grant's Peninsula Campaign, 180,000 ; and Sherman's Cam- paign, 125,000. Waterloo -wee one of the a,0 most desperate and bloody fields chronicled g In European history, yet Walinsgeon's aure casualties were less than 12 per cent,, while! during the American War, the loss frequertt. ly reached and, sometimes exceeded 40 per eIg cent., and the average of killed and wound- sta Original and Tested Recipes. Pt:MEANT CAM:M.-Currants fOttr pounde ; t two pounds of immix; one tablespoonful 81 cinnamon; one tablespoonful each of salt, si cloves, and pepper, and sine pint of vimeger. p Stew the currants and eager till (mite thick, se then add the rest, and bottle or can for use. k This is very nice with meats. ti To PIGELE Peons. -Eight pods of efr plume; four pounds of sugar; one pint of vinegar, and spice to taste. Boil all together aid until plums are done, then take out the c" plums and put theta in the jar. Boil the ag syrup until thick, and peer ovet Wit plums ex and set away. Cherries may be pickled in the same manner, To Rieman Coottifeinitid-Let the cueInn. hers stand in a weak brine for three dare pee in a layer of ammeters, then Cover them vviThshorse radiek leaves and mustard pods The available coal of Alabaina, collected to one lump, would be forty-five miles long by twenty-five miles; wide by ten feet f thick. A breaking off of 5,000 tens daily from the lump would leave a large part of it untouched at the expiration of 6,090 years. toff No More. Watson's cough drops are the best in the rid for the throat and chest, for the voice equalled. See that the letters R. & L W. stamped on each drop. A Swedish peasant, cited by Buffett, was ht feet and eight lines in height, and the ture of the Finnish gittat Cujanus was the Same) while Frederiek William, King of Prussm, had a guerd of nearly equal stature. Whenever your Stomach or Bowels get out of or. der, &Using Billousneeri, Dyepepsia, or Indigestion. and their attendant evil ,s take at once a dose of Dr, Caramels stomach Bitters. Beet family medioine. All Drugglete. 50 coots. ed on one side or the other was 30 per cent, If the figurer; of the Confederate lousee could be accurately ascertisited, the total deaths in the late war would probably &te- pees 500,000. It. Saved My Wife's Life. This is the report of a Princess; street gen- A tleman who had the opportunity a few , dee nights since of testing Poisson's NERVILINE, e'g" the great pain mire. Ho prepared for any emergency by havittg a bottle of Nerviline at hand. It only costa 10 omits to test it Deed te of abuge oveaseork, and in advameal life woman waiting for a train in a Neer. yen railway station the other day had erose -eyed children lyith her. OtIND MEV suffeneg ftom the athlete of eerie • L miabits, the result of ignoranee and fony, who flirt selvee weak, nervous and exhittnitod also Min den and 0 NM bbs , as you can buy test bottles at any drug Fil,d(1, store. Get a 10- or 25 cent bottle to -day. file' ° he oonseqUendes of youthfui encase, send for and nAo M tubott's Treatise on Dioceses of Men. The Sure in rheunaatistre neerelgie„ cramp5,. book will 3.3 gent sealed to any address; on receipt of oofic, headache. Nerviline, the sure Pop two so. stampa. Addressee'. V. LUBOld, 0 Welling. t pain ours) All dre.gg 1 i 25 cmits a bottle , ton St E. Taranto Ont , Record, In Book form! containe correct record of the FOP. EST 'NIS it beet pertortilsaces in su niowirsAssrs O. SPOUT, ATISI10 0.11(1. AthietiO performanees. liard, Facies ard Trowels resort's, Baseball, Crioket, eacrosee, etc. price de. etemps taken., Address all orders to THE RipoaD, se „Front et, East, Toronto, Canada, Room No. 18. . The giant .G1110 de Trent, tit the Tyroi, and oto of the guerds of the I)eke of Brunevvick, was snore them eight feet four inches in height. " Fitarro,catarrikat 1110eal,flieS and nay rever, • Sofferere are not eenerally aware Spat OWES diseased are contegiota, or that they are due to tbe preeence of evine pereeites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustaehian Illoroscopio researeh, however, bee proved this to lee a fact, end the eesult is that a eimple remedy has been formulated whereby catarrh, caterrisal deafness and hay fever ate oured hi vim cese to three simple Application° nage et home. A plummet explainingytAbi.snn.epwixtorenethuesnotn,le 8130e8nt•Kfitirege on receipt of stamp b Str"t WPSII Cat'44 The de' recian giaat A impale, now eight: eeri years old, is teven feet eight inches taBlelo.Ple who ard subject to bed breath, foul coated tongue, or Any disorder of the Stomach, can at onoe be relieved by using Dr. careores stomach Bitters, the old and tried remedy. ask your Druggist. A. P. 369, eseeleareowevewseeessesewesserreeersernerseemeonseere PATENTS For Sale-miustrated descriptive leen alogue free. It, Chamberlin, Toronto. 0011. LITE /ORIENTS WANTED IN EVERY IX County in Canada. Address, FERRIS a CO., eachurch St., Toronto, Jek.0.101tarTis AtiDoelvvesens wantedogaie or Female, whole or spare time, on indarY or commis- sion. Industrial Union of B.N.a, 48 Arcade, Toronto. ANOTHER NOVELTY Sprink ta iweranatneddAtcstzae All the rage in the States. Agen by mail 45 cents. CLEMENT & CO., Toronto. 11. WM. ARMSTRONG, Dermatologist. ..11J Sphialse, skin diseases. &retain and all dis- ries of the blood. All cancan cured that are our. able, without the use of a knife. Office hours, from 9 to 12 a.m. and from 120 to 420 Sabbaths ex- cepted. 28 Dundee Street, Toronto. PATENTS mt.img;c1::...dAtilguei,lie.rt-ped. tont Attorneys, and experts in Patent Causes. Estab- lished 1567. Donald C. Ridout Co.. Toronto. 1,000,000 it adies Wanted to use our "Magnetic aiming." They Relieve Nervous Headache and the discomfort often caused by all other Hairpins. Sample Box 10o. Address G. E. M. CO„ Vineland, New Jersey. RUBBtR sum PS,SakItict Gin. and Burning Brands, &c, Send for Catalogue. BARBER BROS. CO., 87 Scott St., Toronto. ‚X' HE LONDON GUARANTEE magi.. AND ACCIDENT CO. (LID, OF LONDON, ENC. _ _ _ , capital, 4260,u00. Dominion Government Deposit, £55,000. Head Moe : 72 King St East, Toronto. Gentlemen of 113111101110.2 wanted in unrepresented district% A. T. McCORD, Resident secretary for the Dominion. • 4.= • Vocal arid In Hip W. GRAHAM at CO., 2eil • Yonge Si., Toronto, dealers M all kinds Band and Orchestra Instru- ments. Both New and &cond./land. truinental Music, 'lust° Book, etc. In- struction Books /or every Instrument. Agents for Carl Fischer e BAND it OR - (Iowan Music, Send for Catalogues. -dedee,,,,send, eq,d0e.ea. Water PURE LIVsINO STREAM. , bore 20 feet per hour. Alto Rock Drills -Hand, Trorse or Steam Power. Send for Catalogue. Laidlaw Manufacturing Co. Tlanotrow, Dom UWL fear_Mria Roofer Manutacturer and dealer in Tarred Felt, Roofing Fitch, Diellefing ra• perS, Carpet and Deafening Felt, READY ROOFINR. Etc. 4 Adelaide St. E. TORONTO. MERCHANTS •• BUTCHIRS IAN!) TRADERS GENERALLY. We want a GOOD MAN in your locality to pick up 40.016,3GairS7EX3EATM for us. Cash furnished on satisfactory guarants. Address C. S. PAGE, Hyde Park, Vermont, U.S. airy Salt, FOR BUTTER, ETC. NEW ThiNortations.-Higgins' Eureka, Washing ton an Ashton Brands, in large 01 8100.0 sacks Also Rice's Canadian Salt. Write 1 or prioes, JAMES PARR & SON, Wholesale Provision Merchants, Toronto. ONSUM TION. I have a positive remedy for the abo ye diseitze ; by its nso thousands o1co 01 15, worst kind and of long standing have been cured. Indeed, so strong is toy faith in lir offiesoy, that win aond TWO BOTTLES FREE, together With a VALUABLE TREATISE. on thls dlaease 10 101 sufferer. Give taproot and P. 0, address. DM T. A.58WOUSS, •BrautokOffioe, 37 Yong° St., Toronto 30 - Toronto Silver • Plate Coq MANUFACTURERS OP WE mousse GRADE OF SILVER PLATED WARES. TRADE ALL GOODS MARK. GUARANTEED, TORONTO. TRE greatest dis. govery cd the , present age for RIIGTI , LATINO BOWELS AND °BRING ALL BLOOD LIVER , AND KIDNEI COM PLYEITS. A per feet mood Purifier few in Hainiltoe who have been bene (Med by its use :- tiro. bi.a Keenan, 192 Robert St, cured ol Erysipelas 01 2 years atandhig; Robert Cor aell, 24 South St, datighter oured ofe Spileptio Fits ado years' euffering • entire irrell, ut a nSt., cured of weakness mad Lung Trouble; :John Wood, 95 Cathcart St., icured of Liver Complaint and thhousnees, used ord5 B•filtpeent bottles 1 /Ire. J. Beal, 6 Augusta st., troubled for years with Nervous Prostration, twc smallfbottles gave her groat relief. Sold at 50e, &$1.00. F. F. VALLEY & CO., Proprietors. o ASSESbinnt.cri SY$T4NI The Ifutual Reserve Fund, • LIFE ASSOOIATIciN. Tdesehcelaitairognt'int aItinde nwio9Atd-Prdliri3aeltv ereQmPe: Are48""laktoresentris tives in every section of Canadire liberal inducement*_ 11 ims nis Government Deposit, east :seder the SUlate• vision of Incurrence Department at Ottawa. Correspeocienee policited. Addresa .77.. D.,-scrr..,Z.gs, General manager, 00 King Street least, Toronto. LADlols, Dross and Mantle cutting by this • new mid imprcived TAILORS' SQUARE Satiefactioe.guaranteed to teach ladies ties full art of cutting all garments wore by ladies end ohildren. Pitoke SMITH 1831,- Queen St W., Toronto. Agents wanted. • 1,000 Miles of new Line of Rai way built this oeason, Laud all for settlement. Unsurpassed for graia or stock 'farms. 480 acres free. To learn how to get it send 'your address an postal card.J. • H. 98 King St. W.. Toronto. atlon . •Atcriq.) 23 ADELAIDE ST. E.. TORONTO. All classes of fine work. Mfrs. ofnrinserednreedn /Mugs and metaS Furnitere. 'Send tor prices, Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships. Sailing during winter from Portland every Thursday and Hahfax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in eum. mer from Quebec every samrday to Liverpool, calling at 1,ondonderry to land main and passengere f�t Scotland and Ireland ,• also from Baltimore, via Balla fax and St. John's, N. P., to Liverpool fortnightly during summer menthe. The steamers of the GIsi gow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax. Portland, Boston. and Philadelphia; and darinCeum mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; Glasgow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and PlilladelPhle fortnightly Por freight, passage, or other rdormation app/s is A. Schtuvaoher Jo Co., Baltimore S. Cunard It Co., Halifax; Shea & Co., St. John's, Nfld.' Wm. Thompa son & 00., St. John, N.B.; Alien /1' Co., Chicago Love di Alden, New York; H, Toronto. Allem, Rae Irk Co., Quebec ,• Wm. Brook's, Phlladel phia ; B. A. Allen Portland Boston Montreal. EtABY'S IS I RTH DAY. A.Beantiful. Imported Birthday Card mat to any baby whose mother will Bend us the names of two 01 10010 other babies, and their parents' addreeses Also a handsome Dia. mond Dye Sample Cg4 to the mother aird much valuable information. Wells, Richardson da Co., Montreal. • CANADA PERMANENT LOAN AND SAVINOS COMPANY. INCORPORATED A.D. 1855. Subserlbrd Capital, • • $3,5t0,0011 Fraid-liP Cordial, • • 2,300,080 liciferve Fond, • 1,180,000 • Total Assam, e • 9;304615 °Mee 1 -toy's Bldgs, Toronto St., Toronto. STRAICHT LOANS, OR CREDIT FONCIER PLAN. The Company has a large amount of money to lend on Real Estate securities at the lowest current rate of interest repayable either 40 0088010 or by instalments as may be desired by the borrower. Application's may be made direot to the undersigned by letter or otherwise or to the local representatives' of the company throughout Ontario. As the Com- pany always has funds on hand no delay need be ex- pected. hxpensos reduced to minimum. ifortgagee and iiitchicips.1 Deb•ntares Purchoseed. J. HERBERT MASON, Managing Director: 1 • •,• • ••• • •:.• * 0...• op, • • • -*` Ns& • • 14if le: 0; 111! • 4i.•.• .411,01,*• . • oo *** • • • • is .* I CORE FITS! wheiI say mire I 110 not mean merely to stop theln fOr limo and then have them 'return again. I mean a militia IWO. I have anode the dhiesee of FITS, EPILEPSY orEALIe 150 EIOENENSit alley. I warrant iny remedy to care the worst came. Because others have failed is no reason for not now 100.511251 enre. Send at one, for a trestle° and s Free Bottle of my Infallible remedy. Give Express and P0850E1014 It meta you nothing for sada. and I will cure you. Address DR. H. D. 5001, „Brand Office, 37 Iona Sts Toronto, THE 11411TIC Is the only stove made that will burn wood or coal equally well. It will heat one or more adjoin- ing rooms and retain fire with either fuel all night. It is the fermers' wood burner and will make home as comfortable as with a self feeder coal stove. the largest size is an unrivalled heater for schools,hall and charehes. The family Keystone, the largest nrst-elessstove for ineethe money made. THE AMMO Is revoiationizing cook 05 with coal. Its patent fire -pot end grate makes it the most durable,.easiest to manage, beet tn retain lire night and,day, and most economical of coal stores. These were the only etoves awarded a medal for new and meritorious inventions this year. If your dealer has not got them write us for infor'• motion. THE OSHAWA STOVE CY OSHAWA, ONT. MANUFACTURERS, BARNUIVI WIRE and IRON WORKS, wINDSOR, ONT. We are now offering the Best Iron Pences ever sold in Canada, at remarkably Low Prices, Railings, Flower Stands, ZED TO Signs, and all kinds If and Bra" W,.°51' A'Orlh of Molson., S B k PTI N Ilto0.4 FENCES OF EVERT DESC WE ALSO MAKE Stable Fixtures, Sand Screens, Weather Vanes, Iron Stairs and Shutters, Fire Escapes, Office S Mos ' ) "WE ceo..,1.1•47-1)-RENCTS