HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-11-3, Page 1LEGAX4. DIOICSOla, Barrietere M,Solts ot of StiprelAe Court,Notat'y Public et] ouvoya ace: '.10inntiesiontr. to, 410ney to Lean, Ofizt ei eat,itrik s B1oak,a1xeter. 00141.411461 .iiarriser, Solicitor; Conveyancer, Etc. IbXETER, . ONT. OilleeSainwell'aBlock Ball sold 01llee.) ARMOUR W. FORD, Solieitor in the Supreme Court of Ontario, Cenveyancer. Comm': teioneri &a,. dte. Special itttetatieli given to the collection of °lama in the United States. Patents proeured; money • to loan at lowest rates. Odle° ; Opera House Block, St. Marys, Ont. FLLIOT & ELLIOT. :Barristers, Nolicitors, Notaries Public '.Conveyancers &c, °I.060y to Loan at Lowest Ratea of intereet. , OFFICE MAIN STREET, EXETER. 13. V. gratin.. Erwin. 1 DENTAL. 11. L, BILLINGS, OFJPI,VEr over WARMS Ilortlz ' Nitrous Oxide as for Painless Extraction. • Sr1-1,1q-IG01•1" 3199331NTTIST. Graduate of the Boyal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Hay ing furnished fine Dental Rooms on JAMES.ST, 2 Doors East of Central Hotel, ...Exeter, Ont., where' am prepared to perform all brunches ofihe Dental profession with ease es akin. ,-treeam-mm_A.Mazau peed in extraeting teeth, Charges, Moderate; 'Tom's. Cush . XINSUALDENTIST.L.D.S _LA- • Samivellts Bleck, Miiinsst, Exeter, Extracts Teeth vvithont pain, by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold Filings awl all other dental work the best possible. Goes o Zumon on last Thursday in each naouth. Z. CARTWRIGHT, L. 1 S. 7 MEDICAL D, M. kJ's Ofilaeat hisresidence Exeter. Tw. attowNiNo. M. D., M. (3 • ing,ara.duateVictoriaajniversity.Offics andiresidenee,DortinionLaboratory. Exeter RYND' iVIAN coroner for the 1. (.3 li 2:r_County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr. ng's store, Exeter. TAR. 3. A. ROLLINS, M. O. P. S 0., Office, 3.1ain St.Exeter,Ont.Residen ea hounerecently occupied by P. McPhillips, sq DR. WOODRUFF, rnririanently located in No. 185 gneeste1Tenue, .London, a few doors east of Mat Office. Special attention given to diseaaes of the Eye, bad sight, and the pres- ervation of vision ; diseases of the Ear, im- Paired hearing, and. discharges fromthe ear; diseases a the.Throat, chronic inflammation being a frequent cause of deafness; diseases of the Nose, atarrh being a common cause of inpai"ed hearing. AUCTIONEERS. EMBER, Licensed Auc- EJtioneer for Ray, Stephen, and MeGilli- iray:Townships: Sales conducted at inoderate :atm Office -At Post-office,Crediton, Ont. ---, TOHiltr,LL, Auctioneer for the , Per Town ips of Stephen, Hay and Ueborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at thie office. VETERINARY. MENNENT Si TENNENT, Veteri- -IL nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toron- to, have an office for the treat niont o f all Domestic Animals, on 5f•instreet Exeter. Calls from a dis ._....., ---- tance promptly attended to:- Medicine for Horses Caltle,&e always on hand: a MONEY TO LOAN. 'ATONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND. 61 ....V.1. percent, 825,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L.H. DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE-. P.KE WATERLOO . MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. - :Establishedin 1863. • HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. , This; comeany has been over Eighteen i years insuccessful operation in Western tario,andJontinues to, insure againstloss or : Image by Vire,Buildings,Mercriandise,Man- ' thtetoriet,andall otherdescriptionsofkinsur- I able property. Intending Insurers have the , rttion of ineuring on'the Premium Note or A dealt System. f • During the past ten years this Company aas issued 57,096 Policies. covering property , ,o theamount ot$40,870,088 ; and paid inloss- ' 38 a lones709,712,09 1 • Assets, te1760.00.00, consisting of Cash ( a dank. G o v ernmentD ep o Is it ,un d the nnass- ., 'seed Premium Notes on handand in force. J, k W Vi'Amonis M D. Preside 1. t . C . NI. '.P.M.,OB , A ieeretary. 3.13. Hoorrns,Inspector. CHAS: e ggeLL Agentfor Exeter and vicinitv, e THE I? r ( I I I e Cr 0 01 Onl al n a 11/111 V rli 1 OF CANADA, • The Royal Mail, Paesenger and e'reight Route between Canada and Great Britain and direct route between the Wes.b and all points on the Lower St. Lawrence and Bale des Cha- ' leer, also New Brunswick, NOVA Scotia, - P. E. Island Cape Breton, Newfoundland, ' Bermuda, . - and Jaen aie fee New and elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping nd Day Cars run on through Express train e. Passengers fOr Great Britain or iho Oonti tient by leaving Toronto at 8;80 a. in. Thnra- day will join ontivard mali atearner at nate fax a, tn, Saturday. .8uperior Elevator Warehouse and Dock se* cow:mod:thou at Halifax for shipMentof grain and.general merehandise, Years of experience have proved the INTER - COLONIAL in connection with eteaniship lines to and from London, Liverpool and Glanaow to tralifax, to be the quickest freight route" between. Oaclada and Greet Britain. nitormation es to Passenger and Freight rates can be had on application te ROBERT B.M00DIE, Wentern Freight &Passenger Agent nosainnouse illock,York et. Teronto D. POT TINGLR, Chief Suporbubondan BailWay 0 41.1.11111PIONIPM111110111111111711411111111, , " HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE OHIPS FALL waou 4Y VOL. XV. NO. 6. RXETER ONTARIO, TECURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 3r1, 1887. ROUND THE: COUNTRY. ClandebOye orne. The names of the two pupils' in eaca of the adyaneed °lessee of B.S. No. 5 Usborne who obtained the hergest num- ber of perfect lessons for the month of October, are as follows :--5TII 1st, Ida ,Kydcl ; 2nd, Albert Hodgson, 4TH CLASS. -1st, Wellington Clark , e• and Ale= Jory. 3RD GL,Ass.-1st, Thos. Russell ; and, .Edith Westcott. Iri. 3nd Caess.--lst, Lizzie Proute 2nd, EintOke. 2xe Ceesse-lat, Chas. Prout ; 2nd, Amelia Down. s-setees latinebler. Belem -Alias Annie, daughter of Mr, John Dempsete of Eden, recently died of the diphtherin. It is believed that some of the same family have the dim tem.-TheRev. W. Quance, of Birr, gave a very able and masterly mission.' ary discourse to a large and attentiVe congregation on Sunday evg. last, in the Centralia Methodist Church. -The Dev- on Methodist Church is for the preelent closed. It is reported Hutt two local brethren are going to preach in it alter. nately.-Devon vilioge' has been the , scene of some petty acts of paltriness. IA night patrol will be necessary if these things are continued. • • Hibbert. PLOWING MATOH.-The annual plow- ing match of the Usborne & alibbert Associations, was held as advertised, on Thursday last, on the farm Mr. lafark Drake, lot 18, con. 9, Hibbert. The day was fine, and perhaps the only un- favorable circumstance in connection with it was the somewhat dry soil, Ploughing is Canada's great industry, and should be one of her great arts, and although the number of competitors fell below expectations, and leas tan it should have been, yet the marked nn- provement in the quality of the work, as compared with that of lest year, at least in many cases, must bave been gratifying to all concerned, and espec- ially to the officers and friends of the Society. A keen and growing interest was plainly manifested by the large numbers of visitors present, amongst whom were many ladies, whose presence honored the event and dignified it, and who, doubtless, took it true feminibe in- terest in the work, and in the "men be. hind the plow." There were nine plows ehtered. • Following is the list of prize winners ;-Extra class, Jas. Bell, Wm. Delaney, W. H. Walsh. lst class. Men with iron plow, Leonard Butson, Mark Drake, J. Connelley, Thos. Walsh. .Boys class Alex. Miller, John Harbouine. bpecials, for best. crown, Leo. Butson; for best finish, Win. Delaney. Ia the evening the annual meeting was held at Staffa. The auditors reported having audited the books and found a balance of $43,60 on hand. It was resolved that the Association, as a union, be dui solved, and that the surplus be equally diyided between the two townships. Two seperate associations were organiz- ed-Usborne and Hibbert. Thelotlicers elected for Usborne are :-Pres,, A. Robertson ; Vice ale W. Kydd ; Treas., D. McInnis, Secy., Jas. Ballantyne ; Directors, Thos. Passmore, John Allison, 'r., Thos. Cameron. S. Hunter and Fred Hunkin. Your correspondent wishes both Associations the unbounded pros- perity which attended the union organi- zation. Stephen. -- BRIEPS.-Preparationis are being made n the back part of the township for a big lumbering season during the corn. ng winter. Shanties are being erected t variouspoints throughout the swamps. Although the seeson is drawing nigh, e have not as yet heard of any fresh spirants for municipal honors. It is robable though that there will be an lection this year. -The swamps have een infested with hunters during the ast fevr weeks. We understand that ood luck has not been their fortune. OBIT. -It is our sad lot •to chronicle he death of Mrs. Jainea Snell, of the ondon Road, who died on the morn of ct. 35, Her death came as a sad sur - rise to a very wide dials of friends. lthough she has been suffering extrem. ly fer nearly a year, it was not expect - d that she was going so soon, On the 7t1.1 she was seized with a severe pain ore than usual, and gradually declin- d till death released her of her suffer- gs. it was a gratifying fact that she tained the full use of her faculties to he last, and especially gratifying it was hat she wa8 so graciously sustained ming her illness by the divine comm. ation of Love. Her utterances to those round her "(Tying bed were full of plecid and unwavering faith in the lore of God and resignation to hie holy will. Truly it may be said a mother in Israel has gone. On the 17th her remains were followed by a large concourse of people to the Exeter cemetery, where they wait for the resuraection morn. Deceased was born in the parish of Barrington, Devonshire, England, in the yeete '1833, it'd in the year 1850, together wt,th her parents, emigrated to Canada, locating on Lot 2, in the 1st concession of Ste- phen tovvnehip, near the village; of Cen- tralia. Four yeere later she was united iii marriage to Mr. Jas. Snetl, the be. reeve I husband, and they then remoVed to the' towhahip or Biddulph, where they resided for 25 years, during which period the deceased lady lived sociably with thoiee around her. The family then moved to the homestead in Step'', en rovintehip, two miles south of Exeter, where the decerteed lived the residue of her days. 8he leaves a husband and rem e children to nlourn mi irreparable 1 It° NalNov lath, 1885 10 Belera.- Iffra. A. B. Campbell, of London East is viaitiog Wanda and relatives in this neighborhood at pima- ent.-A little deoghter came to brighten the home of Mr. Wm, Fraser, on Oct. let. -One legged men who attentt ! threshipg around here had better keen cool or there will be war 'Tyne oarap. -rile celebrated. elydeadale stellion Ringford (Hee property"of Mr. A. O'Dwyer) died on Oct. the 16tb. This will be ofheavy lOss ati,bei is said to have no iesurence en the animal; 0 entrallaa :r BelEPS,--.T. W.Reqh.64,,,,,7of Basting, Mich;.arrived heme oti Satuaday last.- The dwelling house ot Mr. BroWn is being rapidly pushed fteward; We hope to see iefaneas"' smiling face in our midst before Spring. -1r. John 'Irene and family are going to take tile their abode with Jake Brown during the winter months. -Jas. Oke fait ;# fine yearling colt last week from parity's sis.-Jas. Dalgetty has moved into our city, welcome Jim. -Ed. Stewart is able So get out again, having been laid up with a severe attack of inflammation of the bowels, -Jennie Henderson, of the city, is visiting her slitter, Mrs. Knox ; hence the reason of Ed's speedy recov- ery.- Our grain merehant is kept busy singing Barley 1 Bailey 11 Barley !It High ! Higher! ! Highest"! 1 The only difficulty being scarcity of oars for shipping. ---A very impressive -essay was read on Sabbath afternoon by Chas. Mc- Laughlin, the title being : "The Advan- tages of an Education," which was ably handled by the' author of the same. Miss Down has been, elected esaayiat tor next month. -Miss Grace Essery, of Fairfield, is going to take a trip to Mani- toba this fall, to visit her sister. Bidd.ulph. -- THE PRICES DID NOT Surr tlese-A moat amusing scene occurred at an auction sale held La this township recently. A fanner had engaged] the services of an auctioneer from Lucan, and upon the day advertised a large crowd of intend- ing purchasers were present. At the specified hour the auctioneer seized his hammer, 'mounted the stool, and began with the words "How much do I hear for this animal 2" The beast standing before the crowd had one day been a good one, but was the little worse of age. The first bid:waa five dollars, then eight, then twelve. At this junctitres the linnet appeared before the crowd and exclaimed, nSure'n min ye cennot understand that this baste is oue of 11101 the occasion, vroke up to find it missing select stock, !" at the same time seizing end has had no trace of it since. This the horse and again putting it in the is too bad, as it is hard to meet with stable. Two coits were next ',put up." disappointment so early on so memora. One was "knocked down" for $90, the ble a day in a man's life. We did not other was sold for $80. 'rbe farmer not hear whether the weeding was postpon- being satished with the sale and want- ed or not, but suppose not. -Our band, ing a certain person to get the horses, (of which our town is proud) is stronger afterwards took and sold the team for now than ever before in its history, and $160. Some other stock and a few int- now come Out with a clarionet, which plements were sold, until a double car- makes quite and improvement. They riage was placed under the auctioneer's were out on Friday evening and render - hammer. One would judge that when ed some choice selections in front Of the carriage was new, it would cost over their hall, alter which they serenaded $t00 (and it was not by any means old.) their felloy bandman, Mr. Samil Either; The first bid offered was $25. Being they report haying spent a pleasant totally disgusted the farmer picked up evening with Sam and his (not girl but) the neckyoke, and cleared the premi• aes of the auctioneer and the aggravat- ing crowd. The sale was wound up be- sfooride.$300 worth of articles had been •-••• .••••• OR.MES.-Otir well known egg Men, chant B. Blackwell togetaer With his Bans and Ur. Mitchell, egg packer, have been buan making up loarrele to roceiTo a part of the aqundent •apple crop ef this vIciuity. ar. bas $5,000 worth of ens in storage bere at present -Mr, Hiram Hodgins wbo lately moVad to Lucan With his family, dted Saturday morning of last vreek and was buried in St, James' cemetery, of thia place, on Sunday. The family have our sympethy in their bereavement. -The trustee& ofMaple Lodge school No. McGiflivray, have engaged Miss Amanda Hortgine to be their school teacher for the Warning year, at a salary of $436.-4 very 'ergo number of the people of that vicinity attended the funeral of the lete Mrs, Herbert on Monday. She bad lived to a ripe 'Adage, being its her 81st yea;. ,She will long be remembered on accodnt of her skilfulness and useful ness the neighborhood. -Miss HOdeens, of this village, hp obtained. a sitnation as telegraph operator, in the town , of Trenton. She left yesterday (litednesdatta morning. She haw our best wishese-We havejust receivedthe intelligence that Mr., Pat Curtin luckily escaped being robbed of $900, which he had on his person Monday night. As he was returning home two persons at tacked bine, laying hold of his horse and turning it around so as to upset the buggyoitile the ether struck Mr.0. with a club. By this time he recognisedl the parties, and on calling them by name they hastily lie& Mr. Curtin never carries a revolver but intends doing ito in the future. Crediton. Baterso-Some of our local sports left on Monday for Muskoka, in hopes of securing deer. May they meet , with better luck than they did last spar. - Mr. 3. W. Grant, the worthy ho40f the Central, has had the good fortuee to aecure two tine deer an the evranap north of Isere within the last few days, having got one on Saturday last and one on Monday. 'rbis makea 3 deer that the Crediton sports have secured this "seas- . son. -The Times is becalming popular in Crediton, as since last week's iiieue overran° that can secure a copy does i not fait to do so, and almost every per- son canies one In his pocket for refea- encese-Hallowe'en night was celebrated ` • by, the boys as usual, gates beingeater- changed,' and buggy wheels Missing „some_ inatiermell. One young anti who' was to have been married next day and t had his top buggy fixed up specially for 1 dr OBEN WHITE its SONS Publieher sand Proprfetore DISTRICT DOINGS. Occurrianees at the riot weekThroughont the Neighborhood. hi e 00110i803 Form, A Mitclie)l Merolaant offers to giye a wash tub to erst young lady that commits matrimony before Christmas, M. John Evans has sold his fifty acre forint') Mr, Freeman lavens for 51,000. It is situated on con, 5, North Dorehester. Mrs. John Dagg recently sold a farm on Sauble line Bidd 1 h t Taylor, Usborne, for the suns of 05,100. Knox Church, Goderieh, has decided to call Bev 3. H. Simpson, of Brneeteld, as a colleague for Rev. Dr. Um, Mr. A. Hall recently sold. his fifty acre farm on the e0th con. of IttoGilltyrsiy town- ship to Mr. Wm. Windsor for 52,300. 'Lawyer E. Sydney Smith, of St. Marye, will practise his profession in Stratford in future. Mr. J. T. Owens was appointed Trateeirer for Hie village of Ailsa Craig, at a c.outtell nu3sithtg held last Saturday evening, in the place ef Mr. Mihail, wbo resigned. Ur. Leopard Harstone, barrister Of St, Mama, prho had been for some time in the office of Masers. Smith & White, has started praetioe en his own amount. Mr. Jtio. Morgan, of Ailsa Craig, has bought about 15,000 barrels of apples in that that section this fall, the most of tvhiela have boeh shipped to the Western States, Eastern Provinces and the Old Country, Mr. Hiram Hodgins, who lotely removed te Liman from Clandeboye with his family, died the other morning. and was buried in St: James' Cemetery theme. The Bee, Mr. •Downey performed the burial ceremony. 'Mr..lohn Stewart, jr., of the 12th con. of }libber), hes pa:phased from Messrs. Hor- ton & McKellar, the well-known and hand- some stal(on, "Prince Arthur." We con- gratulate Mr. Stewart on his purchase, On Saturday week the barn and outbuildings belonging to Mr. James Colinas, 3rd cou., Hibbert, was destroyed by fire. The loss is estimated at about $1500. No insurance. The cense of the fire is unknown. Thecongregation otKnox Cittacb, Stratford presented their pastor, the Rev. P. Wright, 13.D., with a $160 watch and Mrs. Wright with a t140 silver tee service a few evenings AV. Mr. Wight has just completed savitn years of his pastorate there. On Thursday 'night of last week the shoe shop of Ur. ' Samtiel Clulow, &Mahe% was entered by burglars and five pail' of :eastern - made boots, valued at $25, stolen. The burglars entered the ahopby the door, which was left nnbeitked. Diphtheria of a virulent type has made ts appearance in the northern 'nart of Elma Township, County of Perth. Two deaths have already occurred. Ins order to prevent he spread of theldisease, Union School No 2 has been closed for a week. A tailor in Windstaplaeed card in his window with the efeNowing inseription 'Lady wanted to help ant pants." It iseitaidt hat the clothier sold bis stocks ot pants in eas than two days. He fikipped to Detroit o remain until the excitement bad stetted. Te stewed Cantata, "Under the Palms," which wee; presented in Exeter last week with unprecedented success, will be rendered ill Mitchell in a few days, by memberspf the Mait-st, Methodist Sunday School oTthat towAnc.cording to the Expositor the deposits in the Seaforth Post Office Savings Bank for the year ending Juns 30th last, amounted to 0128,000. This is a snug sum and shows that the wealth of the district has not all disappeared yet. And yet the Commercial Unionists tell us that the country is becom- ing bankrupt. Advertisements and all printed matter eyond the name and address of the person r whom the missive is intended are no nger allowed on letters or panels sent Oro. gh the U. S. Postoffiee department. There a big kick among basiness men and the der may be recinded, but at present it holds ond. The wreak which floated ashore near God. lob during Tuesday night proved to be tae holing bnrge Morris, the crevr of which were soiled by the schooner Breck. The Morrie as brought up to the harbour by the tug naping. Nothing has been heard of the Aurien. NUPTIAL. -Quite a stir and excitement prevailed on our streets on Tuesday morning over the grand event of the merriage of Mr. I. Bloch, eldest son of Mr. Henry Bloch, of the Goshen Line, to Miss E. Steinbach, eldest daughter of Mr. Ef. Steinbaeh, ot the 141h con. of flay, The marriage ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. Mr. Strenapter, in the Lutheran church. 'rhere was a lerge number of visitors at the church to witness the ceremony. After the happy.coupie were united they were driven to the residence of tho 'bride's father, where the wedding spreaa await- ed them, which was a grand one. The old, but familiar custom of getting the ring in a piece of tbe bride's cake, to decide who would be the next in the party to be led to thee, hyra,eneal altar, fell to the lot of the earidesmail, Miss E. Bloch. The bride's slipper, which Was auctioned off, brought tha handsome sum of $4, and was knocked down to the "next best man," Mr. H. Steinhach, jr., of Hamburg, Ont. If the old adage, "Blessed is the bride on whom the sun shines," comes true in this case, Lizzie will Indeed be happy bride for the day was all that could be desired, and the whole of the proceedings pass- ed offin the most plemiant manner, without a stop we were going to sae, but there was ; it is usually the eitatorn with the boys, when a wedding party is coming into town, to bring them, to a halt by streching a rope across the road. and then demand a fee to procure the where withall to drink the health of the bride, But the boys got left this trip as they were headed off by a number of our Ambitious young ;miles, who got the chink, and sent the wedding party on their way rejoicing, while the boys stood by gnashing their teeth. The °yelling party WBS immense, the young (Wee tripped the eight fantestie' "way into the wee met' hours, (we will riot say how far, as our boy wss there, and we are not going to tell how late he comes home, as he is not out very of- ten.) But vve all take the extreme pleasures iti extending Lizzie and Julius ottr most fienriy cohgratulations, ani May theirs be a happy married lite. fo Frau.-Mr. Satre' Wood has sold his lo pony to J. W. Grant for a good round in sum. --Complaint is being made of 'boys is disturbing the peace of the village, and ' Or especially on Sunday nights. This g should be looked after by the proper er authorities, and if the boys do not know m better they should be taught at least to re regard the Sabbath. Their names will ss be pualished If they do not take good care.. -Mr. Clime. Eilber, baker, of Zur- ich, while in Crediton on Tuesday, lost a valuable stallion from inflammation of the bowels. Mr. Wm. Pylms has sold his farm in the Township of Unborne. containing 100 acre., to Mr. Eames Thompson for 06,300. A, new 01,000 organ has been ordered for Trinity Church, Mitebeli, and a chancel is shortly to be built. Me. A. Case; Joaaber, Hensall, intends giving tip teaching at she close of the year, and will move into Cromarty and open out ti general store.. Id themeantinse he is hav- ing his stOre fitted up so as to be in refldi- »ess., As Mr. Case is possessed of tact and ability and is already veil known, we expect to lit e him do a fair share of the business, On the seventh Mat.'the ratepayer. of St.- Marys will vote on a by-law to raise, by way 01 1011), the sum of 93,600, ta pay their share of the cost of ilea new county buildings. • "Diuntriy" White, of St. Marys, the young man who wee So terribly injured by a rail- way lecoinetive in July lase im progressing rapidlyotad is now able to be abont the Imam. Mr. J. W. Laird, a highly efficient and very snecessful public school teacher, of St.. Marys, has been honored with the presiden• ey of the Perth Ti nehers• Association. A. W. ffithatn, who attended the High School at Mitchell, lastyear and suceeeded in seeuring a second Cifili4 certificate in July, has been ougaged as teacher in the vicinity of Exeter at a selary of 5100. Mrs, Strattou, of Kirkton, has Bold her farm, and pa rposei moving to Toronto. The Men coieists of II ncres end wes sold for a1,520. John MeOlirdy was the purchaser. The Hansen driving perk as °elation, as Nisted by a number of their emintry end vil- lage friends have this week been badly on gaged in fencing and levelling the new grounds, and in laying out and grading the track. Ou Wednesday of last week en iteeident, winch might have proven very inuen more serious, (mitered in Mr. Elliett's quarry, on Water -at., St. Mame, by which Mr. E. Britheh received a very severe bruising. Ho was engaged on a bank using a crow -bar, when it gipped and he went telling dorm with a 600 pound. r tiftar hire. When both remitted the bottom Olt, 13. had seeond-beat position -the huge stone being on top of him. •.• • T R 20 the zattor of tice, Exeteli 1).cAn your NA weeks edition We noticed a cOtnplU4iflatiOn !mines W. Ff. Hoyle charging tis' with '.,.grose exaggeration, ' and de frig certata ""facts" that we may have menion'ed artioicl reletrad to by Mai, aud th sampling us with dire calam- ity if we dare to \advertise , disrespectfully •of their association., NOW we cannot in *limit- ed space give thii foots fully lo the public, but we will present some interesting facts and lette'rs to thopublic this time; and , in the future we will deal with these getilleineu as tho occasion palls for. First we aro charged with advOrtising for 1°*oretvlieoPAges.'soe''birtaioun8,ewwheiwol:fies derittitall'hicotqltr diction of the assertion that they ale not boycott. But we state emphatically that. 'lie RAVE zsor applied to the Secretary or any other officer or member of the Association for admiseion to membership, and those who in- sinuate and assert that we did, insinuate' and assert that 'which 18 false in every ,pirtienlar. We have not joined, nor will not piiti these Itingsterd in their atterapt to crush oPpost- bon. We claim the right to conduct any legal business in any oily, town or village we ehoese, without to get down, and Halo the feet of or opponents, and afterwards .be at, the beak and °all of a lot ef Monopolists ; and we will not combine to force another citizen to do what we object to doing oursel. Yes. For be it known to all thatif any citi- zen wishes to conduct an undertakiug busi- ness he roust first, according to the '4Ring," get the consent of his three nearest oppon- ents, What a farce Wender how many would give their consent? And at the same time promise to adhere to a set of cast iron by-laws, Ong upon such sr systein we want none of it, th e only by-law we will'submit to is that we pay one hundred cents on the dollar for our goods. We are in sympathy with anything that will tend to elevate any profession or trade, but any system that creates and fosters monopoly we will not support, Let the undertakers' Associate:in make the educational and scientifie aavance- meta of the profession their aim, and we will join tleem,heart and hand, but as long as their grew. aim is to keep up monopole and. down competition we will fight them te the end. It means for us a war for taxies tense against a war of extermtnation. Our . opponents have boasted, time and again, tbat We could not "obtain gooas, and there- fore, could no carry on business, Whiat MMUS our rube., which is the object aimed at, but these "Ringsters" have done all they can do, and now we defy them all, W. H. Hoyle not excepted. Thanks to • manefac- tering opposition we can get our supplies in- dependent of them; and they are only throw- ing custom into the hands of their opponents and they will wake up to that fact ere long. W. H. Hoyle says we are not boycotted. What then is the meaning of this letter from 3 "ring" manufacturer?' Messrs. Rowe & Anal:The, T", MABall 18'1887. Giumemnie. We are to -day informed by the Undertakers' Association that you have not joined the As- sociation, and they -request us not to sell you for the present. We are sorry we cannot ship, as the goods are ready and the invoice sent you Platse c.dtesems as soon as you can that you have joined, 'We cannot ship until you do. YourastErmulny.E Ns BROS. &Co And after we had sent them back a card cancelling our order, what is -the meaning of thia letter from the name firm ? elessrs.Rowe Andriltewir ToN, MAWR 19,1887. GENTLFULSIN: low card of the 17th inst. at nand. We are sorry. that you have taken offence:: by onr let- terof the Wth. You are aware that the Menu- 4-sacturem helm agreed to stand -6 y the Under. takers and visa versa. Should you becorne a member of the Association, and we shonld sell to a non-member in your Newii, What ivonld you think of us? It is in this position we tire placed with you. When we received your es- teemed order we thought yohwere entitled to buy from the Manufacturers, as yoq had. bought out Mr, Drew, he being an old custo- mer of ours but when we received instructions from the Secretary of the Undertakers' Asso- ciation, we stopped the goods. And if ycni should become a member of the Association we would he most happy to sepply you with any- thing in our line, Yours truly, SEMMENS BROS. & CO. And Mr. Hough was the man that wrote the instructions mentioned in Semmena* letter of the 19th. Yet he has the effron- tery to say that we are not boycotted. What a nice mesa he has made of the whole affair, writing such a foolish letter before enquiring if we had proof. We will leave it to the publie if these men deserve to be called ring - eters. And with regard to the term "gigan - tic fraud," as applied to the "ring,f' we mean that under the garb of Education they are practicing a system of Despolie tyranny, such as should not be tolerated in any free coun- try. We will not give up our independence at the command of these gentry. And, de- pending on the support of the public, we will do all we can to break this grinding mo- nopoly, and bring about a state of things wherein every man will •have an equal chance, and none will be allowed favors. other missing barge, Dolphin. Much more will be shevin about this Aso - The religiousquarterly meeting of Crediton elation in due time, but for the present al- (Arent- will be held in the Ebenezer Methodist low us to remain, Church, on Snnday, Nog. 6th, at 10:30 m. The Public's Obedient Servants, All who eau make it convenient are cordially invited to attend. The business quarterly meeting will be hold on the Monday following at 2 o'clock p, na, in the Crediton Methodist Church for the transaction of the business of the circuit. Last Sunday morning the Ridgetree cheese factory, in Bosammet, was burned, and with it the last month's make of cheese. Early in the morning the man in attendance is said to have started a fire in the stove, and closed the place np while taking his breakfast. Shortly afterwards the place was discovered on Me, which rapidly spread throughout the building and destroyed it and all its contents. That this is the age of invention and mean inery, and a eat eiu the north ward seems to be fully.alive to the spirit of the times, for a few evenings ago it want on a foraging ex. Pedition and returned . with a mouse trap. No doubt the cat intends to retire and let the trap do the work. -Mitchell Reaorder. A man named Smith, who belongs to St. Mary's. met with what might have been a fatal accident in Grant's tannery at Wood - stook ; Tuesday evening. He had to pass his arm from below around a cylinder, and his hand become caught, causing the arm to be drawn so far that both bones of the fore arm were broken, one of them in two places. On Wednesday week a large black bear was seen in the woods of Mr. Mr. • John Smale, of the 8th concession, Hibbert. Shortly after a large nurnber of men and as many dogs were in hot pursuit, but night coming ou, the chase was given up, and old Bruin has not Biota been heard of. It is over 25 years since a bear Was last seen in this locality, aud the unusual visitor createa quite an excitement. On Satunlay forenoon last, a little two year old girl of Mr. Geo. Ortslalen in the West ward. St. Marys, while playing with the bust of a china doll, swallowed her play toy, and a sed experiment it preyed. The head of the doll measured three inches in circumferenee and the shoulders 4t inches, and the chat' suceeeded in getting it, head first, into her mouth and almost past the meat°. The little girl was nearly strangled bsfore she coald be rolievea. Her throat wits badly lacerated, but it is recoyering more rapidly nein expected. ROWE & ANDREWS 5. -es 41 Barnum's Show in Winter Quar- ters. The paraphrenalia of P. T. Bannon's great show arrived at Bridgepoart, N. it., the other day, andt he cars were at Once switched into the yards at winter quar- ters. In the night twelve car loads' of ' horses, camels and other animals were sent up the Housatonic road to White Plains, where farmers each year keep the principal stock of trick and ring animate. The seasoe has been more prosperous _than ever before. The show has been on the road 192 days and 384 performance have been given. The number of miles travelled is 10,500, and receipts have been- $1.500,000. No accident of conse- quence has occurred. There were 800 employes, and 670,000, many having al- lowed their wages to accumulate into a snug little sum for the winser. A photographer issues the following ad- vice :-When a lady sitting for her picture -would compose her mouth to a serene character she should, just before entering the room, say "boson)," and keep the expression into which the mouth subsided If, on the other hand, she wishes to assuma a distinguished and somewhat noble hearing she should say "brush," the result of which is infallible. If she wishes to make her mouth look email she must say "flip," bet if the mouth is already too small and twat enlarging, she must say "cabbage." If sae wishes to look mournful she must say "Kerchunk," if resigned, she must forcibly ejaculate "S'eat " sessemeit A NARROW ESCAPE. People who are exposed to the siniden changes of oily northern climate have little chance et' escaping colds, coughs, Sore throat and lung trotbles. The best nate-guard is to keep flegyard's Pectornl Belsam at hand. It ie a quick relief and reliable tura for swill compleents.