Clinton News-Record, 1979-04-19, Page 10PAGE 10—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1979
Bean supper a success
Saturday was a busy
time for the men of St.
Andrew's United Church
as they prepared for and
served their Annual Bean
Sup.per to more than two
hundred people, not to
mention cleaning up the
kitchen afterwards! A
happy solution to line-ups
of hungry people waiting
was the arrangement to
seat them in the
auditorium of the church
where they were en-
tertained with music
provided by church
organist Molly Cox and
pianist Ruth Andrew. The
supper tickets were
numbered and when your
number was called it was
time to eat.
The supper lived up to
the appetizing odors
which greeted you at the
door. What goes down
bedter than Boston Baked
Beans with sausages,
bacon, brown bread and
apple cider on a chilly
spring evening? Topped
off with coffee and a piece
of pie of your choice.
United Church news
t he Church was filled
to capacity, as many
family members came
home to visit their
parents and summer
residents opened up their
cottage for the summer.
The Sunday School
children sang ac-
companied by the Rev.
Alun Thomas on his
guitar against a
background of beautiful
floral decorations.
Mrs. Jean Milne joined
the choir for the Easter
music and Ruth Andrew
accompanied organist
ivtoiiy Cox at the piano.
The minister warmly
welcomed the visitors
and the regulars and
delivered a most thought-
provoking and inspiring
Easter message.
Meeting set
' itt riuron Branch of
the Architectural Con-
servancy will meet at
Bayfield Little Inn on
April 26 at 8 p.m. Nick
Hill has scheduled a
workshop to exchange
Work is underway in Bayfield to widen John Street
in the village. Before road changes are made the
the - BA YFIELPembertonD bugle
Rev. Youmatoffleads Anglicans
Holy Communion was
observed in Trinity
Anglican Church on
Easter Sunday morning
by celebrant Rev. George
Youmatoff assisted
during the service by
Philip Du Boulay and
Andrew Erickson.
Sidesmen were Morgan
Smith and Milt Van
Patter. Mrs. Jeanne
Bennett taught the
children in Sunday
Flowers were placed to
the glory of God and as
memorials and
Who are they?
Who are these beauties? Here's one hint,
they're all members of the Bayfield Lioness
Club. Now, it's just up to you to put a name to
these faces. You can see if your guess was right
in next week's. News -Record, here on page 10.
Then we'll find out who the Lionesses are and a
little bit about each club member, her family,
home and community work.
thankofferings by Rob
and Doris Hunter, Pat
and Wyn Graham and by
a daughter of the late
Newton Sturgeon, as well
as the Chancel Guild.
Rev. Youmatoff said,
"There is no more
glorious time of the year
than Eastertide. The long
period of waiting and of
preparation is over and
we can feel the
fulfillment of the promise
of new life, not only in the
air about us but in the life
of the church."
He continued by
saying, "We are going
through hard times now.
Times filled with doubts
as to the direction we are
taking, as well as the way.
we are fulfilling the task
God has allotted to us.
There can be no doubt. In
the final analysis God's
Holy Spirit will guide and
Couple wed
Robert James McVean
and Sandra Lynn McCabe
were married in the
United Church in Jasper,
Alberta on March 31.
The groom is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
McVean of Bayfield and
the bride is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin
McCabe of Orangeville.
Matron of honor was
Doreen Russell from
Edmonton and John
Chapman from Bayfield
was the best man.
After the wedding a
reception was held at the
Jasper Inn.
Congratulations were
sent from Scotland,
8 King Street, Clinton
Velour & Terry
have just arrived...
In many exciting new
spring colours and styles
to choose from...
direct us in exactly the
same way that he
directed his Son. The only
real test for us to face is
our ability to accept His
direction and. his
guidance as Christ did.
The promise is for eternal
life to all who truly
The congregation was
reminded to have their
Lenten self-denial en-
velopes and other
donations for the Hunger
Fund (PWRDF) in. as
soon as possible in order
that the money may be
sent off to the Synod
Prayers were asked for
all those who are ill,
whether at home or in
hospital and especially
for the rapid and sure
recovery of the Rector,
Rev. William Bennett.
Toronto, London,
Orangeville and Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. McCabe
along with Mrs. McVean
and Peter attended. Mrs.
McVean, Peter and John
Chapman flew to
Edmonton on March 28
and remained until April
4 to
During this stay they
visited many points of
side areas must be cleared of debris, rocks and a
number of evergreen trees. (News -Record photo)
Round about the village
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Irwin
and Robbie of London
were with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Walter
Erickson and family for
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
Latimer, Weston were at
their home on Howard St.
over the weekend.
Sympathy is extended
to Mr. Floyd Diemert in
the loss of his sister Miss
Helen Diemert of
Wellesley last Tuesday.
Karen and Brian
Diemert, St. Marys were
with their grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Diemert, and uncles
Wayne and Rick for the
Easter weekend. They
were joined on Monday
by their parents Mr. and
Mrs. Ron Diemert.
Sgt. and Mrs: Stan
Smith and Lisa, Mrs.
Leanne Vesey and Chris
of North Bay were with
Mrs. Smith's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Lar-
The Euchre Ciub met
last Wednesday evening
in the Municipal Building
with 31 present. Owing to
the absence of Reg and
Clara Wilson the euchree..
was conducted by Lloyd
and Esther Makins. The
ladies' high as won by
Mary Nedi er and the
low went to Mrs. Cregg.•
Bill Clark won the men's
high and Frank
McClinchey the low. The
lone hand was won by
Greta Scotchmer.
The family of Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold Makins were
home for the weekend,
Brian from Toronto,
Bonnie from London and
Brenda and her son
Brooke from Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Theatre London who saw
Mackie. and family of Same Time, Next Year
London spent the Easter currently on the stage in
weekend at their Bayfield London, were entertained
home. They had as their at a party afterwards at
guests Mr. and Mrs. the London home of Dr.
McGouganof London. and Mrs. Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Thomspon, summer
Chapman and son John residents at Century
were at their Bayfield House in Bayfield. There
residence for the Easter they had the pleasure of
weekend. meeting and chatting
Mr, and Mrs. F.G. with Dawn Greenhalgh
McAllister spent the and David Brown the two
Easter weekend at their stars of the play they had
Bayfield home. just witnessed. Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Mrs. Brian Lonstaff,
Poth have arrived home Stage Manager and his
from their winter in wife were also guests of
Florida and were visited the Thompsons. David
by their son and his Brown is an old friend of
family from Don Mills for Alec McAllister of
Easter. Bayfield. A few years ago
Last Thursday evening he played a major part in
Bayfield members of
a two -act play
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Your family is a very special
part of your life.
The family is our single most important
social institution, which is why your Ontario
Government is continuing to take an active
interest in supporting and
strengthening family life in the
province. During 1979, the
International Year of the Child,
your Ontario Government reminds
you that the future of our province depends on
our children; the future of our children depends
on the strength of our families.
Margaret Birch,
Provincial Secretary
for Social Development
William Davis, Premier
May is
Family Unity
Make it a Special Month
in a SpecialYear