The Exeter Times, 1887-10-20, Page 13k Y )- GS Y ad tams DfB'„ ion,. In - 'EL., ex- l'elf- iout in. t a. by con• kri ,uda any is O 450 S. ER. E l of e at :eter 411/4) ed def. WED' lar, 81' om 20c. Prices,. E. 11 si ztla • Gel, WEST 2.75. for $5e rwn to,. OLLAs1•, or Salo, Shocking Accident. Roux CENTRE. 00ty Oct. 21, es -A. meet' horrible and distressing acoident occurred here this morning about 8 e'cloolt, whereby one Arthur Gillies, a millwright of Thalnes- v lle was ushered into eternity without a xno. rrent'8 warning, Mr. Gilliee Lee been work. ing in Bieklo eC4 Dysen's gristmill for the last si'i` weeks and halt laeaely finished his job. 'This mn�e,eing, while' attempting to put on a belt witft41ie machinery in motion, he was tripped np by another loose belt lying at his teat, and was immediately thrown between two cog -wheels, which drew his head through ,,>their terrible grasp, grinding the back of his - head into a jelley. Itis then supposed be wee caught in the revolving shaft and whirled round and round until the machinery was stopped. When found, nearly all his clothing was torn from him, and the sight wits a most ghastly one to behold The poor man's brains and parts of his skull weue scattered all round the immediate vicinity of tlloaoeident. Mr. Gillies was a young man, unnrnrried, and abort 25 years old. A Mammoth Ox and a Puny Cow. Wo tain3 from the Atchison (Kansas) Daily Champion of the 26th ult :— Adam Forepaugh's circus exhibited in Mani, SOH yesterday. While here the veteran show- man bought of J. K. Ka Gregor of Wichita, Kansas, for $]0,000 cash, the mammoth ox, "Jobn Sherman," weighing 4,250 pounds the largest in the world, and beyond doubt the greatest curiosity living, in the way of an an- imal - being as much larger m comparison With ordinary cattle as Jumbo was over other elephants, Ile is a beautiful roan, six feet four inches high, eleven feet tour inches around the girth, three feet four inches be- tween hip points, and eighteen feet from tip to tip. He has tremenduous hone, and when fatted and filled out will weigh 4,700 pounds. Notwithstanding the enormous size and weight of this remarkable animal, he is as active Aman ordinary steer of one thousand pounds, This now acquisition to Mr. Fore- paughs collection of animal curiosities is very highly prized by that Creat exhibitor, who considers"John Sherman" the greatest anim- al curiosity ever exhibited under canvas. Mr. Forepaugh also bought of Mr. Mo Gregor a Leesevater cow that weighs only 350 pounds. stands 34 inches in height, and yields three gallons of milk a day. She has had four calves. This is also a wonderful curios- ity which will add greatly to Mr. Forepaugh,s attractions. e--oo+- * VONT We respectfully call your attentiou to a few testimonials which the GALE SULKEY HARROW MAFUFACTUR TNG COMPANY OF WINDSOR, ONT., have received from some of their patrons. Every one who has purchased the Implement renounces it a grand success, and an Implement every farmer should have. A. R. McMANUS is in charge of a company of men and eight wagons, at Exeter, and is doing a thriving business in Huron County, Gale Harrow Co,, Windsor, Ont. GENerme er.--This is to certify that the combined Harrow purchased from your agent has given entire satisfaction, and I consider it the best implement of the kind ever introduced iu this neighborhood. I prepared my potato .grouncl for wheat with- out ploughing, and I oan say that the ma- chine does all your agent claimed for it, and can cheerfully recommend it to my farmer friends as the BEST. Yours truly, Janes Halls, Usborne. Gale Sulky Harrow Co., Windsor, Ont. DEAR SSRS.--In answer to your question as to my opinion of the Gale Harrow, I would state that as a Cultivator for loosen- ing and tearing up the ground I would as- sign it the highest place of any that I have ever tried, doing its work more effectually, leaving no blanks, light of draft, and invar- iable uniformity of depth. Not having test ed it as a seeder, I must not speak too posi- tively of its merits as such, but from Its construction, and what I have seen, I have Frank LPslie's Popular Monthly FOR NOVEMBER. The Imperial and Royalladieswhowear the crown in Europe have an attraction even for readers in this republican land and many will ;follow with interest Lilly Higgin's account of PYEmpresses and Queens whose portraits are given iu the November number of FRANK LESLIE'S PoruLAR MONTHLY, from Queen Vict- oria to the talented literary lady who charas the throne of Soryia. A tour along a sandy stretch of New England coast can be followed in the article "From Boston toProvincetown," by A. V. Abbot. ' Verdi and his operas," by L. C. Elson, is a sketch full of charm, by a writer thoroughly at home with all musical lore. In Florine Malcolm,s sketch of British ish Guiana we visit a part of the continent little known and strangely mixed. General Brisbins, sketch of the great Sioux Chief Spot - led Tail is full of iuterest, giving individuality toone ofthe faulousmodernIndians. 'Carrara and its Marbles,' "Nature's Gas Works," aro more utilitarian, but attractive. All these articles are fully and capitally illustrated. Ono of the important points in the number le the commencement of ,..Prince Lveifer," s now serial novel of surpassing skill and power by Etta W Pierce. This must be hailed with de- light by all readers of well drawn character. The minor staring cu tho number are all extremely clever. Interesting Itemt;. tfr. Regan, who is now teaching in the 'vicinity of Godoriah, has been engaged to teach at Blake school at a yearly salary of $425. no doubt it will fulfill all that can be claim- ed for the very best in the market. Yours truly, A. J. Roes, Nairn. Mains, July 26, 1887. Crediton, Ont, Sept. 23, '87. Gale Sulky Harrow Mfg. Co., Windsor. GENTLEMEN. ---I purchased one of your Harrows & Seeders and have thoroughly tested it on all kinds of ground; and after seeing the work it will do have no hesita- tion in recommending it to my farmer friends as the best implement in the market. Yours truly, Tobias Wurtz. Sar pta, Sept. 24th, 1877. Gale aerro+v Co., Windsor, Ont. GI•.x'LEeu:N.—I have bought and tested one of your Sulky Harrows and Seeders and think it is just what every farmer needs, and it will do all your agt. claimed for it. Respectfully Yours, Alonzo Foster. Centralia, Ont., Sept. 24, 87. Gale Sulky Harrow Mfg. Co., Windsor. DEAR Snts.--I bought one of your Sul. key Harrows and Seeders and must• say tha i I am well pleased with the way it does its work. I prepared and sowed weat in a very rough, lumpy field where it was in pos, sible to use my drill. I also used it to dig potatoes, and afterwards prepared and sow- ed the same field without plowing, and I sin convinced that the Gale is the best and most useful implement ever introduced to farmers of Huron Co. Respectfully yours, William Anderson, Stephen Tp. Gale Sulky Harrow g Co., Windsor Ont. DEAR SIRS.—The Sulky Harrow & Seed- er bought from your agent is just what we need. I have used it to harrow, cultivate and seed, and can truthfully say that it does the work better, easier and with less labor than any instrument I ever saw. I will also state that 1 have a good drill, but think that broadcasting as done by the Gale is the way to sow grain to get the best re- sults I haye worked ten acres of wheat stubble with the cultivator without plough; ing and it did the work to perfection. Wm. Rowteliffe, Stephen. CONSUMLrTION CURED. An of d physician, retired from. practice, lav ing hard placed in his hands by an East Indian missionary theformula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speeds/ and permanent euro of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a posi- tive and radical cure for Nervous Debiiityand all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of oases, has felt it his duty to make it known to Ms suffering fellows. Actuated by tuffs motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, wen send free of charge, to all who desire :t, this recipe, in Germau,Freuch or English, with full directions fcr pron.ring and using. Sent by mail by address_ngwith stamp, naming this paper,W.A.Noyas,140Power'sBlock Itcchester American anthracite coal is selling at $10.25 a ton in Winnipeg, and Galt and An olid resident of Sebringville, near Strat- ford, Michael Boos wile found dead in his own bttruyard Monday mornsng with only his night shirt on. Mr. A.. T. Cutler, of Galt, bas a horse that Wes foaled in 1845. It is now over 40 years old, and Mr. Cultor has had it for 27 years, Tho death is announced of Mr. Jas. Poole, an old and respected resident of Ailsa Cram. He was buried on `Wednesday afternbbn last. Mr. A. C. Reid (Sandy), of Lucas, at present in Winnipeg, offers "to back a Mali 'to run T. Moffat 440 yards for $250 Weide, 'a be will back R. H. Dunbar to ruts hiin'a mile for the same amount. Knox Church con l cation, Goderich, at a epeeial meeting held 'tab other evening for. the purpose of elect nig a colleague for Dr Tire, decided to tallev. J. H. Simpson. of Brucefield, to the posit,lon. A petition presented to the. Goverment on Saturday by Senator 1VIti Kindsey Deka for a date for voting on tlie'i•fpeal of the Scott Act in Halton County. 'land bears upwards of 1,600 signatures., Mrs. Lovett, ,bad a shawl stolen from her nt the fa11 i+ir held in that village last week., The &odericb St nal doesn't appear to be pleased becafise Mr. R. Porter, M. P,, of Weet Huron, at aredaat preliminary examination in the matte of the protest, did not perjure himself to fultIlher Mr. McGillicuddy's efforts to unseat him. One cannot please everybody in a sworn a urination. The Young -liberal Club, of Seaforth, has elected offie6rs as followe Honorary Pres.', dent, J'alit McMillan. M. P. ; president, John A. Wilton; vice•president, Jas Watson; 2nd vice-president,.. Darwin; 3rd vise -president, Alex. Wilson; secretary, Wm. Somerville ; •itreasurer,, Wm. Robb. They are going in rfee an active season's work. It is understood that Mr, Justus Angers, 'fo the Supreme Court of the Province of Quebec, has accepted the position of Lieut. Govenor of the Province, vine ]:Tole. F. L. R. Masson, resigned,, A man named Laviolette, aged 86 years, was walking along along the 0,P,R. track at Montreal Thursday night when he Was run over by a freight train and kilted. Br,00nisaiEW,n, Carleton Co.. N, B., May 7'87 Banff coal at $9.50. ADV1On TO l'IOTIIERB.—At•e you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If to send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the pour llttle sufferer immediately, Depend upon it, mothers ; thorn is uo mistake ..bout it. It ouros Dysentery and Diairhmea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Collo, cottons the Gums,reducesInflan111ntion, and gives tone and energy to thowholc system. "Mrs. Win slow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription• of one of the oldest and bes female physicians and nurses in tho United States, and is forsale by all druggists through- out the world, Price twenty -Svc cents a bot- tle. Be sure and ask for "Mils. Wn sLow's SOOTHING SYRUP "and take no other kind. Scott's Eiuulsionof Cod Liver Oil and tlypophosplrites. Is very palatable and much better than the plain oil. Dr. W: H. Cameron, of Halifax, N. S., says : "I have prescribed Scott's E- mulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophcs- pbites for the past two years and found it store agreeable to the stomaoh, and have better ireenits from its use than any other preparation of the kind I have ever tried." Ptit up in 50e. and $1 size. There are thirty pole electric lights in Windsor, and a number of new ones are to be lighted at once. Bordering on the Miraculous—Mr. W. Aa Sherwood, of Stanwood. Michigan, was r sufferer from Kidney Complaints for fon years, he was totally unfit for work' tried all the local doctors, took "mires" by the dozen, two bottles of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters made a new man of him. The Dominion Government will erect a new building for Custom House purposes in Winnipeg next year. Your Druggist is authorized to refund you the money if Dr Carson's Stomach Bitters do not benfit any case of Dyspepsia, Kidney or Liver Complaint. Alt druggists, 50 cents. A CURE FOR DEAFNESS. There have been many remarkable cures of deafness made by the use of Hagyard's Yellow Oil, the great household remedy for pain, inflamation and soreness. Yellow Oil cures Rheumatism, Sore Throat and Croup.aud ie useful internally and externally for all pains I wish, to inform you that 1 have been a suffSufferer from catarrh for a long time antigen,. tinuatly tried so called remedies and aata Ill cures, but all to no purpose. At last I heard of NasalBnlm and wnsindueed to 'try that. To myastonishmenfoundfotnreleif from the first appliaatfop, and now after tttowoel>s use feel myself perfectly and thoroughly mired. Yours very truly, I l3Al4tPTT R. HANFORD WO General iierohant, Judge James, Thursday drei(led that tate respondent iii tho Victoria County, N. 'S., election case .lust pay nil the costa of. the ,otitfon including the 'costs incurred in YOUNG MEN Suffering from the effects of early evil habits, the result of ignorancelor folly, who fine themselves weak, nervous, and exhausted) eisO MIDDLE AGED And OLn MEN, who are -broken down from the effects of abuse or over -work, and to advanced life feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and READ M. V. Lubon's Treatise on .Diseases of Mon. The hook will he sent sealed to auy ad- dress on receipt of two 3c. stamps. Address M. V. LUBON, 47 Wellington St, E. Toronto, ,7nu.13th.1887. 1—v. The €,'treat English Preseripticrt. A successful -Medicine used over •, . ' years in thousands of cases. C 'Cures Spermalorrhea, il'ervous'-'-;', -� Weakness, Emissions, Impotency *,A and all diseases caused by abuse. b ((BEFORE] indiscretion, or over-exertion. (Arman] Six packages Guaranteed to C';reo (rent tothe s hFail. Ask your Druggist for Proeoription, take no substitute. One package St. Six $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address ;Eureka Cheernical Co., Detroit, Mich. Are pleasant to t 1:,:(•ootnin their°T•it Purgativt. Is a F t r^:rn, n::d ',i1I'ctc:L1 Swc•"od from.., in Cnilaron o1 adults 8 JOE4 ;f: sr �; ;C M ® EXETER - -- ONTARIO. Genera? .Agent for the following first-classIusuranee compan- ies:— Glasgow & London Fire Insurance Co Great Britain. CAPITAL,82,000,000. Comm•rcial Union Assurance Com pan Loudon, England. CAPITAL mud ASSETS, 000,0(0. Norwich (Inion Fire Insurance Society of Nouwioh England. CAPITAL, $5,100,000. Lancashire Fire Insurance Company of Man cheater, Eugland• CAPITAL 514,000,000. City Mutual tiro Insura- nce Company of Lon- don, Canada. Full Government deposit with, Ontario Government,-° London Guarantee & A- ccident Co, (Li of Loudon, England• CAVITAL, $1,250, t ted) and injuries, Canadian Mutual Ald Associatio00. 1 Canada.' Assessment Life System Lightning struck the electric light wire at and cheapest In Canada. DnnnvilleThursday and burned some of the cut-outs, anti the town was in darkness. ' .6. Tial Solicited. AMONG THE INDIANS. "While my husband was trading in furs he came across an Indian who Nae taken to his lodge to die Ido hadinward pameaucl paine. in all his limbs. Ho; ave some Yellow Oil internally and applied it externally and cured him. It also cared my husband of rhonma- tism, and I find it valuable for coughs and — colds, and sore throat, eta." Mrs. A. Bert, Cook's Mills, Sertisnt itfver, Ont. BEYOND DISPUTE. There is no better, safer or more pleasant cough remedy made than Hagyarcle Pectoral Baisam. It cures Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Coughs, Celde,'Bronchitis and all throat and lung tioubles. At Brockville, Thursday, John Morris, a farmer. was 'convictedof maislntighter. in killing Henry Doal, another farmer. The two't]uarreled about a yoke of oxen, which f stabbed Deal. 'hothslaimed. when Morr s Mt'L'ptM IN PARVO. There he match in a ]rano, as regards liter' m e to take You do not have '�. itt rs Y l 1 $decd B e , dost 'route and gallons to get at the niedibmd it contains. Eeery drop in every dose has mods Teal virtue its a blood purifying, systene reg- tildting tonic. Dr. Shulis's stables in Winnipeg were destroyed by fire Thursday morning, A `berseanct Seemed earrieges were burned with, 'the bt:0,1c1111g. LOTS OF NEW GOODS --AT— - Doupe'sStore, KIRKTON. —0-0— HE:1VY DRESS GOODS (new shades) 10e EXTRA YOUNG HYSON TEA - 50c. lb 17 ib NICE SUGAR — $1.00 A NICE TEA SETT (44 Pieces) - $2.25 BEST LARDINE OIL, - . 62e. gal 131b Fine Tea, for - - $1.00 S Plugs Chewing Tobacco - 25c. 0 —0 It will pay you to drive ten miles to buy from lis. PLEASE NOTE OUR PRICES. Highest Price for Buster and Eggs, John T. Wesmmo%t, Real Estate & insurance Agt. EXETER :•-: ONTARIO ' for personal disqualtBonhon II�VARIABI>t1 LOoi ute1TI0i1S. pressing f Thrxo is no other remedy or combititttlo 1 ctiol(In ilawnr seiz ntr A itATtE cOiVi`Till�'ATION. —CURES— Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick headache, Kidney Troubles, Rheumatism Skin Diseases —anti all Impurities of the il flood from what. i �ouHu' ;Ver cause arising, `; nY :�� ►� .,.,-, + }Female weakness' '' It • StGc:neralclebll y Purely Vegetable, Highly Concentrated,. use, t mal t 0 Pleasltnt 1p nd effectual -ASK FOR -- Doctor Hodder's Compound, Tao no other Sold everywhere, Price 7•r cents per hotflo �,. 11.0 U1Ev'S i' e that irleetda 4nrinyl'egnu dtnoiyts, Ill rho t+tottlnp 1, a . g „ g g + v of in4dlenloeit of the stoint,rh; thou yntt fi'eve Sol(1 Eve ywhere, l: iotbre br caths surd 50 nil tad es Burdock Blood Bitters Ln its iyldo fan tili,tha ti y lr cents pee bottle. Prt,priotots earl ilTtttif rs,• • ,++. r:A; nLr,KnrV[Mt (+einr,#ittlnli f111ritY1'la diseases as tlttre�`liyLlftlA,tlf)n5 of fJyspepaia, Wlilc,li JJtti"('laaw , � 'F:.-'� -.-. 'N R- 1A.�+; u,+i:. .l"f!•,�•r•�ii tl tti'tY. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS THE SKIN, HEADACHE. And every species of disease arising .from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWELS IR BLOOD. eoprietors, ILBURN 00 CO TottON 0O. FALL GOO QUEEN C�i..t 0. � WCC At Toronto. Every Barrel. Guttrnnteed, This Oil wee used on all niaebinery during 11 Eahibition. It has been awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS during the last three yellers, i t "See that you get Peerless, It is only made b S A.MV' L B.O0& 1i. CO,," T®11,Q1'T®,q FOR SALE BY JAS. PICKARD. F.FTJITS,_FFLTJITS FRUITS. THE . _ i IIL Y GROCERY Is the place to go for all kinds of fruits in season. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS IN STOCK. C ,4 NDIES NUTS, AND CONECT/ON w ',. ICE CREAM PARLOR My Ice Cream Parlors are the coolest and best a ppoi;2te in town. The cream is of the purest, and always fresh. G. Zyndfliano {°�°t off' • ��� �' y°� `� c e' '40,a fi tit { p {{ 2 E,t .4ti 0. ;,,,...0.'b. ..r' . 5e �ti0. a �� b G{G e ti 11 „,,, 4d� ,``0 Op. 12. _rA, �GS G 'C, �' Zfi � 9 a• ti GK'' •v solam E{ ° 're ,S...°'S5 °i92.`�'t ° • ted Y '0 0 W.v>' 40 05 GO Q{ 0 ./ % Ofi • '4 11* , O{ v b� •\•s> S ti eM { �G y�k�3 S x{10 Qj 5' \g" ‘.t). g" gyp- �9.4p t • .1 cyte Gert s r ,moto ,ort, `y*.+ t�3 ro to eS 4� ' y� h't' Ce 0 �e2'• 2,43 ��\)e• „\s., ,} : 1) Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New cetera 'street, late 583, Oxford Street, London. asp' Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and ,Pots, If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are. Enterions. �� es ,g e' 4y�4g dote.e rytiti :� WARE (Wholesale and Retail.) BUILDER'S HARDWARE—Nails, Glass, (stained and engraved), Locks, Hinges Butts (full line.) CARRIAGE HARDWARE—Bar Iron, Bent Stuff, Hubbs, Spokes, Cutter Runners,, Shafts, Moquette Wunslin, Drill, &c. MILL SUPPLIES—Stow Pipe, Fittings, Valves, Asbestos, Packing, Rubber and Leath- er Beitings, &c. SPORTING MATERIAL—Breach Loading and Shot Guns, Powder, Shot, &c. Rochester Lamps, Silver Star Coal Oil, Wicks, Bur- ners, Axes, & Skates. LANCE SAWS. STOVE DEPARTMENT —SEE THE— Ci'iginal• Cook and Triumph HEAT'NG STOVES. Tho Bradley Eavetrough and Tin. ware a Specialty. Verity's Plows and Points, Cal.' ci Plaster, Carpet, Felts, Pitch, C 'I ar, &o. Send in your orders for Chestnut or Stone, Carmel Soft, and the Semonic illossburg Coal before it advances. Ansaled Galvanized and Barb Wire cheap. s Furniture ARRIVING T Dearing has received, and is receiving daily his fall stock of Dry -Goods, Ready- made clothing, Flannels, win - ready -made knit shirts, and Ladies' Dress goods, Hose &c. BOOTS and. SHOES, A Well 8eleated Stock for W7interivear, If you hate Sour Stomach, Heartburn', Sick / trap* P ung r n iHeaLche,rising and souring of fund, ruin(] Goods will be sold very for Cash or Farm Pro Cheap, , duce, which is taken as Cash -Always Fresh, Groceries- � Everything required by the housekeeper. y the Bet h s �; holler Flour of Dried Pork �n ----A F'EW-` Zettrit> .G 'T, Orri. r..On Organs For Sale. r iA3:11. er1 We would call the attention of the people of, Exeter end elteeeseedie ,•itntry fact that we, having ptkrchased tee stock and: bueinesc of Wil ltI °C) r..t+a• special tndueemsts in Parlor Setts, PIai:n arta ,ir a,tic y' 't'abfi s. Si:Whigs t(,r",l ",bila' '4101 t yes! 13e(>ooyl Sctta, WOO; Cane & cef'at>,tec; f •'rer.'r r ll.i•ft ,, , iv, Irl, Mrrititig I)CSk5, Si(lci (ltL'illS V"tiatndts, C`rn(1I)' , 41 •tl fwtittl 3� 17 And nu Endless Variety in fietiS, iitirea,tis, C'atithrt'tr't" exOut Stook of Lumber is Large and Thoroughly Scooted, and, liar erienee in the leading factories or the, mn inion, we Ca.'. un 'Po abid Patrniture, lt•rr Oatr Stociz of dude taltitigGoods is the Largest in the County, tyir, oquai,north of Lotalc u. Spoaia. nti, n Alli lir? paid to thy. ,•.v r everyone will Grid us prompt and relinbl b ,site ac MOT). REPAIRING OF ALL 1LlN1>`+ PRO A''' ,, 'd . Ono E)ooi' Nort�1' Re1YdElm�.7l�1 the Stana,