The Exeter Times, 1887-10-20, Page 12E1,nes, FARMERS' INSTITT;TTBS, The season ' T e s almost n hand, fo 1 e i �t n '1Z,URSP;AY, OCT, 27TH, 1887, e the resuming of meetings of the - - ---- above character, Meeting;; of far- mers for the purpose of listening to A WILT) P?F05, lectures, and engaging in discussing Tt is cliliitepain tb;at atlas ':r pee - batters pertaining to raising crops, tion to adapt the Canadian a irk t feaing and breeding animals, and that of the States, paeans lth"t we, mauagin estates, have, for the past would pass frrarn a ,conditi4on of mod. couple of years . been held in this erate to that Pia very high rate of i vicinity, and have been productive taxation. It would be intpossiblelof great g o0 d, During the last yAar for air •thin in the nature of ,,,Com- 'they were conducted in a more sys- htercial Unice' to exist except an a 1 telllatic ruanner than before, and the basis of fiscal equality. The Cana- I results were in all respects more dian tariff would have to be assimi-'satisfactory. Probably the best lated to the American, (that is, ad- series of tarmers' institutes eve: held vanced some 35 per cent.), and the excise duties would have to be treat- ed in rt similar manner. In order that Free Trade may exist between Canada and the United States—that the barriers may be let down, so it is said—it would be evidently neces- sary that the two countries should stand upon common ground in rela- tion to internal duties. as well as those derivsd from customs. And as Canada is the smaller communi- cy yvg 1}'c'111c1 tg cppcede any- thing and everything that might l)e demanded at Washington, and sub- mit to any alterations that they might from time to time choose to make, as their interest would dic- tate. So far, die cry of "Commer- cial Union," of which Mr. Wigan has constituted himself the chief in the country were those conducted in Huron County last winter. The usefulness of farmers' insti tutes depends very largely on the way they are conducted. Often much time is wasted in forms and ceremonies. There is often a long address of welcome by the Preai dent, and other useless preliminar- ies. These consume time and are of no practical value. An institute, of course, should be opened in the proper -'manner, but with as short a Y felllde as possible, The persons present are presunsed to be welcome or they would not be there. All pretty speeches that do not pertain to the matters under consideration can be dispensed with. A meeting of farmers called for the purpose of acquiring information should not apostle, bas found little response in partake of a variety performance. America so far as the political par- f There is always danger that poli- ties are concerned. Neither of the ticians, patent -right sharpers, and two chief factions have taken any persons who have hobbies to ride, notice of it, for, knowing it would and axes to grind will seek to occupy lead directly to annexation, each of the time at a farmer's' institute. Such them is afraid that the new States persons should not be allowed to that would be created, m1 ht prove e talk away valuable time, although inimical to their special interests. such is often the case. The most Neither do the American farmers successful farmers are not always take kindly to the scheme ; they do the best persons to conduct insti- not care to hE ve Canadian produce tutes or even to read papers. A enter their markets duty tree, in man may manage a farm admirably competition with their own. Those but make a complete failure in man - that advocate the movement in Can- aging a farmers' institute or in mak- ada never seemed to take into their ing an address before one. Many consideration the fact that three good farmers are bashful ; others parties have to be consulted in re- unaccustomed to writing essays or Terence to the proposal—Great Brit- speaking in public. They have ain, United States and the people valuable ideas, but it is hard for of Canada. They treat the matter them to communicate them to an just as if they alone had the disposal audience of strangers. They are of it. And at the same time they good men to have at an institute, have ignored the fact that a confer- and much valuable information can ence between the representatives of be obtained from them by a judici the three countries had been arrang- ous system of questioning. Su; h ed to deal in preliminary way with ought to be adopted in place ot the matters of interest, such as the fish reading of long and uninteresting es• cries. That concessions' on either says, filled with superfluous senten- side would prove advantageous, ces. most people are agreed upon,and There is generally a disposition on there is little doubt that they will be the part of managers of farriers' in - brought about, not by that kind of stitutes to arrange for affording in - clam our however, which Mr. Wiman structions on a great variety of sub - and his subordinates have been the jects in order to make the exercises authors of, but by the reasonable ne- interesting and profitable to all that gotiations on the part of the English may be present. It is ordinarily Canadian and United States tom- the case that too many topics are missiouers. if it were to be brought discussed. So short a time is given about on the -basis that is at present to each that it is not treated with advocated, it would simply mean sufficient detail and thoroughness. the extinction of many leading in Che instruction on it is of a general terests which now flourish amongst character, and resembles that in an us and give employment to large ordinary text book. This is not numbers of people. And if one what educated farmers of long ex - asks us why is it necessary to make perience want. They desire to ob any alterations in the existing con- tain the information that only ex- ditions no satisfactory answer can perts, specialists, investigators and be given. No country is going experimenters have acquired. The ahead more rapidty than is Canada, and if it snits the Americans to put a duty on our produce, it is gratify- ing to know that they have to pay it themselves. Great Britain is the chief market for Canadian surplus products, a market_which is ever ipal,_QON?.. (ROYAL POMI scurrypo Absolutely Pine. This powder never \trues. A nrarv'el0t lrtlr* ity, strength and wholesomeness: ?Yore &men- mieal than the ordinety kinds fruit cannot bo sold in competition with the 121131t1tede5 at 10W test, short weight, alum oipitdtt,llate Dowd ors. Sold only in cans,,,, --ROYAL i3 ARING POWDER CC„ 106 Wall street N, Y asserameeassl Sale Register, FRIDAY, Oct. 28th,—Farm Stock, Imple- ments &o., the property of Allred Hall, lot 6, con 20, McGillivray. Sale at one o'clock. H. Eilber, Auc, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2.—Farm Stock, In1- plements, &c., the property ot David Mahon, horth halt lot 10, con 13, township 'Osborne. Sale at 1 o'clock. El. BRowN, Auc. THURSDAY, Oct 27.—Farm Stock, Imple- ments, &o., the property of los, Hop- kin, lot 5, con. 10, Blansbard, Sale at one o'clock. H. BROWN, Auct. TUESDAY, Nov. 8.—Horses, Cattle &c., the property of Leonard Hunter, Lot; 4, Con. 4, `township of Usborne. Sale at one o'clock. sharp. Bishop & Oke, Auctioneers. MONDAY, O0T. 31.—Farm Stock, Imple- ments &c,, the property of Joseph Stephens, Lot 16, West Boundary, Blansbard, Sale at one o'clock. No reserve. H. Brown, Auo. TUESDAY, Nov. IST --Farm Stock, imple- ments, household Furniture &c., the property of John Godbolt, Lot I0, Con. 10, Usborne. Sale at I o'clock. No reserve. H. Brown, Aue. SATURDAY, Nov. 6.- Farm, Farm Stock, Implements, &c-, the property of Thos. Dunsford, lot E• 4, South Boundary, Hay. Sale at one o'clock. Jas. Oke, Auc. FRIDAY, Nov. `25th. --Farm Stock, Imple- ments, Flax mill and other property ot Messrs. Sweitzer, Son & Co., at Crediton. Sale at one o'clock. No reserve. H• EMBER, Alia.THURSDAY, Nov. 3 Farm Stock„ Imple- ments, &c., the property of John J. Hodgins, lot 18, con 2. Biddulph. Sale at one o'clock. H BROWN, Auot. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. l` arnn dor Sale A Arst•olass farm, containing100 soros, eitn, aced nearBraceflold, for sale. Goodbuildings, two wells, splendid c bard, goon bush, first - (less gravel reads in all directions, Six miles.. From Cliutpu or S:eaforth, For full particularfl apply to IJlliot& Liliot, Barristers. S:e„ Exe. ter, Ont„ or to RO13T, BARBLL13„ Sept,lst---2.m, BruoeflelaP O —FOR ----- he Latest Styles !` IN 'Millinery, Mantles, Silks, Dress- L1A i 1+'Utt. SALE. --The under- Goods Soo. Signed Offers for sale his farmborn � lot 1 14, con, 5; township ot Uaborue, two, miles awl a half from Exeter 100 acres, about 85 acres the remainder bush. in wnieh there is some pats cleared and in first class state of oultivatioo, very valuable oak and bine* ash rail timber ; the farm is also welt fenced and drautea ; there are upon the premises. a first class brick dwelling house, with first class cellars two good barn ; two never failiug;springs and ope bperlepmopretnd, FHOMrS6HaTinip ply 04 [t -fl EXETER P,O, ONT.. r HE OLD MoLEOD FAl:t111, jN A.THE Township of Hay, for sale. It con- tains 100 soros more or lees, beirrgthe west half of Ifats Noframebuilsl?1,1, g 1 an, 22, Zuriohgravelroad, Gond sonproniisea,'u4all eorlveir 4.0110es ; largo oroliayd of fruit bearing trees, The laird i9 of 00011 MIRltty being clay loan. Geed water. .1Vtilci.itttl,>l,alrrnilesfrom Hen - Sail Mail*'.11tH Olnperty Free from all. iuoum- blaiTedu, 1lttb,O1as for selling:—Going north to bl4ostio t bYe land. Will sell with or without l;t15t, Per further particulars apply to this lntlioe or to WM. IVIT,SON, Hansen, P. O, Ott: FOR SALE,—A BARGAIN.— Quarter section of North West Land, near Virden. 160 acres, six miles from Virden, three from Hargrave Stations,Manitoba, Apply to W, H.MONCUB, Exeter. OST.—Broke out of the premi- 4 SES of rue Undersigned, Lot 13, Con.11, Stephen, A large white sow pig, wttif stub tail and one ring iu nose, Any person giving such information as -will lead to its recovery will be suitably rewarded, 0E0. AIAWHINNEY, Crediton P, O., Ont. ORNE HOUSE.—The Under- signedtakes the liberty to inform tho tra- velling Public that he opened his house for toe accommodation of all travellers, ou tictobor exercises of a farmers' institute 1st. 'Those who favor hrmwith their patro- should extend for a considerable nage wit ciicefyethe bestnttentiou. There is , goof stnbliug lir conuectiou, number of days, and not wind up at' JOHN CALLANDER, Bir'kton, two or three meetings. The whole range of farm industries cannot be profitably considered in the time generally allotted. The considers.• growing, and from the very nature tion of one standard field crop, one of things must continue to be our , kind of live stock, one sort of fruit, very best place of sale. At present and one subject connected with the the products of this country stand business of running a farm is enough exceptionally well there, and it does to engage the attention of an insti- but require, our producers thorough- tute that remains in session but one, ly to understand it in order to ob- or even two days. It is to be hoped that when the South Huron institute opens, the farmers generally will take a live interest in the meetings. There is nothing so profitable to a farmer in connection with his pur- suits as the exchanging with one another the valuable knowledge of each, acquired by practice and ex- perience. SMALL FARM FORSALE.---TheUndersigned offers for sale 25 acres of good land, being part of the north part of Lot 17 ,lot Con. of Stephen, within ono -half Milo of the vil- lage of Exeter. The land is in a first class state of cultivation, there is on the premi- ses a good brick house, good frame barn', good water, and a half-aore of orchard with all kinds of clime fruits, also a first-class eider mill. This is a good chance for anyone wanting a small faun close to tho corporation where all kinds of prodnco meets with a ready sale. For further particulars apply on the premises, or to E. LAIv1PORT. Stephen, June 29,'87' (t—f Exeter, P. 0. tain a decided and lasting prefer- ence. In short, 'Commercial Union' as at present set forth, is an injur- ious expedient for the destroying of many of the leading interests of this country without securing any coun- tervailing advantages. in Dakota they have had eight inches of suow, and good sleighing, the enormous drifts though imped- ing traffic ou all railways. At 'a convention of the liberal, partyof Cumberland atg Halifax, on ridy, W. T. Piper was offered the nomination to contest the coun- ty for the House of Commons with ' Sir Charles Tupper, but declined to run. The only opposition to Sir Charles so fer.,therefore is John, T. Bulmer, Prohibition candidate, The bulletin of theDepartlneot of Agriculture places the total „yield of wheat in Manitoba at 12,351,,000 bushels, au average yield per acreof , as, bushels against z 27.7 93r the av- erage for the years 1883 to 1886. The average yields of other crops are as follows:-- Oats, 46 bushels; barley, 36; peas, 20; potatoes, 238. Mr. Wlrnan, writing to the Amer, ican press on thesubject of "corrlmer. inial union," says:-�-• "The result would be that bytheoperat- Ion of a uniform continental tariff, equal ail height to that always prevailing in the United States, thegoods and merchandise df' all. foreign countries, including Cheat lfoiri.wetiaaltrt br,t`rP,riript, SALE QF VALUABLE PROPERTY. TRUSSES ! CHRISTIAN LAWYER, manufac- turer of all kinds of Trusses ; Residence : Barium's Mills, Huy, where he will attend to th e wants of any who may require his services, Wiy pay from 515.00 to 525 00 for the same ar- ticle which ho can furnish you for 55.00, and which is as good if not better and warranted to fit with comfort 7 Remember, Double Trusses. $5.00 ; Single Trusses, 82.50, All com- munications addressed to CHRISTIAN LAWYER, Zurich P. 0., Ont. Dissolution of Partnership Province of Ontario,1 -- County of Huron. 1 We, Samuel Sweitzer, Henry Sweitzer, John Sweitzer and Adam Reichert, of the Township of Stephen, County of Huron, Province of On- iarro, Flax Manufacturers, members of the firm carrying on business as Flax Manufactu- rers at the Village of Graviton, Township of Stephen, County ot Huron. and the Village of Exeter, said County of Huron, under the style of H. Sweitzer Sons & Co., do hereby certify that the said partnership was on the 15th day of October, A, D.41887, dissolved byynn'utual con- sent. All persons owing any money to the said firm will please pay the same to Samuol Sweitzer,Crediton,P.0., who is hereby in- structed by the said firm to coliett all accounts and pay all debts. Witness this I5th day October, A. D. 4887, SAMUEL SW EITZER, wrrvr ss HENRY SWETTZ ER, Jacob Silber, JOHN SWEITZER ADl5M R EICHART Undo and by virtue of a power 'of sale Con- taiuodin a mortgage made by Peter Wight, de= fanithaying been made in payment thereof, will be sold by Public Auction at the 'Queen's Hatol. Exeter, on Thursday, Novembor the 10th 1887, at one o'clock, p, m., the follot'ing prop' erty :—LotNo. 20' Lake Boad, Eas't'ConoesBien of Hay, containing 146 acres more or less, This rs a choice farm. Well cleared; in first class state of cultivation '; locality good. There is a frame and loe'house 10x24, andggood frame barn and stable; Wise a nice oretard about 100 trees. Assel;sdd'at $x400 TERNS: The uurslitiser shall pay a deposit o. 5100 at the time ofThsle, the balance df -1 of the purchase money Qrithin tin ee weeks there- after ; the rernainingiprincipal to be , hid in cash or secured by a'lhdrtgage payable from ono to five years at the option of the ptirchas r with interest at seven cent. F,pr further partidulars apply to CRERAR & MUIR, Vendor's Solicitors, Hamilton As a consequence of the strong and continued gale of Sunday there were many wrecks, and vessels lost. Canadian The. Canadian delegation to the Fisheries Commission has been in- creased by the addition of Mr. Fos- ter, one af the members of the Cab. inet. It is currently reported that J. D. Edgar, M.P., and others being dissatisfied with the policy of the Globe, axe moving to start a new morning paper in opposition to the Globe. It is stated that all they are now waiting for is to. get Sir Richard Cartwright' to put ;.up the money, and then they propose to ask Gordon Brown, .to take charge. election in Haldimand country FARMERS and OTHERS Brick and Tile • Floor Oil Cloths General .2.ou,se furnishing , amine the mammoth stbek We Wish to call the special attention of the farmers and others requiring tile, that Mr. Geo.Moatz, of Lot 11, Con. 5, Stephou,;Crediton P, 0.. has on band's very large quantity of TILE OF ALL SIZE S ! At the Following Prices : dinch Tile 8 5,50 per M. 3 ... 7.50 ': 5 11.00 ' 6 e 28,00 " 7 35.60 „ s ... 40.00 '• If necessary, limited credit will be given. Crediton, Sept,11,'87. GEO,MOATZ. —THE— HAMILTON SPECTATOR Morning, Evening, Weekly. The leading Liberal -Conservative News -paper of Canada. —GET— —aT-- os. Beattie 8t 178 & 178 DtINDAS-STREET (East of Richmond-st,, London, Onto; The Weekly Spectator One Dollar a Year. REMOVZID To new premises West side Main -street One Door South of Post Office Whore he will bo fon+n'ut with A NEW AND 00111PLETb: tk uf 2ut 1ioes Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, JOHN BR�ViN°, UNDERTAKER & CABINET-MAKER Bright, Incisive, Able Editorials. The Complete News of tho Day, Choicest Miscollane0us Reading, Serial stories by the best authors. Dr. Talmage's great sermons. The fullest Market Reports. The Choicest Humor, EVERYTHING for EVERYBODY The spectator her er misses news, is never dull, and never shirks a public question. It is always clean 'and strong, 0FE DOLLAR Will purist. 5 `ter yob for a 3 ear the Weekly Spectator, tke best Conservative journal, and the best weekly newspaper in Canada, - Qnti'su4f14y literal commi salons to agents. Address, Spectator, Hamilton. • Tr WO DOLLARS QXFORD &s IBJ ( 1,611: t illd' sencTIon s- lst.-Birch Hill Road to Pugwaeh Ju n ct'n 1.2 iirls 2nd: Pugwash Junct'n to'Pugwash ..... .. 5 mis 3rd,-Pugwash Jun, to .Wallace Station ..,7 In Is 4th,—Wapace Station to Mingo Reim 17 ruts Tenders for Grading, Bridge OA 'Culvert, Masonry, Fencing, &e, Scaled- Ten dere; addressed to tho undersign- ed and endorsed Tonder for oxford and Now Glaegow llailwa•y, "Will be received at thieoMae uptonoon OnFriday, the 18th day of November, 1887, for the grading, bridge and dulyert masonry,. fencin Plans and proiilrs wilggl'bo 'open for inspec- tion at the efile°of tl,e4Chiof l+`,ngineer of Gov - eminent also at the office of the Oxford &cc Now Glasgow Railtvay, af Wallace, Cumborletiici County, Nova Scotia, on and of ter rho; filth of Nevem ber,1887, whore general euocifieation and Irwin of tender may be obtained upon' application. No tender will be entertained unless on one of the printed forms, and aril conditions are complied 'With An By. order A, P,BRADL X'i'.• . Se6,Atd r' Will shortly be held to fill DdpnrtmontofRailwvnysandCanals y caused by the voiding of the seat by the electiotl. court. As the last con- test was avery keen one, and the county has a Liberal record the cha,lices`'are that the`Liberal candid- ate reoatn Will his seat, Dr Mon. t and Ur Coulter are the Otte Wa,.-26th Odtobel,, i887, Farre For Sale. Ther6�v!tlbe sold by rubric Auctionr, at Grant'slTotol Crodit,,rs vii wodndstld.y Nom a 28rd, tOne c'6loeir,'p. ns., one hundred soros of land, boing Lit 18, Con. lo, Township of Ste}yhen. 40 creta cleared, balance, asb, oho anal d6dai budrh GV11t b6 adlrl sn'b act to 'tt g 1' '1i ,ral cd. di latex .rosot`ve lrrrS I,"nrfuf'thei' ya"±tinnlars ttpllly iii Fp,�ttt'1._.tt P candidates 1 n..,F�...,..r-.... Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS OF EVERY DESCBIPTIOA. EMMA A GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN' MISERY —IS THE LOSSOF— , ,) s� A lecture on the nature, treatment and radii - cal curoof SeminaiWeakness, Spormatorrhoxa iu Misled by Self -ab use, Involuntar y Emissions „ Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Iropepi- mon ts to Marriage generally ; Comminution,. Epilepsy and Fits ; Mental and Physical In- 3apacrty, &c, --By 1SuBETT J. ClrL;tTE11VrEL., M,D, The world renowned author,. in this admir- able locure,Icloarlyproves from his own ex- perience that the awful consequences of Self - Abuse may be effectually removed without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, in- struments, rings or cordials ; pointing out a• mode of pure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his con - di ion may be, may cure himself cheaply, kri radically. `call notei y au:i dr y. ;5Thislecture will proves boon., to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address,post•paicl, on receipt el four oents a two postage stamps. Address, THE CUL VERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann St., NevvYorlc, N. Y. P. 0. Box, 450 A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISHED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. I GIVE ME A CALL Vin." -1 pay for the weekly Spectator and the ExB r a Ttmus from this date to 1st January, 1889. Addret+s THE TIMES, .Exeter, Ont, 'tom This is a rare chance for good reading. n1ips . iiitonion Th P RI 14X7-116B,t( WOOD11A1V.. DULMAGE KIR KTON. —IS OFFERING— MEN'S OVERCOATS $5,00. EXTRA 14$5,50 to $6. 1 FINE WORSTED $6,50 up. - J A full stock of all kinds of In Teas We offer a Fine Young Hyson Well worth 50 Cts. Ladies' Shoes Lots, Lots, Lots. FOR maxim. 500 Village tots For sale at Reasonable Prices. Situation good ; fronting good wide streets ; also a number of HOUSES, & FARM LAND FOR SALE. Parties desiring Land or Houses would do we to co11- sult the undersigned,` Terms to suit purchaser. I. CARLING, EXETER. DIIUCDR Ire STORE 40 Cts 1.00 One of the Largest General Stocks and Best Assorted to choose from in tha County, A5'NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS BUTTER and BCCS WANTED ! The undersigned -would respectfully inform the community that they have loasecithe above rills for d term of years ; and will be pleased to have a call from all, The mill has recently boon improved, by the addition of new mach.- inory. Itis the intention of 01•e subscribers to add a• Sot of rolls as soon as possible ; and all. combined, the Mill Woodham. Grist Will be second to noire in the Wast: Gristing and Chopping ,Done Promptly. !'posh oatmeal constantly on hand' for sale or �• exchanged for oats. Salt ! �+h Salt g St. LEON Miiiera1 Water ST. LEON cures Kidney and Liver iseases. Dyspeptics rescued by ST.. EON. 14 months St. Leon has made 5,000 friends 111 Toronto. • 35 ChEL 'GAHLE-OIv r U ta. —to be had rron1= CP '': ;'. GEORGE KEMP, Sole Agent for Exeter, Cal arrd get all information, and 'see priest the people of Toronto say, RENTejOHN POTTS, D.D. says' -1 have tlsed'St, Leon, 'believe it to be both dura 4i've and refreshing, For all 1nfornlati0n apply to CAPT, KEMP Brews Block and Post -Office. SATI� G 'ACTON GUARANTEED. �,•: IW GDr The Exeter salt 'WorksCoY S 4 1 'J A MAL . C3 I T b 1C' l� 1►i ,i,, ,>I. 1� Iiti til L Ir OL Eb, 'b%'11 EB SALT AT THE WELL 'AT �W & �.� �vr��,rl�x�`� 1. , Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the betli; in the made, et and aiwa fresh. Fa'mily l t3cip- es carefully TiltOpared at the Cen'bral'Dr'tg"Storre�eExetteer 'F r LIP"' TZ. tot) TUBB Wanted 13utter i rilatliesony. EXETER NORTH, tur Stock is Well Assorted. .FOR THE SEASON'S TRADE, LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAINED GROCERIES 1 1 16 lbs, sugar $1.00 ; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1' We can't bo undersold. in Teas, from 20c' to 750. per lb. Boots & Shoes Styles) at tow Prices,.,. (All A nicely assorted stock of HARDWARE FOLKS, SCYTHES and GLASS all sisal (Cheap.) Best Machine 0i1 50c per Gal. COAL OIL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST k A nice Tea Sett of 441Pieees, $2.75, 07 A good suit of readyinade clothing for $iii,, Ordered suits got upintGood'S tyle:. Oar DI'e'soaood a,'e ,naked dawn fo,• the Lowest Notch. COTTON ---2b YARDS POR fJitt DOLI,li1I•, A.t.touso' Ana Lot' .aito,a., Pam for Salo% Apply JOHNtri