The Exeter Times, 1887-10-20, Page 11real
m ee t
in E -RS:
Once In
Is ttepil
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a, safe.
ir drug.
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4 Mob
Be Mindful Of illall Thbags.
" Our primal dutiee kAhins aloft like sten;
The eharitiee that seethe and heal and Mem
Are scattered at the feet of ream like floyete."
is AO need in eearelaing leee vex life's
Work, If we would only improve the gol-
'deo momeute we let glide by eeimproved,
in doing something _fat make others happy,
how nitwit good we could do, Only a kind
, word here old theve wenlel raise metly a de -
spending heart,
" For there ie many a sheft at random sent,
Finde ma Or the areher lietle meat ;
There's many a wont at random ispolfen
That mas soothe er wolfed the hetet that' s broken,"
The men or woman wins think they how°
0. iniSOieu in this wor14 very seldom do much
getsd: It ts,kos such. persene, too long to
find out what that 'Maims is, 0.1:4d while
they are drifting here and there they let
mauy opportunities pan for doing good, and
at last they find themselvea nearing the end
of the, jOurney of life and their We s work
not. eD , liked • thou they ban sigh for the
fleece, stl opportunities.
Oar , it field of labor is within the sacred
portals of hemii; there we are to win the
first start for our crown, and methinks no
queen could bedeck her crown with brighter
or more wetly jewels than the mother who
earnestly endeavors to do her duty by the
fireside with her little ones around her.
She can Inould their characters as the potter
does the'elay. It littera choice, but submis-
sively takee the shape the moulder designee
THE 1'113E1:BLAND.
Interesting News teem Ithinele
Alarrniog reports of the renewal in a bsel
form ef the throat affection of Crown Prince)
Frederick William, have been traced to
Perie and Vienna eoureee, They aro oo
definite and detailed that they have created
unueli anxiety, Dr. Mackeezie re-examined
the Prince'e throat, but there is no autlien.
tie report of an operation hewing been per-
fOrillekl. Before going to ToLlach Die Mac-
kenzie visited IViileu and other lbealities,
making inquiries regarding the tempera-
ture aud moisture of Vairi011.8 health resorts
in tbe north of Italy. The cold weather at
Toblech has heetened the Prince'sdeparture.
Austriwo and Gerrnan medical atithorities
persist in regardiug Dr. Maeltenzie's dia-
geosis of the evinge's malady as wrong and
his treatment as insufficient to effect e cure.
The Reiehs-Anzeiger, referring to Dr. Meo.
kenzie's examination, of the Prince's throats
tones down ite import. The paper says
that while traveling in Germeny for the
benefit ot his own health, Dr, 1Ylaeltenzle
paid a visit to the Prince and, after the
examination of the latter'e throat, was un-
able to minimum agratifying Condon/woe
of the improvement of the affected part.
The paper also says the Doetor ineimated
his imeution of paying the Prince another
visit before his return to England. These
assurances, however, do not quite dissipate
the popular alarm over the Prince's condi-
Con. It is believed that he has had a slight
relapse and that the tateof his throat is
So ib is with the yonug mind: lf the teach- less promising.
ings the mother iustills into their young The rela,tions exsisting between Germany
minus are rightly planted, they will seldom
stray far helm the narrow path. Mother's
influence will follow them all through the
walks of life, and the seed sown in the heart
in childhood will !Tiring up and bear good
fruit. It is the little things we must look
after in our children ; the email things pave
the way for larger ones. The child that
has been taeght to obey father and mother
from love and reverence, will oheeefully
through life obey the laws of eity and State.
Our young people ehould be taught that
their enecess in life depends upon the use:
they make of their tinae and the companions
they keep. •
When the curtain rolled up at conimenee-
meut some years ago, it revealed to the
audience the class of '8?; the handsome
dresses of the fair graduates, the profusion
of plants, baskets of flowers, etc., only
made more conspicuous a common laborer's
pick, suspended by a ribbon from the centre
of the stage, with the class motto, "Dig
for yourself," in flowers above it. It was a
humble implement, and perhaps' to the po-
etic mind there was more truth than poetry
in the motto: but the youth that takes it
for his guiding star through. life will have
his efforts crowned with success. There has
been many a youriglife wrecked by having,
some -one to dig for them. The •"beach all
along the ocean of life is strewn with just
.such wrecks, If they had been compelled
to face life'e battle as their father's did be-
fore deem, it Would heve aroused the man-
hood -Mthin them and the world would
have- been the better for their having lived
in, it. As it i'
s their only air t in life seems
to be to spend that which others accumulat-
ed by hard. digging. If they would succeed
theyVT,,de. be thoroughly honest, upright
and ti'Vto their principles, make their mo-
ney and. fame for themselves, and they will
mount round after round of the golden lad-
der. All the treasures of the earth are plac-
ed there,/or thefts°. and efo4oyment of man,
et not one, gem has been brought to light
and FVD.1300 at the present moment aro less
irritating than for some time past. Count
von Munster has returned to his post at
Paris charged with a pacific, message from
Prince Bismarck to M. Flourens. In his
interview with M. Flourens, Count von
Munster said that the views of the German
Government were that the state of Europe
justified the hope of the maintenance of
peage, which Germany would do her et:fleet
They Told L'aoti Other Ali.
"Why,. Marne, le it really you?
"Yo, indeed, Sadie ; when did you get
hem° ?"
" Only yesterday, and-"
" Where were you ?"
"Oh, every place --Newport, 13ar Herber,
Long Breech, and -but where were yeu. ?"
"Oh, we went to-"
"Did you heve a good time I"
" Perfeetly lovely
"Oh, perfectly lovely I 1 deelare, Mame,
"So did I, and-"
" I had the best-"
" So did 1, and oh, Maxxio-."
" Do tell mo all about it, for I-"
"1 will, some time, I just had a, perfect.,
ly splendid time every minute, and-
" So did L But iso't it lovely to be It
home again ?''
Perfectly lovely."
" 1 think so, too. I've had a lovely eea-
son of it, but then-"
" So have I, Met as you say-"
" There's no piece like home, after all."
" No, iudeed. Do come soon and ion me
all about your women, and I -"
t44 I will, for I have the lovoliese.--0
" 3o hey° I -perfectly eplendid 1" *
They separate,
A semi-official reference to the arrest of
the lad Schnaebele, received through the
French Embassy sly Count Herbert von Big-
marek, elicited from the latter' it promise
that ' in disposiog of the case the youth of
the culprit evould be taken into considera-
There is no improvement in the relations
between Germany. and Russia. Count
Schouvaloff visited Prince Biemarck itt
Friedriehsruhe on Thursday before starting
from Thence on his holiday. The interview
was without special importance, but it led
to 'recurrence of the rumor that there
was tee be a conference of the Emperors.
The wublres, however, now pay no heed to
this idle talk. The Cologne Gazette, in an
article entitled " Ohne .U'retnadschaft und
Ohne Feindselmit," presents an accurate
reflection of the German sentiment towards
Russia. It eays that faith in Russia as an
ally is dead, and that if the Emperors met
under existing circumstances their meeting
would not have any political significance.
Count Von Moltke is going to 'Regatz,
Switzerland, returning to Kreisau in time
to celebrate, on Oct.26, his eighty-seventh
birthday anniversary,.
Dr. Schw,eninger, Prince Biemarck's phy-
sician, has gone to Constantinople, at the
request of the Sultan, to advise the ladies
of the harem as to the regimen against
Klein and Grebert, who were convicted
of treason, are now in prison at Halle. The
regime of the prison is severe. Klein is
Catarrh, Catarrhal laeallte$5 anti
fluY Ee'Vers
fingerers exti not geuerelly aware that theae dieeeaes
are contagious, or thst they are dee to the preseises
orlilts.11.atsgtaPetriljealiitt(ILV4igitiolliovsisgsitTem rebet:aurecno! She3)4'ellY(107),
has proved rale to be e face CAA the regnit is that a
MaFle, tereedY Ilea been fernedated ehereby eaterrh,
caterrnal dueness and hay fever ere owed in rem
one to three simple applleetIone xerete at hOnle. A
pamphlet eepleiniug tele flew treatmeet ia 900 free
00 rocelet Of stamp by A, lb iliaion eon, 008 King
etreet Weet Te.runto (Awls.
It etated that the National League in.
tends to employ ieetanteneene emoteerapoy
to roteet ileelf 4;4410. alieged miarepreseu-
tattoos ot the irian police,
rite $11)ortlug
In llook form, coeteina a eorreet reeord of the EAST.,
EST Time end beat performencea in all DitrANTNEMS
OP EPOWI', AqUatiC and AthletiC VetfortnatteeS. 1310.
liard, I (mete anti Trot flag records, Baseball, Crleket,
Lacrosse, ete. Pries ue, Stamps taken, Addrese all
ordere fo TUE RECORD, 50 Vroet et. East, Toronto,
Canada, Io en No. 15.
Jellies Murphy of Louisville, Ky,, wee
arrested the other day for all OfrellSO Whieh
is SC140111 COMItliti3OC1 even. by the most
depraved -that of beating his wife with his
wooden leg,
A. P. 008.
re es ,swerreessosseresesoweewesseessesses., ese
ViTAN',VED-5,000 AG ENTS--ei nee and Feinele-
V Large profits. O.W. DEN,N18, Termite,
EI:loorgStizatil;;;31.11uat.roateadrat:droifirive Oat.
The Practical Hearer. PATEKTS
A poor woman in the country went to hear it
sermons -wherein, arnoegother evil practiees,
the use ef dishonest weights and measures
was exposed. With this discourse she was
muoh affected. The fleet day, when the
minister,. aceording to his custom, went
among les hearers, he called upon the wo-
man, and took occasion to ask her what she
remembered of his sermon. The poor wo-
num complained much of her bad memory,
and said she lead forgotten almost all that
he delivered. "But OM thing,' said she,
I remembered; remembered to burn my
bushel." A doer of the word cannot be a
forgetful hearer.
A Horse Who Can Talk 1
Everybody has heard of a "horse laugh,"
but who has ever seen an equine gifted with
the power of speech? Such an animal.
would be pronounced a miracle ; but so
would the telegraph and the telephane have
been a hundred years ago. Why, even very
recently a cure for consumption would have
been looked upon as miraculous, but now
people are beginning to realize that the
disease is not incurable. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery will cure it, if
taken in time. This world renowned
remedy will not make new lungs, but it
will restore diseased ones to a healthy state
when all other means have faieed. Thou-
sands can gratefully testify to this. All
druggists. .
Frank McNeilly, the boy whoreceetly ran -
away from Saco, Me. ,th nearly $300,000
of other people's money,wivas cash clerk of
e, without digging. It took hard diggusg on employed at carpentry and Grebert at knit.
1 the pert of all eour groat men before they ting stockings.
reached the gditl to which they aspired. The prisoner Schechtel, convicted of the
Let us then fight We's ,battles for ourselves ; , murder of 'his first and second wives, was
do everything our hand findeth to do ear. 1 beheaded at Stargard. The execution took
neatly 8,nd honorably, and not be content to place in front of the prison.
sit quietly and wait for dead men's shoes.
If adversity overtakes the frail barque now
and tie 'al ft will only make our daughters Demand for Canadian Apples.
more ris'i and our sons more man's.
At 0 e annual meeting of the Ontario
Fruit Growers' Association at Grimsby, the
President, Mr. A. Mae Allan, of Godericli,
Tee Helping and. in his address dealt with the question of
lt is sped freckles Can be be removed by markets for Canadian apples. Mr. Allen
-' • • t in liich is die, , spent four mouths itt the Old Country last
sex County in Canada. Address,
, IFER.0118 410.. 87 Church Se, Toronto.
iitl-Feinallfe',2•AveloleFr"spareNtitin°"0, on s8aElmarywearnteeoctre'birell
elan, Industrial Union of B.N.A., Arced% Toronte,
MUNE SERMONS " Why am I a Unitarian," by
..te Rev. James Freemen Clarice; "The Distitiguis13,
ing Opinions of Unitarians," by Dr. Chiming, rind
other literature, may he had free on application to
MRe. W`. el. CeelP,13F,LL, 04 Bay St., Toronto.
nienticirlu°41"titiNisn'ist(4)14:SeCe91,111thiqS1n1l;) ramTe8°}41;c1F1 sg(411'e'17.14111Qci° er:'p!Ipidlereae°tIfienria4erDe:
Teeerei.06099arr4iggi,1014)trioolow."eter, 12`2 Yotifse et., Termite.
ILLUSTRATFD 23.,M.JtgZia gSmrttirei
01I4e Olt \NUM beet, CAN e DIAN hij8eNeeee
Library Builuieg, Toreirte. Tantiss eresi.
vRilytao,r,er sildoilTtLAND iNSTITU/ PM) le
dent ; °nee, It, IStfoolie. Secretary awl Maneger,
EW importations Emeka, 'Weihieg
ton and Aeliton Brands, in large or smell ifeeke
ANOTHER NOVELTY...tirdrurzmig,
411 550 rage in the States. Agents wanted. Sample
by mail 45 cents. CLEMENT 00., Toronto.
Ir PNelnoialitYA, gEnedTistINestl, c r Dot eulralaantda its!
eases of the blood. .All cancers cured that are cure.
able, without the Use of it knife. Cabe hours, from
9 to 12 a.m. and kora 1:30'to 4:30 pon, Sabbathe ex-
cepted. 28 Dundas street, Toronto. .
etc) Rice's Canadian 8elt. Write ior prices.
JAltlE$ & F.4)11,
Wholesale Provision Merolla/it% Toronto.
r lliEvere,iiteoistt e
present age for Rim o.
4011150 Tall 110WISLn
• ro. oau'raiwio. t. p5OOutna SIL 4'elsii?
feet Blood Purifier
Aw h of sill' Ziten ruoee
Ated by ite 05(4
Ezrzasoillitei glaisnoof 42ersteceorsi.
able 2e eouth 8t.,
deugetter eured et
Epileptic pito after
yeers' suff erhig
rote iiirreil, 55 Walnut St., cured of weeknese
and Lung Trouble Jolla Wood, 95 Cathcart St.,
cured of Liver Complaint arid Biliousness, used only
fifty -cent bottles; Mrs. J. Beal, El Augusta St.,
troubled tor years with Nervous Proetration, twc
small'bottlee gave her great ••eliel. Sold at 500. $1.00.
F, F. DALI,EY & 00,, Proprietors.
rr-r- r
Loan alai Savings Co.
LecoarOtteeee 1850.
Ci:Pital • • .ffi3,ii00•9010
a -is Ms ft p Capitol . . „ „ „ :2,390,0ett..
Bestir yo ,Fund , - , • , 11,189000
Total Aesets • . , • ,, .. , , , 9,36 1,015
Orf ant ;-CO.'S EtabMSRS, TORONTO EL, Terme/v.
DEVOSITS reeeived at cerrent rates of latereet
paid or compeunded half -yearly.
Del,lENT CBES isetiedln curreneY, or Stedingiwitit
ieterest ceanotie etteelfeci, Ped'abie Camels or We
ealelaird, Exeoutera Trueteee are autherized b.r
law to invert in the Deberitfires of this company.
MONEY ADVANCED 011 Peal Estate seeurity at
°urea rates and on favorable conditions as tareFaT"
men .
Mortgagee and Municipal Debentures .purchasedi
J. HERBERT MASON, Ideneging Director,
CEIPTS for menufacturing four different
powders -blue, white, a ellow and the French liquid
,,tamping for plush, velvet and silk, minutely' degerib-
ed in print, ell sent by mail for 30 mints.. C. BUD.
IVAN FIERCE, 41 King St. E., Toronto. Butterick's
Patterns and Books for Outober always on hand.
ffi II COMPOSITION GOLD, Antique Bronze,
ULU, Natural Wood, and other Picture and
Room Mouldings, Frames, Eto. Paintings, En-
gravings, Etchings, Artotypes, Artists' Materials,
Mirrors, etc. Wholesale and Retail. Trade Cat-
alogue. MATTHEWS BROS. et CO., Toronto.
anee Company ot Canada,
onsulting Engineereand Solicitors of Patents.
0. -Benne Chjef Engineer. A. FRASER, Sec'y-Treas.
The Cottage Phystelline-A complete domes-
tic) medical encyclomedii, epecililly prepared
„,s• to meet the wante of the common people,
111$ who have long felt die need of such a book.
the Saco Savings Bank o.n a salary of e6 aweek. RA The History or Carew:me-From i he discovery
A reward of $7,500 has been offered for his ..roocA.mxerioolaibtrourtybreic.ottsptieevteenwtsahboyutDirt..With.
Wile Platform pehoes-A great temperance
aae work, by the greatest temperer, es orator of
hie day, J. 11. Gough.
• The Book of Sermons and Sayines-11Liv.
ing Words," by Rev. Sam. P. Jones, illus -
M • • trated. .Thousands flock to' hear, and want
• Los 1,90k.
big Ti4o Parallel Family Bible -Magnificent
O 1' and.maseive,lwe Bibles in one.
Teruts-Liberal, with. extra terms fm. the work-
, ing• agent. Send for circulars, etc.
WM. BRIGGS; Publisher, Toronto.
return, but up ie the present time the de-
tectives have no trace of him.
"As glares the tiger on his foes,
Hemmed in by hunters, spears and bows,
And, ere ht bounds upon the ring,
Selects the object of his spring."
So disease, in myriad forms, fastens its
fangs upon the human race. Ladies Who
suffer from distressing ailments peculiar to
their eex, should use Ter. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. It is a positive cure for the
most complicated and obstinate eases of
leucorrhea excessive flowing, painful men-
struation, unnatural suppression*, prolap-
sus, or falling of the womb, weak back,
"female weakness," anteversion, retrover- 23 ADELAIDE ST. E,,TOROOITO.
sion bearing -down sensations, chronic con- sitlecasliasdTeotaif fine woturree.. IdsekenAndielerit pnricateres.L.esella
gestion inflammation and ulceration of the -
womb, 'inflammation, pain and tenderness in DYEING AND CLEANING.
ovaries, accompanied with "internal heat."
R. Pa.rker 82; Co.
Wo iis astell Head Offices :
759 TO 763 YONGE ST.
r 209 Yonge Street I
City Oftlees:-; 308 Queen St. We'st, eTORONTO.
. e 225 Queen St Esse J
Brantford, Ont.
100 Colborne Street
4 John Street North Hamilton, Out.
A crusade against gambling houses has
been commenced by the police of Montreal.
Don't disgust everybcdy by haveking,
bowing and spitting, but use Dr. Sage's '
Catarrh Remedy and be cured.
washing the A Mormon missionary meeting was broken
solved a small quantity of bor,ax. - summer, intervievring buyers and others in-
s up by a mob in London Sanday night, and
terestecl in handling Canadian fruits. Hi
To clean willow Wurnsture, use salt and the Utah preachers of polygamy narrowly
impression was confirmed that Canada can
water. Apply. to with a nail brush, scrub escaped under police protection.
grow the finest apples in the world -the
well, and dry thoroughly. A GENEROUS COMPANY. -A beautiful pre.
happy medium in climate and soil producing
To remove grease trom cloth : Drop on the hiehest eicellence in flavor, form and i
, sent will be given by the Breadmakers'
the spot some oil of tartar or salt of worm-
. color. - Our apples have taken British buy. 1 Yeast Company, of Toronto, to nearly every
ers by storm, and .constuners there will not one, as long as they last -first come first
veood which has been left le a damp place '
till it turns into a fluid; them immediately purchase any others so long as they can ob. I served. The most accompliplished woman
wash the place with lukewarm water, and tain a suitable article from us. Generally has till something worthy to be added tb
then with cold water,. and the spot will speaking, it is a mistake to ship on consign- her list if she has never yet made tiewood
disappear. meet to any but the three great distributing sweet white loaf of bread. To encourage
Turkey salad, made with celery and good centres of trade, London, Liverpool and 1 the art of Home Bread -making this Com-
on. is held by many to equal that made of . Glasgow. Fruit shipped direct to London 3pany have secured ten thcmsand presents,
chicken. • is litble to more damage than when shipped which will be sent to all who comply with
ktam broiled in the white of egg is affirm- Via Liverpool ancl thence by rail to London. their terms. They want all who are 'old
ed by an exchange to he the way they do
it at the most fashionable London clubs A very fine line of business was °ponied lest enough either to follow Directions or work
• year with buyers for Norway, Sweden and I under instructons, to learn how to make
Ohl flannel 'of all kinds should be kept Denmark, andby care in selecting and pack. ) bread. They will tske your word for it
for scrubbing and cleaning paint. Next to ing this trade may be largely increased. A I when you have succeeder' to your, own
flannel come coarse, soft linen, old kitchen good Made can be established with thews Batiofaction in using their Hop Yeast, and
towels, mode, etc. countries in dried fruits as well as canned write them to say so, enclosing a wrapper of
' 34cot use coal oil lamps in bedrooms goods. Then with fast steamships on the it five cent package of Tux BEEADMAKERS'
withks turned dowu low. They produce pacific Ocean connecting with the Canadian YEAST, when they will send in return a
asthma, heart disease, throat disease, etc. Pacific railway our apples will find it profit- lovely gift. This offer is open to any young
lady, girl, single or married woman, mat -
A little linseed oil brushed over faded able market in .the far East. The trade in
green blinds will, if they al e not t6o Inc our - own Northwest has already assumed
gone, make them look almost as good ' as wonderful proportions, with this desirable
feature, that it is e, market fot our may and
" If you ever eisdured the agony of it felon, fall apples that would otherwise be of new.
yon will appreciate the fact *at it can be paratively little value. Of fall varieties onr I commence by using thew yeast, Bead who will
cured by woolen smoke. Piece the woolen Gravenstein is sure of ready sale at high send to them the wrapper of a package
rags under aniaverted flower pot, and put prices. This veason it has sold as high as and write to that effect, will receive a still
better class of gift than that above offered.
coals upon them, or set them on fire sortie 86 per barrel. St. Lawrence has made $4 20
other way, and hold the felon over the and Calvert $s.06 for good samples. Ship- Better yet; any ono at present making their
smoke, and is will extract all the pain. pers should provide good storage, so that I own bread, using their own or other yeast,
varieties could be sent forward in proper but who will buy a five cent package of the
Wash valenciennes lace in lukewarm
season wheel the market demand is best for Breadmakers' Yeast from any grocer. or
water with fine soap, and iron over several
each variety. storekeeper, and, after using, will write to
thicknesses of flannel to bring out the pat- say that their Yeast is Superior, they will
. . • believe her also Dud will astouish that lady
STOCRIfPN, givothis valuable pre-
paration a fair trial. It operates
promptlyandeffectuallyin destroying
Ticks and other vermin pests, as well
seseas in eradicating' all affections of the
'skin to which Sheep aro subject. Sold
in Tins at 35c., 70c. and $1. A 85c. Tin Will clean 20
Sheep or 35 Lambs. MITGIC MILLER As Co., Toronto.
loll./ efeek!leelhiteiPlagekie AO*
tarns Celebrated Mali-
CORR Inepirator.
fferGreshein'e Autometie
Rs, utarting Injector.
Seerleorrison•e Automatic
Sight Feed Labricator.
etarEngineers' aa Plumb-
ers' Supplies of every
desoription. Send MI
71 & 77 Adelaide St.W,
1 Des rine 1. obtain a BusinesS gducation, or become
proficient la Shorthand and Type wi it hie, should at-
ssus the .
Arcade, Tongs street, Toronto.
For Chanters, etc., Addrees C. O'DEA. Secretary.
15150 a positive reraody for no above 015 aso ; by Its use
thotieanda et canes erne, worst kind awl long standing
have been cured. Indeed, ao atroug to my NM in Ito
aflicaoy, that will send TWO BOTTLES FREE, together
wlth a vetoer= TREATISE en this disease to sup
nu:rarer, Give °unreal; and O. addreas.
Olt, rt. A. SLOCUM,
Branch OfRoe, 37 'Yonge St., Toronto
Allan Line Royal Nail Steamehipes
Sailing during winter from Portland every Thuredal
and Menhir every Saturday to Lperpool, and In sum
mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, malice
at Londondeery to land mails and poesengere Pei
Scotland and Ireland ; also from Baltimore, via Balt.
fax and 85. John's, N. F. to Liverpool fortnight!,
during summer raontke. The steamere of the Gina
gow lines sell during winter to and from Halifax,
l'ortland, Boston and Philadelphia ; and during:sure
mar between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; Waspy
and Roston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphlf
For freight, passage, or other nformatiou apply te
ron or housekeeper who has never before A. Schumacher Co., Baltimore; S. line St
fifiaat0; 08.h, eflig•TCOhrl°",8k.jBa.31; oWo.7*Chnioa°meoP,
made a loaf of bread. Any person having 8E1412
domestic charge of a household who Is Love & Alden, New Tock; R. Bendier, Toronto
not now baking for .the and who will Mane, Rae cog -Quebec: Wm. Breekte,.Pbiladei
• phia;,11. A. Allen Portland Roston. Montt al.
ED , A lately discovered but extremely airnple
Rs, E s use of camphor is appreciated in the houle-
ICZ '"e. hold, If the varnish on woodwork on
1E furniture be changed in spots to white from
4. chaps of cologne or bay rum or heated dish.
es, it can be changed back by rubbing the
spot with a cloth wet in camphor.
Instead of throwing away the piecee of
soap wbicli become too email for convenient
handling, make a. null flannel bag of suit.
able size ; leave one end open and put in
pieces as three enliece When it is full baste
up the opqning, an l it Makes a lithe bath-
tub tteetirefury. Another way is to add a
little water, set them in it saucepan ou the
stove, and let there simmer slowly. When
cold you have toler ,bly good soft soap. By
letting most of tha water boil away you
,,ts to Are"
(tans/ ing in
tee for Ad
ing motto 44
licines, Wes
stone] man
ly knosvn 015 may make the Soap hard enough to be
molded into small c, which can be dried
.eceirt a
1 'r4 for use.
1 is wet Lb te: Il the feet are tender or tainful after long
ritted moire • walking or etandieg, great reiief can be had
or in restive by bathing them in salt and water. A
31)351"P,',i0,, handful of salt to a gallon of watarlis the
right proportion. Have the waver as hot
, eke.
s ab own hOmfortably be borne Intnerse the
laieuro for feet, and throw the water over the lege as
eh 541Ne
if in Inc as the Isnoee with the hands. Win n
he ah enemy the water becotnes too cold, rub briskly
a o5".1 whtP with it flesh tewel, This method, if used
night and teeming, will cure neuralgia of
rtgo, Bright Ef',
3701340)SO/4 the feet.
by return maii with a lovely gift. You
Why Increase the List. must get the yeast from your own grocer.
" Tompkinson," said a somewhat rapid Don't send money to the Company direct.
traveling man to a friend, whose tastes and Sir Ss,muel Baker suggests that the Irish
habits were much' like his own, " I'm very Constabulary should be supplied with
much worried." wicker -work *icicle covered with rawhide
" I wouldn't cultivate it, my dear fellow. to protect them from showers of stones and
But what's the trouble ?" other misailes thrown by the natives.'
"Debts. I'm overwhelmed with them. Coff No More.
I can't two a corner without running into a
creditor. There's the hatter, and the tailor, Watson's cough drops are the best in the
and the gent's furnisher, end the florist, and world Inc the throat end °lust, for the voice
the livery inan--in fact I see but one way unequalled. See that the letters R. & T. W.
out of the difficulty." are stamped on each drop.
"What it: that?' Good negative varnish: Senders,: four
"Ivo a goed notion to connnit suicide." ounces, alcohol twenty. -eight ounces, oil of
" And arid the undertaker to the lib: leveVider three ounces, chloroform flee
My dear fellow, at least be resitionable." drachms,
Whenever your Stomach or Zweig get out of Ms
der, caueing Biliousness, Dyspepeia, or IndigestiOn.
and their attendant ev110, take at once a dose of Dr,
The Moon's Influence Carson's Stemma Bitters. Best family medicine.
Ail reunites, 00 (mute.
Upon the weather is accepted by some as i It is reported the lebysintiians are to make
real, by others it is disputed. The moon an itnreediate advance oli Massowah and
never a50' -lets eon's freirl the tender: aching that Refight has tient them 600 officers dire
spot. I'utnam's Pelnleta Corn Extractor guise& as prieate.
XemoVes the most painful corns in three p op
e i.e
who are subject to bad breath, foul coated
days. This groat remedy makes no sore tongue, or any (Deader of the Stoeutehi ean at once
tiptite, doesn't go feeling around a man's be relieved by using ,Dr. Csieson's Stony:oh Bitters,
foot, but • gets to business at once, and the old end tried remedy. Ask your Druggist.
effects a' ohm. Don't be imposed upon by 1 The agreement between Italy, Germany
kubstitetes and imitatioes. Get "Put- ' Ilia Atietrlit gives Raly fell power to take
'tam's," and no other. : incleiseudent ttetiOn in the Mediterreneaat,
er•-•1 *el"- • •
8°Y'8 l4aRTI1AY5
.A Beautiful Imported Birthday Card erta,,
to any huby whOod mother Mil Bend na Atts
rinmea Otto) or mare other babies, and thee
parents' maitre:ewe A.loo a handsome Dia
mond Dye Sample Cara to the mother wad
%Anal valnable informatiOn.
Riehordson ek Co., ttlfoarrnsil.
AGENTS WANTED7'-'1:41:450.
in Every 'Fawn nod Village 1"11,.".iCall:dbale, tr:e12II
our la EW 21EtU1'IiSLEE
Sell at eight. Every house needs therm Cheap.
Durable 111141 tliesTIOrmiC111. Po 'Washing or
Ironing.' and will last ten times as long us ordinary
cotton blinde Sole il'ounship Rights. tur
Agente are making $3 to $5 ti day with Easy
1811;onrillpti. qatdi ter 74,e0a srlm aC leet or .osuttafliti„o ni neerlyu,cl, tgi
all information, by express, 25c.
dit CO., 41 Eing Se East. Toronto.
Is the only stove made
that will bum wood or
coal equally well. It will
heat one or more adjoin-
ing rooms and retain fire
with either tuel all night.
It is the farmers' wood
burner and will make
home SA comfortable as
Nvith a self feeder coal
stove. The largest size Is
an unrivalled heater for
schools,hall and eharchee.
The family Keystone, the
largest first-claseStove for
lelthe money Made.
Is revolutionizing cook.
ng with coal. Its ratent firel ot end grate makes it
the nice.t durable, easiest to manage, beet to retain
fire night end day, and most economical of coal stoves.
These were the only stoves awarded a medal for new
and meritorious inventiooe this year.
If your dealer has not got them write us for inf
o ok's Gem
Why do you use those Expensive American and
Canadian. Baking Powders when you can get as good
and wholesome at one half the price? Prove it by try-
ing the Cook's Germ Menufactured by
Postage 6 Cts. Extra
04 0,1510(55
AHD Ammo
TORONTO, 01sTri".
Please mention this Paper when writing.
have decided inlet=
to put Dr. Jug's Medici':
in a brown jug, instead of it
glass bottle as heretofore
The lugs that we will us*
for this purpose are made
of the finest Imported Rock -
Ingham, ofa mottledbrown
colour, with "Dr. Jug's
Medicine for Lunge, Liver
and Blood" in raised let-
ters on the side. Our
reasons Inc making th
change are: "let -Its won
derful curative quelitie
will be better preserved by
the medicine being kept
entirely in the daek. 2nd -
As the jug will he register-
ed it will be impossible to
counterfeit it. 3cd-The
natne "Dr. Jug's Medi -
FAGS! Sti I eine" will be more easily
OP A JUG or DR. JUClettremembered by Reseda -
MEDICINE. tion. 455 Our friends
will be able to recognize at °nee that they are getting
the genuine article, as there is riOothertnedicine put
up in a jug. DR. J170 MEDICINE 00„
Toronto 'and Stratford.
Ilse on your Bilachinery only the Well-known
kff Fi
When! any mire I tie not mann merely to stop them for a
*5(050 004 then bare thent retere Fein. I Mom
sato. 5 hove mode the Basest+ of PfTREPILEPSF or FALL.
1140 SIOKNItefil a lite.lona study. 1 warrant Eny Tamed),
etWe the wstet dakst Ueoaciso others heed Pilled to no
roasen for not how' eneeleing a nee. demi et once for 0
'retitle° and s Free nettle of my Infallible remedy. Gino
Exprasn and Poet Offloe. It comta you nothing for a trial,
andt will cure you, addretul 1)11. It. et, ROOT,
Branch Ofilcol 37 Yoliga St.1 Toronto.
NINE GOLD MEDALS have been awarded it during the lnet four years. Try MSC our PEER=
AXLE ZEASE for your Waggons and Horse Powers.
Manufactured at QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS, y
"al s
1,gAli Allies of new Limo of Rahway, built thi
seaeon. Land all for settlement. Unsurpaseed for
grain or stock farms. 485 tierce tree. To learn how'
so got it, Sand your address en Postal card.
tt. 90 King 05. Yr.. Toronto,
ries, vats tier I
We are offering special in-
ducements to purchasers ° of Irou
Fence for delivery this fall.
We guarantee the Best and
Cheapest Fence made in the Do-
,gte asesswassan.
A Hone Company ! Guarantee Capital, $1,000)000
ramsliDENT:iioN. sin W. 1, BOWLARD, C.B., 10. 0. M. G.
EON. CCM, JUSTICE 7v1AboteALD 11. P. Bisset, ESQ. .7.3). EDGAR, Esq.
W. 1-1. Inteetv, Req. S. Neentiernert, ESN. Weeran, 8 lane Esq.
3. kintearte MASON, nee, W. H. Glees. Ike. A. L. tfoorintaiam, ESQ.
Heat. Jents Yetfee. A, Nicteme iloweitelLse.
ti eNeteLeit. isettieternlit : J. R. MACDONALD.
This Teis ti net ively some instate:414W Watt established I5 years ago. Doting this period nearly one
Mkt I i0/1.,Ot dollars hue beet, returned to the policy troltier4, Or their representatives.
The assets aecumulated during thie period amount, at 'this date, to over S.1,500,000, and when die
finitrantee Capital is added, forms security tor policy holders to the amount ot over 08,e00,000.
Those contemplating inaering will do well to compare the cost in this Ass;;eitition with other companies,
for the above period, before. insuring elsewhere.
This tisoclation"s Rates are frrrn 10 50 50 per cent. lower then in those fereign en:mania doilig,
budriesi in this Country, while the profit roadie surpass tbe best of them.
J. K. MACDONALD, Managing Director.
HEM) Citric; 15 Tonofer0 Sm., T011eete.