HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-03-29, Page 43PAGE 18 —CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCID 29, 1979 THE HURON COUNTY J-IEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, held at the Town House Building A-4, Vanastra on April 5, 1979 from 9:30 - 11:30 am for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Hearing Screening 5. VIsion Screening 6. Fluoride brushing for ages 3 to 5 years. -13 ar CHILDRENS MATINEE, sponsored by the Bayfield Lioness, Bayfield Town Hall, Saturday, March 31, at 2 pm. -13 CLINTON KINSMEN annual canoe race on Sunday, April 8, 1979 at the County Park in Auburn. ' Registration 9 am, race time 11 am. $5.00 per person and proceeds to Cystic Fibrosis. -13, 14 MOTHER'S DAY COIN LAUNDRY and Fabric Care Centre, 13 Rat- tenbury St. Next week's special April 2 - 6, spring and fall trenchcoats dryclean' d, 25 percent off regular price. Drycleaning and bachelor service available Mon. - Fri. 8:30 - 6:00. Coin laundry open daily 8:30 am - 10:30 pm.-13ar THE CLINTON WHEEL'N DEALERS modern square dance club are holding a fun night -on Wed. April 11 at 8:30 pm. at the Clinton Public School for all who are interested in modern square dancing. You are cordially invited. We are hoping to have a begin- ners class starting early in October. Please come and enjoy the evening with us. -13,14 SEAFORTH OPTIMIST 7th Annual Bayfield River canoe race, Sun- day, April 1, 1 pm. Registration . °starts 9:30 am, Egmondville Bridge, 7 classes, all with trophies, breakfast -available. Proceeds to Optimists Youth work and Bunny Bundle. -13 EUGENE WHELAN NIGHT. The Huron - Bruce Liberal Association cordially invites you to the Eugene Whelan Night in support of Graeme Craig, Huron - Bruce Liberal Candidate, Wednesday, April. 4, 1979 in Brussels, Grey & Morris Community Centre, Brussels. Reception 6 p.m., dinner at 7 p.m., dance to follow. Tickets $12.50 each, advance tickets only. Call Clarence Denomme,. Clinton, 482-9004, or your , township chairman. -13 April ' 21-22 "THE CHANCELLORS" are returning to Wesley-. Willis Church, Victoria St., Clinton. Concert Sat. 8 p.m. Adults $2.00, children $1.00, family $5.00. Tickets availablc from Morning Glories. Sunday Service 11 a.m.-11-13 FESTIVAL SINGLES Dance, Friday, March 30 at the Victorian Inn, Stratford. Welcome all singles mainly over 30. Dancing 9:00-1:00.-12,13 RUMMAGE SALE of good condition clothing, household items, books, appliances, etc. Satur- day, April 7 in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Hall. Doors open 1 p.m. Sponsored by Madeleine Lane Auxiliary. -12,13 DR. KEN CAMPBELL, a man dedicated to stop- ping the constant erosion Df parental involvement in and responsibility for the education of children, will speak in the Clinton Christian Reformed Church on Wednesday, May 2 at 8 p.m. Spon- sored by Clinton and District Christian School P.T.A.-13,17 EUCHRE ., PARTY Varna Town Hall, Friday, March 30 - 8:30 p.m. Sponsored by LOL 1035. Ladies please bring sandwiches. Everyone welcome. -13 COME ALONG to the Belmore ,Syrup .Festival on Thursday, April 12 — special .program for seniors. For information and tickets call 482- 7837.-13,14 THE HOSPITAL Auxiliary will meet Monday, April 2 at 10 a.m. in the Board Room. Mrs. Beecher Menzies will speak. -13 A DAFFODIL TEA to aid the Canadian Cancer Society will be held in Wesley -Willis •Church, Clinton hosted by ladies of the neighbouring churches - Friday, March 30 from 2 to 4:30. Daf- fodils on sale 10 for $2.00. An invitation is extended to all. -13 SPRING THANKOF- FERING - Joint service of Wesley -Willis and untario Street United Churches at Ontario Street Church, Sunday, April 1, 8 p.m. Guest speaker Mrs. Jeanne Moffat, Waterloo. Special music by the Ukulele Unique group, directed by Mrs. Doris McKinley. -12,13 CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday • 8 p.m. First regular card $1.: restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of $15. $5 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200 must go each week.-19tfar THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the Parenting Classes, being held in the Assessment .Office Board Room, 46 Gloucester Terr., Goderich commencing Monday, April 2, 1979. These classes will run for approximately 4 weeks. Would anyone who is interested, please register by calling 1-800- 265-4252 or the Health Unit "office at 524-8301. Both parents are invited to attend and participate in the discussions.-11- 13ar THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes, being held.in the Clinton Public School, Percival St., Clinton commencing Tuesday, April 3, 1979 from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. These classes will run for 8 weeks. Would anyone who is interested please register by calling 1-800- 265-4252 toll freeor the Health Unit office at 482- 3416. Both husbands and wives are invited to at- tend and participate in the discussions.-11-13ar BINGO every , Tuesday evening at the Vanastra Centre RR 5, Clinton at 8 p.m. First regular card $1. 15 regular games of $15. 3 share -the -wealth, jackpot $200 must go. Admission restricted to 16 years or over.--6tfar BINGO EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT, at Blyth Memorial Hall, Blyth, Ontario. 12 regular games; 3 share -the - wealth; jackpot $150.00.-11 tfar THE WEDGE presents Springtime '79. Spon- sored by the Huron Trail Riders April 3 at 8 p.m. in CHSS gym. Door prizes and lunch. Everyone welcome. Tickets $3.00 each available at The Wedge. -10-13 Janet A*nos...new director Playhouse schedule set James Murphy, Artistic Director of the Huron Country Playhouse, has an- nounced the line-up of plays for the 1979 Festival Last, but not least, the of Summer Theatre. Huron Country Murphy said it is a season Playhouse is proud to of five world hits and that present the award win - each one would be given a ning musical, THE two week run. SOUND OF MUSIC, with The opening production music and lyrics by will be the delightful Rodgers and Ham - British farce, POOLS merstein and book by PARADISE by It opens Howard Lindsay and June 27 and runs through Russel Crouse.It opens July 7. August 22 and runs Next is the chilling through September 1. thriller, ANGEL Each production opens STREET by Patrick on Wednesday evening at Hamilton, the author of 8:30 p.m. and plays ROPE and HANGOVER through Saturday SQUARE. It opens July evening, with a Saturday 11 and closes July 21. matinee at 2:30 p.m. HARVEY by Mary 'during the first week. Chase will be the third During the second week, productio It opens July 25 .performances are given and runs through August Monday through 4. Saturday evenings at 8:30 PUSSYCAT, by Bill Manhoff.. It opens August 8 and closes August 18. The fourth presentation is the hilarious comedy, THE OWL AND THE p.m. with Wednesday and Saturday matinees at 2:30 p.m. NOW SHOWING TILL MARCH 31 8c00 PIM. THURSDAY PRIDAY & SATURDAY 7 & 9:10 New cli r ector for BIytJi After a lengthy search, the Board of Directors of the Blyth Centre for the Arts has named Janet Amos as associate director and as the successor in 1980 to James Roy as artistic director of the Blyth Summer Festival. Ms. Amos was selected • from more than 30 ap- plicants and brings a wide range of experience to the position. She is perhaps best . known for her work as an actress on CBC television in the series "A Gift to Last" and in specials such as The Masseys and in theatre at the Shaw z near Clinton, a few miles Festival where she away. She has' since played Major Barbara in returned with several 1978. She has also played other productions and is many important roles also married to an area with Theatre Passe native, Ted Johns, who Muraille in the past. wrote and performed the It was for her ability as 1978 Festival hit a director, hoever, that production, The School Ms. Amos was chosen for Scandal. the Blyth position. She Ms. Amos said she has previously directed would like to carry on and plays in Toronto and at build upon the foundation the 1977 Blyth Summer built by Roy and his wife Festival. Anne who have directed Mrs. Sheila Richards 9 president of the Board of the Festival since its Directors of the Blyth inception in 1975. Roy set Centre, said that it was the policy of producing Ms. Amos' feeling for the Canadian plays .of region served by the specific "`interest to .the theatre and her com- small town and rural mitment to the unique audience of the Western mandate of the Blyth Ontario region. Festival that was the "I feel that its con - deciding factor in her nection with the com- choice from a list of munity and the way it strong candidates. reflects both the com- Although Toronto -born, munity` and the country Ms. Amos has had a m makes it one of the rtiost strong contact with the exciting theatres area served by the Blyth anywhere," Ms. Amos theatre since 1972 when said. she was a member of the As associate director, Theatre Passe Muraille she will work closely with company that put Roy this summer to together The Farm Show familiarize herself with the operation in preparation for assuming artistic directorship in September. Ms. Amos is also a member of the Advisory Council of Canada Council and of the Canadian Actors' Equity Association Council. ANNOUNCING: A NEW SERVICE FOR *Service Clubs *Church Groups *School Organizatidns ENTERTAINMENT BULLETIN BOARD Have your coming event posted on our new , "Entertainment Bulletin Board" in the Clinton News -Record office, 53 Albert St. Also, before setting a date for your group's function, check the News -Record's Entertain- ment Bulletin Board for any conflicting dates. PHONE 482-3443 EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL SAUERKRAUT SUPPER STARTS SUN. APRIL 1-5 After her divorce, Erica got to know some pretty -interesting people... including herself. 'Sundae Special April 1 ROAST BEEF with brown gravy or FRIED CHICKEN with mushroom sauce. Both with mashed or french fried potatoes, kernelled corn, and including soup or juice, salad, roll, tea or coffee. Dessert: Lemon pie, or pie of your choice. ADMITTANCE TO ►[.SON: 11 YEARS 0/ AGE OR OM Our Soft ice Cream is back! DEBBIE'S Custard Cup , 2 miles south of Clinton on Hwy. No. 4 at Vanastra Rd. 482-9896 THEATRE 30 THE SQUARE GODERICH• 524-7811 TASTY Spare Ribs with Sauerkraut (or Cole Slaw) * Also Home -Made Pies * WED., APRIL 4 5:30P.M.-8:OOP.M. ADULT $4.75 CHILDREN $3.00 ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE Sponsored by Zurich and District . Chamber of Commerce Huron County Junior Farmers. SEMI FORMAL Sponsored by South Huron Junior Formers at the EXETER REC. CENTRE FRIDAY, APRIL 6 Music By "Mozart's s Melody Makers" '4.00 PER PERSObI 9 p.m.. 1 a.m. NO BLUE JEANS KING & QUEEN COMPETITION LUNCH PROVIDED FOR TICKETS, CALL 482-9125 GOSPEL MEETINGS (non denominational) Each Friday at 8:00 p.m. Beginning March 30 at 8:00 p.m. at BAYFIELD MUNICIPAL OFFICE 1. Beatty H. Williams ' * ** 1k*******7k ***** * iCABLE 1 2 LISTINGS * Wednesday 7:00 p.m. "II be Seeing You" with Stan Profit * *. DIRECTLY FOLLOWED BY: "Simply Sports" * with Doug Fisher * * Monday Night Lions TV Bingo * Thursday is Special Night. Each week is a different show.** * "Easy Listening with Grant Ellison * "Best of Friends" with Eleanor and Warren Robinson * "Bluewater Special" with Fred Salter * * "Foxy's Friends" with Ronnie Varga, this Thursday. *, night will feature Goderich Figure Skating Club's "1979* Ice Nicks" at 7 p.m. Air *. * *** ittt*****alr******* Vanostro and District Lions Club Music by Joe Overholt Dancing 9-1 and the Standbys '10.00 per c� Tickets available at the Door from any Lions member or Debbie's Custard Cup Hwy. 4 Draw on Colour TV. Special Occasion permit 469334 WEDNESDAY, APHIL 4 JUST This Wednesday, treat the family and your budget to a bucket of finger lickin' good Kentucky Fried Chicken. A bucket contains 15 pieces of chicken. Enough for 5 to 7 hungry people. coaeught Restaup, and Tavern $LICENSED UNDER L.C.B.O. u BAYFIELD RD., GODERICH 524-7711 00 • YOU SAVE 1.25 Weekend Entertainment Fri. & Sat. Mar. 30 & 31 THE "CAVALIERS" entitcttFriedckieken Colonel Sanders' boys and girls make it"finger lickin' good." 94 ELGIN AVE. GODERICH, ONTA 10 Regular Price $7.25 s. •Treat yourself and your friends—to our Hot Buffet... Every Thurs. & Fri. 12 Noon -2 p.m. • Come as you are' *Welcome L%ncheon meetings In our Diningroom or private 8anquot room. HOUR$: 1f:30 a.m. - i0 p.m.. Sun. thru Wed. Thbrs., Fri., & Sat 1100 a.m. • 1 a.m., BAUER TRAVEL SERVICE invite those interested in travelling to Europe this summer to a PROGRAM OF SLIDES & MOVIES covering our tour June 28 to July 18 on Tuesday, April 3 8:00 p.m. BRODNAGEN COMM. CENTRE 4 PSB SHOW & SALE Friday 10 7, Drop In MMIC 40 ONTARIO STREET STRATFORD entitcttFriedckieken Colonel Sanders' boys and girls make it"finger lickin' good." 94 ELGIN AVE. GODERICH, ONTA 10 Regular Price $7.25 s. •Treat yourself and your friends—to our Hot Buffet... Every Thurs. & Fri. 12 Noon -2 p.m. • Come as you are' *Welcome L%ncheon meetings In our Diningroom or private 8anquot room. HOUR$: 1f:30 a.m. - i0 p.m.. Sun. thru Wed. Thbrs., Fri., & Sat 1100 a.m. • 1 a.m., BAUER TRAVEL SERVICE invite those interested in travelling to Europe this summer to a PROGRAM OF SLIDES & MOVIES covering our tour June 28 to July 18 on Tuesday, April 3 8:00 p.m. BRODNAGEN COMM. CENTRE 4