HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-03-29, Page 40• • The construction industry got an early start last week in Clinton with the unusually warm weather. A start was made on a new four -unit bachelor ' apartment building on King Street last Thursday, as concrete formers from Jim Bougen's crew poured the footings for the two storey building for Tom Chuter. A weekend snowstorm halted work again,' however. (News -Record photo) the VANASTRA Cby S. Jerome and NI. Dunsmore • voice Leadership workshop planned How to organize events and co-ordinate groups, how to attract volunteers and maintain com- munications are only some of the topics that will be discussed in an upcoming workshop at Vanastra. Put on by the Tuckersmith Township council and the Vanastra Community Association, the Leadership Development and Communications Workshop, will include eight sessions, beginning April 5. The evening sessions, from 7:30-10 p.m. will be held at the • Vanastra Community Centre and will run every • second Thursday until June 28. As well one Saturday workshop will be held. The course is designed to benefit everyone and will be helpful in teaching skills to be used on the job, in the community organizations, social events or in _ everyday situations. A registration fee of $1 will be charged for each session or $5 for the entire series. Any, or all of the workshops may be at- tended. For more information, interested people are asked to call the Vanastra Resource Centre at 482-9707 or the Vanastra Community Centre at 482-3544. Information Centre We are looking for donations of furniture and we particularily need book shelves, one couch, chairs, lamps small tables and desks. Any donations can be left at the office Mon. to Friday 9-12 and 1-5. Please call 482-9707 before delivery. We are willing to pick up. Resource Centre Ladies Craft Club meets each Wednesday from 1:30-3:30 p.m. doing quilting, ceramics and needle crafts and all ladies welcome. Babysitting is provided from I : 30 ' - 3:30 on Wednesday. Mini -teens meet from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. on Thursdays, all children from 7-12 yrs. of age are How .Brownies earn badges We came {into the room, had our opening and then went to our rooms and talked about accidents. We are earning a lot of badges. Some of our Brownies are doing poorly on their Brownie work. I have four badges. I am working on my artist badge. I get my signal badge. Last euchre party The last euchre party of the season was held at Summerhill Hall on Friday evening, March 23 with 11 tables in progress. John Van Den Elzen won high points for the men as well as the most lone hands. Bob Batty had low score. Donna Gibbings had high points for the ladies. Ida Wright won lone hands and Ruth Jenkins held the winning ticket for the groceries. The retiring members of the Hall Board for the past two years, Ruth and Bill Jenkins, Betty and Bob Batty, Evelyn and Charles Merrill, Phyllis and Keith • Tyndall thanked everyone for coming out to the card parties and wish the new board, Marion and George Colclough, Verna and Bill Gibbings, Sandra and Tillie Westerhout and Barbara and Ross Lovett every success for their turn of the next two years. Operation The drive-in theatre, where cool weather tempts car owners to run vehicle en- gines for a warm-up, is dan- gerous. Rust holes in the floor, body, trunk or fire- wall can allow carbon mo- noxide to seep in from leaky mufflers of tail pipes. Best Interest *1fl% S OR QUARTERLY • We represent many Trust Companies. We are often able to arrange for the highest interest being offered on Guaranteed Investment Certificates. *Sublect to change EXETER 2154420 Gaise r.Kneale Insurance Agency Inc. GRAND�BE b CLINTON 231144 462-9747 • It is fun in Brownies. I like it very much. I enjoy Brownies. I like the trips we go on. I like my four leaders in Brownies. They are nice to me sometimes. We do have gamesi, they are fun. I like the girls in Brownies too. -by Theresa Schenck. Kincardine minister speaks The speaker at this Sunday's 11 a.m. service will be Rev. Arend Kersten from Kin • - cardine. The organist will be Dick Roorda. Don't forget the Come Alive Clubs on Tuesday evenings at 7:30. welcome to come and enjoy an hour of crafts and fun. There was an excellent turn -out to the Free Movies held last Thur- sday.FWe hope to have more in the near future. The Huron Information and Mutli-Service Centre would like to welcome Sue McFadden to its staff. Mrs. Jade Guilbault has left our,staff, as her husband has taken a job in Barrie. We all wish Jade ,and Michael : the best in their new home. Social news There will be a Parents Committee meeting this Sunday April 1st at 2 p.m. in• the Vanastra Recreation Centre. Hope to see more parents out. The Lions Spring Frolic is next Friday April 6th. The music will be sup- plied by "Joe Overholt and the Standbys". Tickets are $10 a couple and are available from any Lions Club member. The Lions will also hold their draw for the colour t.v. on April 6 at their Spring Frolic. Be sure to buy a ticket on this. Welcome home to Sharon Jerome and hope you're well on the road to recovery after your short stay in Goderich hospital. Henry W. Block "You deal personally with the specialist preparing your income tax return: When you come into one of our offices, a trained tax expert will take the time to understand your personal tax situation while preparing your return. To dig for the facts. To save you as much money as legally pos- sible. At H&R Block, we are income tax specialists. H&R BLOCK THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 44 Ontario Street Open 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Weekdays 9 - 2 Sat. Phone 482-3336 OPEN SATURDAYS - APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE + CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1979 -PAGE 15 Sharon'sreci e ceornei Braised Liver with Vegetables 1 lb. sliced liver 11/2 tbsp. flour 1/2 tsp. salt % tsp. pepper 1 tbsp. cooking fat or oil 1 medium onion sliced 1A cup diced celery 2 cups sliced carrots 2 cups strained (or whole if preferred) canned tomatoes Roll liver slices in combined flour, salt and pepper, and brown in hot fat. Remove meat and place in casserole. Brown onion, celery and carrots in the same fat, then lift out and put vegetables also in casserole. Add tomatoes. Cover and bake in oven 350 degrees for 11/2 hours. (Serves 4- 6). Serve with baked potatoes. Quick raisin pudding 1 tbsp. butter 13/4 cup water 1 cup brown sugar Heat to melt butter and sugar. Batter: 1 cup flour 2 tsp. baking powder 4 tbsp. shortening % cup big raisins 1/2 cup milk Drop by spoonfuls into sauce. Bake at 375 decrees for 40 minutes. Helpful Hints Tp perk up leftover squash, add some maple syrup before reheating. Keep a "repairs basket" next to your sewing machine. Don't start a new project without first mending at least two articles from the basket. Clean badly discoloured brass with lemon rind and salt. If it Two split bingo jackpot On March 13th, 128 people attended bingo at the Vanastra Recreation centre. The jackpot was split with Marg Steep of Clinton getting $100 and Ina Finlayson of Staffa getting $100. Merle Glanville of Egmondville and Lia Cadman of Goderich won the first share the wealth of $38. each. Nora Heard of Varna won $80. and Wilma McMichael of Clinton won $85. in the other share -the -wealth The March 20th, bingo Cubs clean park On March 26, Mr. Neil Elson of Goderich was present to invest our two new leaders, Mrs. Moira Robinson and Mrs. Myrna Smith. The month of April is going to be a very busy one, with a clean up of the park around the Recreation Centre on April 14th. We also will have a visit from the health nurse on the 23rd to give us a talk on hygiene. All this work is going towards our stars. Most of our boys have almost completed their blue star. was attended by 122 people and a share the wealth of $73. was won by Rita Mommersterg of Zurich. The next share the wealth went to Lark Haskett of Vanastra and Ida Carle of RR 4, Seaforth. They each isn't too bad, toothpaste can be used. Then polish with a cream cleaner. Clean copper with a vinegar and salt paste. Scrub the mixture on with a sponge, then wipe received $39. The final share the wealth was won by Russ Beyer of Clinton and he received $74. The jackpot was split with Chris Freriks of Vanastra and Brenda Laws of Clinton each getting $100. MATERNITY WEAR AT The Separate Shoppe MAIN CORNER, CLINTON 482-7778 (NEXT TO CAMPBELL'S MEN'S WEAR) OPEN 1-6 OPEN 1-6 J111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111L = _ W. M. W. Community and personal notesW.W. - - oom M. M. m. M. M. M. M. MM • _ M.MM M. M. M. WM - - _ M. M. m.M. M. M. M. - OMNI M. - Mom M. WM mM - M. M. - - - - M. ft. M. M. M.- - _ _ - omle MOO MOM _ MOOomo _ 1111._ _ num _ mom moo mon mom mom _ mom _ mosmom mon_ _ _ MOD0111. MOW _ _ MOO_ _ _ _ _ 1.111 MOO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IMO OMB 1.11 W. _ M.M. M. M. M. M. W. W. FOOD STORES Prices Effective Until Closing Tues. April 3/79 except Meat & Produce Fro n T New phone number for your meal orders 527.1631 Maple Leaf Sweet Pickled Lean COTTAGEI .43.. ROLLS Schneiders SIDE BACON Pkg.. 1.59 Schneiders Frozen SAUSAGE ROLLS 1PkOg`• Schneiders Frozen MINI SIZZLERS 1 Lb. Pkg. In order to serve you better in the future WE ARE EXPANDING! Sorry for any inconvenience we may cause. In order to fill 'ainchecks, we are extending our special on • CHEDDAR CHEESE }:. Our Reg. Price S2.09 Medium Fresh Pork Shoulder ROAST .89 Ib 5.6 Ib. avg. 1.49 1.49 Schneiders Vac Pak Old Fashioned HAMS 3.29,e Schneiders 4 ,arieties BOLOGNA From Meat Counter On!) 1 Lb. • 16 Oz. Pkg. 1.49 Schneiders SAUSAGE Bulk Smoked Schneiders Cello STEAKETTES 1 Lb. Pkg. 1.75 1.59 y Our Homemade Pure Pork Sausage Plain or Garlic ,�g11pN,, +fir ANN% 411k Sunlight Am. Liquid ANL -= S"... DETERGENT 1, .,_ 1.5 litre '69 . 1111111 i 1 t‘kk, ON 40 400* sMaxwellArk ,_ = House Instant -•r- JIM J.. COFFEE 4.88 0Oz. ,...•.. Tr& Taiiiiiiitto°' 011//,* e7. • 0 -egg r Carnival 'i Liquid MIKMIL BLEACH 128 Oz wa seems THE A.b:rt To LIMIT OUANTITIEt{ TO AVEAAOE FAMILY AEt)UTAEMENT* .69 ;- 1111I111I I I I111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111I111I1 U L _ Prod. USA Can. No. 1 PRODUCE - Fresh, Crisp CELERY STALKS Ont. Grown No. 1 .49 EE. = mm M. - omm _ M. - M. loom M. alom 1.191.b. _ 4/$1 _ 4/1 111IIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIII _ MUSHROOMS Prod. USA Can. No. 1 RADISHES Prod. USA Can. No. 1 Green _ IMO 6 Oz. Pkg. JIIIII111M1II11111111111111111IIII1I111111111I11I1111111111111IIIL F.:-. P a l a n d a Crushed, sliced = PINEAPPLE F. York Cr. corn, peas, mixed veg. ,- peas & carrots =VEGETABLES Knechtel =TEA BAGS or tidbits 19 Oz 1 4 oz. PPM OF 100 .59 3/1 1.39 _ - M. _ M. M. M. M. M. - M. _ M. W. M. _ _ _ _ = E.D.Smith _ PIE FILLING 19 oz 1.19 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHi E .:: Blueberry or cherry ROTH'S FOOD MARKET. OW Lb. ammo M. M. MEM W. M. M. M. M. WM M. WM MMININ INWS M. 11.1.11 mom _ - mm _ - mm mob _ _ m. m.- mmmm - M. M. m. W. M. _ M. _ M. M. _ M. M. M. M. _ _ M. _ - W. M. - M. m. M. - - - M. m. M. _ M.m. 0 _ ..latls+•/rmoo _ 11114. me ANIL Valley Farm '� a Crinkle Cut FRENCH FRIES - _ - _ - WMWM nom Nam 4/1$ likkkkk .etas = _ Jan. E.D.Smith = Garden _ .COCKTAIL _. ....._ ,........ _ = -= _ 328ox •5 _ ii„1111itttAk .4 Fleecyquid !■."'""'ilr Otilettstior • is ,II,� Li _ _ .0111. SOFTENER = FABRIC _ 4iieoz 1 99!! MM _ _ a SEAFORTH pimissimmimiiii���i�r�������������I�tlIIIIIItII11111mili111tI111111fIIII111111IIII111111111I1111111111111111111111l III111111111111111111111111111111111I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII • •