HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-03-29, Page 39PAGE 14—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1979 u AU . rata .•,''' uta, tee Y WARRINGTON- CPA :a 'SLE 03SA.M. Its A. ern «w • •-••••.. 17. Auction sales t. 1331 ,n d�vers,Ntd 17. Auction sales AUCTION! REMINDER AUCTION SALE Modern tractors self propelled combine machinery etc. to be held for John Govers at Lot 7 Concession 6 Stephen town) mile south of Crediton Ont. TUESDAY, APRIL 3 at 1 p.m. SEE LAST WEEK'S PAPER FOR FULL LISTING Auctioneers Larry Gardiner and Richard Lobb DUBLIN 345-2678 CLINTON 482-7898 Auctioneers and owner not responsible for ac- cidents day of sale. Le e'. 11/, AUCTION SALE Three trucks, two tractors, combine and a complete line of well maintained equipment and machinery held 1 mile East and 1/2 mile North of Dashwood on Tuesday, April 10th at 1:00 P.M. TRUCKS: 1967 Ford 1000 single axle tractor c.w. 534 engine, 5 speed Dp. Boston seat & air, 36 ft. safetied Trail Mobile trailer with 48" sides w. tarpaulin. 1964 Ford 3 ton c.w. 8 x 12 grain box with hoist. 1964 Mercury 800 cabover 361 engine 1020 tires, 16 ft. with 4 ft. side, safetied. COMBINE: International 715 hydrustic corn & bean special c.w. cab, 6 cyl. gas, Zuick att. head, 810 13 ft. grain head, 10 ft. Remi pickup, 843.4 row corn head 30" (and new). TRACTORS: 9600 Ford 847 cab, air, radio, weights adjustable rear wheels & 20-8-38 D.M.I. bolt on duals. SU Ford 4600 398 hours, radio (mint). EQUIPMENT: Ford 132 5 -furrow 16" plow c.w. hyd. cylinder, Ford 208 18 ft cultivator wings & harrows, Ford 230 'i'8 ft. disc c.w. 22" blades, Ford 352 4 -row corn & bean planter, Inter- national 10 18 -run grain & fertilizer drill, International 55 chisel plow, 13 ft., Berm 12 ft. & two 4 ft. packers, Malco 36 ft. 6 in. grain auger w. Briggs & Stratton 8 h.p. engine, 8 ton Herst wagon - 185 bu. JM gravity box, Golden Arrow sprayer 200 gal. 24 ft. boom, Vico 800 Ib. 3 Pt. H. fertilizer spreader, Allied 4 row 3 Pt. H. scuffler w. rolling shields, Ford 142 3 furrow 18" 3 pt. h. plow, Case 3 pt. h. 4-6 row stuffier, Menoe 3 pt h. harrow weeder 20 ft., 3 pt h. Case 4 furrow 14" plow. 165 bu. Turnco gravity box & wagon, 4" grain auger/Massey Harris 6' mower/M-H. side rake/aluminum doors, win- dows, propane stove & other items. Farm rented. Auctioneer's Note: This is an excellent offering of relatively new & well maintained machinery. No small items. Pian to attend early. Proprietor: Don Rader c (/////-'t6, AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRA SENNS 77 NA ,'d ST • SEAFORTH. ONTAR 0 NQK 1VvH 1519, 527-1458 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of self propelled combine, modern tractors, trucks and farm machinery to be held at Lot 4, Concession 2, Colborne Township, third farm east of Benmilier, On- tario for Leonard Bowman. -7 FRIDAY, APRIL 6th at 1:00 p.m. COMBINE: Gleaner F, Corn and Soybean, special com- bine with cab heater, 4 row, narrow corn head, 13 foot cutter bar grain head with 10 ft. Renn finger belt pick up. this combine has done approx. 600 acres since new. • TRUCKS: 1970 Ford 750 cab over truck with 361 moi r, 5 speed transmission, 2 speed rear end, 10-00 x 20 tires, good rubber, 17 ft. rack with 41/2 ft. sides, good tarp and poles, grain tail gate. 1963 International cab over truck with aluminum cab, 12 ft. gravel box and hoist, grain rack extensions, good rubber. Both trucks are In ex- cellent condition, selling as Is. TRACTORS: Massey Ferguson 1085 diesel tractor with cab, heater, air 18.4 x 38 rear tires, remotes, 1 set of 18.4 x 38 clamp on dual wheels, tractor was bought new last year and run 175 Hrs. Massey Ferguson '165 diesel tractor with multi power and Robin manure loader with hydraulic bucket. MACHINERY: International 455 four row plate corn Planter with nearly new Gandy Insecticide applicators. Triple OK 4 furrow semi mount plow with automatic spring resets spring trip coulters adjustable bottoms 14 to 18". Glenco 16 ft. vibra shank wing cultivator with leveling harrows. Krause 13 ft. wheel disc. New Holland 271 PTO hay baler. New Holland hay rake. New Holland 510 - 163 bushel manure spreader. 160 Bushel gravity box. George White 5 Ton Wagon. 12 ft. double land packer. 16 ft. flat rack, bale stooker, Cunningham hay crimper. Gehl 15" hammer mill with home made PTO drive. hanging cattle oiller. 5 section diamond hyriows with steel pole. truck frame with axles, throe hydraulic cylinders with hoses. "NOTE" n� small Items so please be on time. This is a good clean offering In excellent condition. Plan to at- tend. For Information phone Leonard Bowman at Goderich 524-7808. TERMS: Casio Land is Rented Auctioneer Richard Lobb Clinton 482-7898 Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. R1 MER RIB GENCY ADMIN SECY•FEE I Coln rear A10e.•, N "`on"M1„de- i0 Cau M, E DRI�COI,i BQOKKF.E �A3erc,• 101 11 St 687_/570 Woi,,, - tlo iy1 M $ tart c3, 30 . .1J•nr• •y ESTATE AUCTION for ' THE LATE M.G. MacLeod plus other consignments FRIDAY, MARCH 30 ' 6:30 p.m. At the AUCTION ROOM 1 mile south of Goderich on Hwy. 21 PARTIAL LISTING: 158 pc. silver set, Pequegnat clock, antique rifle, dresser sets, crocks, rare sealers, English brass candlesticks, bells, string of bells, biscuit jars, prints, frames, water colours, 2 Chandler originals, 2 chrome sets, 3 couches, 2 bedroom sets, electric stove, 1 hide -a -bed, 2 carpets, trunks, blanket boxes, chairs, dressers, commodes, end tables, coffee tables, parlor tables, 2 wing back chairs with barley twists, Targe jardiniere, 48" Lathe, 2 an- tique dolls, quantity of license plates from 1928 and on, electric organ, jewellery, coins from 1818 to 1967, china cabinet, oval dining table, 2 saddles, kitchen utensils, glassware, including milk glass, crystal water set, Limoges, R.S. Germany, glass Easter egg, depression glass, nippon, Bisque type candle holders, etc., etc.... This is a very Targe sale with many qullity items MIKE CUMMINGS AUCTIONEER For more information on this or Future Auction Sales call Paul Cummings at 524-9064. 18. Services available 18. Services availdble LAWN ROLLING AERATING CALL NOW RAY'S LAWN & GARDEN 524-9166 LANDSCAPE MAITENANCE SERVICES Lawns, Trees, Beds, etc. Consulting services available 482-9475 Chris Fowlie SPECIAL! Professional SPRING CLEAN-UP (Lawns & Beds) $15e PER AVERAGE LAWN OTHER WORK AVAILABLE. FOR AN APPOINTMENT, PHONE 482-7870 AFTER 4:00 P.M. PRUNING & FERTILIZER AVAILABLE JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING * Farm Buildings * Additions * Renovations Phone 482-3063 CONST. LTD. t Interior and Exterior Home Renovations • All types of home ' siding • Additions • Parm Buildings PHONE CLINTON 482-7290 NOW HOUSE PLANS DRAWN to meet your requirements no obligation References for all previous projects Schaefer Residential Design Listowel 291-1449 SALM CONSTRUCTION FARM, COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL CONST. FRAMING, ROOFING, ALUMINUM SIDING, RENOVATIONS DAVE SALM 523-9641 . BLYTH, ONT. ®' i ale , Paegt & "feee,4figaot SIDING, SOFFIT & EAVESTROUGHS ROOFING & ROOF REPAIRS ATTIC VENTILATION GLIDDEN PAINTS P.O BOX 391' TEES WATER. ONTARIO NOG 250 PHONE (519) 392-6163 FREE ESTIMATE ON REQUEST RAY'S LAWN AND D GARD'EN SERV I C E CALL NOW FOR LAWN ROLLING and AERATING ORALI. LAWN NEE�S 524-9166 Bldg Is dal:able 1 Iui 3 21 11'� 30dn 1 I FEF & �•u1 Stu o e TV .04%ntr e,, r 179. 18. Services available WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-.Q775 CHUTER PLUMBING HEATING & ELECTRIC Frunace Installations DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES Appliance Service 46 King St. 482-7652 c-18tfn HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE HENRY REININK 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9203 FOR SALE Used Snowmobiles We also Service and Repair snowmobiles and snowblowers and other small engine equipment M.J.B. PAINTING AND CONTRACTING Interior Exterior Excellent Rates Free Estimates Phone 482-7932 INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Individual Farm Business ROY' S TAX SERVICE 17 GIBBINGS ST. CLINTON 482-9357 Open: 9-6, Monday - Friday Custom Slaughtering and Processing Kill Day. Wednesday 4BRP S DASHWOOD 237-3677 CANAC KITCHENS For those new kitchen cupboards or bathrooms. For new homes, and spring remodelling. Free Estimates CaII Doug Smith SALESMAN 482-9190 TREE SERVICE Pruning, Removal True Trimming Fro* Est. 482-9598 HENRY ROESCH R.R. NO. 5-CLINTON 049 La Av/7S 19. Notice to creditors 27. Deaths IN THE ESTATE OF FLOSSIE MAY WELSH, late • of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 28th day of February, 1979, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of April, 1979, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 22nd day of March, 1979. MENZIES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix. -13,14,15 18. Services available Licensed ELECTRICIAN Kent Murray Available for work Call anytime For All Your Electrical Needs 527-0984 SEAFORTH BO-JEN CARPENTRY' FOR • CUSTOM BUILT HOMES • RENOVATIONS • ADDITIONS SEE BOB LANGENDbEN BOX 309 CLINTON PHONE 482-9720 DRYWALL known for high quality PETER BAKOS DRYWALL have complete drywall service Phone 527-1398 527-0606 NOTICE • Commercial • industrial • Building Contractors • Roofing Contractors • Home Owners We have 12 cubic yard containers available by the week, month, or year. For information phone today. CHAMNEY . SANITATION LTD AUBURN 526-7799 19. Notice to creditors IN THE ESTATE OF, GEESSIEN JACOBA VAN' MAAR, late of the Townshj'p of Goderich in the County/of Huron, Married Woman, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of - the above-named who died on the 22nd day of January, 1979, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 10th day of April, 1979, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then 'have nnti'ce. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 9th day of March, 1979. MENZIES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the Personal Representative —12,13,14 IN THE ESTATE OF NELLIE EVA FREMLIN, late of the Township Of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, Housewife, deceased. ALI. persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 24th day of January, 1979, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 19th day of April, 1979, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 19th day of March, 1979 MENZIES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. -12,13,14 21. Personal ARE YOU UNATTACHED, separated, single or divorced? Meet that special person. Apply 0.0. Box 104, Owen Sound,1 N4K 5P1. ' Please state age. --13,14 22. Lost and found LOST: Small black and white dog; part terrior beagle. Last seen Thursday at his home in Bayfield wearing dog tag number 46 and answering to the name of DUKE. Anyone having any information, please call Garrett's at 565-2656.-13 25. To give away PUREBRED FEMALE German Shepherd. Phone 482-3179.-13 MALE DOG, part terrier. Children's dog to give away to farm family. Phone 482- 7560.-13 26. Births PICKETT Faye and Cam are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Marriane Jennine on March 19, 1979 in Kingston Hospital weighing 71/2 lbs. A sister for Kimberley and Shawn. Granddaughter for Mr, and Mrs. Joe Carter, Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Syd Pickett, Nanaimo, B.C.-13nc McCLINCI-JEY Veronica and Robert of Brantford thank God for the safe arrival of their first born, a son, Kevin Scott, weighing 5 • lbs. 7 oz. on March 15, 1979. Second grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Frank McClinchey of Zurich, and seventh great- grandchild for Mrs. Miotla of Brantford.-13nc TREWAR tHA Doug and Cheryl//are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their first child, a boy, Trevor Dou as, on March 21, 1979 a St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Another grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cox and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Tr,ewartha.-13nc KONARSKI Richard and Brenda of RR 1 Blyth are proud to announce ths/ birth of their daughter J nnifer Brenda at Clinton ublic Hospital on Thur- sday, March 22, 1979. A sister for Jason.-13nc 27. Deaths HODGKINSON At Victoria Hospital, on Monday, March 26, 1979, John Hodgkinson of Bethany Lodge, Lambeth, in his 80th year. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ezekiel Hodgkinson. Brother of Mrs. Mary Dixon of Owen Sound, Mrs. Allan (Elizabeth)•' Durnin of London, and Henry of Clinton. Rested at the McFarlane and Roberts Funeral Home, Lambeth, where the funeral service was held on Wednesday, March 28 at 1 p.m. Interment Kinloss Cemetery, Lucknow.—l3nc 2t Personal NEIL Suddenly at University Hospital, London, on Mon- day, March 19, 1979, Wesley J. Neil, of Exeter in his 62nd year. Beloved husband of Mary E. (Johns) Neil. Dear father of Roberta Neil of Calgary, Alberta. Dear brother of Mrs. Flossie Waghorn of Huronview, Clinton, Mrs. Laura May Turnbull of Komoka, Chester of Seaforth, Cecil of Lucan, George of Stratford and Gerald of London. Rested at the R.C. Dinney Funeral Home, Main Street, Exeter, where the funeral service was held on Thursday, March 22 at 2:30 p.m. with Rev. James Forsythe of- ficiating. Interment Exeter Cemetery.-13nc COOK At Alexander Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Wednesday, March 21st, 1979, Edward J. (Ted) Cook, of Colbourne Township, in - his 64th year. Husband of the late Lottie Mae Powell. Dear father of Laura (Mrs. Bill King) Dungannon. Raymond, Goderich and Harry, Seaforth. Brother of Ruby (Mrs. Herbert Powell), Joe, Orby, Grace (Mrs. William Littlechild) and Jim, all of Goderich. Delbert, Holmesville, Bess (Mrs. Harold Baechler), Auburn, Jerry and Patrick, both of Clinton. Also sun vived by eight grand- children. Rested at the Stiles Funeral Home, Goderich, after 7 p.m. Thursday. Service on Saturday at 1 p.m. Interment Colbourn€ Cemetery.-13nc SCHENK At Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, March 24, 1979, Herbert Schenk of Huron - view Home, and formerly of Crediton, in his 84th year. Dear brother of Maletta of Exeter, and Mrs. Beatrice Tate of Hamilton, Nelson and Roy of Crediton, Hugo of Queensway Home, Hensall. A)so a number of nieces and nephews survive. Predeceased by one brother, Henry and one sister; Mrs. Hilda Finkbeiner. Rested at tine T-.- Harry Hoffman Funeral Home, Dashwood, where the funeral took place Tuesday, March 27 at 2 p.m. Reverend H. Moore of- ficiating. Interment Crediton Cemetery.-13nc SHOLDICE Catherine Grace. Passed away in Seaforth Com- munity Hospital on Satur- day, March 24, 1979, Catherine Grace Pethick, beloved wife of Watson Sholdice of Brussels, in her 75th year. Dear mother of Ken of Brussels. Also sur- vived by three grand- children. Predeceased by Mrs. Bob (Monte) Farrow of Brussels, Mrs. James (Ada) Walmsley of Seaforth, Mrs. Robert (Lillian) Joynt of Seaforth and John Pethick of Seaforth. Rested at the M.L. Watts Funeral Home, Brussels, until Monday, where funeral service was held at 2 p.rn. Temporary entombment Brussels Cemetery Chapel.-13nc HEARN At Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, March 25, 1979 Bernice C. Hearn of Clinton in her 86th year. Beloved wife of the late Dr. Percival Hearn. Dear mother of Jean (Mrs. G. Mistele) Burlington, Ruth (Mrs. K. Tauber) Clinton, Gordon of Scarborough and William of Clinton. Also surviving are 13 grandchildren. At the request of the deceased her body was donated to the University tff Western Ontario. A memorial service was held at Wesley -Willis United Church on Wed- nesday, March 28 at 7:30 with Beattie Funeral Home in charge of arrangemen- ts.-13nc 21. Personal EDUCATION FOR EMFIOYMENT Conestoga College Certificate Programs Woul,fl you like to upgrade your job skills? Get back in the work force? Move ahead in the work force? Conestoga College, Clinton Campus, offers Certificate Programs in the following areas: Secretarial /Clerical Academic Upgrading Programs are offered on a Continuous Intake holds throughout the year. Testing and coun- selling for program selection are available and you may be eligible for funding assistan- ce. For more information, call, write or drop in to the Clinton Campus, Vanastra Road, 482-3458. Conestoga College of Applied Arts and TeChnology We'rve gots ibt io ire. 27. Deaths SCOTCHMER Suddenly at his residence in Bayfield on Thursday, March 22nd, 1979, Alfred Scotchmer, in his 65th year. Beloved husband of the late Elizabeth Scotchmer, dear father of Calvin of Edmonton, Alberta, Michael of Toronto, and Stephen of Niagara -on -the -Lake. Also loved by two grandchildren, Jody and Molly. Also stir- -- %/lved by three sisters Vera. (Mrs. Alfred McLaughlin) Helen, (Mrs. Fred Le Beau), Rose (Mrs, Gordon Scot- chmer) and one brother Gordon, all of Bayfield. Predeceased by one sister Daisy (Mrs. Fred Arkell). Rested at the Ball, Funeral Home, 153 High Street, Clinton, after 2 p.m. Saturday until Monday, at 12:30 p.m., then to Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield for funeral service at 2 p.m. Interment Bayfield Cemetery.-13nc 30. In memoriam STURGEON In fond and loving memory of a Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather, Willard R. (Byrd) Sturgeon who passed away March 23, 1972: We cannot bring back the old days, When we were all together, But loving thoughts and memories, Will live with us all forever. Ever remembered by his families, Gordon, Norma Stewart and children, Walter and Milvena Erickson and family. -13 JAMIESON In loving memory of a dear husband, Bill, who passed away 2 years ago March 29, 1977: You are always in my mind, No matter what I do All the time within my heart, There are thoughts of you. The world changes year to year, And friends from day to day,., But never will the one I loved From memory pass away. Your memory is as dear today, As in the hour you passed away. Lovingly remembered by wife Anne. -13 31. Card of thanks WHEELER I would like to thank all those who sent cards and flowers and inquired for me while I was in the hospital and also to the Doctors and nurses on the first floor. It was greatly appreciated. Roy Wheeler. -13 SCOTCHMER The family of the late Alf Scotchmer wish to express their sincere appreciation to relatives, friends and neigh- bours for all their kind deeds, floral tributes and donations to the Canadian Cancer Society during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. Youmatoff and the Ball Funeral Home.=13 HENDERSON The Hendersons would like to thank the Clinton Fire Dept. for their prompt action and also to the Pickett family who helped on Sun- day. -13x CRAWFORD The family of the late Clarence Crawford wish to express their sincere ap- preciation to relatives, friends, and neighbours for kindness and sympathy shown during the recent loss of a dearly loved husband, father and grandfather. A sincere thank you for floral tributes, memorial donations, cards and food brought to the house and to the A-1 Unit of the UCW of Blyth Church for the lovely lunch served at the church. Thanks to Rev. Wittich, Rev. D. Snell and Rev. McDonald, Mr. Watts and the Tasker Memorial Chapel. Special thanks to Dr. Street, Dr. Flowers and the nurses and staff of Clinton Hospital. -13x SCHULTZ The family of the late Mrs. Mary Schultz would like to thank their neighbours, relatives and friends for cards, floral tributes, donations to the Cancer Society. Special thanks to McKenzie McCreath Funeral Home, Rev. Westhaver, pallbearers, flowerbearers, also to the ladies who helped at the house after the service. Everything was very much appreciated. Gordon and Mary Schultz and family. -13x BURNS Thanks to all for cards, flowers, gifts and concerns while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Special thanks to Dr. Street, my family and excellent staff on fourth floor also to kind neighbours who visited since I've been home. Your kindness will al ays be remembered. M s. Vi Burns •---13 '-_:�..•-X54_,:.:�