The Exeter Times, 1887-10-20, Page 7Health 11110Ughtfi for a rom4 Man. Let the young man remember that for every often's() which he commits against the laws of health, Nature will bring him into judgment, However graciously Gocl may deal with the heart, all our experience proves that be never plirdons Stomach, muscles, lungs, or brain, These must ex - plate their offenses unvicarionsly. Nay, there are numerous and obvious eases of violated phyeical laws, where Nature, with, all her diligence and severity, seems unable to 3coorgo the offender enough during las lifetime ; and So oho goes on plying her scourge upon his children and his children's children after hint, even to the third and fourth generations. Punishment is entailed on posterity ; and neither litunan law nor human device can break the entailment. And in these hereditary inflictions, Nature abhors alike the primogeniture laws of Eng. 1 'r and the Salle Lavvs of France. All the CDS and all the danghtere are made inheri. rs, not in aliquot parts,; but by a kind of m lignant :multiplication in the distemper, each inherits the whole. I ask the young man, then, who is just forming his habits of life, or just beginning to indulge those habitual trains of thought out of which habits grow, to look around kim, and mark the examples whose fortunes he would covet, or whose fate he wohld de. are. Even as we walk the gamete, we meet with exhibitions of each extreme. Here, behold a patriarch, whose !stock of vigor three -score years ancl ten seem hardly to have impaired. His erect form, his firm step, his elastic limb, and undimmed Benno, are so many certificates of good conduct,—or rather, so many jewels and orders of nobili- ta with which Nature he,a honored him for his fidelity to her laws. His fair complex- ion shews that his blood has never been cor- rupted ; his pure breath, that he has never yielded his digestive apparatus for a vint- ner's cesspool; his exact language and keen apprehension, that his brain has never been drugged or stupefied by the poisons of a dis- tiller or a tobacconist. Enjoying his appe- tites to the highest, he has preserved the power of enjoying them. Despite the mor- al of the school -boy's etory, he has eaten his cake and still kept it. As he drains the cup of life,"there are no lees at the bottom. His organs will reach the goal of existence together. Painlessly as a candle burns down in its socket, so will he expire ; and a little imagination would convert him into another Enoch, translated from earth to a better world, without the sting of death. t But look at the oppoeite extreme, where an opposite history is recorded. What weak so shocking to behold as the wreck of a dissolute man,—the vigor of life exhaust- ed, and yet the first steps in an honorable career not taken; in himself a lazar-house of diseases; dead, but by a heathenish cus- tom of society, not yet buried Rogues have had the initial letter of their title burned into the palms of their hands. Even for murder, Cain was only branded on the forehead; but over the whole person of the debauchee or the inebriate, the signa- tures of infamy are written. How Nature brands him with stigma and opprobrium 1 r disgust at his existence, and to ad - she hangs labels all over him, to testi- monish others to beware of his example 1 A GICANTIO MINING :ENTERPRISE, A River 'Fumed Out Of Bear Without doubt one of tlao greatest mining achievements of modern engineering is the enstruction of the Big Bend Tunnel on the Feather river, fiituatod in Butte Co„ Cali - rola, Feather river is formed by the North, ldiddle and StRith Forks, which rise in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in Plunaaa Go., run southweetward, and unite in Butte Co. to form the main Feather. The river, including the lethal is 250 miles long, and enter e Sacramento river at Vernon U1 Sutter Co., about 20 miles above the city of Sacramento. It is well known, among gold miners, that the richest and most procluctine gold mines of California have been the beds of rivers, and the "Feather" stands pre-eminent as to richness wherever it has been possible to work it. In fact, old miners have known it for years under the name of "The Golden Feather." Prof. Horace C. Burchard,late Director i of the United States Mint, n speaking of the gold -producing' river beds of California, says : "They are the natural sluices of thousands of square miles of auriferous ground, the wash from which has been die- bributed on the beds, bars, and benches, where, by no natural process of concentra- tion, the gold was edeposited in such man- ner that it was easily accessible to the early miners." The bars, which at low water are dry, are ea posed to the operation of the miners, and from many places in the bed of the river—where it was possible to turn the river out of its channel by means of dams and canals, or flumes—the miner soon found the ways of abstraoting the precious metal from the sand and gravel in which it rested. The Big Bend of Feather river, however, whose gravel deposits have been estimated in value from $100,000,000 to $150,000,000, has hitkerto baffled the skill of man to rob it of is treasure. This vast amount of wealth has been guarded and preservedefor ages by the minimum constant flow of one hundred thousand miners' inches of water rushing through a narrow canon of from 1,500 to 2,000 feet deep, which rendered it impossible to wing -dean or flume. Yet, while nature has thus seemingly placed impregnable barriers against man's encroaoh- ments, she provided, at one point at least, a way wherebylhese obstacles could be over- come through the intervention of modern engineering skill. There is a little stream rewiring through Dark Canon, which empties into the West Branch of the Feather and from there into the main Feather. Dark Canon is several feet lower than the bed of the main Feather, at the point where Big Bend begins. A tunnel was commenced in Dark Canon, and a bore 12 x 16 feet drilled thrcugh a spur of Big Bend mountain a distance of 12,007 feet, or nearly two and one-third miles in length out to the mountain side of Feather River, at the upper end of the Bend. Just below where the upper end of the tunnel taps the river a darn was constructed which is to force the water through the tunnel into Dark Canon, out of which it will Row into the West Branch, and then into the main Feather again. This will leave about four- teen _miles of the river bed exposed to sight during the season of low water, which is from seven to nine months in the year. Duty Qu Exported, Canadian Cream. Picre is considerable complaint anlong dairymen in Vermont and Northern New York at a late ruling of the Treasury De. partment. In answer to an inquiry ati to the duty on ()ream imported from Canada, the Department held that the separation of the cream from the milk did not con- stitute a manufacture, and therefore that the cream could only be taxed at the rate of 10 per cent. ad valorem as A new and unnianufactured article; while butter, a Manufactured article, is taxed four cents a pound—more than double the tax on eream, It is claimed that Canadian dairymen can produce butter and cream eheaper than they can be produced by their brethren on the other side of the line. This stupendous undertaking requireil the Row she loosens all his joints, sends tremors services of one hundred men, working night along his muscles, and bends forward his and day, for about five years, and has just frame, as if to bring him upon all fours with recently been completed. At the head of kindred brutes, or to degrade him to the the tunnel six gates of iron and steel, 4i by reptile's crawling 1 How she disfigures his 8 feet, will let the water in or keep it out. countenance, aa if intent upon obliterating In times of high water the gates will be all traces of liar own image, so that she may closed, and the river will run along its old swear that she never made him 1 Row she bed, to be turned out, of its course and , through the tunnel at low water. The past yield, from those parts of the Feather accessible to mining operations, is sufficient evidence that the most sanguine pours rheum over his eyes, sends foul spirits to inhabit his breath; and shrieks, as with a trumpet, from every pore of his body, "Behold a beast 1 4at.Why should not a young man indulge anticipations of the projectors of this grand sTattion to lay np a stock of health, as enterprise will be fully realized: The fam- we as to lay up stock of any other kind? oils old Cape Claim, below Big Bend, yield. Health is earned as literally " anT camed $680,00 i in forty-two working days, and malty in the market. Health can be so- from 3,300 lineal feet of half -worked river cumulated, invested, made to yield its in- bed. ln fact, the river -channel, both above torest and its compound interest, and thus and below the Bend, has pro/en itself im- be doubled and redoubled. The capital of metteely rich. healer?, indeed, may ell he forfeited by one The President of the Big Bend Tunnel physi n1 misdemeanor, as a rich man may and mining compag, and the largest sink all his property in one bad specula- stockholder therein, is Dr. R. V. Pierce, tion ; and it is as capable of being increased who is, perhaps, of all others, most entitled as raly other kind of capital; and it oan be to credit for the successful termination of this great undertaking. Being fully satis- fied with the feasibility of the plan from its inception, he has with an unstinting A Prominent Merchant in. Trouble. 01' monsybag,a mopes in his rifle° all day, As snappish and cross as a bear; The clerks know enough to keep out of his way, 00» LIVE ACEN,T12 'WANTED IEVERY N 11.3r County in Cdnada, Address, Lest the merchant should grumble and swear, FaUflEIS 4 4A2., 87 Church St., Toronto - Sven Tabby, the cat is i,1 four of a cuff BIS Nationality in Q110StI011• Old Gentleman "(to Irishman about to kitrike a match)—My friend, yea will never be able to light that pipe iit this gale of wind, Iiishman (striking the mateha—Phat do yez (puff) take me for, a (puir) Frinchman ? The Sporthr, liteeord to • In iMolr form contains u correct 10000 tlle FAer• IseT Toth and best performances imell Duenitildennt 05 Agustin and Athletic performances, Ell. liard, littoink and Trotting. records, Raseball, Cricket, ,Lacrosse, etc, Price tic. Stamps token, Address all orders to 1111 RECORD, 00 Front 05, East, Toronto, (3anada, Room No. 00. A.P. 267, eaeorawaneeemeameemeweereaameeereeareee...aesa -v$TANTED-5,000 AG ENTS—)fa,c and Female— Large profits. 0.W. Di,iNNIS, Toronto. PATENTS lar,S4ltg.111tigicadntzriiiptIvreoGate ilt0. Or a kick, if she ventures too near ; They all know the master is apt to he tough, And his freaks unmpected and queer. what makes the old fellow so surly and grim, And behave so confoundedly moan? There's certainly something the matter with him,— Is it stomach, or liver, or splen? We've guessed it—his liver is sloggieh and bad, His blood is disordered and foul. It s enough to make any one hopelessly mad, And greet his best friend with a growl. The world-wide remedy, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Diecovery, will correct a, disordered liver and purify the blood, tone your system and build up your flesh and strength. Little girls' winter frocks are made of light cloths, the darker Gobelin blues, acajous, old rose, tapestry greens, and pure blues and reds for their street dresses and general wear, white and pale shades of color for dressy wear. safely insured, on payment of the reason- able premium of temperance and fore- thought. This, too, is species of wealth which is nob only capable of a life-long en- hand supphed the fends for the prosecution jeyment by its vossessor, but it may be of this enormously expensive work, and his transmitted to children by a will and testa- confidence and liberality will soon meet its ment that no human judicature can set reward. , aside, The Doctor has been, and is now, connect- ed with very many other important matters. Food. * In the fall of 1877, he was elected to a seat A correspondent writes to us fromAla- in the New York State Senate, and in 1878, • barna, requesting an article on foods --the Ile was placed in nomination for Congress, most wholesome and most digeatible. The and was elected by a decisive niajority. He is president of the Buffalo Loan, primary end of food is to supply the physi- Trust and Safe Deposit Company, one of the cal machinery with material for the devel- foremost banking institutes in the city of opment of force, for the retair of its inces- Buffalo. Brit he is perhaps best known as sant waste, and for the maintenance of its President of the "World's Dispensary Med- normal temperature. A second but subordi. ical Association and Invalids' Hotel and nate end is pleasure. And the two ends are Surgical Institute." This institution is sit - so far connected that, other things being uated on Main and Washington streets. equal, the food which "relishes" most, The design of the Invalids' Hotel is -to fur - best accomplishes the primary end. nish a home to those desiring private treat - But the most wholesome food for one may ment of the most skilled class, especially to not be so for another. What is suited to the those suffering from chronic and surgical diseases. It is not a hospital, but a pleas- ant, remedial home,o furnished with every comfort, and the -most approved sanitary, medical and • surgical appliances, which study, experience invention and the most liberal expenditure of money can produce. There are eighteen skilled prysicians and surgeons constantly at the Hotel, Habits, also, have something to do with our eating capacity. Few people at the and a cerPt4 of efficient and traihed North could live on the "hog ana hominy" nurses. •The Doctor is also the in- ventor of several well-known medicines, • of the South. The fact is, the various di - ,w11.,. ich are compounded at the Worlds' geetive glande are strengthened, or weaken- Dispensary. The efficacy of these inedi- ed, as they are, or are not, called into due sPensary- eines is undoubtedly what led to the idea and action. „ , torrid zone is not adapted to the arctic. The infant, the adult and the old man need each a different diet. The sedentary brain- vtorker and the out -door muscle -worker can- not equally digeet the same food. The man of vigorous Constitution, inherited or deyel- oped, can thrive on what might kill one whose physical vigor is not engreat. What It Means. To the man or woman who has never been ill, the word " health " is meaningless. But to the one a ho has suffered and despair- ed, health appears as a priceless boon. To the thousands of unfortunate women who are suffering from some of the many forrns of weakness or iregularities peculiar to their sex, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription holds forth the promise of a speedy 'restoration of this "precious boon." The Langtry, a new evening wrap, looks like a newmarket in the beak and a long, sleeveless Russian circle in front. The spooks and goblins that delight To 1111 with terror all the night; That stalk abroad in hidecus dreams • With whioh dyspeyeia's fancy teems, WM never trouble with their illa The man who trusts in Pierce's Pills. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets :—'vegetable, harmless, painless, sure! The tendency to make the bodice of one stuff while the skirt and its draperies are of another grows in favor. A GENEROUS COMPANY.—A beautiful pre- sent will be given by the Breadmakers' Yeast Company, of Toronto, to nearly every one, as long as they last—first come first served. The most accompliplished woman has etill something worthy to be added to her list if she has never yet made a good sweet white loaf of bread. To encourage the art of Horne Bread -making this Com- pany have secured ten thousand presents, which will be sent to all who comply with their terms. They want all who are old enough either to follow Directions or work under instructions, to learn how to make bread. They will take your word for it when you have succeeded to your' own satisfaetion in using their Hop Yeast, and write them to say so, enclosing a wrapper': of a five cent package of THE BRRADMAKERS' YEAST, when they will send in return a lovely gift. This olTer is open to any young lady, girl, single or married woman, mat- ron or housekeeper who has never before made a loaf of bread. Any person having domestic charge of a household who is not now baking for the family, and who will commence by usuig their yeast, and who will send to them the wrapper of a package and write to that effect, will receive a still better clam of gift than that above offered. Better yet; any one at preeent making their own bread, ming theirown or other yeast, bus who will buy a five cent package of the Breadmakers' Yeast frem any grocer or storekeeper, and, after using, will write to say that their Yeast is Superior, they will believe her also, and will astonish that lady by return mail with a lovely gift. You must get the yeast from your own grocer. Don't send money to the Company direct. ultimate establishment of the Invalids' , , oc u The man of vigorous health whose e - exercise in the Hotel. Very many who were using these potion secures him all needed remediea of Dr. l'ierce's found them so open air, hardly heeds to raise a qiieetiOn as beneficial that they Amgen to send applies, - to his diet, provided he guards against all tions for personal treatment, and three ap- excess.. The present food of a nation is the result of the accumulated experience of peals becoming so numerous, the Doctor concluded to erect his Invalids' Hotel. The thousands of years. In the torrid zone it ist Big il3end Troinel Company is fortuuate in saLdlaaalkOrMIS AND CANVIeBBB8 Wtin180,11.1ale or Female, ,14.10le 01 811A1e tine, en salary or equal -ram - Bien. Industrial Union of AN.A., 46 Arcade, Toronto. 4) 50 PER ACRE for N. W. and W. of N. 13. tit• k of Sec. 15, T'p, 12, Ewe. 0, East, 240 acres, near Winnipeg ; also N See, 8, T'p,l,Rge. 10, West, 320 aeres, i0.60 per aore, near Crystal CAI.. Choice, unencumbered. 10 Augusta Ave. Toronto. a mixture of flesh, grain, vegetables and • fruit, with a moderate amount of fat. just so far as one is constitutionally feeble, or is weakened by sickness or chronic ailments, hia diet niust be suited to his con- dition. Even in a case of dyspepsia, the best food could nob be determined for ail cases, since it would differ aecording to the . quirin - • . g title to this vast extent of 'soh ' 'type of dyepepsia. mining grounds. Boarding-houses have But we may say, in general, that salted , oeen constructed along the river, toads and food ie more drffieult of digeatien than fresh; , , trucks have been bailt ; a substantial bridge that our food 118 a whole, should contain e,11 erected across the 'West Branch of the having so progressive a man as Dr. Pierce as their President. The money expended in the construction of the tunnel does not represent all the capi- tal involved. More than a hundred clann- ants to mining grounds on the bars, banks and river bed had to be brought out in ac - the elements which enter into the compost - tion of olir bodies"; hence, that whale wheat - bread is better than white bread, as contain- ing elements essential to the teeth, bones and nervous tissue; that the food should be such as to promote a healthy movement of the bowels ;. that the food alsould. be less in slimmer than in winter, and should contain less fat, which is mainly used for heating purposes. VlIe may add that oat -mord is ANOTHER NOVELTY.--Innnadn'grZek, All the rage in the States, Agents wanted. Sample by naafi 43 cents. CLEMENT es 00., Tororto. P/ATENTS ricooptuliip canada,the U.R. and all foreign countnee. Engineers, Pa. tent Attorneys, And experte in Patent Causes. Estab- lished 1867. Donald C. leidont Co.. Toronto. Bracelets in silver to match the belts and girdles now so much worn are considered comme 'Ulan& whenever your Stonaach or Bowels get out of or. der, causing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. and their attendant evils, take at onoe a doae of Dr, Carson's Stomach Bitters. Best family 'medicine. All Druggists., fie cents. After many years of retirement 131ondin, the most famous tightrope performer in the world, has returned to the active purauit of his profession. Catarrh, Catarrhal loaminess and Bay Fever. river, and what was ah unbroken wilder- ness, around the Vicinity of the tunnel, when the Company commenced operation, is now a thriving village with camel dvvel- ling houses, a general store, a hotel, and a school -house. A post oflice has also been established here, ancl a telephone Iliao built to Oroville, sixteen miles distant. Specially rich m food -elements, and with Mark Twain will be 52 yearsof age in milk makes well nigh a perfeet food. vember. **a. N"o $2, DR. 'WM. ARMSTRONG, Dermatologist. Specialty. Skin diseases. Scrofula and all dio- ceses of the blood. All cancers cured that are cure - able, without the use of a knife. Office hours, from 9 to 12 min. and from 1;30 to 4:30 p,m„ Sabbaths ex. copied. 28 Dundae Street, Toronto. ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLEGE Toronto. Fees fifty dollars per session session 18S7-8 begins October 205h. Apply to the Principal, PROF. SMITH, V. S., Toronto. airy Salt, rOit RUTTER, MO. "ItTEW Importations —GigginS' Eureka, washing IA ton and Ashton Brands, in large or entail 8=103 4180 WO% C41011,dinli Wp110 for prices. .1AMIES tit SON, wholoole Frovisiori!derchants, Toronto. RUBBER STAMPS,sEttt ells, and Burning Brands, aro, Send for catalogue. BARBER BROS. CO., 37 Scott St., Torento. p GRAHAM, di CO, 283 Toronto Silver Plate „Co • 11A.S0FA0117111111e OF TIM MODEST (mane or SILVER .PLATEP WARES. TRADE MARK. AILIG GOODS OF,JARANTEFID. TO . Tonga St., Toronto, dealers in, all kinds I3and and orchestra Instru- ments. Both New and Second•Hand. Vocal and Instrumental Music, Music Books, ate. in- struction Books for every Instrument. Agents for Carl Fischer BAND & on- OBESTILA 1117810. Send for catalogues. em„fe• PURE LWING STREAM. a er ACCESS, bore 20 feet per hour. Also Rock Drills—Hand; Horse or Steam Power. Send f or Catalogue. Taidlaw'lllamitacturing Co. • Hammon, OST. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites ha the lining membrane of the nose and eustachian tubes. Microscopic research, however, has proved this to be a fact, and the result is that a simple remedy has been formulated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay fever are cured in ram one to three simple applioatione made at home. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is` sent free on reoeipt of stamp by A. IL Dixon 8; Son, 1108 Ring Street West Toronto Canada . Scarlet cashmere or diagonal wool frocks for little girls are made very effective with black braid put on in small snail -shell pat, terns, or in diminutive Greek keys. COff No Bore. Watson's cough drops are the best in the world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. T. W. are stamped 011 each drop. Shot moire ribbons, silks, and velvete, plushes, add wool ansi silk novelties are a feature in fall fabrics. Peeple who are subject to bad bieath, foul coated tongue, or any diaorder of the stoinath, eau at one° be relieved by using or. 'Carson's Stomach Bitters, the old and tried remedy. Ask vonr Druggist. YOTNG MEN suffering from the effects of early evil habits, the result of ignorance and folly, who find themselves weak, nervous and exhausted; also min- DI.D.AGND and OLD Man whO are broken down from the effects of abuse or over -work, and, in advanced lite Mel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and akin 11.V. Lubon's Treatise on Diseases of Men. The book- will he sent sealed to any address on receipt of Ettampei. Addrelse M. V. LUBON, 47 Wailing- eoo St. East Toronto OM; , Even feathers are made in two.tone effects to match the changeable or shot ribbons and stuffs brought out for dress and millinery purposes. , Free ! Free ! I Free ! ! A Book of Inetruction and Price List on Dyeing °leaning, to be had gratisl by calling at any of our offices, or by post by sending your address to R. Parker & Co., Dyers and Cleaners, 759 to 763 Yonge St., Toronto. 13ranch Offices ajohn St: N., Hamilton ; 100 Colborne St., Brantford. In addition to taking full cath of thetort oE M. Depretis, Xing Humbert has gr.antecl to"that statesman% widow a life penmen of a year. P110 I have a poeltive remedy Or the above dise,aeo, by 1M Imo thousands of gases of the wont kind wet of long 'tending have been cured. Indeed, oo strong to my faith in its effiCaoy, that 1 will send TWO BOTTIM PIIHE toSsO1S1 with, a VALITABLE ,TBEA,TISE on this dieat4o to sty sneerer. Give esprees etilP. O. whines. Bram& Moo, 37 Tonga Bt., Toronto H ffi .1 s nooie n r ST_..,,A.TM Manufacturer and dealer in Tarred Pelt, Hoofing Pitch, Building Pa- lters, ,Carpet and Deafening Pelt. BEADY BOOTING, lEte. 4 Adelaide St. 12. TORONTU. THE T1 Is the on'y stove mule Shat Will burn wood or coal equally well. It will heat one or more adjoin- ing rooms and retain fire with either fuel all night, It is the farmers' wood burner and will mate home' as comfortable as with a self feeder coal stove. The largest size is an unrivalled heater for schools,ball ana oharches. Tno family Keystone, the largest first-class Stove for naathe money made. THE ARGAND 18 revolutionizing, cook. ing with coal. Its patent fire.pot and grate makes it the most durable, easiest to manage, best to retain. fire night and day, amt most economical of coalstoves. These were the only stoves awarded a medal for new and meritorious inventions this year. If your dealer has not got them write us for infor- mation. THE OSHAWA STOVE CT., oSIRAWA, ONT. MANUFACTURE RS. A SSgStarke.14-1- SYSTEM The Mutual Reserve Fiuul LIFE ASSOCIATION* The targeet and most prosperous open Aseeeetnasik Association in the worIci—desires active r•Pfe*Oir,_ ayes' every Section Of Canada ^, indUeenteIRK It has full Government Peposit, and under the wpm - vision of Insurance Oepartment at Ottawa. Correspondence solicited. Address, a- Vfle2.11.,T-413, General Manager, 05 Sting Street East, 'forento. rr acuovegrrypatrotdist ,:eAt th iriukerno, rei:anu RIN3it aolig,idsole:Afot.p1:3:13oltprioopi.nomerro: COMPLAINI B. A per itt As wti lreuodf. ellmbnay.v scbeel eine8::::u': benelt°i nm Kober! St., cured ot i6traYni3d1Pii7g1";81.2.1b2erYtBCoraret; Lotialg, 11204 r iScouurtehd stfoir s:pileptio Fits after years' suffering Jennie Garen, fa) 1, &mut so,, cured of weakness and Lung Trouble John Wood, 95 Cathcart St.„„ cured of Liver Clomplaint arid lidiousness, used catty' 3 fifty -cent bottles; Mrs. J. Deal, 6 Augusta 85, troubled for years with Nervous Prostration two smaillbottles gave her great *elier. Sold at 600.441.00. F. F. DALLEY it 00., Proprietor& 1 CURE FITS .1. Whon I nay cure I do 001 00000 merely 40 stop thelp for a time and then have them yeturn again. I mem &radicle cure, have mode the disease 0111118, EPILEPSY orFALF... 180 8I008E00 a llfegong etudy. I warrant toy mama; So cure the worst corms. Sacrum° others lenve 1001104 1. reason for not now reeilving a cure, eend at once 101 10 treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. 111Yo. mamma sue Pout Oflioe. 1100011 you nothing Sona tidal. and I will mare you. Addrete DII. H. G. HOOT, Branch, ()nice, 37 YongnSt. Toronto • 4:0 ;le 1 • 0. Sor • • • • • • • • ..r/rafteairdateallti sc'isr`A'sr BARNUM WIRE & IRON WORKS,Windsor Ont. 23 ADELAIDE ST. E.. TORONTO. AU classes of Sna work. Mfrs. of Printers' Learts Slogs and Metal Puraiture, Send for prices. • MERCHANTS' BUTCHERS • AND TRADERS GlENERAELY. o We want GOOD RAN in your locality to pick up 40.42&.,Mar'03BEXIVIS for us. Cash furnished on satisfactory guaranty. Address C. S. PAGE, Hyde Park, Vermont, U.S. Newrivlii-liE LONDON GUARANTEE -NB& AND ACCIDENT CO. (LID, OF LONDON, ENC. Capital, 2200,000. Dominion GovernmentEeposit, 455,900. Bead Office : 72 King St. East, Toronto. • Gentlemen of influence wanted in unrepresented districts. A. T. MoCORD, Resident Secretary for the Dominion. BABY'S BIRTHDAY ,d• Beautiful Imported Birthday Card to any baby whose mother will send as tam names of two or more other babies, and their parents' addresees Also hauSsomo Die - mond Dye Sample Card to the mother and inn& valuable baformation. Wells. Richardson & Co., Montreal. teirAl.10 BUSINESS COLLEGE IIIMEZI Previnees and States, touching both the Atlantic and Pacific' Oceans, are represented this year amoung its students. , Send for 18ith annual oiroular. W. B. ROBINSON and S. W. Teams, F.C.A., Principals. DAN ADA HAMILTON, ONT. The Leading Business College in the Do- minion. Over 260 students annually. For handsorae illustrated catalogue write R.E GALLAGI11111, Principal. LADIES' Dress and Mantle cutting by this new and improved TAILORS' SQUARE. Satishotion gum anteed to teach ladies the ; full art of cutting all garments worn byladies and children. PROF. SMITH 183k Queen St vv., Toronto. Agents wanted. CANADA PERIIANENT LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPAhY. 1N6onPostATED A.D. 1855. Subscrib•d Capital, • - 83001,008 Paid-up Capital, • • 2,309,0e• Reserve Find, - 1,184;,000 Total .4.sset - 9,301,010 Office r—coy's Bldgs, Toronto St, 'Toronto. STRAIGHT LOANS, OR CREDIT FONClER PLAN. The Company has a large &amount of Money to lend on Real Estate eacurities at the 'meet torrent rate of interest repayable either in one sum or by instalments amity be desired by the borrower. • Applications may be Made direct to the undersigned by letter or otherwise or to the local representatives of the company throughout Ontario, AS the Com. pany always has funds on hand no delay need be ex- pected. Expense., recluc.ed to minimum. Mortgages end tirutligtp SI Del) intuees Pureltaited. ilERBEBT MASON, Managing Director. We are now offering the Best Iron Fences ever sold. in Canada, at remarkably Low Prices. WE ALSO MAKE Stable Fixtures. Sand Screens, Weather Vanes, Iron Stairs ant Shutters, Fire Escapes, Office Railings, 1Flower Stands, Wire Signs, and all kinds of Wire, Iron, and Brass Work. IRON FENCES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. - Send for Catalogue. ltosoo Mies or neW Line or Rahway built this sumo. Land all for settlement. II surp grain or stock forma. 480 acres free, nTo learn,ci hf or to get it, send your address on pirate] card, nn' J. M. IIICEINS, 00 Wag St, W., Toronto, Allan Lino loyal Nail Stoamokipo, Sailing during winter frbm Portland erery Thuredso and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, aud in sum tiler from Quebec, every Saturday to Liverpool, callMa t Londoiederry to land Mille arid priesengors for Scotland and Ireland also item Baltimore, via Bali' fax and kit, idlah'e, N. E., to Livemool fortnightly during aununer months. Tha steamere of the Glatt ' witV lines sail during winter to and from Itclifax 1 Portland, Beaton and Philadelphia; and during:Mum Imet. between Glasgow and Mentreal weekly; Giasirov, taoartansigobsitiln weekly, aud' Glasgow and Philadelphir A.PSochr ftirrelgachht'epr'ugacgoe;,0Braiitibm°0vre .,11•601'rn. 40tAul3nUrsclriaPlOy (its; tallakx ; Shea dr Co., St. John'e, Nfld.; Thotnv on & Co., St. John, N.B.; Allen to Co. Chioaao Love dc Alden, Xew York; 71. 5300r1101, Toroela &fano, Rao 101 Ca, quihee ; Wm. 13rookle, phia; H. A. Allem Portland Roston, Montreal. L. D. SAWYER it CO., mum OIL "L D. S." ENGINES, lint CUL SIIINI111111E11, PLAIN MID TILLOTIO11. "Grain Saver" and "Peerless" eganrwowassro. sifUts• Powem IN 4. 4. 11. 11 and 12 HOZlialle yr s.& powers, for 1, 9 and Horse& mope Separators, for Tread di Small Powees. Old letliindebtel Carrlirirs. 0 LAST INT TICE In this paper referred to the Annual Meeting of the Associa- tion. This meeting (being the 15th since the Company was organized) took pl:tee on Tuesday, the l'Ath April, when the following gratifying increases were Announced: PREMIUM INCOME INCREASED FOR YEAP0 - $96,894. INTEREST AND RENTS, - - - 13,029. ASSETS, - - $356,375. SURPLUS, 80,234. • Were allocated as Profits to Policy $ goalydrx Profits payable on and after ; J. K. MACDONALD, Managing Director, UR U EY'S Standard STOVES ..2 lleitioneafi; • ,wctikwoicol '--• ' • r' The Driginal Wood: Cook Manufactured by THE E. & 0. GURNEY CO., Toronto, Mandlton, Montreal, and Winnipeg.