HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-03-29, Page 15Page 3 Want to quit smoking? Here's how to do it! BY J. WAYNE McFARLAND, M.D. No matter how convincing all the facts against smoking may be, it is not mere facts and statistics that you need, but rather a program to help you quit smoking. Quitting is a tough job, as you are breaking a habit pattern and starting a new way of living. It is hardest the first three days, but by the end of five days the majority of individuals find the craving definitely less or gone. Stay by it for ten days and you will make it. Say to yourself, "I choose not to smoke." You can do it one day at a time, and five days is not too long. Let's begin NOW! 1. This is the time really to enjoy luxury. Take a warm bath two or three times a day for 15 to 20 minutes. Just relax. If you feel you cannot stand it any longer not to smoke, hop right back into the tub, or the shower. It's pretty hard to smoke in a shower. 2. Drink six to eight glasses of water between meals. The more liquids you can down, the quicker the nicotine is flushed out of your body. Take no alcoholic beverages — no beer, no wipe. 3. Get adequate rest during these fiv r da s, have regular times for meals, a set time to go to bed (eight hours of sleep won't hurt you). 4. After meals, get outside, walk and breathe deeply for 15 to 30 minutes. Do not sit in your favorite chair after eating. This is the time you will want most of all to smoke. Get outside. 5. Do not drink alcohol, tea, coffee, or cola beverages. Try to avoid all sedatives and stimulants, in order to build up your nervous reserves as quickly as possible. 6. Often we can tell when a person is smoking heavily, for all his food is highly spiced, or made hot with pepper and mustard. He eats heavily of meats and rich foods, making it well-nigh im- possible for him to stop smoking. Give your body the best possible chance to recuperate through the use of plain, simple food prepared in as natural a manner as possible. 7. For meals, eat all you want of fruit, grains, vegetables, and nuts. Eat abundantly of fresh fruit (this is your opportunity to go on a fruit jag). 'It is best to eat fruit and vegetables at separate meals. Nothing between meals, and only sugarless gum, if you insist. 8. For extra amounts of vitamins, particularly of B complex, which is the vitamin to help your nerves as you deprive -them of nicotine, take at each meal one .or two tablespoonfuls of wheat germ. One or two tablespoonfuls daily of dried brewer's yeast is another good source of B complex, and protein, as well. 9. Certain chemical remedies have been tried with varying degrees of success. It is always wise to consult your family physician for any type of medication. 10. The most important part of this whole program is to ask God to help you. If you have never prayed before, this is the time to learn. All you need to do is to follow the Lord's advice: "Ask, and it shall be given you." Place your will on the side of God, and you are invincible. You can never fail with God as your partner. For that irresistible urge that may strike you during the first few days of stopping, may we suggest that you pause right there and say to yourself: "I choose not to smoke." Then get a drink of water, begin deep breathing, and ask for divine aid. Thu will note that the craving begins to lessen in a few minutes, and that you have made it through a real crisis. These periods of extreme craving will gradually lessen. You can make it. Women who smoke in special danger For years we've known how harmful cigarette smoking is to men. Now we're finding out how harmful it is to women. Since women haven't smoked as long or as heavily as men, the damage has become apparent more slowly. Until recently, we could cling to the illusion that women had a built-in protection from the consequences of cigarette smoking. Unhappily, it was just an illusion. Now the evidence is in. So grave and so far- reaching are the findings that they warrant thoughtful consideration by women of all ages who smoke, or are tempted to—women who care about their own bodies and are concerned about the effect their actions may have on others. What we now know is that women's smoking patterns are becoming more like men's. As they do, women are suffering the same consequences: lung cancer, for example. More women are smoking:' more are developing lung cancer. In ten years, women's death rates have doubled for this cancer which previously attacked mostly men. In fact, some researchers say we are experiencing an "epidemic of lung cancer in women" which has not yet peaked, and which will continue to rage if women continue to smoke. Heart disease, stroke, emphysema, cancers of the mouth and larynx. These ,are just a few of the other serious diseases women smokeFs are prey to. Women who smoke also spend more days sick in bed each year with less serious ailments, and lose nearly three times as many work days as women who don't smoke. For a pregnant woman, the harmful effects of Les Pitblado,campaign chairman for the Goderich Unit looks over the campaign kit with vice-chairman, Claude Kalbfleisch. The kit is used by volunteers during the campaign and this year the Goderich Unit has set a goal of $11,000. (photo by Dave Sykes) smoking also extend to her unborn child. Nicotine and carbon monoxide from cigarettes can retard the fetus' growth .so that the infant is born below normal weight. Small babies frequently have difficulty getting a good start in life, and their physical and emotional development during childhood may be af- fected. In addition, women who smoke during pregnancy are more likely to have a stillborn infant, or a baby who dies soon after birth. Teenage girls, too, seem to be caught in the smoking spiral. Smoking in this group is rising sharply. Originally an activity which appealed primarily to boys, smoking -has n'o'w become a habit for more than 28 percent of girls between 15 and 19— just a fraction under the number of boys the same age who smoke. Those who start young tend to smoke heavily, and it is heavy smokers who run the greatest risk. Studie's show that children are more likely to smoke if their parents or older sisters and brothers smoke. Now that the damage facts are in, those of you who smoke may want to rethink your feelings about smoking — your reasons for starting in the first place, why you still do it, whether you even .enjoy it. Ask yourself a hard question: is your cigarette habit really worth the consequences — and harder still, shouldn't you try to quit? Can you quit? Many people don't find the actual quitting very difficult, once they have made up their minds. Millions of women and men have been able to do it. The decision is yours now. If you decide to quit, here are a few suggestions that might make it easier. 1. List the reasons for and against smoking. 2. Change to a low tar, low nicotine brand. 3. Select a day to quit. 4. Chart your smoking habits for two weeks: how many cigarettes, Turn to page 4 • This informative publication is brought to you with the kind co-operation of the following McCALLUM FUNERAL HOME CAMBRIA ROAD, AT EAST ST., GODERICH ALVIN'S TV 162 Mary St. Goderich 524-9089 HUROMIC METAL INDUSTRIES LTD. MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LIMITED 34 STANLEY STREET GODERICH 524 2966 "CALL US -TO WELCOME YOU HOME"