The Exeter Times, 1887-10-20, Page 5A ECRW`RY,+F,T'Tai. Two is the time rex Otttiteltirr8, NapY lli ►cls, of `Free Suede, a'o lata vattor of the Ez!4tar d'imet. SIA, ---1 would 1041 toeetnitta your readers who are landowners that thin has been with many trees a good goo. your, and that those who what young trees -will have ne difficulty in. Obtaining them if they grittier the mud of seed they choose and sow it in rows now or he sprint;, fall is best, covering with sand to twice the depth of the diarnoter of the seed. During the last two or three years, in fact Since the matter has been agitated in the press~ many farmers have commenced small plantations. One near Peterboro' has plea- ted thirteen thousand forest trace and intends adding largely to the number. This will be described fully in my next report, now nearly Printed. But thoggh seine progress ie being mado there is not ono in twontyplanting who should, for in a yeey fewyearsa few mores so tr rel will be the moat valuable part of the •f at, The planter: referred to is trying the bl . at earl white ash, walnut, soft and hard ma le, elm, butternut, b'•tternut, spruce, white cedar, and tamarac, and calculates to to grow 680 trees to to the acre, after thio. nin - There are others who are planting belts of trees three rods, or about fifty feet wide, along one side of their farms -au excellent plan for shelter and if closely planted likely to give some fair timber in the inner rove ; but not oaloulated to produce the'quantity of wood.ea square plantation will. When in Kansas some time ago. I saw two plantations of a mile square each, the trees all four feet apart eaeh way, many of them thea twenty- five feet High and eight inches through. Tho proprietor, I was totd, calculated that when once he began to cut, it would yield, between railway ties house timber and fire- wood about fifteen loads a day for ever it properly cared for. This wound represent a very large income, but no one who viewed these long, close, sueceseive rows of fine straight trees could fail to see that the amount yielded ultimately would be ener- mous. One main advantage of such growths of timber, if they were frequent among our farms, would bo the checking of the perpetual washing away of the fertile soil, a process greatly and beneficially retarded where there are plantations—which, if broad and leaf - strewn, as they should be, hold large quan- tities of water and distribute it gradually to the adjoining fields. Few understand how constant and how prejudicial is this process, especially whore the land slopes. I have seen a steep bank ploughed, and when a heavy rain followed the -whole tops of the furrows were gone, and little cutting left but the deep mark in the harder soil below. The draining is prnpoeed as the remedy ; but where the hard pan is near the surface it is not effective, and where itis effective it is doubtful whether it can succeed here as in Britain, a climate where moisture is con- stant- Here the fields, as a, rale, seem to get rid of it too fast. Travel whore one may, one sees no crops such as thosoof 40 years ago, whena tile wan an unknown quantity, A statement of Captain Eads is reported this pint. Ho was, with a friend, inspect - Th lis jetties at the Mississippi's mouth, ,n;he drew up 0 bucket of the black river water. "There it is," said be, ono half Iowa Illinois, Arkansas and twelve other States, the rest water. We are 'tearing out the heart of the United Staters, -with our gang- plougtrs and floating it out to eoa. They set me to stop it with jetties. Beginning at the wrong end. The thing to atop freshets is leaves 1" He meant the leaf -beds of forests, which held the rain. Tnere is a moral for Canadians in this, for we are doing the same as fast as our harder soil will allow us. While many understand the value of treoe so e are very hard to convince. I read a ie ortlitely cf a leading farmer whose place imittee were examinig to consider its claims as a prize farm. He did not get so many "marks" as he otherwise would, as he had nu trees planted for shade or shelter 130 was opposed to trees, it was said, as he thought they shaded crops injuriously and filled drains, He had lost his crop of winter wheat, the report stated in common with all in that section. How great a mistake was here will be observed from the fact that the the same summer I had been through the adjoining township nearly farm by farm and found by observaon and unanimous state- ment that the winter wheat was, and had been for years, generally a success where it had had shelter ,and a failure where it had not. The question has )been asked whether, in case of planting for -shelter, it will not throw a shade, injurious to some crops, for some 20 foot to the north or west: Certainly it will. For that small space, such crops as epriug wheat or barley will be weaker, Providence, unfortunately, has not created trees which will throw shade on cattle and allow the sun to shine through on wheat. But, en the other hand, we are drying up aid impoverishing the land for want of tree's, =•so that it is evident we resist have them somewhere. Further, although the spring wheat close along one side of the trees will be weaker, the grass will often be twice as good there as elswhere, and the ground, over the whole field, will retain the benefit of a shower (the chief aid to sammor., growth) much longer. Moreover, the value of the trees, if placed as suggested in the first part of this letter, will soon be a very important consideration. People nave very little idea how fast the wood is going. Within my recollection this whole country was au almost spr▪ ead over most splendid ef the large timber Cities, spread. over g now we have but a few scattered patches here and there (for the forests to the north do not contain the class of wood. needed) in 20 years there will be little left. There will be plenty of planting done then, but now is the time for those who wish to make it profitable- R. W. Petters. Toronto, Oct. 13, ovn AND SEEDE We respectfully call your attention to a few testimonials which the GALE SULKEY HARROW MAFUFACTUR- TTG COMPANY OF WINDSOR, ONT., have received from some of their patrons. Every one who has purchased the Imptemeut pr�onounces it a grand success, and au Implement every farmer should have. " A. R. MCMANUS'is in charge of a company of men and eight wagons, at Exeter,', and is doing a thriving, business in Huron County.., Gale Harrow Co„ Windsor, Ont. no doubt it will fulfill all that can be claim key Harrows and Seeders and must flay GENTLEMEN, --This is to certify that the y combined Harrow pnrehasecl from your agent has given entire satisfaction, and 1 consider it the best implement of the kind' ever introduced in this neighborhood, I prepared my potato ground for wheat with out ploughing, and I can say that the ma - chino does all your agent claimed for it, and can cheerfully recommend it to my farmer friends as the BEST. Yours truly, James Halls, Usborne. ed for the ver best in the market. East Willia Ymsours,July tru26, ly, A,1887J. Ross, Nairn. . Credit uo Ont, Sept. 23, 'S7. Gale Sulky Harrow Mfg. Co., Windsor. Ga;,TLEeset --1 purchased one of yamHarrows & Seeders and have thoroughly tested it on all kinds of ground, and after seeing the work it will do have no hesita- tion in recommending it to ,my farmer friends as the best implement in the market. Yours truly, Tobias Wurtz. Sa t ter, Sept, 24th, 1577• Gale Harrow Co., Windsor, Out. GENTLEAu N.—I have bought and tested one of your Sulky Harrows and Seeders and think it is just what every farmer needs, and it will do all your agt. claimed for it. Respectfully Yours,. Alonzo Foster. Centralia, Ont., Sept. 24, 87. Gale Sulky Harrow Mfg. Co., Windsor. DEAR SIRS, —I bought one of your Sul. Gale Sulky Harrow Co., Windsor, Out. DEAR Szets.--In answer to your question as to my opinion of the Gale Harrow, I would state that as a Cultivator for loosen- ing and tearing up the ground I would as- sign it the highest place of any that I have ever tried, doing its work more effectually, leaving no blanks, light of draft, and invar- iable uniformity of depth. Not laving test ed it as 0 seeder, I must not speak too posi- tively of its merits as such, but from its construction, and what I have seen, I have s 1 ani well pleased with the way it c ,oes its work, I prepared and sowed wheat in a very rough, lumpy field'whe%e it was impos- sible to use my drill. I also used it to dig potatoes, and afterwards prepared and sow- ed the same field withoilt plowing, and I am convinced that the Gale is the best and most' useful implement ever introduced to farmers of Huron Co. Respectfully yours, William Anderson, Stephen Tp, Gale Sulky HarrowMfg. Co., Windsor Ont. DEAR Srces.—The Sulky Harrow & Seed- er bought from your agent is just what we need. 1 have used it to harrow, cultivate and seed, and can truthfully say that it does the work'better, easier and with less labor than any instrument I ever saw. 1 will also state that 1 have a good drill, but think that broadcasting as done by the Gale is the way to sow grain to get the best re- sults I haye worked ten acres of wheat stubble with the cultivator without plough: ing and it did the work to.perfeetion. Wm. Rowtcliffe, Stephen. CONSUiMCPTION CULLED.DUNG MIN Suffering from the effects of An old physician, retired from prom ice, hav early evil habits, the result of iguorancelor ing had placed in his hands by, an East Indian folly, who find themselves tweak, nervous, and missionary the formula of a simple vegetable exhausted also MIDDLE AGED and OLD Mas, remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of who are broken down from the effects of above Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma or over -work, and in advanced life feel the and all groat and lung affections, alae a peri- consequences of youthful excess, send for and tive and radical cure for Nervousbility and 11EAD M. V. Lubon's Treatise on Diseases of having all Nervous Complaints, after tested its Men. The book will be sent sealed to any ad - wonderful curative powers in thousands of dross on receipt of two 3c. stamps. Address cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to M. V. LIMON, 47 Wellington St. E. Toronto,. his suffering fellows. Actuated by suis motive dan.13th,1887. 1—v. nd a desire to relieve human suffering, w�l sand free of charge, to all who desire lt, this recipe, in German,rreuch or English, with full The Great English llarescripti©u. directionsfer preparing and using. Sent by A successful Medicine used over mail by addrossrngwith stamp, naming this 30 years in thousands of cases. tF • per,W.A,Nosi s,1403'owet"sl3lock Rccfiester �� YY Cures Spermatorrhea, Nervoust ..1 +e Weakness, Emissions, Impotency/ " ADvrors TO atopen' Are you disturbed at l ' . and all diseases caused by abuse. night and broken of your rest by a sick child g 'samosa] indiscretion, or over-exertion. [AFTER] Te• eth? I and cryingaonce and pain of bottleiu8 Sixppacks esGuaranteedtoCurewhenaotlaers Teeth? If so w's S o onto Syrup" get a of Fats. Ask g your Druggist for Tho areal Enelieh Teething. Soothing for Children Prescription, take no substitute. One package Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will $l Six $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address relieve the pour Tootle sufferer immediately. IG,-rseha Chemical Co., Detroit, lilifclt. Depend upon it, mothers ; there is uo mistake about it. Itcuxos Dyysentery and Diarrhcea,l, regrtlates the Stomach and 'Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softenstnoGum s,reduceawho ass tern, to the aand gives tone and energy "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and bes female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is forsale by all druggists through- out the world. Price twenty-five cents a bot- tle. Be sure and ask for "Mils. WL`rsLow's SoorrinNG SsnDP" and take 110 other kind. One devth from fever and three new cases have occurred since last report an . Tampa, Fla. FROM A GRATEFUL MOTHER. WORM POW D ,I «_ "My little 4cgiild suffered from a seyere • cold upon the lungs, nutil she was like a little skeleton before she took Burdock Blood Bitters, after which she bocamo fat and hearty, and eves cured of weak lungs, con- stipation and, debility or wasting of flesh, from which two doctors had failed to relieve her." Mrs. Samuel Todd, Sturgeon Bay, Ont. CERTAIN CURE. A Cure for Cholera Morbus.—A positive cure for this dangerous compthint, aid for an acute or chronic forms of bowel complaint incident to summer and fall. is found in Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry : to he procured from any druggist. GRAND RESUiLS. For several years R, H. Brown, of J in- cardine,•suilered from dyspepsia. he says he tried several physicians and a host of reme- dies without relief. His druggist recomm- ended B.B.B which he declares produced "grand results," for which he gives it his highest recosnmedation. AN OLD TIME FAVORITE. The season of green fruits and summer drinks is the time when the worst forms of cholera morbus and bowel complaints gener- ally prevail. As• a safeguard Dr. Fowler's 4xtract of Wild Strawberry should be kept at hand. For 30 years it has been the most reliable remedy. Tho boiler of a portable sawmill exploded Wondnesday in Scioto Township, Ohio. Kent Evans and James Ervin were tom to shreds. The stoik, the "cat -tail" and the eun- flbwer are three things which have had their day in household art. The hair of the Mongolian goat, white as scow and soft as swansdown, is being utilised as a fashionable 'fur.' The most noticeable feature in the new winter herniate is the removal of the tritn- uif ig from, the front, to the back. The latent accession to Ilnightshrp in the Legion of Horror is Dame• QBoncicaut, proprie- tor rop iefor of the ferrous Bon Marche shop in Petrie. :Bordering on this Miraculous --M1' W. Art Sherwood of Stanwood. 1lichigan, keas suf£ever ft'oin Kiciir[:y Complaints for fen years, he was totally unfit for w,rk tried all the local doctors, took "cures" by the dozen, two bottles of 1)r. Careon'e Stomach cnvifies lendingf,mi'l thorn.' Wlrtu these ilio clogged and choked with fl) OCtor Hodd0r's Compound. Bitters made a new man of him. I matter wheals aught not to be tilers. your I7arit grNy some to he filo favorite solar lungs cannot half do their tvork. Acid whattt' Take no other Sold ove,rywhere. Price 75 cents per bottle. DR. 110 UBEF'S 'Gut bio BE PREPARED. Many of the, worst attacks of cholera mor- bus, scamps, dysentery, and colic came suddenly in the night, and the roust speedy and prompt meads must be used to combat their dire effects. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is the remedy. Keep it at nand for emergencies. It never fails to cure or relieve. Scott's Etnulsionoi' Cott Liver Oil and ktypophosPlliteS. • Is very palatable and much better than the plain oil. Dr. W. II. Cameron, of Halifax, N. S., says "I have prescribed Scott's B- endel n of Cod Livor Oil with H,ppoplres- phites for the'past two years anis found it more agreeable to the stomach, and have bettor results from its use than any other preparation of the kind I have ever tried." Put np in 50e. and $1 size. GIVE 'THEM A CHANCE ! Tlrat is to totes your pings. Also all your breethiug machinery. Very wotelcrful 311a - chine*. it is. Not only the larger nit•.liass- agas, but the thousands of little tubes incl Are pleasant to t 'ke. Contain their own Purgative. Is a e•'", s',r��..^.: i e.rnctuud 4v vyer of worms in Children or Adults OHI T. IDSTCHT EXETER - - - ONTARIO. Genera' ..:.crust for the following first-class Insurance Compau- les:- Glasgow S; London Fire Insurance Co Great Britain. CAPITAL, 52,500,000. Commercial Union Assurance Company London, England. CAPITAL and-Assm.Ts, 5 000,000. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Noawich England.. CAPITAL, $5,800,000. T' � BUR OO �Oprr9tOTa, Lancashire Fire Insurance Comeenyof Man siOI,TTO. Chester, England' CAPITAL 814,680,000. .F'A.CJL Everest's Gough Syrup CANNOT BE BEATEN. Try it and be convinced of its wouderfu tivo powers, price 25 cents. TYE N CITY 0114 WOE. •�CDI t Toronto, Every Barrel Guaranteed. Tllie Oil was need, on ell machinery during 1 Exhibition. It lies heap awarded NINE, GOLD MEDALS during the lust three years», t. -Soo thatyou get 1"'eerIees, It is ouly inside b w.,�1.. Aayr}°rz c' /y�/ C T ^/yj,,,�_ . FOR SALE J3Y:JAS. PTOKARD, FRUITS, F-RUIT xu FAMILY1ROCERY th. THE FAMILY CCEI,OCERY (TRADE MARK.) TRY EVEREST'S LIVER REGULATOR For diseases of the Liyer, Kidneys. &c., and Purifying of the Blood. Price 51. Six bot- tles for:: c5. For Sale by ALL Di'ooGlsrs Manufactured only by G. M. EVER E ST , CIL CIVET FOIE 8T, ONT• - WILL CURE OR RELIEVE DYSPEPSIAS' DIZZINESS, INDIGESTION, FLUTTEE#ING JAUNDICE, OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS THE SKIN, HEADACHE, And every species of disease arisin of STOMACH, 80'WELF d R If City Mutual Vire Insurance Company of Lon- don, Canada, Full Government deposit with . 0 Ontario Government. London Guarantee & Accident Co. (Li of Londou,Bnglaud• CAPITAL, 51,210, ted) Canadian Mutual Aid Associatio00. Canada. Assessment Life System and cheapest in Canada. A, Trial Solicited. John T. Westcott, Real Estate & Insurance Agt. EXETER :--: ONTARIO —CURES— Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick. Headache, Kidney Troubles, Rheumatism Skin Diseases —and all Tmpuri.tiee of the Stood front what- ever cause arising Female weeknees , pee _ qe Ty ` ` t r„i h. & General debility 1 b �Ce ,W `1 � at . • ripe l bythe Housekeeper. TIimlrl Coiieentrated,. Everythiu6icq> i c Purely Vegetable, Y i'leasant and effectual. to use. pried Pork and Roller Flour of the Best ARRIVING !. Is the place to go for all kinds of fruits in season. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS IN STOCK. CANDIES NUTS, ANIS CONECTIONEY, ICE CREAM PARLOR MyIce Cream Parlors are the coolest and best a oint �' PP ,l in town. rhe cream is of the .purest, and always fresh. ZIyndmanAw nynclmans T. Dearing has received, and is receiving daily his fall stock of Dry -Goods, Ready- made clothing, Flannels, win - ready -made knit shirts, and Ladies' Dress goods, Hose :Sze. BOOTS and SHOES, A. Well selected Stock for Winter wear, e�{` �.$A soy a�' •�a-��pr 'Z' b• 4 e •4{,4o efib e fid yet \yi fie• o 9 5 O� °tip t& e..,...,1C't '.5s, of 0 ��) c O¢o esti ti$ b� es We °.c titi• ...,b a� bee v r6. �e, 1N• i °tae. V. •pec`•stA��5e ebb eeht e"e tip` {0 0`} tea' 0 Gee • �� a� y Ce `S �++ �a, a� s 4y 0 04 t,v ti�' yGz� 41 ati ' Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 75, Now Oxford Street, late 583, Oxford Street, London. to Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots' the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. 1 (Wholesale and Recall.) BUILDER'S HARDWARE --Nails, Glass, (stained and engraved), Locks, Hinges Botts (full line.) CARRIAGE HARDWARE—Bar Iron, Bent Stuff, Hubbs, Spokes, Cutter Runners, Shafts, Moquette Wunslin, Drill, dec. MILL SUPPLIES—Stow Pipe, Fittings, Valves, Asbestos, Packing, Rubber and Leath- er Beitings, &c. SPORTING MATERIAL—Breach Loading and Shot Guns, Powder, Shot, &c,, Goods will be sold very Cheap for Cash or Farm Pro duce, which is taken as Cash. —ASI. FOIL— for walking gloves, The strtelrrng must be kIack. 'J'ho proper thing in engagement "rings is new a large, perfectly shaped pearl set en ;: olitaire. Year Druggist 18 authorized i"oito ±efttnd you the money if Dr° Carson's Stomach Bitters do not heat any case of Dyspepsia, Kidney or Liver Complaint. All druggists, 50 +lents. Michael faeitt loft for home sit odnoe- clay on the steamer Celtic. they do, they cannot do Well. r Call it cold, cough, croup, pfloumauiat catarrh, constlrlptiou or shy of the fancily o throat and nose and head and lung obstruct tions, all are bad. All ought to begot rid of` There is just one etre way to get rid of them That is to take 13oschee.s German Syrttp,• which any druggist will sell you at 75 .cents a bottle. Even if everything else has failed u may depend upon this for certain. Soid Evei•ywliare, Price, 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and IVIite ftrd, he Union Medicine Company, Toronto, Canada. Rochester Lamps, Silver Star Coal Oil, Wicks, Bur- ners, Axes, & Skates. LANCE SAWS. i! STOVE DEPARTMENT —SEE THE— OEriginal Cook and Triumph HEATING STOVES. The Bradley Eavetrough and Tin- ware a Specialty. Verity's Plows and Points, Cal- cis Plaster, Carpet, Felts, Pitch, en Tar, dec. - Send in your orders for Chestnut or Stone, Carmel Soft, and the Semonic Blossburg Coal before it advances. Ansaled Galvanized and Barb Wire cheap. !TAMES PICKARl Furniture & Undertakina ---A FEW-- a 9.1 . XoXitii9.$o.. �a'r They Cirerns:', iri,ol - Sale. 1 be n eebibi1100 at the South • toil rat �+�y I 1 Heron 'allsl e .I�+p �r iPed.6,71+�e�1y' AN SON 131_,OC,IC. n • tte l 1 h �plll r y ,, Ill\z., .,.`.,�"�1 j/� �� We would call the attention of the people of E:veter and surrounding conntry re feet that wo, having piirehasecl the stock and business of WILLIAM DREW, aro offs. special inch:momenta in Parlor Setts, Plain and ;il f ncy Tables. Springs and ii1attressl Bedroom Setts, "Wood, Cane & Perforated Chairs, I3ooRR. Cases, Writing Desks, Sideboards, Whatnots, Cradles, Hallstandsp ,And an Endless Variety in Setts, LiilreamS, Ctiliboards, 86c,, Our Stock of Lumber is Largo and Thoroughly Seasoned,and, having had extern` in the leadingfactories of the Dominion, the can guarantee Stylish and son experience g y dble ,Furnie. Ours Stock of Undertaking Goods is the ] argent in 150 County, and our Hearse has equal north of London. Specie. ntion will bo paid to this branch of the business, 41141 everyone will find uspTompt and reliable business meta.' 11,E1PAIII!ING OF ALL KIVDS PEO1IPTLL! A'1'TlilstD11D TO. Remember the Stand, Gee -Door Nodth o f ol son s .L�.. �•...�5, TtOWE . .N1)REW