HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-03-22, Page 22PAGE 22 --CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1979 -•"''"R! liw c it AU Ion • '04- (1113' CLASSIFIEDADSI BUTT WARRINGTON •'1�LE 53 .Un• 41.1. .... •� . - CPA seeks 1, to ,sstt itt O,v,n,hee 17. Auction sales 17. Auction sales AUCTION SALE of large modern farm machinery will be held for Art Dickson, Lot 63, Con. 1, Kinloss Township, Yz mile west of Lucknow on highway 86. SATURDAY, MARCH 24 at 1:00 P.M. SHARP Allis Chalmers model 7580 tractor with 4 wheel drive, air cond., approx. 750 hours • 2 sets duals 20.8 x 38 Engine horsepower approx. $25. • Allis Chalmers model 200 tractor with cab, approx. 1500 hours. 23.1 x 30 tires. approx. 95 horsepower • Case Uni loader model 1845, approx. 250 hours, gas, 4 wheel drive, 45 hours, 2 sets duals and bucket extension • 1975 Chev. 3/4 ton truck, 4 wheel drive, camper special, 8400 GVW, many extras, only this winter in salt, safety checked. • Krouse Flex Wing tandem disc harrow, 26 feet, mid West harrow at- tached, rock flex gangs, 22 inch plates, hydraulic wings. • Flex coil 30 feet land packer 3-10. foot sections (new) Two sets of heavy duty 12 foot chain harrows (new) • Allis Chalmers model 7,0, 6 narrow row, corn planter with insecticide boxes. • Allis Chalmers model 2000, 5 x 16 plow, automatic reset, new bottoms, plowed ap- prox. 100 acres. • Hesston hydra -swing, haybind model 1014 with 12 foot auger head • Hesston model 10 stacker • Hesston 3 point hitch stack mover. • Hesston model 2000-150 forage harvester with 3 narrow row corn head, hay head, knife sharpener, electric controls, hydraulic hood swing. • Dump Chief high dump series 706-, capacity 720 cubic feet with roof and 4 wheel auto steering. • Two Dion 3 beater forage boxes with right hand delivery • Two Horst double reach wagons • New Idea 10 ton manure spreader with floating tandem axle. • Allis Chalmers side delivery wheel rake. • Double deck loading chute on skids. Dion Model N14 forage blower; 60 inch drum, pipes and hood. • Western cattle squeeze, heavy duty, on wheels and walk' through head gate. • Three on stands cattle oilers -• Three hanging cattle oilers • Three outside mineral feeders. • John Deere air compressor with dual com- pression and paint attachment. • Approximately 1,000 bales hay • Approximately 1,000 bales straw. Most of this machinery has been purchased new in 1978. Owner moving to Western Canada. For information phone 519-529-7788. No small items. TERMS: Cash or cheque with ID day of sale. Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents. GEORGE POWELL BRIAN RINTOUL CLERK • AUCTIONEER Property 8 Equipment Auction for Willert Forms, Zurich - 7 miles west of Hensall on Tuesday, March 27/79 at 1 p.m. FEATURING: 250 acres -farrow to -finish hog operation,2'trucks, 4 tractors,, John Deere combine and complete line of John Deere equipment plus other farm equipment & machinery. Property Consists of: Parcel No. 1: 100 acres clay loam, well tiled, 3100 heat units - 90 sow farrowing barn, 44'x74' bank barn for livestock - 14' x 60' silo 40'x60' steel shed with workshop - 2 storey frame 4 bedroom house. Parcel No. 2: 100 acre clay loam with 700 hog finishing barn: 2-14'x60' silos, well tiled. Adjoining. Parcel No. 3: 50 acres clay loam well tiled. All workable. Property selling subject to reasonable reserve. Three parcels will be offered in one block. If reserve not met, will beoffered separately. TERMS: 10 percent down day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Property to be offered at 3 P.M. Combine: John Deere 6600 complete with 444-4 row corn head; 13' header with pickup, cab ; loaded and like new. Trucks: 1976 G.M.C. 1/2 ton truck; low mileage & safety checked 1974 Chevrolet I ton truck with 8 x 12 livestock racks, safety checked. Tractors: John Deere 4430 -complete w. cab; duals & fully equipped, 1400 hrs. John Deere 4020 -complete w. duals; power shift, good condition. John Deere 2010 - complete w. loader & chains; Massey Ferguson 65- coipplete multi -power & duals. Machinery & Equipment:/ -John Deere 5 furrow semimount plow -John Deere 4 row planter 1240 com- plete w. chemical attachments -John Deere 16; disc John Deere 15 run seed drill -John Deere 7' hay con- ditioner -John Deere 2 row 227 corn chopper -John Deere 7-3 pt. hitch No, 9 mower -John Deere No. 44 manure spreader -John Deere front mount bean cultivator -J: F. 23' cultivator w. harrows-J.F. 18' cultivator -New Holland ' 770 fd4-age harvestor complete w. high moisture corn attachment -New Holland high throw e' " , Had oa boxesforage c.w. 10 r tonw. wagons70-9apipend high2New floatationollntire'sfrge 1 Dion forage box c.w. 10 ton wagon; Massey Ferguson No. 10 baler; 32' bale elevator; 200 gal. calsa sprayer 30' boom; New Holland 125 Bu. spreader; two 6 ton wagons w. 165 bu. gravity boxes; Allis Chalmers PTO side rack; 4 ton fertilizer spreader, No. 5 Davis 1/2 ton batch mixer; two 2,000 gal. feed tanks; feed auger; 3 pt. hitch post hole auger 12"; McGregor liquid .manure pump; L & M 1,000 gal. Liquid manure spreader; custom build 3 pt. hitch snow "blower; 12' chain Narrows; 3 drum land roller; 32'6" grain auger, 3 pt. hitch grass seeder; EPPS high pressure sprayer; 3pth Wind power generator; quantity of 4" tile; 2 Jamesway 14" silo unloaders; 2 pump jacks. Feed: Approximately 100 ton ensilage, 2000 bales 1st cut hay. ... Household Effects: Annex stove, electric stove, dryer, Lark hard top tent -trailer -fully equipped, sleeps 8 Terms: Cash day of sale. Auctioneers Note: Proprietor has purchased a ranch in Alberta and is offering an excellent line of farm equipment. Plan to attend. Proprietors: Edgar & Carl Willert c%Gir�/f/. ei(/ r,.1.1111/11 / AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1Wo) ( 51!91 527-1458 aEMER.RI: GENCY ADMIN SECY-FEE t•^ (011:41. F•c� ,• ao•t e_ u Call MIRta DRISC� Y Aurct, 101 42 1 617. PO area. , A BOOKKEEA Wot..�. Hoist. Mott tyrsi 1:304 ►tin , 1 ,0 I�Da F F *s BidRubles ,1 atih Ir 723. 019 J.% °tF X Sod �I1 Kkl`'t • Lex Av/7S 1 6x K .ii • ✓adnt// nJs ortilE.‘ rAUCALENDARCTION Services 18. Servic s available 1.8. Services available ' March 24th Smith Construction Bankruptcy Auction, Kincardine March 27th Willert Bros. Farm Equipment Auction, Zurich April 3rd Matthew Ducharme, Farm Equipment Auction, Zurich April 4th Urbain Blockeel Farm Equipment Auction, R.R. 1 Seaforth April 7th I George Bedard, Farm Equipment Auction, St. Joseph's April 10th Don Rader, Farm Machinery Auction, Dashwood April 17th R & A Farm Equipment, tractors & Farm Equip., Clinton April 21st R & A Auction, Seaforth April 25th Kintel! Grocery Auction April 28th R & A Auction, cars, recreation vehicles, lawn & garden equipment, Clinton ' �C,KiKif/'e// � e. 2 1(f(/�f.1 AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. • SEAFORTH „ONTARIO NOK IWO (519) 527-1458 AUCTION SALE Modern tractors self .propelled combine machinery etc. to be held for John Govers at Lot 7 Concession 6 Stephen town.I mile south of Crediton Ont. ' TUESDAY, APRIL 3 at 1 p.m. COMBINE: Gleamer A self propelled combine with 10 ft. grain head and reel 8 ft. inner pick up, grain and bean cylinders. TRACTORS: White 700-70 HP diesel tractor run 450 HR. (new last year). Oliver 66 tractor with four row scuffler and bean puller. MACHINERY: Innes 570 bean windrower With cross conveyor. New Holland 357 grinder mixer • with auger feed flotation tires 16 ft. unloading auger. Cockshutt No. 546 four furrow -semi mount plow with fifth furrow attachment 16" trip bottoms spring trip ripple blade coulters. New Idea No. 325•two-row - corn picker with 12 row husking bed, Geo White 300 gal. aluminum saddle tanks complete with mounting frame pump and hoses. Cockshutt 540 - four row corn planter with Gandy insecticide ap- plicators and fiber glass fertilizer boxes. Kongskilde four row 3 pt. hitch row crop cultivator with rolling shields. Richardton 9'ton Multi Purpose hydraulic dump wagon with roof and 1100 x 20 tires. New Holland 890 forage harvestor with two row narrow corn head. Heston PT 10-912 ft. haybine. New Holland No. 276 hayliner hay baler. New Holland 256 hay rake. Bale stooker. Allied danish 9 ft. cultivator. International 40 ft. hay and grain elevator with PTO drive and ,undercarrige.. Little Giant 24 ft. hay and grain elevator with PTO drive and undercarrage. Shell standing cattle elevator. 2 - hanging cattle oilers. For most A-25 cattle squeeze head gate. 20 ft. 4" grain auger with electric m'o'tor. -. 2 water troughs. Hydro pole 30 ft. long. Approx. 200 steel posts. 12 rolls of snow fence. A few water bowls. Large quanity of split wood. "NOTE" All items in this sale are nearly new and in like new condition. Mr. Govers is going out of cattle and changing his line of equipment. Please be on time as there are no small items. TERMS: Cash day of sale. For further information phone John Govers at Crediton 234-6451. Auctioneers Larry Gardiner and Richard Lobb DUBLIN 345-2678 CLINTON 482-7898 Auctioneers and owner not responsible for ac- cidents day of sale. EXPERIENCED MUSIC TEACHER will teach music in her own home. Beginners preferred. Please call 482- 3991 ask for Dave. -11,12 CUSTOM BACK HOE ex- cavation work and septic system installations. Call Rick Diemert, Bayfield 565- 2481.-11-14 17. Auction sales c/L /Zeie, �J�Yssoeta�es BANKRUPTCY AUCTION We've been instructed by Glenn B. Diego! & Co. Ltd. Trustees & Bankrup- tcy to sell by public auc- tion all construction & building materials of Smith Concrete & Building Supply Ltd., of Kincardine. ON SATURDAY, MAR. 24 1979 AT 10:30 a.m. IN The HURON RIDGE INDUSTRIAL BUILDING Sale consisting of ap- proximately '35,000.00 of building materials. supplies and office fr- ����niiture. e./ ezdtL•el/ V JtYssoei¢/ei AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK IWO (519)527-1458 Richard Lobb- AUCTIONEER obb- AUCTIONEER Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR Every Thursday HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALE Tues. Mar. 27 - 1 p.m. John Deere combine, truck and trailers, tractors, machinery, etc., 41/2 miles east Londesboro for. Don McGregor. Sat`. March 31, - Farm machinery, tractors, household effects etc. for `Lloyd Sowerby, 4 miles north of Bayfield on Hwy. 21. Tues. April 3, = 1 p.m. Modern tractor and machinery for John Goovers, 1 mile south Crediton. Sat. April 14 - 10:30 a.m. Household effects, farm machinery, tractor, etc. for Grant Fisher at Benmiller. of New Furniture This Saturdoy, March 24 at 1:30 P.M. At Vanastra Recreation Centre Hwy. No. 4 VANASTRA, ONTARIO PARTIAL LISTING: 2-4 PC. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, STEREOS, COFFEE & END TABLES, LAMPS, BEDROOM SUITES, RECLINERS, TEA WAGON, HALL TREE, KITCHEN SUITES, RADIOS, WATCHES, SOCKET SETS, WALL CLOCKS, OIL LAMPS, BOX SPRINI6 & MATTRESSES, CHESTER BEDS AND MUCH, MUCH MORE. LARGE SELECTION GIFT W AUCTIONEER: R.A. BALL SALE CONDUCTED BY: UNITED AUCTION GROUP MS • CASH • CHEQUE WITH i. . X •DCHARGE TE MASTER CHAR.:iO MID -WESTERN PAVING - driveways, parking lots, farm lanes, repairs. Free estimates. Phone Clinton 482-3733.-11-25 IS IT TIME FOR A NEW ROOF OR SOME PAIN- TING? Phone Dave's Shingling and Painting for odd jobs around the house. Guaranteed work and free estimates Call 482-9347 or 524-7405.--12-15 LAWN ROLLING AERATING CALL NOW RAY'S LAWN & GARDEN 524-9166 PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS Bruce Pulsifer 527-0053 or 348-9223 after 6 p.m. LANDSCAPE MAITENANCE SERVICES Lawns, Trees, Beds, etc. Consulting services available 482-3500 Chris, Fowlie TREE SERVICE Pruning, Removal Tree Trimming Free Est. 482-9590 HENRY ROESCH R.R. NO. S-CLINTON 7 M.J.B. PAINTING AND CONTRACTING Interior Exterior Excellent Rates Free Estimates Phone 482-7932 18. Services available" 18. Services available 19. Notice to creditors CHUTER PLUMBING HEATING & ELECTRIC rFrunoce in • DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES Appliance Service 46 King St. 482-7652 c-1Atfn INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Individual Form Business ROY'S TAX SERVICE 17 GIBBINGS ST. CLINTON Open: 482-9357 9-6, Monday - Friday JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING * Farm Buildings * Additions *.Renovations Phone 482-3063 TAX TiME SERVICES ACeURATE RETURNS GUARANTEED OPERATED BY H. Mitchell R.R. 3, CLINTON SUNCOAST MALL GODERICH OPEN MON. TOFRI. 10to8 SAT. 10 to 5 524-4433 T • CommerciNOICal E • Industrial • Building Contractors • Roofing Contractors • Home Owners We have 12 cubic yard containers available by the week, month, or year. For information phone today. CHAMNEY SANITATION LTD AUBURN 526-7799 - SALM CONSTRUCTION FARM, COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL CONST. FRAMING, ROOFING, ALUMINUM SIDING, RENOVATIONS DAVE SALM 523-9641 BLYTH, ONT. 6' 7leaelev Past & ,4€c m aaot SIDING, SOFFIT & EAVESTROUGHS ROOFING & ROOF REPAIRS ATTIC VENTILATION GLIDDEN PAINTS P.O. BOX 391 TEESWATER. ONTARIO NOG 2S0 PHONE (519) 392-6163 FREE ESTIMATE ON REQUEST REMINDER Clearing Auction Sale Truck, trailers, self propelled combine, three tractors, boan equipment, farm machinery etc to be held at Lot 8 Con. 11, Willett Township 41/2 miles east of Londesboro on County Road 15 for Den McGregor. Tuesday March 27 at 11 a.m. SEE LAST WEEK'S EDITION FOR FULL LISTING Note this is a good offering, "no small s ice't TWaage be on time. Itc For Information phone Don McGregor et Blyth 523-4368 after 6 p.m. or Saturdays. Terms: Cash day of salt -Land is rented LUNCH BOOTH AUCTIONEER 1Clinton Richard Lobb 482-7898 °wrier or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of solo. HANK'S SHALL ENGINE SERVICE' VI.� E' HENRY REIN,INK • 1 MiLE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 FOR SALE Used Snowmobiles We also Service and Repair snowmobiles and snowblower, and other small engine equipment WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 . JIM: 527-Q775 CANAC KITCHENS For those new kitchen cupboards or -bathrooms. For new homes, and spring remodelling. Free Estimates Call Doug Smith SALESMAN 482-9190 BO-JEN CARPENTRY' FOR • CUSTOM BUILT HOMES ',RENOVATIONS • ADDITIONS SEE' BOB LANGENDOEN BOX 309 CLINTON :'.. -1- PHONE 482-9720 1 IN THE ESTATE OF NELLIE EVA FREMLIN, late of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, Housewife, deceased. ALL persons having claims, against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 24th day of January, 1979, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 19th day of April, 1979, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 19th day of March, 1979 MENZIES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario, Solicitors for the Execdtor.-12,13,14 20. Public notices Peter John Black has never been responsible for any debts, incurred by me or for support of me from November 16th on. Susan Joan Black. -10-12x AS OF THIS DATE, March 8, 1979, I Clarence Govier will not be responsible for any debts incurred in my name by my wife, Dorothy Emma Govier.-10-12x 21. Personal DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS about our services, in regards to your invitation we sent to you in the mail. Phone 482-9300, Ontario Motor League, 7 Rattenbury Street, Clin- ton.-9tfar 24. Business opportunities Western Conada School of Auctioneering Ltd. Canada's first. and the only completely Canadian course of- fered anywhere. Licensed under the Trade Schools Licensing Act. R.S.A. 1970. C. 366. For par- ticulars of the next course write: Box 687, Lacombe, Alberto or Phone 784.6415. Custom Slaughtering and Processing kill Day Wednesday V'V • DASHWOOD 237-3677 19. Notice to creditors IN THE ESTATE O'1 GEORGE HENRY WOOLLEY, late of the Township of Stanley in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 27th day of January, 1979, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of April, 1979, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have.notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 1st day of March, 1979. MENZIES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors -10,11,12 IN THE ESTATE OF GEESSIEN JACOBA VAN MAAR, late of the Township of Goderich in the County of Huron, Married Woman, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 22nd day of January, 1979, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 10th day of April, 1.979, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the° undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 9th day of March, 1979. MENZIES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the Personal Representative DEALERS WANTED Company offers unlimited opportunity in the nations fastest growing Industry - as • stated by a leading journal. Typical Income Range '30,000 to '60,900 Total Secured Investment '2,995. WE OFFER: 1. 100% secured invest- ment 2. Paid vacations 3. Paid training 4. Assistance after training Our manufacturer is the world's oldest and largest in its field. Ex- tremely high quality products. No service required. Proven 98% market. Contact: MR. ELLIOTT 542-8182 26. Births COOK Karen, Kim, Cindy and Sheila are happy to an- nounce the safe arrival of a brother on Sunday, March 18, 1979 at Clinton Public Hospital. Proud parents are Joyce and Murray Cook.-12nc BUTLER Greg a'nd Brenda are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their first child, a (girl, Amanda Elise on March 15, 1979 at Clinton Public Hospital. Another grand- daughter for Lloyd and Phyllis 'Butler and first `grandchild for Earl and Francis Schilbe.—l2nc LOBB Richard and Carol are pleased to announce the birth of their second son on March 14, 1979 in St. Joseph's Hospital, Loddon.-12nc 27. Deaths WAREING At South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Saturday, March 17, 1979, Mary Jane (Flynn) Wareing, of Hensall, in.her 73rd year. Beloved wife, of the late William Wareing. Dear mother of Ronald, Hensall; Robert, RR 2, Kipped; Douglas of Hensall and Mrs...Murray (Evelyn) Traquair, RR 2 Kippen. Sister of Robert Flynn, Parkhill and Mrs. Irene O'Neil of Huron Park. Also surviving. are 10 grand- children and two great- grandchildren. Predeceased by one sister. Rested at the Bonthr'on Funeral Home, Hensall where funeral service took place on Monday, March 19 at 2:00 p,m. with Rev. T.G. Husser officiating. Interment Exeter Cemetery.--12nc