HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-03-22, Page 16PAGE 16 —CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1979 Ontario Street UCW Thank Offering service set Mrs. Evelyn Merrill reported on the Spring Thank Offering Service at the Ontario Street UCW executive meeting on March 13. She noted that the service will be held on April 1 at 8 p.m. at the Ontario Street Church. The service, which will be a joint effort with the Wesley -Willis Church, will hear Jeanne Moffat of Waterloo as the guest speaker. The ukulele group, directed by Mrs. Doris McKinley will provide special music. In other business, Mrs. Ethel McPherson opened the meeting with a reading and a prayer. It was decided that the Cancer Society's Daffodil Tea will be held in the Wesley -Willis Church on March 30 from 2 to 4:30 pm. The Ontario Street UCW will help with the tea and 'Mrs. Valena Trewartha reported that all plans are complete. She reminded the group that the society will he selling daffodils again this year, 10 flowers for $2. ..The Evening Unit will be having a rummage sale of good used clothing on Saturday, April 28, starting at 10 am at the church. The Morning Unit will be holding a garage sale on Monday, May 21 at 147 Huron Street, across from the chiropractic centre. Donations for either of the above sale should be left in the church parlour. Mrs. McPherson reminded everyone of the Westminister Weekend and the one day Alma School. The Westminister Weekend will be held on May 25 to May 27 with the theme, The Spirit of God Within, Without. Miss Marjorie Smith, the deaconess at the Calvary Church, London will be the speaker. The one day Alma School will be held on August 21 at the Central United Church in St. Thomas. Registration is at 8:30 am and lunch, catered to by the Central UCW wi-1i• Cost $2 each A New Joy is the theme and the guest speakers will be, Rev. Anne Langford and Rev. Murray Barnet. Music will be supplied by Mr. Albert Furtney. Mrs. Nancy Turner read several thank you notes and an invitation from the Blyth UCW, to attend their Thank Offering Service was received. The service will be held on April 8 at 8 pm with Mrs. John Wood as the guest speaker. Mrs. H. Johnston gave the flower and card report and reminded 'everyone to call her at 482-7636 if they know of anyone who should be remembered with a flower or card. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. Ethel McPherson. UCW discuss Indians Mrs. Valena Trewartha, assistant leader, took charge of the regular monthly meeting of the afternoon unit of Ontario Street United Church Women on Tuesday, March 6. The theme of the meeting was "Human Rights". Valena opened the meeting with a poem, "Working together', and was assisted with the worship service by Lila Webster; Lula Merrill and Doris Batkin. Mrs. Lorna Radford acted as pianist. Valena Trewartha gave a splendid paper on "Human Rights–'reading from article 17 on the Declaration of Human Rights for Native People. She said thei'e are three kinds of Indians: • first, status Indians; second, non -status Indians; and third, the Innuit, or Eskimo of the North. The problems of the Indicans in the North have been intensified with the white man encroaching on Indian lands to find oil and hydro power. It revealed their feelings in not being given the proper recognition by the Federal Government. By the Indian Act they were given their own land in the North, and to live on Reserves farther South, pay no taxes, and are given the right to live in their own way. They are learning to speak out for their continued way of life and survival: after all they were here before the white man came. The rights of the individual come first, and we cannot be free unless all peoples can live as brothers, and share equal rights with others. Comments , on Human Rights were heard from those present, and a responsive com- mentary on Human Rights was conducted by Doris Batkin. Members were reminded of the Cancer Society Tea to be held in the Wesley -Willis Church on March 30, 2-4:30 p.m. A Fashion. Show spon- sored • by the Cancer Society will be held in the Exeter Arena on April 25 at 8:30 p.m. On April 10 at 8 p.m., John and Nancy Patterson will be guest speakers at the UCW general meeting. Their talk will be on Camp Menesetung. The joint Thankoffering meeting of Wesley -Willis and Wingham Memorials • Guaranteed Granite NUS. PHONE 347.1910 RES. 3S7.1015 • • Cem.tery Lettering • Buy Dlroet and save Commltslons. Q Ontario Street churches will be held in Ontario Street United Church on Sunday, April 1 at 8 p.m. when Mrs. Jean Moffatt will be the guest speaker. Members are asked to leave good used clothing in the church hall prior to the Rummage Sale on April 28 from 10-12 a.m. For pick-up service, call. 482-3879, or 482-3607. Volunteers are needed to transport senior citizens from our town to par- ticipate in movie en- tertainment on the second Wednesday of each month commencing Ju'ne 19. The annual coffee party, sponsored by the afternoon unit, will be held in' the ladies'• parlor of the church on May 17 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Doreen Pick, world outreach convener, ex- pressed her appreciation for the generous response in donations to the Leprosy mission. Nineteen home calls and 47 hospital calls were made by the e embers during the math of February. Donna Tyndall's group served refreshments after the closing' of the meeting. Clinton lady dies Lucy Catharine Levy • A Clinton native, Lucy Catharine Levy died in Clinton hospital on February 27. She was 75 years old. Miss Levy, who lived on James Street in Clinton for many years, was a member of St. Joseph's Catholic Church were she belonged to the Catholic Women's League and the choir. She was born to James and Margaret Levy on November 30, 1903. She attended the Clinton public school and high school and later studied ar St. Joseph's` College in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Miss Levy worked at the Clinton RCAF Station from 1952 to 1966. Funeral services were held at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Clinton on March 1. Father J. Hardy presided and interment followed at the Clinton cemetery. The pallbearers in- cluded, Bill Brand, Rene Brochu, Clarence Denomme, James Doherty, Tom Feeney and David Parker. Re -apply for GIS Health and Welfare Canada officials in Toronto recently urged recipients of the federal government Guaranteed Income Security payments to re -apply for the supplement before the March 31 deadline or face the prospect of having payments discontinued. According to W. A. Wright, Regional Director for Income Security Programs, recipients who do not apply by the deadline time will be faced with payment interruption. The Guaranteed Income Supplement program requires annual reapplication by recipients because of the possible change in in- come. Ontario presently has 380,445 GIS recipients. Recipients whose income has dropped will receive larger payments while recipients whoseincome has increased will receive a reduced rate. According to Wright, there are some 86,000 applications still out- standing. "If everybody acts immediately, there's still time to get the re - applications in and processed so that payment will not be in- terrupted," he said. TRUTH Tho Bible Is not only a spiritual book it Is a practical book as well. It holds the answer to many of our family problems. Ephoslans 41:4 roads, "Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up In tho disclplino...of the Lord". Tho exact opposite of that "discipline" is given in the following advice - "Begin in infancy to give the child everything ho wants. Ho will grow up to believe the world owes him a living. "Laugh at him when ho used bad words. It will make him think ho is cuto, and encourage him to use oven 'cuter' words. -, "Never toll him he Is wrong. He may develop a guilt complex. When ho is later punished for crime ho will believe society is against him and ho Is being per- socutod. "Pick up anything ho loaves laying around so he will leave all responsibility for others. "Lot him road anything ho likes. Food him safe food for his body, but lot his mind feast on garbage. dive him all the spending money he wants. Why should he loam to work for necessities of life? "When ho gots into trouble excuse yourself by saying, 'I never could do anything with himl'." Prepare for a life of grief, you will likely got ill` Clinton Area Believers Box 546-CLINTON There was no eating at the De Vries home on Friday night as the family en- joyed a meal at the Christian Reformed pancake supper in Clinton. Mr. De Vries and his daughter Marjorie, 2, fully devoted their attentions to the plates in front of them. (News -Record photo) HuronviewAuxiliary plan bazaar The Huronview Auxiliary met in the craft room at Huronview on March 19 at 2 p.m. when Mrs. L. Lockhart opened the meeting by all repeating the Lord's Prayer: The minutes of the last meeting in November were read by Mrs. J. Griffiths. This being the first meeting of the year, the roll call was answered by 16 members paying their fees. Mr. Archibald was present and assisted in the election of officers for the following year. They are: past president, Mrs. A. McNichol; president, Mrs. L. Lockhart; first vice, position open; second vice-president, Mrs, E,q:...,...Webster; secretary, Mrs.. I. Griffiths; treasurer, Mrs. Marion POwelli press reporter, IVMay Gibson. The next meeting Will be April 16 when plans - will be made for the spring tea and bazaar to be held on June 6. Mrs. Margaret McCullough gave a reading and the meeting then adjourned so members could visit friends. Any ladies who would like to attend the Auxiliary meetings which meet the third Monday of the month would be quite welcome. VON fees stay steady The 68th annual meeting of the Huron - Perth branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses was held on Tuesdayolylarch 13, at St. Pawls Anglican Church in Stratford. Following dinner which was served by the church ladies, everyone was entertained with a slide presentation of South and East Africa by John Conroy who has travelled extensively throughout the world. The meeting was at- tended by Huron -Perth residents including Board members, nursing staff, members from gover- nment agencies such as Home Care and a local Homemaking agency, and other guests from the public sector. The Board of Directors was pleased to announce that the V.O.N. fee schedule will remain at $12.25 per visit with some individual flexibility as for 1978 and the source of payment for 1978 was as follows: Home Care - Perth, 9,331 visits, Huron, 7,281; H.N.S.A. - Perth, 1,036, Huron, 16; Private Patients - Perth, 1,099, Huron, 59; Department of Veteran's Affairs - 118; Insurance - 53; and Contract - (Paramedicals) - 59. SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS Clinton-Seaforth Area Representative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 High Street Clinton 482-9441 Goderich Area Representative ROBERT McCALLUM 11 Cambria Road ' Goderich 524-7345 CAMEO Styling SUNCOAST MALL - GODERICH 524-8515 PERM SPECIAL WELLA KOLESTRAL PERM • REG. `29.00 COMPLETE ONLY s18r COMPLETE WITH CUT -SET -CONDITIONER ANY STYLE ALSO CHECK OUR EVERY DAY LOW PRICES SHAMPOO and SET -11 `4.50 STYLE CUT and BLOW DRY 1. `8.00 STREAKS complete with SET `18.00 CHILDREN STYLE CUT' From $4.00 PERMS complete From $18.00 EAR PIERCING with STUDS •8.50 HOURS: MON. -TUES.-WED. 9:30-6, THURS.-FRI. 9:30-9, SAT. 9-4 NO APPOINTMENTNEqSS RY 0 Newly elected officers for 1979 include: President - Mr. W. J. Brooks, First Vice - President - Mr. W. J. Elston, Second Vice - President - Mrs. Elsie Karges, Treasurer - Mr. K. W. Thrasher, Secretary - Miss Jean Whilhelm, and Representative to United Way - Mrs. Judy Horsey. . Staff nurses in Huron County include: full time - S. Lancaster - of Wingham, M. Smith of Goderich, and L. Swan of Londesboro; part time - L. Knight of Belgrave, D. Speers of Goderich D. Beuerman of Exeter and S. Dolmage of Seaforth. Anyone can request the services of a V.O.N. nurse by phoning the 24- hour answering service at 357-3210, Wingham and 482-3447, Clinton. Since 1865... we've been first with the news you want to know CLINTON NEWS -RECORD 1 Church Services ALL SERVICES ON EASTERN STANDARD TIME ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH MINISTER: REV. R. NORMAN PICK, B.A. ORGANIST AND CHOIR DIRECTOR MRS. DORIS McKINLEY A. MUS. SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 1979 11 a.m. Church School 11:00 A.M. PUBLIC WORSHIP OF GOD EZi Ll Pi 0 zi ® CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 243 Princess 5t. E. REV. ARIE VANDEN BERG Ri SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 1979 IN izi O 10 A.M. 0 ® REV. CHARLES UKAN 0 ® Missionary to Brazil 0 ® 3:00 P.M. . ® REV. J. WESTERHOF ® ' Piof •London O LISTEN TO THE "BACK TO GOD HOUR" SUNDAYS ® AT 10:30 A.M. OVER CKNX RADIO E,y ® Everyone Welcome . ® BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH 0 ® "Holding Forth the Word of Life" Phil. 2:15 0 PASTOR: Rev. Les Shiel 565-2659 zi SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 1919 O 10 a.m. FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL ® 11:00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP �y 7:30 p.m. Evening Worshipzi ® Friday Youth Service ® g O 0 ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH co 0oTHE REV. JAMES R. BROADFOOT, B.A., M.DIV. rw0 0 ® SUNDAY, MARCH 25, '1979 4th Sunday in Lent 0 10 a.m. MORNING PRAYER SERMON: "WALK IN LOVE" WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED CHURCH PEOPLE SERVINGGODTHROUGH SERVING PEOPLE MINISTER JOHN S.'OESTREICHER Q.A. ORGANIST MISS CATHARINE POTTER B.R.E. CHOIR DIRECTOR MRS. WM. HEARN Anyone wishing a ride to church. Phone 482-9696 SUNDAY, MARCID 25, 1979 EZi 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 Sunday School and Nursery, SERMON: "THEY STOOD BY THE CROSS" HOLMESVILLE UNITED CHURCH 9:45 a.m. Worship and Sunday School SERMON:. "THEY STOOD BY THE CROSS" Everyone Welcome . L9 WED., MAR. 28 7:30 p.m. Mid -week service of Holy Communion 8 p.m. Bible Study 6.1 Ey Come and join us for our services of worship and L9 ® • Bible study during Lent 0 ® CALVARY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH o S166 Victoria Street Pastor: Wayne Lester 61 ® 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship Pi 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service 0 ® ALL WELCOME 0 ® ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 0 ES THE REV. THOMAS A. A. DUKE CHARLES MERRILL ORGANIST SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 1979 10 a.m. Worship Service S 10 a.m. Sunday School 0 0 All Welcome FIRST BAPTIST -CHURCH CLINTON SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 1979 MR. EDWARD J. ANDERSON PASTOR 10 a.m. Sunday School 11:15 a.m. Morning Worship Everyone Welcome SAINT JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH James St., ,Clinton Phone 482.9468 FATHER JOSEPH HARDY SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 1979 LENT IV MASS SATURDAY 8:00 P.M. SUNDAY 11:00 A.M. - 1 LENTEN SERVICE • FSR, M. PRIEUR CONFESSION SATURDAY 7:15 P.M. BUS ^FROM VAVAST R/4 All welcome Cief2iJl2P 121 12122M12i21:1= '2121:11212M2C112ME CI 11 Q Pi PP