HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-03-22, Page 15• • • •• Londesboro WI help the community By Dora Shobbrook United Church News Greeting the congregation Sunday morning were Margaret Taylor and Lorne Hunking. The ushers were David Lear, Ken Pollard, Bryan McClure and Danny Jewitt. The soloist was Barbara Bosman, accompanied by organist Gail Lear. Rev. McDonald's children's story was A Boy's prayer Answered. Junior teachers were Carol Cartwright, Jean Ken- nedy and Helen Lee. The message was Does It Matter If We Pray. The flowers on the memorial stands were in loving memory of Mrs. Robert (Grace) Storey and Clarence Crawford, placed there by, their families. The congregation extends love and sympathy to the families. Rev. McDonald an- nounced that volunteer Red Cross canvassers will be calling in the community for the next two weeps; The congregation skating party and pot luck supper will be held this Sunday, March 25. WI Health Meeting The WI health meeting was held March 14 in the hall. The meeting opened with Genevieve Allen at the piano and president Marjorie Duizer welcomed all and read the poem. Roll call was answered with a favourite home remedy. February minutes and' financial statements were read by secretary - treasurer Marjorie Anderson and correspondence included a thank you note from the Aimwell Unit. The 4-H Achievement Day,,will be May 7 at 7:30 p.m. in the Hullett Central School. Margaret Anderson reported_ the Sunshine Sister Banquet and an- nual meeting will be April 11 at 6:30 p.m., the UCW will cater. June Fothergill reported for the nomination committee, ballots were taken on the food preparation for June. Brenda Radfor,d, secretary treasurer of the recreation committee was present and thanked the WI for their $300 donation. Brenda reported what they do, how the money is ob- tained and spent. They received government grant, some from the township council and rent from the hall. They have seven members ap- pointed by the township council. It was moved by Hattie Wood and seconded by Hazel Reid that the WI insulate, panel and put new lights in the basement of the hall as a 1979 project. A committee of Margaret_ Taylor, Florence Cartwright and Marjorie Duizer will get estimates for the project. Tickets were given to the members to sell for the WI draw, first prize will be a quilt and second prize will be a cushion. The draw to take place June 13. It was moved that banquet meals be raised from $4.00 to $4.50, the Lions meals will remain the same. Goderich WI are having a bus trip to the Earland Lee Home on June 7. Anyone interested is asked .to contact Margaret Taylor. Readings were given by Dora Shobbrook. Card parties will be held March 23, April 6, and April 20, ending with a dessert euchre on May 4. Marg Anderson in- troduced the guest speaker Harriett Shillinglaw who spoke on St. John's Ambulance course. She demon- strated artificial respiration, bandaging and taking the pulse which was very in- formative. She was thanked by Hattie Wood and presented with a gift. Marjorie Duizer conducted a quiz on accessories. The draw prize, donated by Hattie Snell was won by Gay Datema. Lunch was served by Genevieve Allen, Hazel Reid and Gay Datema. Explorers The Explorers met on March 15 with 1,9 mem- bers present. Connie Hoggart and Kimberley Wright presented the Explorer Purpose, and Brenda Nesbitt presented the picture. The Explorers made plans for the mother and daughter banquet to be held May 10. The leaders gave a lesson on missions in Zambia, Africa. The girls made a craft for St. patrick's Day. , Games were played and the meeting closed with prayer and the singing of the Explorer hymn. Young Teens The Young Teens of the Londesboro church en- joyed a recreation night of swimming at the Vanastra Pool on Friday evening. Following the hour of swimming, they returned to the manse for fun, fellowship and prepared their lunch of Sloppy Joes. Cub Pack The 1st Londesboro Cub pack enjoyed a field trip to the Blyth Fire Hall last Thursday evening which Proved to be educational as well as enjoyable. The Cubs will continue their study of fire safety in their homes. Personals Sympathyis extended to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Stackhouse on the death of her father Roland Williams at Exeter on March 15. he was in his 80th year. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Clarence Crawford of Blyth and family on the death of Mr. Crawford on March 14 in Clinton Public Hospital. They were former~ residents of this com- munity. Sorry to report that, Frank Johnston is a patient in University Hospital, London following an accident early Friday morning at Sifto Salt Mines in Goderich. Mrs. Airie Duizer had the misfortune to fall on ice last Thursday and break a bone in her arm. Mr. Jim Scott Sr. returned home on March 15 from spending two and a half weeks in Clinton Public Hospital. Howard Cartwright was admitted to Clinton Hospital on Friday March 16 for tests. Mrs. Bob Burns returned home on Saturday after spending 10 days in St. Joseph's Hospital, London having surgery and a few days with her daughter Mr. and Mrs. Colin Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. George Hoggart returned home on Saturday from a 10 day holiday at St. Petersburg camping with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dalton and at Brandinton with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bab- cock. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fothergill, Heather, Nancy and Kevin at- tended a surprise bir- thday party at the home of Mr and Mrs. Jack Marks, Wingham on Saturday evening in honor of Mrs. Fothergill's father's 81st birthday, Mr. Colonel Marks of Listowel. June Fothergill was presented with her 25 year pin at the Foresters Lodge at Kinburn. The presentation was made by president Muriel McClure and presented with a suitably inscribed cake for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Longman visited on Sunday with Mrs. G. Cowan and Mrs. G. Robinson in Hanover. Ken Hulley, June Fothergill, Jessie Teb- butt and Rev. McDonald attended the annual meeting of the Huron District Canadian Foresters held in Cranbrook Hall on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. •` Ross Millson, Woodstock visited Friday evening with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook and with the family of Clarence Crawford, Blyth. Remember the WI card party Friday night, March 23. Mr. and Mrs. John McGill, Waterloo visited on Sunday with their cousin, Jim Neilans. THE SEPARATE SHOPPE MAIN CORNER, CLINTON PHONE 482-777a (NEXT TO CAMPBELL'S MEN'S'WEAR) DRESSES! BLOUSES-SKIRTS-PANTS-SUITS=SWEATERS OPEN 1-6 OPEN 1-6 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 22,.1979 --PAGE 15 Just in timefor Weddings Anniversary & Birthday, Gifts � V ok 10K -14K GOLD PIERCED EARRINGS REG. •15.50 - •319.00 12!"250 OFF v^ WATCHES RODANIA•CARDINAL-BOlOVA 20 40°'° OFF CHARMS BY REMBRANDT & CHARLES C�0 OFF AND MORE MEN'S SAVE JEWELLERY LADIES PENDANTS PINS, BRACELETS 2 ALL JEWELLERY IN STOCK ON SALE SAVE zoo ON HAND CUT LEAD CRYSTAL FENTON WARE SILVER PLATE SAVE ON GLASSES, TUMBLERS, WINE SETS, WOODEN WARE, STEAK KNIVES, CARVING SETS, STEAK BOARDS — others. 40 PCS. ONEIDA STAINLESS STEEL FLATWARE 9 Patterns to Choose % SAVE 20 TRAYS EXTRA OUR ENTIRE DISPLAY OF GIFTWARE ON SALE (FAINTINGS& OIL PICTURES CK NA . CHINA BIRTHDAY Y BY CANADIAN 8 EUROPEAN ARTISTS ONE OF A KIND Save 20%-30 CUPS &SAUCERS $3 • 95 CUPS & SAUCERS J 56 SHOPPERS SQUARE BY ROYAL ALBERT 9 5 gifts and jewellery 524-9241 GODERICH (:HAH(.If:X ' VISA THE HOME PLACE WfD#isa4 Wti#4Whkp �acZe� 11111/111( -40/14 rxan.iano.an.mm � l�`IIDDLETON'S " HOME FURNISHINGS HARDINGJ ?die Veco,t up to 50 % off living room suites including sectionals 20% off all bedroom suites 307 off sug. retail- 3,5 &7pc. ch romesets over a dozen styles to choose from door crasher specials Only 24 oval and rectangular flip -top pedestal tables imported from England. Solid mahogany with avacado green or antique gold tooled leather tops. Manufacturers Clearance 3995 Compare at $79.95. london springwall ' bedding units . Super Firm 54" mattress and foundation per set $249.95 Discontinued lines of- Occasional tables 50%off . Laicmtps Pictures Traditional Sleep or Lounges By Kroehler - Choice of covers. $349.95 410' OPP ALL REMAINING STOCK 9 OZ. PRINTS 3 Patterns - 16 Colours Rubberback SCOTCHGUARDED 100'.% Nylon • Ideal for Kitchens and Family rooms REG. PRICE $ 8.5 0 SALE PRICE $ 6.95 Win mofill illi 1111 O IIIIIIIIIIIIIII ,, IIOPP� off o lCD 20% o PAINTS e ELATION 11 Colours styled by Dyna Color SCOTCHGUARDED Saxony Texture Jute Back REG. PRICE S15.95 SALE PRICE $11.95sq.yd. ALL SUNWORTHY PAPERS IN STOCK OVER 240 PATTERNS IN STOCK F E ,Ut){:IN4( , SUNWORTHY YOt A•4 t.VALL(,OV, E_J;irv� ALL INTERIOR PAINTS ODD SIZE RUGS IN STOCK SHOWER CURTAINS CARPET REMNANTS FROM9x12'TO 18x12 20700ff 3x12-812 50°/0offs 1/3 off MEE STORAGE& DELIVERY— 'tag: •