HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-03-22, Page 8IA&P isna Sausage Shop! I PAGE 8 --CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THVRSPAY, R , 1979 Hensall notes by Bertha MacGregor The "Three Links" senior citizens held their March meeting on Tuesday evening with the president Mrs. Bertha MacGregor opening the meeting with Mrs. Myrtle Sherritt accompanying on the piano. • Following the roll call, minutes, bills and ac- counts and correspon- dence were read an invitation was received from the seniors group in Exeter inviting the Hensall group to a meeting in the Legion Hall, Exeter on Tuesday, April 3 at 7 p.m. The invitation was accepted and cars will leave the hall at 6:30 p.m. The April meeting of Hensall will be held on April 17 at 6:30 p.m. with a pot luck supper, celebrating the third anniversary. It was announced a bus trip will be travelling to the Scott residence on June 8th. Anyone wishing to go should contact Mrs. Elizabeth Riley. The entertainment committee, namely Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker and Mr. Elgin Rowcliffe arranged an excellent program. Harold Parker was chairman and in- troduced Bob Heywood 0 who played several polkas and sacred songs. Rei(,. T. Garnet Husser -- was the guest speaker and gave a most in- teresting and informative address on the collection of rocks he has gathered from all parts of the world. Assisted by, Mrs. Husser, the Reverend displayed many beautiful rocks, jewellery and decorated spoons he -las. made from his selections. Mrs. Elizabeth Riley , favoured with a reading "Taxes". Bob Heywood again played and sang many numbers • as requested; also some Scotch and Irish selec- tions. Mrs. Harold Parker gave a reading "Trouble in the Amen Corner". Harold thanked the entertainers and the meeting concluded with the singing of "The Queen" after which the social committee of Mr. 'and Mrs. Bert Horton and Mrs. Annie Reid assisted by the entertainment committee served a delicious lunch. Personals Mr. and Mrs. John Soldan and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lightfoot o,f Centralia are sharing company with their _grandchildren, Tracy and Jason Soldan at their home Pinedale Grand Bend while their parents Sharon and Patrick are taking their Easter break in Acapulco. Mrs. Blanche Chap- man, London and Mrs. Leslie Adams, Exeter were recent visitors with - Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett. Mr. Charles Mickle, • Hamilton is spending his vacation during the holiday break with his mother, Mrs. Laird Mickle. Mr. and Mrs. Edison Forrest and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoy have returned from a pleasant holiday in Hawaii. Rev. Kenneth Knight conducted service ' in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday. The sermon subject was "The Rejection of Jesus'''. Mrs, Robert Taylor presided at the piano. The Saefament of the Lord's Supper will be celebrated on Sunday, March 25 at the regular hour in the auditorium of the church. Carmel Church supper The choir of Carmel Presbyterian Church sponsored a pot luck supper and crokinole social in the, school room of the church on Friday evening. Following a bountiful supper, Rev. K. Knight was master of ceremonies when ten tables of crokinole were in p'lay. The prize winners were as follows: ladies' high Mrs. , Malcom Dougall; ladies' second prize, Mrs. Perc Campbell; gent's high, Murray Taylor; ge is second prize, Brian Campbell; • Turn to lodge 9. Prices effective through Saturday, March 24th, 1979 OPEN 9:00 A.M. - 9:30 P.M. MON. - SAT. A&P SUNCOAST MALL HWY. NO. 21, SOUTH GODERICH Burns, Breakfast SAUSAGES Ib' .' 8 We reserve the right to limit quantities to,normal family requirements SAVE 18?) Blossom, Reconstituted APPLE JUICE 90 48 fl -oz tin Our Regular Price 87? Our Reg. Price Ib 1.49 SAVE 31c Ib MAPLE LEAF, •^ SLICE & FRY FOR ECONOMICAL MEALS 1 -LB ROLL Sausage Meat 1.09 MARY MILES, HOT OR SWEET Sausage Italian Style lb 1.19 SCHNEIDERS, — LOOPS Polish Sausagelbl.99 SAVE 24m 180=� pkg of 4 rolls Assorted Colours "New", 2 -Ply, Bathroom Tissue ELSEY ic TISSUE Our Reg. Price 1.43 PRODUCE California, Tender FRESH BROCCOLI each Romaine Lettuce, Crisp & Tender; Excellent for Salads ENDIVE OR ESCAROLE each NO, 1 GRADE, MEXICAN, GREEN SLICERS Cucumbe'rs 3orLOO FLORIDA, MILD, LARGE, ECONOMY PACKAGE Radishes i1eoks49? PRODUCT OF ISRAEL, SWEET 4 L BAG Jaffa Oranges 1.98 FANCY GRADE, ONTARIO, RED DELICIOUS Apples .Ibbag129 EXTRA LARGE, NOW AT THEIR JUICY BEST, INDIAN RIVER Grapefruit 3fr9'8)i with supermarket prices. A&P is,a Complete Meat Shop as TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLED Cottage Rolls J f"'(SAVE 59r) AssaMdVniniea MONARCH (AKE I 8-oz pouch for pack 00 Our Regular Price 53? ea. Fresh CHICKEN Leg Quarters whole backs attached Mixed uarterslbIb 1.69 MAPLE LEAF, REGULAR OR ALL BEEF h � c ke n Halve , S Wieners 1 -lb vac paci. 49 Grade "A", Eviscerated, Frozen, Vac Pac, A&P Self -Basting or Swift Deep -Basted Sliced Bologna 1 -Ib vac pac 1,49 BUITTERBALL MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, ASSORTED VARIETIES Side Bacon -Ib vac pac 1.79TURKEYS 6 to 14 -lbs 'b average • MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, ASSORTED VARIETIES Cooked Meas' ;ail; 5 Maple Leaf, Smoked, Ready -to -Eat, Picnic Style "z vac �,9 MARY MILES, SLICED, VARIETY PACK OR MINCED HAM S(HNEIDERS POUK Cooked Meats 1I6 vac pac 1.5g HAMS Ib • SHOULDERS (SAVE 30¢ MAPLE LEAF, ASSORTED VARIETIES BREAST QUARTERS whole backs & wings attached Our _ Regular Price Ib 1.28' SAVE 20? Ib ( Our Reg. ,rice Ib 1.48 — SAVE 10c Ib) Powdered CHEER DETERGENT A&P Money -Saver Assorted Colours, Facial KLEENEX , , o, TISSUE °°° �• Newborn PAMPERS DIAPERS pkg of 30 10W-30 SHELL MOTOR OIL 39 Action Priced! Savarin, Assorted Varieties FROZEN DINNERS PROZEN, SUPREME, 12 -INCH 11 -oz pkg McCain Pizza Action Priced! Assorted Varieties CATELLI PASTAS 500 g pkg Action Priced! McLarens, Garlic BABY DILL PICKLES '°J;: Action Priced! 9¢ "NEW" MOUTHWASH WITH FLUORIDE ACTION PRICED! ASSORTED VARIETIES PRICED! Listermint is fl_oz btl 1.79 Bick's Pickles 15-fl-ACTIONot jar 79,6 9 TABLETS Anacin DETERGENT Joy Liquid ACTION PRICED! SOCIETY LUXURY 26.0Z PIE BEEF CHUNKS OR STEW 2.59 DogFood - ACTION PRICED! CONVERTED ACTION PRICED! S -LB PKG btI of 1001.69' Uncle Bens Rice 3.49 (PREPRICED) LAWRY'S CHICKEN NOODLE 32 -fl -oz plastic btl 1.19 Soup1111 ix ACTION PRICED! 4 -oz pkg 49¢ ACTION PRICED! ACTION PRICED! I IN TOMATO SAUCE OR WITH PORK & TOMATO SAUCE 19 -11 -oz tin 5 9? 25-ortin 59¢ Clark Beans KIBBLE OR MEAL — DRY DOG FOOD ACTION PRICED! SPAGHETTI, ALPHA-GETTI, ZOODLES 19 -FL -OZ TIN Ken -L Ration 10 kg bag 7,39 Li'bby's Pastas 59 Carnation, Frozen HASH BROWN. POTATOES • • • f{