The Exeter Times, 1887-10-20, Page 1e.
Ia. DIOKS()Ial lierrister, Bolt
4 (A
tere Suprecie Copet,Notary Public
Ooveyno( O. eve, Alone( to
Ontesi k'ar,$3,s 0131ook,Exoter.
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc.,
OfflooSamwell'sBloeli nail sold °Rice.)
So1ic4Or tit the Suprome Court of Ontario,
ConvOtaxtepr, Ceisiniissioneri c..O. Speeial
attention given tg the collection of °lanes in
the. United States, 'Patents procured, inonoy S HALL
to loan at lowest rates. Odeli
icOpera ons° w
Blink $t Marys /Out
!The Toeonte Empire peeple claim to have
•got the bulk of their §200,000 capitel stock
SubliOribed for the paper &Ad hope t to begin
I operetione with the new yes,r. Mr Creighton
lie said to be ROW IR NOW York to buy ft 047,
000 press
ivIr. Trew, who is PA returned from the
NOrS11.We61,, ht‘Yfl, regarding the prospoot of
1. the Red River Ilailway, diet he is unable to
I sPealt definately of the prospects, but WAS Of
-- the impression that no more work would be
done upon it this year.
Win. Corbett, of Mesa, has a ouriosity in
the Shape of a pig, which was born with twn
boeies, eight feet, foar Omni and one head.
6Thoeulliao sdrise.e serphaer:nteiclsabsei nduiyusa, butoooiyj at nefew
at the
tilLLI0!1( (Sz' ELLIOT.
Boa:sisters, Solicitors, Notaries ,Public, Seating Capacity, 700.
My to Loan at Lowestalates of
coneConveyancers &c, &rt.
._,L, . 1,
oFricE: ovet 0VS Ban&
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Pamlesa Eltrachon.
Graduate of the Papal college of
Dental Surgeons a Ontario. Hay
inginruishod flue Deatal nooMel
on JAIIINS-ST., 2 Doors East df Corliral Hotel
Exeter, Ont., where I am prepared to perform
all branches of the Dente,/ profensionwith ease
A W11, -s7-37ffei-M.X.2...3ElT.,* 77-.a..M,OR.
use:din extracting teeth, Charges, Moderate;
Terms, Cash.
_LA. • • N, ,,
1887. JOHN * SONS
Publishers and Pr oPrletors
St. Marys.
Conaneo.-The , St. 1Vlarys' Curling
Club have elected the following officers:
Patron, Thoraas Ballantyne, 31,P.P.;
President, T. 0. Robson; vice-president
G. H. McIntyre ; representative mem-
bers, T. O. Robson, W D IVIeIntoshi
claaplain, Rev Alex Grant ; secretary-
• The pigeon shooting mateh held at
Hodgins' hotel here on 'Thursday Net
Was a most interesting event. Ten
erack shots of London contested
ten men of Exeter, at ten pigeon
Title math was a very close on
.tXotor marksmen winning by
CAPTAIN GEO. KEMP, treasurer, M. Levan ; council ot manage- Arun The Exeter gun clubepea
ment, Wm. Sommerville, Joseph OddY, highly of the warmer in whic
OCcurranees of the Past week Throughout
the Nelgliborliood in, a Concise lvorm.
V4th Tho Craig farm, on tb.s ilth est/cession el
s each. 111claillop, liasbeen sold to Mr. Moses Tian:nab
e, the. for the eune of 435,000. It contains 103 aeres.
three Mr, Wm. Corbett, of Brtnsley, gold a
k very sucking colt sired by "Western Sprague"
h the for the hansome sum of al.00. Mr Thos,
g the Ilay.of Ailso Craig, was the purehmer.
other, Klee Barbour, of $t. Merys, had her hand
badly burned while endeavoring to extinguish
firekindled by oil from an exploded lama.
The Mummy Pea is highly spoken of by
Perta County farmers who have grown it
thie eeasou. Ten lbs, brought 3C0 in re-
I elAD a bad cold on my lungs for two
years; everything 1 tried failed me till I got
Everest'sflough Syrup, and it cured me. -
Mrs. D, A.. Fraser. Parkhill P.0 -
Mr. D. R. Young, who has beee in the
employ of Messrs, Coed rk Ronnie at Bentsen
for some time past, has secured a goet!. eittia-
tion with the Loudon Furnitare Co.
Rev. George Elarvey, of Guelph, has with-
drawn his resigeation as pastor of St.
George's Chtirela, aud eouseeted to remein
for another year.
The Bishop of Huron ha e episoopal ep-
pointreente at Ridden at 11 m. on Thurs-
day, 20th inst., eud at St? Maga at 7 p. m.
the same day,
Eveeese's Liver Regulator workedewonder
on me and made me feat like a new man. -
Levi H.Slipper, Forest P.Ot
Mr. Sanas Weir, of the Royal ao t 1 ift
Seaforth, has cleared out his entire stook of
liquors and horeafter intends to conduct a
purely 'temperance hotel.
Mr. John G. Wilson, of Saforth, lies.sold
Silver Creek farm te Mr.F. Case forthe sum
of $6,000, and air. Wilson retains the residence
and ten acres of land adjoining it.
Some seoreligious nerson or persons en,
tared the basement of the Congregational
Immediate Relief
Cold in Head,
2Tot a Snuff, Powder or Irritating Liquid. Price
O ets. and $1.00. if not obtainable at your drug,
gists, sent prepaid on receipt of price. Addread
..EPLFORD et CO., Brockville, Ont
Samwell's rher Sho 9
. a •
Etraets Teeth witnoutepain, -natieTSnia7i'a )
by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold E.1, ev ne; tee BLOOM'
'Pilings and ,other dental
work the best possible. Goes
to Zourma on last Thursday in
each month. ,
ri LUTZ , D. M.,
o fuceat hisresidence Exeter.
• P .8 ,G raduateVictorlaUniyersity.Oftles
andir esidene e,D °mini° La b orator Exe ter
R. riYND14.1r, coroner for the
County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr.
I. Carling's store,EI:eter.
DE. J. A. ROLLINS, 1\1. O. P. S
13. Ofdco, Main St.Exeter.,Ont.Besiden
es aouser eeently occupied by P. McPhillips,
A Hastings Prop.
Shaving and Hair cutting in the latest styles
of the art.
Every attention paid to cutting
Ladies and Children's Hair.
Sure Thing
R.4 WOODRUFF, , —o—o—
Pernianently located 'n No. 1S0 FOR PURE PARIS GREEN
Qne, As . •tvenne, I,ondon, a few doors
east of PCS Office. •SPecial attention given to FOR GENUINE HELLIBORE .
diseaseo of the Eye, bad sight, audthe pros- FOR Ne 1 INSECT POWDER
ervation of -vision; rliseases of tho,Bar, ini- , •
paired hewing, anti. 'discharges from the ear; '
being a frequent ,cause of deafness; diseases '
dis..... Of the Throat, chronic innammation
of the NOfte, catarrh being a con:Mimi eause of
lehatatatlaeareangt , . ' ' '
tioneer for Hay, Stephen, and MeGilli-
/ray:Townships: Sales oondueted at moderate
oe-At Post-offlee.Oreditort, Ont.
T N" GILL, Auctioneer for the
si Townships offStephen, Hay and Usborne
and the Village of Exeter. All stiles promptly
attended, acid satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this office.
nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario
Veterinary College, Toron-
to, have
the treat
an office for
ment • of all
Animals, on
Exeter. si s
from a dis --- twice promptly
attended to:- Medicine for Horses CattleAc
always on hand:
Fishing Tackle
Call and Examine for Your-
"armors, iiiicaton
1/10NE1 TO LOAN AT 6 AND 61.
-TA- Per cent, $25,000 Private Funds. Pest
Leaning Companies represented. -zaza.m. MILLS.
Barrister, Exeter,
!THE WATERLOO s MUTUAL The undersigned would respectfully inform
=the community that they hay° le asedthe above
-L FIRE INSTJRANCE CO. ills for a term of years ; and will be pleased
to have, a call from all. The mill has recently
Established in 1863. been improved,hy the addttion of new mach.
HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO ON incry. It is the intention of-Vne subWribers to
o T. add a set of rolls as soon RS possible ; and all
combined, the •
TOToodb.aba Grist Mill
This compinv has been over Eighteen
years insuccessful operation in Western On-
tario,andsontinues to insrire againstioss or
damage by Fire Buildings,Meratiandise,Mtin-
ufactories,and sal °the r descriptions of linsur-
able property. Intending insurers have the
option of insuring on the Premium Note or
Cash System .
During the past ten years this Company
has Wailed 57,096 Policies, covering property
to the amount of 840,872,03B ; and paid inloss-
es alone$709,752,90
Asset8, $176,100.06, consisting of Cash
n B nk , GovernmentDeposit, and the mimes-
essed Premium Noteson handend in force. J,
W Weennx el D. Piessidet t. . Ther,on,
Secretary. 3.3 .,,Hreirms,Inspector. CHAS.
SNELL Agentfor Exeter and vicinity.
The Royal mail, Passenger and n'reight
Route between Canada and Great I3zitain and
leur, WS°
on the Lower St. Lawrenee and Bale des Cho,-
• , 'D ()Alpe ' s Store,
direct route between the West and ail points
New Brunswick Nova Scotia,
'P. E. Island Cape Breton, ' KIRKTON.
. Bermuda,
and 4anlaina• HE A.VY DRESS GOODS (new shades) 10c
' New and elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping'
nd Day Cars run on thrOtigh EXprOSEI trains, 17 lb NICrt SUGAR -- .. $1.00
Wjllbe secondto none in the west.
Gristing and Chopping Done
Fresh Oatmeal constantly on: hand for sale or
exchanged for oats.
J. A. IlioNEVIN,
July 14.] Props.
Paseeegers for Great Britain or the Conti-
nent by lewvieg Torouto at 0.30 Thurs-
day will join outward mail:steamer at Hall.
Mx a. In. Saturarty,
Superiet Tneerttor werehetise and Dock ac-
ceramodetion at Halifax for ehipment of grain
and g e novel merchandise.
Years of eXperiOnO0 11RV0 proved the INTBIL-
COLONIAL in connection with steamship
lino§ to and from London, LiYerpool and
Glasgow' to Halifax, to bo the quietest froiglat
route between Cadada and Groat Britain,
Information as to Passenger and Freight
rates can be had on application to
RolealleTn. MOODIE,
WesternFreight &Patisenger Agent
Rossin Mouse rilook,vork St. Toronto
Chief Sueentitmelen
Railway 0 to N. I3Nov leth, neee
A NICE TEA SETT (44 Pleoes) - $2.25
BEST LARDINE OIL, . 62c. gal
131b Fine Tea, for - - $1.00 •
8 Plugs Chewing Tobacco 25e.
— 0-0—
It will pay you to drive ten
miles to buy from 118.
Higliest Price for Butter and
C Myers ; honorary members, Jas Trow, jeeeeton owe assisted carryin
M.P., D A Robertson • auditors, James match to a successful. conclusion
ing no petty objections during the en-
tire afternoon. They were eleeted to
pay for the stepper which they did.
Without any hesitation, being well sat-
isfied with the result, although adverse
to their wishes An invitation was ex
tended by the London club to that of
Exeter to shoot a return, match in the
city soime dey not far distant. The
. . . •
Exeter club accepted the inv ita.tioa and
will shortly, visit London. Mr. llodgins
the genial proprietor of the Temperance
house at whiell the match took place,
le well worth a little eulogium. He did
everything to make the affair a success,
end he was not baffled in his attempt.
The supper perepared by the hostess of
the houwe hwduld have done credit to
the most pretentious of hotels.
A sudden. death occurred Fuller.
ton recently. Mr. W. H. Smith went
to the field to drive the cows home, and
falling down, suddenly expired. Hea.rt
•disease, produced by excitement, was
the cause of death. The funeral was
largely attended.
- A very sudden death occurred In tins
tovvriship %from heart disease on Thurs•
prisoner took the vvatch out of his day morning. Wire. Campbell, of
pocket and tossed it through an open the fifth concession, was sitting with a during service, and stole therefrom several
Church, Wingham, on Sunday eveumg last,
door into the hotel dining room and eqp of tea in. her haud taking her gents' overcoats and ladies' eixenlars
then showed signs of fight. breakfast, when very suddenly the cup The Fell Assizes for the County of Buren
promptly placed the muzzle of a renal- 'dropped from ber hand and she fell to will be held in Grodench, commencing 011
ver to his head and the man then quiet- the floor and died •without a word or Monday, Oct 24th, before Mr. Zueticenliose,
lY submitted. A loaded revolver and struggle. The deoeaso lady has been and those for Bruce, at Wv.iltertonet 'Oh the
the stolen watch and chain were found a, widow for some years and her family. 31st inst.
Francis. He was taken before P. M. the lumber business in Essex Centre. Aciernaair believe that Eyereste4" ougb.
upon him. He gave his name as Joseph are all grown up, her eldest son being
Noble Tuesday, and was remanded till She was 61 years of age and leaves a Syrup saved !sly life. -Jas. EirkpatificlitMer-
chaAnt,,.12orest P:O. Veen
identified the watch and chain as his. ctrcumstences.
worth of silks, eta, from Duncan &Dimon a
eew mornings ago burglars' eagle $10,0
the 25th. Mr. Biggs was present and highly respected family en
see -era -a nThere transpired a happy event at store, Mitchell, Oonstable Lusby pursued
tbem, but after interehanging helf a dozen
Chalmers, jun., Wm. AndreWs.
Doubtless, prompted by a feeling of
selfishness, and enmity toward those
who may choose to furnish items to
outside papers, a local print in last
week's issue refers, presumably, to your
bumble seribe in a childish way, accus-
ing us in, our squibs, of depreciating the
town. The editor is under a wrong im
presaion. The editor need not imagine
that because ontsicle newspapers con-
tain interesting, and important items a
week previous so their appearing in his
paper, that the town is being belittled;
it must be ye editor who suffers.
On the night of the 13th, or the
morning of the 14th, burglars went
through the residence of Edmund M.
Biggs, principal of the Parkhill High
School, and secured $12 In cash and a
gold watch, chain and seal, valued at
$130. Cards were sent out warning the
police throughout this district to be on
the lookout for the burglars. Lastnight
Chief 11/111er, of Strathroy, heard ot a
man trying to dispose of a watch at a
jewelry store there, and he went to look
him up. Lie ran across his man in
GofPs Hotel and arrested bine. The
Kirktore Itittchell last week. It wa.s the marr- reyolyer shots the thieves escaped, Waving
1,tige of Bikas Agusta, second daughter of the goods behind them.
1)r. Irving now sports a gig. It's real jta S. /Doppia, Esq., to Mr. J. T.
e An accident °warred just outisiaenthe fair
nobby tool a handsome Young farmer of grounds, St. Marys, on the eveningeSaae. elld-
onnlsy o
s Clara
aid and
d, and
ith his
he rail -
ng train
a sate
on, and
Miss Sterritt, dreesinakereenovv. mama ....WV4ge-taalc
pies -rooms in Mr. R. Robinson's house. the handsoMahiresidence or the
'Miss Hancock, of Toronto, ta at bride's parents, in the presence
present visiting et Mr. John Gourleys. a few of the most intimate file
1VIr. Joseph Bryans, tailor,has returned the contracting parties, with Mis
to the village after a residence of a and Mr. Total Coppin as bridesm
couple of years in Woodham. groomsman. After the marriage
Anaongst the improvements going on an excellent dinner was serve
in the village we might note a, new then the happy bridegroom w
frame house by Mrs. Davis, a storehouse blooming bride, were driven to t
by J. Doupe tge Co,, and a •commodious way station and took the event
poultry house by Mr. James Tufts. for the east. We wish them
Special meetings are now In progress return to their home in Fullart
in the Methodist churoh. Rev. 'SSelby, a happy, prosperous journey t
B.D., of Lucan, preached on Monday life.
and Tuesday nights, and on Thursday
and Friday nights Rev. Mr. Moir, of
Woodhane will preach.
Business at the creamery closed on
% Wednesday for this season. The satis-
faction given has been general and next
year an increased patronage, may be
expected. For the September make,
29c per lb was paid, being 4c more than
contract. There are at present upwards
of 200 tubs in the factory.
“Noiselessly as daylight comes back
when night is done" so noiselessly did
the occupants of the Kirkton hotel take
their departure from amongst us on
Monday night of last week. The
mourners are many, the losses ranging
anywhere from a mess of potatoes to a
top buggy. Who next ?
.Bnines.-Our town has presented an
unusually lively appearance during the
week. Grain has been marketed freely.
-When ere our town fathers going to
make a move in the direction of secur-
ing a better lighting system? Surely ,
we can put on the cloak of enterprise,
and support electric light with RS much
safety frena bankruptcy as can the ob-
scure town of St. Marys. What nee our
usually public-spirited citizens thinking
about anyhow? We are surprised at
the Advocate, the prime naover in all
public improvements, not .making
suggestion with reference to this mat-
Too MUCH TODDY.—A most amusing
occurrence transpired here last week.
A gentleman from the Scott Act county
of Huron, who has been working here
for some time had oecasion to go home
a few days since. Wishing to return to
work here, as soon as possible, he en.
gaged it rig and driver to bring him
hither.They arrived here about noon.
After dinner the mechanic, instructing
the driver to start for home, went to
work. When he returned to the hotel
in the evening he found that the driver
had been indulging rather freely during
the afternoon, and was still in town.
The horse was got ready and driver
placed in the rig and started off' He
had not gone far when the horse, buggy
and driver, et al went over a steep bluff.
The buggy was cohsiderably smashed,
but the driver end horse escaped with a
few marks. The outfit was returned to
the hotel stable, the buggy repaired,
and next mornitig the Mechanic owing
to his coachman not having recovered
trent the debauch was compelled to
drive him borne a distance or some
twenty miles.
A Million Cooks minted fri Canada
to nee imperial °rerun Tartar 13aking
Powder. It is perfection, and far superior
to all others,
Mr. Wm. Zent, who has' been rustica-
ting in 'Uncle Sam's' domain, for the
past few months is at home again.
Schooner, ‘Kolfage' commanded by Cap-
tain McDonald, which was driyen ashore
two weeks ago in the stortri is still em-
bedded in the sand about four feet
deep. Several tugs from G-oderich and
Saenla have tried to pull her out but
have not succeeded so far, When she
was driven ashore her upper deck was
loaded with lumber, but the storm
caused such e heavy sea, as to wash it
all off in a very short time, Quite R.
number of people visited the scene of
the wreck on Sunday.
Goan. Anotrern Tower. -Mr. Di Stein-
bach is having his house repainted,
1V1r. Chas. Whiteman is doing the work.
--OurLiterary entertainments are under
consideration'and in the course of a
few weeks an introductory concent may
be looked for- It is to be hoped that
t ae move in this direction will prove a
success. -Mr. D. Steinbach is again
running the tailoring business for all it
is worth. This department is under
the able manageinent of Mr. John Reid
of St. Cathermes, a man of twenty years
experience as a cutter an 1 fitter. Every
suit guaranteed to fit or no sale. Do
not forget the place, D. Steinbach, lithe
Old Established," Main st,, Zurich. -
Mrs. Peter White of the Sauble Line,
left on Wednesday to join her husband
-we de not know where—
AOCIDENT.-What might have proyea
a fatal accident occurred Monday eng.
last, the unfortemate man being Mr.
John. Devine, an employer of Mr. John
hatifeeeslielherharehxgrt `Heal!** Zflaal7
were thrown from their buggy,. Abu Otatia-
tely escaped serious injury, The vehicle was
a complete wreck.
The number of prisoners confined in Perth
county jail during the past year was 158, of
whom 136 were males, and 22 females. The
greatest number in jail at one time was 22.
In religion 36 were Roman Catholics, 50 Epis-
copalians; 29 Presbyterians, 29 Methodists,
and 14 other denominations.
Misfortunes never come singly. Mr. Tbos.
Geene, of St. Marys, had just nicely recover-
ed from injuries received by the kick of a
horse, when he slipped in getting over a
fence and pitched forward on his hand,
breaking the bones between the knuckles and
the wrist, from which he is again laid up.
Letters pasent have been issued. ineorpor-
ating Henry Sutton Moore, ofNorweile, County
Oxford; James aluirhead, of London; Thos
Martin, of Mount Forest; Edwin Tillson, of
Tillsonburg; James Douglas Moore, of St.
Mary's, and others, as the Canada Oatmeal
Milling Company, limited, with 'it capital of
STRATFORD, Oct. 14.-A passenger on No.
6 train aue here at 11;53 to -day, complained
to the conanotor shortly after leaving Toron-
to of feeling unwell. Upon returning on
his next round through the train, Conductor
Barton was surpritied at finding the passen-
ger dead. The corpse was taken off at
Melton and left in charge of the agent.
The intelligent compositor is again mak-
big life for the editor one long drawn-out
wail of anguish, Numerous eases have cora°
to light recently in whioh the enthusiastic
editor wrote, "The battle is now opened,"
and the compositor spelled. "battle" with an
"o," and all the political heelers and bum-
mers crowded into the editor's saint= to
take a drink with him.
While boring for water en the farm of
Aogus Courtney, near Courtwright, a vein et
ups:Lit:ad' f goer s itweraaps as:or:aka, and all Thursday
nicht sand and gravel wele thrown to siheiglA
of tiftY foot above the well, covering the
Following are the newly elected officers Of
In() Perth Teachers' A.ssociation :-- Mr j W
Laird, of St,Mary's, President; Miss Ross, Vice
President; Mr. R. Stewart, Secretary; Exec-
utive Clon4raittee, Messers T, O'flagn., W. W.
Tsh. oxinirpenotitrickM.ies T. RIO7, OLUIR, W. Leith, J.
Mr. Wade, Secretary oftho Ontario Agrieu-
turel aud Atts Assooiatien, has notified Seere-
tary Kains that the Provincial Show of 1888
will in all probability be held at St. Thomas,
ehoeld. the &rectors of tho Southern Counties
Fair A.fieeelittien Bee 61 10 make the necessary
improvements in outbuildings at a cost of
93,000, .
A very painful e.oeident happened to John
Simmone, eon of Mr. Charles Simmons, of
Wroxeter. Ho was working in Elarriston on
Wednesday for Mr. Nelson, nenl was in the
itet of putting the collar on one of the norses
when it turned and bit him in the face mak-
ing a fearful gash from the lip to the t'emple,
alinost destroying the sight of the eye.
Mr, Dittman Eenneay, of Manion, lost a
horse under rather peoriliar eircumstancesthe
other day. The animal was apparently in
the heSt of healthtWhen it il upper jaw beeetne
paralyzed. la a few days --being unable t9,
eat --the poor brute was in a dying condition.
A bullet put an. end to its safferings. A
\rated:eery pronounced it a ease of lookauw.
Thera is a great WO crop this year, if
oertaiu other products are slightly off. Nut
bearing timber is a good thine., to have and
preserve in the country, and if looked well
after makes a fair yeady return, with nute at
from $2 to $3 a bushel. 11 you have a piece
of land unfit for anything else, set walnuts in
it. They will thrive without ease, grow while
you sleep, yield a yew:1y crop of nuts and be
any time at a premium as timber.
Arthur Fryce, a barber, of Luoan. 1722
enjoying a quiet game of cards with Thomas
Anderson the ether day. lEfe claims that
Anderson played the tricks of Ah Sin, andhe
rose in. his wrath, seized the stakes, and pro-
ceeded to mark his disapproval of Anderson's
conduct on his head with a poker. The latter
ceuld not see the joke in this, and. caused
Frye° fo be arrested by Detective Graham to
answer a charge of assault and wounding.
Squire Peters accepted hail for his appearanee
on Friday next,
Mr. T. A. Evans, who lives on the Proof
Line Road three miles north of St. John's,
met with what may prove a fatal accident en
the farm of James A. Glen, on the 4th eon-
eeseion of London To wnebip, Saturday evening
He had been assisting the latter gentleman
to thrash during the day. Toward. evening
an extra head of steam. was put on. to enable
them to finish thrashing the crop. The boil-
, at apes a4,444,,,nile, however, and being linable
,standing' rutertrat'evfeelakVi'braily!ta was ha-wrleal
against a post with such force 'tie to 'break
three ribs and otherwise injure him. ' For-
tunately no one else was hurt. The injured
man was cared for, but is still in a prebarious
condition. '
Mr. Wm. Amos of Brinsley came very near
losing a valuable two year old colt on Satur-
day last. It appears Mr. Amoshad takenthe
pump out of the cistern and covered the hole
with a board which the colt pawed off and got
its front feet in and the planks on 'the well
which were not nailed slipped aide and let
the colt into the well. Fortunately Mr. Amos
saw the accident and ran to its assistance, he
managed to keep Its head above water till
help was procured, when it was drawn out
apparently not much worse for its bath.
Two Luean hotels, of the four Once doing
business, havedosed their doors and looked
their barns to the public. A gate bars en-
trance now to the Queeu's Hotel archway.
and the buildiug is oeenpied solely as the
private residence of the family of the owner,
Mr. Sohn O'Donolme, and the office of Doc-
tor Sutton. The Royal Hotel closed also on
Monday, boards being nailed across the open
shed, and a lace put on the barn door, the
proprietor, Mr. 1. Hodgins announcing that
the Royal from henceforth is not a public
houceabut the private residence able family.
Others will follow suit.
On Tuesday evening as Mr. Wm. Walsh, a
Biddulphfarmer, whose farm is about one
mile west of Lucan, wile returning from the
village, he was caught at the first concession
crossing of the let. T. R. by the mixed train
going east and instantly killed. He and a
neighbour, named Harlton, were in company
walking down the track and as they petered
Mao oonceision they eseied the mixed approach
ing, concluding to reaeh the road ahead of
the train. They ran, Harlton succeeded, but
in crossing the cattle -guard Walsh fell iu and
while endeavoring to escape, the engine thun-
dered along severing the poor fellow's head
with its wheels. After the train passed the
body was found a few rods up the track where
f it was dragged; the train hands not showing
!signs of knowieg what had happened. The
shock produced by the news of his death a
little later can be better imagine& than des-
cribed. He was unmarried, 39 years of age,
and was the only support and comfort of a
widowed mother, for whona in her great trial
, the synapathy of the emmtry is felt. The
funeral took place Thnrsday to St. James'
Centel e 7. leaving the house at 10:30 o'clock
under the conauetion of Luoan L. 0. L. No.
662, of which he was a member. It was
largely attended, -
A Gonnwert ExonANEttc Skrs :-An hater-
estirtg event took place at St George's church
on Wedneeday of last week, when two
daughters of our townsman, Mr. Stephen
Ball, were joined 'in Hymen's beds -the
elder, Rebecca Andrews, to Mr. John Me-
Agtleur, of Heesall, and the younger, Mary
Sane, to Rev. J. H, Dyke, of Henfryn. The
ceremony was perforinea by Ilev. Sohn A.
Ball, of Poet Rotvan, brother of the brides,
essieted by Rev, W. A. Young, rector of St.
Georg/eat, (toderich. The greonismen Were
Mr. Robert Unlit, of Kippen, and Rev. A. K.
Birks. of Guelph, and the bridesmaids wan
Miss Jessie McArthur, of ilensall, and Mtge
Bunn Dyke, of Hamilton, The brides tvere
arrayed in brown eatin trimmed 'with silk
plush, end the bridesmaids were attired in
(wet= nun's veiling, with lace to reateh and
bouquets of forget-nots. The veils worn
by the brides wete of white tulle with orange
blots:4°ms, and the travelling dresses were of
grey costume cloth with hats to ,matob,
'There were abottt forty-five gueets preeent at
the wedding breakfast, The brides were the
recipients 61 a large nnmber of valuable end
hendsome gifts. The hrippy couples left by
Mao aftettioon train -Mr, and aim. McArthur
for Elemilten, and Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Dyke
t for Pletifryn.
A couple of burglars forced an entrance
into the residence of Mr. John. Whalen, of
Adare on Monday morning, and ranacked
Mao lower part of the house, the family sleep-
ing up stair. They took about $100 and a
few valuable trinkets. They then sat down
to supper, helping themselves to the best in
t'ue house and then vrent away leaviug the
door and Window open. the family did not
know of the visit until next morning.
Tha Strathroy Presbytery having examin:
ed and carefully considered the grievenoes
of the Rev. T. MePherson against the Bev.P.
Wright, also the staten3ent and request of
Mr. Wright to the Presbytery, dismisses said
grievances as vexatious and ezpresses its
jadgement that there has been notbing in
Mao character or conduct of Mr. Wright on
which a (large could be based. They there.
Reith of Blake. Mr. I.), was hauling a ffiodreenrceetlienwMthre,irWPrir:hvitlittgPriretyada%ridaOtherit
load of empty bbls. to Blake and when lien character.
opposite Mr. J. Galster's, a mile east of A gentleman who was recently married
here, a barrel by some means fell off the in Canada applied to the Treiteary Depart -
load, striking the horses' heels, which ment to allow his wedding gifts to be admit-
settisureteodftthneemnotrosreustitnawreawy.x`rrhpeovsilindedoeffn ted to the States free of duand household effects of a person arrty, as the peesonel
he received very severe nternal uur-
the United States. The department held
lying in
the load onto the hard road, from Which
,,,Tsosh. nsno:inwaans upniceoknesdiouu5p6obnydit wrion.i..ttnleit. boon in use for less than a weer they were
tchloactkass, decorted china and silverware had
Mao household effecte such as vasee,
when restorativee were applied, and gument in fayor of Cosubject to duty, aud only the real and per -
convoyed to Dr. Buchanan's
consciousnese recovered. Elle Wounds sena effeets are exempt from duty. Another
were dressed. aud word sent
10 his
fummercial Union.
friend at Blake, who came for him about Mr, James Hagan, a farmer residing on the
About seven o'elock on Wechiesday etrening
three hears after the accident occurred, 10th bete of lelorniegton, loft Spahr's hotel
At last accounts be was doing favorably hehiandwi
grist iet,ndatarteg°t
l waogfsaliti,n whichfott rbie
under the circumstances. home near Carthege, about 8 miles distant.
About throe heart afterwetele word. was
On Tuoklay morning's train going berth brotight to that village that he had driven or
was Mr. John MoDonell, of Hensel', who was allowed his loam te von ibto a gully besiao
itt puranit of a mini who had left the pre- the turnpike, whereby his waggon WRS urn
ohms day leaving a little account with Mr, set and he had been instantly killed, by hie
ateDonell impaid. The /Skipper Was ()aught hetta coming under the hub of 'the waggon-
MIV011 InilOS from Wiegliam and be paid the wheel. tte was 45 years of age tOnd wee
money. -Blyth Standard.
much respected by a large cuele of friends.