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Clinton News-Record, 1979-03-15, Page 21
Mti#5 M PROGRAM SCHEDULE March 15 to March 21 EXCLUSIVE TO SIGNAL -STAR PUBLISHING THURSDAY, MARCH 15 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "RED GARTERS". Rosemary Clooney-Jack Carson. Off- beat casting in musical Western spoof tied to a story of gunfighter's, revenge. 5:30 THE NEWLYWED GAME EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 N.B.C. NEWS 7:00 BEWITCHED 7:30 BEST OF GILLIGAN'S ISLAND 8:00 LITTLE WOMEN 9:00 QUINCY 10:00 MRS. COLUMBO 11:00 NEWS 11:30 T©NIGHT SHOW 1:OOA MOVIE: "ABAN- DON SHIP". Tyrone Power - Mail Zetterling. Survivors of luxury liner disaster face problem of overloaded lifeboat. Officer in command orders weak set adrift. When wounded he follows order. 3:00 A MOVIE: "EVERY MAN A KING". Pier Angeli-William Berger. Events and emotional climate of Israel at the time of the, Six Day War as seen through the eyes of a newspaperman and so constructed by his wife through tapes he recorded before his death. 5:OOA MOVIE: "IN SEARCH OF AMERICA". Vera Miles -Carl Betz. A family searches for con- temporary values in today's fast-moving world. FRIDY, MARCH 16 AFTERNOON 4:00. MOVIE FIVE: "ON MOONLIGHT BAY". Doris Day -Gordon MacRae. In- diana prior to World War - I: Young lady with penchant for baseball and singing falls in love with youth who believes it's foolish to sing songs and baseball is trivial pastime. 5:30 THE NEWLYWED GAME EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 N.B.C. NEWS 7:00 BIONIC WOMAN: "THE DEJON CAPER". Rene Auberjonois. Jaime travels to Parish with art forger Pierre Lambert to trap a master criminal and recover missing valuable paintings from him. 8:00 DIFF'RENT STROKES 8:30 1-IELLO, LARRY 9:00 BROTHERS' & SISTERS 9:30 TURNABOUT 10:00 SWEEPSTAKES 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW 2:30A MOVIE: "ANNA Ci-);RISTIE". Greta Garbo - Marie Dressler. A lonely Swedish prostitute battling both her past nd the sea for the men she loves - her father and her lover. 5.:OOA MOVIE: "YOUNG & THE WILLING". Samantha Egger -Ian McShane 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "THE Potential scholastic genius, SPY KILLER". Robert whose parents sacrifice, Horton -Jill St. John. Private everything to send him to eye, seeking evidence in a college, where he proceeds divorce case, is arrested for to have an affair with a murder. His release is professor's wife and inad arranged on the condition he vertently causes the death of look for a mysterious his .roommate who idolizes notebook containing the him. names of secret agents in China. 5:30 THE NEWLYWED GAME 2:00. NCAA BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS - REGIONAL FINALS EVENING 6:00 NEWS 5 AT SIX 6:30 HEE HAW - George Jones 7:30 GONG SHOW 8:00 CHIPS 9:00 BJ AND THE BEAR 10:00 ROCKFORD FILES 11:00 NEWS 5 AT ELEVEN 11:30 MILLION $ MOVIE: "THE QUIET MAN". John Wayne -Maureen O'Hara. Irish -American pugilist, who killed a 'man in the ring, returns to Ireland for peace and quiet, but instead he gets romance and very little peace. 2:OOA FIVE STAR THEATRE: "THE RISING OF THE MOON". Cyril Cusack -Noel Purcell. Dif- ferent stories about Ireland and its people. SUNDAY, MARCH 18 MORNING 6:45 DAVEY & GOLIATH 7:00 OPEN CAMERA 7:30 CARTOON CARNIVAL 8:00 REX HUMBARD 9:00 ORAL ROBERTS 9:30 TELEVISED MASS 10:00 ABBOTT & COSTELLO 10:30 LITTLE RASCALS 11:00 COMEDY CLASSICS : "SHE DONE HIM WRONG". Cary Crant-Mae West. Story centers around dance hall -saloon in the Gay Nineties. AFTERNOON 12:30 MEET THE PRESS 1:00 NCAA BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS REGIONAL FINALS 5:00 IRONSIDE VENING 6:00 NEWS 5 AT SIX 6:30 WILD. WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS 7:00 GREATEST HEROES OF THE BIBLE 8:00 WORLD OF DISNEY 10:00 WEEKEND 11:00 NEWS 5 AT ELEVEN 11:30 CINEMA FIVE: "THE PLEASURE SEEKERS". Ann -Margret -Carol Lynley. Three American girls, sharing an apartment in Madrid, are bent on love and marriage. MONDAY, MARCH 19 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "THE DEATH OF ME YET". Doug McClure -Darren McGavin. Man trained to be a top Russian spy in America, defects when he is listed as dead in a plane crash. He changes his name and moves to the midwest but the Russians learn he is alive and try to kill him. EVENING ! 6:00 NEWS 6:30 N.B.C. NEWS ' 7:00 BEWITCHED 7:30 MUPPETS 8:00 LITTLE HOUSE 9:00 N.B.C. MOVIE: "FATHER BROWN, DETECTIVE". 11:00 NEWS 31:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW UESDAY, MARCH 20 AFTERNOON SATURDAY, MARCH 17 MORNING 6:30A BUFORD AND THE GALLOPING GHOST 7:OOA FABULOUS FUN- NIES 7:30A ,BAY CITY ROLLERS 8:OOA YOGI'S SPACE RACE 8:30A THE FANTASTIC FOUR 9:OOA GODZILLA SUPER, 90 10:27A METRIC, MARVELS 10:30A DAFFY DUCK 11:00A THE NEW FRED AND BARNEY SHOW 11:30A THE JETSONS 12:OON SOUL TRAIN AFTERNOON 1:00 DAKTARI - Diamond Smugglers Got something to say? lot ovoryOno know WRITE A LETTER - TO THE EDITOR EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 N.B.C. NEWS 7:00 BEWITCHED 7:30 SHA NA NA SHOW 8:00 CLIFFHANGERS 9:00 BIG EVENT. "THE LEGEND OF THE GOLDEN GUN". 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "PRETTY POISON". An- thony Perkins -Tuesday Weld. Young man on probation after serving time in a correctional institution lives in a fantasy world. Imagining himself a CIA agent, he goes about spying on those he fancies his enemies and enlists a young girl' to help him who proves to be .a cold-blooded mur- deress` who donvinces the police that he is the mur- derer and a disillusioned man returns to prison. 5:30 THE NEWLYWED GAME EVENING' 6:00 NEWS • 6:30 N.B.C. NEWS 7:00 BEWITCHED 7:30 FAMILY FEUD 8:00 SUPERTRAIN 9:00 N.B.C. NOVELS "STUDS LONIGAN".' Conclusion 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 MIDNIGHT SPECIAL voice'VANASTRA. theby S. Jeroineit ld M.1Dunsmo e Sharon's recipe corner by Sharon Jerome Pork Chops Creole 6 pork chops green pepper and onion 1 can tomato rice soup 1/2 can water 1/8 tsp. whole thyme ' In skillet, brown pork chops. Pour off drippings. Sprinkle chops with salt and pepper. Place sliced onion and green pepper on each chop. Pour soup and water over this and sprinkle with thyme. Cover and cook 45 minutes over low heat. Stir often. Bran Muffins 1/4 cup shortening 1/2 cup brown ,sugar (packed) 6 tbsp. honey (or corn syrup) 2 eggs 1 cup milk 11/2 cups natural bran 1 cup flour 11/2 tsp. baking powder 3/4 tsp. baking soda 3/4 tsp. salt two-thirds cup raisins one-third cup desiccated coconut one-third cup chopped nuts. Cream shortening and sugar. Add all remaining ingredients as you measure them - honey, eggs, milk, bran, flour, baking powder and soda, salt, raisins, coconut and nuts.Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. Yield 16 muffins. Helpful Hints Here are some suggestions that might come in handy in a pinch but ones that we should NOT live by daily. (Ready for a chuckle ladies?) If the house is a mess and guests phone at the last minute to say they are on their way, these are a few tricks for making the house orderly in secofids. Here we go! In the livingrooln, stick all litter under couches and chairs. Shake out throw rugs and place them over dirty spots in the carpet. Wrap a towel around your arm and slide it quickly over table tops, etc. In the kitchen, stack the dirty dishes in the cupboards; wipe off counters; sweep the dirt off the floor into the broom closet. Set. • out coffee cups, dishes, or the necessities for en- tertaining so you won't have to open cupboards to reveal your secrets. Close the curtain around the bathtub after putting the dirty clothes in the tub. Close the bedroom doors. Sit back and wait for the doorbell to ring! That's happening in the community Mini Teen Clubs We meet every Thursday after school from 4-5 p.m. Crafts and various activities for children 7-11 years old take place at this time. This month's project is puppetry. Library: We will be opening. our paperback exchange library soon, If you have any paperbacks that you are willing to donate, please bring them to the Centre any time during office hrs. (Mon. -Fri. 9:00-12:00 and 1: 00 to 5:00) . Information Centre Every Wednesday afternoon the "Ladies Afternoon Crafts Club" meets at 1:30 p.m. at A-4 of townhouses. Various projects are underway. Mrs. Gloria Allaway is teaching applique quilting and the ladies are learning how to make the individual blocks, then how to make up the quilt. This week we hope to put the quilt on the frames. It is not too late to join. If you would like further information, please call 482-9707. Ceramics, needlepoint, macrame and other crafts are also enjoyed by many ladies. Everyone is welcome to come. Social News Our deepest sympathy goes out to Mrs. Ruby Fulcher and family after the loss of a husband and father, Mr. Frank Fulcher recently. There will be no Cubs, Brownies, Guides or Scout meetings in the week of March 19th due to the March break. There will be no Nursery School next week during the March break but it will resume the following week. Our deepest sympathy is extended to Sharyn Kyle in the loss of her grandfather, Mr. Elmor Doner of Richmond Hill. Church news Everyone is welcome to attend the 11 o'clock service at the Vanastra Christian Reformed Church and Sunday Trip to the Ice Capades On March 10th the Brownies, Cubs, Guides , and Scouts attended the Ice Capades in London. The bus left the Vanastra Recreation Centre at 2 p.m. and we arrived at the London Gardens about 3:30 p.m. isle show started at 4 p.m. and from all reports, was enjoyed by all. When the show ended at 6 p.m. we left to travel on to MacDonalds for supper, and returned to Vanastra just shortly after nine with a group of very tired children. Thank you to June Tomkins for driving the bus. All the leaders were very proud of the way the children looked and how they behaved them- selves. Kippen WI Vera McNichol will speak By Rene Caldwell Kippen East WI will meet at the home of Mrs. Vern Alderdice,on March 21 at 8:30 p.m. Roll call is "Name an article I threw in the dump and wished I hadn't". Speaker for this Cultural Activities meeting is Mrs. Vera McNichol. There will be an auction and Mrs. Campbell Eyre is lunch convenor. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Don Upshall on the birth of a son. on Feb. 28. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jackson' have returned from a winter holiday in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMurtrie have returned from Mexico. Mrs. Stewart Pepper is conducting class on Needlepoint. The first meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Dave Triebner on Monday March 5, and the second on Thursday, March 8 at the home of Mrs. M. Connolly. Nine ladies are taking the course. Wedding bells are continually ringing in the Kippen area. Audry McClennan is to be the bride of Brian Triebner. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald +++ Most commercially frozen vegetables are frozen within six hours of picking. You can't get much fresher than thatt, Food specialists at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture •and Food suggest you serve lots of "fresh" vegetables this winter. Choose from frozen peas, corm carrots and mixed vegetable's. Moffatt entertained Brian's neighbours to honour the bride on February 23. A pleasant social evening of bingo and euchre was enjoyed. Mrs. Lorne Thompson entertained the relatives and friends numbering 35 .on Thursday March 8 and a shower was given to Audry McClennan. Some contests and games were played. Margaret Burkhart gave a timely address while Kimberley Hickson, Jennifer Triebner, Robert Thompson presented the gifts. Mrs. Frank Wright has returned from hospital in London. Archie Parsons is a patient in Exeter hospital., he Church Kestaurant Cor. Brunswick & Waterloo Stratford, Ontario Live Orchestra Every Friday and Saturday Night DiningandDancing Lunch A wide selection of A la carte dishes for a quick business lunch or,more elaborate items to linger and savor. Dinner Relax and enjoy a memorable dinner, the fresh Halifax lobster are at their best. Have you tried our escargot in cream, parsley and garlic butter sauce? Week Nights (Tues., Wed. & Thurs.) we feature a fixed price menu -- 3 courses and coffee $8.75 (children $4.50). Friday and Saturday night dance to the Ken Varley Trio and enjoy our superb food. What better way to spend a winter evening. • "The menus - including brunch - are ever changing and never disappointing." Diane & Lynn Brooks LJonden Free Press Oct. 27, 1978 "Only In Stratford you say? That's right, however no cause to say "pity". An autumn Sunday In the tranquil and handsome community that Includes brunch at The Church Is pure pleasure." Wlnetorl' Collins Toronto Sunday Star Oct. 8, 1978 Please phone for reservations (519) 273.3424 Tuesday to Friday Lunch 1:00- 2:00 Sunday Brunch Tuesday to Saturday Dinner 6:00 on Licensed by L L B 0 rP- School at 10 a.m. Yes, there will be a Come Alive Club on Tuesday, March 20th at 7:30 p.m. Instead of regular programs, we are showing a film called "Easter Is". All boys and girls are very welcome to come. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1979—PAGE 21 Public school active Some of the events coming up at the Vanastra Public School include: March 14th, parent -teacher in- terviews were scheduled; March 16th, skating at the arena from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Everyone is invited. March 19th, the winter break begins and March 26th starts the third term of school. Did you know... On Feb. 1st the Health Unit immunized everyone for polio and grades 1 and 5 for TB; on Feb. 22nd we had our public speaking contest. Pam Brownridge won first -prize, Jo Ann Ber- nard won second prize and ,. Karen Gonie won third prize. On February 23rd the Health Unit was here to do the dental program and to do some vision testing and on February 27th, Pam Brownridge took second prize at the Legion public speaking contest in Clinton. We are all very proud of her. On February 28th the Grades 4 and 5 and 5 and 6 pupils went on a snowshoe trek to the Goderich area. They were photographed and appeared on the 11 o'clock news from Wingham and Kitchener. On March 2nd our boys and girls were treated to GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS 1/4 / � TERMS ANNUAL PAYMENTS Rates Subject to Change without notice John Wise General Insurance Guaranteed Investments 5 Rattenbury St., Phone 482-9644 Clinton, Ont. Res. 482-7265 three short films. This was their "Day of the Month" reward for January. On March 5th we held our annual kindergarten registration and on March 7th we had Mr. Hingley take school pictures. Rec. centre news The Winter program at the Vanastra Recreation Centre_ for swimming lessons and fitness classes is winding down this week after a suc- cessful 10 -week session. Recreation swim times will remain the same until the new spring program begins on April 9. s ,w During the March break, March 19th until 24th special recreation swim times will be held from 3 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. So if the children are finding they have nothing to do, send them swim- ming for the afternoon. At bingo on Tuesday night March 6, 114 people attended. The first share - the -wealth of $68 was won by Heather Hart, Clinton while second of $70 was wonby Wilma McMicheal, Clinton and third of $72 went to Jean Parsons, Staffa. The jackpot was shared by Terry Gibb, Clinton and Colleen Barnard, Vanastra who each won $100.00. Don't forget the Lions Spring Frolic at the Vanastra Recreation Centre on Friday, April 6. Music is by Joe Overholt and the Standbys and tickets are $10 a couple and are available from Debbie's Custard Cup, Recreation Centre and any Lions member. Clinton court In Clinton court on March 7 the following received fines: Randy Castle, careless driving, $128; Kirby Dellar, minor having liquor, $54; Christopher Middleton, liquor available, $54; Kevin Paterson, liquor available, $104; Stephen Seymour, ' liquor' available, $54. *CABLE 12 LISTINGS * Wednesday 7:00 p.m. * • "Simply Sports s* "I'11 be Seeing You * with Stan Profit • Monday Night Lions TV Bingo Thursday Is Special Night. Each week is a different show.* with Doug Fisher DIRECTLY FOLLOWED BY: 11 11 * * * "Easy Listening with Grant Ellison * * * "Best'of Friends" with Eleanor and Warren Robinson "Bluewgter Special" with Fred Salter * "Foxy's Friends" with Ronnie Varga * * **'*'********'*'*****'* LUXURIOUS LISTENING! FROM OPTONICA IN TUNE WITH THE FUTURE High Fidelity FM Stereo /FM/AM, Receiver OPTONICA SA -4141C 65 Watts per channel, RMS • Advanced Solid State Design (65 Watts per channel, minimum RMS, at 8 ohms from 20Hz to 20kHz with no more than 0.09% total harmonic distortion) • Air Check Calibrator • Advanced FM Front End Design • Automatic Protection'Circuit •, Dual Tape Inputs with Dubbing • Dual Phono Inputs • Output Jacks for Stereo Headphones MANUFACTURER'S SUGGESTED LIST =699. To complete your stereo system... we hove BOSE SPEAKERS and SOMA SPEAKERS NOW JUST • FM Muting Swj;tch to Eliminate Inter-Station-li otai '' • Audio Muting Switch for Instant -Volume Reduction by 20dB • 41 -Position Click Volume Control • 60B/oct. Low Cut Filter and 6dB/oct. High Cut Filter • Loudness Contour Switch • Stereo/Mono Mode Switch • Speaker selector (B/OFF/A/A+B) • Large Flywheel Tuning and Equally Spaced Frequencies X499. WHILE STOCK LASTS ONLY! 215 VICTORIA ST. CLINTON 482-7021 •