HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-03-15, Page 191I1 sib 01/4u ._.,,1.. 131. rin CG r,. to WARRINGTON- GPA ue Jr fs 38)(''31!81 .M Yw 17. Auction sales 17. Auction sales AUCTION SALE , of 100 acres of land and complete line of farm equip- ment for $ AND W OPERATIONS 11/2 miles east of Dungannon or 10 miles Northeast of Goderich on Thur- sday. March 22. 1979 at 1 p.m. EQUIPMENT MF 70 tractor loader backhoe, MF 1130 cab and duals, MF 135 gas c/w MF 100 loader (1400 hrs.), MF 17 run No. 33 grain drill (1 yr. old), Bush hog 10' off set disc (1 yr. old), MF 12' No. 36 swather. MF 510 combine c/w pickup, Smith 9' double auger snowblower (1 yr. old), 13' triple •K cultivator with harrows, 2 - new turnco V boxes c/w 9 °ton George White wagons, hay elevator, 7' black blade, deluxe tractor cab (fits almost any tractor) VEHICLES 1970 Ford LTD 2 - 17.000 miles, 1976 AMC Gremlin - 24,000 miles, 2 -motorbikes, 10 HP electric riding mower (1 yr. old) MISCELLANEOUS Cement mixer, electric motors, chain saw, tools, 3/4. drive set etc. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Pool tables, T.V., washer and dryer, table and chairs, living room furniture. bunk bods, etc. PROPERTY Located at North half of Lot 22 Concession 8 Township of West Wawanosh - 100 acres with 70 acres workable. Selling with reserve 10% down day of sale balance in 60 days. TERMS; Cash day of sale. Auctioneer: Gordon H. Brindley 519-529-7970. AUCTIONEERS AND OWNERS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR AC- CIDENTS DAY OF SALE. eirm'm , adi,se`/ �JYtsaria/et BANKRUPTCY AUCTION We've been instructed by Glenn B. Diegel & Co. Ltd., Trustees and Bankruptcy to sell by public auction all construction and building materials of Smith Concrete and Building Supply Ltd., of Kincardine. ON Saturday, March 24, 1979 AT 10:30 a.m. IN THE HURON RIDGE INDUSTRIAL BUILDING Sale consisting of approximately 535,000.00 of building materials, supplies and office furniture. OFFICE EQUIPMENT: executive office suite, desk, credenza and chair, upholstered arm chair, hall tree, secretarial desk, Olympia electric typewriter, Cannon electronic calculator, Econex lateral 2 drawer file, Eco,nex upright storage cabinet, assorted office ac- cessories, double pedestal office desk, billing machine, addressograph; coffee percolator, 1 Colven hot drink dispenser, fabric room divider. BUILDING MATERIALS: 653 bags of dry wall finishing lime, plaster of Paris, laminating compound, calcium chloride, cement, 1127 sheets assorted sheetrock gypsum panel, plaster board, styrospan, 240 rolls and bundles poly roof starter, polyethylene, fiber expansion joint, block lock, 76 bundles insulation, 128 - 21/2" wide leg steel track (10' long pieces), 210 - 21/2" x 8' steel stud, ten 10' bundles drip flashing, 20 - 8' pieces valley flashing, 228 pieces angle iron (assorted lengths), 1 steel rectangular tubing 3)' x 6" x 6', five 12' resilient furring channel,. 37 bundles sound attenuation, 169 pieces roof vents, 3 cast iron fireplace dampers, 131/2 cartons ac- oustic tile and ceiling tile, 341/2 assorted cartons cross ties, main ties, wall ties, 62 pieces assorted lengths, 14 - 8' ridge vent -case and ventaridge caps, 180 boxes arrow staples (T50-5-16), 12 rolls perfatape, 3 boxes Sternson concrete harden fast, 30 - 500 sq. ft. rolls slumgard reflective insulation 36", 6 pieces corrugated tubing, 42 rolls S drywall sandpaper 4" x 50 yds., 4 rotary poker controls, 44 5 Ib. cartons drywall joint system, 30 chimney and fireplace cleanouts, 98 - 1 gal. plastic roof cement, 50 assorted gal. sizes sealers, adhesives, mortar, foundation coatings, 42.5 gal. roof coating, 5 rolls No. 2 sheathing paper, 63 I oz__ tubes panel roof coating, 5 rolls No. 2 serfacrete 157 pieces mold, lath corner, drywall corner, • wire lath, 50 rolls plastic shuting 6" x 36" x 150', 1 roll 22 mi. chicken wire, 3 rolls plastic edge 12" x 100', 4050 lbs. 11/4" nails, 800 lbs. 1" nails, 150 lbs. assorted nails, 14 assorted skids cement blocks, 33 assorted skids paving stone, 361/2 skids assorted face brick, 81/2 skids gold concrete face brick and fire brick, 23 - 4" chimney caps, 20 cement door sills, 2 - 1 rise concrete steps, 73 • concrete window sills, 2 skids clay flue tile 6" x 8", 281 assorted flue tile, skids tapers, 3 skids sash block 8", 150 - 4' x 4' wood pallets, 33 assorted chimney caps, 114 assorted tar paper, crete door steps, 20 rolls heavy tar paper, shingles, etc., 11 double chimney caps, 6 co281/n2- skids and pallets assorted asphalt shingles, 5 heatilators, 2 preformed fireplace units, 1 pallet dowel black asphalt shingle. SMALL TOOLS: 35 pieces assorted cement finishing tools, 2 pool pouches,1 hand sprayer, 1 - 5 gal. gas container, 1 vacuum cleaner, 1 carpet sweeper, 2 drywall forklift wedges. TERMS: Cash - NO reserve. £?ez,h5e// � .Jt AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPF#AISEiI16 77 MAIN ST. • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1 WO (519) 1527-1456 • GENCy EON, r."=, eal, ots',- ar: Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR Every Thursday HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALE Sat., Mar. 17-11 a.m. Brindley Machinery Auction, Dungannon. Tues. Mar. 27 - 1 p.m. John Deere combine, truck and trailers, tractors, machinery, etc., 412 miles east Londesboro for Don McGregor. Sat. March 31, - Farm machinery, tractors, household effects etc. for Lloyd Sowerby, 4 miles north of Bayfield on Hwy. 21. Tues. April 3, 1 p.m. Modern tractor and machinery for John Goovers, 1 mile south Crediton. Cnly� rcau Oalc exp. Froure spa'1. Ali) Cgll• MIRE DR L `�,,Aaerp, 6 �. 1 Sf 7 S 11 .Bidsisquui BOOKKEE 'T ! s9 e 1 OM the Ayns WM.'" /10'1$1. MOW. Wu I'1 F s 8 ° pt rfyn, It v Q.._ %cul± TNI.. %r ar» YRI 18. Services available 18. Services available 18. Services available WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER • & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 _ JIM: 527-Q771_ Custom Slaughtering and Processing Kill Day Wedne,da} 7j9"PUERtlEit'S DASHWOOD 237-3677 AUCTI • N SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 17 at 11 a.m. AT BRINDLEY SALES YARD DUNGANNON, ONT. Over 60 tractors and 100 pieces of equipment MORE CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED FOR DETAILS CALL BRINDLEY AUCTIONS 529-7970 Clearing Auction Sale Truck, trailers, self propelled combine, three tractors, bean equipment, farm machinery etc to be held at Lot 8 Con, 11, Hullett Township 41/2 miles east of Londesboro on County Road 15 for Don McGregor. Tuesday March 27 at 11 a.m. TRUCK & TRAILERS: 1968 White 4000 tandem axle tractor with 250 Cummings diesel, ten speed rod ranger, sliding 5th wheel, wet line package. This truck is in good running condition selling as is. Fruehauf 34 ft. tandem trailer with new 4 ft. racks tarp and poles. Trallmobile 36 ft. tandem trailer with 4 ft. racks good tarp & poles. Trailers used for hauling grain and are in good condition. COMBINE: John Deere 6600 diesel combine with cab, heater alr conditioner, 13 ft. cutter Isar head and reel, Sund. 9 ft. pick up, straw chopper, 4 row narrow corn head, rotary screen. TRACTORS: International 656 diesel tractor with year round cab and heater, 16-9 x 38 rear tires hydraulic outlets etc. John Deere 1120 diesel tractor with Allied 300 manure loader with hydraulic bucket, dawn pressure, remote outlets etc. Massey -Ferguson 65 diesel tractor with multi -power, remote outlets, new rear tires; etc. MACHINERY: International No. 56 four row plate corn planter with insecticide applicator boxes high & low rate fertilizer augers, etc. International No. 510 semi mount 4 furrow 16" bottom plow with trip beams. In- ternational 4 furrow 14" bottom trip beam mounted plow. Innes 570 Bean Windrawer with cross conveyor. burst (built), 4 raw bean puller (fits most tractors), let of Geo. White stainless steel 320 gal. saddle tanks, frame pump and control, International 111/, ft. wheel disc. Massey Ferguson 10 ft. 3 pt. hitch double disc, Kongskllde 11' 3" cultivator (like new), J.F. 9 ft. cultivator, Turnco 225 Bushel gravity box, 10 ft. hydraulic fertilizer auger, six ton wagon, 16 ft. flat rack, case 16 run seed drill, Portable water pump with gas engine, 3 hydraulic cylinders, 2 heavy duty truck axles with dual hind wheels 900 x 20 tires. Note this Is a good offering, "no small items", so please bo on time. For Information phone Don McGregor at Blyth 523.4368 after 6 p.m. or Saturdays. Terms: Cash day of sale -Land Is rented LUNCH BOOTH AUCTIONEER Clinton, Richard Lobb 482-7898 Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. CONST. LTD. P Interior and Exterior Home Renovations • All types of home siding Additions ',Perm Buildings PHONE CLINTON 482-7290 NOW M.J.B. PAINTING AND CONTRACTING Interior Exterior Excellent Rates Free Estimates Phone 482-7932 TAX TIME SERVICES ' ACCURATE RETURNS GUARANTEED OPERATED BY H. Mitchell R.R. 3, CLINTON SUNCOAST MALL GODERICH OPEN MON. TO FRI. 10 to 8 SAT. 10 to 5 524-4433 BEEN ,CARPENTRY FOR • CUSTOM BUILT HOMES • RENOVATIONS • ADDITIONS SEE BOB LANGENDOEN BOX 309 CLINTON PHONE 082-9720 CHUTER PLUMBING HEATING & ELECTRIC Frunace Installations DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES Appliance Service 46 King St. 482-7652 c-18tfn TREE SERVICE Pruning, Removal Tree Trimming Fro. Est. 482-9590 HENRY ROESCH R.R. NO. S-CLINTON NOTICE • Commercial • Industrial • Building Contractors a Roofing Contractors • Home Owners We have 12 cubic yard containers available by the week, month, or year. For Information phone today. CHAMNEY SANITATION LTD AUBURN 526-7799 MID -WESTERN PAVING - driveways, parking lots, farm lanes, repairs. Free estimates. Phone Clinton 482-3733.-11-25 HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE HENRY REININK 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 FOR SALE Used Snowmobiles We also Service and Repair snowmobiles and snowblowers and other small engine equipment JOHN KASSIES I GENERAL CONTRACTING * Farm Buildings * Additions * Renovations • Phone 482-3063 INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Individual Farm Business ROY'S TAX SERVICE 17 GIBBINGS ST. _CLINTON Open: 482-9357 9-6, Monday - Friday 19. Notice to creditors IN THE ESTATE OF GEORGE HENRY `WOOLLEY, late of the Township of Stanley in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 27th day of January, 1979, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of April, 1979, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 1st day of March, 1979. MENZIES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors -10,11,12 20. Public notices Peter John Black has never been responsible for any debts incurred by me or for support of me from November 16th on. Susan Joan Black. -10-12x AS OF THIS DATE, March 8, 1979, I Clarence Govier will not be responsible for any debts incurred in ,my name by my wife, Dorothy Emma Govier.-10-12x 21. Personal ARE YOU UNATTACHED, separated, single or divorced? Meet that special person. Apply P.O. Box 104, Owen Sound, N4K 5P1. Please state age. -11-13 DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS about our services, in regards to your invitation we sent to you in the mail. Phone 482-9300, Ontario Motor League, 7 Rattenbury Street, Clin- ton .-9tfar SALM CONSTRUCTION FARM...COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL CONST. FRAMING, ROOFING, ALUMINUM SIDING, RENOVATIONS DAVE BALM 523-9641 BLYTH, ONT. CLINTON N1WS-RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 15,1979.—.PAGE 19 ?1. Personal 21. Personal EDIJCAflONFOR Conestoga College Certificate Programs Would you like to upgrade your lob skills? Get back In the work force? Move ahead In the work force? Conestoga College. Clinton Campus, offers Certificate Programs In the following areas: Secretarial /Clerical Academic Upgrading Programs are offered on a continuous Intake basis throughout the year. Testing and coun- selling for program selection are available and you may be eligible for funding assistan- co. For more Information, call, write or drop In to the Clinton Campus, Vanastra Road, 482-3458. Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Technology We've gots lot to there. 24. Business opportunities 27. Deaths Western Canada School of Auctioneering Ltd. Canada's first, and the only completely Canadian course of- fered anywhere. Licensed under the Trade Schools Licensing Act. R.S.A. 1970, C. 366. For par- ticulars of the next course write: Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta or Phone 782.6215. .; Short Order Cook interested in leasinga new takeout restaurant and arcade in Clinton, newly renovated. A very good business op- portunity. Some finan- cing available to the right person. CaII Seaforth 527-0610. DEALERS WANTED Company 'dffeits unlimited opportunity in the nations fastest growing industry as stated 'by a leading journal. Typical Income Range '30.000 to '60,900 Total Secured Investment '2,995. WE OFFER: 1. 100% secured invest- ment 2. Paid vacations 3. Paid training 4. Assistance after training Our manufacturer is the world's . oldest and largest in its field. Ex- tremely high quality products. No service required. Proven 98% market. Contact: MR. ELLIOTT 542-8182 25. To give away ONE YEAR OLD male part collie and black lab, friendly. Phone 482-9886.-11 26. Births CROFT Suzanne wishes to announce her baby brother, David Joseph, born at Victoria Hospital, Landon on February 28, 1979. Proud parents David and Arlene and grandmother Phyllis Mountford.-11nc WILSON Brian and Linda of Brucefield are happy to announce the birth of their first child, a daughter, Lisa Marie. She arrived safely on Friday, March 9, 1979 in Clinton Public Hospital,She has made proud grand- parents of Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Wilson, Brucefield and Mr. and Mrs. Emersdn Coleman of Seaforth.-1 Inc ALBERT Mr. and °Mrs. Ernie Albert or Clinton are happy to an- nounce the birth of their third child, a daughter, Peggy Anne Doris, born Friday, March 9, 1979 at Clinton Public Hospital weighing 6 lbs. 101/2 oz. A sister for Ricky and Jamie. Third grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Ken Telfer, Brussels and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Albert, Blyth.—llnc . CRAWFORD Bill and Barb Crawford are proud to announce the safe arrival of their daughter, Brenan Lauren at Clinton Public Hospital, T ursday March 8, 1979 weighs g 7 lbs. 11/2 ozs. A little si ter for Ryan. -..11 nc LA PORTE In Victoria Hospital, London, Ontario, on Saturday March 10, 1979, Anne (Rena) (Ducharme) La Porte. Beloved wife of Noel La Porte, in her 70th year. Dear mother of J. Charles La Porte,' of London, Anthony and John Maurice of RR 2, Zurich, Isidore of Zurich, Philip Andrea, of RR 2, Zurich, Sister Bernadette of Windsor, Mrs. Leo (Brigette) Overholt, London, Mrs. Anthony (Marie) Denomme, RR 2, Zurich, Mrs. Paul (Angela) Watson, of Dashwood, dear sister of Louis of RR 2, Zurich, Napoleon of London, Isidore of RR 2, Zurich, Sister Francis Borgia o,f London, Mrs. Leonard (CeeiIia) Jeffrey, Goderich, Mrs. Claude (Madeline) Gelinas, Zurich, Mrs. Leonard (Margarete) Masse, of London, Mrs. Monica Jef- frey, Goderich and 33 grandchildren and one great- grandchiid survive. One sister Sarah, -two brothers William and Victor and one grandchild predeceased. Rested at the Westlake Funeral Home, Zurich until Tuesday, March 13, when funeral mass was in St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, St. Joseph, at 10:30 a.m. with Reverend Father Rennsette officiating. Temporary entombment. Interment in St. Peter's Roman Catholic Cemetery, St, Joseph.-11nc CROZIER At Victoria Hospital, South Street Campus, London, on Sunday, March 11, 1979, Dorothy Bartliff Crozier of Clinton, in her 69th year. Beloved wife of the late Alf Crozier. Dear daughter of Mrs. Harry Bartliff of Clinton. Also survived by three brothers, Elliott, Bruce and Doug all of Clinton. Also survived by several nieces and nephews. Predeceased by her father. Harry Bartliff and one brother Jack. Rested at the Ball Funeral Home, after 2 p.m. Monday until Tuesday noon, thence to St. Paul's Anglican Church, Ontario Street, Clinton, for funeral service at 2 p.m. Interment Clinton Cemetery. -11 nc STOREY At University Hospital, London, Monday, March 12, 1979, Grace (Beuerman) Storey of Clinton. Beloved wife of Robert Storey in her 36th year. Dear,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Beuerman of Seaforth. Dear sister of Mrs. George (Gloria) Love, Walton; Mrs. John (Heather) McKenzie, Clinton; Ronald and Neal both of Seaforth'. Rested at the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home, , 87 Goderich Street West, Seaforth after 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, where funeral service was held Thursday at 2:00 p.m. with Reverend Stanley McDonald of- ficiating. Temporary en- tombment Pioneer Memorial Mausoleum. Interment Maitlandbank Cemetery, Seaforth.-1 1 nc 28. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. William J. Campbell are pleased to announce tate forthcoming. marriage of their daughter Lorie Diane Catherine to Kevin Ross Faber son of Mr. and Mrs. William Ross Faber, Kippen Ontario. The wedding will take place March 30, 1979 at Blyth United Church. -11 30. In memoriam COJ.QUHOUN Precious memories of a loving daughter mother and - grandmother, Jean Colquhoun, who fell asleep March 10,1'97.5: May the winds of heaven blow softly In a quiet peaceful spot Where the one we loved lies sleeping And will never be forgot. So now beside her grave we stand With our hearts both crusher and sore Silently, the sweet word comes Not lost, just gone before. God knows how much we miss her He counts the tears we shed When at day's end, we seek our rest Then we realize how much we are blest. §adly missed, eternally loved, and always remembered by mother Hazel and Colquhoun Family. -11, HOLLAND In loving memory of our beloved son and brother who accidentally was taken from our family March 20, 1978: This month comes with deep regret It brings back a day we cannot forget One of the best the world could hold Your cherished smile your heart of gold. Always so good unselfish and kind What a wonderful memory you left behind. Deep in our hearts your memory is kept We loved you too dearly to ever forget. We mourn for you in silence No eyes can see us weep But many a silent tear is shed While others are asleep. Lovingly remembered by Mum, Dad, Cliff, Marilyn and Harvey. -11 • COLLINS In loving memory of a dear husband and father Stanley E. Collins who passed aw- y 10 years ago March 20,1.968: Time goes on, but memories stay As near and dear as yesterday It's not the words for they are few It's the loving memory we keep of you. Always remembered by wife Elizabeth and children Jim, Bruce, Viola, Bob, Hazel, Dorothy, Bill, Diane, Jo- Anne and George. -11x 31. Card of thanks ERICKSON Thanks to everyone for cards, visits and concerns while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Special thanks to Drs. Flowers and Maclvor and nurses and staff on 5 Mid- dlesex and . again to the owners of the Albion Hotel for their thoughtfulness. Sincerely, Walter."' Erickson.-11nc REID My sincere thanks to all my relatives, friends and neigh- bours for their kindness in remembering me with flowers, cards and gifts while I w,as a patient in Clinton Hospital and Victoria Hospital, London. Special thanks to Rev. W. Bennett and Canon F.H. Paull of Trinity Church, Bayfield, also Rev. J. Broadfoot of St. Paul's Clinton and to Dr. Newland and Dr. Shepherd. Also to the Ladies Guild and the ACW of Trinity Church Bayfield and the excellent staff of first floor Clinton Hospital. It was all very much appreciated. Louise Reid. -11 CRAWFORD We would like to thank everyone for their guts, cards and visits during our stay in Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Baker and all the nurses on second floor for taking such good care of us. Everything was greatly appreciated. Brennan and Barb. -11 31. Mc LA•CH L AN t 1" would like to thank my family, relatives., neighbours and friends for the lovely flowers, cards, gifts and visits I received when I was in Victoria Hospital and since returning home. Specia•I thanks to Paster Jack for his visits and prayers also thanks to the Church Women for their visit. A special thanks to Ernie and Dorothy, Orland and Laurabelle for all they did for Bill. Your thought- fulness was much ap- preciated.. Doreen McLachlan. -11x FISHER I wish to thank everybody for visits and the beautiful flowers and all other gifts and cards while I was in Clinton Hospital. Thanks to good friend Ruby, Rev. Pick for his friendly visits, my doctors and nurses on first floor. Special thanks to my families. They couldn't be better. Ruth Fisher.—llx