HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-03-15, Page 18, PAGE 16-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1979 -t- 0... .' .. ,,M .,,.,Tar, m - - • ,r,n ..- . .., . EN 1 0I1 $ APO' 1 M' SETW1�EN W RM 'ow •QTfll1, ft E ./14143 1 -''ti NAT;'1 1,19,1 Aw GR f dt11I A MAN • 4194 421. tNN p n Ir Ar R, 'edlote Oce 961.1200 • non .n10 FOREST HAMS 4R„S ¶'L. HOUSE FOR SALE: 4 bedroom house - 4 acres in Varna area. Asking $55,000. Phone 262-5323.-11-13 EVERETT LAUCKNER REALTY, INC. Member of the London. St. Thomas MLS Relocan with 400 offices in Canada BAYFIELD VILLAGE: 3 bedroom winterized home, livingroom, kit- chen dining area, 4 piece' bath, lot 66' x 132' brick and aluminum siding. Durand Beach, 3 bedroom cottage, large living room with fireplace, modern kit- chen with dining area. 3 pc. bath, electrically heated. Lot 80 x 150 with good view of lake. Fully furnished with excellent furniture. Possession anytime. 20 acres on Clinton Road, 1'/2 miles east of golf course. 4 acres workable, rest bush. ADAM FLOWERS Box 41, Bayfield 565-2813 IYI9NTEE RESIDENCE PIERRE RAMMELOO 523-9478 SOUTH CLINTON on paved road, 3 acre lot. Reduced to sell, nicely decorated home, has Franklin fireplace, coun ter top stove, frig and ready fo move in. FOUR' UNIT apartment building all rented; one block from main street in B lyth. B lyth area 150 acre hog farm. BLYTH area house and small barn on approximately 3 acres. Our company has over 100 farms listed in the counties of Huron, Bruce and Grey. WANTED Real Estate Agent for the Clinton area. 3 SHAREN REALTY AND INSURANCE LTD. I REALTY ' MEMBER BROKER BAYFiELD COZY COTTAGE on 111'x126' lot - 3 brs., livingroom With Stone fireplace -drilled well. WINTERIZED on 120 x 250 lot -fireplace, new kitchen; tiled bath - redwood deck and water supply -must be sold as owners moving. ELEVATED BUNGALOW on Targe lot with drilled well in centre of village - completely redecorated in and out -appliances could be included. 20 ACRE MINI -FARM with steel barn - completely fenced -on edge of village with tremendous future potential as zoned rural residential -presently with landscaped homesite ready for building and has deep drilled well. TWO STOREY frame family home with large kitchen -4 brs., family room and workshop for dad and low taxes. 8 ACRE FARM on Hwy 21 with huge custom six bedroom home -steel horse barn and 20 x 60 dug pond -20 x 30 livingroom with stone fireplace and many extras. FOUR EXCELLENT building Tots 83x132 - 75x164 - 96x186 and 50 x 44.60 - a l l with water available and well treed. THRIVING MEAT market showing good income -self contained brick building on busy main street -price in- cludes stock, modern fixtures and long established name -ready for immediate success. WELL PRESERVED building on main street suitable for any business with Targe living quarters at rear - traditional features throughout -owner will vacate early to allow for start of tourist season. Our office Is open at any hour, 7 days a week. Please call: Milt Van Potter doyfi•1e1565-21 7 c c Coast to Coast Real Estate Service PIERRE RAMMELOO Res. 523-9478 9. Accommodation to rent HOUSE for rent in Vanastra. Phone 482-3278.-35tfar ONE BEDROOM apartment Brucefield. Phone 982- 3278.-5tfar TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent, fridge and stove, close to downtown. Phone 482-3882.-10tf FOR SALE OR RENT; 1975 Northlander trailer, 2 bedroom. Phone 482-7040 after 6p.m.-11,12x 2 BEDROOM MOBILE HOME for rent, available April 1. Phone 482-7066.-11 Nimmimmaiw ELIZABETH COURT (New Building) Hensall NOW RENTING 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments • Shag carpeting throughout • Kelvinator Appliances • Laundry Facilities • All utilities paid FOR ENQUIRIES - PHONE 262-3015 HENSALL 262-2129 LONDON 433-7781 14tf 7I 9 75 • Month PHONE '7 NOW RENTING ' 1 Management 3 BEDROOMS TOWN HOUSES IN VANASTRA Plus Hydro Other utllites paid 482-7972 Days 1. 482-3278 Anytime 9A. Commercial Property ' For Rent MANUFACTURING or commercial building for sale, 6,000 sq. ft., 20 ft. ceiling Vanastra Industrial Park. Phone 1-886-2038.-9- llx Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD. Office 527-1577 538,500. "Excellently Maintained" 11/2 storey 3 bedroom house. living room with fireplace, sun room. covered patio, detached single car garage. 529,500 "Excellent Retirement" single storey frame house, 2 bedroom, one block from uptown, 2 car garage recently new. Inquire today! "Forty acres" of vacant land near Walton on main road, well drained. 542,000 Country Retreat" - attractive single storey sided house on 1 acre of land with spring creek across front. single car garage. "100 acres" in Hibbert Township with well maintained 2 storey 4 bedroom house, large steel shed and barn. 77 Main St. Seaforth Office 527-1577 "Price to Sell" 2 bedroom bungalow, nicely decorated throughout, patio doors, located on good si,zed lot. Mid 20's. "41/: acres of ,^ountry atmosphere", 2 acres of bush backing Bayfield River, with Targe 2 storey stone house, large heated workshop and barn. "Luxurious Living at its Best", attractive single story Krick 3 bedroom house. finished rec roam. single car garage, paved drive, on mature treed lot. $44,900 "Buys this 3 bedroom single storey house, ex- cellently maintained with single car garage on mature treed lot. $44,900. "Century Home" 2 storey 3 bedroom brick house, excellently maintained, located on superb treed lot, close to schools. 536,500. "Desirable' 2 storey brick 3 bedroom house with large ,living room, family room with 2 storey barn on large lot in Walton. "75 acres" in McKillop Township, barn set up for pigs with 2 storey home which has recently been renovated. For Inforniation on these and other Listings CONTACT AGENTS: Bruce Rathwell Res. 482-3120 Dawn Rathwell Res. 482,3 120 Maureen Wildfong Res. 482-3224 Willy Bunn Res. 565-5055 14-92-1 A N.'Y 1• 10. Wanted to rent 12. Help wanted THREE TO FIVE bedroom lakefront cottage between Goderich and Grand Bend from July 13 or 14 to July 28 or 29, 1979. References available. Phone 524-6627 'after 5:30 p.m. or anytime weekends.-8tfnc 11. Room and board Coming available down- stairs in April, now available upstairs warm rooms and three meals daily for retired people at Mrs. C. Van Damme's Holiday Home, Clinton. $10.00 daily. Phone 482-3685.-10,11 12. Help wanted INDUSTRIAL SALES CLINTON AREA NATIONAL manufac- turer of quality main- tenance paints, roof coatings, floor and blacktop sealers needs commission represen- tative for the Clinton area. We are part of a multi-million dollar Sales Organization, and sell to schools, factories, municipalities and in- dustry. We have been in business since 1883. If you are a straight com- mission representative presently selling a non- competitive line to these markets, Tropical Products could be a profitable addition to your business. We ore looking for a "go- getter" who has sales. experience, can work without close super- vision and would like to be his own boss. High commissions, repeat sales, bonus, sales con- tests. A real oppor- tunity for the right per- son. Write J. A. BYAS, Vice President & General Manager, Tropical Industrial Coatings, 2030 Notre Dame Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba. WONTED, mature live in housekeeper by April, to give daytime care to invalid lady in Bayfield. Write giving references, experience and age to Box 183 Bayfield, Ontario NOM 1G0.-11,12 nc A career b1 the Canadian Armed Forces A different kind of opportunity The CANADIAN ARMED FORCES require appli- cants for training in spe- cialized trades which of- fers good pay and many career benefits. This is art opportunity for you as yoularworth- whilewhile skills. You'll receive four weeks paid vacation annually and many other benefits including free medical and - dental care and a very handsome pension plan. Think about these opportti- nitles now and then talk to us about you. For full information write or visit the CANADIAN FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 520 WELLINGTON STREET LONDON, ONTARIO N6A 3R2 PHONE 679-5110 or visit our mobile offices at SARNIA-Every Wednesday STRATFORD - 1st & 3rd Thursday each month GODERICH - 1st & 3rd Tuesday each month WOODSTOCK -« 2nd & 4th Thersday each month We WELCOME LETTERS TO THE EDITOR SERVICE PERSON WANTED We presently have an opening in our service shop at our Service Centre in Blyth. Require minimum Grade 12 education. Experience helpful, but not essential. Will undergo training program and qualify for apprentice. This is an ' eitcellent oppor- tunity for a person interested in mechanical work as a career. Phone for an appointment. Blyth 523,4244. HURON st, num --- BLYTH MACHINIST We require a machinist for our Plant No. 4 in Mitchell, Ontario RATE OF PAY: Start - '6.33 per hour High - '6.93 per hour PLUS: 14 cents Cost of Living Allowance PLUS: Company Paid Fringe Benefits following probationary period. Apply to PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT STANDARD RODUCTS (CANADA) LIMITED 1030 Erie Street Stratford, Ontario Telephone: 519-271-3360 Extensions 63 or Mitchell, Ontario Telephone: 519-348.0471 12. Help wanted Township of Hallett WANTED Someone to distribute Dog Tags, collect Fees. and record the owners and number of dogs in the Township. Remuneration to be '1.50 per dog. Application to be in the Clerk's Office by March 30/79 at 4:00 p.m. Clare Vincent, Clerk Box 293 LONDESBORO, Ontario. 14. Employment wanted WILL BABYSIT in my home. Phone 482-3553.-9tf 18. Services available KENS CARPENTRY Remodelling renovations, cupboards, rec rooms, carports, flooring, Hunt - Pella windows and patio doors, aluminum siding, windows, doors. Phone 482- 7676. -Ken McNairn.-12tfar SNOWBLOWING of driveways and sidewalks. Phone Cliff Hallam 482- 7370.-49tf BYERS UPHOLSTERY - We will rebuild recover or restyle your old furniture. Top quality fabrics and workmanship. Call 482-7939, 71 Princess St. W., Clin- ton .-tfn �',•1 ✓%EE.P i1 OG v w t.or / fO f 7 f7`0 I 17. Auction sales 17. Auction 'sales AUCTION SALE of large modern farm machinery will be held for Art Dickson, Lot 65, Con. 1, Kinioss Township, '/2 mile west of Lucknow on highway 86. SATURDAY, MARCH 24 at 1:00 P.M. SHARP Allis Chalmers model 7580 tractor with 4 wheel drive, air cond., approx. 750 hours • 2 sets duals 20.8 x 38 Engine horsepower approx. 225. • Allis Chalmers model 200 tractor with cab, approx. 1500 hours. 23.1 x 30 tires approx. 95 horsepower • Case Uni loader model 1845. approx. 250 hours, gas, 4 wheel drive, 45 hours, 2 sets duals and bucket extension • 1975 Chev. % ton truck, 4 wheel drive, camper special, 8400 GVW, many extras, only this winter in salt, safety checked. • Krouse Flex Wing tandem disc harrow, 26 feet, mid West harrow at- tached, rock flex gangs. 22 inch plates, hydraulic wings. • Flex coil 30 feet land packer 3.10 foot sections (new) Two sets of heavy duty 12 foot chain harrows (new) • Allis Chalmers model 700, 6 narrow row, corn planter with insecticide boxes. • Allis Chalmers model 2000, 5 x , 16 plow, automatic reset, new bottoms, plowed ap- prox. 100 acres. • Hesston hydra -swing, haybind model 1014 with 12 foot auger head • Hesston model 10 stacker • Hesston 3 point hitch stack mover. • Hesston model 2000-150 forage harvester with 3 narrow row corn head, hay head, knife sharpener, electric controls. hydraulic hood swing. • Dump Chief high dump series 706. capacity 720 cubic feet with roof and 4 wheel auto steering. • Two Dion 3 beater forage boxes with right hand delivery • Two Horst double reach wagons • New Idea 10 ton manure spreader with floating tandem axle. • Allis Chalmers side delivery wheel rake. • , Double deck loading chute on skids. Dion Model N14 forage blower, 60 inch drum, pipes and hood. • Western "cattle squeeze. heavy duty, on wheels and walk through head gate,__! Three on stands cattle oilers • Three hanging cattle oilers • Three outside mineral feeders. • John Deere air compressor with dual com- pression and paint attachment. • Approximately 1,000 bales hay • Approximately 1,000 bales straw. Most of this machinery has been purchased new in 1978. Owner moving to Western Canada. For information phone 519-529-7788. No small items. TERMS: Cash or cheque with ID day of sale. Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents. GEORGE POWELL BRIAN RINTOUL CLERK AUCTIONEER 15. Tenders TENDERS WANTED Cab & Chassis for Bucket Truck Specifications available at Clinton Public Utilities Of- fice, Clinton, Ontario or by writing to P.6. Box 520, Clinton, Ontario, NOM 1LO. Tenders must be in at the Public Utilities Office by 5:00 P.M. on Thursday, March 22, 1979. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. CLINTON PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Conestoga College / of Applied Arts / and Technology We've got a lot to share. Clinton Campus P.O. Box 160 Clinton, Ontario Phone 482-3458 STORAGE BUILDINGS SALE BY SEALED TENDER Storage buildings suitable for use as snowmobile or garden tool storage. 2 only - 8' x 10', $300. each NOTE: The above price is, offered as a guide to prospective bidders. Buildings are built, in sections riot exceeding 8' x 10' for easy take apart and fast assembly at the lot site. LOCATION: The structures are located at the Clinton Campus and may be Inspected between 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Mon- day to Friday. TERMS: Sealed bids will be accepted with a '10.00 deposit until March 23, 1979. The deposit of unsuccessful bidders will be returned. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tender forms•-are'available from the recep- tionist. Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Technology We've got a lotto share. I. lit __r • NMA- Et*" 18. Services available EXPERIENCED MUSIC TEACHER will teach music in own home. Beginners preferred. Please call 482- 3991 ask for Dave. -11,12 • CUSTOM BACK HOE ex- cavation work and septic system installations. Call Rick Diemert, Bayfield 565- 2481.--11-14 V Malhow// PdAloc/a/e t AUCTION CALENDAR March 20 - R & A farm Equipment Auction Clinton. App. 150 tractors. March 24th - Smith Con- struction Bankruptcy Auction, Kincardine March 27 - Willert Bros. Farm Equipment Auction, Zurieh 1 March 31st - R & A Auction, Seaforth. April 3rd - Matthew Ducharme, Zurich, Farm Equipment Auction. April 4th - Urbain Blockeel Farm Equipment Auction,, R. No. 2 Seaforth. April 7th - George Bedard, St. Joseph's, Farm Equip- ment Auction. April IOth - Don Rader, Dash- wood, Farm Machinery Auction. April 17th R & A Farm Equipment, Clinton, Tractors & farm equipment. April 21st - R & A Auction, Seaforth (Redmond) April 25th - Kintail Grocery Auction ,,,, , a/h,e// J2isocia/et AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK iWO 1/- . Via-viz/e $ Property 8 Equipment Auction for Willert Farms, Zurich - 7 miles west of Hensall on Tuesday, March 27/79 at 1 p.m. FEATURING: 250 acres -farrow to finish hog operation, 2 trucks, 4 tractors, John Deere combine and complete line of John Deere equipment plus other farm equipment 8;" machinery. Property Consists of: Parcel No. 1: 100 acres clay loam, well tiled, 3100 heat units - 90 sow farrowing barn, 44'x74' bank barn for livestock -14'x60' silo, 40'x10' steel shed with workshop - 2 storey frame 4 bedroom house. Parcel No. 2: 100 acre clay loam with 700 hog finishing barn: 2-14'x60' silos, well tiled. Adjoining. Parcel No. 3: 50 acres clay loam well tiled. All workable. Property selling subject to reasonable reserve. Three parcels will be offered in one block. If reserve not met, will be offered separately. TERMS: 10 percent down'day of sale. Balance in 30 days. - ' Property to be offered at 3 P.M. Combine: John Deere 6600 complete with 444-4 row corn head; 13' header with pickup, cab; loaded and like new. Trucks: 1976 G.M.C. i/2 ton truck; low mileage & safety. checked 1974 Chevrolet 1 ton truck with 8 x 12 livestock racks, safety checked. Tractors: John Deere 4430-eomplete w. cab; duals & fully equipped, 1400 hrs. John Deere 4020 -complete w. duals; power shift, good condition. John Deere 2010- eomplete w. loader & chains Massey Ferguson 65 - complete multi -power & duals. Machinery & Equipment: -John Deere 5 furrow semimount plow -John Deere 4 row planter 1240 com- plete w. chemical attachments -John Deere 16; disc John Deere 15 run seed drill -John Deere 7' hay con- ditioner -John Deere 2 row 227 corn chopper -John Deere 7-3 pt. hitch No. 9 mower -John Deere No. 44 manure spreader -John Deere front mount bean cultivator-J.F. 23' cultivator w. harrows-J.F. 18' cultivator -New Holland 770 forage harvestor complete w. high moisture corn attachment -New Holland high throw forage blower w. 70'.9" pipe high flotation tires -I Dion forage box c -w 10 ton wagon -Massey Ferguson No. IO baler -32' bale elevator -200 gal. calsa sprayer 30' boom - New Holland 125 bu. spreader -two 6 ton wagons w. 165 bu. gravity boxes -Allis Chalmers PTO side rake -4 ton, fertilizer spreader -No. 5 Davis /2 ton batch mixer -two f 2000 gal. feed tanks -feed auger-3pt. hitch post hole auger 12" -McGregor liquid manure pump-L&M 1000 gal. liquid manure spreader -custom. build 3 pt. hitch snow blower -21' chain harrows -3 drum land roller -- 32'6" grain auger -apt. hitch grass 'seeder -Epps high pressure sprayer -wind powered generator -quantity of 4" tile -2 Jamesway 14' silo unloaders-2 Pump jacks. Feed: Approximately 100 ton ensilage, 2000 bales 1st cut hay. Household Effects: Annex'stove, electric stove, dryer, Lark hard top tent -trailer -fully equipped, sleeps 8 Terms: Cash day of sale. Auctioneers Note: Proprietor has purchased a ranch in Alberta and is offering an excellent line of farm; equipment. Pfan to affand. Proprietors: Edgar & Carl Willert r- e CI(J.1 %cf,%/4.1 AUCTIONEERS, LIOUIDATOPS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST •. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK IWO (519) 527-1450 4411 'tel± 4 f= , - . •1: