HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-03-15, Page 17• r • ,'t Io WJMna;- ..1.Ir-1249 1;; to: NAIL II ,.,.won An Au MAN t7V CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1979 -PAGE 17 •4'1(0LU2IvrM•� CO. 421. Ir�ti *IT ego •WEEII RNI ,.ow Sat �IFTM`, Results®, F AE • rTrin 11. Ar. R1r `edict* Occ 961-1200 Ilan s in,o •- 1.. Articles for sale 1976 CORSAIR 19' motor home, like new condition, less than 6,500 miles, 350 Chev engine, power steering and power brakes. Phone 529-7203 after 6 p.m.-45tfnc YOU CAN GET your Hospital Medical Insurance at Ontario Motor League, 7 Rattenbury Street, Clinton. Phone 482-9300.-9tfar ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE, 7 Rattenbury Street, Clinton, is your one- stop travel centre .-9tfar DRY STOVE WOOD for sale, also potatoes. Phone 482- 7578'.--10 APPLES AT BELLVIEW'S cold storage - Macs, Spies and' fresh cider plus potatoes. Phone 524-8011. We deliver.-1.0tfar PURE MAPLE SYRUP; farm wagons and trailers. Contact Doug. Vanderhaar, 482-9923 or 482-7221.-11-14x REGISTERED and grade saddle horses also buy and sell. Alfred J. Moore, Mit- chell 348-8556.-11-13 , THOR DRYER, never been used. Cheap for quick sale. Phone 482-3758.---11 BABY'S CAR BED $10; stroller $20; round walker $4; all in good condition. Phone 482-7215.-11 ONE CAR BED like new; boxes of baby clothes, new born to 3 years old ; sterilizer and bottle warmer. All in good condition, $50.00 complete. Phone 482- 9800.-11 TWO ALUMINUM STQAM WINDOWS approximately 64" x 35" very good shape. Phone 482-7811.-11 ONE LARGE AND ONE SMALL TRICYCLE, both like new; swing set; stroller; jolly jumper. Phone 482- 7586.-11x BUILDING FOR SALE, with hydro service. One 16 x 8 and one 12 x 8. Will deliver. Phone 482-3136.-11 ONE 24" heavy duty snow blower, perfect condition. "The Old Proo'l 482-9600 or 482-3512.-11 ar WHITEHALL FARM has good quality spys and snow apples still available. Phone Don Middleton 482-9838.-10- 13nc 200 SAP BUCKETS, 25c each; 400 lids and spites, 25c per unit; now taking orders for maple syrup. Ivan McClymont, Varna 482- 3214.-11 ti NEW MATTRESSE Everyday Prices Lower Than Most Sales 40 DINETTE \SUITES of Wood and Chrome CSE Furniture NEW AND USED Ys mile south on hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 • W Take Trades , GA4111 141 crier( r WI 1 C 10..r 11,• OUNr, NIS Y n• , Clinton News -Record CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising Tuesday 4:00 p.m. RATES: '2.75 for first 21 words ('2.23 If paid within one week of publication). Additional words 13` each. Different rates apply to classifications 19. 20. 30 and 31. Box number '2:00 extra per week. Engagement and wedding an- nouncements'4.00. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Mobile Homes - 3. Articles for rent 4. Articles %anted 5. Cars, trucks for sale 6. Pets 7. Real estate for sale 8. Real estate wanted 9. Accommodation to rent 10. Wanted to rent 11. Room and board 12. Help %anted 11. V anted (general) 14. Employment wanted 15. Tenders 16. Mortgages. 17. Auction Sales 18. Services available 19. Notice to creditors 20. Public notice', 21. Personal 22. Lost and found 23. Miscellaneous 24. Business opportunities 23. To give away 26. Births 27. Deaths 28. Engagements. 29. Marriages 30. In memoriam 31. ( ards of thanks PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1. Articles for sale TWO TRaDESWIND Hairdryers and chairs in good condition. $75 each. Phone 482-3647.--11x NEARLY NEW HOUSEHOLD FUR- NISHINGS: Swedish style cou!`i and chair; glass top coffee table; commode table; Queen size bed, double dresser, chest; Admiral 30" range; lazy boy chair. Phone 482-9176.-11 USED LENNOX oil furnace, fair condition, split firewood. Phone 262- 5432.-11x 1 1977 YAMAHA XTS000. Ideal on and off road bike. Excellent condition, only 1,600 miles. '1200.°0 Phone: 524-7556 evenings. Avoid Spring Disappointment Get your bicycle repaired or trade it on a new bicycle now, and avoid the rush. Contact - DON'S BICYCLE REPAIRS 305 ONTARIO ST. CLINTON 482-9941 WOOD FOR SALE Early delivery by truckload. Hardwood Slabs. CRAIG'S SAWMILL AUBURN Phone 526-7220 GOVERNMENT SURPLUS ITEMS FOR SALE Post office bins a tables, steel sheifing, filing cabinets 2,3 and 4 drawer, steel cabinets 2 door, tons of bolts at 30' Ib. Over 50 new steno chairs. Five 32 volt generators 1260 watt made by Oman, 71/2 h.p. motors with self starters. Office tables and chairs and desks, R & T chairs, arm chairs. straight back chairs. One Hobart meet saw, one Hussman Dairy case with compressor unlit, oge freezer-tylor toplors, one,doop freeze 24 cu. ft. two compressor units, ono mar Io top table 32 by 'P25 ),small tools, drills, sockets double end emorys, hemmers, 150 desk, tops. Lots of Other Items N. HAMILTON 101 SOUTH STREET Shop Storage, 31 Pilton Street `., Phone 524-8602 2. Mobile Homes FOR SALE: To be moved 1972 12' x 60' Mobile Home with Expando living room and utility room. Excellent condition. All offers con- sidered. For information call 524-6777 after 6 p.m.-9tfnc w AawR:N N 2. Mobile Homes 52' x 12' MOBILE HOME with built on porch, excellent condition. Set up on large lot, immediate -occupancy. Phone 482-/066.-10,11 3. Articles for rent tommummommuns GET PROFESSIONAL carpet cleaning results (AT DO-IT-YOURSELF PRICES) .0411.1 RENT OUR RINSENVAC-the portable, easy-to-use carpet cleaning machine that gently ... • rinses carpet fibers with hot water and cleaning solution • loosens and lifts dirt, grime and,residues to the carpet surface where they are immediately vacuumed up • leaves your carpets CLEAN and FRESH! !•r MSC INK CLEANS CARPETS CLEANER $12 a day KEEPS THEM CLEANER LONGER Rent for only WISEWAY Home & Building Centro BAYFIELD RD., CLINTON 482-3441 Give... so more will live Attention Farmers A. For sale ALFALFA HAY for sale; bear cat hammer mill. Phone Albert Postma RR 1 Varna, 262-5235. l lx INTERNATIONAL 3 furrow plough $125. Phone 482- 7552.-11x PHOR ALFALFA seed. C. V17a !ted MANURE WANTED. Will pay top price. Phone 482- 7625.-11,12 WANTED TO RENT -r Pasture for 20ato 2.5 heifers and some dry cows. Prefer a few miles from Clinton. Phone 482-7811.-11,12 Phone Vern Alderdice 262- 5988.-11 D. Livestock 10 FT. section of chain harrows. Phone 482-7215.-11 GOOD QUALITY Timothy seed and seed grain grown from Dedieree seed. Contact Rob Siernon Bornholm or phone 347-2684.-11x SEED GRAIN orders now taken. Farm Hardware, health aids and complete line of Purina livestock feeds. BAKER'S FARM AND GARDEN CENTRE, 22 Isaac St., Clinton, open daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.-3tfar LFI FARM SUPPLIES: Weber cultivators, one 18' in stock, dump trailers, harrows, Bauman hog equipment, stabling, special on cattle oilers, heated waterers, in-line water medicators, spray sickle sprayers, Lucknow snowblowers, Martin wagons, haylage and hay preservatives, liquid sup- pplements, minerals and . premixes. Phone 482- 3159.-10,11 PIONEER, PARTNER, POULAN Chain Saws. Complete line of saws in all cutter bar lengths. Priced from $114.95 and up. Oregon Saw Chain, complete parts and service for what we well. We sharpen saw chain. Robert Glen Saws, Clinton 482-9292.-10-13ar PREBRED YORKSHIRE boars; prebred Hampshire boars and Crossbred boars. ROP tested, service age. Bob Robinson, RR 4 Walton 345- 2317.-11,12 SHIPPING CATTLE Toronto Union Stockyards, every Monday. Campbell McKinley. Phone 262- 5430.-3-14ar-x FIVE CROSS BRED Duroc- Landrace boars, ready for service. John Janmaat, RR 2 Seaforth. Phone 527- 0655.-10,11 Neosal( Liv eStok SaIes SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Harpr.ay.s 412.1S11 Clinton Sorry Millar 235-27171x.tsr and 229.5211$ Kirk ton FARMERS For all your new farm buildings BIG OR SMALL!! Give Ray Lumbers Construction to Call Phone 482-3305 • 3. Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS - Dress up! Go formal! We have the complete Wedding Service at Campbell's 'Men's Wear Main St., Clinton (Formerly Pickett and Campbell's Ltd.)-l4tf PLYWOOD forms, wedges, mixer power trowel etc. Form ties stocked. For in- formation call M.J. Corriveau, Zurich 236-4954 after 4 p.m. weekdays. Anytime weekends.-19tfar 4. Articles wanted WANTED: Good used fur- niture. Phone 482- 7922.-8tfar WANTED TO BUY: Large quantities of cedar rails at reasonable prices. Phone (519) 867-5450,-10-17 WANTED: Old Brick Buildings for Demolition and Salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1-542-4088; Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed bricks.-lltfar 5. Cars, trucks for sale 19.75 CHRYSLER IM- PERIAL LEBARON, one owner; 1979 Chrysler New Yorker, one owner - both must be seen to be ap- preciated. 1974 Dodge van 200 Tradesman. Best offer accepted. For details phone 482-9574.-11 1968 FORD 1/2 TON, as is, complete with steel flat bed with removable sides, $700.00 firm. Phone 482-3861 mornings or weekend= s.-11,12 . HONDA '70, good condition. Phone 482-7552.7-11x 1973 FORD window van V8- 302 Std; trans., will certify, in good condition. $1450.; 1976 Dodge Maxi van, 1. .ton, V8- 350, auto. trans., window package, power steering, power brakes, many more extras. Will certify. $5500. Phone 482-3647.-11x '77 NOVA, 2 door, 6 cylinder, Dower steering. radia 2q 000 miles, Ziebarted. $4,000. Phone 887-6215.-11 6. Pets DOG HOUSE PLANS, easy to build kennel tested design, keeps dogs warm in winter, cool in summer, build for domestic use or as good source of second income. Complete plans and building instructions now only $7.95. Wayne Blank, RR 1 Burford, Ontario. NOE IAO. -10,11 7. Real estate for sale Albert Street Home '28,000. Family home, bright spacious kitchen. 2 baths, treed lot, 82' x 178'. Immediate possession. W. J. HUGHES REALTY LTD. Rita Allen 524-9131 or 324-8480 Don Denomme would like to help you arrange a mortgage *Debt Consolidation *Residential *Farms *Commercial *Builders' Loans •Interim Financing When you need money...you need us. ADVANCED REALTY FUNDING CQRPORATIQN 52 -2747. • BLOKKEEP 7 176.0 a41.,401, 049 N AM t 21 11 1pQry 1 -� 7. Real estate for sale 7. Real estate for sale 7. Real estate for sale 7. Real estate for sale 1 G G .K.Y INCY IHC. inton 47 y PRICED TO SELL - 3 bedroom 11/2 storey, aluminum siding; new modern kitchen and rewired 1978. Dining 23' x 15' main floor com- pletely rugged - gas heat, priced to sell at $29,800. 3 bedroom 112 storey frame, Close to down- town, diningroom and new family room 18' x 12'. Good starter home. Princess St. 5. BUILDING LOTS RIVER FRONT building lot on Highway 4 south, close to town limits, contains ap- proximately 1/2 acre, Reduced to 58,000. ERIE ST. SOUTH between Mary and Aima Sts. contains 10,090 sq. ft. List 512,500. 4 bedroom 11,2 storey older brick on large lot, diningroom, garage, fireplace. This beautiful home has been com- pletely renovated inside and out. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call us for details, ideal location Townsend Street. 4 bedroom, 2 storey gracious older brick home situated close to schools in prime residential area. Ex- cellent decor throughout. Attractive kitchen with built in dishwasher. Nicely landscaped with . en- closed arbor and patio. Double garage, gas heat. Located in Clinton. 4 BEDROOM - 2 STOREY with carport on good lot, broadloom throughout dining, den; utility room, sunroom, oil heat, well main- tained. ASK TO SEE OUR LATEST MULTIPLE LISTING BOOK WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. Harold Workman Clinton Office Dirk van der Werf Residence Henry Mero Seaforth Office Ron Doiron Bayfield Office 482-3455 482-3165 527-0430 565-2797 Drop in at our new office at 140 Ontario St. anytime. The coffee is usually on! CLINTON PROPERTIES Osborne St. - 3 bedroom home in good condition, large garage, lot 79' x 137' only $27,900.00 North St. - 4 bedroom aluminum sided home, in good condition, double garage, $35,000.00 North St. - Vacant lot 79' x 135', price $10,900.00 - Albert St. - 2 bedroom nicely renovated, 1 floor brick home for $27,500.00 • Ont. St. - Brick 2 or 3 bedroom, I floor home -$31,900.00. High St. - Elegant red brick 2 storey home with 5 bedrooms on 2 acres. Ontario St. - Alu-minum sided 3 o7 4 bedroom home .close to downtown and schools reduced to $20,900.00. Princess St. - Brick, 3 bedroom, 2 storey home, good condition $42,500.00. Mobile Homes from $7,500.00 Dinsley Terrace - 3 bedroom bungalow, carport, good basement, nice lot. James 5t. - 2 bedroom home, full basement $24,900.00. Ontario St. - 4 bedroom well kept home with attached garage $34,900.00 Bond St. - 3 bedroom prick, one floor home, full basement, patio doors, built-in 1978, asking $45,000.00 Townsend St. - 3 bedroom brick and angelstone home, family room, Franklin fireplace, $49,900.00 Gibbings St. - Lot 70' x 132. Vendor will build Clinton Apartment building - zoned commercial high- way location. Victoria St. - Vacant residental lot $12,000.00 COUNTRY PROPERTIES Hullet Twp - 3 acres, nicely treed, attractive 4 bedroom 2 storey brick home, $48,500.00 Stanley Twp., 14 acres, 10 workable, pine bush, creek. shed, 3 bedroom house with rec room $59,000.00 Summerhill - 3 bedroom raised bungalow, attached garage, sundeck, solar kat. Bayfield - Brick sided, 3 bedroom tri -level on a double well treed lot, $45,900.00 Bayfield - Raised bungalow close to the lake has brick siding, 4 bedrooms, fireplace. - Bayfield - Lots near the lake. Vendor will build. Holmesville area - Large lot on the Maitland river with mobile home, and workshop. Kippen - 71/2 acres zoned residential, could be 20 lots, 3 bedroom home, small barn. Hullett Twp. - 96 acres, 92 workable, 4 bedroom brick home, good Karn. Vanastra - 4 homes from $19,900.00 to $32,500.00, Blyth Area - Lovely Stone House on 2 acres, nicely treed, Marge workshop, $69,900.00 Brucefield Area - Highway location, country home, shed, nicely treed 3'/2 acres, $45,000.00 Varna Area - I acre, 3 bedroom brick home has fireplace, family room $29,900.00 Londesboro Area - I acre building site asking $13,900.00. Dairy - 200 acres, Wawanosh Twp., excellent buildings, $250.000.00. cattle, quota and mach. extra, West Wawanosh Twp. - 100 acres, 85 workable, 3 bedroom, barn, $75,000.00 .Goderich Twp. - 78 acres, /5 workable, 17 tiled, can be divided. Goderich Twp. - 20 acres, hardwood in t e bush, $25,000.00 Goderich Twp. - 124 acres, rolling scenic land, bush, and river frontage - $90,000.00 Hullett Twp. - 75 acres, 40 workable, hills and pond, 560,000.00 Pick up a copy of "The Real Estate" and see photos of these and Other listings. AUBURN: Spacious two storey older home, four bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double livingroom, diningroom, separate garage and workshop. Asking $35,000. Must sell. Phone 526-7561.-7tf ° g BAILEY Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 HULLETT TWP. - 64 acres, 48 acres workable. Good barn equipped for cattle and hogs. Nicety decorated 11/2 storey home. WANTED - 100-150 acre dairy farm for serious buyer. WANTED - for several clients, hog farms, either farrowing or finishing. 5 ACRES - East Wawanosh Twp. with barn. 11/2 storey frame home with stone fireplace, nicely decorated and landscaped. CLINTON - 11/2 storey, 3 bdrm. home, completely re- decorated, close to schools and business area. Quiet street. VICTORIAN STYLE - home in Blyth on double lot, newly renovated, priced for quick sale. CLINTON - 1 floor newly sided 5 bdrm. home, newly decorated and carpeted. PRIVATE SALE in Clinton. Two bedroom, one storey brick house;; completely reinsulated in 1979, living and diningroom, kitchen, utility room and bathroom, all carpeted. Close to downtown. For information call 482-7564.-10-12 MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LIMITED FARMS BOILER, ROASTER, LAYER and PULLET farm: Big quotas, large volume. This futuristic poultry farm is situated on 50 acres and includes an imposing 5 bedroom mansion with large indoor swimming pool, one new 3 bedroom home. This estate with the extra or- dinary landscaping is one of the finest poultry farms you would find today. MODERN DAIRY OPERATION, 200 acres of choice well drained land, large freestall with slatted floor and underground Liquid manure holding tanks, milking parlour, 3 silos, full line of equipment and machinery. 104 registered Holsteins, large pool' one .and MS quotas, 2 storey solid brick home in immaculate condition. EGG FARM, caged layers, basic quota 27,000 birds situated in 2 barns, one barn will . accommodate 13,000 started pullets, 3 bedroorn well maintained frame home on 6 acres. FARROWING OPERATION Near Holmesville, 9 acres, BAYFIELD AREA: 80 modern 1 floor bungalow. acres, 38 workable, 1 storey , home. BAYFIELD AREA 1 acres wooded, rive' property, with nearly. completed ranch style home, trout pond. LONDESBOROUGH - Low down payment will handle this 11/2 storey home, large lot, close to school and stores. BUILDING 'L'OT - fully serviced on Maria Street. HULLETT TWP. - 50 acre farm with good set of buildings. COMMERCIAL - property located on Victoria Street. HULLETT TWP. - 4 acres with good brick home, large barn, new shed, easily converted to farrowing operation. 11/2 STOREY 3 bdrm. home on 134 acres in Village of Blyth. All nicely renovated. Solar greenhouse included. 100 ACRES, 3 miles from Blyth no buildings. LARGE STORE, downtown Blyth with apartment above. MCKILLOP 11/2 storey h LDcres with barn aneririve shed. FOOD FOR THOUGHT It isn't failing that spells one's downfall; it's running away, giving up. AUBURN AREA: 66 acres with good house, barn suitable for poultry. GODERICH TOWNSHIP: 50 acres, 33 workable, no buildings. THREE ACRES plus Targe 3 bedroom home on Hwy. 8 east of Clinton. TWO LARGE BUILDING LOTS for the price of one, within Clinton town limits. HOMES WELL MAINTAINED: 4 bedroom, 2 storey family home, new siding and storm windows, garage, close to schools, could be duplexed. Priced to sell quickly, seller woutd consider first' mor- tgage at 10 percent. 4 BEDROOM BEAUTIFULLY RESTORED OLDER HOME. This superb 2 storey solid brick home offers quality plus spacious living, 4 fireplaces, well land- scaped, extra large lot. Prime location. REDUCED: New elegant 3 bedroom home on large lot overlooking the Bayfield River south of Clinton. CALL PETER DAMSMA R.R.5 CLINTON 482-9849 You can live in Vanastra for much much less. Low purchase price. Low taxes. Low heating costs. • A very atttacttvo two bedroom home with a finished • family room with bar. Full basement. 011 heating. Low cost housing for beginners or retirement. Enclosed rear yard. Close to a convenient store. It's hard to 'believe after Inspecting this house you can purchase it for '22.500. - Please phone us for an appointment. ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN REALTY LTD. 10 THE SQUARE, GODERICH 524-2177 AFTER REGULAR HOURS JOHN BANTER - 524-8149 DON ABERHART 524-7216