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Buying a diamond
Evaluate colour, clarity and carat weight
Since a diamond is one
of the few purchases you
can make that can be
enjoyed for a lifetime and
retain its beauty and
value, it pays to be
knowledgeable about the •
basic factors that affect
its price.
Jewellers evaluate
diamonds according to
the "Four C's" -- cutting,
colour, clarity and carat
Cutting refers to the
shape of the stone and the
arrangement of its
facets. Of the Four C's,
cutting is the most im-
portant because anything
less than an ideal cut will
reduce the beauty and
value of the stone.
This is true because
with diamonds, unlike
colored gems, beauty
depends on light
reflection. Every ideal
cut diamond has 58 facets
The colorful history
of wedding day white
Must every bride be mar-
ried• in white? There are. of
course. no steadfast, unyield-
ing rules, regarding the selec-
tion of color for the wedding
dress: one of the greatest
pleasures the modern- bride
enjoys is the knowledge that
she is absolutely free to plan
her wedding as she sees fit,
with no "musts" other than
the marriage license itself to
hinder her creativity!
Yet every woman planning
to marr} might he interested
to know a little more about
the -tradition of bridal white
before she makes a ide.4ision
on her wedding attire.
From ancient times. white
has been a symbol of purity
_and joy to all nations, all cul-
tures. The Orientals and the
people of India worshipped
white animals, and ancient
Romans donned white robes
for all joyous occasions.
This is not to say that white
was always the color con-
nected with matrimony. The
ancient Roman brides were
covered from head to' toe in
orange -colored veils.
And for hundreds of years
European brides went to.
altar dressed in red! This was
probably a carry-over from
the Chinese custom of wear-
"ingred as a symbol of gaiety.
The first white wedding
g9wn (in the Western tradi-
tion of wedding attire) was
worn by Anne of Brittany
"'when she married. Louis XII
in 1499. Her gown of pure
white set -the trend in Europe.
which soon became the stan-
dard for all bridal dress in
Europe and the Americas.
• If a bride chooses to wear
purest white on her wedding
day. this information will en-
hance the meaning of her
color selection. However. it
is quite acceptable—even
traditional—for brides to
choose gowns in shades of
ivory, candlelight, blush pink
or ice blue. or white gowns
with an accent of color.
A bride toda), , a wife to-
morrow !
When the ‘+.edding is over
and marriage responsibilities
become part Qf your every-
da`- routine. }ou may find
that you don't have enough
time to do all the decorating
and household chores you
had in mind.
"Creative Homemaking"
is a brand new booklet that
can help you through your di-
lemma. It c ;fers a variety of
helpful homemaking hints,
ranging from time- and
money -saving tips to suit-
case -packing advice to de-
corating ideas.
placed in precise sym-
metrical relation to the
others so that they act as
a series of tiny mirrors,
constantly capturing and
reflecting light and
bouncing the maximum
amount back through the
top of the stone in a
rainbow blaze.
A diamond cut too
shallow to make it look
bigger lets some of the
light "leak out" through
the bottom and appears
watery. Diamonds cut too
deep let light "leak"
through the sides and
appear black in the
center when compared to
an ideal cut stone.
Color in diamonds
refers to body color, not
the surface rainbow of
reflected light. Most
diamonds described as
white are nearly colorless
but have a slight tinge of
color that often cannot be
seen except by an expert
under special light. This
tinge of color although
less rare can give the
diamond more fire and a
warmer beauty.
Clarity refers to the
presence or absence , of
flaws in a gemstone. A
diamond may be called
flawless only when it has
no flaws visible to the
trained eye under ] 0 -
power magnification. If
flaws are visible without
magnification, they may
mar the beauty of the
$tone, reduce its value
and make it more fragile.
Lesser imperfections,
however, should ' not
affect your enjoyment of
a diamond although they
will substantially reduce
its cost.
Carat Weight, by itself
significant, is not the
most important factor in
determining a diamond's
value. Contrary to
popular belief, it is
cutting, color and clarity ,s
....an invitation
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discount on
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with this"
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that determine the per -
carat price.
You may decide you
want a rare diamond
that's top rated in cut-
ting, color or clarity. Or
you may decide to yield a
bit on some of these
quality factors so that
you can purchase a
larger stone for the same
price or spend a lesser
A slightly flawed or
warmer color diamond
will still be beautiful but
that even a tiny deviation
from ideal proportions
will have a noticeable
effect on a diamond's
appearance and value.
Whatever size, shape,
color or clarity diamond
you select, an ideal cut
will ensure you of getting
the most brilliance and
value for your in-
Bridal Diamond Elegance
from Anstett Jewellers...and now
all our diamond rings have
our new exclusive
what it means for you...
1 . We guarantee OUR PRODUCT to be the grade, quality and price
2. Supply ANSTETT'S complete and documented appraisal by our
• !
3. For a period. of TEN YEARS we will complete all mechanical
repairs -required from time to time at NO CHARGE to our customers
(includes sizing, retipping, etc.)
4. To clean and polish; and examine the product, at NO CHARGE to
the customer, at any time.
5. To insure the product, at no charge, for One Year.
6. To replace the diamond(s) if they become damaged.
7. To give current retail value on an exchange for a diamond or
coloured gem of higher value.
8. To update,the"original appraisal for insurance purposes at NO
Always on display at Anstett Jewellers • an
exquisite collection of diamonds, in
traditional and contemporary settings.
We are proud to offer the services of two -on
staff Graduate Gemologists (GIA) to our
Diamond Experts since 1950
Membership is awarded only to selected
jewelers who possess proven gemological
knowledge and the highest ethical stan-
dards it is your assurance of the reliability
and capability of this firm.