HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-03-01, Page 14PAGE 14 —CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 1 . 1979 Zeta Omegas Ceremony for new member The 142nd meeting of Clinton Zeta Omega Chapter 8265 was called to order at the home of Michele Hansen on February 13. All mem- bers repeated the Opening Ritual ,together. There were six members present. The meeting was begun with a pot luck dinner, followed by coffee and a Valentine cake, made by one of the members. Getting down to business, the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. President:, Mary Marsh, reported that she had received a letter from the Ritual of Jewels Chapter in Goderich, informing members that they will be coming to Founder's Day. She also received a newsletter from the Tri -County Council. Their next meeting will be in March. Information was also received on the new sorority cookbook, "The Dining Room", with a request for recipes. A request was received from the Huronview Day Care Centre for tran- sportation to their film night. The treasurer's report was read. Social Chairman, Rose Cook, reported that a good time was enjoyed by all who. attended the Fifties Dance. The pic- tures taken are not back yet. A discussion followed on the Daffodil Sale • for Cancer that the Exem- plar Chapter is organizing. , Following the business part of the meeting, the Pledge Ritual was held for the newest member, Jan Wagleswo th. Congratulations Jan and welcome from your sorority sisters. Following the ritual, Michele Hansen, presented the cultural program on health. After this, Michele handed out some Valentine presents for Secret Sisters, and a social time was enjoyed Huron Chapel activities Excerpts from a\1etter by Norm and Hilda Sparling, serving in Mexico as missionaries under the Unevangelized Fields Mission, were shared at Huron Men's Chapel Sunday, telling of their experience as new Missionaries: buying meat wrapped in banana leaves; eating in smoke- filled mountain ,homes - caused by open fires on their earthen stoves used to prepare their meals; tasting Moli, a native dish served with a hot spice sauce; and ex- periencing for the first time, travelling by jeep over mud -packed roads which are often blocked by land slides, were some of the interesting ex- periences they have had as they have travelled to the Sierras to share Christ with the native people. t, Mrs. Cecil Wittich sang several vocal selections which included - He is still the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Miracles, and Somehow the Saviour seems a little nearer .,;,,Nyt en I kneel down to pray. It was announced that the faith - promise of- fering would be adopted for support of World Missions during the conference on World Missions in March. People's Church in Toronto has operated on this type of faith - promise offering and it has -resulted in many people experiencing great blessing as God has honoured their faith in providing what they in Local store at trade show Mrs. 1-IildaMunnings, manager of Radiant Life Centre, Clinton was one of more than 400 bookstore managers and employers who attended the fifth annual Christian Booksellers Association (CBA) Caravan in Atlanta, Georgia in February. The four-day Caravan in Atlanta was the third stop on the Caravan's five -city nationwide tour. Radiant Life Centre 'has' been located in Clinton for seven years and specializes in Christian and health ,supplies, and is one of more than 2,800 CBA members throughout the world. SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER sb YEARS Clinton-Sebforth Area Representative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 High Street Clinton 482-9441 Goderich Area Representative ROBERT McCALLUM 11 Cambria Read Goderlch 524.7345 taith were prompted by the Spirit to promise in offering for the coming year. Pastor Wayne F. Good pointed out in his message based on Paul's prayer in Ephesians chapter one, how spiritual values are shown to all by the Holy Spirit, who enables all to live "In Christ" through the same power which God exercised when He raised Christ from the grove and set Him on His own right hand in heaven, far above all power and might and dominion both in this world and in the world to cdme. The Ven. C.R. Townshend, Archdeacon of Saugeen (left) was one of many dignitaries to come out on Monday night to congratulate Rev. James Broadfoot on his induction as Rector at St. Paul's Anglican Church in Clinton. Rev. Broadfoot is also in charge of the St. Thomas Church in Seaforth. (News - Record photo) Slomans speak to UCW 1'he Magic Circle UCW group met in the parlour of Wesley -Willis church on February 20 with 15 members and 15 visitors present. Chairman Jean Currie welcomed everyone and expressed the group's pleasure in Radars learn of tours At the Golden Radars regular meeting on February 21, June Nixon, a representative from Fettes Travel Agency of Mitchell showed slides on some of the tours available. The club learned of tours to the Ottawa Tulip Festival, the Thousand Islands, a trip to Disney World and the Cypress Gardens in Florida, the Virginia tour, including Jamestown and Nashville as well as trips to Pen- nsylvania and Manitoulin Island on the Che-cheemaun. After Mrs. Nixon was thanked for her presentation, the business portion of the meeting was conducted by president Mary Grigg. The convenor for the flowers 'arid cards committee .reported that carnations had been sent to Rachel Johnston, Amber Popp and Margaret Reynolds. A get -well card was sent to Fred and Edna Mote and a sympathy card to George and Irene Glazier, following the death: of their brother-in- law. Thirty-four members then answered the roll call by naming a place they would like to visit. It wa noted that two card tables, with the Golden Radar name printed underneath, are missing from the town hall. If these have been borrowed and misplaced or if anyone has any information about them, please call Mrs. Grigg. Lorna Radford was. appointed to contact Bert Sootheran to tune the club's piano. Several lovely piano— solos ianosolos were played by Mrs. Radford and two readings were given by Muriel Jones. Five games of euchre were played and the winners included: high prizes, Dell Slavin and Ed Godkin; low prizes, Wilma McMichael and Gladys Hoggarth. A social committee then served a bountiful lunch. The social com- mittee for the March ; meeting will be Ernie and Mary Dale, Grace White and Mary Grigg. Smile Advice to after dinner speakers: If after ten minutes you don't. strike oil, then stop boring. having Mrs. Fred Sloman and her daughter Margaret present to speak about their years' of work in the north. Mrs. Currie conducted a brief • business meeting. Ruth Bond was asked to be the groups bazaar representative and Adelle Jervis to act on the church's 50th an- niversary committee. Florence Oliver reported eight hospital anckL 13 home calls. Announcements were made to remind the ladies that World -Day of Prayer service will be in the Anglican Church on March 2. A Festival of Choirs will be hosted by Wesley Willis Church at 1:30 on March 4 and the annual business persons lun- cheon will be in the church on March 29. Mandates and hasti notes WI bold needlepoint classes At the Clinton WI's February 23 meeting the, ladies learned about the needlework classes that are being held. Mrs. Leona Lockhart reported on the progress of the leaders classes and showed some of the needlepoint that is being done. A class will be held at the James Street Senior Citizens lounge on Monday, March 12 and anyone wishing to attend is asked to telephone Mrs. Lockhart. Summary day will be held in June. Prior to Mrs. Lockhart's report, Mrs. M. Batkin opened the meeting with a poem, followed by the ode After the reports were given, Mrs. Beatrice Groves read a letter from 'Mrs. Florence Diamond, parents too as they, made five stops each month on their 150 mile route. Pictures and tapes of interviews made their story come alive. They told about children getting to school by canoe or dog sled,snow shoes or skiis or walking through the woods or along the tracks. Temperamental cook stoves, oil lamps, black flies and fires were coped with and sometimes the gramaphone was taken out side for dancing on the river. As many as 60 people would crowd into the car for a picture show and games. Many languages were spoken so the Slomans wrote letters for these settlers who were eager to learn new ways. Mr. Sloman said children should be taught to be publicly useful and privately happy. Ruth Shaddick served a lovely lunch. La Lechers meet La Leche League in Huron County met in February at the home of Mrs. D. Rutter, 162 Rich Street, Goderich. The topic of discussion was, "Advantages of Breast Feeding to Mother and Baby". Many women are available. . mentioned the closeness Devotions were led by and happiness of the Florence Oliver and nursing relationship. It Mary Jamieson, Love was was noted that much their theme. support is being given to Mary introduced Mrs. breastfeeding in this Sloman and Margaret Year of the Child. who told of living in a The library has been CNR school car from 1926 expanded and the books to 196. are well read. Also, Mr. Sloman taught x'26 -t available for sale are children and many ' cookbooks arrd baby carriers. Luncheon was served. The next meeting will be held on March 14 at 2 p.m. The topic df discussion will be,' "Art of Breastfeeding and Overcoming Dif- ficulties." Mrs. P. Bisback will lead this meeting. For further in- formation, please call 262-2192. Any woman interested in learning more about the womanly art of breastfeeding i§ invited to attend. Nursing babies are always welcome to LLL meetings. 00' 9 Glen Layton of Clinton an.d Carrie Cudmore of London were united in marriage in a 4 p.m. ceremony at Wesley -Willis United Church on January 31?. The wedding dinner was held at the Albion Hotel, Bayfield, and guests were present from London, Kincardine and Seaforth. The couple are residing at RR3 Clinton. TRUTH The death of Chri;t was for the whole world; yet the fact that Christ died does not save men, but it provides sufficient ground upon which God can save even the chief of sinners, and that in harmony with His holiness. This is the good news which every Christian Is appoin- ted to announce to all the world. The offense of sin had separated the sinner from God, yet God provided His own Lamb to bora away the sin forever. See John 1:29 and Hebrews 9:12. :4-'1«1 ,.....w, When a parson comes to Christ and trusts Him as his Saviour, God saves' that person. The Bible explains salvation as having many sides such as redemption, reconciliation, forgiveness, regeneration, lufitification, sanctification and glorification. The believer in Christ is made fit to be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints, Colossians 1:12. He Is accepted In the Beloved, Ephesians 1:6. He is made a child of God, John 1:12. He is made complete In Christ, Colossians 2:10, and he naw possesses every spiritual blessing. Ephesians 1:3. Since Christ has died, God is able to save to the ut- , tormost all who come to Him by Jesus Christ, Hebrews 7:25. y { 1 There's a lot of you, And a lot you can do, With the Red Cross. ANNUAL CAMPAIGN FOR FUNDS Door to Door Canvass MARCH 5th TO 10th friends for life The Canadian Red Cross Society Co-ordinated by Maple Leaf Chapter 1.O.D.E. ......A'iY...r...�r•r:..�..�..'.b..�••�►.r�r .•..►•••�. .. .r'\..vr►..+Ir.• \..•...••'V.•••111...r••r..• •.. ••...a•••..•41.4.••••••••,1.• \...w..`•t+llr �.�►.•�... �►•. V... �►.•�►•.'�, the FWIO presidenj. The letter outlined the programs for the year and suggested that October be designated as the WI's month to do something extra for the Year of the Child. In other business, it was decided to donate $5 to the•Clinton fair board for a special prize, as given in past years. The WI officers con- ference is to be held May 1-3 in Waterloo. No delegate from Clinton will be sent this year. The Goderich WI have invited the Clinton group to help fill a bus, travelling to the Erland Lee Homestead in Stoney Creek on June 7. It is hoped that 10 members will go on the tour. The nominating Li ® ' PEOPLE SERVING GOD THROUGH SERVING PEOPLE comjnittee. of Alice Lawson and Muriel Grigg will bring in the slate of officers for the 1979-80 term. Members will be asked to pay their regular fees at the March meeting, which will be held in the board rooms at the Agriculture Office. Mrs. Pearl Cummings told of the trip she and her husband took to England and Ireland last fall. Mr. Cummings came to Canada when he was 12 years old and it was the first time he had returned to his home. Although the old house was no longer standing, he visited with some cousins. The meeting closed in song and lunch was served by .Mrs: E. Kendall and her group. Church Services ALL SERVICES ON EASTERN STANDARD TIME ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH MINISTER: REV. R. NORMAN PICK, B.A. ORGANIST AND CHOIR DIRECTOR MRS. DORIS McKINLEY A. MUS. SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1979 11 a.m. Church School 11:00 A.M. PUBLIC WORSHIP OF GOD WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED CHURCH la MINISTER JOHN S. OESTREICHER B.A. B.R.E. B ORGANIST MISS CATHARINE POTTER ® CHOIR DIRECTOR MRS. WM. HEARN 0 ® Anyone wishing a ride to -church. Phone 482-9696 0 ?.-, SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1979 E ®11:00. a.m. Worship,.Serice ® 11:00 Sunday School and Nursery ® SERMON: "THE CROWDS AT THE CROSS" S 6,1S 0 Music by Junior and Senior Choirs ®Fa 7:30 Festival of Sacred Music HOLMESVILLE UNITED CHURCH 19 9:45 a.m. Worship and Sunday School 0 SERMON:. "THE CROWDS AT THE CROSS" Everyone Welcome 0 to ta ® CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 0 ®mla REV. ARIE VANDEN BERG Zi ® SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1979 Ri 10 A.M. Mr. Arend Kersten Guest Speaker Mr. Arend Kersten ®®® Guest Speaker 0 LISTEN TO THE "BACK TO GOD HOUR" SUNDAYS El S AT 10:30 A.M. OVER' CKNX RADIO la Everyone Welcome Pi ® BAYFIELD.BAPTIST CHURCH Ea '"Holding Forth the Word of Life" Phil. 2:15 PASTOR: Rev. Les Shiel 565-2659 SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1979 9 10 a.m. FAMILY BIBLE SCHC 11:00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP ® 7:30 p.m. Evening WorshipFa ® Friday Youth Service S ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH zi g THE REV. JAMES R. BROADFOOT, B.A., ® SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1979 [;Y 1ST SUNDAY IN LENT ® 10 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION la 3:00 P.M. M.DIV. 0 0 ® SERMON: "MAN SHALL NOT LIVE BY BREADS ALONE" la FRI., MARCH 2-2 p.m.RI World Day of Prayer Service i Mrs.Guest .Speaker: ..Hilda Munnings 0former missionary to India ® Wed., Mar. 7-7:30® p.m. e� Mid -week celebration of Holy Communion ® 8 p.m. Bible Study �®y Come and join us for our services of worship and 166 Victoria Street Pastor: Wayne Lester Bible study during Lent CALVARY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 671 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship 7:0.0 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service ALL WELCOME ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THE REV. THOMAS A. A. DUKE CHARLES MERRILL ORGANIST SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1979 10 a.m. Worship Service 10 a.m. Sunday School All Welcome FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CLINTON SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1979 1 MR. EDWARD J. ANDERSON PASTOR 10 a.m. Sunday School 11:15 a.m. Morning Worship Everyone Welcome SAINT JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH James St., Clinton • Phone 482-9468 FATHER JOSEPH HARDY SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1979 MASS SAT-URDAY 8:00 P.M. SUNDAY 11:00 A.M. CONFESSION SATURDAY 7:15 P.M. BUS FROM VANASTRA All welcome I 411 Ali.:.•3--t _._...i