The Exeter Times, 1887-10-6, Page 8SUIL I+t E, �revItles, 3Iv; "`S�;" �(?'�'; AG Ill l FOA h k1I;WASN41,NaSSLINA 013G11111/4x. A14Y trrt,'9erraate.also toe ttirol134a'+1 1,1i k'11txA , C,tnNc;~7.G0MeatN;1,t?14.40nt104. itInglend, tlle36.0,Vr',,L 0aNA1)IAIYtof Montreal at et the Blarvi$aI$Al1'I1i1a1,1iP1't. SSUltANG1'1 C0.14- pANy, of Aiond4xu Netaant ,• eettehliehed 1817. Assets ovcl $5;000.006; claxtM and bonuses paid. sato +10,UGt)svu0 OO I I i G ll Ila � nhatt �ml app to i b play/ re- eartate at ail times,,fren,4 aril part of the dttintv,,'Item of toe<tl,141,4 s, such ccs (see eitkerits,or• ani iaterestiile •iraeitierlt sabot Cz'i+refreet awe of our xuaseri'uer•s or nod- or'sl ile)aeraUy for the parpooe of ubl'ic- ra.t•oru, 'MN 0LNTi Eror1inafor Arsti;nsertion, and FO Gil CNen $ per line tor °hele subsequent in sertiou will be ehtergedfo etoti(ies appearing tbieool lulu, It s, kd s d TTEIURSDAt OCT 6th 188 , 7 J'UST Received acomplete stock of Tenses Shoulder -braces, Supporters. &e., at the Central Drug Store, 0. LUTZ, ProrniExon. Fruit, jar corks, gem rings, sealing vv ax. inset poWder and sticky fly paper at the Central Drug Store, C. LUTZ, Prop. A new organ for sale, or exchange for a horse. Apply at this office.,, t.f. Those Fall and Winter Boots and Shoes have just arrived at C. Eacretts, also a good Assortment of Harness, Whips, Trunks & tValses. A cab solicited. Butter and eggs oaken in exchange for goods. .Also a first- lass Brief: House for sale. C. EACRETT. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. RUu Ashore. Oe. Tuesday morning, the schooner "Kolt age" Capt John McDonald, ran ashore near Port Blake at Grand Bend. The rain was so heavy and the fog so dense, when passing Goderich, the port for which the cargo was billed, that the Capt did not notice the Goderich light. The crew reached laud safely after wading to shore. The fleck cargo was mostly all lost. She was ladened with lumber from the Mani- toulin Islands. The schooner for the pres- ent is in the care of a farmer at the lake. 'Great Events. In Exeter town within the last few days Four fathers well blessed have been ; . Two girls have come to two Grit papas, White two Tory boys have light seen. One Swallow has come though the summer [has sped ; One Cart right side up has turned, While to enter the world there is one Pass- imorel; You're not sell'd on (Selden) the know - fledge you've learned. N. r. H. Robbery. On Sunday night last, thieves entered Hawkshaw's Commercial Hotel and ran- sacked the lower floor. They examined every room, taking from the bar room a new . revolver, meerschaum pipe and a pair of new shoes belonging to W. J. Hawkshaw, and some change from the till ; also three new rubber coats, the property of the Gale Sul- ky Agents, which were hanging in the hall. There has been considerable thieving done of late, and we would. caution citizens to keep well fastened their windows and doors, and have it 32 calibre seven shooter at hand. - Safe Burglary. For a third thne in as many years, the safe at the station has been blown up or broken into. On. Saturday or Sunday night last, persons visited the office, and after "going through" the different drawers, &c., pro- ceeded to open the safe. Unlike experts, they procured a crow -bar, and pried the door off. Then hammers and chisels were used to gain an entrance to the inner vaults. After damaging the safe almost be- yond recognition they got the money box, but it contained no money. The visitors left the premises none the richer for their labors, but they had the satisfaction of knowing that they left the floor strewn with papers and tickets. Personal. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mace, of Ottawa, for- merly of Exeter, are at present visiting friends in town. -Mrs. J. B. Dickson, of Pembroke, and Fred. Dickson, of Winni- peg, who have been visiting L. H. Dickson, here, for some days. returned to Pembroke Friday last. -The Road Manager of the Gale Sulky Harrow Co. i-' in town. -Miss Flo Oke, who has been visitiug at Brock- ville for some weeks, returned home Mon. day. -Rev. Robinson, rector of Christ Church, officiated for Rev. J. Downie at Lucan, Sunday last, who preached the an- nual Thanksgiving services here.- Vail' Retains the Championship. In pursuance with a challenge issued by J. J. Harper, of London, ex -champion roller skater of Western Ontario, to John Vail, champion, a race took place on the roller rink here on Tuesday evg. First race one mile, Vail defeats Harper by one foot ; second race, two miles, Harper defeats Vail. The third race, three miles for $25 and championship of Western Ontario, was an exciting one for some laps, until Harper had a heavy fall on the floor, sustaining severe injury to his left knee. Vail skated to a finish, winning the race and laurels. The contest was considerably keener than any previous one between the two skaters. Weekes and Vail also skated' a two mile handicap race, Vail allowing Weekes one half lap, fora shake purse. Weekes fell after going a few rounds and Vail won the O race. Although the weather wa., very g in- clement,the was attendance large, Cand all seemed to be well satisfied withtheraces. Village Connell. The council met by order of the Reeve at the Market }loose, Exeter, 28th Sept, 1$87. All the members present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Moved by J. Pickard, sec by D. Johns, that Ross & Taylor be granted $560.00 estimate on material and building town hall. -Carried. Moved by T 'B Car- ling see by D. Johns that the road Corn be instructed to put in culverts on Andrew St. at Mrs. Pinches, and cut down a tree ohthe street there. -•-Carrier!. Messrs. Johns and Carling' were appointed a Com to see to water courses at Mr. Griggs end +turmoil &Pickarcls. The clerk to ascertain prices of 'Hook and Ladder trucks Gore my firm he knows of, Also to write John;;lohnston in reference to going to :'Iris people, :Mis. Morgan applied for assistance to maintain xnIdiotie,ehild .the matter was referred .to 'the reeve on motion of D. Johns secernled 0y J, Pickard. The, front of town hall ti) .he planked and gravelling to be attended ;to at once. Moved by J. Pickard,'seeonded by I, B. Carling, that this eouneil adjourn for three weeks, WCartied, li,elneanber T. !scoring's sale on .11 tfa Oct. Th a 'Thisat; was down -ed tWliie thisyiar, very unusual oceur)rex1ee. See the point, Typhoid fever and ;{ieasles are prevalent in karkliill, eeetirclingone of the papers,. T w ett e v'.1 en1'ii dr. l The fall 11. a_, tl tai ttI st i J lz the y weather, is loolcxilg tolerably well through- 1 out the 4:001,1ntry. • Thursday, I7th 2:cpixll,ar, has Leen pro• olain)ed by the Gov. General as Thanks- giving Day fir the Dominion. John McCurdy, of Kirkton, was present sattc)theck,exhibition Item, with his thoroatgbred A. somewhat heavy stone passed over this section ou Saturday last. i4o serious de- struction to propet•ty, however. The hissde exhibits at the fair wee good, uotwitstauiling that the weather on first day of show was very iucleineut• 'lite robins are holding matinees prepare. tory to migrating to the South for the winter, "Peach pedlars selling through the town- ships for preserving," so says a Parkhill exchange. Fruit must be seance in that vicinity. Mr. Thos. Bissett, sr., took first prize for his roadster team at London Exhibition, in stead of second, as mentioned in our last issue. The town clock did not strike ou Sunday for the.reeson that the weights had been re- movedfor the purpose of procuring heavier ones. The decorations iu Christ Church will not be renewed until after Sunday next. Those who have not seen them, it will be worth their while to attend. The house of W. R. Garner, printer, of London, a former resident of Exeter, was struck by lightning on Monday. No serious damage resulted. He is a wise man who, instead of driyiug his neighbor's hens out of his yard with a fusilade cf old boots, shoes, profanity, &c., fixes up a snug place for them to lay in. In one sense Monday and Tuesday were fair days in Exeter, and in another they were not --the rain contiuued for two days, and the exhibition, so far as the visitors were concerned, was a failure. At a meeting of the St. Marys council the other evening, it was resolved that there be no action taken with reference to light. lug the town with );as, the cost of plant being too high. Amongst the attractions for the ladies during the week were the millinery open- ings of the various establishments in Exeter. The display in each surpassed that of any previous year. Mr. Hess, manufacturer of the town dock finished the work of erecting the same on Friday last. The clock runs well and keeps correct time, but the tone of the bell is nut quite clear enough to be heard any great distance. Each of the Clinton papers recently lost a female priuter -]Misses Erma and Frank Croll, the former of whom goes to Galt to reside and the latter to Parkhill. They are to be married, laying down the stick and taking up the poker. The time will arrive shortly when you willu ts for up your stoves es ,or the winter. Be fore you de this make a thorough examina- tion of your chimneys, and places whei- pipes pass through partitions. A little time spent this way may save you an ex- pensive conflagration. That King of illustrated papers, the Illustrated London Netos, now issues an American reprint. Their enterprise should be appreciated. It is the finest illustrated paper published. The price for single •copies has been reduced to 10 cents. We made mention last week of it having been reported that two horses were stolen from a field in i\Ir. Horton's farm, Usborne township. The animals had strayed away and were found in a field at the rear of the premises. Mr. Morden, of London Township, whose horse was taken away by a hired man one clay last week, was aggreeably surprised the other morning to see the young man return with the horse, which it was supposed had been stolen. A meeting of the Band of Hope in connection with the Main street Meth. church, was held on Friday evg. There was a good attendance and the programme presented is evidence that the meetings this winter will be as interesting as those of last winter. The Goderich Signal is blowing a loud horn over the West Huron protest. It not only believes that Mr. Porter will be forced to give up his seat, but goes as far as to say he will suffer disqualification. We all know with what degree of seriousness to receive this liminary's forecasts. The wife of Chas. Carrol, Caradoc, living with her husband about a mile from -Strath - ray, committed suicide on Saturday by hanging herself to a beam in the driving shed on the farm, in the absence of Mr. C. at Strathroy. There are some peculiar cir- cumstances attending the murder, which are completely shrouded in mystery. Mr. James Moray, of Fullarton, who re- cently wedded Miss Loadlnan, of Exeter, left for Morden, Manitoba, the other day, his bride preceding him. He took with him several horses and various implements, and will engage in farming pursuits out there ; this being his avocation while in Fullarton. Owing to the unfavorable state of the weather, a large number of ladies were un- able -to examine our fine display of Millinery and Fancy Goods. We have, therefore, de- ciderl to have a re -opening on Saturday and Monday, the 8th and 10th Oct., when all see invited to inspect our stock. SAMWELL & PICKARD. It is very strange that the youths of Exe- ter cannot behave themselves after dark. There is scarcely a night passes but depre- dations of a more or less serious nature. are perpetrated. If it is fun to them it is loss to property owners, and a keen watch ought to be keptfor the vagabonds, On Saturday lastseveral signs were torn down, some slightly defaced others ruined or carried away. The band gave the citizens an open air concert on Friday evg. The words with the people were that the band played ex- tremely Well. The rendition of several new and choice nieces of music was greatly appreciated. Mr, Gidley, leader, and the members aro to be complimented ti on the improvement made in playing, Ve would suggest, that the townspeople pre, sent this most ituportan t organizationwith new uniform. On 'I+ridayevg, next;. Di'. Oronbyatehka will:,deliver an address hr the , rol- ler 'oller skating rink; under 'the auspices,of "alae Independent Order of Foresters, on the 'rise;prrogress and advantages of the Orrler,' Imme'tlfately. after the address there will be a rremienade concert, the music 'to be fur- mshed by the. xeter Bard, Refieshments can bur procurer']' : Oysters, 20 o. 'Satdwich fie. ;.".coffee Adndssion tb > ink, 10 etc. A goocl'tinlodee. is ensured ,to all whtjr mai+ orient!„ li?t,HarIMO ',✓Fla;suip;;r,xvil)g Sorvtee The .Hilus! I•Iarve t Tliet lrsf(ivin( Set'» vice of Christ Qhuroh, was eotxdheted on Squda last, (seventeenth;' Sunday after Trinity) by Rev, J".:Downie, 1.3. ll., Rector o£ Meeh. In the morning the Rev. 'gentle, Man discoursed to a, large eongregatiou but in the evening to a much larger one, ,taking. foie !tis, text, "Who loved tete Land gave 1•Iim- self for rue," from, Gal,, 2ud.ihap., 2Q vers#;. 13e spoke very clear mid fo><cilllo,lapd show- ed by illustrations that tinder all oiroum.- stauees we should oiler thanks for the many Wessling* received daring the year, whether 4nea11 or great, they were all for the better.. The offertory of the two services ainetu ted to a, neat sum, which goes to the Parish Fouri. The ohurob was beautifully end ap- propriately decorated with fruit and various grabs, and on each wall hong handsome mottoes befitting the ocoaeion, the letters of which were made of oat and, wheat hearts, On the whitlow sills were apples of, various varieties encircled by handsome flower wreaths. The singing of the choir was ex- cellept. On the whole the decorations were superb, and the ladies deserve much praise for their taste in making and arrangement. Overcoats and umbrellas were in full bloom on Tuesday. Mr. Jacob Taylor, of Kirkton, exhibited a light (single) and heavy (double) sett of harness at the Exeter hair on Tuesday, for which he was awarded first prize, As a harnees-maker, he has no superiors and very tow equals, as his past record as a prize winner will show. Besides platting on the best of work, he uses Al material, which together• combine to make his work of a su- perior chess, and thus bard to beat. Don't fail to see his exhibit at the Kirkton Fair, Friday. 1-t. Just at present grapes are cheap and plentiful, and the following plan for keep- ing them fresh until Christmas may be of intetrest to our readers : Take sound, ripe grapes in baskets or boxes from 3 to 6 in- ches deep, set in a cool place to sweat for one or two days, then line the baskets with paper and place layers of grapes (removing all unsound ones) then a layer of paper or cotton batting, and so on until the basket is filled, then cover closely with paper and keep in a dry place with temperature as near 35 or 40 degrees fah. as possible. Grapes thus put up will keep sound and fresh from two to six months. Mr. Adan! Case, son of Mr. Bei/train Case, of Hay, from whom horses and other valuable property were stolen recently, pas- sed north on Saturday, on his return from Sombra Township, where said property was found. He found everything just as was stated in our last issue, with the exception that the wagon and whip were on the Am- erican shore -the robe and harness still miss- ing. It is presumed that the thieves upon reaching the river, first took the waggon, harness, &c. across on a raft, and then en- deavored to swim the horses to the Ameri- can shore ; but bejasg tiredand fatigued the animals were unable to withstand the rapid current at this point, and were left to die upon the sand. The affair throughout is a great mystery. To the Editor of the Exeter Tinos. In looking over the June minutes of the county council o'f Huron, I notice pages 74, 75, 76, 77, the demands on the county council, by the Licensed Commissioner of West, East and South Huron. 1 see West Huron requires $1758.96, South Huron requires $1913, and East Huron requires $2072.18, mak- ing a total clemand for enforcing the Scott Act in Huron, of $5744.11 of which $993 are for law costs -For informers $350, for magistrates and constables cost in unsuccessful prosecutions $633 and for stationary $I94. The above figures are large for the expenses for only a part of a year I think two-fifths of the above is required of county, balance of Govern- meut. Although greatly annoyed at seeing so much of the peoples' money spent without seeing any apparent good, I could not help admiring the honesty, of the commissioners of South Huron who state that a portion of the expenditure was for the purpose of PERSCCUTION of the violators of the Scott Act whilst the com- missioners for the West and East Ridings hide their true intention by using the word PRosxcurloNS. A RENDER, Stephen Council met at Crediton on Oct. 3rd. All members present. Minutes of last meeting read and signed. Moved by Ldp Ellber, seconded by C. Either, that Mr. Stonehouse's offer to put up window blinds in hall for $20, be accepted. Resolved that Clerk procure the ne- cessary blank books, also that C. Prouty accompany Mr. Coad to seat of operation at Bend. Moved by II. Silber, seconded by D. French, that.a By-law he drafted trans- ferring the sum of $819.59 from the gen- eral funds ot the township to the gravel road sinking fund. After passing the following orders, the Council adjourned to meet again on the 3rd Monday in November. G Orange $14.40, grading 14th con ; N McLellan, $1, culvert, 14th con ;• T Can ey, $18.80, grading I4th con ; A Morris- on $12.10, grading 14th con ; V Ritter $5.00, work 6 .Et: L Kraft $3, rep cul- vert; J • McNeil $10,20, grading 14th con ; J Hodgins 50 cents, rep. pick ; G Michael $58.50, levelling instrument; S Jones, $2, cul. 9th con ; A Deeherdau $19 00, grading 22 con ; N Buchanan, $16.38, lumber , N Buchanan $6 13, lumber S B`; Krause end others, $70.40, ditching ,Rollins 926, gravel ave! B o i Rollins $34.65, gravel ; F Either $16.- 80, 16,80, ditching; M t30drove 53000, per contract. 3rd S R ; MW ine $6,e0, gravel and lumber ; J 11icEachan $5, gravel S R ; J White $I, rep bridge ; A Dent $5, ditching; Bby Rollins $2.12, gap watching C Krause and others $4, cul- vert 4th con ; J Wind $6, culvert 7tb con; J McNeill $3.25, culvert ; Mrs. Ransom $5;00, relief. Guir.Tx.-Jobii Eno, of Colborne charged' n'ith.horse stealing was mod before his honor Judge "!~oils Saturday last, and found guilty,, He was sentenced to six months at hard labor in the Central Prison. It is a pity that more of the wretches unmet be arrested and 'convicted. Mr. P. Curtin the noted Importer of Clydesdale home, sold the other pday, the stallion "Glenturk'"-'to a man from Indiauia fora henseme figure, (Joos, to ievxoe.-Mr. Brown of Brinsley drove up to his stable the other evening as he usually does and unhitched his horse and put hila away brit w eai eameba r to the buggy he. found tbat;some poison had heed their before hint, surf took tomo ffftoen loaves of bread out of the buggy.• $ate,R''9 ,Hier, SAT Y, Qor, 8.-.14aaable; 1+nail,; I belug,Lot l$tlx, in,tlte 12tllconcession ot itobei rood, eSaaleGat onehe ° o'clock, James ()Ito; ARO, ty.U Tu 4ana.1 c'r. ll e t . 1, ,. y , Etin�a Stock,.ha fete p Y o °see 1ll;awson, on to fa oen. 19, McGillivray, ,Sala at ttnap'clQuk.,. U. 13i1her, Ape, VII oonuAr, Cow. 17th, -]'arm Stock, Iu)• pieruanta &c,,, the property. of Geoba Itehder, lot 5, South boundary, Ste- phen, No reserve. Sale at One 0'010o1 . S, Etlber,; Urediton, Ano.. timsnaY, OOT, I8Gh..-,-Farm Stock, Lin,, plements, &o., the., property of Adam Sperling, lot 7, eon i,'Blanshtard. No reserve. Sale at twelve o'olook sharp H. Brown, Auo, 'FIlunso tv, O0T, 13th --Farm Stock. Illi plements, &o,, the property of David Mill, lot "D" con?' Usborne. Sale at one o'clock, U. Brown, Winchelsea, Auc. W>;m4rsear, O0T. 12th, -Farm Stock, Implements, &o., the property of John Mitchell, lot 9 and 10, con. 5, Stephen, No reserve. Sale at one o'clock H. Silber, Aum. --•.ssr•rr��ct�scazxwr,awWrsxxeazso MARKET REPORTS. EXETER, (Corrootod at5 o'clock p.m. Wedneeday, Falltvuee.............0 78 to 70 spring Wuoat.,. ... ... 70 U to 071 tSarle� U 45 to58 Oats U 27 to 38 Glover Seed 4 GU to 5 00 Timothy1 50 co 2 00 Peas 048 toU50 Corn .. U 58 to 0 00 flggsU to to U JO Butte ... •.- sr' • 18 10 0 17 ApFlourpsrbbl . ••. ... ... 00 to 5 55 0otatues,po'r'bushel ... 75 to 80 ples,perbag DriedApplespr b .:,-..0 04 to 0 00 40 10 0 50 Geese perlb, Turkey per lb 0 06 to 0 OU .,. ... 0 08 to 08 Ihtcicsper pr 020 to 030 Chickens per pr 0 20 00 0 40 Elogs,aressedper10U 1,,, 5 v0 to 5 70 Beef ... ,.. 4 00 to 5 00 Hidesrouhg, ... 5 50 to 5 50 dressed .. 6 00 to 6 00 8hoepskins coni, 0alfskiue 0 00 to 0 70 Wool porlb 0 75 to 1 UC 0 20 to 0 21 Hayper ton.........800 to 8 00 lnaronsnerbusl, 0 50 to 0 75 li'oodper cord 3 50 to 3 00 ST. MARTS. L'urnisbed by Messrs: Carter, Son & Co. Wali Wheat C to 77 Spring Wheat.... g flar.ey................. :27) 5 50 Uats .,, 930Clover Sed 4 O 5OrTimothy 1U UrPe,ts................................... 0 53............10ggs.6 16 ]sitter. ]5 17 Potatoes per bush ................. 00 0 apples per bosh 20 30 Wool per lb d2 Hav nonce 800 8 0'3 You'll find it good to regu- late The organs of both small and great, It checks Sick headache, and the woe That sad Dyspeptics ever know, Resides 'tis pleasant to the • taste. So nnonehasnee to.d gulp it down I al 'f ut", f ',11 fit 6uis era w,r t• aq ;"t Wo r i a e. Ica h s img 0 9PER t i P9JI2EST, STFP, ON EST, pEsT. Beady for use in any cuantity, For making Soap, defte-tin'water, fis-n- feetiu„-+r_d a hundred -other uses, A can equals 20 pounds Sal Soda, Soid.by all Grocers ani Druggists, X.W.GILL£TT, - TORONTO.. HERSEY'S Challenge is open for one week more, that he has the --BEST--- Roller dour. -IN ADDITION TO THIS ISE HAS-- Fearman's Celebrated HAMS, BACON -- -ROLLED & SIDES. Grant Bros., of Ingersoll have sent hini -A FIVE LOT OF - e * THAT CANNOT Bacon 84, Hams, 1318 BEATEN. Oxford cheese always on hand Groceries cheaper than ever -Always fresh. S. C. Mersey. �E@ �@ki9l8�S Trick & Currall�y � -WE Agit_ RLTTRtINGfrom BILINESS And offering our entire stock at a TREMENDOUSSACRAFI S CE_ As our stock' is HAVING BEEN PTJ1iOHLSED WITHIN THE LAST 18 MONTUS'. This is it rare chance Secure ]' e ;� � o r 1 F �!oSdX11 --&Winter Goods. I TR OK & GURRELLEY t MARKETsOUARE, ' EXETER i , A a r a 40a t 111, 79 BAY b'wouoliT, 1:onot;To, OatoAs)A, ---ANn- ! 18 JnwIt7 Sleeman, LotiDon, E. 0., ENGLAND, R. Rises lyatubutaker, Tevveller, Sir dZ,t r surf Optlottttl, Has the Age'. ey for the sale of the above in EX STE1z, Nu E l3octaoles in Ilio Arm:Scot rival diem til the TYrs 1? 1 Es1311 .1NG QUALITIES they possess, or the (lnpA'r EASE and Cooro oit'r they confer en the wearer. Their use will in actuality so strengthen the Eye that it does not become necessary to change them fur many years, They are there- fore the. CirnarxasT, They Are the Bost in the World, They Never Tire the Eye, And Last Many Years Without Change. The Sight tested by our New Teat Card, awn() as asoclby the leading °equate throughout the world. J. SOELL Merchant Tailor, Has removed to premise one door north of Browning's drtlg store, whore thore will he found a Tell Asserted Brook OF SPRING TWEEDS FOR SUITINGS &c. -ALSO- Scotch, English, Irish, French and. Canadian Goods. Made up on the SHORTEST NOTICE; --AND AT CONSISTENTLY LOW PRICEES A CALL WELL, NINCE. s �i a E-7 �`1 LL, Graduate ot Cleveland (JuttingSclllool• FII CREAM li 4 TAR lerat PIIIIRES D STROINCIEST, BEST" CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES " or any injurious materials. E. VI. ° E 1.1- "`f"1' TORONTO, ONT,' CHICAGO, Ito. ammopiokari Having this season purchased most of our stock direct from manufacturers in England and Germany ; to do so we had to give our orders very early in the season, and as the prospects looked well, we bought largely. -THE- GOODS NAVE JUST ARRIVED. And we find that hard times are causing a great depression in trade, we have, therefore, decided to meet the times by marking all ' goods at such Hard Pau Prices as to eusure a speedy clearance. Therefore, we would in- vite all intending purchasers to call and in- spect our stool(, and note prices of all now goods, --INCLUDINGe- Ladies' Dolmans, Jackets and Ulsters, also Maids' and Misses' Ulsters, all sizes, Black and Gold silk and satin dress - goods, in all the newest colors and styles, plain and fancy Plashes, Hosiery, Gloves, &e. -ALSO A FULL LINE OP - Ready -made Clothing, Hats t Caps. All will be sold at Lowest Possible Prices. -REMEMBER OUR-- 6raud 3Itlintaveg (; pori ' -0rr- Saturday & Monday, Oat. 8 & 10 Be sure and call and inspect our stock, & Prices. It will be a grand exhibition, we feel confident. TO ---- 13 al '11 : IR.,. 0 8 And secure some of the Bargains they are offering in the following lines :- LOCKS, HIND' -ES, and all BUILDERS' 114 D - WARE. PAINTS, OILSr Sec. We carry the largest stock of Stoves in the County. Call and see them, and get prices ,before buying. Tinware of all kinds always on hand. Roofing ane eavetrougllinj a specialty An Immense Stook of Manure Forks, Spades, Shovels Scoop Shovels at hard time prices. We are offering Lalllps and Lamp Goods at cost, as we are going out of that line. -Leave your orders for Stove Coal, and save the high winter freights. -Verity's Plows and Plow Fronts always on hand. --Highest price paid for Hides and Tallow in Cash or Trade. --Agents for the Raymond Sewing Machines. . BISSETT B ROS CS Visitors to the Exeter Fair on Oct. 3 & 4, Would do well to call and inspect OUR MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF DRESS -GOODS, One of the Newest, Cheapest & Best Stocks in town. Bleck and Colored Cashmeres. Black and Colored. Silks and Satins, Colored Flushes. Melton Clothe, Jarsey Cloaks, Black Drees Materials and Mourning Goods, Woollen shawls and Fascinators, in all Colors and prices, Also a fine ritnl;e, of ,Slttipleb. I+'ipelin©. jf 'large inZic1, Cloth wet Jersey. O % I , 7 GOOD 'O D ASSORTMENT AND EXTRA tEl AP. rents' Furnishings, ---Fine Display in Hats, Tiet•, Braces, White ane Colored IIaudkerchiefs, Shirts and Drawers. Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Overooativgs, Pantings Suitings. PANTS MADE TO ORDER IN THE LATEST STYLES AND AT THE LOWEST PRICE' S, BOOTS AND S TOES. -A ver... 1 ig very age conelbment just received, r,f rfle very best styles and gilality,'in Ladies', Gents' and Children's. T CA Ai�T?INSPECT, • LL INS.�EC , IT WILL NOT COST ANYTIizNCr, A t� �y �r r. full � l u� of 1 y �y-� GW R7 FJ VV GS1L' G -i', and i �1 eT ,i,: - V1ir''7I,T'e c`�J�W[�i. ,ami YJ, ; I3ttttelt' and , E a �� all kinds of Produce taken in eitchanL? eas tetea� �� ' very highest price • ,, ..A. CALL • NG, a in. e