HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-02-22, Page 15fi THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1979 -PAGE 15 Holmesville United plan special skating party by Blanche Deeves The worship service was held at 1 p.m. last Sunday at Holmesville United Church. Mrs. Verna Lobb played an organ selection using the chimes. Mr. Oestreicher talked to. the children about the Wesley-Willis- Holmesville skating party next Sunday, February 25th at 3:30-5 p.m. with supper at Wesley -Willis Church. His sermon was "The Church at Antioch". Mr. Ken Harris and Mr. John Wyatt received the of- fering. On March 4th the worship service will be held at 9:45 in the mor- ning. UCW meeting Owing to stormy weather, the January UCW meeting was cancelled, so Mrs. Muriel Grigg presided for the first meeting of 1979 ori, February 13. The leader talked about New Beginnings, the church centennial year and the history of churches in Goderich Township. Mrs. Muriel Grigg led in Drayer and meditation. Mrs. Charlotte Norman and Mrs. Verna Lobb played a piano duet. A modern missionary was read by Mrs. 'Isobel Harris and "I am a Percent" by the leader. An interesting report of the Huron -Perth Presbyterial was given by Mrs. Phyllis Cox.'The roll call was answered by payment of fees. The president Mrs. Isobal Sturdy conducted the business with secretary Mrs. Verna Lobb reading the minutes and correspondence. Annual reports for 1978 were given by: secretary, Mrs. Verna Lobb; social committee, Mrs. Charlotte Norman; stewardship and finance, Mrs. Isobel Harris; church in society, Mrs. Bessie Townshend; World Outreach, Mrs. Dorothy Whitely; manse co,rnmittee, Mrs. Muriel Grigg; treasurer's report, Mrs. Kay Harris. Mrs. Jean Ginn and' Mrs. Bessie Townshend are the Penny Savers captains for 1979. A $50 INSCOUNT AVE'S4 donation was sent to London Mission Services and the roll call in March to be answered with a $1 donation to St. Christopher's Horne. 4-11 news The first meeting of the Holmesville 4-H club met at the home of their leader • Mrs. Bev Van Ninhuys. The club elected: president. Sheryl Thompson; vice- president, Arlinda Schloendorf; secretary, Cathy Van Ninhuys; treasurer, Marie Dykstra. Social notes The Goderich Township Women's Institute will have a Card party at the Holmesville School Thursday evening February 22 at 8 p.m. Ladies -,bring a few sandwichs. Admission $1. A needlepoint course will start next Monday, February 26, at 1:30 p.m. in the Township Hall. Ladies bring with you the following: a ruler, pencil, rubber and note paper. School news This year kindergarten registration will be held on Friday, March 2 all day with Mrs. Cun- ningham registering' in the gym in the morning and in the library in the afternoon. The Huron County Health -Unit will also be there ori this date. The Royal Canadian Legion Branch in Clinton will held its annual public speaking contest between area schools on February 27 beginning at 7:30 with registration at 7 p.m. Clinton Cub leaders Bryan Lavis, left, and Paul •Kerigan, led the- Scouts, Guides, and Brownies from Clinton and Vanastra In the church parade last ,Sunday at St. Joseph's Church. The event kicked off Scout week in the area. (News -Record photo) Summerhill ladies Sandra Westerhaut opened the February meeting of the Sum- merhill Ladies Club, held at Isabel Stewart's home, be reading "A Tribute to St. Valentine". Phyllis Tyndall read the minutes, and in Lorna Ellis' absence, Sandra Westerhaut gave the treasurer's report. Thank yous were received from Laura Forbes, Vera Gibbings, and Olive Penfound. • Donna Gibbings moved that the club purchase two new card tables for the hall and it was decided to send $10 to the March of Dimes. An invitation was extended to the community to attend the games night at Ontario St. Church on February 20 at 8 p.m. Several members expressed their desire to attend needlepoint cla��gs„ which , will_ _be conducted by Ruth Jenkins, • Jane Van Spengen and Phyllis Tyndall after they have completed their training school. Vera Gibbings won the raffle. The next meeting will be held at the home of Phyllis Tyndall in March, when Helen Lyons, Gladys Van Egmond and Phyllis Tyndall will be in charge of lunch and program. The roll call will be answered by wearing something green or telling a joke or paying a fine of 17 cents. The club was saddened, to learn that one of the senior members, Mrs. Lucy Ellis is hospitalized with a broken hip. During the afternoon, the quilters in the group worked on a crib quilt which they completed the following afternoon. Jo Anne Salverda conducted a "guess the package contest", won by Jane Van Spengen and Isabel Stewart and Olive Neal each gave a humorous reading. The roll call was an- swered by a cookie ex- change, and the queen and grace was sung followe•€+1t by a delicious lunch of sandwiches and relishes served by the committee. Clinton council notes At their February 12 meeting, Clinton council agreed to give the Huron County Historical Society a donation of $25. + + + Council okayed a recommendation from the town planning board, naming Lawrie Slade as a new director of the board for a three year term. As well, Harold Workman will serve on the board until December 1980, to complete the term of former director Bryan Williams. + ++ The council will look into the possibilities of hiring a summer student to work on the official town plan. In concurring with this request from the planning board, the council decided to look into a program where a student who is taking, urban studies in college may be hired over the summer with a gover- nment subsidy. The government will pay 80 per cent of .the student's wages up to $125 a week. + ,+ A motion, from another towns,l•1ip asking that Winta'rio grants;be considered for eduction and health care, was defeated by council. "When Ontario has to use WLr tario _ to pay for education or health costs, • then we might as well fold up our tents and apply to Nicaragua for financial aid," Councillor Chester Archibald said. Councillor Roy Wheeler added, "I agree, you never know when the bottom Could tall out of Wintarib.1` + Council defeated a motjion on a rezoning appU ation. The ap- plicaition from John W. Thompson and John L. Duddie asked that lot 677 'at the corner of Huron and Erie Street be rezoned from highway cornmerCial• to a two-unit,=••�••-=- ...- ...�......r„y Better Quality MEANS BE cheaper VALUE aper baseboard heaters but you You can buy in the market with all the fine features of Chromalox. It's won't find any quality made, it's easier u'll ever regret buying to install and we doubt rUn you'll save time and ef- Chromalox. In the long fort and money - family dwelling. It should stay com- mercial due to the lack of commercial land in town," Reeve Royce Macaulay pointed out. ' + + -I- A A motion was passed, authorizing the public works department to purchase a new snowblower. The new piece of equipment will cost abort $5,500 and will be purchased from Harold Lobb and Sons in Clinton. + ++ Mason Bailey, a broker and real estate agent, was authorized a parking permit for the year at the cost of $15. + ++ The clerk's office has been authorized to ad- vertise all the in- formation pertaining to the road closing bylaw for the Centennial Park subdivision, with the cost to be born by the owner. Acting clerk treasurer, 1 -- Marie Jefferson ex- plained that the pages and pages of copy will be advertised for four weeks in a row in the local newspaper and it could be expensive. Council agreed that the owner of the subdivision, Deb Shewfelt of Goderich, should be in- -formed that the ad- vertising'costs will be his responsibility. Wing ham Memorials • Guaranteed Granite EUS. PHONE 347-1910 EES. 3,57-1015 • Cemetery Lettering • Buy Direc' and save Colfnmisslons. 4" x 10" FLOOR 1 19 REGISTER or ANGLE BOOT Our Usual C. & C. 1.49 I each 5" Diameter! While Stocks Last! 30" GALVANIZED PIPE Our Usual 69 2. 9c. 2.09 ea. Par Gallon Our Usual Cash & Carry 12.99 9 Per Gallon Our Usual Cash And Carry 14.99 Resilacrete Wall Finish comes in 7 colors; the concrete Floor Finish comes in 10 colors, although not all colors are necessarily available at all branches. Resilacrete: makes dust producing concrete floors and walls look bright and beautiful. Helps reduce dampness too! Gold Web CEILING TILES 56 32 -Tile Carton PLAIN WHITE CEILING -TILES CTN. Our usual cash & carry price is 20.48, so you save 1,92 per carton. Our usual cash & carry price is 8.64, so you save 2.56 per carton. All tiles are 12"x•12"x'/2" thick. 64 -Tile Carton Our usual cash & carry price is 17.28 so you save 5.29 when you buy the 64 -tile carton, An outstanding buy in plain white ceiling tiles! 608 CTN 1199. 1 1/2 RIGID INSULATION Easy to install and acts no only as a barrier to cold and dampness but also tones down outside noises While Stocks Last! A Select Group of Rubber Backed PRINTS by® fl'jf1 Level loops in 100°/. nylon. Ideal for heavy .traffic areas. All treated to resist soiling. All static resistant. While stocks tatit, your choice • t 4'x8' SHEETS ALL MODELS ARE 240 VOLTS SAVE 7.40 on the 1500 -WATT MODEL for Our usual cash & carry price s save 36 99' Like all models, it comes in a handsome beige enamel finish SAVE 4.00 on the 500 -WATT MODEL Our usual cash & carry price this unit is 19 99 so you 4 00' Optional thermostat fits one end 599 t I THERMOSTAT KIT #TS5B Our Usual Cash & Carry g•99 SINGLE POLE LINE VOLT THERMOSTAT Our Usual C.&C. 9,99. ALSO SAVE ON THE 1,000 AND 2,000 -WATT MODELS: 59 EASY TO INSTALL 4 WAYS EASIER No longer do you have to buy & install connectors. Chrom- alox ,hes built-in Instant Cable Clamps at BOTH end3. And ' there's a new rear entry system with terminal boxes at BOTH ends so you can wire without removing the front panel. Moun- ting screw slots are better positioned so you can catch the wooden toeplate and 2x4 studs almost anywhere.. And • when you buy a thermostat it-• can be installed at EITHER end in the 1,000, 1,500 and 2,000 watt models. -':�?� Units can be installed with 12 2 lit �`% NMD•7 non•metall�c cable >� ������\ vailable at Discount Dave's Our usual cash & carry price for the 1,000 -watt model is 27.99; It's on sale for 23.49; Our usual C.&C. price for the 2,000 -watt model is 45.99; It's on sale for 42.99 3 Pc. Roller Kit You'll want several at this low, low price; for the den, the kitchen and the kids' rooms. But hurry! The supply is limited. 18" x 24" CORK B ULLETIN B OARDS COMPLETE WITH FRAMES Specially priced now to save you over 25%. Our usual cash & carry price is 2.79 per kit - SAVE ON WEISER PASSAGE SET NO. A1018 From our fashionable Beverly series Our usual cash & carry price 7 41 CORRECTION ' Th. K-326 Dlsston Saw advertised In our flyer•published Feb. 14 Is an -tooth saw, NOT a 10 -tooth saw as Indicated. We apologize for any Inconvenience this may have caused our customers 630 BATHROOM or BEDROOM 755 Privacy set 5A301E3-926D Beverly series Our usual C &C 8 88 ENTRANCE SET Keyed lockset M50101_13-9260 by 1 459 Weiser Beverly series Our usual cash & carry price 1 7 16 STORE HOURS MATTHEWS MON -THURS. 8 A M •6 P M FRIDAY 8AM-9 P M SATURDAYS till 5.30 P.M. KITCHENER MONDAY thru THURSDAY WINDSOR EAST 8 A M -5 30 P M WINDSOR WEST FRIDAY till 9 P M SATUfDAY till 5 30 P M • KINCARDINE open Mon thru Sat 8 00 a m to 530PM Amherstburg, Goderich, Kingsville, Owen Sound. West Lorne, Harrow, Ridgetown, Southampton, MON •FRI Sam •5 30 p m . SATURDAY till 4 p m Exeter, Thedford and Grand Bend open Mon • Fri S a m •5 30 p.m . Saturday till 1 p m Delivery And Credit Terms Available At Extra Cost 16 BRANCHES: AMHERSTBURG 736-2151 EXETER 235.1422 GODERICH 524.8321 GRAND BEND 238.2374 HARROW 7313.2221 KINCARDINE 396.3403 KINGSVILLE 733.2341 KITCHENER 744.8371 MATTHEWS Kitchener. Out-of-town ca 1 free 1.800.26 •8:90 OWEN SOUND FODGETOWN SOUTHAMPTON THEDFORD WES/ LORNE WINDSOR EAST WINDSOR WEST 376.31'81 674.5465 797.3245 296.4991 768.1520 727.6001 734.1221 254.1143 • ROLLER • ROLLER PAD' • TRAY OUR USUAL CASH AND CARRY 3.53 CORK STRIPS IN 24" OR 36 LENGTHS PKG. COVERING 8 SQ. FT. You get four 2 -ft strips each measuring 12•" wide by '/2" thick, Our usual cash & carry price, 2.49/package 169 PKG. COVERING 12 SQ. -FT.' Q You get four 3 -ft strips each 12" wide by e . 7 '/7'• thick. Our usual cash & carry, 3 79 pkg 'All Prices Shown are Cash & Carry Delivery And Credit Terms Available At Extra Cost LOTS OF FREE PARKING J''' ,.0, ,�� V hinny lead KITCNININ 5/9 fairway had South near the Mall. Phone 1446311 I SALE ENDS SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1979 AAS OWEN SOUND i Arw Ij 1,, -, On Hithway 21 at Sprintmount ! Corner. Phone 3163181 Me, 31 144.0 KINCAKNNE Nei. 21 North opposite the Sutton Park Inn. Phan 39%3403