HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-10-6, Page 5t { DISTRIC'1' DOINGS. Outten/tweet; of the Past week Throughput the Neighborhood in u Concise Foran. The new Methodist church, Parkhill, is to be lighted with gasolene. I iriatn,Y believe Everest's "Cough Syru asved the lif oaf my wifo,-Jas, A. Fiche Camlaohie P, 0. p Mr. Franklin Niel of the 4th oon, of laid dulph, sold a youug stallion last week for the sum of five huudred dollars. Mr, Horatio Collier, Woolen Manufacture Camerontown Out., states: Nasal Balm Is tb only positive remedy for catarrh that 1 eve used Detroit is called "The pity, of the strain' because the crooks make their headquarters at Windsor Mr. F. E. Neil, of eon 4, Biddulph, he disposed of his young celebrated stallion s,."John A" to Mr. A. 4oDonelson, reoeiviup the sum of $500, I BAvn used Everest's Cough Syrup m my family for two years, and always found it an excellent rem' ay for Uoughe, Colds, ter. -J.F1. Pattypiece, Forest Mr. Chas. Gowan of the South boundary. Biddulph, died very suddenly' last week o hoa;t trouble: He was 64 years of ago, 'ad t theMiddle Walter Stevenson was >R a sex Asaises for the murder, last June, of th, volunteer, Ralph Shaw, of the Keit Batts lion. The evidence was very eontiediotury. and. the jury failed to agree. The ',mono . who has been in jail sines the atebbiug'afb ay was allowed to go out on his awn iecogniz- ince. Mr ETEREST, Forest Dear sir, -Please seud'me three bottles of your Cough Syrul nothuig seems to sure me but that. --lairs. Westhodver, Goodland P.O, Mioh. Horse stealingbas been proeecuted with success in Blytand vicinity. A merchant in that village who was so kind as to lend a stranger his horse and buggy, is now regret ting the loss of the buggy' and eomfortables, the horse baying been returned by a farmer, who reports oue of his animals as having been. taken in place of the one restored to the Blyth merchant. By the death of Mr. Nichol, the postmas- tera>hip of St. Marys' .office has been rendered vacant, and it is said that the following persons are applicants for the office: - Messrs. Andrew Nichol, A Carman, T. D. Stanley, James Thompson, H. Fred Sharp and H. As L. White. Mr. Wm. Crozet.. of Elaa:shard, died sud denly on the morning of the22nd inst., aged 66 years, and was interred in St Marys on the following Saturday afternoon. He was one of the oldest and most widely known rem idents of the township and the respect in which he was held by the people of this dis- trict as fully attested by the very large fun- eral cortege. A Granton. correspondent waiter thusly of the Luoan damsels: -Last week's Luoan • '••rprise" lead the following: "A Granton girl i! said to be learning to play the cornet, a dI Grautonites speak of her "as , the fairest flower that blows." Cornet playing is` a musical accomplishment which' the Luca'', girls n hardly hope to attain. as eceording so the eternal fitness of things, 'Would have to apply their mouth to the big end of the instrument. Manufacturer e Manitoba Crops. .SZOAL LANE. Another land ow,.er has four acres of wheat which took 23a patinas of twine to bind it and: the estimated yield is over 200 bushe.s, about 52 bushels to the sore. VIeDEN. Mr. F Woods, 27,1.2, 25 n.e. of Virden threshed five rotes of, Red Fyfe wheat, the yi 'I4 b&ng 315 bushels, or an average of 63 bu Ile , per scare. This was the only crop oa e quarter section. The land was brok- en under a contract and accurately measured PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE. Some big wheat yields have already been spoken of, The best so far is t7a busbies to the acre for one yield. One farm averaged 36 bushels to the acre of wheat all around. CRYSTAL CITY Mr. John Aiflock, who resides in 2.12 near Crystal City, threshed his wheat crop thirty- three acres on the 3rd inst,, the yield being 1,200 bushels, or au average of thirty, sig and a third bushels per acre. Eight acresof the Drop was White Russian, which yielded over forty-two bushels tv the acre. NEEPANA Manitoba is a land of wonderful yields but the following is one of the most remarkable of whicia we nave yet heard. ,,,On Friday last Mr. Joseph Little who lives a few miles south west of Neepawa, threshed seven acres of oats and the yield was 600 bushels or almost 86 bus. to the acre. By weight the number of bushels would have been considerably greater. Upon a test being made it was found a measured bushel weighed. 414 lbs IN BRIEF, AND TO THE POINT.. Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered Beet is misery. Indigestion is a foe to good nature. The human digestive apparatus is one of the most complicated and wonderful tbiugs in existence. It is easily put out of order. Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food, bad 000kery, mental worry, late hours, irregular habits, and many other things which ought not to be, have made the American people a nation of dyspeptics. But Green's August Flowed has done a • wonderful work in reforming this sad bus- iness- and making the American people: so healthy that they oan enjoy their meals and be happy, Remember: -No happiness'wvithout health. But Green's August Flower brings health and happiness to the dyepeptio. Ask your druggrist for a bottle. Seventy-five Dents. Jacob Sharp's (the'boodler) sentence: has 'been confirmed by the New York Supremo Court. Tho jury in the Priestman inquest return- ed a verdict of wilful murder against a person unknown Sixteen tons 132,000 lbs)of plums were shipped from Thornbury,` Grey,Couuty ,rail- way station in two bays recently, Two wealthy Brantford men have donated 0,000 each towards tho establishment of county _house of refuge for that city and the county. `(IVP THEM A CIIANCI+71 That as to say, your lungs. Also nil your broatiii:ng machinery. Very wonderful ma- chinery it is. Not only the larger air -pass- ages, but the thousands of little tubes and cavities leadingfrom them. When these are clogged and choked with. matter wghich ought not to be there, your lungs cannot half do their work. And what 'they do, they cannot do well. Call it cold, cough, droup, pneurnonic% =catarrh, consumption or any of the fatnily,o 'throat and nose and head and lying obstruct - lions, all are bad, All ought to begot rid oft There is just one sure way to get rid of them That is to take' Jioecher; s German rSyrup, which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents xt bottle. 'Even if eyerything else has failed u may depend upon this for certain. _-liw ---rw.Awmwci:r TO 711113 rartaitinas OF IIURON. AND SEEDER, Weres ac fu 1 ysill your attention to o fewtestimonials which the GALE SULICEYHARROW MAFUFACTUR- I1VG COMPANY OF WINDSOR, ONT., have received £ibtn some of their patrons. Every one who has purchased the Implement'ppr__onouncee it a' grand success, and an Implement every farmer should have. A. R. Mo]kANUS is in charge of a company of men and eight wagons, at Exeter, and is doing a thriving business in Huron County,. Gale Harrow Co., Windsor, Ont. no doubt it will fulfill�� allthat can be claim- GrNTLEriere.--This is to certify that the ed for the very best in the market. combined Harrow purchased from your, Yours truly, A. J. Ross, Nairn, agent has given entire satisfaction, and I" East Williams, July 26, 1887. consider it the best implement of the kind introduced m us neighborhood, Crediton, Ont; Sept. 23,'87. prepared my potato ground for wheat with- Gale Sulky Harrow Mfg. Co., Windsor, out ploughing, and I can say than the ma- GMNTLinwert.-I purchased one of your chine does all your agent claimed for it, and Harrows & Seeders and have thoroughly can cheerfully recommend it to my farmer tested it on all kinds of ground, and after friends as the BEST. seeing the work it will do have no hesita- Yours truly, tion in recommending it to my farmer James Halle Usborne. friends as the best implement in the market. —,e-- Yours truly, Gale Sulky Harrow Co., Windsor, Out. Tobias Wurtz; . DEAR Sixes. --In answer to your question Sarepta, Sept. 24th, 1877. as to my opinion of the Gale Harrow, 1 Gale aarro'v Co„ Windsor, Ont. would state that as a, Cultivator for loosen- GICNTLEdIEN.-I have bought and tested ing and tearing up the,ground 1. would as• one of your Sulky Harrows and Seeders and riga it the highest place of any that I leave, think it is just what every farmer needs, ever trie3, doing its work more effectually, and it will do all your agt. claimed for it. leaving no blanks, light of draft, and v - ever introdt i i 'tl iI g In er Respeetfully Yours, Alonzo Foster. fable uniformity f tlopth. Not having test °ed it as a seeder, I must not speak tooposi- Centr liaa , Co." Ont, Windsor. 24, 87. construction, a Lively of its merits as such(r , but from its ,ale Su , lky Harrow Mf nd what I have aeong, I have DEAR SIRB.-I boa t o of ser gh• n your Su• l - key Harrows and Seeders and must say that I am wall pleased with the way it does its work. I prepared and sowed wheat in a very rough, lumpy field where it was impos- sible to nsc nay drill. I also used it to die, potatoes, and afterwards prepared and sow- ed the same field without plowing, and 1 arra convinced that the Gale is the best and most useful implement ever introduced to farmers of Huron Co. Respectfully yours, William Anderson, Stephen Tp Gale Sulky Harrow Mfg. Co., Windsor Ont. Dean SIRS. -The. Sulky 'Harrow & Seed- er bought from your agent is just what we need. I have used it to harrow, cultivate and seed, and can truthfully say that it. does the work better, easier and with less labor than any instrument I ever saw. I will also state that 1 have a good drill, but think that broadcasting as done by the Gale is the way to sowrain to get the best re- sults I have worked ten acres of wheat stubble with the cultivator without plough ing and it diel the work to perfection. Wm. Rowtcli$e, Stephen. CONSET DIPTION CURED. Anoldphyaician,retired from practice, bavt{T ( OUNGMENSuffering from the eft ects of Inc had placed in his hands by an Fast radiant early evil habits, the result of igncrauaetor of { , exhausted also 14I,rDDLE AGED and OLD MEN,, whn o are brokedown from the effects of abuse or over -work, and in advanced life feel the consequences of youthful excess. send for and maw M. V. Lubon's Treatise on Disea.es of 8 men. Thelookwillbesent sealedto any ad- dress on receipt of two 30. stamps. Address e M. V. LUSON, 47 wvellingt.,n St. E. Toronto, Jau.131h.1887. l—v. s missionary th e formula of a simple vegecab remedy for the speedy and permanent cure Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Astbm and pH throat and lung affections. also a pots apl radical cure for Nervous Debiiityan all Nervous complaints, after having tested it wonderful curative powers in thousands o oases. has felt it his duty to make it known t his suffering fellows. Actuatedby tuts m tie and a desire to relieve human suffering, w° send free of charge, to all who desire :t, thi recipe, in Germ en,Prench or English, with fill directionspreparing and using. Seat by mail by add ress,ngwith stamp,naming this neer, W.A Novos,148Powei•'sBZoak Rochester A Stockholm despatch:says`the parlia- mentary election assures an absolute major ty of free-traders The Galt coal mine at'Lethbridge N. W. T is working night and day, fourhuudred ton of coal turned out every twenty-four hours A.Dvion To 11foTn'ERs.-Are you disturbed 'a night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at' once and get a bottle of "Mrs.Winsiow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer inrmodiately. 000ndupon it, mother , ; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrl'cea, regulates tli a Scorn acn and Bowels, curds Wind Colic, softens the Gums,r.educes Inflammation, and gives tone anenergy to the whole system. Mie. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and hos femalepbysiciaas and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists through- out the world, Prion twenty-five cents a bot- tle. Be sure and ask. for '•Nine. WINSLOw'a SooTnnmc SsnuP "and take no other kind. The London Standard accuses Mr. Mich- ael Devitt of cowardice in leaving Ireland at present. FROM A GRATEFUL MOTHER. "My "My little child suffered from a severe cold upon. the. longs, until she was like a little skeleton' before she took Burdock Blood Bitters, after which she beo'ime fat and hearty, and was cured of weak lungs, con- stipation and debility or wasting of flesh, front which two doctors had failed to relieve her." Mrs. Samuel Todd, Sturgeon Bay, Ont. The dismissal of officers in nigh command has caused excitement in French military circles CERTAIN CURE. A Cure for' Cholera Morbus, -A positive cure for this dangerous complaint, and for all acute or chronic forms of bowel complaint incident to summer and fall, is bond in Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry to be procured from any druggist. The Freud Princes are making ready for their expected expulsion from France. GRAND RESULS. For several years R, H. Brown, of Biu-. oardiuo, suffered from dyspepsia, be says he tried several physioians and a host of reme- dies .without relief. His druggist recomm- ended B.B.B which he declares produced "grand results," for whieh he gives it his highest reoommedation. It is understood that protests have been entered against twelve Edison electric and telephone patents, and the case will shortly be heard before the Minister of Agriculture,. AN OLD TIME 'FAVORITE. le. #ally, who and themselves weal:, nervous 'and The Great English llarescriptioil. A successful Medicine used over a,, 30 years in thousands of cases. (f. t r Cures Spernaatorrhea, Nervous,' Weakness, Emissions, Impotency \ "�^ a and all diseases caused by abuse, [[nEPonE] indiscretion, or over-exertion. Wean] Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when all others Fail. - Ask. your Druggist for The Great Enyllwh Prescription, take no substitute. One package s . SL Six $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address' :eureka iffhenatcrnl Co., Detroit, Mich; The season of green fruits and summer' drinks is the time when the worst forms of cholera morbus and bowel complaints goner - ally prevail. oner.ally-prevail. As a safeguard Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry should lis kept at hand. For 30 years it has been the most reliable remedy. ". John King the Gwillimbury farmer' convicted of criminally assaulting Caroline Arnold, has been sentenced by Judge Mae. ougail to seven years at Kingston, .13.E PREPARED. Many of the woret attacks of cholera mgr - bus, cramps, dysoutery, and colic aurae suddenly in the night, and the most speedy 1 and prompt means must be used to combs t, their dire effects. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry ie tho rernedy. Keep it at hand for emergencies. It Dever fails to cora or relieve. The five mounted , policemen who had Deerfoot in hand when ho escaped have been triers for negligence and sentenced to six months' imprisonment each. Scott's Ettinlsionof Cod Elver 011 and .kdypophospIiiter. Is very pals able rind much better than the plain oil, Dr. W. I1. Cameron, of Halifax, N. S., says : "I have prescribed Scott's li- mnlsien of Col Liver Oil with lf,ypophos- hSyrup for the past two years and found it more agreeable to the stomach, and have be pt P p .` ,,WO3E.IVI POWDER ' ,-�'• �s"'%.awid.iG ,lw7Ji ".wvo,��4� Everest's Cough S � Y P CANNOT BE BEATEN. Try it and be convinced of its wont -lode powers, price 25 cents. (TRAMMARE.)TRY EVEREST'S LIVER REGULATOR For diseases of the Livor, Kidneys, .to., and t Purifying of the Blood. Price Sl. Six bot - ties for a"5. Por Sale by ALL DnwlGGisTo w,�Y) J Manufactured oulyby G. M.FVERSST, CEtaOI-T Foiissr.ONT. Are pleasant tot i (^uin (heir own Purgative. Is r• + and e.•eccnui 9ft+oyer of work 1., t•,.ii.uunoe Adults JOHN T, 9TCOTT EXETER - -- ONTARIO. Genera"), _E3, -gent for the following first-class Insurance Compan- ies:- • Glasgow do London Fire Insurance Co Great Britain. CAPITAL, $2,500,000. Commercial Uuion Assurance Company of London, England. CAPITAL and AoeziT,, 1421,• 000,0(0. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society of Noiwleh England. CAPITAL, ns,n00,000. Lancashire Fire Insurance Clomps nJ y of Man 1 chester,England• CAPITAL at4,000,000. City Mutual Vire Insurance Company of Lon- ul 1 Government deposit with don, Canada F Ontario (1Overnment. Loudon Guarantee es Aceiden Co, (Limited) of London, England- CAPITAL, $1,250,000. Canadian Mutual Aid Association of Canada. Asaessment'Life Syitetn, and cheapest Iu Canada. A. Trial Solicited. ,. �hn T. Westcott, K,t'al Estate& Insurance A ;t. EXETER -: ONTARIO -CURES- Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Kidney Troubles, l' heumatiam Skin Diseases - -and all impurities of the ;lend from whet - Jeer : cause arising I+emalo weakness & General debility 1'n ciy Vegetable; Highly Concentrated, Pleasant slid effectual to use, ASK FOR- Doctor fiodder's (compound.' 'fake no other Sold everywhere. Price 75 cents perPottle- Da'-}10 DIDEA'S ttor restate from itsuse thaw any other D operation of the hind 1 have ever tried.'' Pu up in 5be. and $1 sive. Cur Sohl Everywvhere. I'r•ice, 2.", etnts and GO ants per bottle, Proprietors and rMatif'rs, The Union Medicine Company, Toronto, Canada, WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN,' DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, .And every species of disease arising from disordered LIVER, XIDNEI.:S, STOMACH, BOWELF ''R BLOOD. "�. MILBURN & CO rv,zorrmo. ^oprietors,, —FALL-- ARRIVING ALL-- ARRIVING ! T. Dearing has received, and is receiving daily his fall stock of Dry -Goods, Ready, imide clothing, Flannels, Win - ready -made knit shirts, and Ladies' Dress gnois, Hose QTc. BOOTS and SHOES, A Well selected Stock for Winter wear, Goods ,will be sold very Cheap for (Cash or Farm Pio duce, which is taken as Cash, Gr®c rl. s -Always r ti . uverytll:1m requited by the Housekeeper. Dried Pork and Rlhla, rlr.nr of the Bast --A i .0 W --- Mares, and 'Dominion Organs For Sale. .Choy .will bo on exhibition at the South T. ,; .B.. ex 'a, FANSON'S BLOCK. QUEEN CITY OIL V7*.' At Toronto, Every Barrel Guar"anteetl, This 011 was used on all machinery during 11 Exhibition. It bas been awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS dur'iug the last three ,years. f ado that you get Peerless. It is only made b E,Ae24' TEL 'E00WRS do CO,.TORONTO FOR SALE BY JAS. PICKARD, FRUITS, FRUITS, FRUITS. THE FAmELB GPia;.Crsi3dY is the place to go for all kinds of fruits in season. FRESH GROCERIES A.L WAYS IN STOCK. CN 4 DIES, NUTS, AND CON ICE CREAM PARLOR My Ice Cream Parlors are thel coolest and best t0aoilstc 1 11 �'always 1�1J town. The cream is of the purest and fresh. yiidmais e . fi$, m{' a smote ore e ' �' eP�, fiyK° 'S' ...;:$‘4' c ' . :.�i•: y°fit OvO �' ,,yti „N, ��,� �,•, �. yep s°°e ° rod• Go ' •r"" ti 1� ebb • ti 6, `C, ,°o fi ti t{tia G` eye • <, a . i a'y er 9 ed• GC K t eat • C, ,r of . of e c°fi 04 \O. s' , �ti <z"Q' 'cc' e;' r' fi 1 eye oo e at 594 00,�9416�,Q,���+. G J "ag, tiGt v ot 0+ 61. el' 'JOS G 1'G �``" Boa 5 Lgti e lee th t oS ':..r .55 Got CSS Gno� eSro 9, ...g. ,iS•\ - .a. .4: : .,:.CCN' :. ¢,'°`' 0$'5. 8$ . titbt .,. Manufeclpr si only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford Street, i Tato 133, Oxford Str:et, London. IV' Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots: If the address is not 533, Oxford Street,,London, they are spurious. (Wholesale and Retail.) BUILDER'S HARDWARE --Nails, Glass, (stained and engraved), Loel.s, Hinges .'`- Butts (full line.) CARRIAGE HARDWARE -Bar Iron, Bent Stuff, Hubbs, Spokes, Cutter Runners, Shafts, Moquette Wnnsiin, Drill, &c, MILL SUPPLIES -Stow Pipe, Fittiugs, Videos, Asbestos, P.acldna, ?dubber and Leath- er Settings, &o. SPORTING MATERIAL -Breach Loa']ing unci Shot Guns, Powder, Shot, &a Rochester Lamps, Silver Star Goal Oil, Wicks, Bur- ners, Axes, & Skates. LANCE SAWS. ra STOVE DEPARTMENT -SEE THE- fkiginai Gook and Triumph HEATING STOVES, The Bradley Eavetrongh and Tin- ware a Specialty. Verity's' Plows and Points, 'Ca',. due Plaster, Carpet, Felts, Pitch, Coal Tar, &e. Send in your orders for Chestnut or Stone, Carmel Soft, and the Semouic Blossburb, Coal before it advances. Ansaled Galvanized and Barb Wire cheap. JAMES PICKA-R.-tD Furniture & U derLt.kin Wo would call tho attention of the people of .Exeter end surrounding country co y" fact tlrir,t '.ve, h,,v ng purchased the stock and business' of WILLIA1f DISE, • special inducements in are offe i„ ii arliii Setts Pimili arab: bhitieY 't`nbie 5. Springs and Mattress( Bedroom Setts, Wood, Cane & Perforated Chairs, Book sed cases, Writ] Sideboards, Whatnots, f:lall talls,Ancan Endless Variety in Beds, Bureaus, Cupboards, ale. Our Stocic of Lumber is Largo and Thoroughly y Seasoned; arid, baring' hadextern; experience in the leading factories of the Dominion, we cane guarantee ' able Furnitni. g tee Stylish and Sere, Our Stocit of Undertaking Goods is the Largest in t equal iiortli of Loudon. re the his braty, and our busine has q . d Smear. rition will b�• paid t. + ,, . everyone will find us prompt awl reliable burin , l o this branch of rue bririiic3s, and ort, ti..a:i. REPAIRING OF AiLL KINDS ('1tO \I I ?` .CLY ATTENDED ulne , lll k,el the Stand, One OneDoor North of IVIolaoni s 1-:Z 'WTI; & N" D WS