HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-02-15, Page 19• (I) central r ni c Oce ��. �rfcflord browh 1 for secondary school news One Spring Day One spring day, in a little kingdom far away on the riverbank, the schoolies, who were the people who inhabited • the kingdom from 9:00 to 3:00 each day - the schoolies elected a prince and princess to rule them for the following year. The royal couple made inspiring speeches and promised 'great things during their reign and everyone was excited and happy. Well, the summer came and passed and the prince and princess made many plans. Finally the great day came when they started their reign. Things started out not going quite as they had planned. They found they were still . schoolies at heart because they still had to do schoolie work. Nobody cared that they had extra work to do and nobody cared to help them. Before long, all the noble, royal plans of the prince and princess,, lay in smouldering rubble around their feet. Those bad- old schoolies! Even their friends enjoyed and laughed at the comedy of seeing the poor royal couple blunder through each week alone. ' Soon the prince and princess became very depressed. Then, the prince remembered something that he had forgotten *long, long ago. A wise, old prophet once, said to him "You've got to be crazy to get through this life". So the princess said "Let's do something crazy." So they did. They suspended the old constitution of the kingdom, indefinitely and started a new one, granting themselves, in the first clause, the power to make any new rules or take away any old ones they didn't like - just like Uncle Adolph did many years ago. B,oy, were schoolies ever surprised - especially the schoolie Council.. When they heard the news, the schoolie council .started to com- plain very loudly (the first time they showed any sign of life all year) but it was too late. The princess waved the new magic wand and turned ' the entire council into a big pumpkin. Times were very happy for the prince and princess after that - until the god of the kingdom found out and he discovered that the second clause of the new constituion allowed for a $30,000 a year salary for the prince and princess plus a brand new carriage for them to ride around the country side in. Things are back to normal now. People still don't help, but they don't laugh anymore either. The Church Restaurant Cor. Brunswick & Waterloo 'Stratford, Ontario DinnerandDance to celebrate Si ��ntmesD�y Saturday 17th February or Buffet Brunch on Sunday it "The menus - including brunch - are ever changing and never disappointing." Diane & Lynn Brooks London Free Press Oct. 27,.1978 "Only in Stratford you say? That's right, however no cause to say "pity". An autumn Sunday in the tranquil and handsome community, that includes brunch at The Church is pure pleasure." Winston Collins Toronto Sunday Star Oct. 8, 1978 Please phone for reservations (519) 273.3424 Tuesday to Friday Lunch 12:00- 2:00 • Sunday Brunch Tuesday to Saturday Dinner 6:00 on Licensed by L.L.B.O. LAST NIGHT: Feb. 15th ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 'EVERY WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE' Feb.16 - Feb. 22 Aetna nolo FRI. & SAT. ONLY SHOWTIMES 7:00 P.M. & 9:00 P.M. SUN. - THURS. One Showing 8 P.M. Alan Alda Walter Matthau Michael Caine Elaine May Bill Cosby Richard Pryor Jane Fonda Maggie Smith ,A R K 0 THATRE 30 The Square. Goderich, 324.7111 Pr ram ,. r t to char with t noel ,f THE CLINTO4 NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1979.—PAGE 19 toll5 M linter carnival a success After a very successful start last Tuesday with the student -teacher hockey game, the CHSS Winter Carnival week continued. On Wednesday, the yearbook club held a display of several of the old yearbooks. The female teachers accepted a challenge from the grade twelve girls and agreed to a volleyball game. Although the teachers were leading at one point 14 - 7 the mighty Red - women soon recovereC and went on to win the game.Special recognition should go out to "Madame Mcore" and "Madame Howard" for the special "effect" that they had on the opposing team - and the audience! On Thursday a boys' basketball game and tribal toboggan races vvere held. Students tried (some of us un- successfully) to pull their homeroom teachers on toboggans through two feet of snow on a course behind the school. Mr. Jewson's 4D were the eventual winners: Friday, was dress -up Big Brother's news Last Friday was take a teacher -to -lunch day for the winter carnival. Hey Mr. R. you didn't seem too pleased with your giggly escorts of Grade 9 girls. Didn't your mother ever tell. you never to eat and run? Everyday after school a group of Grade 10 girls gather in the library to do their homework (so they say) S.M. and J.C. were caught in a corner sitting on each ohters knees. So girls what's your excuse now? Last Wednesday a little munchkin noted a pair of men's oveshoes sitting outside the library. Is somebody sneaking around that know about? Due to graduation pictures the student lounge was out of bounds all day Thursday and Friday. Unfortunately for the Grade 13 guys the local card game had to find a new meeting place. The library seemed like an appealing place and the game got started. Luck .was cut short though and they were asked to leave. Don't worry guys. We know Miss S, rules with an iron hand and. is a tough lady to beat. So long for now. Remember Big Brother's watching! ®0112EME212 ®l2®®®®®®lam®®®feME2E2®®E2ME2 ®®q we don't Poke r„,„,,,,,. ..., . a0 .0 Rally At the Auburn COrrimunity Hall Sun., Feb. 18th, '79 REGISTRATION: 11-1:30 P.M. FEE: '3.00 PER HAND Sponsored by Auburn's 125th Birthday Committee Numerous Door Prizes And Cash Poker Prizes, Lunch Available UEMME2®®®®®M®®®®®®®®®®®M®®®2122®®®® E2E2a day at CHSS. Teachers were taken to lunch by students compliments of the student's council. The week's cold weather seemed to hinder all the students from building any snow sculptures. All except for three Ln- dustrious craftsmen who created an eight inch snowman. Larry Riehl, Derek Divok and Paul Westlake were rewarded with a large deluxe pizza for their efforts. The week ended with a Disc Jockey dance in the cafeteria. Although quite a few people missed out on this event, I'm sure those who attended had a great time. A lot of enthusiasm was shown during the week and some felt it has been one of the best winter carnivals we've had. Special mention should go to Betty Konarski for pulling off such a success ! From the gymnasium Volleyball Report A volleyball tour- nament was held in Exeter last Wednesday. The senior Redwomen won two of their games. The,junior Redwomen were nable to keep up their winning streak as they won only two of the five games that they played. Basketball Last Thursday all three of our basketball teams were defeated by Exeter. Our seniors were beaten by a depressing 70 - 36 score. Both Joe Verberne and Terri Wheeler scored 14 points. The Exeter midgets doubled up on our midgets, 54 - 27 in the cr'r•nnd grime. The .junior game was the closest match, but the Panthtrrs managed to hang on and win with a final score of 44 - 40. John Elliot and Todd Moxam got 12 points each. At an exhibition tournament in Listowel on Saturday, the junior Redmen played two games. In their first game they were defeated by Dorchester who scored 62 points to our teams 47. The second game was against Listowel in the con- solation round. Our juniors were put out by a score of 70 - 30. Jeff Sch- midt scored 25 points against Dorchester and 11 points against Listowel making him high scorer for both games. On Monday, our Redmen travelled' to Stratford to play Central. In senior play, our Redmen watched with humiliation as Central hit the century mark and finally defeated them 102 - 29. Joe Verberne scored nine points and Mike Thomson scored eight. Our midgets were defeated in the closest game of the three by a 76 - 29 score. Bill Tugwell scored twelve points. The junior game was a runaway for Central defeating our junior Redmen 78 - 26. Jeff Sch- midt was high scorer with seven points. Dear Annie's confession Dear Readers: It's my fault, it's all my fault! I lost them, I lost your letters! And I only got a chance to read one of them before my pet gnu ate them! I'm really, really sorry about it, but I'll print an answer to the letter I do remember, and those other people who wrote to me are welcome to write me again if they still have a problem, or -just want to insult my intelligence. Perhaps if I'd had more letters in the first place, I'd still be able to print something, but 'as it happened, there was only enough for a mouthful for my gnu, (pronounced Guh-noo) . So please write, and maybe I'll have something to answer - Annie Slanders Confidential . to "Shaking in their Boots”: I know you have a problem alright, my ears get pretty sore whenever I hear those guys going at it, and I have a couple of remedies. Try spreading sand in a thin layer (so that nobody can see it easily) on the floor under the per- petrators' desks, right where they put their feet. Of course, the noise when the shakers go into action will be three times as annoying, but the teacher can't help but notice it and get the goons to quit. Also, when they realize what a racket they're creating, the shakers will probably quit of their own accord. You can also place a tack or two in the floor under where they put their feet. If they don't get sore feet and quit, ale- noise "henoise of a tack embedded in their shoes clicking away as they shake is almost certain to em- -barrass them into silence. A small puddle of water under their feet produces a nice slapping noise, (nice and em- barassing) with the added benefit that they splash themselves. If a campaign of subtle hints and these stunts don't work, start on a cam- paign of kneecapping. You can't shake with your leg in a cast. Huron people try out for. movie Although it's difficult for local residents to be "discovered" by a Hollywood director while sipping a soda at their corner drugstore, next weekend some Huron EVERY WHICH WAY BUT FINISHED. Together Again... Virginia Lodge & Warren Robinson after exciting performances in...Lion in Winter oderich Little. Theatre presents Virginia & Warren in "THE FOUR POSTER" by Jap do Hartag, directed by Eleanor Robinson Feb. 22;23, 22 curtain at 8:30 p.m. at MacKay Hall Box Office - Reg Bell Optometrists - The Square, God. OPEN_ Thurs. Feb. 15. 1.5 p.m. Tues. Feb. 20 -1-5 p.m. Fri. Feb. 10.1-5 p.m. Wed. Feb. 21 - Closed Sat. Feb. 17. 10-12 a.m. Thurs. Feb: 22 -1-5 p.m. Mon. Fob. 19.1-5 p.m. Frl. Feb. 22.1-5 p.m. NO TELEPHONE RESERVATIONS EXCEPTED County residents will have the chance to be in a movie. The movie, called "Title Shot" and starring Tony Curtis, will have one segment filmed in the Memorial Arena in Kitchener next weekend. Curtis Michael McCone of Clinton, and Mark Adams and Jeff Hohner .of Exeter are three area young, people registered with Talent Search Productions, a London casting agency who is supplying actors to play roles varying from reporters to policemen to general extras in the movie Title Shot. Although the three young actors won't be appearing in this par- ticular film, due to their age, adult members of their families will be given a chance to appear in the arena scenes. The movie, financed by an American company, covers a World Boxing Match in which Tony Curtis plays the coach of one of the contenders. In order to guarantee he will win his $4.5 million bet oh his boxer, Mr. Curtis hires a sniper to assassinate the other boxer. The sniper's bullets go astray; and members of the audience are Wound , ' . the scene. Also, in adi: o the match scene, a casino scene will als . be shot in the Kitchen : arena. Susan. Haine, who is in charge of casting for Talent Search Produe tions, said her company is casting actors and extras for six movies currently being filmed in Canada. The company's head office has operated in Toronto for the past eight years, with the London branch opening last October. Smile Boasting his car could be induced to Turn on a dime if reduced e stretched his luck n front of a truck... ten -cents doesn't do what it used to! PROGRAM SCHEDULE February 15 to February 21 / EXCLUSIVE TO SIGNAL -STAR PUBLISHING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "MARILYN". Marilyn Monroe -Narrator -Rock _Hudson: Contains sequences from 15 pictures starring the late Marilyn Monroe. 5:30 THE NEWLYWED GAME EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 N.B.C. NEWS 7:00 BEWITCHED No. 134 7:30 BEST OF GILLIGAN'S ISLAND 8:00 LITTLE WOMEN 9:00 QUINCY 10:00 WOMEN IN WHITE (Part 2 of 3) 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 MOVIE: "FROM HERE TO ETERNITY". Burt Lancaster 3:30 MOVIE: ."DEADLY. HUNT," Peter Lawford 5:00 MOVIE: "THE MONK". George Makaris. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "RIVER OF NO RETURN". Robert Mitchum-Marilyn Monroe. A barroom en- tertainer and a widower with a 10 -year-old son travel downriver on. a raft, menaced by rapids, .Indians and a sneaky gambler. 5:30 THE NEWLYWED GAME EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 N.B.C. NEWS 7:00 BIONIC WOMAN 8:00 DIFF'RENT STROKES 8:00 BROTHERS & SISTERS 9:00 TURNABOUT 9:30 HELLO, LARRY 10:00.'SWEEPSTAKES 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW 2:30...:.,..,......MOVIE: "THE MAGAS". Anthony Quinn. 5:00 MOVIE: "CAST A GIANT SHADOW." Kitk Douglas. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17 MORNING 6:30A BUFORD AND THE GALLOPING GHOST 7:OOA FABULOUS FUN- NIES 7:30A BAY CITY ROLLERS 8:OOA YOGI'S SPACE RACE 8:30A THE FANTASTIC FOUR 9:60A GODZILLA SUPER 90 10:27A METRIC MARVELS 10:30A DAFFY DUCK 11:OOA FRED AND BAR- NEY 11:30A THE JETSONS 12:OON BONKERS '.: TERNOON 1:30 SOUL TRAIN 2:30 NCAA BASKETBALL - Michigan at MSU 4:30 SATURDAY AF- TERNOON MOVIE - "CINDERFELLA". Jerry Lewis -Ed Wynn -Judith Anderson. Take -off on fairy tale, complete with wicked stepmother, beautiful princess and two step- brothers who try to listen in on Jerry's dream of hidden fortune. EVENING 6:00 NEWS 5 AT SIX 6:30 HEE HAW - "Conway Twitty" 7:30 GONG SHOW 8:00 CHIPS 9:00 BJ & THE BEAR 10:00 ROCKFORD FILES 11:00 NEWS 5 AT ELEVEN 11:30 MILLION $ MOVIE: "BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI". William Holden - Alec Guinness -Jack Hawkins. WW II: Com- plications that arise when a British Colonel is imprisoned with his troops by the Japanese and forced to labor in building a bridge..Story of men of different character and calibre fighting for their lives. 11:00 COMEDY CLASSICS: "NAUGHTY NINETIES". Abbott & Costello -Alan Curtis -Rita Johnson. Mediocre plot about gamy biers on riverboat sets scene for remembered routines by famed comedy team. AFTERNOON 12:30 LONE RANGER 1:30 MEET THE PRESS 2:00 OPEN CAMERA 2:30 SUNDAY MOVIE: "ROAD TO BALI". Bob' Hope -Bing Crosby. American vaudevilli+ns. Bing and Bob, fleeing from some irate Australian fathers, wind up as deep sea divers, hired by island potentate to recover 'treasure. 4:00 SUNDAY MOVIE SPECTACULAR: "THE ADVENTURES OF FRONTIER FREMONT"`. Dan Haggerty -Denver Pyle. A tinsmith -surveyor in the. Southwest decides to live in the wilderness. He en- counters fierce animals, treacherous rapids, a mammoth forest fire and Indians, before he succeeds in finding a home. EVENIN 6:00 NEWS 5 AT SIX 6:30 WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS 7:00 WORLD OF DISNEY "Ride a Wild Pony" 8:00 BIG EVENT: "AMERICAN GRAFFITI" 10:30 WEEKEND 11:00 NEWS 5 AT ELEVEN 11:30 CINEMA FIVE: "BAREFOOT IN THE PARK". Robert Redford - Jane Fonda -Charles Boyer - Mildred Natwick. The desire for fun on the part of an uninhibited wife -bride creates an amusing situation between the newlyweds. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "GODZILLA VS. SMOG MONSTER". (C) '72 Akira Yamauchi -Hiroyuki Kawase. Godzilla battles a smog monster that- bloat's himself on factory and automobile wastes, then turns if into a sulpheric exhaust which disintegrates everything it envelopes. 5:30 THE NEWLYWED GAME EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 N.B.C. NEWS 7:00 BEWITCHED 7:30 MUPPETS 8:00 LITTLE HOUSE 9:00 NBC MONDAY MOVIE: "BACKSTAIRS AT THE WHITE HOUSE". Part 4 11:00 NEWS "' 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: GODZILLA VS. THE SEA MONSTER". Godzilla saves the lives of the people of Letchi who are enslaved by an evil people bent on world conquest and an enormous crab who devours all that try escaping. Godzill Mothra Ebrah. 5:30 THE NEWLYWED GAME EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 N.B.C. NEWS 7:00 BEWITCHED 7:30 SHA NA N,Q►,..SHOW .. .., 8:00 BIG EVENT - "THE EAGLE HAS LANDED" 11:00 NEWS ' 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "KING KONG VS GODZILLA. (C). '63 Michael Keith -James Yagi. King Kong meets his mightiest contender in Godzilla; the two monsters battling for supremacy while destroying everything in their path. 5:30 THE NEWLYWED GAME EVENING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10-6:00 NEWS w MORNING 6:10 N.B.C. NEWS 7:00 BEWITCHED - No. 141 7:30 FAMILY FEUD - No. 31 8:00 SUPERTRAIN 9:00 NBC NOVELS - "FROM HERE TO ETERNITY". Part 2 of 3 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW 6:45 DAVEY & GOLIATH 7:00 OPEN CAMERA 7:30 CARTOON CARNIVAL 8:00 REX,IUMBARD 9:00 ORAL ROBERTS 9:30 TELEVISED MASS 10:00 ABBOTT & COSTELLO 10:30 LITTLE RASCALS 4 Give... THE HEART FUND 91f1►.ra�...a..rrr+..+r.,ri-.�,_,Ya,�:� •�s�,