HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-02-15, Page 2PAGE 2 —THE CLINTO EWS-RECORD;\THURSDAY. FEBR .IARY 15, 1979 No self-respecting duck would be outdone by a few heifers. If the latter could stroll down the streets of Clinton - then, by quacky, so could he. Mind you, it was pretty uncomfortable dodging cars and trucks on Albert Street at nine Tuesday morning. A call to the police office from the News - Record brought a no lesser duck -catcher than the Chief himself. However, as the firm arm of the law was about to arrest him, our friend was up and away with a flick of his tail feathers, only to alight on Rat- tenbury St. West. But his new found freedom was short lived as Chief Westlake executed a neat one -and -a half -forward over a snow bank and from there it was a short trip into the cruiser for the escapee. Moral: Better to be a live quacker than a dead duck. + + + Erma and Hal Hartley have returned from a week's trip to Port of Spain, Trinidad and to the Island of Tobago. While there they had a visit with Dr. and Mrs. Jack Gorwill of Seaforth, who are winter residents of Tobago. Tie Hartleys tell us that several people ask if they still have "Robbie" the robin. The answer is "yes" and he will be eight years old in June. -I- ++ When visiting at the Clinton hospital, one - cannot help but admire the "Candy Stripers" - the young high school girls who' do volunteer work at the hospital. Right now there is a need for more girls who live in town to volunteer. winter weather sometimes makes it difficult for the out-of-town girls to report in. If there are any in -town.. girls 14 years and up who are interested, they can report to the Guidance Office at CHSS or contact Mrs. Barb Hicks, the co- ordinator of ' the Candy Stripers at 482-9572. +++ "The Year of the Child" is fast becoming a household phrase. The Canadian Save the Children Fund have used the Valentine theme to promote the idea of children sharing their love with other children not quite as fortunate. The Vanastra Public 2i®®®i2Eao12:62E2E22®I2EM®IMMEMI®®®®MM®M®E 171 ® Ea NEW% Ea s 0 0 0 at0 69 ® Ci 0 ® 0 ® ‘ 1 ' -Mt C" 0 ® aiRTHd F:3 MEI FFill WISHES A HAPPY BIRTHDAYgi g To On S Jamie Talbot Clinton February 1 5 S ® Shari Lobb Clinton , February 15 61 Ri Rio Robbie Radford Londesboro February 16 S Steven Preszcator R.R. Clinton February 16 i gLana Jones R.R. 2 Clinton February 16 g Chastity Colquhoun Clinton February 18 g ® Jason Fleet Clinton February 18 g lil Andrea Carlin Clinton February 18 161 Ezi ® Ronald Jantzi Clinton February 20 g g Crystal Garrett Clinton February 21 g ® To Join - just come into me' Maws -Record office, 53 Si 0 Albert St. Clinton or , phone 482-3443 and have your la_ S name entered in the Birthday Book and get your FREE g ® button. ° � M®n®®®®®®MM®M®M®n®®®UMMEME MM® ii2E:MMif2F2 ® 001 8 '31V1d 9 1:131131 C '31ddIN Z 'd3Hd0D l —uMoa 39000 6 '133d L '1139 9 'l3ddfld 1' '1l100NOO 1—SSO 3V S1:13MSNV School has carried out this`, theme in its Valen- tine celebrations. An eight- ,foot styrofoam sheet has, been set up on whichhas been superimposed the outline of a tree. For 5 cents the students get to pin a red heart on 'the branches. The proceeds of the many red hearts goes towds the work among the underprivileged children of • Korea, Kenya and India. + + + In last week's Town Talk there was a mistake, and I cannot blame it on anybody but myself. In telling of the passing of "Joe", the Pullen's well - ,known saddle horse, I gave his age as, being born in 1971. "Joe" was born in 1951 and would have been 28 years old this April. + ++ Although last Thur- sday, February 8 started off stormy and very cold and there were many cancellations of functions for that evening - the Rebekahs and Oddfellows held their card party anyway. Following are the prizewinners: ladies - Mrs. Alex McMichael, Mrs. Percy Gibbings, Miss Rachael Johnston; men - Mr. Ernest Brown, Mr. George Wright; Draw Prize winners - Mr. Ernest Brown, Mr. Gordon Richardson, Mrs.. Flora Dowson, Mr. Ed Johns, Mr. Alex •McMichael. The next party is ad- vertised on the back page of this paper. Everyone is welcome. +++ Here's a word to' the executives of the various groups and organizations in and around town. When planning ahead for major events in the coming ixionths - why not call the News -Record Office at 4821443 as soon as you make the date. We will enterit in our record book along with the date. This often eliminates the overlapping of two events - especially when the largely crowded summer and fall season comes along with barbecues, lunches, etc. Also a call to the News -Record will let anyone know if the date contemplated has already been booked. The Madelein Lane .Auxiliary to St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church held its February meeting at the home of Mrs. Verna Morgan. The group hopes to be able to send two members to assist at the Canadian Cancer Society Daffodil Tea to be held at Wesley - Willis Church on Friday, April 6, 1979. There was also warm response to the request for drivers for the alternate Wednesday movies for Senior Citizens at Huronview. Goderich Twp. okays severances 9 Ray Bush and Tom Sinclair were present at the Goderich Township Council meeting on February 7 to explain a request for a land severance. Council considered three severance requests at the meeting. A motion was passed that Chas Mather`s and Lorne Tyndall's requests be approved as per questionaires. Ray Bush's request was filed until the next meeting. C. Teal was present at ee the meeting to obtain information about building permits and farm operations. - A building permit was issued by council to Mrs. Phyllis Cox for the demolition of the barn recently destroyed by fire. Council passed a motion that a fee of $100 be set for the township to process an application for spot re -zoning • or any zoning amendment to the Township Plan. The $100 fee is to be deposited with With the temperature sinking to below ze i F every night, there are few places for outdoor animals to get warm, but many area birds find chimneys a good spot to warm up. Here a flock -takes advantage of the heat from Galbraith's chimney on Albert Street. (News -Record photo) Star fetes/brothers Clinton Eastern Star paid tribute to the brothers of/the Order at the regular meeting on Februax'y 1. +++ Prize . winners at the' euchre party at Sum- merhill Hall were - High points - Mary Van Den Elzen and Jim Watson; most lone hands Phyllis and Robin Thompson; low points Marie Flynn and Graydon Neale. Mrs. Ludwigson won the draw on the groceries. The next party will be held on February 23. +++ Anyone interested in alt should plan to attend the second annual Huron - Perth Open Show coor- dinated by the Gallery, Stratford. The artists and public are invited for an evening of criticism and discussion Friday, February 23 at 8 p.m. The exhibition itself runs until March 11, 1979. This is a chance to see what local artists are doing working in a' wide variety of media. The exhibition is sponsored by Leeson - Killer Insurance Com- pany. February is Heart Month and Deanna Delve is ""convener of the campaign. She reported attending a Heart Foundation supper in London with special guest speaker, Dr. John Morch, cardiologist at Toronto General Hospital. Chapter members have volunteered to staff the hospital cart this month and Valentine tray favours for the patients are being supplied. Worthy Matron, Margaret Caldwell made special note of the good attendance of brothers and gave words of ap- preciation. Ways and means convener Joan Bell reported on ticket sales on the needlepoint florals and tablecloth set to be drawn in June. A Dutch auction took place with two items donated by Worthy Patron Guss Boussey. A card party is planned for Thursday, February 15. , The meeting closed with the Worthy Patron and his men helpers serving a most tasty lunch of Sloppy Joes and cookies much enjoyed by all in attendance. It'll help take the guess work out of your wedding day! Who is responsible fol what at the wedding? Traditionally, what are the financial obligations of the Bride, and of the Groom? Just what are the do's and don'ts on the wedding day? If you are unsure, we have just the thing for you! Look to Th fill in Blanks - ons letter on each Eyes run when ws cry. What we hear with — Cars travel on the _ . Opposite of sad Insect that lives In a hill Answer to lust week'" Winter Qui* Whits. Ice, Nights, Te`th, *ars. Rink for the answers Special supplement to the p . Goderich Signal -Star THURSDAY, MARCH 1.1979 the township by thep- plicant before the township proceeds to pass the necessary by- laws and deal with the requested amendment. Accounts totalling more than $9,000 were ordered paid by council. Council passed a motion that an additional 2,628 cubic yards of gravel, spread in addition to the 12,000 yards authorized on October 24, 1978 under contract 7801 be approved by the M.T.C. for subsidy purposes. Council passed a motion that a 1976 business tax of $6.17 be written of the tax roll for R. & M. Tyrell and that cheques number 278-1964 for $50 and 279-1964 also for $50 be cancelled. Council decided to give a donation of $15 to the Historical Society of Huron County. Separate Brd. meets BY • WILMA OKE The - Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic separate school board discussed some advanced information on 1979 general legislative grants, which it has received from the minister of education, at a meeting in Dublin Monday. Jack Lane, Superin- tendent of business and finance, reported that he expected the general legislative grant regulation will be sent to his office this week. A budget meeting will be held as soon as one can be arranged when the regulation is received. Mr. Lane said the municipal councils are anxious for the school boards to complete their budgets so that the counoils, will be able to finalize their budgets when the school levies are known. He said he has received calls from a couple of clerks asking when they can expect the information. The board approved a leave-of-absence without • from page 13 - WINTER JACKETS - WINTER COATS Plus A Special Group of: - SHIRTS - SLACKS - TURTLENECKS - VELOURS - SWEATERS - GLOVES ALTERATIONS AT COST ON SALE CLOTHING! BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY REPAIR Clinton Electric (1I'J White Westinghouse 4- -f-i-zs-tp c ri n. Appliances SALES & SERVICE APPLIANCE REPAIRS ELECTRICAL MAIN- TENANCE. 90 ALBERT ST. 482-3646 DIESEL Pumps and injectors Repaired For all Popular Makes Huron Fuel,injection Equipment Barfield Rd., Clinton 482-7971 APPLIANCE and REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE Jim Broadfoot 482-7032 Lloyd Garland FURNITURE REFINISHING AND UPHOLSTERY Corner 5th Avenue and Hapax St., Vanastra Phone 482-9576 DECORATING K ecora+in9 td 33 Huron St., Clinton Box 337, Clinton NOM 1L0 482-9542 529-7939 Paints, Stains, Min Wax products, Wall coverings, Draperies, Floor Sanding, Texturing Interior & Exterior Contracting FREE ESTIMATES INSURANCE GAISER-KNEALE INSURANCE AGENCY INC. Insurance - Real Estate Investments Isaac St., Clinton Phone Office 482-9747 Len Theedom 482-7994 Hal Hartley 482-3693 C. Buruma 482-3287 JOHN WISE GENERAL INSURANCE— GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS Clinton Off i ce:482-9644 Res.:482-7265 BILL'S HOME MAINTENANCE No Job too -Small Plumbing, Electrical, Carpentry, and Sheet Metal. HENSALL 262-2941 Bill Fink THE COACH HOUSE TRAVEL SERVICE 59 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH 524-8366 OPEN: Monday -Friday 9:00-5:30 Saturday 9:00 -NOON FULLY APPOINTED FOR BUSINESS OR PLEASURE TRAVEL ALUMINUM PRODUCTS JERVIS ALUMINUM Sales and Service of Aluminum Doors, Windows, and screens. Ornamental Railing and Signs. Glass cut to size. 86 KING ST. CLINTON 482-9390 INSULATION 11 a 1 O MORE ECONOMICAI C('WAIF 1 ON1101 to FISHER INSULATION Specialists In: *Sprayed in place Urethane foam • CMHC approved Mineral wool • CMHC approved Cellulose fibre Phone:' WINGHAM 357-364i HANOVER 364.341 Out-of-town:Call Collect insulation Doesn't cost -It Pays. ELECTRIC s v‘" ixtc3" ,, 0er'I 1104 e1ec".1 • ECONOMY • QUALITY • SERVICE "Big jobs or small, We guarantee them all." 482-7374 • CLINTON OPTOMETRY JOHN LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth 527-1240 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. 9:00-5:30 Saturday 9:00-12:00 Closed Wednesday BY APPOINTMENT Free parking on premises ELL TRIST ODERICH R.W. B OPTOMETRIST The Square, G 524-7661 ACCOUNTING TRI TOWN BOOKKEEPING ,AND COMPUTER SERVICE Complete Business Ser- vice - quarterly, half - yearly, yearly. Also Farm and Individual Service. LAWRENCE BEANE Brucefield Phone 482-9260 Available year round r Durst, Vodden & Bender CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS BOX 758 20 ISAAC ST. 482-7979 37 West Street Goderich, Ontario 524-2011 MORE NEWS MORE FEATURES Keep informed with the News -Record W. J. McEACHERN AND ASSOCIATES R.R. 2, Grand Bend NOM 1TO Phone 238-2616 (519) 30 years experience with Revenue Canada in all aspects of Farm Tax problems. Bookkeeping Available TELEVISION AND STEREO PETERS 213 VICTORIA ST. CLINTON w 462-7621 . MAGNAVOX... HILIPS — SHARP-OPTONICA Colour T.V. and Audio Components Sales and Service CHANNEL MASTER—DELHI T.V. & F.M. Antenna Systems James Fitzgerald Photography Clinton • 10 years experience • Weddin'gs, passports • Family portraits In your home 482-9502 0; 402-3890