Clinton News-Record, 1979-02-08, Page 15•
h , the
( 1 y S. Jerome and M. D nsmorr V O I C e
Sharon's recipe corner
Helpful Hints
Drinking glasses are
less likely to slip out of
children's hands if you
put several rubber bands
around the glass.
If your family meals
are interrupted by neigh-
borhood children,.•paste a
picture of a family eating
to cardboard, and hang
the sign on the front
doorknob: Explain to the
children that they aren't
to ring the doorbell until
the sign comes down.
Frozen wet washcloths
in plastic sandwich bags
are instant help for
bumps and bruises. They
can also be used to numb
splinter area for painless
removal, and can be held
on minor burns until the
pain stops.
After handwashing
clothes or dishes, keep
hands soft by rinsing
them with vinegar water.
Cheeseburger Pie
Pastry for 1 pie crust
1 lb. lean beef (if not lean,
heat and pour the fat off)
1/2 tsp. salt
% tsp. pepper
1/4 cup minced onion
1/2 cup fine soft bread
1/2 cup tomato sauce
1 cup grated sharp chee?e
1 egg, beaten
one-third cup milk
1/2 tsp. dry mustard
1/2 tsp. Worcestershire
Mix these ingredients
and spread over pie.
Bake at 370 degrees for 35
Cherry Crisp
Pan 9 x 13 inc. Oven
temp. 370 degrees. Time
30 min.
2 cups flour
2 cups rolled oats
2 cups brown sugar
1 cup melted butter
1/2 cup walnuts
Mix and put 1A in
bottom of pan. Add 1 can
cherry pie filling or
equivalent. Top with
remaining crumbs. For
added flavour and food
value substitute 1/2 cup
flour with 1/2 cup wheat
Skating party cancelled
The skating party that
the Brownies and Cubs
were planning for last
Monday had to be can-
celled due to the weather.
The leaders will let the
kids know when we will
be holding this event.
Please remember the
parents committee
meeting scheduled for
this Sunday February 11.
It will be at the Vanastra
Recreation Centre at 2
Don't forget the
Valentines Dance this
Saturday Feb. 10 at the
Vanastra Recreation
Centre. The Vanastra
Lions Club are putting
this dance on, with the
music by "Kadenza".
Tickets are $10 a couple.
The Vanastra Christian
Reformed Church is
holding an arts and crafts
session and bible study.
This is called "Come
Alive" and all children
frorp the age of 4 to 14 are
welcome. This is held on
Tuesday nights from 7:30
The Community Pot
Luck Supper is to be held
on February 18 at 4 p.m.
in the Vanastra
Recreation Centre.
Plates and silverware
will be supplied. This is
sponsored by the
Vanastra Brownies,
Cubs, Guides and Scouts.
The parents of any
Brownies, Cubs, Guides
and Scouts are reminded
that the money for the
tickets to the Ice Capad•es
was due on February 5.
This will still be accepted
on February 12 because
of the cancelled meetings
of February 5.
The Vanastra Lions
Club ,isbusy selling
tickets on a Cadillac. The
proceeds from this draw
are going to the CNIB.
The Lions are also
holding their regular
dinner meeting this
Wednesday February 7 at
the Vanastra Recreation
The Vanastra Com-
munity Association is
making further plans for
their Winter - Rama
scheduled for February
24. So watch this column
for more information.
Nursery School will be
holding their Valentines
Party next Tuesday.
pic,—r , j A ) d G•, . 'v c T c A i. ivy 'T14'c;
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Community news and events
service centre
The Huron Information
and Multi -Service Centre
is starting activities in
the community again in
Building A, unit 4 of the
The movies will be
starting for the kids on
Friday February 5 at 4
p.m. These will be held at
the Centre, Building A
unit 4 of the townhouses.
There will be an ad-
mission of 5 cents per
Ladies craft classes
will begin on February 14
with Mrs. Gloria Allaway
teaching quilting. There
will also be a discussion
on the crafts that the
ladies would like to learn.
These classes will start at
1:30 p.m. and run to 3:30
Mini Teen Club or -
better known as the
Mustangs will be starting
Thursday February 15 for
children ages 7-12 years.
This is a program of,
games and crafts that
will ,run every Thursday
night from 4 p.m. to 5
p.m. at the Centre.
The Centre will also be
having an Open House on
February 15 from 7:30 to
9 p.m. Everyone from the
community is welcome to
visit the Centre, and the
employees will be
available to answer your
questions about the
Per contest
The Brownies, Cubs,
Guides and Scouts have
entered •a poster contest
with the Clinton groups.
Each boy or girl has been
given half a sheet of
bristol board, On this
they are to draw and
colour a picture of
anything to do with
Guiding, Scouting or the
International Year of the
Great enthusiasm has
been shown by all the
children. And from all the
posters already handed
in, there are quite a few
good artists among our
youngsters. These
posters have to be handed
in to the leaders by
February 12. They will
then be judged and then
taken into town by
Sandra McLachlan and
Diane Ryan, our Brownie
leaders, by February 15.
The winning posters
will then be displayed in
different store windows back to the Church,
throughout Clinton. where the Teen Club
members served hot
Toboggan chocolate and cookies.
Party The leaders decided
The Guides, Scouts and
Teen Club left the Church
last Friday night at 7
p.m. to goitobogganing on
Brown's hill in Hullett
A good time was had by
all up until theseries of
accidents. The Scouts
suffered all of the injuries
with two cases of possible
concussion, another with
possible broken legs and
another' who received
four stitches and has to
have a tooth capped. The
smallest of the injuries
was a fat lip.
After a trip to the
doctor these injuries
were found not to be as
serious as they were first
thought to be. After three
years of no accidents they
sure made up for it in one
While the boys with the
injuries were on their
way to the hospital, the
rest of the group were
loaded up and brought
Are you
when we're
gonna get
this place
around too?
Area Representative
153 High Street
Goderich Area
Representative -
11 Cambrla Road
that the next toboggan
party will be held in the
daytime. A thank -you
goes out to the parents
who drove the kids.
Flattery is to be used
like perfume; smell it
and enjoy it, but don't
swallow it.
Peanuts By Charles Schulz
County airport budget up
BY JEFF SEDDON that the agreement the benefits to the county
•.vwick reeve Harold council that he had
By a slim two vote county has now -to pick up. -may be noticeable around Robinson did not want the served as the county
margin recently, Huron $16,000 of any losses is not Goderich but he "couldn't north end of the county to representative on the Sky
County council agreed to a pact with the town of see any benefits to the be left out of the issue Harbour airport com-
take a second look at a Goderich but with the south end of the county". pointing out to council mittee and had "really
request from the town of Crown. She said the Allen pointed out to that while Goderich and got his eyes opened".
Goderich for a $7,000 county is under obligation council that the county
both sported Sillery said there was a
airports Wingham also lot going on at Sky
had an airstrip. Robinson Harbour and that it was
said 90 planes were on the "all very good". He said
Wingham airstrip during he was sympathetic to
the International Plowing other county towns trying
Match in September and to promote their airports
he asked if the county had but pointed out that there
any agreements with are two of the largest
Wingham to fund that industries in Huron
airport. County using the.
County clerk Bill Hanly Goderich facility and that
told council that there "has to be maintained".
were several airports in Simmons said he was
the county but that many sympathetic t o
of them had only: grass Goderich's position when
runways and were used he looked at the airport
almost exclusively by from Goderich's point.
private aircraft. He said But he told council when
few of the airports are as he looked at Sky Harbour
widely used as Goderich. from a county standpoint
Reeve Palmer pointed he was not so ,sym-
out to council that for pathetic.
most of its day long "This airport in
session it had given first Goderich is of no earthly
approval to department good to the town of
budgets "without batting Exeter and the south end
an eyelash". of the county," said the
reverts back to the size it was sympathetic - to "Here we sit asking for Exeter reeve.
was before the town Goderich because of $7,000 and there you sit
began developing it problems it faced ready to bring down the
several years ago. ' operating the airport in roof", she said. Ervin
Exeter deputy -reeve harmony with ether land Sillery, Tuckersmith
Donald MacGregor did uses bordering Sky reeve, came to bat for the
not agree that the Harbour. Bogie said the Goderich request telling
Goderich airport was as town was tied up in a
important to the county legal knot over some tree
as Goderich represen- trimming at the west end
tatives indicated. of the only paved runway
"We have a beautiful at Sky Harbour and until
airport in the south end of that knot was untied the
the county (Centralia) town could do little to
with all kinds of buildings expand without buying
sitting there doing the three lakefront lots..
nothing," said He sai ..the trees at the
MacGregor. "It can end of the runway are on
handle medium size jets private property and
but not large jet air- can't be trimmed to
craft.' permit full use of the
Exeter reeve Eldrid pavement by jet aircraft.
Sim mons agreed Bogie said the only way
and is one of the main claiming the county was the town could cir-
encouragements the being "more than curnvewn the tree trim -
county has to offer in- generous" giving $16,000 ming was to construct a
dustry being coaxed to 'each year to Sky Har- new paved runway Which
Huron. The reeve added bour. Simmons said the would cost more money.
increase in the county's to assist in the main- was not y
share of the operating tenance of Sky Harbour. municipalitydoing a favoranbut
costs of Sky Harbour She added that if the was abiding by an
Airport in Goderich. county did not increase agreement it had wi,th the
In a recorded vote its portion of opgrating Crown. The Goderich
council agreed by a 27-25 losses the town of deputy -reeve said 'it was
margin not to accept a Goderich could find itself up to the county to
property committee in a position'where it has maintain Sky Harbour as
recommendation to turn no ;choice but to have an airport until 1985
down the Goderich "entire responsibility for under the agreement it
request and agreed to the airport revert back to had with the Crown. ,
investigate the need for the County". Murray Dawson,
the county to chip in the Bob Allen, deputy- Us borne township
extra' money asked reeve of Goderich, told deputy -reeve, said the
council that Sky Harbour decision council faced
the town. The county
already has an can only b,e considered as was whether or not it
agreement with the an industry in the county. wanted to actively en -
Crown to pick up half of He said 65 people are courage industries to
the operating losses of the employed at the airport locate in Huron County.
airport to a maximum of and it is destined to grow. Dawson told council that
$16,000. The town asked Headded that the if it wanted to lure in -
that the ceiling paid b decision to purchase land dustry to Huron he "can't
y in was made because the see where helping county be increased p' g this
to $23,000 and the airport is now at a point airport could be harm -
property committee where it either expands to ful".
recommended to council permit the safe landing of Colborne township
that the county share larger jet aircraft or it reeve Bill Bogie said he
remain at $16,000.
Goderich reeve Eileen
Palmer told council that
the town planned to
purchase three lakefront
lots bordering the airport
to permit the con-
struction of a new paved
runway. The three lots
are to be purchased over
three years and con-
sidering that additional
expense the town asked
that the county be
prepared to up the ante to
cover any financial losses
incurred at the airstrip.
Palmer told council
that the increase should
not be considered a favor
to Goderich pointing out
that Sky Harbour is a
boon to the entire county
Health unit short funds
Paul Steckle, Stanley township
deputy -reeve, asked for the support of
Huron County council recently for his
efforts to get more money for the
county health unit from the provincial
ministry of health.
Steckle told council that he had
joined representatives of six health
units in Ontario,- Huron included, to
present a brief to minister of health
Dennis Timbrell asking the province to
fund 75 percent of the operation of the
health units rather than the smaller
percentage now paid by the province.
Steckle said Huron County and 12
other health units in the provincere
not receiving 75 percent provilhial
funding. He said six of the 12 receive 60
percent funding and six units in
Toronto receive 25, percent.. Huron
County receives 50 percent.
The .deputy -reeve said the delegation
that visited Timbrell to ask for more
money tried to find out why some
health units received less provincial
money than others. .He said Timbrell
was aware of the situation and was
sympathetic to the units not receiveing
75 percent funding. He added that the
minister could not tell the group why
that situation existed but did say that
the province was in the process of
developing standards for health units
in the province. Steckle said Timbrell
indicated the standards were' in the
making but could not say when they
would actually come about.
He told council the total arriouit•
asked for by the health units getting
Two things are bad for
the heart; running up
stairs, and running down
Clinton Campus
Classes are now being held at the Clinton
Campus of Conestoga College in the
following sublects:
Home Study (Mathematics & English)
Bookkeeping - Basic to Advanced
Bartending Techniques
There Is still room avallble In these classes.
For further infoarmation and for
registration, please telephone 482-3458 or
visit our Clinton Campus at Vanastra Road,
Clinton, Ontario between 7:00 p.m. and
9:00 p.m., Monday and Tuesday.
Conestoga College
of led Arts
and echnology
ahro gota lot to share.
shorted bythe ministry was not a hefty
sum. He said Huron county's share of
the increase amounted to about
$140,000. He added that all six health
units could be appeased with $1,072,000
which is about two percent of the total
the province shells out to health units in
Ontario. He said the money asked for
was less than half of one percent of the
total health budget of Ontario.
Steckle said he could see no reason
for Huron County not, to get the 75
percent funding. He said the Huron
health unit offers the same type of
services as units in larger areas citing
family planning, immunization clinics
and school health screening as a`few of
those services.
"It seems to me that the province
changes health ministers quite often
and I don't know if the present minister
is procragtinating, is indecisive or has
no long term philosophy for the
province," said the deputy -reeve.
Steckle told council that the
delegation that met with Timbrell
"didn't get what it asked for" but
added that council could be sure the
request "wouldn't stop with this". He
said he planned further meetings with
the provincial body because he felt
Huron county was "deserving" of the
extra money. He added that he planned
to see the county accomodated "if it
was at all possible.
He said about all county council
could do at this point was throw its
support behind the delegations as a
show of force for the minister. He said
he hoped to have a more positive report
for council in the near future.
If you think
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WASCOMAT Washers a fair trial.
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OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. - 10:30 P.M.
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Ministry of
ACT, 1978
(BILL 70)
The Occupational Health and Safety Act,
1978, (Bill 70) was given Royal Assent
December 15, 1978 but has not been
proclaimed as of this date. Copies of the Act
are available from the Ontario Government
Bookstore, 880 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario
MSS 1Z8.
Price - 354 Per Copy
A limited number of single copies is
available from the Ontario Ministry of
Labour offices in Hamil'fon, Kenora,
Kingston, Kitchener, London, Ottawa, Sault
St. Marie, Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Windsor
and the Information Services Branch, 400
University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M7A
of smaller
we provide:
• Financial assistance
• Management counselling (CASE)
• Management training
• Information on government
programs for business
Can we help you?
See our Representative
at: The Parker House Motel, Clinton
the 3rd Thursday of each month
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(Branch Office Address)
For Prior Information call 271-5650 or
write 1036 Ontario Street, Stratford