HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-01-25, Page 14PAGE 14--CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1979 •.- IIr-•-^ays.t..,..144111•,•• err, ! NE R4 Ei . T� �Iwk UMMU E(Ekt3 0W RANI 'OW sYTM All FR' 0311'1 In Av R.0 .ediate Ocr 961.1.200 11°n a enn 104,1, 0 ' '0.". • P4..% • - .'.Iqn eny v MAN ,/2Y 1. Articles for sale DRY HARDWOOD for sale. Phone 482-3162,-4,7 10 x 33 OFFICE UNIT for sale or rent. Phone 482- 7066.-4,5 SKIDOO HUT specials 8 x 28,32; 10 x 40, 48 & 50 for sale. Make us an offer. Phone 482- 7066.-4,5 PIONEER 8 track car stereo, used 6 months, new value $150.00. Best offer over $95 takes it. Phone 482-9000 anytime. -4X RIFLE in new condition, Remington 270, pump action, only used one season, $190.00. Phone 482-3224.-4 CHROME TABLE and 4 chairs, very good condition; portable electric heater; chesterfield, 1920's vintage with or without matching chair. Phone 482-7991--4 OLD SADDLE MARE, very reasonable. Phone 482-3265 or 482-7348.-4x 16 CU. FT: MARQUETTE blue ribbon deep freeze, $225.00. Phone 482-7251 after 6 p.m. -4 , FIREPLACE, conicle, 28", red, porcelain finish, three pipes, cast iron hearth, like new. Reasonable. Phone 262- 6319.-4. GREEN VINYL recliner chair.; black vinyl space saver couch, $75.00 each. Excellent condition. Phone 482-9955.-4X 1972 SNO-JET for sale, reasonable offers. Phone 482- 3809.-4 GARDEN SEEDS and all supplies to start your indoor planting. Good selection of tuberous begonias will soon arrive. Bakers Farm & Garden Centre, Clinton. -3,4 ar HUBBARD GOLDEN Comets, top quality brown egg layers, 20 weeks old, available for April delivery, Orders also accepted for heavy "roaster" Cockerels, day old for spring delivery. Call' McKinley Hatchery, Zurich 262-2837.-2-8ar FRESH HOMEMADE APPLE and pumpkin pies, homemade bread. • This -week's special from the bakery at Huron Farmers Market, Isaac St. Clinton. Open Saturday 9 am - 5 pm.-43tfar WHITEHALL FARMS have a good supply of apples, Spys, Maclntosh, Snows and Delicious. Apples are still the cheapest fruit you can buy. Don ' Middleton, 482- 9838.-3tf JUST ARRIVED, carpet remnants from the bargain floor center. See our selection at the Huron Farmers Market, 30 Isaac St., Clinton-49tf-ar 1976 CORSAIR 19' motor home, like `new„ condition, less than 6,500 miles, 350 Chev engine, power steering and power brakes. Phone 529-7203 after 6 p.m.-45tfnc RED POTATOES, apple,s, fresh cider at Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Phone 524- 8037.-l-t.f.a-r NEW MATTRESSES Everyday Prices Lower Than Most Salus 40 DINETTE SUITES of Wood and Chrome C & E Furniture NEW AND USED Ys mile south on hwy.. 21 Go erlch S24-7231 Wo Tokio Trades 14,1, .N (,A v," N F(lprcr Dori( ,05,r OLNr. N Y CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Attic Ie' f or ,ale 2. tilubilt• 1-11;mt', I. Artic'Ie, f ur rent 4. Article, ‘nanted 5: Care, trucks fur ,ale h. Pet, 7. Real estate for sale 8. Real elate %%anted 4. Ac c ommodatiun to rent 10. K anted to rent 11. Room and hoard 12. Help vnanted I I. %% anted (general) 1'4. 1 mplos men! 5%antt'd 1 ,. 1 enders lh. Mortgages 17. Auction Sales 18. Sen is t, available 19[Notice to creditors 20. Public notice, 21. Personal 22. 1051 and found 2 I. 'Rise ellaneous 24. Business opportunities 23. To gist. aH ar 26. Births 27. 1)i'ath, _ 28. Engagements 't. 11,Irriages 10. In memoriam 11. ( ards of !hard,. DEADLINE Classified Ads 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY Ads cannot be accepted after 12 o'clock for that week's • paper. CLASSIFIED - 13' per word, minimum '2.75 (excluding No. 19, No. 20, No. 28, No. 30) 3. Articles for rent PLYWOOD forms, wedges, mixer power trowel etc. Form ties stocked, For in- formation call M.J. Corriveau, Zurich 236-4954 after 4 p.m. weekdays. Anytime weekends.-l9tfar NEW PIANO RENTAL $39.00 monthly. Pulsifer Music, Seafo'rth. Phone 527- 0053.-48tfar FORMAL RENTALS -Dress up! Go formal! We have the complete Wedding Service at Campbell's Men's Wear Main St., Clinton (Formerly Pickett and Campbell's Ltd.)-14tfn GET PROFESSIONAL carpet cleaning results (AT DO-IT-YOURSELF PRICES) RENT OUR RINSENVAC-the portable, easy-to-use carpet cleaning machine that gently ... • rinses carpet fibers with hot water and cleaning solution • loosens and lifts dirt, grime and residues to the carpet surface where they are immediately vacuumed up • leaves your carpets CLEAN and FRESH! 7. Real-estate for sale J MA`L`FAR LANE; REAL ESTATE LTD. ' REALTOR - ' - 53 Main St., Exeter Phone 235-0541 MUST SELL 139 High St. Large 2 storey brick home, 4 bedrooms, separate dining room, Targe living room, spacious kitchen, family room and study, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, home is com- pletely carpeted, at- tached 2 car garage, paved drive on treed lot. '65,000. OR TRY, US ON -AN OFFER. CALL BOB THOMAS RES. 482-3096 or BUS. 235-0341 MLS REALTOR 11 DG 7. Real estate for sale 7. Real estate for sale 7. Real estate for sale 7. Real estate for sale Don Denomme would like to help you arrange a mortgage •Debt Consolidation *Residential •Farms *Commercial •Builders'. Loans *Interim Financing When you need money...you need us. ADVANCED REALTY FUNDING CORPORATION 130 Cambrrla Road N. GODERICH 524-2747 _21 r--1 (1111 Itis 111 J. KERN . REAL ESTATE NATIONWIDE REFERRAL SYSTEM AVAILABLE MEAT MARKET: Thriving business on Main St. in town near Bluewater Highway showing generous income - self contained brick building with ' modern fixtures and plenty of room for expansion. Price in- cludes everything ready for business as usual.. List of details available, please calf. ' • LET KERN SELL YOUR HOME PLEASE CALL ANYTIME Home and Office Milt Van Patter hayfield 565-2117 VAC 4-\\ Rent for only CLEANS CARPETS NEEDS THEY CLEANER LONGER $12 a day WISEWAY • Home & Building Centre BAYFIELD RD., CLINTON 482.3441 .111111110011111111011111111111111111111111111111 4. Articles wanted WANTED: Old brick buildings for demolition and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road,Sarnia.-23tfar HORSES BOARDED, box stalls, $65.00 per month. Excellent riding area. 482- 9960, call after 6:00 p.m. -4ltfnc WANTED: Good used fur-, niture. Phone 482-7922. -46tfar 5, Cars, trucks for sale , '76 FORD F250, V8 automatic, p.s. p,b„ low mileage, excellent condition. Phone 482-3660 after 5 p.m. -4 2. Mobile Homes FURNISHED 10 x 50, 2 bedroom mobile home. Phone 482-3277.-46tf 1973 OLDSMOBiLE, • CUTLASS Supreme, 2 door, good shape. Phone 482-3197 after 6 p.m. -4 '73 GMC 1/2 ton truck, good condition, 350 V8 automatic, radio, new white walls all around, $2,000.00. Phone 482- 7552.-4 '73 OLDS. TORONAI7O, luxury car, everything on, 50,000 miles, $2700.00. GW. McGee 482-9669.-4,5X How does it feel to bre out on the street? Find out. Take a walk. Attention Farmers A. For sale LFI FARM SUPPLIES: Liquid feeds, cattle minerals, swine pre- mixes, wagons, trailers, Spray Sickle recir- culating sprayer, Bauman hog equipment, Lucknow snow blowers, Weber cultivators. Phone 482-3159.-3,4 F85 Ferguson tractor with Industrial Henry loader and snow bucket, 3 point hitch and blade. Phone 482- 7066.-4,5 • HAY, first cut, no rain, excellent quality. Phone 482- 7201.-4 ATTENTION RABBIT BREEDERS: We carry a complete line of equipment for raising rabbits - at com- petitive prices. WRITE OR PHONE FOR A PRICE LIST Evergreen Rabbitry Supplies CENTRALIA, ONT. NOM 1K0 1-227-4636 D. Livestock HAMPSHIRE boars and gilts, and Duroc boars, registered and ROP tested. Paul McNally, Wingham 357- 3724.-3,4 F. For rent SHIPPING CATTLE Toronto Union Stockyards, every Monday. Campbell McKinley. Phone 262- 5430.-3-14ar-x A. For sale 't HefisaII; ,11 Li Livettoct aes SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS, Victor Hargr•ay.. 452-7511 Clinton Barry Miller 274-2717 Ex.t.t' ond 225-4205 KIrk ton FARMERS For all your new farm buildings BIG OR SMALL!! Give Ray .Limbers Construction a Call Phone 482-3305 WE BUILD THEM TO LAST BUYER WANTED - 3 bedroom tri -level home on large beautiful lot in Bayfield, partly finished rec room. Asking $45,900. Phone 565-2572.-3-6 Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 482-9371 CLINTON - 1 floor newly sided 5 bdrm. home, newly decorated and carpeted. FARROWING OPERATION - Near Hotmesville, 9 acres, modern 1 floor bungalow. BAYFIELD AREA - 181,2 acres wooded, river property, with nearly completed ranch style home, trout pond. LONDESBORO - Low down payment will handle this 11;2 storey home, large lot, close to school and stores. NEAR WALTON - 47 acres, 11/2 2 storey 3 bdrm. home, good ern and drive shed. VACANT - Commercial property on Victoria Street. NEW LISTING - 50 acre farm, Hullett Twp., good set of buildings. EGMONDVILLE - North • Street building lot with 87 ft. frontage. FOOD FOR THOUGHT Opportunities are never lost. The other fellow takes those you miss. EVERETT LAUCKNER REALTY, INC. Member of the London, St. Thomas MLS Relocan with 400 offices in Canada Durand Beach, 3 bedroom cottage, large living room with fireplace, modern kit- chen with dining area, 3 pc. bath, electrically heated. Lot 80 x 150 with good view of lake. Fully furnished with excellent furniture. Possession anytime. Bayfield retirement home, 2 bedrooms, one floor, permanent cot- tage, completely remodelled two years ago. Close to stores, paved road.I,livingroom 18' x 12' with natural fireplace; dining room 10' x 9'; kitchen 12' x 10'; 4 pc. bath; electric heated; wall to wall rugs; stove and frig in- cluded. 20 acres on Clinton Road, 1'/2 miles east of golf course. 4 acres workable, rest bush. ADAM FLOWERS Box 41, Bayfield • 565-2813 14 Isaac St. -Clinton ,1 Office 482-9747 Hal Hartley Bob Storey 482-3693 482-7440 PRICED TO SELL - 3 bedroom 112 storey, aluminum siding; new modern kitchen and rewired 1978. Dining 23' x 15' main floor com- pletely rugged - gas heat, priced to sell at 329,800. BUILDING LOTS 'RIVER FRONT building lot on Highway 4 south, close to town limits, contains ap- proximately 1,2 acre, Reduced to 38,000. ERIE ST. SOUTH between Mary and Alma Sts. contains 10,090 sq. ft. List 312,500. 4 bedroom, 2 storey gracious older brick home., situated• close to schools in prime residential area. Ex - c e l l e n t decor throughout. Attractive kitchen with built in dishwasher. Nicely landscaped with en- closed arbor and patio. Double garage, gas heat. Located in Clinton. 2 storey duplex on Targe lot with 2 bedroom§ one side and 3 bedrooms other side, both sides rented. Price reduced. 4 BEDROOM - 2 STOREY'with carport on good lot, broadloom throughout dining, den, utility room, sunroom, oil heat, well main- tained. ASK TO SEE OUR LATEST MULTIPLE LISTING BOOK MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LIMITED FARMS ULTRA MODERN EGG FARM: Basic quota 13,000 layers, production and leased quota for a total of 10,200 layers; new home and new barn with plastic cages, automatic feeding and egg gathering, a fully automatic 110 kilowatt generator could be included. Property ap- proximately 10 acres. Subject to severance. 80 ACR -E'S, approximately 38 workable, 1 storey home included near Bayfield. POULTRY FARM, breeder flock approx. 2500 birds, barns and modern 3 bedroom home built 10 years ago, situated on 71/2 acres, Hwy. location close to Clinton. Owner will consider trade or. deal on a 100 acte farm. WANTED: Large dairy farm with cattle and quota etc. "for cash buyer. WANTED: Approx. 200 acres of choice cash crop land for cash buyer. DRASTICALLY REDUCED in price, new elegant 3 bedroom home, situated on large* lot'' overlooking the Bayfield River just south of Clinton. Included all major appliances, sauna bath, heat pump and many other features. We have available several choice family homes in Clinton and surrounding area. Some of these properties have been reduced in price for quick sale. Act fast - 2 building lots on Hwy 4 north within Clinton town limits, asking only $13,900. for both Tots. STORE WITH AP- PARTMENT and 'lots of extra space, conveniently located on Main Street in Clinton. Check the latest edition of our MLS Catalogue, a showcase of homes. CALL PETER DAMSMA R.R.S CLINTON 482-9849 RENT TO OWN ;36,000 FULL PRICE „ LOW AS $258. PER MONTH NO DOWN PAYMENT PLAN Say Good.Bye to your landlord! Start now to own your own home! Semi -Detached and Detached homes, fully broadloomed, custom kitchen cupboards, 3 bedrooms, 4 pc. bath. OPEN HOUSE THIS SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 1 P.M. - 4 P.M.: Gordon Ave. west of Victoria St. For Details Phone: BUD JEFFREY 631-7950 Ask about our,unique no -down payment plan! Stader 1 1114 �lu rill. 74 I WIPP , moll�/,-,,� 11 at', tl t i.II /!s1 t •��.� lit NAM ` Ee " 00 L rt '-., /S Wm. D. ARMSTRONG Realtor SHANGRI-LA for the man who wants everything. outstanding all electric home with view, spring creek, lan- dscaped grounds, on paved road with paved drive. , yl•. COSY COTTAGE ideal for retired couple, 2 bedroom, bath, dining:living room, good sized kitchen, all on one floor, full basement, Brucefield. LAND, LAND, LAND. "just outside Clinton with view of river, build your dream home on 2-5 acres. Almost the last chance to get small acreages near town. FARMS: 70 acres vacant land suitable for far- ming or recreation, reasonably priced. Others available. For Information CaII 565-5235 RESIDENCE PIERRE RAMMELOO 523-9478 SOUTH OF CLINTON, lovely home on 15 acres, try an of- fer. HWY. NO. 8 COMMERCIAL LOTS, ready for develop- ment. REDUCED TO SELL, nicely decorated home, Franklin fireplace, counter top stove, fridge, ready to move in. FOUR UNIT apartment building in Blyth. This firm has over 100 farms listed of all kinds in Grey, Bruce and Huron counties. Please call us for more in- formation on these farms. Coast to (oatit Real Estate Seri ice PIERRE RAMMELOO Res. 523-9478 4, 6.* Pets CROSSBRED PUPPIES, 12 weeks old, Scotch Collie arid Irish Setter, look like Black Setters. Paper trained, lovely temperament, very reasonable to good home. Phone 526-7232.---4 9. Accommodation to rent HOUSE for rent in Vanastra. Phone 482-3278.-35tfar OFFICE SPACE - Available Immediately. Clinton - main intersection, fully carpeted: For more information phone 482-3901.-3,4 ar ONE BEDROOM APAR- TMENT - fridge and stove included- Downtown $140. per month. Phone 482- 3305.-3t.f. FOR RENT: 1 bedroom apartment, $150.00. Phone Harold Workman Real Estate Ltd., 482-3455.-tf COZY two bedroom apar- tment, stove and fridge supplied, newly decorated, suitable for one or two adults only. Phone 482-7304.-3tf TWO BEDROOM, brick, one floor home, carpeted. Central location. Available February 15, 1979. Phone 524- • 9666.-3tf TWO BEDROOM home in Hullett Township, Cons. 7, has family room. $150.00 monthly. Phone 482-7065.-4 tfar TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent in Clinton. Phone 482-3711 after 5 p.m. -4 tomitmowome ELIZABETH COURT (New Building) Hensel) NOW RENTING 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments • Shag carpeting throughout t • Kelvinator Appliances • Laundry Facilities • All utilities paid FOR ENQUIRIES PHONE 262-3015 HENSALL 262-2129 LONDON 433-7781 14tf FOR SALE: FIVE -BEDROOM FAMILY HOME Spacious family home, with three bedrooms and bath, fully carpeted on the upper floor. Llvingroom, #artily room, and bedroom (or diningroonlf) fully cgfpeted, three piece bath, large kitchen with built-in countertop stove, wall oven, dishwasher, and in -sink garbage disposal, mud room with built-in cup- boards, on the main floor. Lower level has a game room, laundry and bedroom. Large treed lot, fenced -in swimming pool, paved drive, new roof, well -insulated, new wiring throughout, hot water gas heating. Close to schools and recreation centre. Reasonable down payment, with mortgage arrangements available. Phone: 482-7054 or 482-3901 Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD. "Enjoy Outdoor Atmosphere" With this delightful 41/2 acres of land Including 2 acres Of bush backing Bayfield River. Superb 2 storey 3 bedroom stem' house with large recently new country style maple kitchen, enormous heated workshop & barn. May be converted to suit your needs. $23,900. "Excellent" 2 bedroom cottage on superb lot, large living room, kitchen, located In quiet area, $26,500. "Affordably Yours" this 11/4 storey 3 bedroom frame house, entertaining living room, located in quiet area,, attractively landscaped... ' ' $36,500. , "Desirable" 2 storey brick 3 bedroom house, largo living room, family room, games room with 2 storey barn on large treed lot in Walton for '323.00 monthly. • CALL AGENTS Dawn Rathwell Bruce RaillwiiIA, 527-101 1 4s2 3121 • ' Igor further information on the.* and other listings