The Exeter Times, 1887-9-29, Page 5r 'hrot gh the Rapids. BurFALo, SEPT. 1,—Sunday afternoon Charles A. Penny Ngeu went throughtthe Niagara rapids with a companion in his eculiar craft, Percy handling the oars. a At the outlet of the whirlpool the boat Wee caught by the waves, witch dashed over the boat and its plucky , navigator, whirling the little, craft round rapidly. After passing the Devil's tickle the boat was again tossed high in the air, The t journey through the lower rapids to Leveieten proved that the lower rapids are much worse than the upper ones,, and Peray's feat is a remarkable, The, trip occupied ten minutes. Interesting Items. Mr. Joseph Coughlin son of Mr: Timothy Coughlin M. P, and one of the candidates at the last July ezateleatianethere bee beep granted a third class uon professional teach es certificate; by the education depar tweet oronto. li the sufferers from consumption, Serufu• le and General debility will try Scott's Emul- sion of Cod Liver; Oil, with hypophosphites they will find immediate relief and a perman• ent benefit. Dr, R. V. Mott, Brentwood Cal.. writes : "I have used Scott's Emulsion with great advantage in oases of Phthisis, Sorufula and wasting diseases, It is very palatable. Pot up in 50e. and $1 size. I aetuelly believe that Everest's Cough , Syrup saved my life.—James Kirkpatrick, Merchant, Forest P, O. A police patrol has been establiehed in MacLeod town. The 1,iffleulty Eaperieueeci. In taking Cod Liver Oil is entirely over- come 10 Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphitle, It is as palatable us anidk, and the most valuable remedy that has ever been produced far the cure of Consump• Owl, Scrofula Wasting Diseases. Do not fail to try it. Put up in 50e. and $1 size. Ex -Mayor Robert Bowie Brockville, Out, says: I used Nasal Baim for a bad ease of catarrh. and it cured me after having ineff. ectnally tried many other remedies. It never fails to give immediate relief for cold in 'the bead Birtle merchants ,hipped three tone of butter' the other day. QUITE CORRECT. OTHE r,. Tr LKEY HARROW AND SEEDER, Q1.1.IT At Toronto, Every Barret Guaranteed. ' • smile L their patrons. EAR one who As purchased the We; respectfully call your attention to a few testimonials which etdkfianCF, SULSEY HARROW MAFUFAGTU :- ING COMPANY OF WINDSOla,, andtutOLn farmer and is daiu a thriving busiltess in Huron Implement pr�o MAN US is in charge of a company ofmmen and eight wagous,lat Exeter, n 8 A. R. NIaM Seeders and must say County. Gale Harrow Co., Windsor, Ont• no doubt it will fulfill all that can be claim- key Harrows vllpid Se math thew y that the the very best an then I sowed wheat In a GENTLEMEN. --ills is to certify combined Harrow purchased froanai Gtr agent has given entire satisfaction, consider it the best implementnoffthe h kind ever introduced, in thisboat with• prepared my potato ground for w out ploughing, and'I can say, that the ma- chine does all your agent claimed for it, and can cheerfully recommend it' to my farmer friends, as the BEST. Yours truly. James Halls, Usborne, Gale Sulky Harrow Co., Windsor, Ont. DEAR Sing• --In answer to your question as to my opinion of the Gale Harrow, 1 would state that as a Cultivator for loosen- ing and tearing up the ground I would as- sign it the highest place of any that I have ever tried, doing its work more effectually, leaving no blanks, light of draft, and invar- iable uniformity of depth. Not having test ed it as a seeder, I mast not speak too posi- tively of its merits as such, but from its construction, and what I have seen, I have "I have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and have bund it the best remedy I ever used for dysentery and all summer complaints among children, and I think no household should be without it." Mrs. A. Baker, Ingoldsby, Ont, For Children Starving to Dental, 1 Cotssvaterto�t OrlitMO. tt hay.o17NG USN sneering from the eft -eats of t 4l it hr b'ta the result of ignoraneelor Q ed for market. Yours truly, A. J. Ross, Nairn, East Williams, July 25, 1897. Cr'ech Ont, Sept. 23, '87. Gale Sulky Harrow i,1fg,'Co., Windsor. GTtNTLEMEN.—I purchased one of y ur Harrows & Seeders and have thoroughly tested it on all kinds of ground, and after seeing the work it will do have no hesita- tion in recommending it to my farmer friends as the best implement in the naarket. Yours truly, Tobias Wurtz, • ft does tha a a its work. preparedand very rough, lumpy field where it was iinpos- sible to use my drill. I also used it to dig potatoes, and afterwards prepared and sew- ed the same field without plowing, and I am convinced that the Gale is the best and most useful implement ever introduced to farmers of Huron Co. Respectfully yours, William Anderson, Stephen Tp. CI.l WORKS I 7 his Oil "MI11/414 .on all machinery during ti Exhibition. It has been awarded NINEGOLD MEDALS dnriug the lest three years. r "See that yeti get Peerless. Itis only made'b. s 4MV'EX xLOC '1R3 CO., 'TO .OzrT'O.. FOR SALE 13Y SAS, PICKARD. Sarepta, Sept. 24th, 1877..1 Gale clarrow Co., p Windsor, Ont. Gr'RNTLEI1EN.—I have bought and tested one. of your Sulky Harrows and Seeders and think it is just what every farmer needs, and it will do all your agt. claimed for it. Respeetfally Yours, .Alonzo Foster. • Centralia, Ont., Sept. 24, 87. Gale Sulky Harrow Mfg. Co., Windsor, DEAR Sens.—I bought one of your Sul - n aco0ant of their inability to diger [)r l- Ali old physician, retired from practice, ' fpllyaryo dna themselves weak, nervous, and Emulsion can be digested in had placed in his hands ay, au Fast Indian h nulla Mann and OLD 11SRN, food. Scott's Em g g tie vegetable h ted •also Mi Dbry and give streneth and flesh when all other food fails. See what Dr. A. H. Peek. Penn. Med. College, Petitcodiac, say& : "I have used and prescribed Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver 011, and find it an excellent prepara- tion, agreeing well with the stomach, and its continued use adding greatly to' the strength and comfort of she patient. Put up in 50e. and 81 Mr. C. R. Gaiger. Advertising Agent for Toroxlto News. says: I was induced to try a ill Balm for a severe and troublesome Bold in the head. Once using it laterally washed out the clogged secretions. and, left my bead as clear as a bell. I have used Everest't Cough Syrup in my family for two yeare, and always found it an an excellent remedy for coughs, eulds, & .— aeee. Forest. $,s.Oaro' Jas. Carroll indigent resident of eon. 2, Biddulpb, was taken to London hospital on Monday. Being old and helpless some days since he fell on the fire and received. injuries which is thought win result in death. Marvelous. O dose of Dr, Chase's Liver Core will 'cure Sick Headache, Dizziness, and Sour Stomach. 1 to 2 es are anted to cure Liver complaint, lIndigestion rand Bil- iousness. Calgary public school has a second teach- er at a salary of 6600 a year. RESTORED. Mrs. J. M. Phalen, of Sydney Mines, N. S„ had chronic rheumatism for two years, and got no relief until she tried Burdcek Blood Bitters. Two bottles cured her. "I was like a skeleton," says she, "before using B. B. B., now thanks to the discovery of such a valuable remedy, lam entirely restor- ed to health." UNKNOWN. There is no remedy known to Medical science that can excel Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry dys a sentery, e or any cholera morbus. diarrhoea, y of •summer complaint afl3icting children or adults, A. quantity of cheese was lately shipped from RapidACLUCKY?1 ESCAPE.Columbia. "For six years I suffered with my throat enlarged tonsils. I was very weak; I dudand erdo four years said 1A acistoe three doctors; they.. undergo an operation. I tried B.B.B. in- stead. One bottle cured me." M. A. Squelch Raglan, Ont. INDISPENSABLE. "I have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for summer complaints, and have given it to my friends.` It gives instant relief when all other remedies feail, 1 would not lie without it in my 2. Boil, Weidman, Ont. The _Mounted dealers, and ce have levied. de a raid on $1,400 Calgary in fines. Mr. E. H. McCrea, of the Hudson Bay Co., WestLYtie, says : I suffered froth ca- tarrh for. a tramber of years and expended, upwards of two hundred dollars employing'' physicians and catarrh specialists, buying different remedies, iubalants, douches, &e. without obtaining relief. ` Your advertise- ment induced mo to invest fifty cents in Nas- al Balm. I sent for a package, and must say itdwas the best investment I ever made, It 2 gave me immediate relief, and in less droppings from the Nasal passages he Y .a tbe al Geld ur- gently foto my throat entirely ceased. I w gently advise all Afflicted' with catarrh to' use Nasal 13a1m. SEVERE TRW,. A 'vlusl,o ka Bandana, of , res S. Smith. Frances ; ng for writes, "I was troubled with vomiting two years, mss at dl have vonaited often as One bottle of Burdock five times a day. ,, Blood 13trecs cured me,. missionary the formula o a stmt ex aux remedy for the speedy- and permanent mire of who are broken down from the effeets.of abuse Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma ! or over -work, and in advanced life feel the and ell throat and lung affections, also a posi- , consequences of youthful excess. send for and tive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and , unan1hl, V. Lubou's Treatise on Diseases of i1Ne,•vousCom ilaints, after having tested its Men The book will lie sent sealed Address wonderful aura ivo powers in thousands of oases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuatedby tniR motive and a desire to relieve human suferiug, w' i send free of charge, to all who desire .c, this recipe, in Geiman,Fre nab or English, with full directions ter preparing and using. Sentby mail by address.ngwith stamp, g is opor.W.A Narns,149Power's lloo7C BCohester been. troubled with catarrh far 15,years. On iaRir and agests�araateedtoion. or eo`" ewhena Sd' Tho Great k I have been dress on receipt of wo . V.LUBON, 47 Wellingt.,u St D Toyronto. .Jan.1sth.1881- _.. ,.. __ The Great Eu' iisil Prescriptirrla. A successful medicine used over 80 years in thousands of cases. Cures Sperniatorrhea Nervous Weakness, Emissions, in paten '. e nd all diseases caul y FRUITS,FRTJITS, FRUITS. 'TELE FAMILY GROCERY Is the place to go for all kinds of fruits in season. Gale Sulky Harrow g. Co., Windsor Ont, : Dean Sins.—'She Sulky Harrow & Seed- er bought frorn your agent is just what we need. I have used it to harrow, ,that a ie and seed, anal can truthfully ss,y does the work better, easier and with less labor than any instrument I ever saw. I will also state that 1 have a good drill, but think that broadcasting as clon the hest the arle is the way to sow grain to g sults Ihave worked ten acres of wheat stubble with the cultivator without plough: ing and ft did the Wgmk to . Rowtcliffe, Stephen. R El' W deer says • ton fu-rsaj others £ friend It dNasal t itgr English tiers the reoommendatton o a tae t ;Jai •,Ask your Drugg e o Balm. I have used part of a small bottle, 1 I'reserietion, take no substitute. Ono package which has ;given me grea t relief. i E:ure&a°.' Cheemt Chete mical for raem.Detroit,• mice Canadian admirers of the trotting stallion' Patron will be pleased to know bat a match _ has been made betweenihim and Jay -Eye See for $5,000 a side on September 27th or October 2nd. A Profitable Life. Few men have accomplished the sane amount of work and good in this world as the celebrated Dr. Chase. Over 600,000 of his works have been sold in Canada alone. We want, every person troubled with Liver Com- plaint, Dyspepsia, Headache. Kidney or. Uri- nary Troubles, to buy a bottle cf Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, it will cure yon. Medioine and RecipeBoox $1. Soldby U. LUTZ, CENTRAL Durso STORE, Exetert Ont. • HEADACHZil AND LOSS OF APPETITE Mrs. JOHN MYLNE, wifee�of John Mylne, 1 cure Bihoasnese. Dyspepsia, Are pleasant to t r' ,n- a'c i' ' 1;t ,Art heir owowls Purgative. Is n e s " ojeotroyer 01 um:1v- is C.,il,irc not Adults Druggist, Bothwell, says; --My experienoo o Dr, Carson's Stomach Bitters is that it will t Indigestion and ' 1 1 Headache. I believe it to be the best family I, 1 medicine and can strongly recommend it." Clint. D. H. Lyon, manager aud proprietor of thea C. P, R, and R. W. & 0. R. oar ferry,EXETER • -- ONTARIO. Brockville, says :I used Nasal Balm fora prolonged ease of cold in the head. Two (�enera. .E9erll xs+ application effected a complete and thorough for the foliOwing first-class insurance Corepan- eure iu less than 24 hours. I would noties: take $100 for nay bottle of Nasal Bain if 2' could not replace it. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS IN STOCK, C 4 NDIES, NUTS, A. NU CONFECTIONERY. CE CREAM PARLOR I� " •los are the coolest and best appointed 1VIy Ice ureaf7l P'al r in tolvn. rhe cream is of the purest, and always fresh: Everest's Cou ,h Syrup g CANNOT BE BEATEN. Try it and be convinced of s25 oe de fu tive powers, price . "IDE mmuca I TRY EVEREST'S LIVER REGULATOR 1 Purifying f the Bloold by icy A For diseases of the Liver, Kidneys, q&,.ler d ur Vt g D RVGGieTe ties -for T'o' a G. M., 17141•111 EST- Ottrtau'r FOREST, ONT. Be on Your. Guard. Don't allow a culd in the head to slowly and surety develops i to Catarrh when you eau be cured for 25 Bents. A few applica- tions will cure incipient Catarrh. One to two boxes will cure ordinary Catarrh. One five boxes will cure chronic Catarrh. gold by all deniers Manufactured onlvby WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA DROPSY INDiGESTl0k, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE OF THE HEART, Glasgow & London Fire Insurance Co. u ERYSIPELAS, HEARTBURN ACIDITY OF Great tuftsin, CAPITAL, 820 0,000. ) SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, DRYNESS Cormoreial Union Assurance Con—Tony of • HEADACHE,' OF THE SKIN, .. :y 21 n ASSET'', •. London, England. laud CAPITAL dA , L g e Bas fdzs cies 0 s e d P A g ` Y5 � � I NE 000,0(0.1'TrER .KIDNEYS, Narttiu1i Union Fire Insurance Society of i STOMACH, 80 w,N,L. R 8L Note/10h 5ugland. n every' arisizi --- I front disordered C,,, OO.D. CAerrA0, X0,500,000. I rt, 11rD1J n•N CO a Tdg8NTO. Lancashire Fire Insurance Compeny of Man � x,14 sac doe. 1 to 4 cheater, nuglaud CAPITA 'A14,600,000. t triers at 25o. per box. Try City Mtttuall'irotnturance Conipnny of Lon- Dr. Chases Catarrh Cure—take 0.0 other—ft, don, canals., Full Government deposit will cure: you. C. Lutz. sole agent for Exete ' Ontario Government. Only 10,000 bushels ofwheat have as yet— Lonclan tTuar,tutee n.Accident Co. (Limited) All this wheat was the crop of Mr. Smith, of High Bluff. Annan To 1 rorrums.—Are you disturbed at passed through Winnipeg to Port Arthur. of. London, England CAPITAL, $1,250, Canadian Mutual Aid Association of Tor Canada, Aesessmant Life System. e and cheapest to Canada. night end broken of your, restby a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? if so send at 01i00 and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's;Soothing.syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will rulieve the pour little suffnror immediately. .,mend upon it, mothers • there is no mistake about it. It euros D,ysen'tery and Diarrl,cea, regulates Oho Ssonnicn and, Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens tiro Gulns,reduees tniltttn,natiol1, asislos6otiug the whole system. "MrrWinw'obSu" for oiidrei teething is pleasant to the taste and is then• prescription of ono of the oldest and hes ,etnnlephysicians and nurses in the Milted States, and is for s ale by all druggists through- out , cents; a - ve ce t leo awe nt fi •1 It Y at cl, a lit thew tie. 13o sero and ask for "vine, tiVlNsx,ow's 5oors rso Sunup "and take no other kind. Flies must be thick at Prince Albert. The Times reports that the diatea. ent- ries a smudge with him. A Erse (lift. Around each bottle of Dr. Chase's 'Liver Cure is a Medical Guido and I'usooipe Book containing ueefull infoi nation, over 200 En -1 aeip ti and pronounced by doctors and drag.. gists AH worthith ten times stha cost of Thom med. • Wine, Medicine and book 81S ,aid by ail , NCE; tIiuIVI A CFIa1 GIVE .0 That 18 to any; your lungs. Also all your breathing machinery.Very Wonderful ma- r 1 past ,�►, Tsi.1 Solicited. John T. Westcott, Beal Estate & insurance7t7.gt. EXETER, . ONTARIO —CURES— Liver Complaint, ilvspepsia, iot snesa all t T3 , e dache Sisk Headache, , Swiney Troubles, Rheumatism Skin Diseases S1 --anti all - Iinpurities of the Blood front V1)5t r ever cause arising Female weaknes. t _ _.....v tx9s1"ff@ 1±11'�P7h &Generaldebility kited, en tl Highly Concentrated, Purely Vegctabla, 11tThly Co Pleasant 5101 effectual to use. —ASK F011-- r Hodder's Compound, FOR -- Doctor `Take no other Solil everywhere. Price 75 cents per bottle, p ehinery it is. Not only the larger air• druggists. ages, u but the thousands of littio tubes and WELL, TESTED. cavities leadingfrom them, "Ivens nearly creat ivitl, eholora Moroni -3, and clrolcod with of Extract of Wild Strawberry When these are clogged'ane bottle obn d tr�a matter witch ,aught not to b„ 'there, `Let sated me, and at another time I was lurigsoannot half do their work. Anda with summer complaint that I thought I they do, they cannot do well. pneumonia, Call it cold, cough, croup, p catarrh, consumption 01 any of the fatni]y 01 throat and nose and head and lung obstruo' tions, all are had, All ought to begot rid of. There is just ono sure way to gat rid of them 'that is to take fioschee s German Syrup. which any druggist will sell you at 75 gents a bottle, liven if everything ease has failed n may depend upon this for certain. woiild never' get over it, when two bottio coved me," Mrs, E. Askott, .['eel, Ont. If,x -Mayor Tlobs1t Bawic, Brockville, Out.,! says :—I used Naeitl BalmBalmfor a bad ease of oataerlt, and it cured rue after ' having insure-. trimly triers many, other remedies It - never fails to giveimn,adiate relief for cold iu the held. FALL -- ODS ARRIVING G. A. UyfldUtftlL 4.. o� dot . s• tib, fi%~� 42> 1 z, .49 `b 407 4 4 c 4 p Oce � co e, ?it ,`o' x,04 .�y�a2' :. 0{, ei w 4i,:+1�� y,,`1y. et ,ot ,1y� tip r0 oto e4 •e •,0. w ,fibro es x. ~i� e .9s' �G�`��` o Game, �'b� .cer ,� tP ♦o w 1tc' ,��� e may e 4* o� �C, �e, oS. �`a� coo. 6' '>15..1r'~"10 c,- 00 416 'ay�tio �ooa,. �` fie '0 � e +� ,o 0 1 �o O ► sr�, a rte Qyq �}° Ot t� ��� stiff �,yr�Y w .4 v, so; 4,20 a, ,b 4titi 44 0° °S cyw'i �� ,0 ♦g 9 s5 e, , tiw v 4 10 Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford Street, late 088, Oxford Street, London. Or purchasers should look' to the Label on the Boxes and Pots: the address is not 683, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. -� T I HARDWA ( noiesale and Retail.) BUILDER'S HARDWARE—Nails. Glass, (stained and eugraved), Locks, Hinges Butts (full line.) CARRIAGE HARDWARE—Bar Iron, Bent Stuff, Rubbs, Spokes, Cutter Banners, Shafts, Moquette Wunslin, Drill, 63c. MILL SUPPLIES—Stow Pipe. Fittings, Valves, Asbestos, Pnakiva, Robber and Leath» SPORTINer Beitings, &c.y MATERIAL—Breach e Loading and Shot (Suns, Powder, Shot, ills STOVE DEPARTMENT --SEE THE— Original Cook and Triumph HEATING STOVES. The Bradley Eavetrough and Tin- ware a Specialty. Verity's Plows and Points, Cal., clue Piaster, Carpet, Felts, Pitch, Coal Tar, &c. Send in your orders for Chestnut or Stone, Carmel Soft, authe Seinonic Blossburg Coal before it advances. Anseled Galvanized aud Barb Wirecheap. E S PICK.A_RD. Rochester Lamps, Silver Star Goal Oil, Wicks, Bur- ners, Axes, tt Skates. LANCE SAWS. furniture & Undertakina T. Dearing has. received, and is receiving daily his fall stock of Dry -Goods, Ready- made clothing, Flannels, win - ready -made is fait shirts, and Ladies' Dress goods, Hose &C BOOTS and SHOES, A. Well selected Stock for Winter wear, 4. will be sold very Goods , Farm Pro- duce, Cl • Cash for C Cheap t ) GCash, sh dues, which is ttl�laen as DR TO DDE ' S Cough Fl Lung Curs S..t1 Everywhere. Price, 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle, Proprietors and pian£ rs, The o nCaaCompany, Toronto, icr$•tltltl;; r,r • theo ilouseftetptr. . t ' ' itu('tl b, , ' Beg Roller-Plotrl of the Fe {}Tit; Perk ea .._� g, 1EjfjW– - 1 ern. and. g omii for Organs For Sale. Choy will be 011 exhibition at the Sotit: Heron Fell Shoe', to • 115, - to a Country tt1 C out • ttucl 5 Exr,tet and suite „ tion of the people of , ,. tell l attf� the, o We would ay.lof WILLIAM D8,EW, aro net that ,vr, having purchased rue Stook and business specialinducements in Plain anti 1+'rtaacy Tables. springs and Mattress(i rat kir Sett Bedroom Setts, Wood, Care & Ve,rt0 rate lChairs, took Cases, Writ( l;feskshRiceloarrt , WimtnOts.. Cradles# UaaliststhtclS, an 'Endless Variety in Beals, Bureaus, Clipboards, rcls, 86e, And Our Stock of Large and Thoroughly Seasoned, and, having had exteue , Lumber leading „P;•;�;,,P ho dtng factories of the Dominion, we can guarantee Stylish aud Serie 6. our IIn srse has `nr d u able •p'ttralat of Undertaking floods is tato Largest in the County, and Our •cwt. ,oust north of Lnndati, v ie mien will be Raid to this branala of the business, incl poo tzd us tempt era reliable bttsineee inert. overyouo will8 ALL KINDS PR0 stiiTLV ATTENDED TO, tEIlAIRING OI' North of poison's i' er lilac Stand, One Door.N �t?1Di,11�. a RE -WS .E- rANSON'S BLOCK,,,