HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-01-25, Page 8PAGE EV—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1979 Swings have been sitting idle for the past while and will likely be out of action for the next few months, as children are interested in more seasonal ac- tivities these days, like playing hockey and building snowmen. However, according to the Almanac, the abandoned swings and other warm weather equipment may be used again by March when an early spring is scheduled to set in. (News -Record photo) Varna card party winners By Mary Chessell Prize winners at the Orange Lodge card party on Friday night were Flora Dowson, ladies' high; Rachel Johnston, ladies' low; Gordon Johnston, men's high, Bruce Keys, men's low Draw prizes were won by Rachel Johnston, Dub Wilson, Margaret Dowson and Dorothy Ostrom. Nancy Whittaker had surgery on her wrist at University Hospital last Wednesday. She returned home the same day. We're glad to hear that Mervyn Hayter is coming. along fine in University Hospital, where _he un- ,,), derwent surgery a' week ago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stephenson and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Coleman had a lovely holiday in California, Mexico and Las Vegas. They had good weather for travelling, clear and moderately warm. Steve and Linda Keys returned Saturday night from a two-week holiday in Florida. They did a lot of sight seeing, and en- joyed good weather. Paul Consitt completed the ten kilometre course in the Ski-a-thon for Cystic Fibrosis and the Goderich and District Association for the Mentally Retarded, held, on Sunday. The rallying place was at Zehr's. Paul had pledges totalling over $150. He and his family would like to thank all those who sponsored him so generously. He also won a mask for his snowmobile helmet in a draw that was held for the participants. Magic Circle meet The Wesley -Willis Magic Circle UCW met January 12 in the church parlour with 15 ladies paying their membership fees in answer to roll call. Chairman Jean Currie opened the meeting with thoughts for a New Year. Reports of convenors showed that three cards had been sent to sick members; two quilts were quilted and paid for; two luncheons were catered and social con- venor Ruth Bond told that 56 were served. Visiting Convenor Florence Oliver reported that in December, 23 home and 39 hospitalcalls were made. Church hasti notes are available and the unit's allocation to missions and service is raised. Mon- day, January 29 at 6:30 Middleton news By ,Blanche Deeves Morning prayer was held in St. James, Mid- dleton on Sunday at 11:15 a.m, Reading the Gospel was Vera Miller, and Ken Wise received the- of- fering. Rev. Bennett's sermon was on "Belief issuing in Conduct". Anyone interested in going to the ice capades in London during March may call 482-3383 or 482- 9838 - watch for further information next week. Marion and Jack Smith were dinner guests with the Deeves last Thur sday, the occasion being their 38th wedding an- niversary. During the - evening other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Betties and Mr. and Mrs Alvin Dutot. All enjoyed an evening of cards, followed by lunch served by the hostess. - Watch for the ad next week on the Grand Olde Opry show in London the end of March, sponsored by the ACW of Middleton Church. Anyone- in- terested should call Vera at 482-3369 or Audrey at 482-9838 or Blanche at 482- 3383. will be the annual pot lll.ck supper for the whole congreation, to be followed by a business meeting. The January 30 Presbytery meeting will be. in .Exeter and a bus will pick up our ladies at 8:30 a.m. Ida Livingstone's devotional theme was looking back- ward and forward into a new year. Rosemary Barnes told about "Amnesty ,Tnter- national" - an organization handling over 7,000 cases for prisoners of conscience, who are being tortured in many countries each year. After a closing hymn and prayer, Ida con- ducted two lively games , and refreshments were served by Ettie Hugil. NOW IS THE TIME - To order your -CALENDARS -ADVERTISING GIFTS -CHRISTMAS CARDS -ADVERTISING PENS call TREVOR SMITH TEL -527-0848 WALTON Representing Gamester Advertising Our 2Sth year serving Huron County 337-9520 Sarnia Head Office & M Showrooms 101 S. ChrratIno St. Opp. Post Office Hensall 4-H clubs to get underway tD By Bertha MacGregor Miss Brenda Pepper of Ma erloo spent the weelkend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pepper and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Holland, Gwen and Michael of Clinton were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster and Bradley. Mr. Burt Coleman of London spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Gladys Coleman and iirother Ivan. Mrs. Don Gooding and Dale of Parkhill were recent visitors with the former's mother, Mrs. Edgar Munn. There will be an organizational meeting of the Hensall 4-H Clubs for the club "Accessories the Final Touch" on Tuesday January • 30 in Hensall United Church at 7 .m. United church notes Rev. D.L. Howlett of the Bible Society con- ducted the service in Hensall United Church on Sunday, the sermon was "The Sacred Respon- sibility of Sowing the Seed". The choir, under the direction of Mrs. Marianne McCaffrey, sang "Allelulia" while Rev. T. Garnett Husser accompanied. at the organ. The annual meeting of 'the congregation will be held on Wednesday, January 31 beginning with a pot luck supper at 6:30 p.m. The Chiselhurst church annual meeting of the congregation will be held February 2 begin- ning with a pot luck supper at 6:30 p.m. Carmel Church Rev. Kenneth Knight conducted worship in Carmel Presbyterian church on Sunday and his sermon subject was "No Condemnation" taken from/ the 9th Chapter of Romans, verse I. The annual congregational meeting will* be held Thursday, January 25 •at 8 p.m. members are cordially invited to attend this meeting. fine markets... of fine foods zehrs The Queensway Nursing Home, Hensall welcomes a new resident James McDougall. Church service was conducted on Tuesday by Rev. Don Forrest of Exeter, with Mrs. Louise Mitchell accompaning at the piano. Visitors with Rusell Erratt were his wife Pearl; Bill, Helen and Kathy Taylor and Jack UpshalL Mrs. Susan. Purdy visited with her husband Len Purdy, John HoelsCer visited his wife Florence and Alice Rosendal was visited by her husband Don. Ray and Willa Weurth visited Mrs. Lou Weurth and Leslie Mitchell visited his mother Mrs. - Louise Mitchell. The Presbyterian church ladies visited the residents with treats and played bingo with them. Gift exchange Mrs. Hazel Corbett, Noble Grand of Amber Rebekah Lodge assisted by Mrs. ,Elizabeth Riley, Vice -Grand, presided at the meeting on Wed- nesday evening when "Secret Pals" were revealed and exchanged gifts. Mrs. Riley reported for the C.F.T. •committee, saying 21 baskets of fruit and treats were delivered to shut-ins at Christmas. A receipt was received from the Children's Shelter for a donation at Christmas and the ladies were thanked by Eric Luther for the assistance in the canvass for the C.N.I.B. Owing to weather conditions, this was the first meeting of the New Year and "thank -you" notes were received and many Christmas cards' from the District. Lodges. Mrs. Isobel Rogerson presided at the piano in the absence of Mrs. Evelyn McBeath. Folloing the closing of lodge e exchange of gifts with "Secret Pals" took place followed by a social hour in the lower hall. Refreshments were served by ' Mrs. Hazel Corbett, Mrs. Margaret Consitt, Mrs. Vera Lemmon and Mrs. Vera Srnale. Lodges euchre` party The C.P.T. committees of the IOOF and R„ebedah Lodges held a very successful Euchre Party in'the local hall on Friday evening with eight tables playing. Prize winners .were as follows:. ladies' high'; Mrs. Vera Lemmon; ladies' consolation, Mrs. Bert Horton; gent's high; Gary Beaver; gent's consolation, Bob Par- sons; lone hands, Bert Horton. Lunch was served by Mrs. Hazel Corbett, Mrs. Ruby Bell, Mrs. Elizabeth Riley, Jack Upshall, ,and Eric Mansfield. Lucky prizes on a draw were won by Ward Haney of Seaforth, Hazel Cor- bett, and Mrs. R. Par- sons, Eric Mansfield was master of ceremonies. The group will hold another Euchre on February 9th. SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL CLOSING TUESDAY,JAN. 30. LOW PRICES ORTH COMPARING MAPLE LEAF - 4VARIETIES SLICED BOLOGNA 1 lb P K C '1.29 SHDPSYS VAC. PACKED EYE OF 9.89 CORNED BEEF ROLL ROUND WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES Tt REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS "LIMITED TIME SAVINGS" THESE EXTRA SAVINGS ARE MADE POSSIBLE BY AN UNUSUAL PURCHASE BY OUR BUYERS OR A MANU FACTURER'S TEMPORARY REDUCTION, "LIMITED TIME" SAVINGS CANNOT BE GUARANTEED AVAILABLE FOR DEFINITE PERIODS BUT SHOULD BE AVAILABLE FOR PERIODS OF ONE TO FOUR WEEKS SPECIAL! SPECIAL! FRESH PORK LOIN RIB PORTION COUNTRY SPARERIBS FRESH ONTARIO PORK FRESH CENTRE CUT. LOIN PORK CHOPS 9.58 1.18 SPECIAL! FROM ONTARIO PORK FRESH BONELESS • LOIN ROAST OR LOIN CHOPS Ib 2.39 SPECIAL! FROM ONTARIO PORK FRESH PORK LOIN (TENDERLOIN PORTION) • ROAST 1.48 FRESH FAMILY PACK (6 CENTRE CUT - 2 RIB PORTION) TENDERLOIN PORTION) PORK LOIN CHOPS Ib. 8 SCHNEIDERS REGULAR OR BEEF DINNER FRANKS _ 1 Ib. PKG_ $1.29 SCHNEIDERS FRESH ENGLISH SAUSAGE ' Ib $1..69 SCHNEIDERS SMOKED PORK SHOULDER BONELESS PICNIC Ib $2.59 SCHNEIDERS LARGE RING BOLOGNA _ Ib 1:6949 PRIDE OF CANADA SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLBONELESS Ib SWEET PICKLED CORNMEALED -BY THE PIECE BURNS BACK BACON _ Ib $2.39 SPECIAL! - 128 FL. OZ. SIZE FLEEZY FABRIC SOFTENER PRE - PRICED S1.89 CARNATION more specials CORFFEEMATE 16 02 JAR_ 935p CARNATION • 5• VARIETIES • 1.29 6 VARIETIES INSTANT BREAKFAST WESTONS COOKIES _ .39 SPECIAL! OUR REG 63c EA VAN CAMP BEANS WITH PORK 2 19 oz. FOR SPECIAL! STOKELY FANCY QUALITY HONEY POD PEAS OR CREAM CORN 219 oz FOR. 9C SPECIAL! STOKELY DARK RED OR NEW ORLEANS KIDNEY BEANS HOUSE CEREAL SPECIAL! SPECIAL! 11b. '425 g. SIZE BAG COFFEE GENERAL MILLS MAXWELL CHEERIOS 9ioz 99 FOR FOR THE BATHROOM BOWL 77802 ROBIN HOOD - 6 FLAVOURS SANT-FLUSH CLEANER 47 oz_ 99C PUDDING MIX_ 8 7 02 REGULAR CHICKEN LIVEII OR BEEF F BICKS PICKLES 4 F 1 CRUNCHIE DILLS 64 02 COMPLEXION SIZE 4 COLOUR CHOICES BREAD & BUTTER OR CRUNCHIE MINI -PILLS DIAL BAR SOAP _ 14 oz PKG OF 4- 9.25 BICKS PICKLES _ _ GAY LEA PURE RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY CHIP DIP g 89c LAURA SECORD JAM $2.79 SCHNEIDERS FROZEN OUR 79 REG. S1.15 SAUSAGE ROLLS . 16 oz 9.59 FROZEN READY TO EAT - 3 FLAVOURS 99C McCAINS DONUTS 400 g ZIPDOG FOOD 14 5 oz TINS SPECIAL! ASSORTED COLOURS ALL PURPOSE J -CLOTH, TOWELS SPECIAL! 5 VARIETIES READY TO SERVE HABITANT SOUPS SPECIAL! REGULAR 30's OR SUPER TODDLER 24's 64.02 BABYSCOTT DIAPERS 20's DANCE Do You Like To "Hustle" Do You Like To "Freak Out" .99 OUR REG 74c 28 6z 59c PRODUCE OF CALIFORNIA FRESH GREEN BROCCOLI CRISP & TENDER If You Have "Disco -Manic" Don't Miss Foxy's Friends Tonite!. THURS. JANUARY 25 7-8P.M. OUR REG S2,69 9 LARGE SEEDLESS PRODUCE OF, CALIFORNIA SIZE 88's c BUNCH We've got a "Fox" for you folks. with the beat In your feet! Fran Sort Is her name.... Daricin' Is her game.... C'mon and Boogie with TV -12111 r•. 9oz 85c 2 °189c SCHNEIDERS Y CHEESE $1-.09 SMOZZARELLA CHEESE .49 Si CHNEIDERS CRISPYFLAKE _ $1RTENING 12 oz $1 .59 12 oz_ $1 .69 1 Ib PKG , 69c 4 FLAVOUR CHOICES 9 O2 69c' NEILSONS SHERBET_ SPEC) L! UTILTY YPE 60 0 1O .WATT HOMECARE LI1HTBULBS O1IR 95cREG 4 9 C PKG OF 2 �, SPECIAL! IMPERIAL FINE QUALITY SOFT MARGARINE PROD. OF MEX.•CAN. NO. 1 GRADE CUCUMBERS OUR REG. 51 03 1 Ib TUB PROD. OF MEX. CAN. NO. 1 GRADE SWEET GREEN PEPPERS PRODUCE OF U.S.A. GREEN ONIONS _ _ _ _ P800. OF MEXICO ZUCCINI SQUASH) %ANADA NO. 1 GRADE 'WAXED RUTABAGAS ONTARIO GROWN' FANC(. GRADE McINTOSH. 4PPLES_, 19c 3FF Ib 79C BUNCHES 389c Ib 59c 3 Ib BAG LITRE _ 99c SPECIAL! FROZEN REGULAR OR CRINKLE M�CAIN SUPERFRIES $1.19 THIS SPECIAL AVAILABLE ONLY IN STORES HAVING A COUNTRY OVEN BAKERY 3 VARIETIES COUNTRY OVEN CAKE DONUTS PKG OF 8 49° WE WILL BE PLEASED t0 SERVE YOU IN: � OUR MANAGER IS: !DALE McDONALD gm WE RD.8 OPEN WED. -THUG. -SRI. EVENINGS ro A