HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-01-18, Page 9•
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Group changes name
The Women's Auxiliary
to the Clinton hospital
have made a special
change to start 1979.
A bylaw will be
presented to the hospital
board to accept the
group' § new title,
"Auxiliary to the Clinton
Public Hospital." The
change involves the
omittance of the word
Women's from the group
This change was also
made at the provincial
organization and with it,
men will • now be
welcomed to take part in
the hospital group.
Already many other
auxiliaries have
welcomed Men as
members and they are
performing many of the
Volunteer services un-
dertaken by the groups..
Along with this news,
the auxiliary learned at
their annual meeting on
January 8, that 1978 was a
very successful year for
the local organization.
Miss Kay Elliott,
treasurer, reported that
vanishing parties had
raised $835; membership,
$823; spring fair raffle,
$503-; 'the penny sale, over
$2,094. •
Donations from many
individuals and groups
have been received and
appreciated. A small
profit of $180 was made in
the tuck shop cart, one of
the many patient service
The total amount
raised in 1978 amounted
to $5,648. This amount
represents the efforts of
many volunteer mem-
bers, of many women
who have helped in some
way in all the projects
and of individual groups
and business people who
gave_ donations or
discounts. The auxiliary
is gratified for all this
During 1978, Mrs. Ruth
Bond for the buying
committee, reported the
purchase of a Mayo
Instrument Table for the
emergency operating
room; costing $450; a
Spectrophometer for the
use in the laboratory
costing $1,200; a
Pediatric ,Mist Tent with
cooler, costing $1,200;
and new tea pots and
coffee pots, for use on
patient, trays, costing
As well, the, auxiliary
purchased two silver
cups for the new year's
twins in 1978 and two
silver spoons as
graduating gifts for the
bursary winners. Bur-
saries of $400 were
awarded to nursing
On Christmas Day the
auxiliary gave a red rose
in a vase to each patient
and alsQ expressed the
appreciation for the help
given by staff members
with a gift or a rose for
their desks.
The number of
members reported was
666. Tray favors were
provided on 11 different
occasions by local groups
and at Christmas, local
representatives of the
Eastern Star and the
Kinettes worked with the
auxiliary members in
decorating the hospital.
Other services
provided for patients
included a television,
' rental service, abook
cart, magazine sub-
scriptions and a collec-
tion of recent magazines
in the waiting morns.
Sponsorship of the
candy striper program
under Barb Hicks has
been very successful.,The
worthwhile service now
has the help of 34 teen
Mrs. Helen Davies for
the nominating com-
mittee presented the
. _
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No cheer* on plck-up
slate of officers for 1979.
The new officers include:
president, Mrs:- Dawna
Westlake, Bayfield; past
president Mrs. Marg
Coventry; vice president,
Mrs. John Cochrane;
secretary, Mrs. -Bess
Fingl,and; treasurer, Kay
Elliott; corresponding
secretary, Mrs. Earl
Hilderly; bursary, Mrs.
Cochrane; buying, Mrs.
Lloyd Bond; social, Mrs.
Douglas Ball, Bayfield;
membership, Mrs.
Coventry; tray favors,
Mrs. Arie Vanden Berg;
cart staffing; Mrs. Paul
Walden, Bayfield; cart
stocking, Freda
Schoenhals; 'knitting,
Mrs. David Staddon;
televisions, Mrs.
Maynard Corrie; press
and publicity, Mrs. Brock
Olde; magazines, Mrs.
John Anstett; library
cart, Mrs. Mervin Hanly;
penny sale, Mrs. Wayne
Wigelsworth; candy
stripers, Mrs. Barb
Hicks; historian, Mrs.
Frank Burch, Bayfield;
nominations, Mrs.
Mrs. Davies expressed
appreciation to. the
retiring president, Mrs.
Coventry, for her out-
standing service in her
term of office and
presented her with a past
president's pin.
After an installation
ceremony, Mrs. Westlake
took the chair.
In a brief business
session, it was again
dedided to join the
provincial HAA. The
treasurer reported a
bank balance of $874.05
and the bills submitted
were ordered paid.
Plans were made to
carry on the vanishing
parties with Mrs.
Wigelsworth, Mrs.
Davies and Mrs. Joyce
Hilderly on the com-
An executive meeting
was arranged for
January 16. The next
regular meeting will be
held on Monday,
.February 5 at Wa.m. in
the hospital solarium.
It was touch and go for a few days, but Carol finally appeared into the world on
January 10, becoming the first baby born in the Clinton hospita: in 1979. For
this, Carol and her parents, Glen and Shirley Haskett will receive an array of
gifts from local merchants as well as a special silver cup from the Auxiliary to
the Clinton Public Hospital. Mrs. Dawna Westlake, auxiliary president gave
Carol her first gift. (News -Record photo)
Week of Prayer4
planned for area
The Week of Prayer for
Christian Unity has been
held for a number of
years in Canada. It
provides an opportunity
near the beginning of the
year for.Christian people
to consider some of the
basic articles of faith
which they hold in
common and to share in
worship. In many
communities across
Canada this week is
observed with special
ecumenical services.
The recently
reorganized Ministerial
Association of Seaforth
and Clinton is arranging
to have two special
services during the week.
One service is to be held
in each community and
the people of the area are
invited to attend both. It
is hoped that this will be
the beginning of an
annual and growing
The theme that will be
used from coast to coast
New officers for horticulture group
The Horticultural
Society held their
business meeting Jan. 10
in the town hall. Mrs.
Durst praised the
executive for coming out
on such a cold night after
an "iffy" day.
All reports were read
with Dorothy Williams
moving that reports be
accepted, seconded by
Viola Nelson. Interesting
points included: Mem-
bership, up to date - 368,
and 50 of these members
reside in Bayfield;
Several exhibitors, at the
August flower show, were
new, and Florence Pullen
hopes they continue their
Bess Fingland had the
.most points at the rose
show, while Ila Cudmore
had most points at the
Sugar and Spice.••
• from page 4
religious people who take
my tongue-in-cheek
remarks wide-eyed and
write me earnestly,
quoting scripture and
verse, to outline my easy
road to hell.
Hello, hello! What's
this? An unopened letter.
Let's see. , Well, 'well, a
cheque for just over
$1,000. Dated November,
1977. I thought that the,
old finances had gone a
bit haywire in the last
year. I hope they'll cash
the blinking thing. There
is some silly rule about
not cashing cheques that
are more than six m.onths
old. Happened to me a
few years ago..
Here's one • from
Germany, and a card
from Australia, and two
from Texas and one
fromHolland and a note
from Dawson Creek, and
another from Oregon.
That's the summer
Crowd, from Our Trip.
Another note from
Anne, a former student:
"Why did Joan Engel get
an A -plus on an essay,
and I got an A, when I
wrote them both?" Life,
Anne. An old friend of
mine, George McCowan,
wrote an entire French
exam for a friend at
university, was caught in
the act, kicked out, and is
now a Hollywood
director, with several ex-
wives and a big income.
No connection, but where
there's larceny, there's
From Miriam Fisher,
Milton: "God bless you
for your invigorating
August show. Marian
Powell again took us on
the year's fascinating bus
trips, and' through the
interesting meetings.
Dorothy Williams told us
how pleased she was over
so many favorable
reports from out-of-
towners on the well cared
for hanging pots.
Mrs. Durst, in charge
of the new Year Book,
would appreciate any bits
of interest that could be
added, by Jan. 31:
Mrs. Durst concluded
the meeting, and thanked
all for help given over her
three years of
presidency. Marian
Powell extended the
clubs thanks and ap-
preciation in having Mrs.
Durst as their leader.
Mrs. Nelson took the
column in this week's.
Champion. It was more
than Sugar& Spice, it was
like a shot of adrenalin to
my "wounded ego" that
had been bruised badly in
the last two years, since I
turned 65." Thanks,,
Miriam, I'm getting
From a lady in Alliston,
of 79: "Damned if I'll
subscribe to the Alliston
Herald again, since they
drcipped your column.
The readers write..
• from page 4
revealed him (Gad)".
When one looks at the entire verse,
the implications are quite different,
and the verse clearly sets out the work
and person of Jesus Christ. This verse
points to the fact that Christ was the
revelation of the Father, and because
of Christ's relationship to the Father,
He could reveal and declare the
Heavenly Father. For this revelation,.
Christ established the Church.
The Church is- that-toinmunity of
men and 'women who are in that
community not because of their
goodness, not because of their
knowledge or their lack of knowledge,,
not because of merits or lack of merits,
chair while the new slate
of officers was read.
The , new slate of of-
ficers are: hon.
president, Mrs. Bess
Fingland; pastpresident,
Mrs. Ima Durst;
president, Mrs. Ruth
Bond; first vice-
president, Mrs. Ila
Cudmore; second vice-
president, Mrs. Margaret
Allan; 'recording
secretary, , Miss Olive
Johnson: treasurer, Miss
Kathleen - Eliot;
assistant treasurer, Mrs.
Jean Livermore; flower
show treasurer, Mrs.
Margaret Anderson;
assistant show treasurer,
Mrs. Margaret Allan;
librarian, Mrs. Cela
Sloman; historian, Mrs.
Dorothy Marquis.
Directors for one year:
Hope you're writing a
Well, it's been fun
cleaning up the desk. All I
have to do now is clean up
my personal relation-
ships, my language and
.my ears.
I-Immmm. No problem
about the ears.
Let's 'ear from you,
readers. That might do it
all. Have a fine year in '79
and don't be scared of a
damn' thing. Woops.
and surely not because of the,accident
of birth or colour of their skin. They are
there only because God, by His infinite
love, has reconciled Himself to them
through the life, death and resurrection
of the Lord, Jesus Christ. It is a com-
pany of men and women called
together by the Holy Spirit. Those who
have been called apart, are a new
humanity, a new creation. They are
people possessing and possessed by the
mind of Christ, in whom no less tha
Christ dwells. They are humble wo
shippers of the living God, unswervi
disciples of the Christ, united.
sustained by the Holy Spirit.
The Rev. Jame S Bro
r -
FROM Monsanto
Mrs. Mary Epps, Mrs.
Bess •Fingland, Miss
Dorothy Marquis, Mr.
Chas. Cook, Mr. Chas.
Nelson'. Directors for two
years: Mrs. Viola Nelson,
Mr. Stewart Middleton,
Mrs. Greta Nediger, Mrs.
Laura Forbes, Mrs.
Marian McCann. .
Associate directors:
Mrs. Alice Ball, Mrs.
Barbara Deline, Mrs. '
Suzanne Brandon, Mrs.
Margery Dutot, Mrs..
Margaret Caldwell, Mrs.
Gwen Johnston, Mrs.
Laurie Smith, Mr. Jim
Fitzgerald, Miss
Margaret Sloman, Mrs.
Janet McClinchey.
The new president,
Mrs. Bond, accepted her
new office in a very able
way as' she discussed the
business for the new
tThe meeting wase
declared closed by V
Marian Powell, seconded
by.Barbara Deline, '
Considering the
problems some parents
have these days, it migh
be best to call the
is "Serve One Another".
See the ad in this paper
for places, times, etc.
The host church in each
place is planning to have
a time of fellowship with
coffee following the
service. This is a further
effort for people to
become better
acquainted and more
ready to "serve one
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For complete InforraatIon, coniact
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