HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-01-04, Page 19oE �} INKE • 7 C- Ri *TE ,sA,sI�R���'CI0pNDf \ErMIE N W FURNI 'OW taint RIE HE >t14y NAI t !tin „'W.) RIGA A.( OR , 194 A' ' MAN CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1979 -PAGE 19 A}I• NM cC). 471 tIte11110� isv tit. ?I ,rin ,,. Ar. N •ed►ore Ocr 961.1200- „0. t 1. Articles for sale RED POTATOES, apples, fresh eider at Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Phone 524- 8037.-1-t.f.a-r 1973 MATO SKI 292 in good condition, phone 482- 9882. -lx -JUST ARRIVED, carpet remnants from the bargain floor center. See our selection at the Huron Farmers Market, 30 Isaac St., Clinton-49tf-ar 1975 292 BoaSki, good con- dition; 1 - 1973 .and 1 - 1975 Yamaha 433, excellent - good condition. Phone 482- 3297.-52-2x DRY HARDWOOD for sale. Will deliver. Bob Thompson. Phone 482-7171.-51-1 FRESH HOMEMADE APPLE and pumpkin pies, homemade bread. This week's special from the bakery at Huron Farmers Market, Isaac St. Clinton. -•--_ Open Saturday 9 am - 5 pm.-43tfar 3. Articles for rent (44 FOREST HILL', 40.05 577• N N.Y ' CLASSIFICATIONS 1'. Atli( les for sale 2. %luhile Florae, 3. Article, tor rent 4. Articles scanted S. Cars. truck, for sale 6. Pets 7. Real estate for sale 8. Real estate s anted 4. Ac c ommodation to rent 10. 'K anted to rent 11.. Roost and hoard 12. Help %s.Inted 13. «anted (general) 1.4. I in phis men! K anted II. Tenders 16. '‘1ortgages 17. Auction Sales 1f3. Services asailable .14. Noti'te to Crediton 20. Public notice, 21. Personal 22. Lost .and found 23. Miscellaneous 24. Business opportunities 2S. To Kine assay 26. Births 27. Deaths 18. 1 ngagements 2t1, ti1•arriages 30. In memoriam 31. Cards of thanks DEADLINE Classified Ads 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY Ads cannot be accepted after 12 o'clock for that week's paper. CLASSIFIED - 13' per word, minimum '2.75 (excluding No. 19, No. 20, No. 28, No. 30) 1976 CORSAIR 19' motor home, like new condition, less than 6,500/ mi'l'es, 350 Chev engine, power steering and power. brakes. Phone 529-7203 after 6 p.m.-45tfnc NEW MATTRESSES Everyday Prices' Lower Than Most Sales 40 DINETTE SUITES of Wood and Chrome C Furniture. NEW AND USED '/2 mile south on hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 We Take Trades 2. Mobile Homes FURNISHED 10 x 50, 2 bedroom mobile home. Phone 482-3277.-48tf 3. Articles for rent �+ FORMAL RENTALS - Dress • GET PROFESSIONAL up! Go formal•! We ha-ve the complete Wedding Service at carpet cleaning results Campbell's Men's " Wear (AT DO-IT-YOURSELF PRICES) Main St., Clinton (Formerly RENT OUR RINSENVAC-the portable, easy-to-use carpet cleaning. machine that gently ... • rinses carpet fibers with hot water and ., cleaning solution • loosens and lifts dirt, grime and residues to the carpet surface where they are immediately vacuumed up • leaves your carpets CLEAN and FRESH! !l -Rent for only CLEANS CARPETS K EIS THEN CLEANER LONGER $12 a day W-ISEWAY; . Home & Building Centre BAY.FIELD RDH CLINTON . 482-3441 SAVE 4OO. off Manufacturer's Suggested List Price on 4 -Piece Stereo System from Sharp OPTONICA SM4000 STEREO PRE/MAIN AMP_ 130 wants RMS Total Power; Dual tape input '11,- outputs with two way dubbing; Mating Switch; High and low ' cut filters; Turnover frequency selectors; Speaker selector switch for up to 3 pair speakers. SUGGESTED: LIST '519.95 OPTONICA RP3500 DIRECT -DRIVE • MANUAL TURNTABLE Wow b Flutter: lbs. than 0.04% (WRMS) Rumble: Better than 60db; Speed control range within plus /minus 4% (individual con- trol for 33% and 43 (RPM); Miloge granite base; Adjustable audio insulator legs; Wieght: 35.2 lbs. OPTONICA ST3000 AM/FM STEREO TUNER FM sensitivity: 1.8 uv 1 HF; Signal to noise ratio: 6S DB at 40 KHZ deviation; Stereo Separation: 38 DB at 1 KHZ; FM stereo in- dicator; Signal strength meter; FM tuning meter; FM muting swit- ch; Hi blend/Air chuck switch; Output level control. -" - SUGGESTED LIST $379.95 • OPTONICA RT2050 STEREO CASSETTE DECK Two motor drive system; Wow b Flutter: 0.058% WRMS; Signal to noise ratio with dolby: -62 DB; Automatic Program ' Finding 'System; Dolby Noise Reduction; Separate equalization and bias • switches; Space setter switch; Output level control. SUGGESTED LIST SUGGESTED LIST '419.95 _=479.95 TOTAL SUGGESTED LIST '1799.80 PETE'S T.V. PRICE .... 31399.. 3 YEAR WARRANTY FREE DELIVERY - FREE"INSTALLATION FREE DEMONSTRATION A' HURRY! -` Only One System Left at thisPrice Pickett and Campbell's Ltd.)-14tfn NEW PIANO RENTAL $39.00 monthly: Pulsifer Music, Seaforth.. Phone 527- 0053.-48tfar PLYWOOD forms, wedges, mixer power trowel etc. Form ties stocked. For in- formation call: M.J. Corriveau, Zurich 236-4954 after 4 p.m. weekdays. Anytime weekends.-19tfar 4. Articles wanted WANTED: Good used fur- niture. Ph'bne 482-7922. -46tfar" ' HORSES BOARDED, box stalls, .$65.00 per month. Excellent riding area. 482- 9960, call after 6:00 p.m. •-41 tfnc . 4." Articles wanted PIANO wanted. Phone 1-416- 691-3898 collect. -49-52 WANTED - Old brick buildings for demolition and salvage purposes. Contact, Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia.-23tfar WE ARE now handling lots or part lots of furniture and appliances. If you have articles to sell privately or by auction contact Rath - well's Auction Service. Phone 482-3120 or 527- 1336.-32tfn .. I 5. Cars, trucks for sale 11.1tf / ,: orA' 10.1 4'',1:1 . R w 05.0401 ,,M ss AM 111 •4/ /5 wr 7. Real estate for sale 8. Real estate wanted to rent 9 Accommodation 7. Real estate for sale 9 Accommodation to rent 2 STOREY log house 26' x 20', new roof, panelled rooms and carpeted . floors. Presently on I -beams and ready to move. Phone 482- 9678.-49tf a 1971 FORD truck with camper, like. new condition, $2,500. Will take trade. Phone 482-7362.-1,2- 6. Pets LOVEABLE puppies, both parents purebred. Mother, Scotch Collie, father, Irish Setter, Reasonably priced. To good homes. Ready to go. Phone 526-7232.-1 COON HOUND for sale, 8 month pup, blue tick and walker. Reasonable. Phone 482-7998 after 5 p.m. ---1 MORTGAGE MONEY DON DENOMME *BEST RATES *BEST TERMS *'BEST SERVICE Call Don Collect anytime at 524-2747 ADVANCED REALTY FUNDING CORPORATION 150 Cambria Road N.' Goderich Attention Farmers A. For .sale FARM HARDWARE, Purina feeds -bag or bulk, Bakers Farm and Garden Centre, Isaac St. Clinton. -51 tfA R C. Wanted MARRIED MAN wanted for poultry, farm near Clinton. House provided. Phone 482- 3191.=1 D. Livestock , ONE PUREBRED IIamp. hoar for sale, approx. 350 lbs. Phone 482 -7676: -lar Ne�sall --livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor - Hargreaves 401.7511 Clinton Barry Miller 226-2717 Exeter and. 229-6205 Kirk ton FARMERS For all your nev(r farm buildings BIG OR SMALL!! Give Ray Lumbers Construction -a Call Phone 482-3305 WE BUILD THEM TO LAST 215 VICTORIA ST. CLINTON 402-'/021 • 345-2941 AFTER HOURS -345-2243 Barn Washings, Disinfecting and Spraying With "Carbota" whitens and disilnfects as it dries, as well as co!ltrolling flies CA"1LE SPRAYING for Lilo ' Warblo'iontrol �. r A s4 BAILEY Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Picone: 482-9371 NEAR LONDESBORO - 28 acres, good 1 r 2 storey brick home, barn equipped for 250 hogs. CLINTON - 1 floor newly sided 5 bedroom home, newly decorated and car- peted. FARROWING OPERA.T-I.ON - NearyHolmesville, 9 acres, modern 1 floor bungalow. BAYFIELD AREA - 181.2 acres wooded„ river -property, with nearly completed ranch style home, trout pond. LO.NDESBORO - Low down payment will handle this 1 r.2 storey home, large lot, close to school and stores. NEAR WALTON - 47 acres, l r 2 storey 3 bedroom home, good barn and drive shed. FOOD FOR THOUGHT'-'a"I must do something," will handle more problems than "something 'must be done." WANTED TQ BUY 100 acre farm with or without buildings in the Clinton area. Serious purchaser. Call John Duddy at 482-3652 or 482- 3766. -lar 7. Real estate for sale EVERETT LAUCKNER REALTY, INC. Member of the London, St. Thomas MLS Relocan with 400 offices in Canada Durand ' Beach, 3 bedroom cottage, large living rdom with fireplace, modern kit- chen with dinipg area, 3 pc. bath, electrically heated. Lot 80 x 150 with good view of lake. Fully furnished with excellent furniture. Possession anytime. Bayfield retirement home, 2 bedrooms, one floor, permanent cot- tage, completely remodelled two years ago. Close to' stores, paved road. Lilifngroom T8' "le -1-24--- with natural fireplace; dining room 10' x 9'; kitchen 12' x 10'; 4 pc. • bath; electric heated; wall to . wall rugs; stove and frig in- cluded. 20 acres on Clinton Road, 1 Y2 miles east of golf course. 4 acres workable, rest bush. ADAM FLOWERS Box 41, Bayfield • 565-2813 19 ALBERT ST. - CLINTON WEANER PIG BARN: Small 5 acre set up with farrowing" pens for 10 sows, showing excellent gross profits, a nice little sideline for the hobby farmer. Good 4 bedroom, modernized house. Price 565,000. • WELDING SHOP: 4,000 sq. ft. area with 38 foot high clearance suitable for welding and fabricating. One acre industrial lot. Former „central heating plant at CFB Clinton. List price 545,000. make an offer, must, be sold. 535,000; Renovated 4 bedroom home with den and utility room. 100 AMP hydro, mostly carpeted. Call John or Moranne Duddy John Thompson Office 482.3766 DUPLEX: Older duplex, well located, 82.5 ft. by .132 ft. lot. . Tenants pay utilities. Priced to sell. 530,000. DOME BUILDING: Commercial property on Vanastra Road, 60 ft by 60 ft. Steel building with geodesic Dome. 525,000. List price. ASSUME MORTGAGE: Low downpayment to a 1012 percent mortgage, early possession on this fully renovated 2 bath, 3 bedroom Huron Street home. Owner..'..s.--tr-an'sfer dictates sale, make an offer. High Thirties. Home 482-3652 Home 527-0238 m Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD. NEW LISTINGS $42,000. - $3'6 500 ,'Desirable" Z storey brick "Country Retreat" attrac- 3 bedroom house, large tive single storey frame • living room, family room, house on 1 acre of land games room'with 2 storey with spring fed creek 'in barn on large lot in front, -single car garage. Walton. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY "Excellent Commercial. .,_Property" . close' to uptown - 2 storey building on large lot, suitable for any. business. "Here's Your- Opportunity" our-Opportunity" to own your private florist business - 2 green houses with living -dc- cdmmodationson same location. "Seaferth' Main Street" 2500 sq. foot for rotall or office, newly renovated. "Excellent Investment Property" with this 2 storey frame retail and commercial building located on main highlmay, sefrarate living accommodations with 3 bedrooms and attractive living room on extra large lot. 'E "Body Shop -Garage" With all necessary tools required.Complete with 7 storey 4 bedroom house recently redecorated. CALL AGENTS -Down Rothwell Bruce Rothwell 52745» --- 482-3128 For further information on these and other listings APARTMENT, uptown 2 bedroom available Feb. 1, 1979 or before. Phone 482- 9310 for further details. -1,2 TWO BEDROOM home in Hallett Township, Cons. 7, has family roofri. $200. monthly. • Phone 482-7065. -46tfar 7. Real estate for sale OFFICE: 3 ALBERT ST. CLINTON 482-3821 Valuable commercial space for lease. Good location. Good size. Available im- mediately in Clinton. Lovely house on 115 acres. A home that must be seen. Try an offer. Call today. Hwy. 8. Lots commercial dr industrial. Zoned, ready for development. Several low priced, low down payment homes available. Good duplex in Eilyth. Because of its reasonable price, live up, rent down pay the mortage. Our firm has over 100 farms listed of all kinds, shapes and sizes, in Grey, Bruce and Huron Counties. We will help you find the one right for you. Clothing Stores, Variety Stores, General Stores, plus others. Come in and see us and discuss your plans. - ('oast to (oast Real Estate Sell ice PIERRE RAMMELOO Res. 523-9478 29. J. KERN NATIONWIDE REFERRAL SYSTEM AVAILABLE Our Office ifs open for business at any hour 7 days a week. LET KERN SELL YOUR HOME PLEASE CALL ANYTIME Homo and Office Milt Von Patter Boyfieid 565-2117 4 ROOM compact apartment in Clinton, stove and frig supplied. Responsible adults only. Phone 482-7304.-1 tf. SMALL ONE bedroom house. Phone 482-7652.-I FOR RENT: 2 bedroom apartment, $155.00; , 1 bedroom apartment, $150.00. Phone Harold Workman Real Estate Ltd., 482- 3455.-I-3ar - TWO BEDROOM house for rent or for sale in Clinton. Phone after 5 pm., 519-336- 9697.-1,2 ONE BEDROOM apartment in Clinton. All utilities in- cluded. Central location. Phone 524 -4226. -Ix .APARTMENT TO rent, 1 bedroom with stove and fridge supplied. Apply to Drawer No. 1, c o Clinton News -Record, Box 39 Clinton, Ontario NOM iLO.-1,2 HOUSE for rent in Vanastra. Phone 482-3278.-35tfar MkaFAR LAN E REAL ESTATE LTD., REALTOR 53 Main St., Exeter Phone 235-0541 MUST SELL 139 High St. Large 2 storey brick home, 4 bedrooms, separate• dining room, large living room, spacious kitchen, family room and study, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, home is com- pletely carpeted, at- tached 2 car garage, paved, drive on treed lot. '65.000: OR TRY US ON AN OFFER. CALL BOB THOMAS RES. 482-3096 or ' BUS. . 235-0541 MLS REALTOR \DORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. MLS REALTOR Dirk vender Werf 482-3165 Harold WcrrOiiiin 482-3455 Henry Meiro 527-0430 - Larry Plemsteel 527-0052 CLINTON HOMES Ontario St. - 3 or 4 bedroom home close to downtown, asking $24,900.00 Quality built in 1978, Brick bungalow, full basement, 3 bedrooms, sunde-ck and patio doors • Mobile Homes - your choice of 4 priced from $6,500.00 to $19,900.00 Outside of Town - 3 bedrom bungalow, basement, carport, nicely decorated, in mid -30s - Highway Location - 4 bedroom home in excellent condition with garage Lower-priced • home offers modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms, lot 66' x 132' Vendor will build on this lot near the schools COUNTRY HOMES Londesboro - 3 bedroom bungalow -on full basement, patior-doors, sundeck, garage - $45,000.00 Mobile Home - 14' x 70' - nice condition, price includes a lot of extras, $19,900.00 at Mene,set Park Stone House in good condition on 2 acres with ,s large workshop near Blyth I Solar heat, attached garage, sundeck and patio doors are some of the features on this 3 bedroom raised bungalow 5 acres in the country offers brick home, steel shed, large barn needing repairs - Family room adorns this 3 bedroom brick country home on 1 acre near Varna 312 acres surrounds this 5 bedroom home on Highway, . shed, drrHed well, treed " rz"acre on the Highway, 4 bedroom home, garage, in Stanley Twp. • 1, acre building :site near Londesboro. Bluewater Beach - 2 bedroom cottage, nicely treed lot, $25.000.00 and an extra lot, $10,000.00 Vanastra - 3 bedroom home on, full basement, only - $21,500.00 Vanastra - 3 bedroom home, family room, good con- dition, $29,900.00 Vanastra - 5 bedroom home, garage, $32,500.00 FARMS 20 acres with bush near Clinton Dairy Farm - Makerus an offer on all 233 acres Lock, Stock and Barrel ; or 133 Acres Lock, Stock . and Barrel; or on land and buildings Cash Crop - or Livestock farm - 121 acres, brick house, good. large barn in Stanley Twp 100 acres, no buildings in Morris Tw,3. 100 acres, 65 workable, house and barn in Morris Twp. 124 acres, no buildings, rolling scenic land with bush on a river a 80 acres, 35 workable, Morris Twp. 100 acres, 40 workable, brick house, large barn near , Bluevale '100 acres, tiled, good -brick home, barn, -near Atwood D2fi"ry farm - 169 aFres, good house, 47 tie-ups in Elmo Twp. INCOME PROPERTY 7 -unit apartment building, zoned Commercial, in Clinton Voile and 2 apts., near main intersection in Clinton Variety Store and modern residence near the Take in Stanley Twp. Licensed restaurant, coffee shop, doing a good business, modern residence, 1 ELIZABETH COURT (New Building) . Hensel) ' NOW RENTING 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments • Shag carpeting throughout • Kelvinator Appliances • Laundry Facilities • All utilities paid FOR.ENQUIRIES PHONE - 262-3015 HENSALL 262-2129 LONDON 433-7781 `� 14tf 12. Help wanted WANTED - Reliable baby sitter for 2 pre-school children. Phone 482-3224 before,five p.m. -1 - THREE THOUSAND AND MORE MONTHLY... That is the total mon- thly amount paid for enrolling only 2 New Continental Member- ships daily for the On- tario Automobile' Association. Qualifiers are paid a basic Guaran. teed Weekly Income plus commission weekly. In addition, there is an inflation fighting mon- th-end cash bonuil. Ex- perience not necessary. training on the lob. Car important. Must be over legal age with minimum. Grade 11. This is ql career position with promotion on merit. Successful ap- plicants will start in January 1979. CONTACT: Division Manager, Ed Bauer, 129 Patrick Street, WINGHAM, 'On- tario. PHONE: 357-3805 Town of Clinton CLERK - TREASURER'S OFFICE Requires Full -Time Office Help Knowledge of Bookkeeping. Typing is essential. Sultably marked • applications will be received until 5:00 p.m. January 15. 1979. C. C. tPROCTOR CLERK-TREASURERI BOX 400,1 CLINTON' 1.2 9�.