HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-01-04, Page 2• •... PAGE 2 --CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4 , 1979 by Peggy Glbb Thank ' you the response to the plea for Town'Talk has been most encouraging - please don't stow now, + + + Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hudie spent the Christ- plas weekend with his mother Mrs. Alf Hudie ..and gathered with other members of the family at Ole home of Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Tyndall for Christmas. M"r. and Mrs. John Cox of Hillsburg also called at the Hudie home on Christmas Day. + + + Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Ashton motored to Ottawa to spend the Christmas holiday with their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ashton and family. + ++ Mr. and Mrs. James Comerford and family of Camp Borden spent the holiday with Mrs. Comerford's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Don Forbes and family, Clinton. Both ladies are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Ashton. + ++ Mrs. Maude Baird, formerly of Brucefield, celebrated her 96th birth- day January 2, 1979 in the Kilbarken Nursing Home, Seaforth. + +-+ Mr. George A Baird, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Baird is recovering nicely in St. Joseph's Hospital, London from injuries sustained in a car ac- cident. +++ Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Noel Flagg for the Christmas season were Mr. D. R. Daniel and Sherry of London, Robert of Ottawa and Pte. Darrell Daniel of CFB Kingston. +++ Miss Debbie Johnston, formerly of Clinton, has returned to Calgary after spending Christmas with her family irlClinton. +++ Faye and Ted Fear had as visitors over the Christmas and New Year's holiday - Stephan Fear and Edie Kelley of Surrey, B.C.; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Oke of Millar Lake,, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Nesbit of London; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love and Anne of Atwood; Mr. and Mrs. Owen Fear, Cheyenne; Greg of Exeter and Mrs. Delbert Nixon, Sherry and Cindy of Lucknow. ' Doug and June Howse and family had an especially Merry Christmas this year with son Digby and his girlfriend , Ginette home for the holidays. It was the first Christmas the Howse's have all been , together 'since IMDigby WISHES A HAPPY BIRTHDAY To 4 On, Greg Mayhew R.R. 3 Clinton January 4 Kimberly Hayward Bushell Pork January 5 Sask. S , Lori Forbes R.R. 2 Clinton January 5 'Edward John Stewart Toronto January 6 Lisa Flynn R.R. 1 Bayfield January 9 Willens Ramaker R.R. 1 Clinton January' 10 To Join - just come into rgie News -Record office, 53 Albert St. Clinton or phone -482-3443 and have your, name entered in the Birthday Bookend get your FREE button. Q06 -2-q.07 1) CHILDREN'S CORNER LITTLE PEOPLE'S PUZZLE • 4441 14,1 Uni1e0 fee11„e 9ynAiG ele Inc VO eO 5 ACROSS /' 1 -DOWN 1 -DOWN DOWN 3 ACROSS N3d L 1311VM v 3101S C 3104 L 1g57'Sdb l -.moo 313 •9 'dilnl, 9 31VAS S MVb1S C 13)40O8 1-ssoJDV Stit3MBNV MIX-UPS Fill in blanks - one leiter on each blank: Opposite of short,____ __ Tho animals went in twe by -_ Opposite of out __ _. Christmas comes _ __ Opposite of open . Squirrels' like to eat Opposite of Unscramble first letter if'iach answer to spell a year • Town where you live Answer next iivoek' Answer to Last Week's GUI/ 4Ofke Nose ,moved to 13.C. four years, ago. + + + Mrs. Ruth Koch, Princess St. W. spent a very enjoyable Christ- mas with her son and family in Stratford. + + + Four members of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Clinton Legion took gifts of fruit and candy to the patients at ,Heather Gardens on Saturday, December 23, 1978. They also visited 10 veterans. +++ Winner of the December draw for the Central Jr. C Booster Club was John MacKeigan, Clinton getting $100. Jack's Jottings from Queen's Park AP BY JACK RIDDELL MPP • Under a bill introduce& by the Government, land- ownir--g privileges will be extended to all religious groups. Currently,- such .privileges are only available to Christian and "Jewish organizations, who may own property without having to record a new deed of transfer every time there is a change in trustees. The new law extends the same benefits to any "association of persons that is charitable...organized for the conduct of religious worship, services or rites, and that is. per- manently established both as to the continuity of its existence and as to its religious beliefs, Kids' library news by tvlarlan Doucette It's here! The Year"of the Child ... 1979. This year is a special ,one set aside by the United Nations with the main idea to get everybody to "think children". Chairperson Jean Young is quite hopeful that "as we look at the needs of our own children, we will gain an awareness of children all over the world". Communities, groups of citizens and libraries 'round the world will 'be hosting' festivals and special programs •throighout the year. The year 1979 is just a beginning in making us. all more aware of the "Rights of •the Child". Hopefully the work it starts will continue. On another note, programming at the Clinton Library, has once more begun for another year.'Re'giTlar. Story Hour for the younger children will commence this Saturday at '2:30 p.m. This weekly program filled with stories, games and craft is a chance for your child to join others in becoming more aware of the knowledge at'id enjoyment books hold for im. ,b... Seaforthl ,�, N� , chief wants rescue vehicle Seaforth fire chief Harry Hak told members of the Fire Area Board (FAB) that he would like to see an emergency van for the local department. The Huron Expositor reported that Mr. Hak said that neither the ambulance •or the OPP are _ eqj peed to answer rescue calls which might involve rescuing someone from a wrecked car or preventing someone from drowning. Exeter, Goderich and Wingham fire depart- -ments are the only ones in Huron County presently equipped with rescue equipment. Mr.Hak feels that there is a need for. t such equipment in the Seaforth area as well. He reported that recently ... ..,.the .... Sebringville OPP called ;;, • • the Seaforth ' fire department for' assistance in freeing a man trapped in a car outside Dublin. - Mr. Hak said that five men answered the call and 10 men went out in the truck. Before they reached the scene they were notified that the trapped man had been: freed., The call'Which cost the Seaforth fire department $200 could have been done more efficiently and for less money if an emergency van could have been sent out, in- stead of the big truck, and with only four men . in- stead of 10. Mr. Hak said that the government will fund up to 60 percent of the cost of ....purchasing the rescue equipment. A OUR MISSION... rituals. and practices." Specifically listed are Buddhist, Christian, Hindu; Islamic, Jewish, Baha'i, Longhouse Indian, Sikh, Unitarian and Zoroastrian groups,. The Government also introduced' legislation to make industry respon- sible for the clean-up of all -spills involving toxic substances. It includes a provision that if industry does not clean up a spill rapidly enough,, the Environment Ministry will move in, do the job, and bill the companies responsible, The- Bill, described by the Minister "as unequalled in Canada", is designed "to impose clear responsibility for cleanup and to enable my Ministry to take im- mediate control of the situation if required." In an interview, he stated ' that the Gover- nment has "no clear authority to go in and cleans.,-.u•p., a spill. Now, we'll 'be able to go in and clean it up right away. That will solve a lot of problems." Liberal Environment Critic' Murray Gaunt called the bill "a sub- stantial step forward. It's something we've been advocating and pressing for a long time". He said the Liberals ` �' have had "great -tfal `e; ficulty in trying to con- vince the Government that this is the move they should This legislation was prompted by a number of spill's "`irivoTvin•g toxic industrial contaminants in recent years in which immediate cleanup procedures were im- peded because of -inadequate provisions in the Environmental Protection Act. For example, iht•to was a major spill near Dowling, located- some 30 miles northwest of Sudbury in November (973. About 1,000 gallons of transformer oil con- taining toxic polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were Statistics last year point out that most pedestrians were killed while trying ° to cross through traffic, running onto the roadway, or walking on the wrong side of the road. Pedestrians using a roadway should always walk facing traffic and wear light coloured pieces of clothing to make themselves more visible to motorists. TO SEEK AND FIND. • N E W WAYS TO SAVE YOU MONEY! . • . SHOP THESE WEEKLY STAR STUJDDED SPECIALS n• CREST TOOTHPASTE • mow. 99 ONLY • • LYSOL SPRAY DEODORIZER 69 ONLY • 13 oz. JOY LIQUID DETERGENT 32 oz. ONLY 89 'T IANGLE ISCDUNT,, DELSEY BATHROOM TISSUE 4 ROLLS CALGON BOUQUET BATH . ONLY 99. 160Z. ONLY 79 111 PEEK FREAN 14 OZ. COOKIES e.,. 99 itD Si Tho Square, GODERICH/Malin Corner, CLINTON/Main Corner, SEAVORTH spilled when a CP rail freighttrain derailed and split open two electrical transformers. The Environment Ministry was severely criticized for allowing this spill to deteriorate. A tribunal of the Environmental Appeal Board ruled that "it is clear that by delaying initial cleanup in- structions until June 1976, the Ministry had allowed the situation SA deteriorate from serious to catastrophic." Accidents reported to the Ministry of the Environment involve a total of some 1.25 million gallons of petroleum products, non -petroleum oils, toxic chemicals and other hazardous materials' which require immediate action. A further 8 million gallons of non -hazardous liquids are involved. In April 1976, Ontario bought into • the giant Syncrude development, through the Ontario Energy Corporation, and its investment now is about $106 -million. The Government will make some $35 million in profit when it sells its 5 percent K,. share in the Alberta oil sands -development to a private company, ac- cording to the Minister of Energy, PanCanadian_ Petroleum Ltd., a• Canadian -owned com- pany based in -Calgary, has agreed to buy Ontario's share by the 29th December for $160 - million. The Minister indicated he was pleased with the profit being made on Syncrude, and believed that .the money can be used for other projects at a time when Government revenues have been disappointing, For the past number 9f years the Government has been anxious to be seen as favouring private interests over more public involvement in industry, and the sale of its share of the Syn'tu'rude project to 'a private Canadian -owned com- pany Birthers that policy. The Province bought into the p"oject when it was in danger of failing due to the withdrawal of Atlantic Richfield Canada Ltd.; a major private investor. At that time, total -cost estimates had --'risen to $2 billion from an original $1.2 billion. Last summer a former Minister of Energy had said, in an interview, that when he felt optimistic he thought the -province's in- vestment could be worth up to.$ -140 million. The last days of the session were quite hectic. A number of ministerial statements were made, and the House passed Bill 70, providing for com- prehensive health and safety coverage of most workers in the Province. Summing budget • debate for hisup pthe arty, Ian Deans (NDP Wentworth) gave his last speech as a member. He plans to resign his seat soon, and will rejoin on February 1st the Hamilton 'Fire Department, where he had worked prior to his first election to the Legislature in 1967. The appointment of Mr. Justice Donald Morand of the Ontario Supreme Court as Provincial Ombudsman was en- dorsed by all parties in the Legislature.... The motion making thea-ap- ..pointment was in- troduced by the Attorney - General and seconded by Liberal Leader Stuart Smith. It passed easily, with little debate. Dr. Smith and the Leader of the NDP paid tribute to Judge Morand as a respected jurist, and said they were looking forward to working with him in his new position. HAY MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. ZURICH 236-4381 FARMS - HOMES -COTTAGES AGENTS Elgin Hendrick Dashwood Hugh Hendrick Kippen Jack Scotchmer Bayfield^° Glenn Webb Dashwood 238-2611 262-5389 565-5270 - 337-3229 .. - BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY REPAIR • Clinton Electric Whtte Westinghouse i--hrt (xi rt t Appliances SALES 8 SERVICE APPLIANCE REPAIRS ELECTRICAL MAIN- TENANCE. 40 ALBERT' ST. 482-3646 DIESEL Pumps and injectors Repaired For all Popular Makes Huron Fuel injection Equipment Bayfield Rd., Clinton 482:7471 APPLIANCE and REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE Jim Broadfoot 482-7032 Lloyd Garland FURNITURE REFINISHING AND UPHOLSTERY Corner 5th Avenue and Halifax St„ Vanastra Phone 482-9576 DECORATING 1eco±h9 ftd 33 Huron St., Clinton Box 337, Clinton NOM 1LO?- 482-9542 5294939 Paints, Stains, Min Wax products, Wall coverings, Draperies, Floor Sanding, Texturing interior D. Exterior Contracting FREE ESTIMATES INSURANCE GAISER-KNEALE INSURANCE AGENCY INC. Insurance - Real Estate Investments Isaac St., Clinton Phone Office 482-9747 Len Theedom 482-7994 Ftal Hartley'482-369,3 Buruma 482-3287 JOHN WISE GENERAL INSURANCE= GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS Clinton Office:482-9644 Res.:482.7265 BILL'S HOME MAINTENANCE No Job too Small Plumbing, Electrical,. Carpentry, and Sheet Metal. HENSALL - 262-2941 Bill Fink TRAVEL THE COACH HOUSE TRAVEL SERVICE 59 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH 524-8366 OPEN: Monday -Friday 9:00=5:30 - Saturday 9:00-NOQN FULLY APPOINTED FOR BUSINESS OR PLEASURE TRAVEL ALUMINUM PRODUCTS b JERVIS ALUMINUM Sales and Service of Aluminum Doors, Windows, and screens. Ornamental. Railing and Signs. Glass ut to size. 84 ALBERT ST., CLINTON 482-9390 • FOR MORE ECONOMICAL CLIMATE CONTROL FISHER INSULATION Specialists in:•Spr'oyod In place Urethane foam • CMHC approved Mineral- wool CMHC_appravod Cellulose fibre Phone: WINGHAM 357-2687 HANOVER 364-2491 Out-of-cowl+:Call Collect Insulation Doesn't " cost -It Pays. ELECTRIC 9164* . se. R' ��G'l tog e1ec,ric _tog ,rev • ECONOMY • QUALITY • SERVICE "Big jobs or small, We guarantee them 811482-7374 CLINTON OPTOMETRY JOHN LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth 527-1240 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00-5:30 —Saturday . 9:00-12:00 Closed Wednesday BY APPOINTMENT Free parking on premises R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST `` the Square, GODERICH • 524-7661 ACCOUNTING TRI TOWN BOOKKEEPING - ,AND COMPUTER SERVICE Complete Business Ser- vice - quarterly, half - yearly, yearly. Also Farm and Individual Service. • LAWRENCE BEANE Brucefield Phone 482-9260 Available year round:. Durst, Vodden & Bender CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 37 West Street Goderich, Ontario 524-2011 MORE NEWS MORE FEATURES Keep informed - with the News -Record Know some, news? Tell us about it CLINTON NEWS -RECORD 482-9502 W. J. McEACHERN AND ASSOCIATES R.R. 2, Grand Bend NOM 1T0 Phone 238-2616 (519) 30 years experience with Revenue Canada in all aspects of Farm Tax problems. Bookkeeping Available TELEVISION AND STEREO FETES 21S VICTORIA ST. CLINTON 482=7021 • 40 MAGNAVOX-. HILIPS -r SHARP-OPTONICA Colour T.V. and Audio Components Salo: and Service CHANNEL MASTER --DELHI & F.M. Antenna Systems