The Exeter Times, 1887-9-22, Page 11.4111041-4',
kI 1)10,1i4t)14,
4_4"(Lite; otk$eprente (10art, efotary
aloaveyeaosi otainleeieuta, sae, aeeney f,11,
Q14as, ea, 4,a s t1look,14aatere '
iliyrriser,3oliQitor, convoypicor, Ste,
,b4f.1%,44, otvx. ,
Raleegs112Well'01419Vic. 11,11.001d eiil00-)
tktotf. 0613,3:3.
SooU tjosupropie OiDirtaniorio,
voeTeYneeer,Voinreissio4ert 'eke. spookst
etteetiou elven to the colleatiOn of clainle
to lows 1:t lowest rates, 0 nice ; Zion -a
*14e vi.Attoa spate.. vntiat. '6°4?,3' Dir7iNv.),(-1
11.tarys, ()tit< • '
ELLIOril CV1,17'LL1(..,)T., TO
Uiiister, Solibitors, 1,11(4a,ries Public, Sating
• COOVOyalzoialael tka<
11-*"..hrooey to Low) at Lowest, Rates of
a, v7. Um:cur. 133,1aoT.
laliN TA a.
CO gl iF 1 E .rporx 417.10'•10#0.<9.§ Bata::
NitrouS Oxide Gas for Painless Eatratitien.
VV . R1WIil11T, L, B, S,
striadeeenott.q- soonzo'aasm.
;nava, Gradueteo bheiLiyd1,.'o11ego of
...latee Tornielled daz
Dental Surgeons OE Ontario. Bar
e Do eial Booms
ouJAet@aaST„ e Doors nest of Dentral Rotel,
17.1xotor, Drit., wanes C arm:trod to perform
all branches oi the Dental profession with oaso
-erzceea-rmaeamman ter..e.acom,
eased. in extracting tooth, Charges, P.Codcrate;
Bloela Wain-stt raaafar,
0 roiTa.R1.0, TIIURSDA1 M PTE MBER 22rid, 1887. rubto)1,1oIX:digottPetT,
, A
f 1 o all whoare sullering from the edets and
indisorstams or yenta, nervous weakness,
3 1ff,f,,14r decay, 034 .4 ;RanLo o d, <tfe, I will send a
receige aloit clil'euro you, ,PLSEE OP eliARGM •
y i7n,rk This gl"'sat fornSeiY Wab dtkleoverca. by a 11118.
`7.-,r1-,, I itionery South Amorica. Send a. self:ad-
dress:sitcc ... •
:flop° to Ray, tot:Iona it' Potts:I.;
-- ••••, 1
btf,tua.fl , yi<rtocitq
[UM, 614F
RABIC Tte Vac.
rota StPiff, PoWder or ,trritatlag Licinitl. Price
Victs.,and $1.00. If not obtainable:it your drugs
gists, „gent prepaid Ou receipt of pito. Addresil
' 4,k
.",<1.,. 'roof 13 wiiI4out rain, UR
b:r Vegstable: Vssatir. Gout Lao 4ys„4,,t
P111ri ara
r- ae& d
il rnentsal
y y/4
Ii9wss‘possible. (isses 411. •
esteb. atoirtir; • • ^ I 2 ta
1 , • . - •
I_JU'r7., Al..
'taloc-i ts is • ,daes v< .3:sretr,
N. 3 ttOWNING M. D.. M
1../. a . S. ;raduate bites -le i versity.Offics
and refli(IRT104.,T5nr.,. rid: Tetborn to) v.lbxe ter
FIINDMAN oorrr for the
A,/ County af uiou. 0,11co, opposite Mr,
21. Carling's store; Exeter.
rbR. J. L.ROLLINS, M.0. P.8
O. Offics, 9t.111xoter,0nt.liesiden
housereoently occupied by E'..11oPhillips,
,., Permanently lecated in No. 1B5Aneen's Avenue, Loudon, o ew doors
east of Post Office. Speoial attention given to
diseases of theEyo, bad sight, an dthe pres-
ervation of vision diseases of the Ear, im-
paired heating, :sad disslusrges from the ear;
•disesees of the Throat, chronic inflammation
lloolug a frequent cauffer of deafness dumases
lot the Nose, °star* being a common oanse of
Sharing atni .-"do, lstesi ss:;!.
of the alt.
Erel y aii, i p3.i.t
Ladies ana
A CAIT, :401 <IL TrB1 D
A, Sure Thing
—0— 0—
impel ,ed hearing.
a 'a
•••••,•,-,•;1•<,-t.c<Ze •i<,••,•<
".• .
0.113' .21.9
anel btondroil 0! r tin;e8,
,00-!4 4a! mf,17733-.
Vold by sssil Crecr,,trce.1)rumr,intfs,
‘aataaa.afanala. 7.4.2afaa0P110
&lige Opell for Otle
:le OA jd1()),1•:, Chat 110 /Ins the
Ant11TLO: ri.a-; IIA.) -
Nrmian's Celebrated
R4.101;t9, BACON--
t4rant Tho,., of Ingersoll have sent him
Bacon. 84,11%M.S, TirEATIMMT
Po Subscribers.
It is respeetfully requested that su
scribers who requtire their papers delive
at Two new stone orossint4s have. been plao-
ed across the streets near the 11.1aist-st. Meth
The oyster erop peontiets to he abunatiot,
whieb will be good newsier the bivalve con-
'ell by. the carrier or posod, wilt eee tit
they arc delivered punctually. Should
411 dela (moor Or ShOblia• the )4 ier not
ae delivered, we shill estoein ib fav`44+
(Lerges.---alillinery openitig Mocday &
nest ay, October 3 & 1, at Janata Pickard's.
Lannis.—Liest lino of Milton dress -goods
at f4 ets Jantee
if acquainted with the fact.
At, intervals (luring the past week th,
'weather hes been unusually wean an
eloae ; to such a degree in, fact, that
has been a limiter of much mixiety to'the
avelago housewife, without a cellar, to
keep tietter in. its proper state of proem
vation. Mrs, <Liu. 1a>pplestono, woul
apnear, was it vietirneko such annoyance.
other evening the husband purchas-
ed several pouuds of choice butter, and
after tea attached a string vessel atu
soepunded it SeMe distance down a
Well that the butter might retain i
normal callousness. Next morning about
breakfast time, the butter was eonght but
taot found ; it had been stolen durmo the
night. The lad r's Dice depicted surprise.
speeial meeting of the village (man-
ed hold lit the oillee of the reeve on
Monday erg. to coutdder tate peolnelele
reetilts of calliog putille meeting to
diseitee tho feenibility of purtshesinT
stcrsui fit•e elifisttL After eonsiderstbIts
doliberatinst eas flieV0el and 'svesneliel
that thure ue 00 public inikting itailorf
ner any )t:3( 4)1 to oil toward 1 he p n
ing a an mashie. Beaklee the expanse of
purchasing ao engine, it would be nec-
essary to mcur still greater outlay in
providing water for its use, as our present
aupply is inadequate, surface water only,
forming the contents of our tanks. The
members of the council were a tanat for
better fire protection, but, asthe Tate is
ROW ionafortably high, being —miis in
the. dollar, it was deemed prudent to
allow the matter to remain dormant for
the present ;and. when definite steps are
to, be . taken let there be a system of
water works adopted, -which to their
minds would prove more satisfactory to
heAratepayers, and.•,;be.of greater benefit
o thaeOrporation geqrally. .6
Oxford cheese always on hand
Groceries cheaper than ever—Alwayis fresh.
Wedding Bens.
S. C. Hersey, Otvf
almost ev
ro Ica
T.I" WIRY EILBER, Licensed Auto-
tioneer for Hay, Stephen, and
vraY:TosvnehipS. So les oonduet ed at moderate
rates. flil:keey-At Post-office,Orediton, Ont.
JOUN GILL, AnctionPer for th4
Townships of Stephen, gay and Usborne
and the Tillage or Exeter. All sales promotIV
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this office.
trENNENT 86 TENNENT, Ve1eri.
-1. uary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario
Veterinary Collage. Toro:).
to, have las office for
*Rio • treat inept of all
Domestic -",77'-trz::: Animals, on
Mail:street _Exeter. Calls
from a dis ... ......."'"` -- tanee promDt'y
11W311.11d bo:- 111.nlicine for Horses CtEttle,eke
alwayet on hand:
1 °NEI TO LOAN AT 8 AND •84-
.1. _ per cent, :',.Ml1.000 Priv.tte Funds. Best
Loaning Comps ties represen:•ed.
14 arrister, Exeter,
Established in I100s.
HEAD OFFICt - W Al y.P,Li....,), ONT.
This contralti, has been. over -,:htliteon
yoars in -unseessfui oper.s.s•on its wor.ttorn On.
tarie,tttni..toebinnes to 1.111311r0 agairnfMOSS or
damage b y tvirc, Both!! ngs, Mcrae a n clise ,t,ltin-
a fasitori es ,aud ill o tato rsteserintietss o thnsur-
able property. intent-ans. insurers have the
opt ion of insuring on the Prost -Anal 'Note or
Cash System .
During the pstnt ton years til is oornpany
has issued 37,006 POlicic.A. coVel'ing property
to 0113%1,40d nt oi.$'40,87‘2,058 ;and -,:aiii thins,.
se alOne '3700,7113,V
AsSeiS, ,S116400.00, consisting of Cast<
n (sank, Goverameetnemosii , and the euese,
58130d Pro sahrui No F, e,, n o }landau d in f an O. 3,
W WALonniq D. PreeleMA t. el< n. TAYLOR,
Secretary. 3.11, 'arm tr MS, 1 usnrotra- 0 RAM.
SIN 1,14., Agee t for Xxoter a lid vicieft V
fe..3•Yrn,,,,,,, ..', 1.
•1 il 1
ft:11Jilla 111111P
017 0.,,,,x,,,DA.
The Ito y IL 1 Mark •Pasatin gee rind ...I igh 1:
Route between (lanatle. and Great :Britain and
direst route between the West and all points
on the tower St. Lawrence and Bade ileS Oint,
leer, nage
New Brunswick, Nova Scotia,
P. E. Island Broton,
and Wow, '}
Ppy 'events in which
. .
interested took place
4t '41-relvehtiming.11.;;Ilaulline
re. Hernial .of,Exeter,
urns Merchant and miller.* anfito
ening, A.lgoina. The ceremony' was,
erformed by Rev Wm. Martin of Exetei,
Ir. Irving of Manitowaning assisting as
groomsman, and Miss Eney Ross of
Exeter, tilled the office of bridesmaid.
The ceremony was witnessed by many
friends of the contracting parties. After
,• •
fishing Tackle Summer Goods !
Call and EXaMille fo7 iour-
J. W. BROWIn NC*, .E'rop.
Antic 1
IA 7317, V•1-7:
The undersigne 1 ivon1-1 eern,eir ally. inf.,rm
the community tlait they hew. It,'I 1;0,1 tili, ahnve
mills for a tern, n•P 'yo.«„O. ; erld will be pleased
to have (1; call from all, '-eln, mill has recently
been.improved,1%4 idn< a,Cloiti<.n «1 cow 31210,)).
incee. leis the int,r tine ;11 -1 .<, ,,eln:oribera be
1 ,".
<o• a s...t of roll; •, - s••n n,-; n,•<,nje ; cno an
cot bined, the
-VC<TOOd.b.C,rhil ':-'-. •,.: .k.r.'.3t 'Mill
Will be secoon '01 •ion.•• in 4,0 West.
Gristing and Onoppinrs Done
Freels oatmeal eon ointly 071 ro!-.)11 for sa!s•
(xchss fp) 0.),.s.
SATIMOTheil WielisdiATEES.
- -1-
' Arsir A TR 1 A r, gorAorrED.
J. c(7, . • NVIN,
July 14.] Props,
Now Dina. elegaut Pullman II:1110t Sleeping
ncl Day Clare roil on through Express trains, J
INtesenacrs tor Ores! trita.m. or 'be Conti
!tenth?, lestvirig Toronto at 0.40 0, 02. Eplynyo,
4301.< v0II join oneweed mail steamer at ktali,
D011 9 Ci
s ))tore,
KIR lc ON.
0 -0—
ATY DRESS GOODS (new ellatlem) 1043
fax a, in. Sa(urday,
• tiuporior Kloyster War011 MUM and 4)66)se-
coin boula hi 00 at f'or shipment, a tarnie
and qr nerulMerehand3se;
yorn-. <4' ,,,,:nerienee nave, proved thoTOM-
01111<01,1TAIr in connection with steamship
'into to 144)3) 40001 'Loudon. Liyorpool, and
Cilasgew to 11 islifax< to 1143 1)111+ ourelrest freight
ref: to betWeen flisdads, 04 11:79116,Dr.itain.
m !nation as' to 1 assonant a cl 13,rei Irt
4,6,tm, can be liad on application 'Ise
Westerb vreignt&Vatiseueor
V ()Oft Douse Bloolf,'Srotic 81. TOrento
1) I0tO51N3b131L!.
(Thief S)rneriht8114
„ 60 14.)3Nov lath, 14 ,
711, NICE SUGAR — $1 00
A NICE TEA SETT (44 Pieces) $2,25
13b1ST LA RIDINE OIL, • . (120, gal
13111 Pine Tea < for - $1.00
8 Plugs Chewing Tobacco
—0 —0 --
It will pay you to drive t
miies to buy from IN.
gighest trIrm fir ntiter and
matt 116 CURRELEM
See our 5, 6 and 7 Ct. mines',
Inr, order to clear out our
,,,,A,Iirge§tooli. Of Ern broido ry
ar4r1Nffering them c•bearer
any other house
We are s ening the balance of our stra w
Hats away down below cost. A call
satisfy yon that this is a gelatine sale.
crivi rpr-0,101:::/7,4
ea. care, a.`- ea -a -Le)
The 511 00! lamps were lit for the first
inte thie fall, on afeeday seg.
.New lioots & Shoes in endlees variety at
&unwell & Piekard's.
The days have been rapidly elmeteuitig of
ate, and yesterday the day awl night was
of equal length.
Lanxas.-13ig show of Millinery at our
oaelthiPa Oat & 4. <Tames Pick:mai,
There will he Ito council meeting on Fri-
day eveniag sr. announced.
We want correepoteleots in all the oat-
ying villages teed townships, Apply at
once to Titan office for requisites.
Ita.n/E3.—Milton (ire/581400as et, aa, 1 &
121-. 21) inches witle. All colors at
,Tass Pickard's.
Mr. J. Brawn, tailbr, has returited from
his trip across the Atlantis, end, it is rum-
ored, brouglit wieh hiut a lift: partner.
"King the lea e, grinder, has
ettain appealed. oaten our eLreeel; after an
absence of abeut yeer. The ladies are
laiviag their seiesore oharpeaal.
mem number o. (tenet( re being mede
for the lair, ma iodbetizoite are feet they
Will greatly veteatal tleaes el aay farmer
'0)1011 tilai Mt 1.
The eel» of the Smith end, fire hall will
not i the place on •I'rill<tv, 24t4 113 an-
netteeed but hut', beet poetpon-
One day loot week, Ma. 'Eaten, of Bid-
dielph, while reOulying brow from a, separ-
ator, hall the misfortune 10 tve e wild oat
enter one of Ms cars. Modieal wae re-
quired to have it extraetett.
Rev. Dr. Jailor, Lets iniesitmary in For -
Mose, China, delivered tie •. leteresting ser-
mon in the Presbyteriaz church on Sunday
Evg. last, on "l'he Idoletties and Social
Life of the Chinese." The Dr, ie a forcible
speaker and carries great weigbt.
John Vail, who has beensolourning in the
gaol yards at Goderich for the past four
week, paying the penalty of a larcenist, for
having, ()lithe 11th of August, tapped the
till of the.Exeter hotel, was released on Mon-
day. , ao,
Owing to the weaayer., being unusually
fine, the sportsinen,aaptiat pat+ duck•shoot-
ing at Lake Sinithis very `Poor. For a plen-
teeUellefie of the duck the weather requires
to be atormy and. a strong north wind blow-
in so as to drive the game into calmer
,astaeinr. well prefilard will give a grana ex.
'sou orldillitteur and Dry -goods cm l'tIon-
r says 3 --"Souse: of the
etthe gipsai will miss their pap,
er.t ihey will Iwo!. what
_ so xp a ask es on
the'ftibi that fhb Iswhiclibers
get the paper to read t eiplamatory e
1008. ,
A special meetina of the, Stephen Town-
istlie •*6',:reiire
ENO( t.1,0 JEfe,Einev •
As the riiptno;,:a i;,tria ;bilk QE
the 11(fethodiet eh itinLly NYtaitesclity
last, the queetiots of eitliege resteialtioia
Wag broughlt up and thoemighly diemts eed.
As it Woe thought the ;•onutuit allotted to
the Methodists of the Exeter dietrict to
pay, was too largo, espeeially when
inueh larger 400 MEWL; wealthy district
was only aesessed a, like 8111141 tbere was
nothing done ; and 00 ;step* toward reis-
ing motley will be taken until. it is learned
what the coafereuee iatend doing in the
matter, with ilget<1 inl;,1,in:4 the aesees-
mente pro 0,1-0 to eize and Wealth of
incredibly In10.104.1/
There has been coneiderab excite.,
men! alai 1VaGte of valuable 'mental finali-
ties of late, coma:quoit t upon our
Imentioinug the a eeitlone, 3) ti lei), WO Were
informed, had befallen M. 1 it o oy. ,tle
Ives returning front vim. iroa thQ Trieitt
IMemorial churcb, ;aid wal kcd Vel7 inane<
and, of course ve triot,ee,i nre aIWit VA on
the alert, for it <er..1 halyi<Oni• III,,i. it x•ye=,
inquired of re pereoe Whom enr 7:e:7;mo:imi-
tative I bought should know the ezi tee of
his lameness. The iinewee wee prompt
and he -was infoelood et the (4.01.4 Joffe ae
the partionhoz niq.c .1; ,1 in F<X•in kr. Ow:
informant 'flowing 'w ‘,• wauvf• of a spr,Mi-
ed ankle and the reetilla .tiestoliene eeeli
judged as he ati-0.4tit fri tiL t I.,. ..,,1,. ni' his
foot (which was at that time the vietim
of a very largo nod eevere baeioa 't mid
his noted rectieerwees while ,,e d ki toe over
rough ground, that elm M111041(1 Ea WM) tile
cauee of a spraieed 4101110. There will
not be a reetteeepee ea !,:eeli en Mho:Hee
to Mr. II. EIS be lite; rennet 1.., jEalollM4-.ed a -
bottle of bunion eatreate la imuoveel tho
bunion and nnw We ili-A 44)11)4 u! ,1 bEE eft.
Orabard llelilL• .. .4:<,••c
Last weea a, zepoi leer mat • too ot• toe
, . ,,,e,
most peaceful ea.1 eteTaite,.,.. eitazone
marching home what a notelet 1, oee'e his
shouldee (it eitosta't , t 0110+1) 1, ti;.'' •I'P 11
itS ap pea i a nee nt 44'1. h.< qv e< .•<, E<114 1. EL'Und.
ag ilaVillf,f 11000 d 31" ,' ,•13 I tw. it ', e, , ,, e he
being nal,a d whet ,,,, •• tam et - e' -
etehtney display i.s• e I 1:cd rt .••••' h.-
been bothered <- 111, • 6.s.". . t P., , •.. 1,14
orehard and i le a 1 1.,.1 ,40,31 .4,1 ,,,,,<;•0,
, the,
other umeiting (melee pee) teem ooto of
the trees. Tao eitixon te ma, a emelt elm!
but he had a leo), 01 ilea. rotate .a..o.t tat his
ace that spoke anyt a tag bot good for
those who invade tag (ache al in future,
arid it veould be well for melterd OIL:meg
to give the neighborhood ,a. Ctidleyeat a
very wide berth. It ie a 51131110 that
citizens have to submit to the pilfering of
their fruit' hy a 1,4, a yotrag scamps who
been' to delight in not only stealing the,
fruit but breaking 'ho trees. Beware ye
younftscatnps ; 0 dose. of warm lead may
Ve uncomfortable.
Miss Lizzie Yule of Whitby, is the
gatest of Mrs. (Dre) Browning. —Mr. H.
Eilber, sec'y and manager of the Hay
Fire insirrance Company, has returned
front his eitended. trip through Manitoba.
- Miss M. Feltner has returned after
spending i couple of months visiting
friends at Winnipeg, Mn, -'-1,r, R. of Kay ln d,efoTuesay fo
WoldegegbstgAretsiwt 044344e.
Hay township loses a Taluable —Mrs. Jas,. P1. Dickson and Mr. W. F.
Dickson, of Perabroolie, mother and.
brther topMr. L. H. Dickson barrister,
of this place, are visiting the Maser gen-
tleman ntr present.—Miss Louisa Deno -
of Toronto, is visiting her brother,
Denovan, of the bank.-
-Of Orangeville, brother to
of this place, died last
yeivs. Ile was
lia.behi. --Visitors
041-F11due., have
been, numerous this Week—Mr. John
jayizeg' traveller, of Exeter, who Itatirva.<
been spending. Ilia raeation hereabouts, .
resumed hie woontion Monday.
We had been expecting Ifni for seine -
le and lase ink,t ening he eVallteel in.
ay Mister, In ro is a verso of frig .zciet-
man and wife they were showered with
the blushing pair had been pronounced ship council was held at bi,erliton on IVIon- ,111r. A
day lest for the purpose of discussing niat• week, at aria
congratulations and good wishes when ters in connection with the proposed eaaial ,esteeined by al tt.
the assemblage sat down to a suinptuous from the riyer to the lake, at Grand Bed. aro/Dots piece, to elf
wedding supper. The youn., and beauti- fMot.• John Spackman, the Canada Co's agent
r this district, and other interested and.
ful bride was theareeipient of a large
te, fluentialnt.
number of handsome and costly presatte men,IYere Prase
mwe & Pickard have just received a
which was but a slight evidence of Eh large ear of goods direct from England,
esteem M which the young lady, who hat which they ciao now °nein!, at rock liottom
ramie(' in Exeter but a few weeks, WAS
held. Next morning the happy coupie
along with a number of guests were
driven to the station to meet the express
and the newly wedded couple amid good
wishes and tear drops: left kr their future
home in Manitowaning
eaere& surmises.
1.01a sometime since genuine hors
thievea have visited this locality, al
though there have been horses stolen of
iete but not with such success as aroma-
mtly, hoe attended the parties in the
present cam On Satufday night or
early Sunday morning, a hold robbery
wee eonnuitted, the plundered party being
Me. Benjamin Case of the London Road
north, a coil* of miles from Exeter.
air. Case and family were all at home;
•S' '14„' and jpet pl'oirloOS to reeirmg, which MLR
somewhat late, the young men visited
the atable, fed the stock, and, what they
imagined, closed securely the etable,
341414114 thezi contained six fine homes,
No aieturbance, was heard duriose the
niglie, other than the noise.which is
• "'‘'.•4;0
I.b•s•s • pa sshrisol a fall of
PP' ii:bhes., ks
and 4,1aweiry
alai; 1'1•1 iS 1.13 L
uiAtellit<Da,/ •
And mor-!tnent crall the teadme,
143)1 best inakers,
Repairing. Watches, Clools, jewelry, do.,
Speciality. ,
itcnielahar the old stand,
Opposite J. PICKAKI),
.11011 Exeter, On
ho e al every night, of horses tramping
mid pnee ; but next Morning it was
1.43,031 that the stable had been entered
no1 bdio of the horSes- -0110 a snperior
r i lanai --had been titol en therefrom. '.: poi t
ail t hee inveetigation it, was learned that
) e ,Ionmein t Wagon, an 0(1121)4)1) 11(333' set Of
j 'cern ho mean, a, whip and °thee 1)00053110-
141 had ale() been taken. It is believed
that the theft Was committed by non
°there thee parbiee well aeqbaineed wit
elm prethieee, as to the wagon when las
need was eat -ached a pair of shafts, which
tho thieves removed and replaced with
the touguo, which, as with the whip were
nineed, In obecure camera, entirely out of
the reach of noticqiminted portiee. B3t
eat) 'ludic/aim ts, ilt seemed that the theft
ivaa carried but early in the tautening,
aita that the , falievee after going a short,
dieamee north tuened teouth on ;mother
eteal, One ofthe 1101.408 Stolen is of
light man (4r buck:Min color and spavined
On 1)0111 hind begs ; the other a black
Idaelty mare-j-tapatior -with 0 pork meek
on mail flame foot. Both mounds are
04+111 1411344)140(1 tor the road or to work, mid
1(3 114 suppooed that they have been taken
4501000 to Miohigan to be sold in the
Winker wuods,- where sueh• stook 00113-
1111)44)10 coinparatively high priees. A.
c'erY libetal reWsrd IS offered ler the
reeovery Of the; property or of the oat).
turn of the thievae. A good wateli dog
nn,,ht 14tve prevented the Iesing of this
p ty
..why should anyone talk about this town tin
'beingdeal, wheat them is mote buildiag . "S
.going on this year than thole has been for
kyeaasamore new reselencee, more repairs to
old ones, more uew fences, more newshe
. p
fronts more t 1 •-
1 indicative of orospeerty-
Lanies.—Get your jacketing and nlste
Mg at James Pickard, Remember—we 01
all jackets free of charge.
On Tuesday a yonng man- named .M,
Pherson, of Cliuton, was placed in tl
"cooler" to sleep offthe effeete: of a debauch
'Ile and a comOaniop hail bee» acting in
disorderly manner ebent the village fo
a day previous.
The grape 111)111443! 14 lieS,V 10 fal swing
and such an abenclent supply of the dello
. fruit has achTom been seen. Dry
weather is ahvoya 1400,1 foe the grape crop
and the lone drought of the pa<t 8040.11451(415 he'en tile means 74 yielding un Mimeos
sup 313r of the .tempting clustero. The y
weather" ride aide bee11 e,Jrnfully observed
nil its trotIrpoSitively estaldisned. Wet
(141033 543(480)11 pro)incio the rot that is the
grape's worst eitemx,
The storie; recentThis.„Airou'ated by (aria
papersotbont the failu'res of. Messte. Creigh-
ton and Birmingbato to -that the proposed
new Censervatiee paper in Toronto, appeat
to. have 1)14111entirely withont 40,141111140,,711085 gentlemen. ropm4t, everything- pan
mambo; favor for nnw paper. Over
8150,000 have been. 01)11403131,1,14)1(1 they
have been well reeeivol, everyWhore. It is
confidently 43413)040111 !ht th<.. Empire will
be launched. on the sea of journalism withal
6 11)0)114115.
Scotch, langlieh end (lamellae Tweeds,
New a•nd Stylish at Sminwell cud Picitarers.
We haVO received front Rev. E. 3. Rol..
)18011, the late incumbent of Christ Church -
11,xeter, a copy of the Casselee •Tagebtall
und A tizeigee, a Gorman paper, oonteinieg
new s t mot outbnildinge
ry. Ton coo either 161b11814 113 Or
cortsign it to the 33'.10L++1bsc14-et." It rails,
as follows :--
The lions -mile, 30,114,3 ir:ths minis till night ;
r. Canning portelt•vs
Or making (+151033 '3) in bottle or eeu,
A 1141<sevint,e. the se 311.? 141 her 441(1 1141)41.
Now out 1113 lirmeondie's cern ors they say
The largest f81'',$O•e 4.1..Q411 dy
Grow in abninienee, told any man
Who '014 033! :113.e44 v<Ith eld tin pan
r Can gather n 14013,4 re • ,13 hour 1)403,,As A. ialeboilell 1401)1 he dal do.
- The 1114151)10facade Wa<4 131) exhibitio141.
at the Zarich i,r atet 0,11(2!,, and w ill be
✓ placed in the - 11.s sok.
e Ordered OloO 1,34 44 eoeeia11+v. A good fit
guaranteed, s tiV 1
Mr. Geo". Alotia, 14 Crr.iiten, hoe pee jiio
tile down, to p of firces. liead adv.
fnatstelefolttii4nitisolif tchtemllacybi7411!.t.; cof:astslitei,costict-ttii s(t4ocia.1,e
malty, of which church the revereml gentle-
man is the in wun hent. l'lfe Church 131 now
in nourso Of 013ot:then, 4)3(1 the stone was
laid in June legf, The land npen Which the
church Is being 0)','. 13,! Wes donated ley a,
Mr. Aselirott, ot that city, 1( 14 helm; er-
ected io eommemoration of the Jubilee ye.
41 0 ('1)10(1 1)41 1.13csfle,y, the citizens
,On Main-st, were at:Mem-bat Surprised at:no-
tieing two geirtlettlen 146E4 tu 1 m a boggy
driving st 13 ea Md. rate along the sidewalk
114 the• boshieea pita of the town. 'They
centioned beta) 61 3,01 tlie *Ella until thew
boggy became fastened 16)311)')) 1110 le.) 37'<ls
'acid the 'f oleo. 1.3 lion the arrit-a) of life
Pollee 113 300+8 dirn<over0,1 thol, they were al
coholioally etnimetassed, awl he at ence
ihaactrit_oalpus; caft
icetihaarraetsitleairl aorstodappaltdur.oilsiclt Ni,ettlt.11.71'
drunken men have been seen Upon our pl'hl-
�Ipltt stieets
Meseee. Sion weil & Pickled have reeeiveit
their Fall MI; Lai t :Read change of rid,
Mesots 8311111 ',A into III(V,. dioposed of
tail! young, pa. :41i.?, * ne;k " to Mr, .1.
lialph, of Forif,i,, •••••30 ;am Bar -
hey, although ymeifi. 0133 gre)ii 1110Vee, and'
03111 <ewer 1041I• +841 111:04 forts%
The bills is-muf by the is estlee lam44 mall
he payable et os aemei ['ter ( /etaber lat
next. It ly us at the time, of
die suspension tali the Imo aohiees mould
nor sorer any loss MI 1:1)031,.. 311131 31? it bitS
tinned out
:7N,Xr, Jos,RO, k 17, of Forest, 11)1 Do bed [Mese
eftdau07ititgeer,01,131-ar,lir:de;tuli;•::1.;;ni..,4,, ,,,itit,,,e.e,,,t‘ungmulei7oylikt....l
e anti also the celebrated young sto,ilion,
1 170,10. the property of •Mr.Thos. •11710siott,. „
I both of this plea.% 'lo NT r. .41,10,1, 0101110.,
1 ea
ty t ,.1
i 1131410. 3111'. Ralph drove Itaattott wliest 110; onlerstatnk thn i ,. tilliwzr 4)bor?T,e
we , •
may expo ,i good '
IMl 1,fr
8 ont the••10 bni-
s' Made hie beet tem!, ,•.rei ..1!•,,, dec.,ep 143i1' ILI,„
Clintfle i)1 the re•obid 3 ,tc•,,,;1„ +3 hum he '40014 lAt
money it 'the 014111,0 e1.,14s.,
1110 printine, p`II`I % 1114,1 ?,, 1, ", , 00.,,,..,;,1•011t,,,'
Wiled 343143t41. 1 t' . ,, 11,,,'1,1o, 101,' 1)1',(11.tfeS; ,
MI, [ Illl'IliSit,-..ri ,, ,,,, 't.110,' SithripaDer ('1itt'
('1s)), 1114,,,s ,,,,,i..., .1, , , • ‘13 3 gel) up at the ,
, , , .
1'0 1 call ever 11)3)) 14, 447 vinf'1, the pulPit,
Mugs 6141040) 1434,1 1, ir-mv, .1 •st, sm, it has., ,
044111144 price 0: a bee'lml 30 All, at Etna 1(1144., '
the eon ntEry •,.). ..e. 077,i ',, 7,71 . ,,".„ ,:3,,.•1 7:::.4 ,,,33314„, '
el' the re ra, ,,.• r he, 33 leis' nurta,:lefi ',` 'the
power of 14, l'3 Led 7. i ,., , . ,,,, 43 iles conver-, •
ted baukere lete p lepers, it, has edueated
the lulkneloss, and 1ob313d. the ellilommlnir,'
of his rehsou , 11, sm ;7. 3 30,1 kielt,<, oriei
and, dies, 1.,0 7 3: , ovinet 1:,, I no to gait
1.10e43314o133, a.a; ••• <Ili; m ,3, o, f,m1 :Om.
111148 it i 340 giv,n, , r,,.d.r.,,ti yrs, g<I1MIAMY,•