The Exeter Times, 1887-9-15, Page 5While Mr, 3. B. Mitchell, carpenter, of St. Marys, was engaged tieing the oornieo of,1 Mre. Johnson's bones, in the west ward, the 1, other afternoon, the scatTold on which ho was standing gave way andbe felt to the ground, a distatige of 1G feet, Streaking three of his ribs aud collar bone, aud otherwise eoriotisly injuring himself. Jas, R. Hamilton, B. A„ of St. Marys, has been appointed yoienee Mttister in the Wes• loyan Ladies' College, Hamilton. Several fermate around Belmont have been swindled to the amonet 4f $7,000 by giving their notes for the Red Lion Wneat, It appears that they wore to have this prec- ious Lion Wheat by 1st of August, but the day has wane and gone gild stili no Lion is to$ the fore. The class of meu who give their notes for wheat want to get rieh in a day. Dr, Waenington, who visits Mitchell monthly, was arrested and taken tooSt. Marys, disappointing au unusually large numbof patients who called at the Rieke Hous during the day, We believe that; he refusi. d to pay what he considered an ea- tortioro to charge made by eloKay, the 'bus driver of St. Marys, and thet the latter issued the warraut for his arrest; We haao had dealings with the Dr for, some time, and always found him upright and honorable iu all Ills transactions, aud prompt in Bottling accounts, when he found them right. ' If he thought he was being imposed ;upon by. McKay, who has always had the reputation of knowing how to charge, she wee perfectly justified iu objecting, -Mitchell Advocate. Mr. Gea. Glendenning, of the 16th eon. McGillivray, lost a valuable horse on the 5th inst. 'The accident nappend by turning too short with harrow§ which °eased them to upset on the lines and draw the horses bask upon tins upturned teeth, twenty-three of. which pierced one of the unfortunate area - A'< 1"I i I,KEY HARROW! AND R. sammilmemp The Following have purchased,•• our referring ;-- TA — T it At Toronto, Every Darrel CMuaranteed. This Oil wElil used on all rnaohinory 'duri«" U Exhibition. It bas boon awardod NINE, GOLD MEDALS during the last three years. rete-Fe"See that you get Peerless. It is only made b are the names and Post Office Addresses of,„a number of Farmers who machines, in Middlesex Co,, and to 'whom wo have much pleasure in 0 James Thompson, Strathray. John ineLultan, Adelaide. tures' bodyee It died in a few lronrs after. „ Robert Brown, Glencoe. The other horse was badly though though not D' J Graham, Amiens, M MCary libell,Stratbroy, totally. Peter Forbes, Appian / Edwin Robins, Strathroy, B V Dom ary Strathroy. Interesting Items.John Winters Strathroy.. ;fumes hobo lain, Strathroy, John Gralla Strathroy. B. Campbell, Zorra, sold six of his tlior ( ,john Bennett Serwnod. oughbredShropshire Down Lambs to au, at. Oeven,I,nn_woodSt;t,ion. American cn Tuesday last, for the handsome ;Robert Wilkinson, Melbourne 1Jugl! W Clark, Sprtugbttnk sum of seventy-two dollars, at twelve dollars I Isaac Garman Osman or twelve dollars each. i Arch (•aniphcll Strathroy For Children Starving to Death, , .1 oho Henderson Strathroy i,�•anarcl !�, th 1 erubill On account of their inability to digest ordi.I�rlunld rat lr;iu:te S+ltlio Arr.ieolin Qtln u,tl „illi Leta s l\'illt on B..tr i, 1v 1h urt,e Fills te ,'r, f rnhtll • 1 7.0 nt �tatt y `;oil l c John Laulele 1. ernhill Henry t orruel I ernbill -Donald 1%feliou alil. Einnoka 11ry4Id Robinson, 1 1molts t1 . nary food. ' Sooti's Emulsion can be digested. ana give strength and flesh when all other food fails. $es what Dr. A. H. Peck. 'Penn. Med. Coilogo, Petitcodiac, says : "I have used 1 and prescribed Roost's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, and find ita:•, excellent p.eparae George 1 Cornell, Middlemiss Wallace Lockwood, Melbourne W J Cavanaugh, L'arl hili A1ox P1ensiug, Warwick Settee Cuddy, Adelaide Chas B. Stevens, Keyser Douald'nlcP'herson, Adelaide' . Time Seed, Adelaide Jos. Howe, Osinau Thos Caldwell, 081I081I1031a 11111.11 lienderson, Ailsa Craig Louis Crammer, Adelaide George Cleirtent, Strathroy Robb Thompson, Strathroy Thomas W. Trebaru o, P ernhill Elias Daniel, Fernhill J r Charlton, Coldstream Phillip Woodward, Amiens John Robison, Lobo John Lamont, Romok ttoetor Lauf nt, Now aka Edw,trcls KGnrlt1m, Henry Font,et, Pergusou nontU l (-Iowan ,Strathroy • ,T,,hnSKarim ham ,' a(rnaorzn ( E W"stcott, Cairngorm Inuit R,t1L K h 'unl', Thos II Payne,Cairegerm (o Suthel.land,Napier l 1, :1. Noble, Strathroy tion, agreeing well with the Etomaeh, and lie ;Tames 3iallantyne, Stratltrey strength A i linea bairn continued use arho patient.'' ; greatly t4 tits _p io 500, 1 e� -••--en-entente-es- - to _ aud cu h 1 t „ Put �, - - _ (itr`•O Apes `+utleirn from th inion of rho netren . up rn o u. , e eRects of lints $J coidsMMrriON CUBED. '5? ^ Mr. t;. P.. Caiger. Adaurtisiug Agent for Art old physician retired from precol Iudiait 1 folly, early ins the iisel� oe weak, arocaus%and I d e 1 to try ins ha t silicas in his hands by an bIexhaustedwho • ,tiro emote T1 AGED and OLD A'and iu :lie head. Ouse a •rn� tt 1 cru y C'unsnml7tinu, , se, �� s, � •' t and aifeetious, also soca]- onaequeuces of ynr_tlihi �ixec;e ou�Disea�es of r •ic'nar as a bell. rive aids 1ulieal rurE frr NE:rl-nus e 1i Y�1. ints after having tested its ,,lien. The book will be sent sealed sto t�dcl ad- "'.1'ltl`"TNT ('Ill 51IE11 TU )a,iltl'II ; wonderful curative powers in thousands ofrt ess to mike it known to ll• V.LUBON,J7 Wellingt.,n St 1 . Toronto, will rise.' .• t� C y iL.R lP: �e ' Toronto News, says: was In ao t missionary thefolmrtlaof a simple vegetable Nasal Balm for a i ever and tit literally remedy for the speedy anti permanent cure of who are broken down from the effects of abuse gals 1 t 11 Bronchitis, Catarrh Asthma i or over -work, and in advanced lila feel the mywashed out theaclogged etch ,u and lef• and ell threat l` lung D bi 't and -,w M.V.I ubon v Treatise e my heal C r all `IctvoueCOrn ala 1 dress 011 receipt of two etatnN Il Sr will ' iseutt and `t,reail made I "see, has felt it his duty ti Inn 13th 1$0,iv with the t;te:.ba 'Citrin- Baking Yoteder, alio a iltet,I e to relieve huthe follows. man sutlerin,,. w:A ' '�-- jt�is .ttti ,Only rrtiuble'• send free of, charge, to all who desire It. this The Great successful English 1f used o tiBltiUi �. voung „, 1•e in 7 ,, ,.t7 or English, ts`fh full successful Medicine used over t named 3lar,l:.tli, 1st: rtttirl; on the direct lueparin a ,ai) years its thousands of casts. 1 fait's re„, til ,t t,l,i,esv ngtvrth stamp, nntnin this Y' Cures S, Erti stems,, potency dent, wi hhu bti,l+e, 11c+nt the ti s IlaPoauersl3locw 1•rC7eesier nreolcness, Emitorrhe, InipotNervous denCe, taitlr a ntimbrr of oilier s, ilia west ,� y 1t and all.retionescaused s shone: •. gave tvay and he was pr•ec ipitated backwards Revd illi \Woodcock says :-I leave been ' laEFpg0aE) (ndi,creteas or over-exertion, (lerrEaj to the a;romel below, at diktane:‘ of ttwelwt oa bC1(11 tt on111od with catarrh fol 15 year's. Oil six paekages Ask your ranteed to foCure Grrc C cEnthersi H t r a z mi 1 p o„ acka e `T ' ,`: and using Son t !7y tit on Lr miner. ,\Y.i, J1E , ' i f few ' 'nd: .0 of n friend I toed Lasa z, t tl take no substitute. One package broken. Canadian admirers of the trotting stallion fifteen fent:. n was. stunned o 1C'. Iee.U. 11 react , mina �es, but sustained no other injLlry: A 13tilur I have need part of a small bottle, St. re $a, by mail. alC ., Detroit, Address new railing is now in the piece of the one which line given en, great relief. n . Six 5 C'Veanaic Write Co., Detroit, e.ddrea,. M a,i'i',Clcltlei. P.it,ron will bo pleased to - know hat a match Oue dose of Dr. Chases Liver Curo will ( has been made between4blm and Jay•Eye care Sick Headache, Dizziness, aud Sen. I See for $5,000 a side on September 27th or Stomach. 1 to 2 bottle.; are warranted to October and. curt Lir complaint, I 1 r•sfion and L'il i io A proiitaF)Ie Life. RESTORED. FEW men have accornpliehecl the same Mrs, 3. M. Phalen, of Sydney Mines, N. ' amount of work and good in this world as the S., had chronic rheumatism for two years; celebrated :i)r. Chase. Over 530,000 of his and got no relief until she tried Burdock works have boon sold in Canada `alone: We Blood Bitters. Two bottles cured her: "I want every person troubled with Liver Com - was like It skeleton,” says elle, "before using plaint, Dyspepsia, Headache, Kidney or Uri- - 13'13° now thanks to the discovery of -tarp 'froublos to buy, it bottle of Dr. Chase's such a valuable remedy. I am entirely restor- ed to health." OnMonciay, Mr. Aaron Buck, hostler at the Oollison hotel Mitchell, fell from the stable left to the boor. He was putting. down hay for the horses, when he backed up too far "bud fell through the open hetob.. lie sustained a broken nose and a spiaiueci wrist. UNKivO\tiN. There iglrlo remedy kuowu to Medical science thatean excel Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry us a cure for cholera morons. diarrhoea, dysentery, or any form of summer complaint afflicting children or adults, Stratford buried its dead last mouth at the rate of oaze every other clay -that is to say 15 for tile month. Stratfoiel is a healthy place to live iai, A LUCKY ESCAPE. "For six years I suffered with my throat lIa(d•gl'ue aud Liver (Ore: it will cure yon. ,' Recipe 'Bool: $1. Sold by O. LUAre pleasant tot he. Crntrin their own 1'Z, CENTRAL Purgative. Is as•f,', ,:,••••,, a::d c:'ecrnal Dime S'roRFi, Exeter, Ont. ItTativrier olrwor^.u.+ in OnitdrenorAdults HEADACass AND LOSS OF APPETITE Mrs: 301 -IN MYLNE, wife of John Mylue, t Fil Druggist, Bothwell, says: --My experience of , 631Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters is that it will ours Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion an,l Headache, I believe it to be the best family ; EXETER - -- ONTARIO. medicine, and.oan strongly recommend it." , ,� Capt. D. H. Lyon, manager and proprietor• the fIng r lfirst-c1:LssIsLranCO Coltman - Brookville, e �gl of the 0. P. R. and 11, W. 8, 0. B. oar fere Brookville, says: I used Nasal Balm fora les: - prolonged case Ale:c Love, S ringbauk James Barr•,Nairn,y, Burton Smith ,For nhill 'Philip Li mbuo, Fernhill Tames Bogue. Strathroy Peter Toles, Mt tsrydges Daniel Graham. Komoka I) Id Campbell, Komoke 1V & Georgs Piuoombe, Poular Hill S Bragg. Glenwillow M Galbraith, Appin II MoAlpin, Apitia ALamont, Strathro v `Tees HodtesouArepin Stephen St eel?, Mb. l3rydles Js. nes Guinean, Sullivan Jobe Mol ellen, Nairn 1\rilliam T3ano rltss. Strathroy Matt. Gough, Napier m A. korruw, Strathroy J Case, Strathroy John MoN oil, Styetbroy John McEwen, I adldrlc James Cranston Dentleld 1V B Saxton, Strathroy W WLoelrwood, Delaware 1)on alcl H netman, Stye thlturn Phillip It MoRao, Strathl'w a WitlianteRogors, Parkhill Archie S Wiley, Par till S P.►,M"t7" L a . CO., TO Q 'TQ FOR SATaE 13Y JAS. PICKARD. FRUITS, FRUITS, FRUITS. 'THE t este CI— .,,' .. E tom. Everest's Cough Syrup CANNOT BE BEATEN. Try it and be convinced of its wnnderfu - tive powers, price 25 Cents. ffe of cold in the ]lead. Two I nee Co. o atppliCati m effected a complete and thorough Great h would not take $100 for my bottle of Nasal Balm if I Louden, cnmyLngl Union CAPITAL Company of 010,0(o. Glasgow & London lire nsura Britain. CdrtTAL, 82,iu0,000. cure in less than 24ems. arid AssxLT", 821,- coulrl not n,evince it. Be on Your Guard. Is the place to go for all kinds of fruits in season. rommavirrsonamarerponeeepe FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS IN STOCK. CANDIES, NUTS AND CONFECTIONERY, � o ICE CREAM PARLOR Ice Cream Parlors are the coolest and best a i,nte :1 My ISPo in. town. ' :L'he cream is of the purest, and always fresh. (T'.Ri1D11i MaT-IL) TRY EVEREST'S LIVER REGULATOR For diseases of the Liver, Kidneys, &c., and Purifying oftha Blnn.t. Price si. Six bot,_ ties for $5,. l'or Sale. by ALL D1LUGGISTS Manufactured out v by G-;>I,NVt,iiLST,on -ttl'T ]:'on1.sT,ONT. WILL CURE BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA,. JAUNDICE ERYSIPELI S, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN IiEADACHE, OR RELIEVE DIZZINESS, DROPSY FLUTTERING OF THE HEART, ACID TY THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, Norwich Union Eire Insurance Soo e y was ver I vl Norwich England. Inst,, 55,500,000. And every species of disease arising' and enlarged tonsils. I Y weak; Don't allow a chid in the ]lead to slot y --- 1 from disordered LIVER, KW2',E , threeered four years and lead advice from and surely develops into Catarrh when you . T. ,Cnshire Fire Tusuranoe (lomncny of mem .STOMAc BOWEL° ^R BLOOB. doctors ; they said .I would h 00( t lust -ranee Ovmnany of aYo to pl chest CAPITAL t3t�,0u0, r: 'T's peyrie oro, . - can be cared for 25 cents. A few a -lien- , MjLBUR.N & C0:overnment deposit with.) Tm'�oN'Co. Squelch Boris will stint urcilriea don, Cn a al 'Vire lust t:vo : ordinary Catarrh. One Canada, Fall G M to five boxes will cure. elitonieb Catarrh.. Ontario tioverlrinon.t. Counter, f S f th has been Soldby 3District ll uty Grand Regent folC t 1.© other It Loudnu Cuatartte 8 argils tsrcaixnm tt c ...: ...- reINDISPENSABLE. NDI of Huron and Portli, will 'Miley one e Lutz. wo eel( agent l mutual 1 . 7 ' esocintiou of Toronto Thi tilled b clogs thr' 1N 1)IS j'E N SA33 t,lt;_ undergo an bottle iva. I tried B.13.13. in t Catarrh One to stead. Ono bottle cured mo," M. A. , holes will euro of l y don .Raglan,Ont' Mr, 11, Id tutu er, u , oa or , all dealers at '35e. per ox 1'y n 1 ut C o. (Lira tsd) I the appointed up Dr. Chases Catarrh Cure -take no. : - 7r the Royal ' 0 1 r Itri Porict tom. 1 forPrete I of leo at llugianct Gnpiwal �1,: ,0,000. prises the "I have need Dr: Fowler's l+lstraet of Wild other night z and cheapest to Canada. Strawberry for summer complaints, and and.Oweus near Clandeboye. One of tern 1 ay given it to my friends. It gives instant clogs was shot, bet the othere escaped to the f w ter- a other remediesId. weeds. d ' not be without it in my gore Mrs. night and bio Y John 7 , a Ont. eulferiuTz+ and Crying tvitll train rf Ce ttlllr, Bering:a regent visit' of Greed Tituik i+c e th? T'f eo •e,ntl at ogee an,i get shoats of i Railwayofficials to Minton, it was decided to site•\v'iiisieW's seethlsiru,s v p7' to Chi] en' Real 14.�S ttt; ,c^i 1nt;lLifttlC \s't. extolls the ltr'eael7t freight sited ACC'en1n10Clit• 'i:oettra rg, Its L ^ S Vi T P �) 1. �FLyo a ht -v t, tilt, poor llxrie anff.ne• .hum mist 1 ' 1 u Y ere is uo nt>stake I ----FALL ray oixusheep tvoro It et y t.' C:,tnatau.0 , adultAlt i,it5 .n 1 the farms of Mestere. Hodgius (Intrude. Assessnientleifc System, The best I retic 1 11 1 e," � s. T . ATIVICM.To MOTITIMA.—Ara you teen of out -crib, a stele child /� Bo11 Weidman n - tion by tlto erectbno of 130 feet to the ems( euri 0001i,1 'Up n, 11, 11tr,r1 ee 1 t • bon it, ftcules LLet ryty in:1 i)lartrrrtr,l l,re buil rho be 'erected authorities would alloti)' the ,001on,n, 10 be oi;retetl. that a trttet that i -e g,cl,ttottous tuolt ti I;atlloiallo Ingo ntnuti.tl runs gest urs 1130 '010 at tit' Lpoint. and gives trine and cue r y totlre0bolo;s~;Stela. :i r,14�rf,Wltlr TRIAL. •tit , Winslow's Si,othiOtt Syrup" for children .1 noee.S, Smith, of 1+;u1sdalo, :ii*uskcikat, test orifi t15 loaoartt of o Om taste stlesend is it tae e 'wlitett, "I... was troubled NL ith vomiting for i ;sada eriDllt yl of' ! ,o nurses in the rutted ;two .years, aud 1 have vomited as often as Stat, s, garbs:; for;rtlo 11y .L1aiitui'ristk titrutted five times a ,slay.. Oup bottle of 13tirilorlt f,{(t the -ootidTO andtie ss� tv X15 Ie eent5tlerbolt , Blond li't,i.rP eines mrd soot.'nn e+r1+snnr" and take no other kind, ' ' IN 1311.TT.F; AND 1.'O Tile/ POINT'. A force fiiit. . •-d liver. is' Dr. Chase's Liv Around leer',. t is „ CUM is a i ec is d Guido, .' ,' C Tito luiluali digestive apliarattis fa ono of eo,itainiuu usefuil information, over 1. r•• 1sery. sea r fuf. Dztoidere 1t'onnd Paoli bottle ofLiver m Indigestiona foo to good uaturii. \C t 1 C nplc and Iicceipe llnol tho'ino ends, ole isee aur wonderful, • r cel is aud pronounced by doctors and cling. Regulator p e of'tlt tired- iu sxistenete. 1t iia easily Jut out of orclei•' •fists rad mortli sen' sirups thn ro,t 1 . tr Th e G rea`� J, CURE' Liver Complaints, Bili 0LlSli ess, Culp tire Blood, t)yepepsirt, Kidney Complaint, Skin. Disposes. ARRIVING 1 G��,a, he3OsG.ti `'\a,' *�`" `1->b. �' e ,1 he �f.)?"a .•Ov'`� to Sri �.�� £, 0c- {ieG ¢IP�a, e� 3 4\0 Cr\ �\' ^9 c.,0 0, , .vq .r, Nib- . 0fi mc.. ' n'' cp- -Ac' ep ties ``_;e„nee '" 5�3`t • oeSS &'' �` �ti�3 M1�' `�E ij e. t,,, �.� e glee u.0 `,� (50',,,,, GE•3,, , �11� �,v tit' 4 �,v ��l 5 Q' GS . ,..•,,,,,,,,. 01c os, C� „-ss e+ ,'vv, �eqM S �1 05 0,-titi , c 41 ti 3: e,--1 e, moi✓ �o sO Q ,�Yti ••• ,+' `c., `CFS' eieb Ate `tit rocs icer ea, eeee >>) 0. V opt Manufactured only by Th mrt Tiellmay, 78N,,r r":r n•, ; r •cal, Lite• :.3.., Vtfuri Suer, Lendan. 2 Purchasers should look to tee Label oa the Boxes and If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, Lennon, they are spurt )1S. ( Jraelesale and Retail.) BUILT)BIt'S IJABDWAIIE-Nails. Glass, (stained and engraved), Looks, Hinges, Butts (fnll line.) CARRIAGE HARDWARE -Bar Trott, Bent Skiff, Dobbs, Spokes, Cutter Runners, Shafts, Moquette Wnuslin, Drill, dc. _, .,s P•lekiric Rubber and. Leath- er SUPPLIES -Stow Pipe. Fitting-, t Ila . A beet- , , , er I3ettings, Sec. SPORTING MATERIAL -Breach Lna'liug and Shot Gans, Powder, Shot, Edo, STOVE DEPARTMENT. -SEE THE --- T. Dearing ]las received, and is receiving (slily his fall stock of Drys -Good:,, Ready- ma•de c'IOUling, inodin, s",. r'eu(1y-luadi. ]snit, shirts, 1111(1 Ladies' Dress goods, 1:HOSC 'tiWo BOOTS and SHO A well eelocted Stock for Winter wear, • (;-o )(ls Will he sold very. 1) 1'')t Citrin 01, .anus Pro- ,,_, \s'i1i(;11 is t':ttceu as Cash, Pro - (hien, , 1 tb cgs Gress` food, tough food, sloppy fo id, batt •ripe,Tetlieimcr. end book ice, . Snl1 b) 3e V Ivo! h 1 r r n s cookery, mentaly> stn past . 't tato ours, lixogu a i b` ` , many othrai things which ought c,,,, school i,Cachur; of. not to and '' lr lid e1.,, .Lalf( not to be, have snails; the American petiole a udebo •o, ]las been compelled to give, up nation of dyspeptics. s lei sx Teas delle tt his duties by.guutrestion of text lungs, But etteee n Augu,.t I woes, TESTED. l ,s�,ntlot fel work in roformi, g nils sadd bus-„ was nearly detut will, nholera morbus, s gild making 0 U Amoritau pee de s r I l?,xti'edt. ut Wild Strnwbnr y roes g and one bottle ofDart 114 tint they can utrjuy Choir mettle ; 'cored me, and, at enother that .I Way- so 1a61P$'+a health. with en Ininar eomplawt th[tt 1 tllotr3lititle dour ..----"No ughapiower Menge t uat'I++'lower brnlgs health vnnlrl nest- teta.ovCi', it. when two o metbeephke Lits mired me um. . Askett Peel, Ont. 'silawn,, tiros-.; to tle. dyspeptic. :tcie ,your e Mares: nttrrviuclnetry has been i11.a o p 5t. q d asitia ter e bottle. Sof Pie elide -five wa ciente. b1�is:+<L,,1tir1 ll�L,�.1.o-y, of x'+tr hhill,�tvas prem fioui•ishiug condition this session, Neaely elk water Outlier by the 800 cords o f stone have been ellipped,dand dta ■,r1tr,,i kith tl silt .t p o 1S1 meet et $abbat11 el,Gul in reeogti boll of r' ' "r' eerie s ttlr'orltarrist: for several years STOMACH,I'1\'1'1{ 1lO\V1'FS srlt +v SA1)AC;Tf11; ewer• situ y re'gliirarl by the Housekeeper. Ail') illOhl) C`tJ6 4��, 1CI, „.....,__....__ C;(1"v Sri:PATIO N 1+h;ua1,11' CteOkt- If1 \TN-rs, AI" 1' 1.1 "IDS ilk ) , • �, d Rallg'i' oar of silo Fest r ,, SYSTEM. NCi6(� l On ,11 -Read the Followiur; Here+l i 1 to tit D `'Ecie years past l.havc a,u from dys- 110320121,YLtu1 S -sits recommended „f Elod Mar's Compound.” 7 ail so and foudcl it ` arra.a,, ,t� ,,,.v"l. �"i, n, perfect c tr' E. Or(r°ti , 'Foy Bali', E. J. Clll?�P.Tti, 1'otonto, i)n1, Everywhere, • rice, 70c, 1712,• %TOi)])T1Tt'S OLT � � Tlurnrr 1''itllilhrtty. v , Never Palls. t�ivarauteeu. .E '.- 2,5 CUIi.L Rochester Lamps, Silver Star Coal 011, Wicks, Bur- ners, Axes, cY Skates. LANCE SAWS. Solt] y ,, • 1' • 0 Tlrt(v will be on exhibition tit the Sontli C CIT AND I`UN`( 7 ' and 50 r:. mete cl�,nhiity lies boon coriyoy neighboring townships for use in building `aittr i(Ulti4 iil,M0(1101141 CIt. Pre:.fotiindations for bank biles. T . :al .6.7.3.:C 7'`7 a S 1;'.11\`'SC)N'S"I3I,C)CI • Original Coop and Triumph HEATING STOVES. 1 The Bradley Earotrnugh and Tin- ware a Specialty. . Verity's Plows and Pointe, Cal elite neater, Carpet, Felt's, Pitch, Coal '.far, tic. Send in your orders for Chestnut or Stone Carmel Soft, aud the Semonie illossburg Coal before it advanmes. Ansaled Galvanized mei Bath Wire cheap. Furniture flJ��.���.1lr.l� � 1St R a p We would call the atteuti n' of flit people of Eeeter nd surretonliner rent tt ' 0 lards that we, havfnt{ parches -ea thC'stlrcli anti bnsilles of \�fL1't[A1t DREW, aro. eels speer al iItil'l"Omeris iu 'Parlor setts, Plain )ti(t rait(iTables, sprillgS mut 111attae556 a '.situ' d Pe Chairs, fool Cases, $fCt(ll'(rallra �<)t$,;; ` `l�otld, f. Cradles, a Writing 11D6141.s, giii.("LJOIitiT Crit WhattiotS, dles, tiimlis3anclA,, And an 1101lesa'Variety iu';a.",*9. T3;'6ii:•eitteS, CttpleoteretS, &C. Otic Stock c of Ltlntber is Large and Thoroughly Seasoned, anti, liming hail extne ;e '' tic :.in theilc.atling fitc:tarir•'s 01 that Dorniui4n, we aan gurr Stylish and e e,vpCrtC � Speen. r,ilo Enrtiitire. in the County , and ouu TTe'tr[o bac ry f Undertaking Goods is the Largesty end Our. Stools of S ts. niton will be paid to this branch of the bli,rnt.es., qua' rltrrCll of 'London.p • • '1 find us prompt and reliable business men. sveryouc win p PROMPTLY ATTL`'"N'DED TO, Zti);Pt1I>3INd' OF ALL TIINDS P 2tto)SOT1'S Et I , the Stand,One Door North of Remember t 110 W/ 133 .vl:, AND R il` vv S