The Exeter Times, 1887-9-15, Page 3ROUSEHOL
Brilqing Up Children BatiOnally-
It is as netural to 04 child to be haPPY, se
it is to a fisle to awim. But. for thia they
need a certain mount of "letting Alone.'
It hi a greet mietelte for parenta to hamper
their chiloren with foolish restrictions. 1Ve
pity the little B's, our next-door neighbor's
ohildren, from the bottom ot our heart.
There is a picket fence hi front of the
house, and they are scarcely alio wed to go
near it, lest teey should climb and hurt
themselves. They cieuuot climb a tree for
the same reason. They may not skate or
swim or have a gun. The consequence of
this trainiug is that their parents have
made cowarde of them all, with the excep-
tion of little Bessie, who is the most daring
little miechief that ever wore a sunbonnet,
and she has learned to be deceitful and plays
all her mad pranks well out of sight of her
parenIl'e-eyes. We ceught her the other es
day ' walking the railing ef a bridge that
crose d the track of a railroad a hundred
feet below. The railing 'was not a foot
wide, and she triumphantly telcl us that she
had welked it while the train was passing
under it. it was enough to make one
Don't fancy your boy is made of glass.
Grant a reasonable request, and let him
feel that when you refuse, i
it s for his owu
good. Between the •Jellybys and the
Ltradgrinds of life, chit& en have a hard
.. time of it. The youngest child needs some
sort of agreeable occupation, and a certain
amount of physical freedom. There is
nothing more painful to young people than
to feel that life is one dull routine, and
that "nothing ever happens,” as we once
hoed, a disconsolate lad 'remark.
Six Good Pies.
To make good pie crust, take four heap-
ing cups of flour to one of lard, add salt and
water to make stiff enough to handle, but
do not mould. When preparing the upper
crust, roll out, spread on a little more lard,
sprinkle with flour, fold up and roll out
again. For crust for lemon pies repeat this
process twice.
APPLE Pins..7-Quarter and slice the ap-
ple, put a row around the edge of the plate,
fill it up, then turn the under crust up over
it a little way, This pie may be seasoned
with cinnamon'nutmeg, or other spices, and
a little salt. Sweeten it with four table-
spoonfuls of sugar and one of molasses if
very tart, if not, use leas—add a spoonful of
water if not very juicy—then cover with an
upper crust.
RHUBARB PIE.—Peel and aline the stalks
in small pieces, place a row about the edge
of the plate, turn up the under crust over
it, to prevent the juice running out, add
salt and seven tablespoonfuls of sugar,
sprinkle plentifully with our, cover with
the upper crust and press the edge firraly
Cusrann Pen.—To fill 'a quart plate, beat
four eggs, add fourtabletwoonfuls of sugar,
a little salt and nutmer, or lemon as one
may prefer, and fill up with milk.
LE ON PIE.—Grate off the yellow rind,
free t R
nip'from the white and seeds. To
a cup of boiling water add a cup of sugar,
a little of salt, a small piece of butter, and
thicken with one tablespoonful of cornstarch
mixed with a little cold water, when cool
add to the lemon with a beaten
BERRY PIE. —Fill the plate with berries
4- and add a little salt, and three tablespoon-
' fats of sugar, sprinkle over flour to thicken
up the juice.
Mom Mixon PIE.—One cup of rolled
crackers, one cup of sugar, one cup molas-
ses, two cups of wa,Kete a little vinegar and
salt, one teaspoonful each of cinnamon,
clove anetl nuttillig, add two or three bits of
butter 44We the mixture is put in the
plates. `This quantity will make three
large pies. 0
Useful Recipes.
PRIED POTATOES.—Slice potatoea in nice
long pieces, and put in cold water, take out
and drain, put in a cloth and wipe dry.
Fry in hot boiling lard; salt as they are
taken out.
JaED TEA. —For a dozen tumblers of tea
usetwelve teaspoonsfuls of Oolong tea,
twelve tumblers of water and about two
quarts of broken ice—not very fine. Wash
the ice until it is perfectly clean, and put
it into t i
vessel n which the tea is to be
made. Pour in the water and then sprinkle
in the dry tea. Cover and set in the re-
frigerator or some other cool place for four
or, better still, six hours. The drink will
be found strong and exhilarating.
Icen TEA No. 2.—For each pereon allow
one teaspoonful of black tea, pour boiling
water muss it and let it stand where it will
" draw'f" for ten minutes. Cool it in a
refrigerator, or on the bottom of the cellar.
When ready to serve, sweeten, enrich with
cream, and pour upon bits of ice in a glass.
SARATOGA CRIPS.—Ont raw potatoes in
slices as thin as wafers with a thin sharp
knife; lay them in ice over night, a; bit of
alum will make them more crisp ; the next
morning rinse in cold water and dry with a
towel. Have ready a kettle of lard hotter
than for fried cakes, and drop in the pota-
toes a few at a tune. They will brown
quickly; skim out in a colander and sprinkle
with Balt.
SPANISH CREAM. --4 of a box of gelatine,
lkpiute of milk, 3 eggal I of a cup of white
sugar. Put the milk into a saucepan to-
gether with the gelatine and let them boil
for twenty. minutes ; then stir in the yolks
of the eggs beaten well with the sugar ; now
remove the pan from the fire and stir in im-
mediately the whites of the eggs beaten to
a stiff froth ; now press the mixture through
ane wire sieve, put it in a mould and set
it `rere ice till wanted,
0 -NOE PUDDING. Four sweet oranges,
• cneeOrant of sveeet milk, one large teaspoon-
ful of cornstarch, three eggs and one cup
of augar. Use only the juice of the oranges
and the soft pulp which must be cut fine.
Moisten the cornstarch with a little of the
milk and put the rest where it will boil.
Mix with the cornstarch the yolks of the
eggs and two-thirds of sugar, and then stir
into the boiling milk. Cook it like custard
Sprinkle the rest of the sugar over the
oranges after they have been peeled and
cut fine; when the custard is done, pour it
over them and clever them, and cover it with
a eoft frosting made of the whited of eggs.
Let it slightly brown, then set it atvay in a
cool place until tea time.
Ornamented Chairs
Willow chair, sc coevenient for summer
use can be made quite attractive with the
aid of bright plush. The one seen in figure
1 has pads reed° to fit the seat and back ;
these are covered with terra cotta plush.
The peacock feathers are.embroidered on in
their natural huee with silks. 1 hese pads
are tacked ot with gimp and brass -headed
nails. Bowe of satin ribbon are tied on. the
_efront legs to match the plush in color, The
^locking chair, figure 2, has a crescent shap-
ed heed -rest miide of peacock -blue plush,
tied on with ribbon the sem° shade. Wil -
low oars that have become disoelored an
be merle, to look like new, by etahling them
to tieitete cherry ; they will need several
coats, and lastly z °Oat of varnieh. A friend
showed me oue he had treated in thisetnan-
ner, aimit was by far the prettiest chair in
the room. Ib WES tritnmed With blele,Whieh
harmonized beautifully with the cherry.
A Laundry Lesson,
This rule is for washing with the home-
made soft soap. Put the clothes to soak
over night in suds into. which has been put a
tablespoonful of kereeene. Thi e is sufficient
for a large wash. In the morning wriug
the clothes out of this water. Rub soap on
the dirtiest epote and put in the boiler with
cold water enough to cover the clothes. pc,
not boil over fifteen minetee, While boil-
ing take them out into warm water. Very
little rubbing is necessary and that only on
the dirtiest places. Suds, rinse and dry.
If blueing is used put into the rinsing water,
At this time of year clothes whiten nicely
spreaeling,orc the grass. If it is necee-
sary to fill the boiler again with clothes
take out part 'of tlie water and Jill Up with,
cold water. Do not put the clothes into too
warm water to soak or to boil, Clothes can
he iiioned to look nicely with much less labor
if not sprinkled too wet.
Seaneu,—Diseolve, one dessert spoonful
of stareh in cold,Wateri and pour into one
pint of boiling water. When the starch is
turned clear add a, small teaspoonful of
kerosene and, a little blueing. This will
starch one shirt, one pair of cuffs and two
collars. After dipping the clothes, dry and
dip again in starch dissolved in cold water.
Let theinlie ten or fifteen minutes before
ironing, Clothes are stiffer when starched
in both kinds than when stareh of either
kind is used alone, , The kerosene keeps
the starch from sticking to the iron and also
gives a gloss to the cloth,es.
Floor Paint.
For a kitchen floor,' especially one that is
rough and uneven, the New York Tribune
recommends the following glue paint To
three pounds of spruceyellow add one pound
or two pounds if desired, of dry white lead,
and mix well together. Dissolve two outlaw;
of glue in one quart of water, stilling often
until smooth and nearly boiling. Thicken
the glue water after the manner of mush,
until it will spread smoothly upon the floor.
Use a common paint brush and, apply hot.
This will fill all crevices of a rough floor. It
will dry soon. nd when dry apply boiled
linseed oil with a clean. brush. In. a, few
hours it will be found dry enough to use by
laying papers or mats to step on for a few
days. 'When it needs cleaning use hot suds
Bits and Bads.
Many women find themselves afflicted
with rheumatism but never think to look hi
the cellar to find the cause.
Women who are past their girlhood will
be glad to know that giris are hopelessly out
of fashion now -a -days and that 27 is the pro-
per age. The consequence is a wnole array
of 27 -years -old.
Matthew _Arnold, when asked what he con-
sidered the true standard ofpronunciation,
answered, that in his opinion the best
authority was "the usage of well-breff wo •
men,"—better than the stage or any pro-
Aounoing dictionary.
"If I couldn't have a house with more
than two rooms in it," said a bright lady,
as she was examining seine arichitect's plans,
"those two should be a bath -room and a
piazza." And. then, no doubt, she would
want three closets in each room.
The sentiment of the old saying which
runs: "A won, a dog and a walnut tree;
the more you whip 'em the better they be,"
was echoed by both Tbackeray and Dickens.
Both of these men held to the theory that
the kind of man most liked by women was
the one ,that maltreated them, with oc-
casional intervals of tenderness.
Willing to Risk iler Own Life to Save
Those of lier Offspring.
On a very warm day hz early Eranuner
I happened to be standing near a chicken
000p in a beck yard when I noticed the head
of a very gray and grizzled rat thrustfrom a
neighboring rat hole and concluded to watch
the movements of the veteran. After a care-
ful survey of the surroundinga our old rodent
seemed to be satisfied that all was right, and
made a cautious exit from the home retreat.
A fresh pan of water had been recently
placed before the chicken coop and the water
looked a friendly invitation to the thirsty old
rat, which unixtediately started toward it.
The rat had not reached the pan before
five half.grown young ones rushed ahead
and tried to be the first at the water. The
old rat thereupon immediately made a leap
like a kangaroo and was at the edge of the
dish in advance of the foremost of her litter.
Then ensued a most remarkable occurrence.
The mother rat raised herself on her haunches
and hit and scratched her offspring so
severely whenever they attempted, to reach
water that they all finally scudded away,
evidently very much astonished and fright.
ened at the strange and unaccountable be-
havibr of their mother. When the little ones
were at a safe distance the reasons for her
extraordinary behavior began to be revealed
at once inthe intQligent action of the old
mother tat. •
She first wetted her whiskers in the water,
looked suspiciously about her, then very
cautiously end carefully took a dainty little
aip f the I' 'd She tasted 't as benttively
and critically as a professional tea -taster, and
when she was satisfied that it contained no
poisonous or other deletertous Matter she
gave a couple of squeaks, which brought her
young and thirsty brood to her aide, and all
fearlessly drenk to their fill. Does not this
look Tery like reason?
C) It Stood for Something.
" Mamma," said little Susie Thoughtful,
"what is a 'cipher 2"
"Why, my -dear," replied the astonished
parent, "a cipher is—why,' a cipher is
naught—its nothing ; that is, it means no-
thing when it stands alone."
"Well, ma, why I asked was, I Saw pa
standing beside the new cook in the kitchen
this morning and he put his arm around her
neck and said Rosa darling, I cipher a
taste of your rosy lips,'"
The New Pain Xing.
• Poison's NtaviraNn cures flatulence,
chills, spesms, and cramps.
• Nerviiine cures promptly the worst eases
of neuralgia, toothache, lumbago, and
Nerwilitie is death to all pain, whether ex-
' ternal, Internet, or local.
• Nettrilihe may be tested at the small cost
al.) cents, Buy at once a 10 cent bottle
of Nerviline, the great pain remedy, Sold
by druggists and country dealers.
Remarkabls $urgerp
The Science of surgoiy has made aleph
wonderful progeees in modern times, that
the mosV intricate and delicate operations
ere now undertelseu and curlecl to a seccees-
ful issue. There aro now several well
thenticated ewe% of whet is known as
pnemnotony, that is to say, the removal of
deseesed portions of the luuga in cues of
consumption. While, however, this delieete
operation has sometimes been suceesefuliy
eerier ned the risks attauliug it are es) great
and the chancee of recovery se slight, that
it Is seldom resorted to. rhe 80,1-(10 plan is
to use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis-
covery. Tins will elwaye cure the disease
in its earlier stages, thoroughly arresting
the ravages of the terrible malady, by re-
moving its eau e and healing the lungs.
Full blouSes are so much in favor tha thet
revival of all aorta of belts follows as a mat-
ter of course,
The New Prize Story
is eagerly sought for, read with pleasure or
disappointment, is then tossed aside and
forgotteu. But ladies wins read of Dr.
Pierceas Favorite Prescription read it again,
for they disoover in it something to prize—
a messenger of joy to those suffering from
functional derangements or any of the pain-
ful disorders or weaknesses peculiar to their
sex. Periodical pains, internal inflamma-
tion and ulceration, readily yield te its
wonderful curative and healing powers. It
is the only medicine for women, sold by
druggists, under a positive guarantee from
the manufacturers, that it will give satis-
faction in every case, or money will be re-
funded, • This guarantee has been printed
on tini bottle -wrapper, and faithfully carri-
ed out for many years..
A dog bitten by a rattlesnake in Ne-
braska, instead of dying developed hydro-
phobia, and bit fourteen head of cattle, all
of which died,
"Yes; I shall break the engagement," she
said,folding her arena and looking defiant;
"it is really too much trouble to converse
with him; he's as deaf as a post, and talks
like he had a mouthful of mush. Besides,
the way he hawks and spits is disgusting.
Don't break the engageinent for that ;
tell him to take Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
It will oure him completely." Well, I'll
tell him. I do hate to break it off, for in
all other respects he's quite charming." Of
course, it cured his catarrh.,
Japanese ladies are rapidly. adopting the
Euro iean fashion of dress.
A Grammies Coatraeme—A beautiful pre-
sent to nearly every one as long as they last,
first come first served. The most accom-
plished woman has still something worthy
to be added to her list if she has never yet
made a good, sweet white loaf of bread. To
encourage the art of Home Bread -making,
The Breadmakers' Yeast Company have se-
cured ten thousand presents, which will be
sent to all who comply -with their terms.
They want all who are old enough either to
follow Directions or work under instructions
to learn how to make bread. They will take
you word for it,then when you have succeed-
ed to your own satisfaction by using their
Hop Yeast and write to them to say so, en-
closing a wrapper of a five cent package of
Teta BREADDIARERS' YEAST, they will send
you by return a lovely gift. This offer is
open to any young lady, girl, single or mar-
ried woman, matron orhousekeeper who has
never before made a loaf of bread. Any
person having domestic oharge of a. house
told who is not now baking for bhe. family,
and who will commence by using their yeast,
and who sends to them the wrapper of a
package and writes out so to state, will re-
ceive a still better class of gift than that
above mentioned. Better yet ; any one at
present making their own bread, using their
own or other yeast, but who will buy a five
cent package of the Breadma,kers'Yeastfrorn
any grocer or storekeeper, and after using,
will write to say that Onr Yeast is Superior,
we shall believe her also, and will astonish
that lady by return mail with a lovely gift.
Address,—The Breadmakers' Yeast Co., To-
Small colored pocket handkerchiefs of
silk muslin, linen lawn, and batiste are in
high favor.
The Sporting Record,
In Book form, contains a correct record of the FAST.
EST TIME and best perfornaancee in all DEPARTMENTS
ov Sem, Aquatic and Athletic performances, Bil-
liard, Racing and Trotting rdcords, Baseball, Cricket,
Lacrosse, eto. Price Om Stamps taken. Address all
orders to THE RECORD, 50 Front St. Boat, Toronto,
Canada, Room No. 16.
A hatter says a French htad is small and
round, usually.
Whenever your Sternlieb or Bowels get out of or.
der, causing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion -
and their attendant evils, take at once a dose of Dr,
Carson's Stomach Bitten. Bet family medicine.
Ali Druggists, 50 cents.
We see an Item in a medial paper about
1' mineral wood." We presume that's the
sort they shear from hydraulic rants.
Free ! Free ! Free !I!
A Book of Instruction and Price List on
Dyeing and Cleaning, to be had gratis by
calling at any of our offices, or by post by
sending your address to R. Parker & Co.,
Dyers and Cleaners, 759 to 763 Yonge St.,
Toronto. Branch Offices: 4 John S. N.,
Hamilton ; 100 Colborne Sb., Brantford.
Mrs. Martha J. Lamb advises women and
girls to skip such reading in the daily news-
papers as is not suitable and elevating, and
"there will still be plenty of wholesome and
well-written matter left.
YONNE MEN eufferepg from the effects of early
evil habits, the result of ignoranee and folly, who find
themselves weak, nervous and exhausted; also Mae
DLE•AGED and Oin kw who are broken down from the
effects of abuse or over -work, and in advanced life
feel the oonsequenoes of youthful excess, fiend for and
man al.V. Lubon's Trestle(' on Dianne of Men. The
break will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of
two 80. denim Address M. V. LUBON, 47 Welling.
ton St. East Toronto On* ,
Every woman who has not a fat, splay
foot wears low shoes this summer.
People who are subject to bad breath, foul coated
tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, Otol at onoe
be relieved by ueing Dr. Carson's Stomath Bitters,
the old and tiled remedy. Ask your Druggist.
Checked silk kerchiefs are utilized for the
trimmings, fichus and plastrons.
A. P. 362.
lQjA2TED-5,000 AGENTS --Male and Female—
Large profits. C.W. DENeitS, Toronto.
PATENTS For Sale—Illustrated descriptive Cat.
alogue free. R. (thamberlin, Toronto,
County in Canada addrese
FERRIS at CO.. 87 church St,, Toronto.
FOR SALE, improved farm close to Chatham,theap.
114 acres, only WO, required down. Write for
partienlare at °note M. S. KENT, tohdon, Ont,
rillORONTO CUTTING SC11001,.---Gentlemen
denirous of acoiring a thorough knewledge of
garment cutting should apply at once to S. comma,
122 Yonge St., Teronto. Terms on applieation.
num Iletienitity of Canada,
Consniting Engintlerenatti Solicitors of Patente
t. Tolt-ONTo.
C.ROes, Chief Engineer, A. FILASERi Seiay4reas.
elle, and Ilerning Brands, Stc, Send
for CatAlogue. BARBER 13R6, CO„
• 87 Seett St., Toronto,
eae. _ ifttieri,610
or Female,: o a e prethirti et1 t
Won. Indeleriel Oft.0(13.1iaA., A #forpoto.
All the rage in the leeiStdopezzi',)W.,
by mail Ut note.
'Toronto. Fees fifty dollen, per nion ; nesien 1287-$
begine Oetober 20th, Apply te the Principal, PROF.
Salmi, Y S., Toronto,
R. Wal, A.IIMlailAONV,, 'Dermatologist.
SPnielty, Skin ditasases Scrofula and all die -
cane a raw blood. Ali Oillititle ured that are cure -
able, althoat the nee of a knife. Office hours, from
9 tO 124.111, mid from 1:9 to i:30 p,m., Sabbath e
G )iicS ION GiD,Atue
iaiatiL..a, otherI'etZeia'
61loekinge, araneElba. patltlIS'an-
gs, Etchings, Artotypee, Artists' Meterels,
Afirrore, etc. Wholesale and Retail. Trade Cat
alogue. alATTIIIIIVS BROS. & CO., TOronto.
ILLUSTRATED iTTral_r2iftr.Z ,Is.12eglingt
one if , ou want the best. CAN A.V4ACI i'DUSiN ESS
Library Building. Toronto. Tameas DENOOO011, Presi.
dent ; CHAU. IL Baowte, Secretary and Manager.
EATER Itievip'op sWEVIIslurs..
Sailing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool,
RATES OP l'AsEAOE:--Saloon, Montreal to;Liverpool,
$40, $50, and see Return Tickets,08,trao, and ?lee
—aecording to Stmeieaer and accommidiom Inter.
mediate and Steerage at leweet rates. ,,For fOrther
pertioulars and to eeeure Berth, , apply to .ffi E.
11111.11111AY, Gnneral Manager, 1 Custom House
Satiate, Montreal, or to the Local Agents in the dif•
ferentTowes and Cities.
for September. $end fic stamp for h'ashion
Sheet and Oxygen Chronicle, devoted to Health,
Household and Practical F,aishions, withprioe list Pi
Stamping Patterns, Point and Manton Braids, "Por-
table, Adjustable Drees and Skirt forms. Crown
l'attern Rooms, 41 King East, Toronto. la STEDMAN
. ,
• Physician," a complete domestic medical .they,
elopedia. This great work is prepared to , meet. the
wants of the common people, who have long felt the
need of N complete, comprehensive, reliable " dootor
book" at a price within their reach ; no family medi-
physiciag;'thett Ie/tka to°illustrated with nearly 200 eogravrn
for circulars 'WIGWAM BRIGGS, P.t.blisher, Toronto.
school of medicine, asain esnill. ...Olci:v I, bilcultiiedniinbwrancses.
moven fullpage e9iorea. plateir; i AS liberal ; send
the four prinblpriltre tm te .t la MifitilliS OP pages
lite want 50000 mew in your locality to piok isp
for us. Cash furnished on satisfentery guarant3.
Address C. S. PAGE, ilyde Park, Vermont, U.S.
Bicyc1 es 1
Second -Hand Machines,
New Catalogue Ready Ist April
STOOWMPN, givethis valuablepro.
paration a fair trial. It operates
promptly and effeotuallyin destroymg
Ticks and otlaer vermin pests, as well
as in eradicating all affections of the
'skin to which Sheep are subj eet. Sold
In Tins at 36c., 700. and $1. A 35e. Tin will clean 20
Sheep or 35Lambs. HUGH MILLER & Go.. Toronto.
Toronto Sillier Plate Coo will re9PeA 94 the lat "Qber' 1P114 c°11" 9f1"'
I tures on Agdoulture, Live Stock Dairying, Cbendetry,
081,011maum OI1ADE 00 ellaaittarlailyhtYneotoinlelnxtrgyuShei?onncaoilE4ete,roraureidniaaircAmaIXemaoot
S P I IP% II z Presit'obt. W.1"Y
ViCS, For eiroular giving terms et adielselen, count*
of etudy, cpst, en., apply to, J
R. Parker & Oo„
Works and Plead Offices :
769 TO 763 YONGE ST.
City Offices; 393 queen . West, TOSII,ONTO.
200 Yonge Street, 1
'225, queen St Ent,
100 Colborne Street Brazil fond. Ont.
4 Jobe Street North ilerniiton, out.
Look Xero
ree cents is stanms'(Anierican or Canadian) for
Cangoa's Fayorite Family Weekly, THE WESTERN
ADVERTISERfor balance of i887, Tv.,elve Pages
every &feels I ;Thrs will include for the next thirty days
a copy of otirMharming copyright prerniutu picture,
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paid in ease ef dlesatiefaetion. ORDER NOW. Address
'London, Ontario, Canada.
VrThe Celebrated Han.
cook Inspirator.
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Re -starting Injector.
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VTEngineers' & Plumb-
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76 & 77 Adelaide
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/NG S/0111tiglith Ofrions .tody. 1 warrant thy, relmedlY
00 1,,,,, the WWII% ,140111 501.11/10 oshoro hove Sdied tuse
00.000 (08 not now 000.150 gurc Send-atm:motor c
treatise 005, Peen heitattat 217 Inielltble eemedy. Stre
Express anti 7001041th. It COFZIyoll 210thibIC far a lidst,
and I wilt curs you astir/ma DE. 11. O. LOOT,
Brand OMno, 37 Yonia Jt,, TarontnQ
The leading Business Collegeisa the Do-
minion. Over 250 students annually. For handsome
illustrated catalogue write ILE .GetaoteuEtt, Principal.
0 have decided in 'future
to put Dr. Jug's Medicin
in a brown jug, instead of a
glass bottle as heretofore
The Juga that we will use
for this purpose are made
of the finest imported Rook-
inghom, of a mottledbrown
colour, with "Dr. Jug's
Medicine for Lungs, Liver
and Blood" in raieed let-
ters on the side. Our
tenons for making this
change are; "lst—Its won-
derful curative qualities
will be better preserved by
the • medicine being kept
entirely. in the dark. 2nd—
the-mg w.i1Je reeister-
ectiviii be unpossible to
counterfeit it. 3rd—The
name "Dr. Jug's Medi -
FAGS I MILE dos" wilibe more easily
Or A DR. Juness triearane.mbe4rtedh Obuyr asfrsieonedia;
will be able to recognize at onee that they are getting
the genuine article, as there is no other medicine pu1
up n a jog. DR. JUG MEDICINE 00,.
Toronto and Stratford.
An classes of fine work. Mfrs. of Printers'LeOU
Slugs and Metal Furniture, Seed for mime
Loan and
RATED 1855.
Savings .Co. .
........ ..83,500,008
. ............ 1,180.0r0
Subscribed Capital.
Paid.up Capital
Deserve Fund
Total Assets ..
DEPOSITS received at current rates of interest
paid or compounded half -yearly.
DEBENTURES issued in currency or Sterling,with
interest coupons attached, payable in Canada or in
England. Executors and Trustees are authorized by
Jaw to hind in the Debentures of this company.
MONEY ADVANCED on Real Estate security at
current rates and on favorable conditions as torepay-
Mortgages and Municipal Debentures purchased.
J. HERBERT MASON, Managing Director.
]::::iairy Salt,
NEW Importations --Higgins' Eureka, Washing.
ton and Ashton Brands, in large or Brasil sacks,
Also Rice's Canadian Salt. Write for prices.
Wholesale Provision Merchants, Toronto.
LADIES' Dress and Mantle cutting by this
new and improved
Satisfaction gnaianteed to teach ladies the
full art of cutting all garments worn by ladieu
and children. PROF. SMITH 188i Queen
St W., Toronto. Agents wanted.
A Beautiful Imported Birthday Card see
to any baby whose mother will send us Olt
names of two or more other balker and that/
paronts' addresses Also n handsonte Din
mOnd Dye Sample Card to the .11lIthdr Mitt
much valuable Information
Richardeon 41 Monrrmtift
AGENTS WANTED -1%:1701..
liable Man
In Every Town and Village in Canada, to sell
Sell at eight. Every house needs them, Cheap.
Durable and Economical. No Washing or
Ironingand wittiest ten times as long as ordinary
cotton blinde Sole Township Rights. Our
Agents are making 83 to $6 a day with Easy
'Work. Enquire early, Coniplete outfit, including
sample Shatiesi,Spring Roller. Stationary, mid
all information, by exprees, 25e. HIRSCHBERG
at CE., 41 King St. East, Toronto.
Made in 8 sizes, Efficient,
economical and durable.
Write for illustrated cata-
logue of the largest and
best variety et furnace
and registers mainline.
J‘„ lured in Cartmia.
ClaFU:1-117igors". Co., Preston, Olit.
Estiinates cheerfully
given to any elle.
/OF Mention thie paper.
MIKE greetreet
covery of the
)reseut age fpr Remy -
feet Blood Purifier,
A few in Hamilton
who havu been belle -
abed by in use :—
Mre. M. Heerlen, 195
Roben St, cured of
Erysipelas of 2 years.
stencling; Robert Cor
nail, 24 South St.,
danghter cured of
Spileptio Fits affair
6 years' euffering ,
ennie , 55 1 nut St„ cured of weakness
and Lung Trouble ; John Wood, 96 Cathcart St.,
cured of Liver Complaint and Biliousness, 1150d Only
3 filty.cent bottles; lire. J. Beal, 6 Augusta St.,
troubled for years with Nervous Prostration'two.
emall4bottlea gave her great $old at 000, 4$1.00.
F. F. DALLEY St CO. Proprieton.
[Nu ta _
purest, and always fresh.
11.0........meaml.ftana Ma*.
• ts.`
OY 6
° e
qv Co
Oshawa Stove Co.'s
1 El MC MK X 313 X W, CD MT
' South Side of West Entrane,e
1 Door of Stove Building.
It will contain the
Art Argan
The Finest Art Stove made.
The ARGAND line of Ranges
and Cooks are revolutionizing cooking with coal. The
The 11.targeet Cooks for the money sold. The
The only combination heater that will burn either
wood or coal petfectly ; and other noyeltiesi.
z,._ .pointlec remedy for o above disease ; by Mins*
thousands of CAMS of the worst kind aud of long standing
bame been eared. Indeed, es rung is toy faith tri Its
*Scary, that Twill send TWO scram PREZ., together
with • VaLtranLE TREATISE on thin amain So our
EROFIEN Giv• *nye/la:4;u. dAl.0addre
...sLocum. ,as.
Branch0flice,37 TOnge st,Torcsto
Allan Line Royal Nail Steamship,
Sailing during winter from Portland every Thursday
' and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in sum.
mer from Quebec' every Saturday to verpool, calling
at Londonderry to land mails and passengers •for
Scotland and Ireland; alito from Baltimore, via
fax and St. John's, N. P., to Liverpool fort,nightly
during summer months. The steamers of the Gies
•gow lines sail ,during winter to and from Halifax,
Portland, Boston and Philadelphia ; and durin4runi.
niter between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; Glasgow
and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelplaka
For freight, pasaage, or other nfonnation apply ts
A. Schumacher. & Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard Is Ca.,
Halifax ,• Shea & Co., St. John's, Nfid.; Thomp.
son & Co., St. John, N.B.; Allen e, Co., Chicago
Love & Alden, New York; H. Baronet, Toronto
Allane, Rae f& Co., Quebeo ; Wm. &rookie, Philedel
nhia : H. A. Allen Portland' Boston, Montreal.
'Use on your Machinery only the Well-known
have le zirinartrilefic! e larskianucri 3igtxruse Try ouryEERLIE
Manufactured at QUEEN:CITY OIL WORKS, y
tan aril
The Harris Wood Furnace is especielly adapt
ed. for Churches and Schoolhouses,
• Send for our Illustrated Catalogue,