The Exeter Times, 1887-9-15, Page 1LEGAL, • DIOKSOIN, Bstrieter, • 0 t'or e Court, Notary Public C,Onvo,y4neer ilionunissienkr. de, AlOney to Ls00.11. 0510e1 eat Atigt $ Bloolc,Exeter. ,firt at.,Li s, Barrister C Solicitor onveyancer p 1Eto.1 EXETER, - • ONT, , Oirieesainwell'sBioeh flan sold ARIVIOTTE W. FORD, Solicitor in the EMPrenie Court of Ontario, Conveyaneer, Commiasioneri &o., &a. Special attention given to•the colleetion of olaime in the United States. Patents procured, money to on at lerzest ratee. Odiee Opek•a, House Bleck, St. Xerire, Ont. ETAIOT Barri ters,Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers 85c, &c. pney to Loanitoreas, at 11"°8 of i OFFI,DE, - AmN - STREET, EXETER P., V. nuaor. 3BLUM:. DENTAL. BILLINGS, 3:)=1\i-Tisw, fo ffi'47,10E: Over 0,.1r141149$ Ran* • NitrOus Oxide Gas for Plinless Extractien, B. CARTWRIGHT, L. s-rrizzo-morr Dziia,mism Graduate a the Itayal College a Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Hay iug furnished. fine Dental Rooms on JAMES -$T,, 2 Ooors •East of Central Hotel, Exeter, ont„ whore I aut prepared to perform all branches of the Dental profession with ease & skill. -9-19:1Cal-75W.A.331. "O".A..X24DR U sad in extracting teeth, Charges, Moderate; Terms, Cash. iT EINSMAN "L'IL Bleck MLUn-stq Exeter Extracts Teeth without pain, by givingVegetable Vapor. ,Gold ancl all other dental work the best possible. Goes to Zukuon on 18,st Thnrsday in each. month. C• Oftie eat hiaresidenee Exeter T w.BitOWNIAll M. D.,111. C eF P. 8 ,GraduateVietoriaUniversity.Offies d Ires idence,Dotx '11 ionLaboratok v. Exeter HYNDMAN, coroner for the County of Huron. Offfee, opposite Mr, I. Carling's store, Exeter. DR. A. ROLLINS, M. 0. P. S o. Office, Main St.Eseter.Ont.ltesiden e houserecently occupied by P. McPhillips, Illaq. 7.00.0RTJEF, rmanently located in No. 185 Qneen's Avenue, Ilmadon, a few doors east of Post Office. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, bad sight, =lathe pres. ervation of vision : diseases of the Ear, im- paired hearing, and discharges -from the ear; diseases of the Throat, chronic inflammation being a frequent cause of deafness; diseases of the Nog° eatarrh being a common cause of Ass. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE OHIPS FALL WHERE THEY gAX.' VOL XV. NO 3. EXETER, O.MTA.R100 TECURSDAT 1VIORNLNG, SEPTEMBER 15th,1887. p0,101.10.1,3=1,roitat>1.1 DREW'S HALL 1:1:3USSi TO XiMINTT. Seating Capacity, 70a --APPLY TO - CAPTAIN GEO, KEMP, POStri UNE CATARRH. Ns'44 COLO I N E EAD <04? •• cavEs immetilate Relief , Pon Cold in Head, BAY FEVER. tAsy TOvsg. Not a Snuff, Powder or Irriet time Liciald, Price 30 cis. and $1.00. V not obtainable at your drug., zists, tient prepaid on receipt of price. Addresa FULFORD & CO,v Brookvillo Ont. .TE.: arber Shop NAN BOWS MOVE, A. Hastings, Prop, Shaving aud Hair en qing in the latest styles of the art. Every attention paid to cutting Ladies ana Children's Hair. SWITCHES,MADE TO ORDER. A CALL SO1a0ITED A Sure Thing FOR PORE PARIS GREEN FOR GENUINE HELLIBORE FOR No 1 INSECT POWDER BROWNING'S kupai•ed hearing. . AUCTIONEERS: TIENIVY ErILBER, Licensed Atm- . tioneer for Hay, Stephen, ind ?ray:Townships. Soles conducted at moderate :ates. G ce- t Post.oftice,Orediton, Ont. 3OHjrILL,Auctioneer for the r." Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne and. the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. VETERINARY. MENNENT & TENNENT, Veteri. -L. nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toro», to, have the treat Domestic lida.instre et front s dis .... -Ca'•4!"---e•-• tame pron9nt Y attended to:- Medicine fororsea Cattle,de alv"1 h"th. ' - armor:, Alionin ! r all office for rnent o f all Animals, on Exeter. Calls TittE 6POil ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT JF 11111S11f40 turer Q f all kinds of TritSaiis ; licsidence ; fiatutue's Mills, Say, wilere hew ill attend to te, wants of apy" who may require his services 'y pay from *nine to t....15 00 for the 8161110 ar ticle which he clan furnish yon foi 5Q0 411' which 18 A8 good if not better and warranttu te fit with oomfort? Remember, Double r23;119S06 $5.00 ; Slufflo Trao8Q81 $2.00, Ail eoni- naunicationsaacirosseA to • CHIIISTTA,N I, AWYE Zuri oh P0, On 9 9 Ft, PUREST, STtoriCEST? OEST, Difigriseeftli. bp an 13,4041)er column eitizenwho signs himself "anfferee." tem. 04446 of drueketi reeu disturbing, Miele/A.1y I and neighbors by nutking tee eight hideous. t It is emnewhat strange that $40.1 conduct on the part of youog, et hide ialmod slightly occurrence, cannot be pot stop to, The question arises where do these, men get their liquor? l'his state of affairs eel:Ares iiiveetigatien. ,----- A njt 111,1S1 AT 1:Y4:31:3t;, ui . le Lether lareotel NYVS, driving a team a spirited horsee along' the Thamee Road, one of the tugs of timbale -tees came urielooe, whieh [Mewed the,pole to fall ' .,....... . - , - -- - to the greend. Tbe horsee almost einml. LOCAL HAPPENINGS i'levitlea' taneously made a dash for ltherty, pulling - , e The Gale Sulky Harrow lelltg CO; p e &mi Mi' over the front of the w404, u.,,,,,,,,,,,,. , . „ . . tesentative, of Windsor, is iu town mid injuring bito eeverely. The eeineale 110141'1re. (IS sptienegdit,ea, IllAiele,enteye 0Iftiteeputeteotor1,1;011 riielle9s0 0! 4. ' . ,, Fall miliniery openings are the neevre r.111 for seine distance tossiog the wagon , about the oad ised wreckinget to a consider <, - leg ilia ath I, . , ge a , . . eitement for the ladiee. Plum P asty we lie pptoactneg I able eeteet, One of tee horses which got bite tillage, end when near the 'Seed*: 'sedge, 0 -dog, ruelied enddenly at cthe cart Comperatively warm daye, 01)41 exe pejt, i entangled with the hareees and wagon,' hael jaggy cool, e0e0.40. ) its leg's badly cut aod, its left front hoof so see e .frIgneeniee the. horse, Tlie equine te, le leiniags, dentiet, use's the best 1battered A" torn that it will b w'''''e tinle a quick jump, throwing .'efr, S. from aeuesthetie and extracts teeth without the befoie the beast ean 140 workei .., , On the 4 i at. He grasped tiolitly tbe eines mid whole the rtmaway was ee excithes one iawn foe sevetal eti'de eloeg '.,the 'hard 4hut managed With coesiderable effort ng the horse to a stand still; not, how- ntil hat aed clothes received a 'iitatteeing... Thor e are a . greet many Vbenines in end ,aronnd Exeter which' ethe habit of making attacks on pass Teey shoiddhe extmeninated. I410 C(V)01 Potatr—ii:; Phillipe, a farmer of Stephen towee his farm to Tilos, ,Deve to work- on eharee, A diepute aeose Q1`01' 1110 aiViSiOii (if 1)0666(20) go 0411 01 the forth, 'which enle ruir.ated in 0 little fiit1uff, 1 seemthat ho is a youne nianseenniere then 130 Ready for nap in any qiii/rd;ity. Vor 01ecting,44ud 01 higudred other uses. A ula)Eing Soap, softening, Dierii- eatS' af ego, was knocked Mit of time by ebillipe, who is a man 70 years old. Daw adThillips bound over to keep tini' pee.* MiChaiged?hini.with aesault, befote Jue- wes'emell & Clarke. The assault &Lee Was 6 hesseheen tried on Monday last; -bat be. ere'heeging; was 'settled,- Daw withdrawing. eraseq,uate 20 pomade Sal Soda, a Soldiby ail Grecerl and. DruggIsts, . t LW.GILLETT TOE01V110. t RSE the elm; ne and paying all 'costs. The rie eett is: the pm ties are put to theiriorginal poeition, minmnd s court aconstable's costs. vocident. On Feeley last, Beet., a five-year-old son MiteJohn Ross, grain Merchant, metivith mishap which had it not been. for the aliatienge is open for one 0' Week more that he has the peedy's,r4val of hie' fate et, wonideceeteirily: aye resulted fatallyle' The little fellow; in ming the shafting Whielveonneet the horse - s Roller Flour. • .__Th• ADDITION' To TilTS RS' • Featraan's Celebrated HAMS, BACON., —ROLLED & SIDES. Grant Bros., of Ingersoll have sent him -A 1TNE LOT OF-- Bacon & Rams, TIYALVir Oxford cheese always on hand Groceries cheapeTthan„ever-s-Always,fresh. S. C liersey. T„ kii1„ A,WESTERN FAIR. Fishing vi INDUSTRIAL AND ART EXHIBITION. ALWAYS A FULL LINE LONDON, CaNAD.4 OF ALL imps OF 19th TO B4th SEPt., 1887: J.DIR;LTO—S. Call anal Examine for Your- self. • J. W. BROWNING, Prop. MONEY TO LOAN. MONE1 TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6-} -I"- percent,,$25,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L. H. DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCIE.. XIMEPZE.I.A7L ReaLLS, WOOD EtAM. ELBE INSURANCE 00. mills for a term of yeart ; and will be pleased The undersigned would respectfully inform community that they have leasedthe above THE WATERLOO MUTUAL thTe to have a call from all. The mill has recently been improved, by the adctition of new mach finny. It is the intention of V: o subscribers to . add a set of rolls 018 80011 as possible; and all combined, tho n Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT This oomr.a.ny lis been over Eightee years 111 ueoessful operation in 'Western On- tario ,andcontinues to insure a.gainstloss or daraama by Eire ,Buildings,Merchandise,Man- ufactories,and all otherdescriptions oflinsur able property. Intending insurers ha,vo the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Clash System. During the past ten years,this Company hasissued 87,096 Policies, covering property to the a al0l1 61-6 cyf $40,872,098 ; and said 111 3088- 08 a lo ne is 700,752,00 AssetS, 8176,100.00, consisting of Cash al isank, GoVbrnment Deposit, and the tomes eased Premium Notes on hand and in force. .7 W WkI,DEN M D. Preside, t, C TI:rnon Secretary. J. B. Huorunt, inspector. CHAS 8/3 PILL Agourf entetee and vicinity. THE roolanialn:ilway .OF CANADA, The Royal Mail, Passenger and reight Route between Canada and Great Blitain an cl direct route between the W0E16 and all points on the Loner St. Lawrence and Bele des Cha. lour, also New Brunswick, Nova, Scotia, P. E, Island Cape Breton, NeWfoundliand, gerinuda, and. JabrIabica. New and elegant Pikliman Buffet Sleeping nd Day Cars run on through Express traiia a, Passengers for Groat Britain or the Conti - flout by loeving Termite at 8.30 a. tn, Thurs. day will join ontWard mail Steamer at Hali- fax a. re. Saturday, , Superior Elevator WarehOuse and Dock ac- commodation at Halifax for shipment of grain 01111 50 neral merchandise, Years of experience have proved the INTER - COLONIAL in eenneetion 'with steamship lines to and frons London, Liverpool and Glasgow to Halifax, to be the quickest freight route betWeen Cadada and Great Britain. Information as to Passenger arid Freight rates can be had bn applioatien to * BOB NUT 11. •weitek n Pro i ght & Pastooger Agent 'Ressin House 1310Oki York St. Toronto D. POTTINGER, Chief stiperintentt Bailway 0 ., 13th, 1 • Woodham Grist Mill Will be second to none in the West. Gristing and Chopping Done • Promptly. Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand for sate or • erehanged for oats. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. gLirA TRIAL SOLICITED. J. (36 A. 'MoNEVIN, July 14.] • Props. LOTS OF NEW GOO wS --AT--- Doupe's Store, KIRKTON. AVY DRESS GOODS (new shades) 10c EXTRA YOUNG HYSON TEA - 50o. lb 17 11) NICE SUGAR -- $L00 A NICE TRA SETT (44 Pleees) - BEST /JARDINE , 62e. gal I= Fine Te, f$1,00 8 Plugs Chewing Tobiteco . 26e. It will pay you to drive ten miles to buy from us. PLEASE NOTE OUR PRICES, IIighost Price for Bader and. Eggs, LIBERAL PREMIUMS LIVE STOOIC, MACHINERY, 1:11`0• Ne%GroundsNew Bnildings,New Race Track are being provided for the forthcoming Jubilee Exhibition at an estimated -cost of- $ 120,000,000 BALD' A. nramobt DoLCARS Will be represented by the Live Stock display Gran d exhibits in pain tin pStata ary ez:Seulp tare The comtnittes of attractions aro preparing a splendid paver:Immo. Better than ever. Send your address on a postal card for copy of the Prize list. For all information' 'write to the Secretary: A. W. PORTE, Pres. GE 0, MeBROOM, See ,,TrETTET.417.7a, Has purchased a frill lino of compatty with severc play mates, were power With' the elevating,enechsnery as a gymbastic pole. They w5uld olimb upon the revolvhig rod and swing around with as much proficiency as a gymnast. Unfortu- nately, however, for the child, his clothes ea.ught, and by the rapid revolution of the shaft, lie was whirled agoend with rapidity, his gamonts being almost torn from his body. When the horse -power was stopped and this by extricated from his uneoinfort- able predicament, it was found that the heels of his shoes were entirely worn off, caused by striking against the rafters above The child was taken home, when it was learned that he was more frightened than injured, although his clothes were badly Retiring from the Field. Mr,. Amos Doupe, the well-known athlete, of Mildew, biter several years of successful eoropweineep itethoecnieicignimgamatbaltein Omuta and -the United7' States,' and with • the best athletes of the country, has decid- ed to retire from the athletic field as a corn. petitor, he finding it impossible to keep in proper shape for the games and run a farm also, During his career as an athlete he has won over fifty first, and a number of second and third prizes, amounting in all to nearly $500, besides a number of valuable medals. The following are his best records with date and pliteethey were accomplish. • :-Running high jump, 5 ft. 10 in., Wingham games, Sept. 11, 1885. Running loug jump, 2010. 8M., Brussels, Sept. 91h. 1884. Running hop, step and lump, 45 ft. 74- in.; Stratford games, Aug. 28, 1884. Vaulting with pole, 9 ft. 6111., Forest, Sept. 4th, 1885. One hundred yard race, time, Oi sec., Walkerton, May 23, 1884. These ecords are a credit to any athlete in Amer- ica, and were all tuade under the Caledon. ian rules, no weights. being allowed. Mr. Doupe made his debut as an athlete in the games at Exeter, on July 1st, 1880, and since that time has gradually improved, Personal. Mr. H. C. Brewer, of Clinton, gave Exe- ter a visit ou Sunday last. -Miss L. Doher- ty, milliner, has returned to town, after spending her vacation with Mends in Co- bourg -Mrs. Geo, Moir and Miss C. Mitchell, of St. Marys, were visiting friends here during the forepart of the week. - Mrs. If. 13. Witten, of Ifamilt5n, is the guest of Mrs. (Capt.) Kemp. -Miss Sadie Ilawkelmw, has returnel from a tWO month's yisit among relatives in Detroit. - Miss Maud Dempsey is attending Model School at Mitchell, -Thos. Hanson, of Ful- lerton, is lying dangerously ill, the cause being sciettica. Mr. and Mrs. Thos.:Ham- lin bare returned from their trip to the Old Country ; they report heviug had a pleas- ant voyage, both going and comitig.--John White, jr. son of the proprietor of thispaper left for Wiedsor last week to pursue his etudies.-Mr. Henry Doupe, of Usborne re- turned on Thursday last from Europe, whither he had gone to visit the land of his petieet realizing any'pain. - Robbery, Either Sunday or INionday inorniug, pe`3,- aoas entered the office of W. H. 'Verity & ,Seie'e foundry end with the aid. of powder • blew open the (ease A emell 13010 e • bored, near the key -hole, loth , the few Weeks. Vmhetoes of the 10,01we !)°- power was infused. 'few door wee the mie`y 'On Thereday lade them beheigine to A and it was liters:11y torn elf' berelars Zartner Velem ue broke loose evoia post then with the tsole taken frons the 0 eyeich they were tied, and nue down building factory,of Alesere, Dyer, & Howaiel Maie-st., as far de Buckingham's Week- broke ireto the iesele, NMI after OIoOldnr'11 Meesre. Bissett Bros. here' beee weeded the bontreet for tbe supplying 01 11 ,eurnatie for Sie, new town hall. ' The eevised village 113-103110 04:0. hi 610 hands ()Mho priuter, and will be completed. and ready for distribution in tlie ermrse of tor beware. • part of the safe injured by tlip explosion Mill 1 shop, where they were cuptured, 7 h , Messrs, W. E. Verity ave 004 caved. another large order from Memitoba for their celebrated plows, , The Verity plow is still ;mining an enviable reputation in the Western territories. The London dailies during the past week "have been publishing items of news which appeared in the TIMES iive weelca" ago, and which their own columns contained four weeks ago Walker Bawden, son of Mr. Geo. Bawden went to a skvarnp in Stephen, 'TheresillP oh Saturday last end shot two partridges axe sent through the country to call on eyery and One' rabbit, thefirsteef the season The rabbit ,.1,g said to be fmairnieio..and she o•hlei maeniait ithe ire,. plement lid Th hardestl 1 0 the farm ieee. . ' lected and the harrow put to work, arid in .. " At ceneidereble exPense Me. SC. Her- I after a fair trial has been given, the farmer . sey hes fitted up his oyster parlor in the , is not seeieeee, be is aoe thogeea to less},.. Most -modern style, and will upon Saturday, chase, Arr. McManus has just eompletedia Sept. 24th, open the peeler to the publie'. sanvas in Middlesex, and sold upwards bi el.C7tislytefrrso°inf 1.3.611e,C1t6linr4ot rgeupaollit• yexlpviil'elsi)s.e received. ' i2t0s0 Isnuapeehrhiotersi; yN.VhiSeheeisadavg.00e'olngtuatrainngteetloief Thieves entered the office of Messrs. Dyer names of purchasers to whom reference MU ,6t Howard, builders, on Monday, and broke be made. into the safe (which is a wooden one) And . Xotes About Vie Sts;-7tion. small drawer of about $2,00 in .ilver,' they carried away the inner vault, Which ein. tained only setne;papers of very little valne to any pvson, There is no clue to, the perpetrators, and as the anionet stolen is small, it is not likely strenuous efforts will be put forth to capture them. The Gale Solt.y Harrow compony. Mr. 'McManus, of the above company, is 01 town with eight men and as Many wag- gons, having for bis object the introducing 01 <0 new combined sulky hereow. The men got not nog for their trouble. It is pre- sumed that the burglars thought there was Mr. 3. A. Case shipped 150 lambs te something M the safe, as it was locked. • Black Rock, on Friday II:mt.-Messrs Ross Last week iu noticing a letter reeeived by ee Lovett are daily shipping wheat to Drum - Mr. Chas. Tom from his son in Manitoba bo for milling purposes. -Mr. Jas. Pickard the sentenee which read: "wheat sells from ehipped a car load of choice flour to Mon - 40 to 50 cents per bush, barley from 50 to treat Saturday. -Mr. J. Parsons is daily 55," shank'. have read, the yield was from shipping tan bark to London and. other 4000 50 bushels to the acre, &e. points.--IvIessrs. John Willis Thos. Coates Now would seem to he an opportene time and Thos. Prior each shipped a car load of to do advance advertising for before they come tothe Itlaire your the fah. Let export cattle to Montreal on Tuesday, and the people know who they wish to look for Mr. Willis another yesterday. -R. S. Lang shipped 140 bbls. of NY les via Goderich by name familiar to out.of-town eo le Th boat., to Manitoba on ' needay, and one car- ' areAligr,enaldt bfruisei:cie,ssesatrbnut tc:Ldep, ,:13arps. ,*3.‘loleaduitoto 11.10o4ntxreatzLyd;syt,e.:_rdayci.-;tW,.4.0 71., a sVs een7 ' • AY & Sore shipped one cat load of Plows . to,, aglieStietlesSeent '- ' - le eleaLis"Y'gn-4: ge're for ermines circus eat London. yester- Monday iu toWn. Mac eays the old tOSVII is looking well and gives evidence of pros- day. perity, but there is not nearly the life around here that there is alsout the Sault. village cannon. Plushes, all of which are now open for is now in business in Thigden, and --reports ceived ..per steamship "Umbera," fi office a call. Mr. Windsor is a &tad. maker, and served his apprenticeehiP with lot of Sealetts, Lamb Skins, Mr. E. Drevv, here, some 7 ears ago H Englience 5 cases of Lady's Mantles, Del - Co., was in town on Monday, and gave this mans and walking Jackets, also a choice inspection. Mr. H. Windsor, of Brigden, °Lambton &unwell & Pickard have this week re - ice" Pa"c-Y viz i -E. Drew, $4.00 hall rent, 24th 'Feb., --Tnn read and confirmed. Moved by W. G. ,,, ,,, orders he granted for the following sums, present. Minutes of the previous meeting BB Ili slssedtetN31..603,0,9d, oci..,,,k.ItTthhoes sitoswsnett,hsalt; do. Go., ieul In, 1b63ecr : 1 asbaomr1; JFoahnnsoGn o2u,10d0,, $0111.:Oin, do;wo0Ra. Bissett, seconded hy T. B. Carling, that jrio.' Gillespie, $3.00, do. do.; Stephen Pow. 1887 ; Walter Westeott, $4.00, labor.. Jaz, Ceuncil met!, Sept 7th. All the members oa;lip.ini Id IT igaeunhta._rt, $0,8r6r1-99: things booming thetembouts. • for eownilrbs.e, $10.0O, do; Owners of threshing outfits in this section, Tendert-for ileelleen„ce 9f. 'ranee Hall received feet which requires a man to be sent tiling from various agents of Insurance ,..es. Moved by D. Johns, seconded by 3. Melee. should.,-ootice that a law has gone into of - highways in advance of traction engines to ard that the reeve and clerk be a coin. to effect a policy of insurance on town. hall for give notice of their approach, thus lessen- 3 years. -Carried. Moved by T. B. Carling m, e pieba,bihty of runaway accidents. 'seconded by W. G. Bissett, that this coun- Arso if an engine be stationed near a high- cil adjourn to meet at Dr. Rollins' office on way, it must stopped while teams are Friday next at 7 o'clock, p. m -Carried: Motherwell on Friday last the game stood passing. minutes of the previous meeting read and . ,. The council niet pursuant adjournment "Our local baseball team have been faring at Dr. Rollins' office 9013 Sept 1 8S7. All badly of late. In a return match with members present, except Mr. Johns. The Zito 13, with an innings to spare, in favor eonfirmed. Moved by W. G. Bissett, sec. of 'Motherwell. 0110 boys report having by T. B. Carling, that orders be granted. for been wall treated, and came away with a the following sums, viz ;---L. ,H. Dickson very high opinion ot their successful adver- $15.00 for advice fees, &c., and E. Elliott saries.--Illite.7zell Recorder. And this is the $25.50 for insurance on town hall for three club which was going to defeat Exeter club years and carpenters risk for two months. with ease. You may expect to hear from -Carried. Moved by W. G. 13issett, sec. our junior balletosbers ere long. by .T. Pickard, that by-law No 9, 1887, The Scott Act teems to be attacked at every vulnemble' point, legally, stealthily Exeter" haring been read. a first time be and otherwise. There is an inclivichial read a second. and third time and linally going through Scott Act counties in this sec- passed. -Carried. Moved. by W. G. Biss- tion just Low selling a recipe for making all alt, seconded by T. 'B. Carling, thee the kinds of Liquors from a cheap kind of alcohol ' building used for fire etigine house, at Mr, called methylated spirits which 110 e Pickard's, be advertised for sale by auction through a process called deodorizing, Puss on the 2ard Sept. at 2 o'clock in the after - then by means of flavoring extracts convert "d noon. --Carried. The council adjourned ter so 'tis said, into malt or rye, whiskey, wine, meet at the Market hause on the 23rd lust . . . at 7.80 p. ne. ----- "The consolidated by-la.w of the villa,ge of birth ; Mr, • D. who is /IOW some 80 years of, gi • age, says he made the voyage without eoi during any sielenese,--Rey. W. S. Pascoe officiated at the opening of a Methodist church in Strathroy, an Sunday last. -Rev. Mr. Redmond, of Arkona, Occupied the pulpit in the Main -street Methodist church on Sumbly last, during the absence of the pastor, Rev. . Mr. Paseoe, Ea preached very acceptably. --One of Exetet's fairest , daughters ehanged her name last evening. -Visitors from Exeter to the Toronth fair aro numerous this year. --Lawyer 13. V'. Elliot, and son Reginald, have returned Watohes, Clocks and Jewelry • SUITABLE FOB, TEE FALL TBADE, --coatptismi — ENGLISH GOLD AND SILVER,ab° JEWELRY. --AMERICAN GOLD PLATE JEWELRY. COLD & SILVER WATCH CASES, And movetnent ()fall the leading and best makers. A CALL SOLICITED; Repairing Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c., a Speciality. Beinenaher the old stand, Opposite J. PICKAKD, Enter, On, An exchenge remarks that "some peosele imagine it au easy thing to fill up a news - pa ' per especially with local news, but let 0110113 try it for a week, and they would wonder how the paper, week in end week out, could. keep up the interest," Our co - tem is right, and there are people in this town who wondee how and where the Them gets all its local news every week. Well, our aim is to give our readers a good local paper, and we spare neither thue nor tronble in hunting tip all the local happenings that transpire aromul the town and vieinity. L010 their trip to New York. -Mr, A. Co& . 3. W. Broderick will open out in a few fin, who has been taking a lour up th da n his New Bride Store, one door north lakes, returned to town last week.--joh the new TOWIl Hall, a magnificent stock Evans, who, it will be remembered, son of Dry Geode, Groceries, Boots & elhoee, Ree, time a dem ago sustained injury by a fall from e fresh and new, the bulk of the stock sca,ffold, has sufficiently recovered to re- having been purchased for this fall trade. 81111<0 tgergtaemiss /sera, of xi:man-Hue, The Subscriber having parchased this splen - visited Mrs. Folland and 001101 friends here2 tho doot pdit•dice50.00kGarte:tblistghaaitlIfS hsle-h°01ffeestaell, uts, last week. -Miss Lou WilkinS has 411 retereed 10 Sarnia after spending several weeks among friends iu Exeter. --Mr. WIIL Gray, druggist, has secured a situation at the Central Drug Store. --Rev, D, M. Ram- say and wife, of Lowlesboro', spent Tuesday 3, Bell left for the Clinton Model School, Timedity.-.L, FE, Diekson, Samuel Gidley, C. Dorward, Dr. Rollins and sever- al others, besides attending the Toronto Ex- hibition, will be present at the bengiset on. der the auspices of the Young Cotiservativbe of Ontaeio, • Miss Fannie Davis is visitine frieeds at Walkerton. -John Knight, Grand Trunk operator, at Harriston, is visiting his parents here. -Mr. Dodds, of Toronto, representative Of the "Canadian Sportsitme and Live Stook Journal" was in town for a few days this week, in the interests of that lar journal. -- Concluder Walmsley, of the L. H. & B. was away to Indiana, last week, owing to the serious illness of one of his sons there he buried a son M the same place only a few months since. Mr. 'George Ilawdeteems ocerepleted and placed in Ithe cemeteree a monument of Ottirweegranite for the late Thoe. Oke, It is sarelth be the mod hantsome in the cem- etery. S. C. Horsey's hen roost,/ has been visited, awl several choice gainas pilfered. The thieves were cleceiesed as the fowl were not therobreds. S. C. H. will not brag about his snperior fowl in future, John Vail, of this place, who has been in, carcereted in Gotlerich jail for twe weeks, on a charge of till -tapping here, was fotind guilty on S'opt. 50, and sentenced to two weeks longer in the County jail. Barry Knapp, a young Winglia,m herbeg has eloped with a "s5vOct sixteen Miss A. must go. %int for the bergains, The Store th rent or for sale A few weeks ago we drew the attention of the authorities to the the feet that the street lamps luxe not been lighted this fall, It cannot surely be because the nights are not etifileiently dark, for a commercial traveller, who had been speeding all evening laet week with a friend on Mailed., after leavieg the friend's residence and reaching Ole sidewalk did not know how to reach the hotel. In fact, es he said he thought he had got out the back door '!'!ie traveller next morning upon an hives, tigation found that we had first class street lamps and wanted to know why they were not utilized, It is really to bad that neg. Halstead, who eluded her father's metalled eve by pretending to go to Sunday same!, They tried once before to get away but failed. This time they reached. 'Buffalo i'll.X g eafety. The farmers of the country otteht avistocracy ot the country, and they be, if their younmen after passir ee# farm insteed of herding, the school atid college would a ld go 'osPeem Y a P0 fully examined 1 (Lnarraq in to AMSOS. gee aer ncl ovcrowding fated Cetalogite. Poople baying gegete/ 13rampton GURNEY CO and cauliflower Itne ea, to have them thova este • toins of pm , iVRONTO MONTREAL AND WINNIPEG. igenee should give /lee to such coon feoitt kled 'e