HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-12-07, Page 24PAGE 24--CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, DECE1VI$ER 7 ,197$ BINGO every Tuesday evening at the Vanastra Centre RR 5, Clinton at 8 p.m. First regular card $1. 15 regular games of $15. 3 share -the -wealth, jackpot $200 must go. Admission restricted to 16 years or over.-32tfar PLAN YOUR CHRISTMAS parties or meetings at Paul Bunyan Camp, south of Bayfield. New building 60' x 80' will seat up to 300 people. Write Box 46, Bayfield or phone 565-5355 or 271- 2308.-48-50 CARD PARTY - Thur- sday, Dec. 7, 1978 at 8 p.m. at IOOF Hall, Princess St. E., Clinton. Sponsored by the Clinton Rebekah and Oddfellows Lodges. Ladies please bring lunch. -48,49 CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday '8 p.m. First regular card $1.; restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of $15. $5 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200 must go each week.--19tfar HAVING A CHRISTMAS PARTY? Rent your Santa suit from the Clinton Kinettes. Phone 482-3587.--48,49 BINGO - EVERY DATURDAY NIGHT at Blyth Memorial Hall Blyth, Ontario. 12 regular games; 3 share -the - wealth; jackpot $150. —37tfar LONDESBORO Li:'ns turkey bingo Friday, December 8, 1978 at 8 p.m. in Londesboro Hall. 12 turkey bingos; 3 share the wealth; one $75. jack- pot.—47-49 HURON COUNTY FAMILY PLANNING project invites• you to attend Family Planning Clinic every Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.' at Huron County Health Unit, Shipley St., Clinton. Counselling and medical services provided. Counselling on Billings (natural family planning) available first Thursday of each mon- th.—EOW AR Old Fashioned CHRISTMAS CONCERT AT Huron Centennial School BRUCEFIELD WEDNESDAY DEC. 11, at is .p.m.. PROCEEDS OF SILVER COLLECTION FOR ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND FEATURING: A VISIT FROM SANTA NOW PLAYING Dec. 6th - 9th FRI. & SAT. TWO SHOWINGS 7:00 & 9:15 The only thing that could follow "Murder" is"Death:' First, AGATHA CHRISTIE'S "MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS" Now,"DEATH ON THE NILE" recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FNMA CHRISTIE'S bATt1NILE From the creators of "Murder on the Orient Express" P R K Dec. 10th -12th ONE SHOWING` 1:00 P.M. ......-» vio 0172 Mr id too *wit' "" Dec. 13¢16 Ii trADULTENTERTAINMEN1 SATURDAY MATINEE DM 16th THEATR 30 tf+s` qut+`rs+;'i crt rlcl7, Of4 Ii111 Program;babj•ct to ciranq vlr thbu* notl r, THE CHRISTMAS PUPPET Shows presented by Huron County Library staff, December 9, at Goderich Branch Library 11 a.m.; Seaforth Branch Library, 1 p.m.; and Clinton Branch Library, 3 p.m. Everyone welcome. -48,49 THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the Adult Health Guidance Centre, held at the Health Unit off ide, Shipley Street, Clinton on Thursday, Dec. 14, 1978 from 1:30- 3:30 p.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Foot Care 3. Anaemia Screening 4. Urine Testing 5. Blood Pressure.-49ar POLIO IMMUNIZATION will be given for adults over 18 years of age on Tuesday, December 12, 1978 from 2:00-4:30 p.m. at the Health Unit Office, Shipley St., Clin- ton.-49ar NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY December 31, 9 p.m. - ? Music by Michele and Ted, $25.00 per couple includes hot smorgasbord, hats and novelties. Sugar Bush Inn 565-2450.-49,50 INDOOR GARAGE SALE Saturday, December 9 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. 46 Princess St. East CLINTON Lots of Bargains Come and See! Senior Citizen's Special! Your subscription to the News -Record costs only 92.00 per year Several new faces will be sitting on the Goderich Township council for the next two years and some of the long-time faces have gone. The council for the next term will include, front row, Clerk Robin Thompson, Reeve Grant Stirling, Deputy Reeve Garnet Wright. Back row, Councillors Chester Sturdy, Jake Reder and Walter McIllwain. (News - Record photo) This week at the Legion By Rene Brochu The Legion was a beehive of activity again this past week com- mencing with Brownies and Guides on Monday and Tuesday evenings. Our men's euchre night on Tuesday is much improved since the winter season has come upon us. Our Ladies Auxiliary were again in the forefront as they served a delicious dinner to the Huronview day staff personnel last Wed- nesday evening, when we hosted 35 lovely ladies. Thanks to our Ladies Auxiliary coming up with yet another successfully prepared, tasteful and expertly served dinner. A special thanks to the men who were on hand to bolster the ladies with the dish washing chores. Thursday was another busy evening at the Legion with -bingo in the auditorium and our -dart league in the lower lounge. From all reports, our Dart entry in the Huron County Dart League is doing well. Friday was a day to remember as a "run day" for the staff. While the PUC were enjoying their Christmas party in the Ladies' lounge, the Ontario Hydro were having their Christmas party in. the auditorium. Both parties commenced with cocktails followed by yet another well prepared roast beef dinner ex- pertly • served to both functions by our ever zealous Ladies Auxiliary. Many of our members were on hand to -help the ladies out, a good sign of comradeship at work. My thanks to wife Alice who took care of the Cocktail service for the PUC gathering and to Milt Schrieber who did the same chore for the Ontario Hydro party. Our thanks also to Frank and Kaye Pyke and wife Alice. for taking care of the Bartending duties for. the Hydro group Chi' st>ci,as party. While this activity was going on, our Mens Lounge was also active with the weekly TGIF activities. Comrade Chuck Chambers was the winner of the raffle prize, alas, the attendance draw remains unclaimed as Comrade Ruth Stevely had failed to register during the week. Saturday was another of those "run days" as the Town of Clinton were hosted by the Legion for their annual Christmas gathering. They were out in strength as the Town treated the council, committee members, employees, and many distinguished guests at their party. Our Ladies Auxiliary were again on the job along with many men who gave a helping hand. The dinner of roast turkey plus all the trimmings was again expertly prepared and served with customary finesse by our Ladies Auxiliary. Our thanks again • to Comrade Milt Schrieber who served the cocktails to some 150 guests, and to Comrade Ivan and Helen Hoggart 'who took care of the bartending duties. As for me, I was done in, and so rested on Sunday. As Christmas day approaches, let us all atop, prepare, and reflect on the true purpose of Christmas and remember those of our Comrades who have gone to their just reward. Let us remember in our thoughts and prayers, those -who are sick in Appearing Thurs., Fri. & Sat. "Greaser Weekend" Featuring the S0's Rock Band. • "JAMIE AND THE DELRA YS" Next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday "BUSKER" hospital as they too are our Comrades. ere 5 A tiff 1 Cliri6fvfiA6 � f f (.1CA Blyth Summer Festival is offering season's tickets for the 1979 season in time for Christmas giving. You can get. • 4. adult ticket vouchers for $13 A saving of 51.00 per ticket • Y4. senior citizen vouchers for $11 • A ,saving of 75c per ticket • 4 children vouchers for $8 A saving of 50c per ticket SEND YOUR ORDER TODAY NAME ADDRESS PLEASE SEND ME ADULT SERIES OF 4 TICKETS AT 513 PER SERIES SENIOR CITIZEN SERIES OF 4 TICKETS AT Sll PER SERIES ('HII.DSERIES OF 4 TICKETS AT S8 PER SF.RIFS EMI OSLO PLEASE FIND A CHEQC E FOR PA) 1131 F TI) 1 O 1311TH ('ENTRE FOR THF. \RTS. 13111'11, ' `I:. , �i;nlial��ii�►iiHltil101MiiESVILLE Wishing you a Merry Christmas. for your Christmas Parties, featuring a Home Cooked Meal -full course smorgasbord -hot buffet -salad bar -coffee, tea -pies, cakes, Ice cream Here's a great stocking stuffcr idea, A snuggly warm tuque of machine washable acrylic in white with cheerful red band and trim. Get yours while supplies last! 94 Elgin Ave. atiw On/ i l :'Y t clash at a p.m. nei<t Moitaili ;D.cr for our St°aff hrt t it pd fy OKICKe,t® it "''linger lickin' goOd.'a 40400.,0010 . OUR SUNDAY BUFFET WILL RETURN NEXT EASTER. APRIL 15/19 OFFERING NEW MENUS FOR YOUR DINING PLEASURE. THANKYOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE OVER THE PAST YEAR. THE WHITE CARNATION - catering to wed- dinps, anniversaries, family parties any day of the week - formai or castudl. DInner • Dances • Meetings We offer a full rang. menu Including hors' d'oeuvr.s & light meal. ;1, , •