HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-12-07, Page 11• Varna United looking for minister by Mary Chessell Seek minister A congregational meeting of the Varna- Coshen charge was held llt; . G ?shen church on .gunday afternoon to discuss the options available for obtaining pulpit supply for the next six 'months. The members present voted to set up a com- mittee to work with Rev. Stan McDonald of presbytery, Nominated to the .pulpit supply com- mittee were Elmer Hayter (church treasurer), Charles Reid and Anson McKinley. The Goshen Sunday School Christmas concert was held on Sunday following the worship service and a pot -luck lunch. We'd like to express the sympathy of the com- munity to Mrs. Tom Rathwell, whose mother, Mrs. Potter, passed away recently. UCW Members of Varna United Church Women were joined by many former members and friends for a delicious pot -luck supper preceding the Christmas meeting. The evening's program committee comprising Ruby Hill, Joyce Dowson, Helen Taylor and Maureen Hayter, decorated the tables and Sunday School room beautifully for the occasion. After the meal, 'everyone moved to the sanctuary for a carol sing with Shirley Hill at the organ. During, the business, Eleanor McAsh reported on the executive meeting in Wingham, and an- nounced that the annual presbyterial meeting will be held in Exeter on January 30. Speakers will be Phillip and Ann McGary, and Mrs. Katherine Hockin, who will speak on Women's and Children's Rights. The Sunday School Christmas concert will be in the township hall on Sunday, Dec. 17 at.2 p.m. A donation of $50 was made to Family and Children's Services. The worship service began with the carol "Silent Night". Helen Taylor read the Christ- mas story from Luke's gospel. A poem "Christmas Memories" was read by Maureen Hayter, Bonnie and Brenda Dowson sang several songs, ac- companying themselves on tjte ukelele. Another highlight of the program was the chapter "A Bright and Beautiful Christmas" from one of James Herriott's books, read by Helen Edythe Elliott, Following the singing of Joy to the World and the benediction, there was a half hour of visiting over a cup of tea. Perform The Brucefield School graduates' ukelele band performed for a large crowd at the Co -Op banquet held at the Pineridge Chalet on Wednesday evening, and received an enthusiastic standing ovation. On Saturday they played and sang for the CNIB Christmas party in Ontario Street church in Clinton, where they also received a standing ovation, and many favorable comments. Your correspondent was under the impression that it was an all -girl group, but there are two boys, David Binnendyk, who is also one of the bass players, and Roger McKinley, who is a drummer. There are also several girls from the Varna area in the group. McKillop council set to go By Wilma Oke McKillop Township council at its inaugural meeting in Winthrop Monday made several appointments: Coun- cillors Arthur Anderson and William Leeming will represent - council on Seaforth Fire Area Board; Reeve Allan Campbell will represent council on Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority and the Maitland Valley Con- servation Authority; Deputy reeve Harvey Craig on the Blyth Fire Area Board and Coun- cillor Marie Hicknell, newly elected, was ap- pointed as representative on Seaforth Community Hospital board. Passed for payment were road accounts amounting to $8,825.87 and general accounts amounting to $182,655.26, including payments to Huron County Board of Education, $86,835; Huron -Perth County' Roman Catholic Separate School Board, $16,756:50; and levy to Huron County amounting to $37,305. Council will request Ontario Hydro to relocate Although the faces are still the same, some of Stanley, Township council members will be serving on different committees for the upcoming term. -The council members include, front row, left to tight, Deputy Reeve Paul Steckle, Reeve Tom three poles on Sideroad 31, concession 3, nine feet west from present locations "because they will give a lot of problems when snowplowing" according to road superintendent William - Campbell. • Councillor 'Marie Hicknell will attend a seminar for newly elected councillors in Brantford January 12-13. Council granted $200 to the Walton Women's Institute to help defray expenses incurred by the Institute when extensive renovations were made to the Walton Community Hall. Both Grey and Morris townships gave $200. Council approved the payment of membership fees to Good Roads, $31; and to Ontario Farm Drain Association, $25. Approval was given Urbain Blockeel for land division of 100 acres of agricultural and residential land on lot 28 the fourth concession of. the township. A number of,amending drainage . by-laws were passed: To raise an additional amount of money to pay for the Beauchamp Creek drain which was estimated to cost $9,682 but acutal work cost $10,187.58; to pay a lesser amount for the Carvalho -Snip Drain which cost $6,234.82 in- stead._of .the . ,estimated, $6,300; to pay a lesser amount for Elligsen Drain which cost $4,595.60 instead of the estimated cost of $10,920; a lesser amount for the Higger- son-Ryan Drain, estimated to cost $14,400 instead of actual cost when completed $11,093.06. Councillor William Leeming will attend the court of revision of the Buchanan Drain on December 14 at the Grey Township office for the report on the drain. It is a Grey Township drain. Council will hold next meeting on December 18. Smile The new water beds are great - if you have a bad back you use hard water! Consitt and Clerk Mel Graham. Back row, Coun- cillors Clarence Rau, Don McGregor, Don Brodie and Road Superintendent Bill Taylor. (News - Record photo) CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7 , 1978—PAGE 11 fA.4,44 McKillop McKillop township council are pictured following their inaugural meeting on Monday. Left to right, front row, are clerk Marion McClure, Reeve Allan Campbell, and Deputy -Reeve Harvey Craig. Back row are road superintendent William Campbell, councillors Arthur Anderson, William Leeming, and Marie Hicknell. (photo by Wilma Oke) Ba • from page 10 _ Larry Jones and Mr. Jones at the Forrest Estate Park, Woodstock. We ar..,epleased to report that Mrs. Jay Ball has returned to her home, in the Clan Gregor apartments, after an operation in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mrs. Robert Wilkinson of St. Thomas, spent several days with Mrs. Bertha Turner in the Clan Gregor apartments. Mr. and Mrs. William Clarke, Ann St. en- tertainedtheir family to a pre -Christmas dinner at the Albion Hotel. Attending were: Mr. and Mrs. James Stock and family, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Clarke and family, Arva; Miss_ Janet Clarke, Stayner; Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Clarke and family, London and Mr. and Mrs, Steven Clarke and Angelia, Goderich. French school plans halted Plans to build a French speaking school in Tiverton have been postpone_ ft‘ %The Kiln-'. cardind INewY told its readers last week. The Bruce -Grey Separate School Board decided to ' cancel the project until the future of the heavy ''water development, plant 17 at the Bruce Nuclear Power Development has been clarified by the provin- cial government. According to the board, there are 200 French speaking students in Bruce county, most of these are students of construction workers at BNPD who live in the Tiverton area. A provincial legislature • committee has recom- mended that the heavy • water plant D be only half completed, a step that could put about 400 persons out of work. Although' nothing definite has been revealed The News reported that a large number of pipe fitters and welders working for Lummus, the contractor on the project, have been laid off. FOR FREE "SHOPAT HOME CONVENIENCE' PHONE RAE KNOWLES GODERICH 524,1317 SEAFORTH-CLINTON 412-9091 The advantages of this per- sonalized Union Gas service are many, Without having to leave the quiet of your home you can now be fully informed about any gas appliance, its match- ing electrical appliance or other equipment you may be considering to purchase. This courteous Union Gas representative, who will not obligate you in any way, is available to call upon you at your convenience. "Brand Name" Home Appliances GAS APPLIANCES — ranges, clothes dryers, water heaters, barbecues, fireplace gas Togs and space heaters. 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